Banner of Ulster - Thursday, 6 July 1843


On the 26th ult., by the Rev. Matthew Clarke, Ardstraw, Mr. Thomas Dick, of Mossfield, to Martha, youngest daughter of the late David Craig, Esq., Ballyfoliart.

On the 28th ult., at Leamington, Warwickshire, by the Rev. John Craig, M.A., Thomas Young Prior, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, of the Middle Temple, youngest son of the Rev. Thomas Prior, Vice-Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, to Jane Matilda, only surviving daughter of the late Rev. Robert Russell, D.D., of Ashbrook, in the county of Fermanagh.


DEATH OF ROBERT WODROW, ESQ. -- It is with no common regret that we record to-day the sudden death of a well-known and much esteemed citizen -- Mr. Robert Wodrow. The event took place on Tuesday morning last, at Brodick, in Arran, whither he had gone for his health. To the public generally, and especially the religious world, Mr. Wodrow's character and name are familiar. He was a man of superior talents and fine taste, of rare acquirements in literature and learning; especially he was a profound and delighted student of the Word of God, and that in the original tongues. Better still, he was deeply imbued with its spirit. He was a man of enlightened and ardent piety, of the utmost simplicity of aim, and active benevolence] conspicuous for all the meek and gentle virtues. He was a devoted friend and office-bearer of the Church of Scotland. Descended from Wodrow, the eminent historian of her sufferings, and the grand-daughter of the venerable Guthrie of Fenwick, the best blood of the Church of Scotland might be said to flow in his veins, and he inherited the principles and spirit of his ancestors, for whom he cherished the warmest veneration. At a time when the religious world was little aware of what was at hand, he was earnestly alive to questions which have since awakened the deepest interest througout Christendom. In this sense he was before the age. Among these we may notice his profound concern for many long years for the conversion of the Jews. The honour belongs to him of having originated that movement in the Presbytery of Glasgow, which issued in the formation of the scheme for the conversion of Israel; and to the last moment he devoted all his energies to its furtherance and support; It may be remembered that he was appointed one the Deputation to visit Palestine and the Continent of Europe for this cause, though from shattered health he was unable to fulfil the appointment. We believe it is generally known that he was the author of the exquisite "Address to the Jews," which was issued by the General Assembly last year, and which has now been translated into not a few of the languages both of the East and the West. He was also the writer of the various fine documents which, from time to time, have of late years appeared in connexion with "Union" for prayer among evangelical Christians. Prophecy had long been a very favourite, study with him, and, if we are not misinformed, he has left behind him very valuable writings on this subject, which were destined for the press. What adds to the interest -- the very year which is now running is the year to which he had been long looking forward as the commencement of a period fruitful in great changes. Meanwhile he has been called to a world of light, where all mysteries are revealed, and the future fortunes of the Church of Christ are as well known as her past history. Mr. Wodrow had an extensive circle of Christian friends and correspondents, by whom he was esteemed and beloved. His loss will be deeply felt by them all. Indeed, the loss of such a man of prayer, at this crisis in the history of our Church and country, is a severe one. He has left an amiable widow, who thoroughly sympathised with him in all his enlightened,enlarged, and benevolent views.


Domestic Intelligence


IRISH MARRIAGE LAW. -- The English Judges are to attend next Friday in the House of Lords to deliver their opinion on the validity of marriages celebrated by Presbyterian ministers between parties, one of whom is a member of the Established Church. In appeal cases referred to the Judges it is the practice of the House of Lords not to give final judgment for a few days after the Judges' opinions are delivered.

CELEBRATION OF HER MAJESTY'S BIRTH-DAY. -- The whole of the troops in Ireland will be under arms at noon, on this day, the 6th instant (the day appointed for the celebration of her Majesty's birth-day), in or near their respective garrisons or quarters, and will fire three rounds, at one o'clock, in honour of the occasion. The Royal Artillery will fire twenty-one guns at their respective stations.

WHAT BECOMES OF THE REPEAL RENT? -- An Irish correspondent states that the Repeal Rent now exceeds upwards of £20,000; and that a division of this spoil has just been arranged. What may be the share of Mr. O'Connell is a profound secret; but the services of Mr. Maurice O'Connell, M.P., as warden of one province of Ireland, are, he assures us, to be rewarded with £2,000 -- say "two thousand pounds;" and those of Mr. Dillon Brown, M.P., in a similar capacity, with £1,200. To another O'Connell, who is "Inspector-General of the Repeal Lodges in England," four guineas a week are assigned. -- Morning Herald.

FLAX. -- A Belgian flax merchant is about to commence purchasing flax in Lifford; he has taken the house formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. Clarke, and is getting it prepared. He intends to purchase the flax while growing, and go through the whole process as practised in Belgium. His residing in this county will materially improve the culture of flax; indeed, change the process altogether. He is very lavish of abuse on the present mode of proceeding. -- Ballyshannon Herald.

POSTMASTERSHIP OF CORK. -- The appointment is at length made. The gentleman chosen is James Comerford, Esq, of Kinsale -- a Romanist, but a loyal one -- a gentleman who has always been on the side of law and order.

IMPROVEMENT OF IRELAND. -- INLAND NAVIGATION. -- There are twenty-nine rivers in Ireland -- which were found, by actual survey, to be fit and capable of being rendered navigable, and whereof the united lengths, in addition to that of the Shannon, and those of the canals, exceed one thousand miles. The proposed works are as follow:-- To render navigable part of the Liffey and the Ree; part of the Boyne and to Trim; the Mungah and Brusna; and to make canals between them, bearing South-West from Dublin, and falling into the Shannon at Banaher; to make the lower Ban navigable to Coleraine; to make the Liffey navigable to Kilkullen, and thence into the Barrow at Carlow; to make the Blackwater navigable from Youghal to Newmarket; to make the Foyle, and part of the Finderg and Mourne, navigable from Londonderry to Omagh; to make the Earne navigable from Ballyshannon to Killishandra; to make navigable, or employ in navigations, the Martin, the Cloydah, part of Blackwater, the Owenbeg, and Maig, between Cork and Limerick; to make the Unicon, the Arrow, and part of the Boyle, navigable from Sligo into the Shannon at Carrick, to perfect a navigation by the Corrib, Mask, and Moy, from Galway to Killala; to make the Slaney navigable from Wexford to Baltinglass; to make the Suir navigable to Roscrea; to make the Colga navigable or extend its navigation into the Shannon; to make the Inny navigable from Lough Sheelan into the Shannon; to make the Lee navigable from Cork to Macroom; to make the Bandon navigable from Kinsale to Dunmanaway; and to make the same navigable from Castlemain Harbour to Ross Castle. If these works were carried into effect, 10,000 square miles, 6,400,000 acres, would, at the furthest, be within five miles of some navigable river or canal; and, if to this be added the sinuous line of the Irish coast, comprising 1,737 miles, it will be seen that 18,685 square miles, or 11,958,400 acres, would lie within five miles of sea, river or canal. In addition to the facile transmission of goods by an extended inland navigation, we would, by removing the bars, deepening the beds, and embanking these rivers, redeem vast quantities of peat, marsh, and submerged sand. The estimated expense for effecting these great objects was only £3,000,000; this would include a considerable portion of the cost of draining 830,000 English acres of bog, estimated at 1,277,828.

HEIGHTS OF THE PRINCIPAL RIVERS AND LAKES ABOVE THE SEA AT LOW WATER. -- The Shannon at Shannon Harbour, 114 feet 4 inches; Ditto at Tarmonbarry, 120 feet 10 inches; The Barrow at Monastcreven, 208 feet 4 inches; Ditto at Athy, 188 feet 1 inch; The Boyne at Edenderry, 241 feet 7 inches; The Brusna at Ferbane, 153 feet 7 inches; The Suck at Ballinasloe, 116 feet; Lough Allen, 160 feet; 3 inches; Lough Neagh, 40 feet; Lough Corrib, 16 feet; Lough Innell, 262 feet; Lake of Killarney, 40 feet; Lough Mask, 48 feet; Lough Gara, 178 feet; Lough Ree, 120 feet. -- A Practical View of Ireland, by James Butler Bryan, Esq. -- 1831.

NEW ROSS, June 27. -- An inquest was held this day on the body of Dr. Robert Fisher, who died this morning in the Haughton Fever Hospital, when a verdict was returned of "Died from having taken an over dose of laudanum." A most melancholy accident occurred here this evening. As Miss Neville, youngest daughter of the widow Neville, Grocer, and sister-in-law to Mr. James Cosgreve of Waterford, a most interesting young girl, about seventeen, with her servant maid, went out to bathe in the neighbourhood of the town, they unfortunately made too free and got beyond their depth, and, melancholy to relate, they were both drowned! The servant's body has just been found. Miss Neville's body was found on yesterday about two miles from Ross. -- Waterford Mirror.

The Northern Standard publishes a letter from a correspondent, who alleges that it was found lying on the footpath, in the neighbourhood of Dungannon. The following is an extract:-- "Clonoe, Stewartstown -- DEAR M., -- We have just received two boat loads of guns across the Lough, from Antrim, and we have upwards of 1,500 Frenchmen in Ireland at present; so, as soon as you receive this, write to No. 43, in Benburb, and tell them to be ready on the 1st night of July, to burn and destroy all Protestant houses, till you meet us in Killyman, and we will commence at the line side." The 1st of July has passed, and we have not heard of any burning or destroying of Protestant houses.


COL. ECHELECO. -- This distinguished officer, who is Commander of Montjuich, has shown the rare courage to resist the golden bribe of £15,000 sterling offered to him if he would follow the treacherous example of others, and throw off his allegiance to the Regent. This is the more honourable, and evinces strongly the high-mindedness of Echeleco, from the fact that he is in poor circumstances; but the whole course of his career has been marked by the same independent spirit. When in this country as an emigrant, he scorned to seek the support of a pension, but owed his scanty means to his own hands; having learnt, as a common weaver, the working of silks in Spitalfields, the produce he sold among his countrymen here. His personal appearance is most insignificant, but his daring and noble principles raise him to a high rank amongst the liberal men of Spain who established the existing institutions of that country; and should Espartero succeed in extinguishing the flame of insurrection now spreading to other parts of the country, it will be owing mainly to the undaunted bravery, resolution, and disinterested integrity, which Echeleco has shown in the present crisis; for, without the stronghold and commanding position of Montjuich, the struggle would have terminated only with the Regent's abdication, whereas now Catalonia may be considered on the eve of subjection. The last accounts received from Echeleco state that, in answer to an application from the junta, he declared, that on the first attempt made to seduce one of his men, he would lay the' town in ashes. He had previously weeded the garrison of all the troops upon whom he could not rely. -- Times.


The force of paternal love was shown during the last drawing for recruits at Chahars, the chief town of the department of the Lot, in the following extraordinary manner. The eldest son of a peasant, being of the age for military service, was called upon to take his chance with the rest. His father went up with him, painfully anxious about the event. The young man put his hand into the urn, and drew an unfortunate number. Being unwilling to serve, he made a pretended claim to exemption; but his father, taking him by the arm, whispered, "Never mind, I will find a means of securing your release." On their way home, they had to cross a ferry, and while in the middle of the passage, the old man threw himself into the stream, was carried out of reach, and drowned, leaving the new recruit the eldest son of a widow, which fully entitled him to his discharge. This he claimed, and was allowed by the council, of revision. -- Paris paper.


Shipping Intelligence


ARRIVED, June 30. -- Betsy, M'Kinlay, Derry, general cargo; Jane, Thompson, Glasgow, stones; Edward and James, Cowan, flour; Ann and* Eliza, M'Kay, Deny, meal; Henry, Roberts, Bristol, general cargo. July 1. -- Commodore (steamer), Hardie, Glasgow, goods and passengers; Royal Adelaide (steamer), Batty, London, goods and passengers; Temperance, Light-body, Bangor, slates; Britannia, Jones, Drogheda,meal; Handy, Jones, London, wheat; Falcon (steamer), Gowan, Liverpool, goods and passengers; Rosina, Wright, Carlisle, alabaster; Eliza Ann Roberts, London, grain. 2 -- Lord Frankfort, Devine, Dublin, flour; Royal Oak, Carroll, London, general cargo; Prince of Wales (steamer), M'Neilage, Fleetwood, goods-and passengers; William, Montgomery, Alicante, general cargo; Gipsy, Butler, Messina, general cargo.

SAILED, June 30. -- Minerva, M'Cune, Carnarvon, meal; Mary Scott,' Scott, Dundee, general cargo. July 1. -- Britannia (steamer), M'Grath, Liverpool, goods and passengers; Cordelia, Hamilton, St. Petersburg, ballast. 4 ,


For Liverpool; the Athlone, Davies, on Saturday, at three o'clock afternoon.

A steamer sails for Dublin, on Wednesday next, at nine o'clock evening.

A steam-ship sails for London, calling at Dublin, Falmouth, Plymouth, and Southampton, on Monday, at seven o'clock evening.

For Fleetwood, the Prince of Wales, M'Neilage, to-| morrow, at six o'clock evening.

For Greenock and Glasgow, the Commodore, Hardie, to-morrow, at six o'clock evening.

For Stranraer, the Maid of Galloway, Haswell, on Tuesday next, at ten o'clock morning.

For Whitehaven, the Countess of Lonsdale, Lamb, on Wednesday, at nine o'clock morning.

For Liverpool, from Warrenpoint, the Hercules, TaK Ian, on Saturday, at five o'clock afternoon.

From Deny, for Glasgow, calling at Campbelton, the St. Columb, on Tuesday, at eleven o'clock morning.

From Derry, for Glasgow, calling at Portrush, the Londonderry, to-day, at eleven o'clock morning.

For Liverpool, from Derry, the Maiden City, Crompton, to-morrow, at one o'clock afternoon; and from Liverpool, for Derry, on Tuesday, at ten o'clock morning.

For Liverpool, from Portrush, the Coleraine, Johnstone, to-day, at nine o'clock morning; and from Liverpool, for Portrush, on Monday, at eight o'clock evening.


At this port,, from St.. Petersburg, 1st instant, the Hector, of Yarmouth, Wolverton, with tallow, flaxseed, &c. -- Alex. M'Donnell & Co. consignees.

At this port, from Antigua, 3d instant, the James Hunt, of Belfast, Stewart, with sugar, molasses, rum, arrow root, &c. -- Samuel Nelson, owner and consignee.

At this port, from Messina, 3d instant, the Gipsy, of Belfast, Butler, with barilla, oranges, lemons, nuts, shumac, &c. -- Alex M'Donnell & Co., owners and consignees.

At this port, from Alicante, 3d instant, the William, of Belfast, Montgomery, with barilla, mats, cane reeds, &c. -- Lewis Reford, owner and consignee.

At Derry, from St. John's, N.B., 1st inst., the Londonderry, Hatrick.

At Derry, from Antigua, the Brilliant, Perry, with a cargo of sugar.

At Derry, from Trinidad, the Mary Stewart, Webber, with a cargo of sugar.

At Liverpool, from Bombay, 1st instant, the William Pirrie, of Belfast, Irving.

At Liverpool, from New Orleans, 1st instant, the Lord Seaton of Belfast, Fitzsimons.

At Liverpool, from St. John's, N.B., 29th ultimo, the? Agnes and Ann, M'Farlane.

At Liverpool, from New York, 28th ultimo, the Hebe, Wright.

At Liverpool, from New York, 29th ult., the Chester, Doyle.

At Liverpool, from New York, 30th ult., the George Washington, Burrows.

At Liverpool, from New York, 30th ult., the Akbar, Dumning.

At Liverpool, from Sligo, 30th ultimo, the Ontario, Johns.


At Quebec, from Charlotte-Town, Prince Edward's Island, 9th ultimo, the Rosebank, of Belfast, Montgomery.

At New Orleans, from Demerara, 20th May, the Lady Marv Fox, of Belfast, Galbraith.

At Quebec, from Derry, with passengers, the Envoy, Giffney.

At Philadelphia, from Derry, with passengers, 3d ult., the Provincialist, Williams.

At New York, from Liverpool, the St. Lawrence, Brown.

At New York, from Liverpool, the Montezuma, Lowber.

At St. John's, from this port, 27th May, the Sally, Ditchburn.


From Quebec, for this port, 27th May, the Great Britain, Cheevers.


From this port, for St. Petersburg, the Triton, Duncan, at Elsinore, 21st ult.

From this port, for St. Petersburg, 1st instant, the? Cordelia, Hamilton.

From Liverpool, for Halifax and Boston, 4th Instant, the Royal Mail steamer Caledonia, Lott.


LOSS OF THE BARQUE "TOM MOORE." -- The following additional particulars of the loss of this vessel, bound from this port to Quebec, with passengers, are from the Quebec Gazette of the 1st June:-- "A letter has been received by her owners, Messrs. G. H. Parke & Co., from Captain Milligan, which states that, on Thursday next, about eleven o'clock, the vessel, coming up under easy sail, struck upon a rock on White Island, and filled up almost immediately. It blowing strong from the north-east at the time, the vessel was washed upon the reef, about a quarter of a mile from where she first struck, where she now remains, a total wreck. On Friday morning, Captain Milligan engaged the schooner Prudent to bring up the passengers, and as much of the luggage as could be saved at the time. The Prudent arrived here on Saturday, and we learn from Captain Billingsby that the passengers and crew of the vessel had a providential escape; for, had she gone a few yards farther than she now is, she would have sunk in deep water, and, no doubt, all on board would have perished. Captain Milligan has engaged another schooner, and is saving the materials, which will be brought up here immediately.

The Racer, from Liverpool to Vera Cruz, was wrecked on Bare Bush Keys, 28th May; crew and part of cargo (damaged) saved.

A brig, supposed to be the Athalon, from Liverpool to Port-au-Prince, was wrecked, about 7th April, on the island of Yache, St. Domingo; part of cargo saved.

ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, June 5. -- The Eddystone, from Liverpool to Quebec, went ashore near Point May, 19th ult., and has become a wreck; crew and part of materials saved.

HALIFAX, June 18. -- The Norman, Betts, from St. John's, N.B., for this port, put into Yarmouth, N.S., and, on leaving the latter port, grounded on Balcus Point.


SLIGO, June 21. -- Freights scarce -- 7s. per ton oatmeal; 8s. per ton oats, Clyde or Liverpool; 2s. per qr.; 8 1/3 per cent, primage, London.


The Army.

COLONELCIES OF THE VACANT REGIMENTS. -- The Colonelcies of the vacant regiments, namely -- the 19th, 21st, 46th, and 48th, have been filled up by the selection of General Sir Warren Marmaduke Peacocke, Lieutenant-Generals Sir William Macbean and Sir Robert Arbuthnot, and Major-General Sir Charles James Napier, the hero of Hyderabad.

The Navy.

CHATHAM, June 23. -- The Castor frigate is so for advanced with her fittings that she will leave this port the latter end of next week. The Hermes steamer will sail about the same time; her destination is not yet known. The Virago steamer will be taken out of dock the next spring tide. The Anson, convict-hulk, which is being rigged, will be taken out of dock in a week or ten days to make room for the Victoria and Albert steam-yacht, which is to be here by the 1st of July, to complete her fittings for sea.

PLYMOUTH, June 23. -- It is rumoured that the Caledonia, 120, guard-ship at this port, is to join the squadron at Cork. The Inpregnable (lately paid off here) is to be kept ready for sea as respects her internal fittings, and she will receive Sir D. Milnes flag, in the event of the departure of the Caledonia. The Warspite, 50, arrived from New York on Monday, and sailed for Ports on Wednesday. The Favourite, 18, was paid off on Monday. The Tortoise lighter arrived on Friday from Falmouth where she has been employed repairing the moorings of the packets. The Stromboli steamer sailed on Friday for Woolwich, to be paid off.

PORTSMOUTH, July 1. -- The Howe, 120, arrived yesterday, from Malta, and sailed again in the afternoon for Sheerness, to be paid off. The Warspite, 50, Captain Lord John Hay, will proceed on Tuesday to Cork, to bear the flag of Rear-Admiral Bowles. The Dolphin, 3, Lieut. Hoare, sailed to-day for Cork, and thence to South America. The Cyclops, steam-frigate, landed a party of the 36th Regiment, on Saturday last, at Galway ; the Confiance, steamer, on Tuesday, landed a party of Marines in the neighbourhood of Carmarthen. Yesterday, the new steam yacht Victoria and Albert, commissioned to-day by Captain Lord Adolphus Fitzclarence, with a complement of 106 men.



COCK-FIGHTING. -- This intolerable and brutal practice is, we regret to say, become of late too common in this locality; and, notwithstanding the vigilance and exertions of the police, the guilty parties manage to elude detection. The practice, we may remark, is exclusively confined to the lower classes, and many of them have, to our certain knowledge, sustained irreparable losses. Such is the interest that some of them take in the "results," that they have, in instances, deprived themselves and their families of the common necessaries of life, in order to procure the "needful" for betting on their favourite cock. Immense numbers congregate to witness these disgusting exhibitions, and at a late "pitting" we think there could not have been fewer than four thousand people present. The "pit," we are informed, on such occasions, is pretty well attended by that class denominated "the betting men," and many of them have to acknowledge a surprisingly rapid change of the pence at stake. We cannot in too strong language call on the police to do their duty, and cause those persons, whose room would be more agreeable than their com- pany, to "change the venue" to some other locality, or by a prompt interference at once to check the nuisance. -- A Correspondent.

MAN DROWNED. -- A young man named John Cavanagh, while bathing in the river Bann on Sabbath last, was accidentally drowned, under, we believe, the following circumstances:-- He was a pretty expert swimmer, and, not apprehensive of the slightest danger, remained for a considerable time in the water, where unfortunately he was seized with cramp, and was observed by his companions to sink. A period of ten or fifteen minutes was allowed to elapse before he could be extricated, when it was found that life was totally extinct. The deceased was unmarried, and we believe bore an excellent character. -- Ibid.


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Banner of Ulster - Saturday, 8 July 1843



JOHN CRAIG, 15, Bridge Street.



FOR SALE, Cheap, Two handsomely-finished Cut Stone DOOR CASES. Also, on hands, a great variety of MARBLE and other CHIMNEY PIECES.

Apply at the BELFAST STEAM MARBLE WORKS, No. 55, Great Patrick Street.


At No. 37, JAMES STREET, a handsomely Furnished DRAWING-ROOM and BED-ROOMS; or Two Gentlemen will be taken to Board and Lodge on very moderate terms.



A SUPERINTENDENT of the NIGHT WATCH, in room of R. D.COULSON, Esq., resigned.


The ELECTION will take place at a Joint Meeting of the Boards, in the BOARD-ROOM here, on MONDAY the 10th day of July next, at TWELVE o'clock, noon

Particulars of the duties required may be known, upon application here, before the day of Election; previous to which, written applications will be received, and Candidates will be expected to attend on that day.

   By order,
   JOHN GILMER, Clerk.
   Belfast, 30th June, 1843.




TO BE SOLD, by AUCTION, at the Mart of Mr. HUGH C. CLARKE, Belfast, on TUESDAY the 1st day of August next, pursuant to the decree in this cause, bearing date the 12th day of November, 1842, the following TENEMENTS in the town of Belfast, viz.:--

LOT No. 1. -- That STABLE and HAY LOFT, situate on the West side of JOHN STReET, at the rere of Mr. Alexander Clarke's Alabaster Manufactory, held by Lease for the residue of a term of thirty-one years, from the first November, 1826, free of all rent, and at present producing an annual profit rent of Four Pounds sterling. LOT No. 2.-All that TENEMENT and PRE- MISES, situate on the South side of GREAT PATRICK STREET, bounded, on the North or Front by said street, on the West by Clarke's Lane, and on the Fast by Corr's Lane, containing by admeasurement in Front nest said street, Thirty-four Feet, or thereabonts, and extending backwards to the rere Seventy-nine Feet or thereabouts, comprising Two Dwelling- Houses and Shops, fronting Great Patrick Street aforesaid, each three stories in height; two Dwelling -Houses in front to Clarke's Lane, and two in front to Corr's Lane, each of two stories in height ; and a STABLE and STORE in the rere, held by Lease for the residue of a term of eighty-nine years, from the first day of November, 1811, with 3 toties quoties clause of renewal, and producing an annual profit rent of Fifty Pounds sterling. For particulars as to title, &c., application to be made to DAVIS & SUFFERN, Plaintif's Solicitors, Belfast, and 30, Great Brunswick Street, Dublin.


Shipping Intelligence


ARRIVED, July 4. -- Elizabeth, M'Ferran, Bangor, slates; Aurora (steamer), Anderson, Glasgow, goods and passengers; Reindeer (steamer), Head, Liverpool, goods and passengers; Birmingham (steamer), Church, Dublin, goods and passengers; Velanda, Rice, Licata, sulphur; Countess of Lonsdale (steamer), Lamb, Whitehaven, goods and passengers.

SAILED, July 3. -- Royal Adelaide (steamer), Batty, London, goods and passengers; Commodore (steamer), Hardie, Glasgow, goods and passengers; Prince of Wales (steamer), M'Neilage, Fleetwood, goods and passengers. 4. -- Falcon (steamer), Gowan, Liverpool, goods and passengers.


For Liverpool, the Athlone, Davies, to-day, at five o'clock afternoon.

A steamer sails for Dublin, on Wednesday, at nine o'clock evening.

A steam-ship sails for London, calling at Dublin, Falmouth, Plymouth, and Southampton, on Monday at seven o'clock evening.

For Fleetwood, the Prince of Wales, M'Neilage, on Monday, at six o'clock evening.

For Greenock and Glasgow, the Commodore, Hardie, on Wednesday, at nine o'clock evening.

For Stranraer, the Maid of Galloway, Haswell, on Tuesday, at ten o'clock morning.

For Whitehaven, the Countess of Lonsdale, Lamb, on Wednesday, at nine o'clock morning.

For Liverpool, from Warrenpoint, the Hercules, Tallan, to-day, at five o'clock afternoon.

From Derry, for Glasgow, calling at Campbelton, the St. Columb, on Tuesday, at eleven o'clock morning.

From Derry, for Glasgow, calling at Portrush, the Londonderry, on Thursday, at three o'clock afternoon.

For Liverpool, from Derry, the Maiden City, Crompton, oh Friday, at ten o'clock morning; and from Liverpool, for Derry, on Tuesday, at two o'clock afternoon.

For Liverpool, from Portrush, the Coleraine, Johnstone, on Thursday, at nine o'clock morning; and from Liverpool, for Portrush, on Monday, at one o'clock afternoon.

For Halifax and Boston, from Liverpool, 19th instant, the Royal Mail steamer Acadia, Ryrie.


FEMALE LABOURER AND MINER. -- Towards the close of last week, a sheriff-officer knocked at the door of Hamilton Jail, with a good-looking lad in his charge as a prisoner. Mr. Cuthbertson, the Governor of the prison, being at hand, the apparent youth went up to him, stating, "I presume you are the keeper of the prison." "I am," replied Mr. C. "Then," said the other, "as it is likely that I may be under your charge for some time, I may just as well inform you that I am not a man, but a young woman." The Governor was at some loss to believe the statement; but as the best means of testing it, he turned over the prisoner to the charge of the matron, who very soon produced her as a bona fide buxom lass of apparently twenty years of age. Not the least curious part of the story is, that the girl was charged with stealing at Wishaw a pair of trousers, which she then wore, and upon which accusation she was tried, convicted, and sentenced to fourteen days' imprisonment. The girl's own statement is the following:-- Her name is Ann Lloyd, and she is a native of the county Fermanagh in Ireland, which place she left about six years since in company with two brothers, and arrived in Glasgow. The one brother soon after enlisted, and accompanied his regiment to India, and the other went to sea. The girl, however, supported herself by working in a cotton mill until it was unfortunately burned down, when she was thrown out of employment. She failed to procure work in any other mill, and was beginning to feel the pinching of want, when the thought stuck her that by changing her attire, and representing herself as a labourer, she might obtain the means of subsistence by working at the Glasgow and Greenock Railway, which was then in the course of formation. She accordingly assumed the male attire, applied for work, and obtained it, and continued to earn 15s a week till the line was completed, when she was, of course, discharged. She then moved into the Airdrie district, and procured work as an iron miner, at which employment she became pretty expert, and continued to earn a good wage, until the disturbances which took place in autumn last, when, like many others, she came out on strike. Since then, she has had little employment, and her savings were gradually eaten away. She was, however, to have obtained employment on Monday at a railway in the course of construction at Wishaw, but unfortunately stole the inexpressibles, which led to her appearance in Hamilton prison and the avowal of her sex. Notwithstanding the great length of time during which the girl wore a males garb, she always carried with her a bundle containing a set of curls, and a suit of female attire, ready to be resumed on any occasion. -- Western Watchman.


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