Belfast Newsletter - Friday 23 March, 1883


DAY-LEWIS -- March 19, at 2, Harcourt Terrace, Dublin, the wife of Frank E. Day-Lewis, of a son.

MILLIKEN -- March 19, at 24, New Street, Portland Town, London, N.W., the wife of Robert Milliken, of a son.

NELSON -- March 22, at 2, Riverston Terrace, Holywood, County Down, the wife of Omar Collingwood Nelson, of a son.


BROWN--GILLESPIE -- March 21, at the Presbyterian Church, Cargycreevy, by the Rev. R. S. Erwin, William W. Brown, Bresagh, Boardmills, to Agnes M. Gillespie, elder daughter of Samuel Gillespie, Glenbank, Ballykeel, Lougherne, Annahilt.

BROWN--MACDONALD -- March 20, at Islington Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Patrick White, M.A., James Patterson, third son of Daniel Brown, engraver, Liverpool, to Margaret Don, third daughter of the late Alex. Macdonaid, gate and fence manufacturer, Belfast.

CLAY--BEALE -- March 21, at Christ Church, Leeson Park, Dublin, by the Rev. W. G. Rainsford, M.A., uncle to the bride, Henry Lee Clay, Fairmont, Minnesota, U.S.A., third son of William Keating Clay, Esq., 45, Rutland Square, and Meadow Bank, Terenure, to Anna Maude (Birdie), second daughter of George Beale, Esq., 17, Waterloo Place, Dublin.

ESLER--RENTOUL -- March 22, in Whitehouse Presbyterian Church, by Rev. Dr. Rentoul, assisted by Rev. R. J. Lynd, B.A., Robert Esler, M.D., M.Ch., Belfast, to Erminda, daughter of the late Rev. Alexander Rentoul, D.D., M.D., Manorcunningham, County Donegal.

WILLIAMS--GROULEZ -- March 3, by special license, at 11, Marquis Road, London, Thos. W. C. M'Williams, Chief Officer, ship Star of France, to Eliza, second daughter of the late C. Groulez, Esq., Paris.

ROBINSON--SCOTT -- March 21, at Berry Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast, by the Rev. J. D. Crawford, John, eldest son of John Robinson, Belfast (formerly of Portaferry), to Agnes, youngest daughter of John Scott, Drumhirk, Comber.

SINTON--CHAPMAN -- Third month, 22, in Friends' Meeting house, Lisburn, William H. Sinton, Tamnamore House, Tandragee, to Lucy L., youngest daughter of the late William Chapman, Tromra Cottage, Moira.


ADAMS -- March 22, at 43, Mackey Street, Belfast, Hugh Adams, aged 68 years. The remains of my beloved husband will be removed from the above address, for interment in Bangor Churchyard, on to-morrow (Saturday), at twelve o'clock noon. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. MARGARET ADAMS.

DRYSDALE -- March 22, at 7, Westmoreland Street, Belfast, James Drysdale, aged 19 years. His remains will be removed from above address, for interment in Shankhill Burying-ground, on to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at four o'clock.

FORSTER -- March 22, at his late residence, 2, Kathleen Terrace, Tate's Avenue, Belfast, Mr. John Forster. The remains of my dearly-beloved and much-regretted husband will be removed from the above address, for interment in the Borough Cemetery, to-morrow (Saturday) morning, at nine o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. SARAH FORSTER.

HOLMES -- March 21, at his residence, 71, May Street, Belfast, Mr. Robert Holmes, aged 44 years. The remains of my beloved husband will be removed from the above address, for interment in the Borough Cemetery, this (Friday) afternoon, at one o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. MATILDA HOLMES.

HOWARD -- March 21, at his residence, Randalstown, Whiteside Howard, aged 69 years. The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon, at three o'clock.

WATSON -- March 21, at Smithfield, Lisburn, Robert Watson. His remains will be removed from his late residence, for interment in Magheragall Churchyard, this (Friday) afternoon, at three o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation.

BUSHE -- March 18, at Leelands, Walmer, Kent, Louisa E., wife of Commander Chas. Percy Bushe, Royal Navy.

CLENDINNEN -- March 21, at the residence of his daughter, 30, Dartmouth Road, Dublin, Dr. Clendinnen, late of Minvaud House, County Carlow, in his 80th year.

DOYNE -- March 20, at 1, De Vesci Place, Kingstown, Miss Doyne, aged 96 years.

FLEMING -- March 22, at his residence, Main Street, Limavady, Wm. S. Fleming.

HUNTER -- February 20, at Kimberley, South Africa, Jennie, wife of Maurice Hunter, aged 25 years.

PHILLIPS -- March 20, at the Vicarage, St. John's, Bacup, Lancashire, Andrew Clement, infant son of the Rev. Arthur Phillips, aged 3 months.

REDMOND -- March 21, Ellen, wife of W. F. Redmond, Newry.

WAKEFIELD -- Third month, 21st, after a short illness, Anne, the beloved wife of Charles F. Wakefield, at Corcrain Villa, Portadown, in her 87th year.


A convict named Kelly pleaded guilty at Cork assizes yesterday to assaulting a police constable during the recent emeute at Haulbowline convict establishment, and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment, at the termination of the sentence of ten years' penal servitude he is now undergoing.


At Cork assizes, yesterday, a true bill was returned by the Grand Jury against Richard Hodnett, of Ballydehob, charged with posting a dynamite parcel to the Lord Lieutenant.


Dublin Commission Court will be opened on the 9th of next month. The Invincibles will be put on their trial separately. Joe Brady will be put forward first, and his trial is expected to last nine days.


INQUEST. -- Dr. Dill, borough coroner, and a jury held an inquest last evening in the extern department of the Royal Hospital on the body of George Crawford, who died on the previous day from the effects of injuries received by a fall into the hold of a vessel in course of construction by Messrs. Workman, Clarke, & Co. Mr. Dinnen represented the firm. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death, no blame being attached to any person.


A convict named Kelly pleaded guilty at Cork assizes yesterday to assaulting a police constable during the recent emeute at Haulbowline convict establishment, and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment, at the termination of the sentence of ten years' penal servitude be is now undergoing.


At Cork assizes, yesterday, a true bill was returned by the Grand Jury against Richard Hodnett, of Ballydehob, charged with posting a dynamite parcel to the Lord Lieutenant.


Dublin Commission Court will be opened on the 9th of next month. The Invincibles will be put on their trial separately. Joe Brady will be put forward first, and his trial is expected to last nine days.


The Patriotic Brotherhood trial of six men charged with having conspired to murder Mr. Robert John M'Geough and Mr. Henry Gustavus Brooke and other persons, was resumed at Belfast assizes yesterday, before Mr. Justice Lawson. Evidence was continued on behalf of the Crown. A sub-inspector and three constables deposed to having seen the prisoners at meetings late at night in suspected quarters, and of the discovery, from information received, of arms, and books purporting to be records of the Patriotic Brotherhood. Mr. Brooke and Mr. M'Geough deposed to the receipt of threatening letters in 1881. An expert named Inglis gave it as his opinion that the handwriting of most of the threatening letters corresponded with that of a letter known to corresponded with that of a letter known to be written by the prisoner Watters, and also with writing in one of the books found by the police. Mr. Monroe, Q.C., for the defence, based his arguments on the assumption that the story of the informer Duffy was untrue. He produced a number of witnesses whose testimony tended to show that there were discrepancies in the story. Patrick Watters, schoolmaster at Crossmaglen, uncle of the prisoner of that name, was produced by the defence, and swore that no meetings were held at his school, as stated by Dutty, nor had he given information to the police as to where documents relating to the Brotherhood were to be found, nor had he written to the police to the same effect. Mr. Murphy, Q.C., for the Crown, recalled a constable and two sub-constables at Crossmaglen, who swore positively -- the first that Watters promised him information in conversation; one of the sub-constables that he received a letter conveying information from Watters, and the other sub-constable that he saw a letter handed to his comrade. Mr. O'Shaughnessy and Mr. Kisbey having addressed the jury in concluding for the defence, the Court adjourned until to-day.



Wind -- E.S.E.



The Aurora, Belvoir Castle, Sabrina, and News Boy, from Maryport; the Dwina, from Troon; the Daisy and Dinorah, from Ayr; the Rival and ss Talisman, from Glasgow; the Henry Gilbert, from Ayr; the Thomas Connolly, from Whitehaven.


The ss Sapphire, for Duddon; the ss Rydal Fell, for Garston; the ss Talisman, for Glasgow; the Alert, for Ayr; the Woodlaws, for Dalbeattie.


At New Fairwater, on 22nd inst., the ss Fair Head, of Belfast, Humphreys, from Maryport.

At Waterford, on the 21st inst., the brigantine Rokewood, of Belfast, Gregory, from Newcastle-on-Tyne.

At Cork, on 21st inst., the brigantine Perseverance, of Belfast, Gregory, from Newcastle-on-Tyne.


At Newcastle-on-Tyne, on 21st inst., the brigantine Jane Williamson, Newman, for Kingstown.

At Cardiff, on 21st inst., the brigantine Island Maid, Linklater, for Belfast.


From Newport, March 19, the C. S. Atkinson, Arthurs, for Lisbon.



The American line steamer British Crown, from Philadelphia, arrived at Queenstown at 9-45 a.m.; landed despatches and proceeded for Liverpool.

The Pacific Navigation Company's steamer City of Sydney arrived at San Francisco on Wednesday, from Australia and New Zealand, bringing the English mails.

The Allan line steamer Circassian arrived at Portland on Wednesday.

The Great Western line steamer Somerset, from New York, arrived at Avonmouth yesterday.

The Allan line steamer Hanoverian arrived at Halifax yesterday.

The Orient line steamer Sorala, from Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Port Said, Naples, and Gibraltar, arrived at Plymouth yesterday. The mails were forwarded at 7-55 p.m.

The Peninsular and Oriental steamer Nizam left King George's Sound yesterday for London, with homeward Australian mails.




(Before THOMAS HAMILTON, Esq., R.M.; and WM. BELL, Esq., J.P.)


James M'Givern was put forward in charge of Sub-Constable Morrow for committing an assault on James Townsley, in Currell's Court.

Complainant's evidence went to show that he and the prisoner worked in the same establishment, and that a clergyman called yesterday upon the prisoner there. Prisoner then went out with the clergyman, and when he returned some words passed between them, whereupon prisoner lifted a hammer (produced) and struck bim with it on the head.

Mr. COULTER handed in a certificate from the resident surgeon of the Royal Hospital, to the effect that Townsley was not quite free from danger, and he, therefore, applied for a remand.

Mr. HAMILTON granted the application.


Samuel Reid was charged with an assault of a serious character on William Douglas, on the 15th inst.

From the evidence, which has already been published, it appeared that the prisoner struck complainant over the head with a crowbar.

Further evidence having been given, the prisoner was returned for trial to the Recorder's Court, commencing that day.

Mr. Coulter prosecuted in the above cases.

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[Before F. J. M'CARTHY, Esq., R.M.]


James M'Manus, a cattle-drover, was summoned by Acting-Constable Maguire for cruelly ill-treating two bulls.

Mr. J. M'Lean, jun., prosecuted.

It appeared that the defendant had been employed by a man in the County Down to ship them across the water, but this he neglected to do, and left them tied up all night in the open market.

The offence having been proved, he was fined 40s and costs.



THE LORD CHIEF BARON resumed the hearing of records at half-past ten o'clock yesterday morning.


This was an action of ejectment brought by James Chaine, M.P., against Samuel Crooks, for the recovery and possession of premises in the town of Larne.The question in the case turned on the terms of an agreement, dated 1867, upon which the defendant Crooks held the premises under Mr. Chaine.The agreement set forth that the land was let on the condition that when it was required for building purposes by Mr. Chaine, possession was to be given up.The tenant had served an originating notice on the landlord to have a fair rent fixed before the Sub-Commissioners in respect of the land.The contention on behalf of the defence was that the holding was an agricultural holding, and that only a portion of it was bona fide required for building purposes by the plaintiff.

His LORDSHIP said he would state a case for the Court of Appeal as to the points of law in the case. He held, however, that the portion of land mentioned in the landlord's notice of November 1881, was bona fide required for building purposes.

Dr. Boyd, Mr. Orr, and Mr. John M'Lean (instructed by Messrs. M'Lean, Boyle, and M'Lean) appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr. Monroe and Mr. Craig (instructed by Mr. M'Ninch, Larne) for the defendants.


In this and the record Chaine v.Holmes a point arose of some interest to those who have served notices under the act of 1881 to have fair rents fixed.The defendants in these cases had served their notices, and had them recorded before 12th November, 1881.The cases were heard in October, 1882.According to the order made by the Commissioners on 31st October, 1882, the old rent was payable for the year ending 1st November, 1881, and the judicial rents for the following year.The landlord admitted this, but questioned the right of the Sub-Commissioners to decide in October what rent he should receive from his tenants from the previous January.The tenants had tendered the judicial rent for the year ending November, 1882, but the landlord asserted a right to receive the old rent.

Mr. ORR (instructed by Messrs. M'Lean, Boyle, & M'Lean) stated that it had been agreed to state a special case in the first case of the two.

Mr. CRAIG (instructed by Mr. M'Ninch, Larne) said Mr. Orr's statement was correct, it had also been agreed that Holmes' case should abide the result of Nelson's.

The records were then withdrawn.


This was an action to recover £100, damages for loss sustained by the plaintiff by reason of the defendant having obstructed a right of way, and also for injury to a horse.The parties were farmers, residing at Lislea, County Armagh. The jury found for the plaintiff -- damages, £5.

Mr. Munroe, Q.C.; Mr. Kisbey, and Mr. Cuming (instructed by Mr. Simpson) appeared for the plaintiff.The defendant conducted his own case.


This was an action brought for the recovery of£35 2s 6d, being the price of five gross of slippers, sold and delivered by plaintiffs to defendant.The plaintiffs are wholesale shoe manufacturers in Manchester, and the defendants are shoe and leather merchants in Ann Street, Belfast.The defence was that the goods were not according to sample.

The jury found for the defendant.

His LORDSHIP gave costs.

The Court adjourned until Saturday morning at ten o'clock, when special jurors will be required.


CARDIFF, FRIDAY. -- The shipments of coal from South Wales ports during the past week show a decrease, but this is due to the prevalence of east winds, and consequent interruptions in arrivals.Tonnage prices are firm, and the collieries are working with regularity.Iron is improving, and makers are firmer in their quotations.Steel also is steadier, and a large order for rails has just been placed in this district by the South Australian Government.


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Belfast Newsletter - 24 March, 1883


DRIMMIE -- March 19, at Killeen, Parsonstown, King's County, the wife of Robert Drimmie, of a son.

M'ILROY -- March 22, at 32, Hawkins Street, Londonderry, the wife of James M'Ilroy, of a daughter.

ORR -- March 19, at 81, South Circular Road, Dublin, the wife of the Rev. Robert Orr, of a daughter.

POOLE -- March 22, at the Provost's House, Dublin, the wife of T. H. Poole, of a daughter.

THOMPSON -- March 21, at Glencolumbkille Rectory, Donegal, the wife of the Rev. David Thompson, of twin sons.


BINGHAM--SERVICE. -- March 20, at St. Peter's, Eaton Square, the Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham, son of the third Baron Clanmorris, to Jean Crawford Service, Stonebyres House, Lanarkshire.

HUTCHINSON--CUNNINGHAM -- March 21, at St. Ann's Church, Dublin, by the Rev. Charles Russell, M.A., Wm. J. Hutchinson, North Frederick Street, eldest son of David Hutchinson, Esq., Rue End Street, Greenock, Scotland, to Lizzie Ann, only daughter of the late John Cunningham, Esq., Kildare Street, Dublin.

KIRK--HAUSELL -- March 22, at St. Andrew's Church, Belfast, by the Rev. S. E. Busby, LL.D., Fred. W. Kirk, Belfast, to Mary Louisa Hausell, New York, U.S. America.

TATE--STUART -- March 21, at St. Paul's Church, Belfast, by the Rev. Chas. Scott, M.A., Rector, Geo. Tate, Belfast, to Lizzie H., only surviving daughter of the late Wm. Stuart, Provincial Bank, and granddaughter of the late Thos. Hill, Commander, R.N.


ADAMS -- March 22, at 43, Mackey Street, Belfast, Hugh Adams, aged 68 years.The remains of my beloved husband will be removed from the above address, for interment in the Borough Cemetery (instead of, as formerly intimated, in Bangor Churchyard), this (Saturday) afternoon, at three o'clock.Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. MARGARET ADAMS.

BARRY -- March 23, at the residence of her son-in-law, 75, Lindsay Street, Belfast, Margaret, relict of the late James Barry, formerly of Ann Street, aged 63 years.Her remains will be removed for interment in Magheradroll Burying-ground, Ballinahinch, on to-morrow (Sunday) morning, at ten o'clock. JAS. BROWN.

BENNETT -- March 23, at 63, Shankhill Road, Belfast, Maggie Malcomson, infant daughter of John W. Bennett.Her remains will be removed for interment in the Borough Cemetery, this (Saturday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation.

FORSTER -- March 22, at his late residence, 2, Kathleen Terrace, Tate's Avenue, Belfast, Mr. John Forster.The remains of my dearly-beloved and much-regretted husband will be removed from the above address, for interment in the Borough Cemetery, this (Saturday) morning, at nine o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. SARAH FORSTER.

M'KAY -- March 23, at Ballymagee Street, Bangor, County Down, Agnes, wife of William M'Kay.Her remains will be removed for interment in Carnmoney Graveyard, on to-morrow (Sunday) morning, leaving Bangor at eleven o'clock, and arriving at the Queen's Bridge, Belfast, about one o'clock p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation.

WAKEFIELD -- Third month, 21st, after a short illness, Anne, the beloved wife of Charles F. Wakefield, at Corcrain Villa, Portadown, in her 87th year.Her remains will be removed at eleven o'clock on second day, 26th inst., for interment in Friend's Burial-ground at Moyallon.

ARMSTRONG -- March 22, at Bray, Miss Bridget Armstrong, aged 92 years.

PHELPS -- March 21, at his residence, Crofton Avenue, Kingstown, Charles W. Phelps, Esq., in his 85th year.

ROBINSON -- March 20, at Mountmellick, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Solomon Robinson, aged 83 years.

SEAVER -- March 13, at Stillorgan, Jane, daughter of the late Neale MacNeale Esq., of Faughart, and widow of the late Capt. Thos. Seaver, of Heath Hall, Newry, aged 83 years.

THOMPSON -- March 21, at Glencolumbkille Rectory, Donegal, the infant son of the Rev. David Tompson.

WARREN -- March 21, at the residence of her son, the Provincial Bank of Ireland, Londonderry, Eliza, widow of Mr. John Warren, of Bruce Hall, County Cavan, and Orangefield, Lough Sheelan, aged 79 years.

WOLFENDEN -- March 21, at Kilfinaghty Glebe, Bunratty, Rev. Henry Wolfenden, Incumbent of Sixmilebridge, County Clare, in his 70th year.



DUBLIN, THURSDAY NIGHT. -- A large number of additional witnesses were examined to-day at Mullingar, in the case in which Anne Croghan, Laurence Kenny, and Michael Kane are charged with the murder of Esther Croghan, sister of Anne Croghan, and with conspiracy to murder.The informations of John Walsh, the informer, taken ten days ago, were read in the presence of Kenny, who was not present the last day.Mr. Money, Crown Solicitor, prosecuted.Anne Croghan was defended by Mr. Downes, and Kane by Mr. Money.Catherine Walsh, wife of the informer, was now examined.She deposed that on the 18th of October, 1881, she was living with her husband and children in Harbar Street, Mullingar.Her husband had worked for some years before that for John Croghan.For some time before John Croghan's death there were family differences between himself and his mother and sisters.John and Anne were together, and Essie and the mother against them.She was on the holding of the Croghans after John's death.Her husband was also there.He was digging potatoes of his own.Anne Croghan was in the field when witness came up she said to her husband that her mother and sister Essie were treating her very badly, that they had given her no food, and that they took away her bedclothes and bedding.About a fortnight after the death of John Anne Croghan asked her husband if he would get Essie done away with -- if he would do it himself.He said he would not do it himself, but that he would ask someone that would do it.He did not mention anyone's name to her.She said she thought he was not doing it.She said that Essie had some money in the bank, and she was satisfied to give it to whoever would do away with her.She sent for some whisky, and after it came in she still continued to speak about Essie and her mother.She slept in witness's house that night.On the following morning witness asked her was she satisfied to have her sister shot, and she said she was.She asked her would she shoot her mother, and she said "No."Witness said, "I would shoot the mother," and she said, "No, that she could live with her mother, and not with her sister."Witness meant that if she was getting Essie shot she would get the mother shot with her.Anne came to witness's house again between that time and the murder.On that occasion she remained only one night.She told witness she had passed the previous night at Mary Byrne's.She said that Mary Byrne would keep her, but Mr. Odlum would not allow her.She spoke of her mother and Essie.She said she would not go home to live with her mother if she possibly could.There was a conversation on that occasion about doing away with Essie.She said witness's husband was not keeping up to his word, and that she had no neighbour and no one to look to.Her husband, who was present, said he was speaking to two men -- he did not mention their names.The morning before the murder witness's husband gave witness a revolver.Laurence Kenny, the prisoner, called for it the same day.After the murder both Kenny and Kane spoke to witness separately.Witness's husband was in prison at the time, and Kenny said to her not to be frightened; that her husband would be free in a few days, and for her not to be giving any information of anything she knew to the police.That was about the murder of Essie Croghan.In reply to Mr. Downes, the witness said she had all the clothes she now had when leaving Mullingar for England except the dress.In re-examination by Mr. Money, the witness stated she met Constable Fitzgerald the day after her husband was released from prison, and spoke to him for a few seconds.Kenny met her afterwards, and taxed her with it, and threatened her not to say anything to the police, or it would be the worse for her.The two children of Walsh were examined, and largely corroborated their parent's evidence as to what passed at the interviews with Anne Croghan in Walsh's house.Other witnesses were examined, who corroborated in circumstantial and incidental points the statements of the Walshs.The prisoners were then committed for trial at the next assizes at Mullingar.

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The SS City of Lisbon, from Rotterdam. With a general cargo.


The SS Rathkenny, from Porthcawl; and SS Strathkennen, from Neath.


The G.L. Waters, for Ardrossan; and the SS Strathkennen, for Dublin.


From Malta, March 18, the SS Romulus, Thompson, for Belfast.

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LORD ORANMORE AND BROWNE. -- Lord Oranmoe and Browne, who only recently returned to Ireland after an absence dating from the early days of the Land League agitation, has again left the country.A few nights ago the magnificent gate at the entrance to the grounds of Castle M'Garrett, the residence of his Lordship, was much damaged, and the adjoining ornamental railings were torn down.Some young trees in the avenue were also damaged.Arrests are expected.

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The fortnightly meeting of this Board was held on yesterday, in the Boardroom, Royal Avenue -- the chairman (Mr. Wm. M'Cammond) presiding.The other Commissioners present were -- Messrs. Thomas Gaffikin, Robert Dunlop, Edward Whethered, Wm. Carlile, John Fosythe, Robert Carlisle, James Ross, W. T. Coates, John Moffett.

Mr. M'NEILL (secretary) read the minutes of the last meeting which were signed.


This committee reported as follows: -- Lodged in Bank since last report, £2,507 19s.

On the motion of Mr. DUNLOP, seconded by Mr.GAFFIKIN, the report was adopted.


The committee have granted permission to the following parties to take in water: -- Chas. Boyd, 10 houses, Silvio Street; P. Farrelly, Adm., 1 house, Newtownards Road; Bernard Ferris, 10 houses, new street off Distillery Street; Robert J. M'Connell, 9 houses, Edith Street; James Rea, 3 houses, North Queen Street; Jas. Rea, 2 houses, Hillman Street.And for special purposes -- P. Farrelly, Adm., for closets and washhand basin, Newtownards Road; John Robb & Co., for closets and urinal, 41 and 43, High Street; EdwardGlancy, for closets, &c., Pottinger's Entry; Henderson & Wallace, for stables, York Road; John Rowan & Sons, for steam engines, &c., York Street, by 3 in. meter; Charles Boyd, building 6 houses, Crumlin Road; Charles Boyd, building 1 house, Royal Avenue; James Baird, building 4 houses, New Lodge Road; James Baird, building 10 houses, new Street off New Lodge Road; Jas Tate, building 4 houses, Cumberland Street; Samuel Weir, building 3 houses, Finnamore Street, James Rea, plastering 2 houses, Old Ballynafeigh Road; A. D. Gibson, plastering 1 house, Malone Road; William M'Cammond, alterations to store, Great George's Street.Shipwater sold, fornight ended 14th instant, including contract supplies to steamers, £9 10s. Mr. COATES moved the adoption of this report, which was passed.


Mr. R. CARLISLE, in referring to a motion which had been passed that day fortnight, said he had a resolution to move to the effect that if the case referred to was not taken up by their solicitors, Messrs. M'Lean, Boyle, & M'Lean, within seven days, to carry out the Board's order of the 8th inst., that the law committee be instructed to have the matter taken up by another solicitor.His reason for taking that step was because nothing had yet been done in the matter.The wet weather had set in, and the result was that the sewage matter was being washed down from twenty houses at Oldpark into the reservoir.

The SECRETARY stated he had received a letter from the solicitors, to the effect that they would have the instructions of the Board attended to at the earliest moment.

Mr. CARLISLE understood that the letter was only received that day.It seemed to him that the question was only being shelved.It would have been better for Messrs. M'Lean, Boyle, & M'Lean to have sent in word that they could not undertake the matter, so that they could have obtained another solicitor to carry out their instructions.New houses have been built in the locality of Oldpark by Messrs. Browne and Lawther -- both members of the Town Council improvement committee -- and they should be the first to assist in having complete sanitary arrangements effected.It was a matter which they, as guardians of the water of the town, should have settled at once; and, therefore, they should take immediate steps to have the nuisance abated.

Mr. W. T. COATES asked if the contract was not undertaken.

Mr. CARLISLE said it was not.He was sorry this resolution was necessary; but when a full meeting of the Board agreed upon a certain business being done, and gave their officers instructions to carry it out, it should be done.If anyone went up to the houses they could see the sewage flowing down into a ditch leading to the reservoir.

Mr. DUNLOP said there were no Commissioners present but would take immediate steps to have the nuisance abated if it were actually known to exist, but it required to be proved.He suggested that the matter should be adjourned till that day fortnight.

The CHAIRMAN remarked, as the motion had not been seconded, there was no use speaking on the subject.

Mr. ROSS said the contract had been denied by Mr. Carlisle, but they had not yet had proof on the subject.His impression was not to go into law, because, until they had tried every other way, it would be foolish to do so.He thought it would be better to incur no expense until they knew what had been done.

The CHARIMAN -- Does anyone second the motion?

Mr. MOFFETT -- I do.

Mr. FORSYTHE said there was no one more willing to take immediate steps than he was, but they required more evidence on the subject; and he thought the people of the town should not be told that the water was polluted, as there was no evidence to show it.

Mr. CARLISLE -- I beg your pardon.

Mr. MOFFETT -- Read the report.

Mr. FORSYTHE said there was no nuisance except the rain water flowing down from the land, and that, in his opinion, was not a nuisance.The houses spoken of had a pipe to carry away the sewage, only it was thought to be too small.He thought a little time should be given to have the matter thoroughly inquired into, as he did not believe in running into expense.With a little more time the whole business might be put right.

Mr. GAFFIKIN thought the owners of the property where the nuisance was supposed to exist were fully alive to the matter.If the nuisance was a considerable distance off, or the contour of the ground was such that it could not pass rapidly towards their reservoir, it was a matter of as much importance to those owners of property as it was to the Commissioners.He failed to understand why those gentlemen -- Messrs. Browne and Lawther -- could not have proper sewage pipes to carry off any matter of the kind.It had been stated that a contract had been entered into, and he thought in a few days the matter would be set right.

Mr. CARLISLE referred to Mr. Forsythe's remarks about the pipe which had been laid down.He did not care where the pipe was laid down.If it did not bring the sewage into the reservoir it brought it into the bye-wash, and that was just as bad, as it was not a very pleasant thing for the people who came to visit their works.Messrs. Lawther & Brown had no right to send the sewage matter down the bye-wash.He also begged to say that the pipe was not sufficient to carry off the sewage.Mr. Browne, as chairman of the improvement committee, should have seen that a proper sewage system was made.There should only be one law for all.He believed they were only dallying with the matter.If these gentlemen had said they were going to have the thing remedied he would not say one word, but they treated the Board as if they were nonentities.They had treated the Board as if it had no power at all in the matter.He believed the passing of the resolution was the only means of remedying the business.

Mr. WETHERED considered Mr. M'Lean had done his duty well since his appointment to the position.

Mr. GAFFIKIN begged to move an amendment, that the secretary be instructed to write to the solicitors to have the nuisance immediately abated, or proceedings to be taken against the parties.

Mr. CARLISLE said that had already been done.

Mr. COATES suggested that the last clause should be omitted.

After some further discussion, the motion was put to the meeting, but as only the mover and seconder voted in its favour it was lost.

The Board then went into committee.

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LONDON, THURSDAY NIGHT. -- The Press Association is informed that the supposed clue to the perpetrators of the Westminster explosion, as indicated by a morning contemporary, is only one of the many that have been received at Scotland Yard, and that it is no more reliable than those which have preceded it.The statement is that a young person engaged as forewoman in a paper manufactory, was on Thursday evening proceeding along Charles Street, when she observed a man stooping down near the stone balustrade outside the Local Government Board offices.She noticed him particularly, owing to his eccentric posture, and states that she could recognise him again.The young woman in question has been closely cross-examined; and although she may have seen a man in the neighbourhood of the scene of the explosion, there is nothing in her statement which is likely to assist the authorities.In the meantime, in order to render the authorities assistance, it is most important that anything relating to Fenian outrages, or supposad attempts at outrage, should be forwarded to Scotland Yard addressed to Chief-Superintendent Williamson.

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EPIDEMIC IN DONEGAL. -- A severe epidemic is reported to have broken out amongst the distressed population of Glencolumbkille, near Killybegs.Forty-nine of the children attending school have been attacked during the present week, and of these two have died.The doctors pronounce the disease to be enteric fever, accompanied by pneumonia.

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MR. JUSTIE LAWSON resumed the criminal business in the Crown Court yesterday.


A lad, aged about 19, named Joseph Johnston, was indicted for having, on the 11th December, 1882, being an employee of the Post Office, did steal a posted letter, containing one £5 and three £1 notes, the property of the Postmaster-General.On a second count he was indicted for having stolen the notes; and on a third for having received them knowing them to have been stolen.

Mr. Orr, Mr. Dodd, and Mr. Cumming (instructed by Mr. T. R. Baillie-Gage, solicitor to the General Post Office) appeared for the prosecution; and Mr. Hume (instructed by Mr. M'Erlian) for the defence.

The prisoner pleaded guilty on the first count, and a nolle prosequi was entered in the others.

Mr. HUME mentioned that the Rev. Dr. Hanay, Vicar of Belfast, had intended to be present to give the prisoner a good character, but parochial duties had detained him.

The prisoner's mother and Edward Anderson having spoken to his previous excellent character,

The prisoner was put back.


James Woods, David Milligan, and Robert M'Cullough were indicted for having, on 2nd February, stolen 2 ton 4 cwt. of wheat, the goods of Mr. White; and on a second count, for having received the wheat knowing it to have been stolen. Mr. Dodd appeared for the prosecution, Mr. Kisbey (instructed by Mr.Harper) defended Woods; and Mr. Smith (instructed by Mr. Harper) appeared for Milligan.M'Cullough was undefended.

The evidence for the prosecution was that Mr. White was the purchaser of a cargo of red winter wheat, which came from New Orleans on the steamer Brackendale.The vessel was discharged in Dufferin Dock, and, having been swept out, was removed to the dry dock on the opposite side of the river.The cargo was removed on the 28th January, and was discovered to be fifteen tons short of the quantity mentioned in the bill of lading.Milligan was afterwards seen removing a bag of wheat from the vessel, and placing it on a handcart which contained other bags.On 12th February a man named M'Ilroy, a carter, was engaged to bring some wheat for sale from a yard in Trafalgar Street.The wheat was offered for sale to Mr. Wm. Bell, J.P., by the prisoner Woods.On the same day it was offered to some other persons by M'Cullough.When arrested Woods stated that he had bought the grain from Milligan, and the latter, when arrested, stated to Acting-Constable Maguire that the offence "was not as bad as the Phoenix Park murders."He also stated that he had received the wheat in lieu of wages from the mate of the Brackendale.Mr. Bell's suspicions were aroused by the wheat having been offered to him for £7, while the ordinary price was £9 10s.The quantity found in the yard in Trafalgar Street was about 2 ton 4 cwt.Woods' book showed that he had purchased the grain from Milligan for £7.The men who cleared the vessel were proved to have been paid in money only. The defence was an allegation that the scrapings of vessels were perquisites, and that the statement of Milligan that he had been given the wheat as wages was correct.

The jury, after a short absence, returned a verdict of guilty against Milligan on the first count.Woods was convicted on the second count, and M'Cullough acquitted.

Mr. DODD said that Constable Maguire had been very diligent in watching the case for the Crown.

His LORDSHIP -- Yes, indeed, he seems to have acted very well.

M'Cullough was discharged, and the other two prisoners ordered to stand aside.


Wm. Nathan Wilson surrendered to his recognisances on an indictment charging him, at the suit of Mr. Alexander Tate, County Surveyor, with having, on the 28th September last, and other occasions, obstructed the county road at Glynn, between Carrickfergus and Larne, with clay, stones, and rubbish, thereby breaking up the road so as to impede traffic.The traverser is the owner of a limestone quarry close to the public road between Carrickfergus and Larne.In the course of his quarrying operations he finds it necessary to place what is known as "quarry-rid," the debris from the quarrying, on the ground between the quarry and the county road.The substratum of this ground is alleged by the prosecution to be slippery clay, and the contention is that it was the weight of the "quarry-rid" pressing on the subsoil which caused the soil bounding the road on one side to bulge out so that there is only room for one cart to pass at a time.The defence was that the obstruction was due to natural causes, and that the proper remedy would be a culvert.

The jury disagreed, and were discharged.

Mr. Monroe, Q.C., and Mr. Orr (instructed by Mr. R.H. Orr) appeared for the prosecution; and Mr. Kisbey and Mr. Hume (instructed by Mr. M'Ninch, Larne) for the defence.

The Court adjourned at a quarter to seven until ten o'clock this (Saturday) morning, when special jurors will be required in each court.


There was no business transacted in this court during the day.

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"AN Englishman," writing to a contemporary says: -- The 19th of April next will be the second anniversary of the ever-to-be lamented death of Lord Beaconsfield, and I perceive from a notice that many of his silent admirers intend to show their respect for his memory by the simple tribute which he would have most appreciated, and which was so generally paid on the first sad anniversary last year -- viz., by wearing primroses on that day.This spontaneous movement has no doubt gathered strength and consistency from the glowing sense of an irreparable loss to the empire through the withdrawal of his manly and statesmanlike counsel, and the startling occurrences which have lately succeeded one another, and which show in our domestic affairs the consequences that must inevitably follow with still more fatal results in our foreign affairs, the departure from those paths of firm wisdom which led us to empire will hardly tend to weaken Lord Beaconsfield's claim to the grateful remembrances of the nation.I would ask, sir, your permission to appeal to your readers, and to suggest that they would be showing a just appreciation of a great statesman if they were to assist in spreading this simple and most appropriate tribute to his memory by their example.The significance of Primrose-day will be clear to those who realise the dangers of the hour.I believe myself that its general adoption is only a matter of time; and while the token of "his favourite flowers" will call attention to one of the most charming sides of Lord Beaconsfield's character -- his simplicity and love of the unartificial in nature as in art -- there is room to hope that it will not fail to remind us all of the teaching of his life, which was that the first duty of a citizen is to his country, and that he who breaks or bends the law in deference to noisy agitators and veiled traitors has taken the first step towards effecting the dissolution of this empire.

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The following officers' stations are now vacant; -- South Cork, Ballymoney, Ballinamore, Borrisokane, Callan, Coleraine, Castletown-Bere, Castlebar, Carrickmacross, Newtownstewart, Newport (County Mayo), Magherafelt, Killeshandra, and Tinnahely.

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The following is an extract from the six-monthly report recently placed before the ladies' committee of the Belfast Hospital for Sick Children: --

Those who have watched with interest the steady and satisfactory growth of our Children's Hospital, from its small beginning in King Street up to the present time, must feel much gratified at the desirable result already attained and the encouragement thus afforded for the future.A handsome building, replete with every necessary convenience that modern science demands; a skilful, experienced, and energetic medical staff; well-trained and efficient nurses; an excellently-conducted household; and a committee whose enthusiasm has never flagged or diminished -- all the elements of success are present, and it but remains for the numerous friends of the institution to assist in keeping up the character it has ever obtained for beneficial usefulness by continuing to maintain it free from debt.

While assured that the sick children who are placed under our care in this hospital receive every benefit that skilful medical attention and excellent nursing can afford, we also must feel thankful for the good influence brought to bear upon the young lives entrusted to us.Quick to perceive -- and especially so where all the surroundings are new and strange -- the children, in an almost incredibly short time, yield willingly to the order and regularity they see around them.Youth is always impressionable, and possibly in a more intense degree when sickness and suffering make the sensibilities more acute. Many are the happy evidences we have that the moral and religious atmosphere that pervades the hospital is felt by the little patients, and borne away by them when they leave its wards, to benefit the homes to which they return, and to brighten and improve their future lives.The words of the late venerable and excellent Sir Thomas Watson may aptly be quoted as representing the spirit which animates the work in every department of this hospital.He says: -- "The profession of medicine having for its end the common good of mankind knows nothing of national enmities, of political strife, of sectarian divisions.Disease and pain the sole conditions of its ministry, it is disquieted by no misgivings concerning the justice or honesty of its client's cause, but dispenses its peculiar benefits without stint or scruple to men of every country and party, and rank and religion, and also to men of no religion at all.And, like the quality of mercy, whose favourite handmaid it is, 'it blesses him that gives and him that takes,' reading continually to our own hearts and understanding the most impressive lessons, the most solemn warnings.Familiar with death in its manifold shapes, witnessing from day to day its sudden stroke, its slow but open siege, its secret and insidious approaches, we are not permitted to be unmindful that our own stay also is brief and uncertain, our opportunities fleeting, and our time, when longest, very short, if measured by our moral wants and intellectual cravings."

Some of the lessons of life are thus brought under our immediate observation, and while we are privileged to lend our aid to relieve the helpless sick children we and they are benefitted by the constant intercourse, and the better portions of our common nature are prominently brought forward and cultivated. It is satisfactory to note that during the past six months there has been an average attendance of over twenty-three members at the monthly meetings of general committee and over twelve members at the bi-monthly managing committee meetings.We trust this may be taken as an indication of unwearied interest in the working of the hospital.

We may here incidentally mention that very many members of committee who, from various causes, cannot frequently attend the meetings, still show a true and practical interest in the welfare of the institution and its little inmates by frequently visiting its wards, and sending numerous kind gifts for the benefit and pleasure of the patients.

It is most gratifying to know that amongst the warmest and most earnest supporters of the hospital at the present time are very many of those who were its earliest promoters, and although some have been removed far from the scene of their loving labours, the institution is still practically remembered by them, and acceptable gifts and kind wishes are frequently received from old friends now distant.

While fully appreciating the deep interest evinced by the committee and the public in the progress of the work in Queen Street, we must be allowed to ask the serious attention of both bodies to the necessity of increased funds to maintain the hospital in its sphere of usefulness.Thanks to excellent management in the past, we have been preserved from debt, but to retain our integrity we have been obliged to draw upon a reserve fund which we hoped might still have been left to accumulate.We trust that this year renewed and energetic efforts may be made to increase the income of this hospital. The panels in connection with "The Memorial Convalescent Fund," to which reference was made in our last six-monthly report, are now erected in the Boardroom, and are as artistically pleasing to the eye as the amounts noted upon them are satisfactory to the object in view.

The painting of the outside of the hospital was completed in the past autumn, when the subject of painting the interior was also discussed; but, as the wards had just received the usual thorough disinfection and cleaning, it was decided to postpone the process until present spring.

It is intended to have the walls of the wards oil painted, which will render them peculiarly free from retaining infection.This is a most necessary work, and the walls thus treated, being very easily cleansed, will add much to the healthy pure atmosphere of the wards.It is always a primary object to obtain fresh, good air, and to prevent any chance of infection.The oil painting of the walls will conduce to this, and also minimise the labour of cleaning the wards, while adding greatly to their artistic appearance.

We cannot speak too highly of the management in every department under the charge of our good matron, Miss Lennox.By her wise household management we feel that the patients entrusted to our care are well supplied with every requirement, and at the same time we are assured that the expenditure is most moderate.

The wards are always bright and cheerful, and the little patients contented and happy, their youthful eyes ever showing thorough trust and loving reliance in Miss Lennox and her nurses.

We cannot but acknowledge with much gratification the care and attention bestowed by the district nurses upon many little patients who have left these wards.In some instances we are reluctantly compelled to discharge tedious or unsuitable cases when beds are in urgent request for acute cases.Many times. also, children leave us in that convalescent stage that requires care. attention, and nourishment almost more urgently than in actual sickness.Several such patients have been attended at their homes, with very great advantage by the district nurses.In fact we may be said to have worked hand in hand with that admirable institution, for we have received, on their recommendation, acute cases requiring immediate hospital treatment, and they have attended many of our discharged patients when further nursing and attention was most desirable.

Several patients have been received from these wards at the Throne Convalescent Hospital, and were much benefitted by the change of air.We are always specially gratified to note the kindly reciprocity that allows charitable institutions to work together for the benefit of the helpless ones they desire to serve.

We trust that the foregoing epitome of the work of the past six months may prove satisfactory, and be an encouragement for future exertions to maintain the success we have hitherto enjoyed.

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On Thursday the Derry magistrates, in petty sessions, bound over to keep the peace a number of persons from taking part in band-playing in the streets at night.It was alleged that when going into their rooms some individual called for cheers for Joe Brady and the Invisibles.

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An apple in perfect preservation, although ninety-six years old, is in possession of a gentleman in Ulster County, Pennsylvania.As itrounded up from blossom of the parent stem in the early summer of 1787 a bottle was drawn over it and attached to the branch, and after the apple had ripened the stem was severed and the bottle sealed tightly.It looks as fresh as when first lucked.

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A GIGANTIC BRIDGE. -- The forthcoming Forth Bridge, the plans of which have been prepared by Mr. Baker, C.E., show that the gigantic structure when completed, will be the "biggest" thing in bridges ever constructed.Its length will be 5330ft. (over a mile); two spans of 1,700ft. each, two land spans of 680ft.each, with piers that take up 260ft. and 145ft. respectively. The immense spans are necessitated by the depth of the water, which is over 200ft., preventing intermediate support.The centre pier has its site on an island, for without it the work would be impossible.The height of the underside of the bridge will be 150ft. above high water.Steel is to be used, and it will absorb 42,000 tons in the construction of the centre arches alone.

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THE committee of the Ragged Schools, Barrack Street, desire to draw attention to the Japanese Bazaar, advertised to take place in December next, and, in doing so, wish to bring before the public a few facts in connection with this most useful, but, it is feared, by the majority of the public little known charity.It is now seven years since a bazaar was held to augment the funds of this institution; as, after 1875, the committee hoped that, by increased exertions in collecting the annual subscriptions, enough money might be raised to cover the expenditure.This, however, was not the case, as the increased annual subscriptions only amounted to about £200, while the outlay is usually about £400. This amount, the committee feel sure, will not be considered excessive, as the number of children on the roll is 414; the average daily attendance being 216.Five teachers are required for the proper management of the schools, and, besides paying their salaries, and rent, taxes, and coal, each child is given a meal of bread, and three days a week soup or milk in addition.By the end of this year the money in the hands of the treasurer will be quite exhausted, so the committee hope the public and former friends of the institution will come forward as liberally as in past years, and, by their help and co-operation, endeavour to make the coming bazaar a financial success.

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NEWRY UNION. -- Yesterday afternoon the voting-papers for the electoral division of Cooley, in the Newry Union, were examined and counted.There were two candidates -- Mr. Andrew Sloane (retiring candidate), a Conservative, and Mr. Peter Byrne, of the National Land and Labour League.The result of the scrutiny was -- For Mr. Sloane, 223; Mr. Byrne, 99.The returning-officer (Mr. Bell, clerk of the union) declared Mr. Sloane duly elected, and a vote of thanks to him was proposed by the successful candidate, and seconded by Mr. Byrne.

DUNGANNON UNION. -- The counting of the votes was commenced yesterday morning by Mr. John Boyd, clerk of the union, and three divisions were gone through: -- Benburb -- Messrs. Richardson and M'Mullan (C), old Guardians, were returned.Richardson, 199; M'Mullan, 273; Samuel Irwin (L), 117.Ballymagrane -- The old Guardian was defeated.Edwards (L), 158; Bell (C), 89, Clonavaddy -- Mr. Patrick M'Gee was defeated, the voting being -- Mr. Francis Boyle, 105; Mr. Patrick Magee, 67.

DOWNPATRICK UNION. -- Yesterday, at ten o'clock Mr. J. W. Montgomery, returning-officer, sat in the boardroom of the workhouse, Downpatrick, for the purpose of counting the voting-papers for the contested divisions of Ardkeen and Clough.For the former division the candidates were Mr. Henry M'Grath and Mr. John Alexander Gunning.The poll resulted as follows: -- M'Grath (former Guardian), 208; Gunning, 89.Mr. M'Grath was accordingly declared elected.The contest in the Clough division excited considerable interest, and during the counting there was a large attendance of ratepayers and others.The candidates were Mr. John M. Perry (former Guardian and deputy vice-chairman of the Board of Guardians) and Mr. Francis Johnston.During the scrutiny a large number of votes were objected to on both sides, and at the close of the investigation the numbers were declared to be-- Perry, 142; Johnston, 131.Mr. Dickson, solicitor, appeared for Mr. Perry, and Mr. M'Cartan, solicitor, for Mr. Johnston.Mr. Dickson, before the close of the scrutiny, intimated that there were two papers which were obliterated after being signed, and he would certainly advise a prosecution in those cases.The counting of the papers for the other two contested divisions of Killough and Quintin will take place this (Saturday) morning.

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WINDSOR, FRIDAY. -- Her Majesty the Queen, owing to the sprain which she sustained on Saturday, has not been able to take any open-air exercise until this afternoon, when her Majesty, accompanied by Princess Beatrice and the Lady-in-Waiting, took a drive in a closed carriage.The knee remains swollen and stiff, but it will not be long before the Queen is quite well again. Another correspondent states -- The Queen continues to make progress towards recovery, and can move about in her apartments.The state of the weather hitherto prevented her Majesty from driving out.

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EXETER, FRIDAY. -- Lord Haldon, whose state of health has been extremely critical for some considerable time, expired at his residence, Haldon House, near Exeter, this morning.Baron Haldon (formerly Sir Lawrence Palk) was in his sixty-sixth year, was Deputy-Lieutenant for the Devon, and was created baron in 1880.

Our Plymouth correspondent telegraphs -- Lord Haldon was chiefly known as having for a quarter of a century represented as Sir Lawrence Palk the eastern division of Devonshire.He was a staunch Conservative, and his speeches, although few, were always listened to.As the owner of the greater part of Torquay, his wealth has enormously increased of late years owing to the rapid extension of the town.His son succeeds him.

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The ancient Royal charities designated the Royal Maundy were celebrated on Thursday in Whitehall Chapel during Divine service, with the usual formalities, to sixty-four aged men and sixty-four aged women, the number of each sex corresponding with the age of her Most Gracious Majesty. At three o'clock a procession consisting of a detachment of Yeomen of the Guard, under the command of a sergeant-major, one of the Yeomen carrying the Royal alms on a gold salver of the reign of William and Mary; the Rev. T. Randall Davidson, M.A., Sub-Almoner to the Queen; Mr. John Hardey, Secretary of Yeomen of the Royal Almonry, and his assistant.Mr. Hayward John Bidwell, of the Exchequer and Audit Department, accompanied by six children from the national schools in the parishes of St. John the Evangelist and St. Margaret's, Westminster, who had been selected to participate in the privilege for their good conduct, proceeded from the Almonry Office in Middle Scotland Yard to the Chapel Royal, Whitehall.On the arrival of the procession being signified to the Very Rev. Lord Alwyne Compton, Dean of Worcester, Lord High Almoner, and to the Sub-Dean of the Chapel Royal, the Rev. Francis Garden, they met at the entrance, and took their allotted places.The procession having passed up the centre aisle to the steps of the altar, the High Almoner, the Sub-Dean, aad those forming the procession took their assigned places on either side of the Chapel, the Royal alms being deposited in front of the Royal Closet.The afternoon service -- special for the occasion -- was then read by the Rev. J. Helmore, Senior Priest-in-Waiting.After the first anthem the first distribution took place -- £1 15s allowance in lieu of clothing to each woman, and £2 5s allowance in lieu of clothing to each man.Following the second anthem the second distribution was made.Purses --The red, containing each £1 in gold, representing part of the maunday originally paid for redemption of the Sovereign's gown, worn by recipients of the bounty on the day of contribution, which commutation was first instituted by Queen Elizabeth; and also £1 10s in lieu of provisions, formerly given in kind.The white, containing as many pence as the Queen is years of age, and given in silver pennies, twopences, threepences, and fourpences, the same being the balance of the maunday.The service proceeded, and after the fourth anthem the prayer for the Queen, composed for the occasion, was read, after which followed that for the Royal family, the general thanksgiving, the prayer of St. Chrysostom, and so on to the end.The clergy of the Chapels Royal who attended and assisted on this occasion were -- Revs. T. Helmore, A.H. Sitwell, S. Flood Jones, John Troutbeck, H.A. Cotton, E. Wood, Kempe, and E. Sheppard.Other clergymen were invited to attend as representing those who had

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SIR -- I see in to-day's issue of our paper that the Rev. Mr. Bristowe thinks that the form of petition recommended by the Rev. Mr. Seaver is open to "serious objection."If his contention be true, then the Lord Bishop's letter to his clergy is equally open to "serious objection."The parallel passages in his Lordships letter is even stronger than the petition -- it speaks of"her Majesty's Government having stated their intention to introduce an Affirmation Bill for the express purpose of enabling an avowed atheist to take his seat in the House of Commons."But, as petitioners, we are not bound (as Mr. Bristowe asserts) "to confine ourselves to acts and effects," and even if we were, motives are really facts in this case.Mr. Bradlaugh's exclusion from the House of Commons is the cause of the bill.Mr. Bradlaugh's admission to the House of Commons will be the effect if the bill passes.The motive aims at the effect.The motives, facts, and effects of the bill are all in the interests of atheists in general, and Mr. Bradlaugh in particular.If, therefore, we adopt Mr. Seaver's petition, with the statement "that a proposal is made to alter the law with a view of enabling a professed atheist to sit as a member of the Legislature," doubtless the"supporters of the bill" will object.Yet, as petitioners, we are in reality confining ourselves to "facts and effects." -- Yours faithfully, W.M.


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