ON a Sabbath day in April of this year a minister from England was being brought to the Session room preparatory to taking the service. As he approached the door he looked up and read aloud from the date stone on top: "Built 1822, Rebuilt 1891." "Why," he exclaimed to the lady who accompanied him, "this is your centenary, how are you going to commemorate it?" It is somewhat singular that previously no one seemed to have realised the fact. Discussing the matter later, it was suggested that the Bazaar previously arranged for should be called the "Centenary Bazaar," and that a history of the congregation should be prepared and put on sale when that event took place. It was not without considerable trepidation that I approached the task. In preparation thereof I have to express my thanks to several friends who rendered me help. To the Right Hon. Thomas Shillington, P.C.; Mr. Samuel Sprott, and Mr. Henry Frizell I am indebted for the loan of books; to Mrs. Macaulay for papers; to Mr. James Best for the benefit of his long connection and very retentive memory; to Mr. Wm. Maconachie for blocks, and to Mr. Alfred Lynas, B.A., I am specially indebted for the chapter on Education and for his kindness in reading the proof sheets. I am very thankful that it has fallen to my lot to prepare this volume at the completion of the first hundred years of the congregation's existence, and I would express the hope that its perusal by the members of the congregation will produce the same effect as its preparation has had upon me, namely, an intense feeling of gratitude that I am a member of such a church
Feddal House,
1st October, 1922.