Belfast Telegraph - Friday, 4 October 1918


BELL -- September 20, 1918, at 58 Carlisle Street, the wife of Andrew Bell, of Belfast and Glenavy, Co. Antrim -- a daughter.

CASWELL -- September 27, 1918, at "Bay House," Ballyholme Road, Bangor, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Caswell -- a son.


M'NAUGHT--MOTHERWELL -- September 30, 1918, at May Street Presbyterian Church, by Rev. A. Wylie Blue, James Cooper, Lieutenant, the Royal Irish Regiment, elder son of Andrew M'Naught, M.P.S., to Annie Evelyn (Sissie), eldest daughter of David Motherwell -- both of Belfast.

WHITE--MAGILL -- September 30, 1918, at Carnmoney Church, William White, eldest son of the late William and Margaret Ann White, to Sarah Magill, daughter of John and Margaret Magill, of Upper Ballysillan.


ANDERSON -- Oct 3, at her residence, 62 Glendower Street, Charlotte, the dearly beloved wife of Samuel Anderson. Funeral on to-morrow (Saturday), at 2.30 p.m., to Dundonald Cemetery. Friends accept this (the only) intimation.
Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Husband, Sons, and Daughters.

COWAN -- October 3, 1918, at his residence, Drumbeg, Dunmurry, Robert, the dearly-beloved husband of Jane Cowan. His remains will be removed for interment in the family burying-ground, Drumbo, on to-morrow (Saturday), at 3 p.m. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.
Very deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife and Family.

M'ELHENNY -- October 3, 1918, at his residence, Broughshane Street, Ballymena, James, eldest son of the late Patrick M'Elhenny. -- R.I.P. Funeral on Sunday, at 11 o'clock a.m, to All Saints' Church, and thence to family burying-ground, Crebilly.
"On his soul, sweet Jesus, have mercy."

SCOTT -- October 2, 1918, at his mother's residence, 56 Burnaby Street, James C. Scott, son of Martha and the late Robert Martin Scott. His remains will be removed on to-morrow (Saturday), at 2 p.m., for interment in Lisburn Cemetery. Friends will please accept thus intimation.
"Nearer my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee."
Deeply regretted by his loving Mother, Brothers, and Sisters.

SHAW -- October 1, 1918, at her residence, Villa Speranza, Knockbreda Road, Jane, relict of the late Henry Shaw, Belfast. Funeral private.

For King and Country

MAYNE -- September 16, 1918, died of wounds in his 21st year, Lance-Corporal William Lyall Mayne, K.O.Y.L.I., eldest son of Captain and Mrs. Mayne, Laburnum Road, Fairfield, Liverpool.

Our Heroes -- In Memoriam

BRERETON -- In sad and loving memory of our dear brother, Private Samuel Patterson Brereton, Yorkshire Regiment, killed in action at Polygon Wood, on the 4th October, 1917.
   Gentle and kind in his manner,
      He always loved what was right;
   Under that noble banner
      He fought in humanity's fight.
Deeply regretted by his loving Brother and Sister-in-law, WILLIAM and MINNIE BRERETON, 38 Glentoran Street.

BRERETON -- In sad and loving memory of our dear brother, Private Samuel Brereton, Yorkshire Regiment, killed in action at Polygon Wood on the 4th October, 1917.
   Our brother's fight is o'er,
   His earthly race is run;
   'Twas by Thy grace and power
   The prize of life was won.
   He now is sweetly sleeping,
   His spirit rests with Thee,
   And though Thy saints are weeping,
   Their song is victory.
Deeply regretted by his loving Brother and Sister-in-law, WESLEY and LILY BRERETON, 36 London Street.

TODD -- In loving memory of Ernest Victor TODD, killed in action in France on 4th October, 1917, third son of John Todd, J.P., Clorinda, Fitzwilliam Park.


Irish Recruiting Council - Omagh Area

Second Batch of Recruits Offering themselves for enlistment in this area.

The following are the names of the men in the Omagh area who were the second batch to offer themselves towards completing the quota of 5,700.

W.S. DIVER19 High Street, OmaghR.A.F.;
J.W. STEWARTBog Hill, ColeraineR.A.F.;
John MAWHINNEYLeitrim, CastledawsonR.I.R.;
William J. LENOXBallinacross, Knockloughrim, Co DerryR. Innis. Fus.
James CRAIGRuskey, Doonamana, Co TyroneR.I.R.;
Thomas P. BURNSNutfield, LisnaskeaR. Innis. Fus.
F. William BUCKHURST8 Colland Terrace, DerryR.A.F.;
Frederick BALFOURc/o Mrs. E. M'FILLAN, Bridge End, DerryR.A.F.;
Richard MOOREDallybush, Culmore, Co. DerryR.A.F.;
Joseph JARVIS(?) Fountain Place, DerryR.A.F.;
Jack EVANSUnion Road, MagherafeltR.A.F.;
Joseph M'KEETattymoyle, Bar, TrillickR.E.(H.T.) Driver;
John H. MILLARAughel, BallygawleyNot Accepted;
J. ANDERSONCabra, DungannonR.A.F.;
C. ARMSTRONGSixmilecross, Co. TyroneR.A.F.;
Michael. P. M'HUGHDonaghmore Road, DungannonR.A.F.;
Percy BAMBERGERThe Keep, OmaghR.A.F.;
D. THOMPSON16 Marlborough Street, DerryR.A.F.;
James HARKIN13 Lewis Street, Rosemount, Derry4TH. Res. Bn. R.I.R.;
James BRADLEY8 Osborne Street, Rosemount, DerryR.I.R.;
Thomas M'CAULEY23 Donegall Street, Rosemount, DerryR.I.R.;
Samuel M'CORDCarnmen, MoneymoreR. Innis. Fus;
Geo. H. CROCKETTDrumnanannon, UpperlandsR.A.F.;
James M'VICKER20 Fahan Street, DerryR.A.F.;
James M'ELWEETully, CAMPSIE, Co DerryR.A.F.;
Samuel AVERELLChurch Street, MagheraR.A.F.;
David. W. STEPHENSONDundee, St. JohnstonR.A.F.;
John MOOREMiltown, Burndennett, StrabaneR.A.F.;
Robert W. GLENNUpperlands, Co DerryR.A.F.;
Thomas M'KAYUpperlands, Co DerryR.A.F.;
Robert CARSONDerrinleagh, Kildress, CookstownR.A.F.;
Albert NAIRNRossahilty, EnniskillenR.A.F.;
John MULLIGANStrand Road, EnniskillenR.A.F.;
Alex. NEILLYConvoy, Co. Donegalnot ac'pted for s'vice;
Thomas STEWARTBallycallon, Co. Donegalnot ac'pted for s'vice;
PATRICK M'CRUDDEN7 Fahan Street, Derrynot ac'pted for s'vice;
Jack LECKEYMagashel, Dungannonnot ac'pted for s'vice;
William M'CONVILLEBrookman Terrace, OmaghR.I.F.;
Arthur TIMENEYLoy Street, CookstownRly. Operat'g Troops;
Henry MULLENOrritor Street, CookstownRoyal Navy;
Vincent KELLYMill Street, EnniskillenRoyal Navy;
David ALLISONConvoy, Co. DonegalRoyal Navy;
Patrick J. M'GURKOrritor Street, CookstownRoyal Navy;
George CAMPBELLCemetery House, CookstownRoyal Navy;
William KNIPEOrritor Street, CookstownRoyal Navy;
James DOHERTYEglinton, Co. DerryRoyal Navy;
Edward KEELY19 Faville Street, DerryRoyal Navy;
Thomas LYNCHStrand Street, EnniskillenRoyal Navy;
William M'SHANE12 Columb's Wells, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
William BATESBrook Cottage, Derry Road, StrabaneR.I.R.;
Edward GREEN2 Nelson Street, DerryR.I.R.;
Wm. M'CLEMENTSBallyhntagh[sic], Macosquin, ColeraineR.I.R.;
John ALEXANDERNewtown Street, StrabaneR. Innis. Fus.;
Clarke SHIELDSMagheraR.I.R.;
William DINSMORE6 Killowen Street, ColeraineA.S.C. (M.T)
John BRADY28 Fahan Street, DerryR.I.R.;
John CORRIGANAbbey Street, EnniskillenR.E.I.W.D.;
Alex. P. CRAWFORDLinwood, Colerainenot a'cpted for s'vice;
Robert M. MURRAYHerbertville, AughnacloyM.G. Corps.;
William STRAINMills Street, NewtownstewartR.A.F.;
James BEGLEY1 Distillery Brae, Waterside, DerryR.A.F.;
Samuel Ed. BIRNEY24 Edenmore Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Matthew A. WHITE45 Fountain Street, DerryR.A.F.;
William A. BLACK12 Chapel Road, Waterside, DerryR.A.F.;
Thomas MAXWELLChurch Street, EnniskillenR.A.F.;
R.B. THOMPSONSavings Bank, Abbey Street, ColeraineR.A.F.;
Thomas DOONEN16 Pennyburn, DerryR.A.F.;
Fred. M'CLINTOCKKesh, Co. FermanaghR.A.F.;
G.T. WALMSLEYMain Street, KeshR.A.F.;
James CRUMLEY25 Fahan Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Thomas WEBB9 Eden Place, DerryR.F.A;
Daniel DUDY18 LisahallyR.I.R.;
Cornelius O'NEILL7 Black Hill, CookstownR.G.A.;
Charles M'CONNELLHigh Road, Letterkennynot a'cpted for s'vice;
Robert MITCHELLBallyfatton, SionmillsR.A.F.;
Hugh BRUCEMullapey, BellaghyR.A.F.;
Hugh SWANRailway Cottage, Castlerock, DerryR.A.F.;
Patrick M'GILLYAbbey Street, EnniskillenR.A.F.;
James O'BRIEN2 Barrack Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Michael REID4 Bond Street, DerryR.A.F.;
John CURRAN8 Rosemount, LetterkennyR.A.F.;
Wm. E. FITZSIMMONSMountain View, CookstownR.A.F.;
Wallace HAMILTONChapel Street, CookstownR.A.F.;
Alexander HUGHESMelburn Street, CookstownR.A.F.;
W. ROLSTONBrookeborough, Co. FermanaghR.A.F.;
John LINDSAYc/o MOORE, L Dark Lane, DerryR. Innis. Fus.;
Gerald HEASLEYMain Street, LimavadyA.S.C. (M.T.);
Wm. Thos. M'CREA1 Fountain Street, DungannonR. Innis.Fus.;
John NILIS21 Railway View, DungannonR.I.R.;
Robert STEELTannadace, CastledawsonR.I.F.;
James QUIGLEYTrimmuck, CarrickmoreR. Innis. Fus.;
William DUDGEONBeltrim, GortinR.I.R.;
George KERRLisbey, BeraghR.I.R.;
Bernard CLEARYCastledawsonnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Bernard RAFFERTYM'Annely's Court, Cookstownnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Patrick M'BRIDEDraperstown, Co. Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
Charles JOHNSTONDungannonnot a'cpted for s'vice;
James LITTLEOrritor Street, Cookstownnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Wm. A. JOHNSTONColerainenot a'cpted for s'vice;
Robert M'LAUGHLINSixmilecrossnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Michael QUINN4 Howards Place, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
Neil M'LEAN2 Dunlop Street, ColeraineR. Innis. Fus.;
Dan SPROULESparmount, CastledergR.I.R.;
James MARRENDreenan, Knockloughrim, MagheraR. Innis. Fus.;
John ROONEYWest Street, StewartstownA.V. Corps.;
John CAMPBELL8 York Street, Waterside, DerryR.A.F.;
William GODFREY20 Emerson Street, Waterside, DerryR.A.F.;
John Jas. BURKE2 Derry View, DerryR.A.F.;
James MILLARCarrigans, Co. DonegalR.A.F.;
John WILKINCarrigans, Co. DonegalR.A.F.;
Robert PHILSON12 Fountain Hill, DerryR.A.F.;
Donald DEANS3 Cuthbert Street, Waterside, DerryR.A.F.;
Michael J. DOHERTY15 Orchard Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Thomas HEWISONCedar Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Thomas H. WRAY15 Fountain Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Robert SHIELDS33 Wapping Lane, DerryR.A.F.;
James HILLIERTandragee, SimilecrossR.A.F.;
Robert ELLIOTTRemackin, SixmilecrossR.A.F.;
Patrick GALLAGHERAsylmn, LetterkennyR.A.F.;
Thomas KYLETandragee, SixmilecrossR.A.F.;
Bernard HASSON193 Leckey Road, DerryRoyal Marines;
John O'DONNELLMoneymore, Co. DerryRoyal Navy;
Charles DEVIN16 Deanery Street, DerryRoyal Navy;
Michael O'BRIEN10 Deanery Street, DerryRoyal Navy;
Charles O'NEIL43 St Colum's Wells, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
John NOONRathmullennot a'cpted for s'vice;
James MOOREFintonanot a'cpted for s'vice;
Henry HAMILLMoygashel Hill, DungannonR. Innis. Fus.;
Hugh M'CLOSKEYCastlefin, Co. DonegalR. Innis. Fus.;
Samuel WOODS6 Moygashel Row, DungannonR. Innis. Fus.;
William LECKEY11 Moygashel Row, DungannonR. Innis. Fus.;
David F. HAMILTON39 Ferguson Street, DerryA.S.C. (M.C.);
Bernard M'CANNCastle Street, BellaghyR. Innis. Fus.;
John Robert LINDSAYRamolland, EnniskillenR.A.F.;
Willaim LESLIELeitrim, CastledawsonR.A.F.;
George DOBSONNewtownbutlerLabour Corps;
William WILSONEnogh, Caledonnot a'cpted for s'vice;
John SCOTTFintonanot a'cpted for s'vice;
Henry WIGGINS26 Eden Street, EnniskillenLabour Corps;
Robert CRAWFORDArdtrea, StewartstownR.G.A.;
George M'LAUGHLINCampsie, DerryR.I.R.;
Michael KEENANDerrycharaA.S.C. (M.T);
Francis CHEEVERSMilburn Street, CookstownR. Innis. Fus.;
Charles GALLAGHER9 Friel's Terrace, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
James BLACK, jun.Douglas Bridge, Strabanenot a'cpted for s'vice;
Joseph SHILLADAYMoygashel, Dungannonnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Patrick MAGUIREGirlaw, Fivemiletownnot a'cpted for s'vice;
William GALLAGHERMoygashel Cottage, Dungannondeferred for 6 mths;
Robert COOKSGortin Hall, New Buildings, Co Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
David ROBINSONDerrycanteno, CaledonR.I.R.;
James GREERRookhead, TullyhogueR.I.R.;
Charles CALLAGHANBallymacwilliams, Bready, Co. TyroneR.I.R.;
Willaim ROBINSONDerrycantone, CaledonR.I.F.;
Philip SHANNONBelmore Street, EnniskillenR.I.F.;
Alex. M'MENAMYTullyhogueR.I.R.;
John FREEBURNCastle Street, CookstownLabour Corps.;
Thomas GUYJosephine Avenue, LimavadyR.I.F.;
John M'GUCKINTullyhogue, CookstownR.I.R.;
Samuel DUFFYKillymoon Street, CookstownR.I.R.;
Robt. Jno. B.D. ROOK36 Gt. James Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Alex. M'CASKIETullyard, DrumainR.A.F.;
Joseph STEELEChurch Street, CookstownR.I.R.;
R.J. M'MATHCrewe, Magheranot a'cpted for s'vice;
Francis CONWAYBallybofeynot a'cpted for s'vice;
Thomas BENSONBlacktown, Newmills, Dungannonnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Joseph Doherty9 Fox's Lane, DerryR.A.F.;
William HILL20 Mount Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Wm. James DALYDrumconnies, BallinamallardR.A.F.;
John O'HAGAN5 Gallagher Square, DerryR.A.F.;
Daniel DOHERY15 Ann Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Nelson HAMILTON2 Clooney Terrace, Waterside, DerryR.A.F.;
Peter CARRAGHER3 Waterloo Street, DerryR.A.F.;
David ROBBSpringtown Road, DerryR.A.F.;
Thomas KENNEDYCreaghan, DunamanaghR.A.F.;
Thomas JEFFREYDunnanaghR.A.F.;
Robert BLACKSt. Columbs, Waterside, DerryR.A.F.;
Charles MILLER4 Lisahilly, DerryR.A.F.;
Wm. John WOLFEMain Street, StrabaneR.A.F.;
WillIam HARKIN9 Hollywell Street, DerryR.A.F.;
James EATON12 Bunds' Place, WatersideR.A.F.;
B. KINGRaphoeR.A.F.;
John M'GAGOYKillyclogher, OmaghR. Innis. Fus.;
Stewart ALLEN10 Victoria Street, DerryR. Innis. Fus.;
John SMYTH16 Ferguson Street, DerryR. Innis. Fus.;
Robt. Geo. IRWINAnnaherish, CastledawsonR. Innis. Fus.;
James SWEENEY2 John Street, OmaghA.S.C. (Remounts);
Andrew AIKENRay, RathmullenR.G.A.;
Thomas G. CULLEN4 Railway View, DungannonR. Innis. Fus.;
James WALKERSpittal Hill, Colerainenot a'cpted for s'vice;
James DOHERTY23 Cross Street, Waterside, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
Thomas M'VEY20 Argyle Terrace, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
Francis BOYLEWilliam Street, Cookstownnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Thomas MOORESanville, Burndennettnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Joseph M'CATT(?)17 John Street, Omaghnot a'cpted for s'vice;
James S. AIKENSteelstown, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
James A. CAMPBELLKiltinney, Macoshquin, ColeraineR.A.F.;
Francis BOYDLaurel Hill, ColeraineR.A.F.;
David M. BLAIRDrumcroon, ColeraineR.A.F.;
John O. CALVINKiltinny, MacoshquinR.A.F.;
Wm. H. MOOREArdnarive, DungivenR.A.F.;
James HORNER5 Mountjoy Terrace, Academy Road, DerryR.A.F.;
James M'LAUGHLIN10 Nassau Street, DerryR.A.F.;
Alban S. GOODMAN19 Gollam Terrace, DerryR.A.F.;
Edward KINGGollam Terrace, DerryR.A.F.;
Andrew DEVENYRailway Road, ColeraineR.A.F.;
Albert M'AFEE13 Strand Terrace, ColeraineR.A.F.;
William JOHNSTONKing Gate, ColeraineR.A.F.;
Archibald M'KAYStrand Road, ColeraineR.A.F.;
Joseph O'REILLYCullaghmera, CloghanR.A.F.;
John Chas. HARDINGRailway Road, ColeraineR.A.F.;
Joseph NEVINMountsandel, ColeraineR.A.F.;
John N. ARMSTRONGBarn Road, BallinamallardR.A.F.;
David M'CAULMain Street, DungivenR.A.F.;
Alfred ROYPatrick Street, StrabaneR.A.F.;
William FARRISMilburn Street, CookstownR.A.F.;
John M'NALLYCastle Street, LetterkennyR.A.F.;
Wm. John WILLIAMSDerryvogue, Letterbreen, Co. FermanaghR. Innis Dragoons;
Samuel GUYCarrick, LimavadyLabour Corps.;
Patrick M'GINNRennelly, OmaghR.I.F.;
Wm. Robert SHARKEYLisfooty, CastlecaulfieldR. Innis. Fus.;
James CUSHMain Street, AughnacloyLabour Corps.;
Wm. Thomas HUNTERDonaghie, BeraghR. Innis. Fus.;
William KELLY7 Foyle View Terrace, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
Edward GILLESPIEBeltrim, Gortinnot a'cpted for s'vice;
Joseph MURRAY33 Mill Street, Watersidenot a'cpted for s'vice;
William M'LAUGHLIN36 Abbey Street, DerryR.A.F.;
John M'LAUGHLIN7 Donegal Street, DerryR.A.F.;
J.S.C. HAMILLAdelaide Avenue, ColeraineR.A.F.;
John Robert BURKETramway Dept. PortstewartR.A.F.;
John W. WOODSMoygashel, DungannonR.A.F.;
James CALLANMill Street, NewtownstewartRoyal Marines;
Mark HARRIGAN4 Patrick Street, DerryR.N.B.T.(?);
James MOOREMain Street, DunfanaghyR.E.;
Hugh M'GURRANCastledergR.G.A.;
Patrick GALLAGHERCastledawsonR. Munster Fus.;
Francis J. M'SWIGGANBridge Street, CastledawsonA.M.C.;
Jas. Francis BAKER56 Foyle Road. DerryA.P. Corps;
Samuel M'QUESTIONCarryreagh, Myroe, Co. DerryR.A.F.;
John J. KNOX9 Kennedy Place , DerryR.A.F.;
Charles MORRISON30 Lecky Road, DerryR.A.F.;
Alex.KEYS136 Spencer Road, DerryR.A.F.;
James CHAMBERSDerryaghrey,BeraghR. Innis. Fus.;
Kyle M'FETRIDGEBrackey, SixmilecrossR.I.R.;
David STINSONGlack National School, AughnacloyR.I.F.;
William LEANEYGrenould, AughnacloyR.I.F.;
Joseph BROWNChurch Street, CookstownR.I.R.;
Patrick BROWNChurch Street, CookstownR. Innis. Fus.;
Samuel RUTHERFORDKilmanornan, Co. Donegalnot a'cpted for s'vice;
John WILLIAMSON22 Bond Street, Derrynot a'cpted for s'vice;
  J.E. GUNNING, Major, O I/C Organisation, Omagh Area.
 F.J. LAMBERT, Capt., O I/C Administration, Omagh Area.