Lisburn Standard - Friday, 20 October, 1916
CAIRNS--WARD -- October 9th, at St. Mathew's Church, Toronto, Canada, by Rev. J. R. H. Warren, M.A., James Cairns, second son of James and Dora Cairns, Ava Street, to Maria Ward, eldest daughter of the late William Ward and of Mrs. Tacey, Seymour Street -- both of Lisburn.
DUNCAN--WHITFIELD -- October 20th, 1916, at Railway Street Presbyterian Church, Lisburn, by Rev. R. W. Hamilton, M.A., Norman F., fourth son of the late Frederic Duncan, Lisburn, to Janie B., elder daughter of Henry S. Whitfield, Lambeg.
RICE -- October 19, at his residence, Bow Street, Lisburn, James Rice, J.P. -- R.I.P. Funeral to Holy Trinity Cemetery to-morrow (Saturday) at two o'clock. No flowers.
For King and Country
DOWDS -- Killed in action on September 26, 1916, Lance-Corporal Charles J. Dowds, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, eldest and dearly-beloved son of Eliza Jane and the late Charles Dowds.
His warfare o'er, his battle fought,
His victory won, though dearly bought;
He fought so well, he was so brave,
He slumbers now in a soldier's grave.
Inserted his sorrowing Mother, Sisters, and Brothers, 75 Ballynahinch Road, Lisburn.
M'IVOR -- Killed in action on October 9, 1916, 16756, Private Willie M'Ivor, R.I.R., beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M'Ivor. Deeply regretted.
176 Ainsworth Avenue, Belfast.
WEBB -- September 30, 1916, killed in action, Lance-Corporal Joseph Webb, Royal Irish Rifles (Ulster Division) second son of John Webb, 2 Richardson's Row, Hilden, Lisburn.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Father, Mother, Brothers, and Sisters. Also his Uncle Robert and Aunts Rebecca and Jane.
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(For the benefit of the Poor.)
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Printed at Downpatrick in 1803 by James Parks.
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Mr. Johnston was born at Portmore Park, in the County of Antrim, in the year 1747. He appears to have resided at various times in the vicinity of Ballynahinch, Glenavy, and Lisburn. From 1764 till 1780 he acted as assistant to William Higginson, Agent to Lord Hertford. In the latter year Mr. Higginson having been removed from the agency, Mr. Johnston became receiver on Lord Moira's Ballynahinch Estate, which position ho continued to occupy after the estate was purchased by David Ker and Matthew Forde. Montalto, Ballynahinch, was up till about 1793 one of the seats of the Earl of Moira, when it passed into the hands of the Ker family. The town of Ballynahinch was founded by the Right Hon. Sir George Rawdon, Bart., ancestor of the Earl of Moira, in the reign of Charles II. "He died at Lisburn in August, 1684, in the 80th year of his age, and was buried there with great magnificence."
The Author of Heterogenea was evidently a man of romantic and philosophical tastes, as the volume is full of poetical effusions and philosophical disquisitions. The reader anxious to partake of the poetry and philosophy must be referred to the book itself, as space will not permit of going beyond the subject matter in hand -- the history of the Town of Lisburn and District.
The plea, however, put forward by the Author, in the Introduction, for publishing the book is so quaint, not to say ingenious, that a paragraph is worth quoting -- "I intended to have left in my last will ten pounds to the poor, for each of the Parishes of Lisburn, Ballinderry, and Magharadroll (Ballynahinch), but on second thought judged it more judicious to apply that sum to their benefit in my life-time; and by publishing a Book by subscription in order to raise a larger sum, to purchase houses or lands for ever, would be more eligible and beneficial: the profits to be paid annually to them:-- the Minister, Church Wardens, &c.; Trustees or a Committee to conduct the business.
Every one I have spoken to on the subject approves of the plan. It will in some
measure preclude the necessity of calling upon the opulent, charitable and well disposed in future should there happen in the course of providence times of scarcity as in 1801; by this means there will be a permanent fund for their support. . . . Arise then ye great ones of the County, and help forward the designs of divine providence: true charity ever dwells with an elevated soul, etc., etc."
The response to the appeal was generous, and must have produced a very considerable sum of money. The Marquis of Hertford appears for £20; Matthew Forde, Seaford, £11 7s 6d; David Ker, Montalto, £22 15s 0d; Earl of Moira, £5; the Author, £30 and 500 copies of the Book. There were almost 600 subscribers and contributors applying for over 800 copies, not including those taken by the Author. Still no complains -- "A few persons of rank and fortune declined to subscribe. I shall leave them to their own serious contemplation when they have time to reflect. I fear too many live in dissipation, vicious pleasure, and make a God of this world."
The Author of the Heterogenea gives numerous, instances of longevity that came
under his notice, dealing quite freely with ages of 100, 104, 108, 111, and 114 years. He writes of an ancestor of his own -- "John Johnston, who married a niece of the Rev. James Mace, Rector of Lisburn, and settled at Ballinderry, near Portmore, in 1670; he died there in 1740 aged 101 years." Also another member of the family -- "William Johnston, who settled at Lisnatrank, near Lisburn, and who was very active in defending that town in 1641 against Sire Phelim O'Neill's adherents; he died in 1700 aged 100 years. His son William Johnston, Doctor of Physic, Warwick, England; about 1711 sold the townland of Lisnatrunk to Mr. Merrifield of Lisburn."
The volume,, notwithstanding its obvious imperfections and absurdities, is an interesting contribution to the history of Lisburn and district. It contains some 318 pages, including the introduction and list of subscribers. In addition to the following extracts, the contents embrace a description of Magheradroll Parish, Ballynahinch, Memoirs of the Earl of Moira, Memoirs of the Author, Resolutions of the Parish of Magheradroll, Poems, Letters, Essays, etc. etc. The Book is aptly described by the Author as a Medley.
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A Description of the upper half Barony of Massereene, &c. in the county of Antrim, comprising the Territories or Manor's of Kilultagh and Derryvolga.
The Territories of Kilultagh and Derryvolga, are bounded on the North by lower Massereene and upper Belfast, in the County of Antrim, on the East and South, by Castlereagh and lower Iveagh, in the County of Down, and on the West by Lough-neagh. These Manors contain about eighty thousand acres english, divided into eleven parishes, viz. Lisburn, Lambeg, Derriaghy, Magheragall, Magheramesk, Aghalee, Aghagallon, Ballanderry, Glenavy, Camlin and Tullyrusk, the whole being the estate of the Marquis of Hertford, who has the presentation to all the parishes except Lambeg, Derryaghy and Magharagall, which are the Bishop's. The Revd. Dr. Snowdon Cupples, is the present rector of Lisburn; the Revd. Phillop Fletcher, Vicar of Magheramesk, Aghalee and Aghagallon; Revd. John Connor, Vicar of Ballanderry; (who resides in England) Revd. Thomas Edward Higginson Curate; (who is a most exemplary and primitive Clergyman) Revd. Saumerez Dubourdieu, Vicar of Glenavy, Camlin and Tullyrusk; the Rev. Philip Johnston, Vicar of Derriaghy; the Revd. Francis Patten, Vicar of Magharagall and Revd. Mr. Wolsely of Lambeg. It is but justice to say, that Lord Hertford and the several incumbents, are very moderate in the article of tithe, which is fettled for their lives on an average not more than 7d. an Acre. Lisburn is the chief town in these districts, and by many esteemed the handsomest inland town in Ireland; is situated seven miles south of Belfast and seventy three north of Dublin, on the river Lagan which divides the Counties of Antrim and Down. Before the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Lisburn (then called Lisnegarvy) was a small village, the proprietor of the territory of Kilultagh, in which this town stands, was one of the O'Neils, a branch of the then Earl of Tyrone's family. In the reign of King James the first the town was much improved, the streets laid out in their present form, and the houses covered with shingles or thatch, Sir Fulk Conway, who obtained a patent of Kilultagh, &c. from King James gave great encouragement to English and Welsh tenants to come over and settle here, which a great number did. (The town of Conway in Wales, was the property of said Sir Fulk Conway.) The following are the names of the tenants who built the town, (the number of houses then were exactly fifty-two,) viz. Henry Culghanson, John Norris, John O'Murrey, Thomas Date, Simon Batterfield, John Slye, John Golly, Hugh Montgomrie, Marmaduke Dobbs, Richard Dobbs, Thomas Paston, John Tippen, Steven Richardson, Christ. Calvert, Ann Morgan, George Rose, Edward Steward, Henrie Wilson, Robert Browne, William Averne, John Dilworth, Kath. Bland, Geo. Davies, John Savage, Jerome Cartwright, Robert Taylor, Symon Richardson, Hump. Dash, William Smith, John M'Nilly, Askulfe Stanton, Henric Hollcote, Francis Bueke, Thomas Symonson, Richard Howle, John Housimen, Patt. Palmer, Robert Warton, William Cubbage, John Ap Richard, Owen Ap Hugh, Antonie Stotthard, John Mace, Humfry Leech, Richard Walker, Henric Freebourne, Edward Gouldsmith, John O'Murrey, Robert Bones, William Edwards, and Peter O'Mullred. The river Lagan is now navigable from Belfast to to Loughneagh, by a new canal lately finished, (by Mr. Richard Owens,) from Lisburn to the Lough, at the expence of the late Marquis of Donegal!, which opens a communication to the Counties of Armagh, Tyrone, Derry, &c.
The following brief relation of the miraculous victory, over the first formed army of the Irish,
ON THE 28th OF NOV. 1641
at Lisnegarvey, soon after their rebellion, which broke out the 23rd of October, 1641, is taken from the Church registry of Lisburn: "Sir Phelim O'Neill and Sir Con. Magenis, their Generals then in Ulster, and Major General Plunket, having enlisted and drawn together out of the Counties of Armagh, Tyrone, Antrim and Down, eight or ten thousand men, which were formed into eight regiments, and a troop of horse, and two field-pieces, did rendezvous, on the 27th of Nov. 1641, at a house of Sir George Rawdon, at Brook-hill, throe miles from Lisburn, in which town they knew there was a garrison of five Companies, and Lord Conway's troop of horse. They made their attack in three divisions, at the end of Castle-street, Bow-street and Bridge-street, more than two hundred of the rebels were slain in Bridge-street, and three hundred in Castle-street, and in the meadows behind the houses, whereby they were so much discouraged, that for almost two hours, their Officers could not get any more parties to adventure a second assault upon us; but in the main space they entertained us with continued fire from their body, and their field-pieces, till about one o'clock, that fresh parties were issued out, and beaten back as before, which they supplied with others till dark; when they fired the town, which was in a few hours turned into ashes. The slain of the enemy were found to be more than thrice the number of those who fought against them. Their two generals quit their station; their two field pieces were thrown into the river, or in some mosspit which could never be found; and in their retreat, or rather flight, they fired Brookhill house, and the Lord Conway's library in it, and other goods to the value of five thousand Pounds. All our horse, which did most execution, were not above 120, via -- Lord Conway's troop, and a squadron of Lord Grandison's troop. We got about fifty of their colours and drums. They were so enraged at this defeat that they murdered many hundreds of protestants, whom they had kept prisoners in the counties of Armagh, Tyrone, &c.
IN MARCH 1707,
this town has entirely consumed by an accidental fire, whence it has taken the name of Lisburn, its ancient name being Lisnagarvey. At present it contains about eight hundred Houses, mostly built of brick, in an handsome manner forming three good Streets, at the junction of which stands a good Market-house, with a Ball room over it, where an assembly is held every fortnight. The Church is large, with a good Spire, a Clock and a set of Bells, (the gift of the present Marquis of Hertford) but no otherwise remarkable, except for having a large and very genteel congregation; the principal inhabitants being of the established religion -- there are likewise a reputable body of Quakers in this town and parish, who have an elegant Meeting-house, and a short distance from it (on Bason-hill) a great boarding school for the education of children of all denominations, established by a large legacy left by the late John Handcock, Esq. of Lisburn, a member of that community. The late Mr. John Gough was head master many years, who was also a preacher amongst the Quakers. The present Mr. John Handcock son to the above named Gentleman, has lately withdrawn himself from the society of Quakers, which has made a division among them -- he was also a preacher. There are also a large body of Presbyterians and Methodists, who have each an elegant Meeting-house, and some Roman catholics, who have also a good Chapel. The houses are now in general three stories high -- Mr. James Ward, has a good Bookseller and Stationers shop the only one in the town -- Mr. Culson carries on the manufacturing of damask table cloths &c. very extensively -- the trade of this town is very considerable, both in the manufacturing of Linen and Cotton, as also in the Shop-keeping line -- fairs are held on the 21st of July, and 5th of October -- the late Mr. Hunters, William Rogers, Delacherois Crommelin, Roger Johnston Smyths, Samuel Delacherois's Jacob Hancocks, William Darbys and John Sheperds, Esqrs. have elegant houses. -- Samuel Heron Esq. has a good villa in the Castle garden, from which there is a fine view of the river, and part of the County of Down. The Linen-hall erected at the expence of the late Marquis of Hertfort, is a large square court, surrounded by a piazza of brick. There is a very great market for Linen-cloth, &c. held here weekly on Tuesday. The present Marquis of Hertford in 1796, built a very good Shambles, on a small rivulet at Smith-field, where a great number of black Cattle are exposed to sale every Tuesday. The principal inns are kept by Mr. Samuel Waring and Mr. Shaw. There was a noble Castle here formerly built by the Earl of Conway, (who died in 1690) which was burned down in 1707, but never rebuilt. Vitriol is made here at present by Doctor Alexander Crawford, a Physician of eminence and respectability; the works were first erected about thirty years ago, by Messrs. Thomas Greg and Weddell Cunningham of Belfast. The town is supplied with water by pipes from a bason above it, where it is conveyed fountains in Castle-robin, and Mountains about three miles from the town. The Streets are wide and well paved, and lighted with globe Lamps at proper distances. Lisburn now returns one member to the imperial Parliament, since the union. I must remark here that I look upon the late union to be one of the most important, and salutary measures for the peace and permanent happiness of this Kingdom at large, that ever was accomplished. It has struck off all small or rotten Boroughs as they were called, which is a complete Parliamentary reform, what we have all being crying, barking, yelping or squalling for these many year's past. It has in a great measure put down party also, as a proof of this, witness the late general Election, how few contests there were, a circumstance at which all good men should rejoice; for how was this and other towns formerly torn and distracted by contested Elections, what drunkenness, perjury, idleness, and deaths did they, not cause!
(To be Continued.)
The Price of Milk.
As a result, we understand, of the women's meeting last Friday night the Lisburn House Tenants' Association has "decided to establish a milk supply for its members and the general public," and another meeting will be held in the Good Templar Hall this (Friday) evening to consider applications for shares in the association and elect officers. In a circular that has been distributed from house to house the committee "appeal for 5s shares to ensure the venture being a financial success."
In the list of successes at the recent matriculation examinations of Queen's University, Belfast, appears the names of Miss Ridges, Friends' School, Prospect Hill, and Miss Helen Martin, a pupil of the Wm. Foote Memorial School, Lisburn.
More Wounded Soldiers.
Messrs. W. E. Sands (commandant), Robert Lamb, Charles K. Lindsay, Thos. Sloan, from Lisburn V.A.D., assisted on Wednesday evening to remove the stretcher cases from the ambulance train which conveyed another batch of wounded soldiers to Belfast.
County Antrim Infirmary.
The Matron of the Co. Antrim Infirmary acknowledges with thanks flowers, fruit, and vegetables from harvest thanksgiving services at Railway Street Church, per Rev. R. W. Hamilton; Moravian Church, Ballinderry, per Rev. A. C. Brewer; Eglantine Church, per Rev. J. S. Taylor; Derriaghy Church, per Rev. C E. Quin; and Congregational Church, Lisburn, per Rev. W. C. Cowden; also gifts for military patients of cakes, fruit, flowers, vegetables, milk, soda bread, magazines, illustrated papers, etc., from Lady Keightley, Mrs. J. Smyth, Mrs. Spence, Mrs. James Mack, the Misses Mack, Mrs. Mussen, Mrs. O'Flaherty (Cornwall), per Mrs. Mussen; Mrs. Sands, Miss Pim, Miss Ruddy, Miss Hull, Mrs. Allerton, Mrs. F. W. Ewart, etc.; also 12 dozen and 8 eggs from Mrs. Banks, Lambeg Rectory, per Miss Megrann.
National Egg Collection.
Mrs. Banks desires to acknowledge 12 dozen and 8 eggs sent to her this week for our wounded soldiers.
Prisoners of War Fund.
In our advertising columns will be found a statement showing the amount received on behalf of this deserving object. The committee would like to thank the ladies who collected and all those who sent parcels to the Jumble Sale. The Boy Scouts also rendered valuable services. A special word of praise is due the young ladies who kindly took collecting cards, and to Mr. James Briggs, carrier, who gave the free use of his van. The proceeds will be given to the Ulster Women's Gift Fund (in response to Lady Adair's appeal), the Lady Carson Fund, and Mrs. C. C. Craig's fund for sending parcels to the prisoners of war.
The Wednesday fashionable night is likely to prove a huge success, the floor on Wednesday being well filled with a good company. Skating has really come into life again. A grand fancy dress carnival is to take place the last Thursday in this month. Prizes will be offered for the best dressed and best skating, after which a battle of confetti will follow. Something new for Lisburn!
Messrs. George v. Taylor and W. J. M'Murray Sworn in as Magistrates.
This Court was hold yesterday before Sir Hugh Mack, J.P. (presiding); Messrs. Alan Bell, P.M.; Robert Griffith, J.P.; Edward Donaghy, jun., J.P.; William M'Ilroy, J.P.; W. J. M'Murray, J.P.; and George V. Taylor, J.P.
District-Inspector Gregory and Mr. T. J. English, C.P.S., were in attendance.
At the opening of the Court Messes. W. J. M'Murray and George V. Taylor were formally sworn in as justices of the peace.
The Chairman extended to both gentlemen a cordial welcome to the Bench.
Mr. Wellington Young, as the senior solicitor, said he was very glad to see Mr. W. J. M'Murray there as a magistrate. As for the other gentleman (Mr. Taylor), he had not the pleasure of knowing him, but he took it for granted that he would not have been appointed to the magistracy had he not been considered properly qualified to fill the position. Regarding Mr. M'Murray, he had known him for a long lime, and as chairman of the Urban Council. If he (Mr. M'Murray) only did his duty as a magistrate as well as he did it at the Council he would prove a great acquisition to the Bench. There were now four members of the Urban Council holding the Commission of the Peace, and he hoped they would all attend that Court as regularly as possible.
Mr. Allen said he was in entire accord with the remarks made by Mr. Young. They all knew Mr. M'Murray, who was most energetic and a large employer of labour; and if he only brought to bear on his new position that common sense which had characterised him in business it would be of great assistance there. He (Mr. Allen) hoped that both Mr. M'Murray and Mr. Taylor would be seen on the Bench frequently.
The new justices having briefly acknowledged the welcome given them, the business was proceeded with.
Sergeant Rourke v. Eliza Brown, drunk on 9th inst. -- 2s 6d and costs.
Same complainant v. Maria Purcell, drunk on 14th inst. -- 20s and costs.
Sergeant Regan v. William Cochrane, indecent behaviour on 8th inst -- Adjourned for three months.
Constable Timoney v. Catherine Griffin, drunk on 10th inst. -- 20s and costs.
Head-Constable Doyle v. Henry Sharkey, drunk and disorderly on 5th inst. -- 20s and costs.
Constable Knox v. Alice Magee, drunk, on 16th inst. -- 20s and costs.
Mr. Wellington Young, town solicitor, conducted the prosecutions.
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Magistrates no Option but Grant Decrees.
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These Sessions were held yesterday before Sir Hugh Mack, J.P. (presiding); Messrs. Alan Bell, R.M.; Robert Griffith, J.P.; Edward Donaghy, jun., J.P.; Wm. M'Ilroy, J.P.; George V. Taylor, J.P.; and W. J. M'Murray, J.P.
The cases adjourned a month ago in which Mrs. Mack sought possession of six houses, her property, in Mack's Court again came for hearing. It will be remembered that it was stated in Court on the last occasion that the tenants, who were all very poor old people, could find nowhere to go, and the cases were adjourned.
Mr. Joseph Allen again represented Mrs. Mack, the landlady. He recapitulated the statement made by him at the last Court, and said that Mrs. Mack had no option but ask for a decree. It was a great pity of those poor old people, but they were bound to ask for a decree in each case for possession.
The first case called was against Dora Lone.
James Sloan, agent, said that this tenant had left.
A formal decree for possession was granted.
Mr. Sloan mentioned that Lizzie Geehan, another of the tenant's, had got a house, and a formal decree for possession was also given in this case.
Lizzie Keenan, another tenant, appeared and said she had travelled the town of Lisburn and could not get house or habitation. She was neither able to work nor want.
Mr. Allen reiterated that they could not help asking for a decree. It was most unfortunate.
A decree for possession was granted. Decrees were granted in the other three cases against Margaret Campbell, Arthur Phelan, and Owen M'Grath.
Mr. Wellington Young said that on behalf of the Urban Council he went down and inspected the premises in question, and really it was a shame that houses had ever been erected there. They were erected at a time when no leases were granted in Lisburn. Those houses were erected in back yards, and had no sanitary accommodation of any sort. It was a pity of the landlady who was paying £6 a year ground rent. He would have to appear before their Worships at the next Court and ask for a closing order, and then the houses would be pulled down. The ground might be worth £6 to somebody. It was really an awful pity of the unfortunate tenants, one of whom had only 5s a week to live on, out of which she paid 9d a week rent. The magistrates could not help making the orders they had done. It was a very hard case.
Sergeant Rourke summoned Edward Dougan for drunkenness on the 16th inst. Second offence.
Defendant said he was in the fair and got a little drink. It was nine months since he was drunk before.
The Bench by a majority imposed a fine of 5s and costs.
Constable Hanlon summoned Phillip M'Connell for drunkenness on the 5th inst. Second offence. Fined 5s and costs.
Sergeant Rourke, food and drugs inspector, summoned James Bryans, Derrykillultagh, for selling buttermilk which contained 11.3 per cent. added water beyond the standard allowance.
Sergeant Rourke having given evidence of taking the sample, and put in the analyst's report,
Defendant said he missed the milk in the churn, and had to put in the extra water to get it churned at all. He had been bringing milk to Lisburn for eighteen years, and never was "gripped" before.
He was ordered to pay a fine of 20s and 13s costs.
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Bad Weather Retards Operations on Western Front.
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Bad weather on the Western front has hindered operations on a big scale, still some small but important gains were made by both British and French this week; and, despite determined counterattacks, all the ground won has been held. Since 1st July 28,918 prisoners have been made by the British alone on the Somme.
Reports from all other theatres are encouraging.
The Cunard liner Alaunia has been torpedoed and sunk in the English Channel. The passengers had previously been landed at Falmouth. Most of the crew were saved, but six are still unaccounted for.
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Lance-Corporal James Berry, R.I.R , Hillsborough. He served in the South African War. |
Private B. Conlon, Canadians, brother of Mrs. George Wilson, Smithfield, Lisburn. |
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A notification has been received from the Canadian Record Office that Lance-Corporal Edmund R. Stewart, Canadians, has been posted as missing since 26th September. The eldest son of Mr. Robert Stewart, B.A., Maze, Lisburn, he had originally joined the Fort Garry Horse on 1st December, 1914; and has served in France from May, 1913, taking part in many hard engagements both of 1915 and 1916. He was chiefly educated at St. Paul's N.S, and Mountjoy School, Dublin, and learned farming at Baronscourt, Co. Tyrone, before proceeding to Canada in May, 1911. He was just twenty-three and a half years of age. Any information would be thankfully received by his father.
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Mr. Joseph Clarke, Magheraleave Road, Lisburn, has received intimation that his eldest son, Private Robert J. Clarke (623181), Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force, is missing since September 15. Private Clarke enlisted in Winnipeg in August, 1915, and spent a short leave at his home in November. He has been in France since April last. Private Clarke's brothers George and Joe are serving at the front with the local battalion of the R.I. Rifles.
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Captain Cecil L. Gaussen, R.A.M.C, who is officially reported seriously ill with fever at Bombay, is a son of the late Mr. W. L. Gaussen, Holywood, and nephew of Dr. D. P. Gaussen, Dunmurry. He graduated at Queen's University Belfast, in 1912, and has been fifteen months in the East, chiefly as surgeon on an hospital ship in the Persian Gulf. The latest wire from the War Office states that Captain Gaussen is progressing satisfactorily. His brother, Private Charles L. Gaussen, South Antrim Volunteers, was killed in action on 1st July, and another brother is Mr. Wm. Gaussen, Bangor.
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Yet another "Lisburn Standard" employee (the fourth within the past few months) has had a brother killed in action. This time it is our foreman, Mr. Hugh M'Ivor, whose brother, Rifleman Willie M'Ivor, Royal Irish Rifles (second son of Mr. Hugh M'Ivor, 176 Ainsworth Avenue, Belfast), who has made the supreme sacrifice. The late Rifleman M'Ivor prior to the war was a mechanic in the Singer Sewing Machine Co., Ltd., Queen Street, Belfast. He volunteered in September, 1914, but the Medical Board refused to pass him as fit for active service until May of this year. Then he was sent to a service battalion of the Rifles serving in France. A few days before the official news of his death was received he had written home a most cheerful letter mentioning that, to his great delight, he had managed to get transferred to his old battalion (the Y.C.V.'s) and was back again with his old chums. Rifleman M'Ivor, who was killed on the 9th inst., was just twenty-three years of age. In a sympathetic letter to the late soldier's parents Second-Lieut. H. E. Rankin says: "He was killed while on special duty with the Lewis Gun team, and died the death of a hero at his post." Captain W. J. Robinson, Wesleyan chaplain, in a letter of condolence in which he deplored the loss of so gallant a young life, mentions that Rifleman M'Ivor was killed by a trench mortar bomb and that death was instantaneous. Several officers and soldier comrades gathered around the grave in a little cemetery in the trenches, where a simple and touching service was s=aid before the remains were committed to their last resting place.
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The names of the following soldiers have appeared in one or other of the official casualty lists issued this week. All are privates unless otherwise stated:--
5087, T. English, Lisburn.
5243, L.-Corpl. T. Toner, Lisburn.
5887, Corpl. P. Lavery, Lisburn.
16877, J. E. Megarry, Dunmurry.
7243, J. Skelly, Lisburn.
8395, L.-Corpl. I. Coard, Lisburn.
Died of Wounds.
3362, H. Little, Lisburn.
2178, J. M'Comiskey, Lisburn.
2891, C. Armstrong, Lisburn.
28103, A. Kelly, Hillsborough.
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Mrs. Breakey has received the following letter from Second-Lieut, N. Malcomson, who is serving with the Ulster Division Pioneer Battalion in France:--
"Dear Mrs. Breakey, -- I wish to thank you and the congregation of 1st Lisburn Presbyterian Church for their great kindness in sending me the large parcel of socks. They arrived quite safely, and I can assure you that my men appreciated them very much indeed. As it happened, they arrived at a very opportune time, as socks at present arrive only in very small numbers.
"Please give my kindest regards to Mr. Breakey, and again thanking you. -- I remain, yours sincerely,
Criminal Injury Application at Lisburn Quarter Sessions.
At Lisburn Quarter Sessions last Friday, before his Honour Judge John J. Walker Craig, Thomas Bunting, Smithfield, Lisburn, applied for £700 compensation for the alleged malicious burning of his brick manufacturing premises and machinery at Belsize, Lisburn.
Mr. Robb, B.L. (instructed by Mr. Jos. Lockhart), appeared for the applicant.
Mr. Hamilton appeared for the Antrim County Council; Mr. Hunter, B.L. (instructed by Mr. D. Barbour Simpson), for the Lisburn Rural District Council, and Mr. W. G. Maginess for the Hillsborough Rural District Council.
After hearing the evidence, his Honour refused the application without costs.
We sincerely regret to-day to have to record the death of Mr. James Rice. J.P., which sad event took place at his late residence, Bow Street, Lisburn, about 7.30 yesterday evening. Our sorrow will not alone be shared by the people of Lisburn of all creeds and classes, but will be keenly felt in commercial circles throughout the province. The late Mr. Rice was a contemporary and life-long friend of the late Mr. J. R. T. Mulholland, whose own death is recorded in another page in this issue.
In early life he entered the firm of Messrs. Wm. Barbour and Sons, Hilden, and eventually became head of the flax department, both there and at Courtrai, Belgium. A good many years ago he severed his connection with the concern, embarking in business for himself as flax merchant, his headquarters being in Hill Street, Belfast, where he carried on an extensive trade, and was well known in all the leading flax markets. Some years ago he was appointed a magistrate for the County Antrim, and while health permitted sat at Lisburn, his adjudications being always characterised by impartiality, fairness and consideration. The late Mr. Rice, who was unmarried, belonged to an old local family, being the son of the late Mr. James Rice. He was a devout member of the congregation of St. Patrick's Catholic Church, to the funds of which, as well as other organisations, he was a generous contributor. A most sympathetic, kind-hearted man, he was always ready to do a good turn for "a friend in need," and by many he will be greatly missed.
The funeral will the place to Holy Trinity Cemetery, Lisburn, to-morrow (Saturday) at 2 o'clock.
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Lisburn Standard - Friday, 27 October, 1916
NELSON -- October 24, 1916, at his residence, Wilmont, North Circular Road, Lisburn, James Nelson; and was interred in Lisburn Cemetery on Thursday, 26th inst., at 2 p.m.
Died of Wounds
GREGG -- October 12, 1916, died of wounds at the Military Hospital, Birmingham, Rifleman John Wm. Gregg, 13th R.I.R. The remains of our beloved brother were interred in the family burying-ground, Hillsborough, on Sunday, October 15, at 2 o'clock.
EMMA and MAGGIE GREGG. St. James', Hillsborough.
ORR -- October 1, 1916, died of wounds, Rifleman Richard Orr, R.I. Rifles, the beloved husband of Mrs. Annie Orr, 24 Barnsley's Row, Lisburn.
I never shall forget the day
My husband went away;
His thoughts were all of those he loved,
But we could not make him stay.
My heart is so lonely,
My home is so sad;
My two children are calling
For their soldier dad.
Inserted by his sorrowing Wife and Children.
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(For the benefit of the Poor.)
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Printed at Downpatrick in 1803 by James Parks.
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The following are the names of the Hectors of this parish of Lisburn since the reign of King Charles the first, the Revd. James Mace, Silvanus Haslam, Dean John Wilkins, Anthony Rogers, Richard Dobbs, Thomas Higginson, William Trail, and Doctor Snowdon Cupples, the present Rector. There are few houses of note in this parish; the late Mr. Closes of Plantation, a short mile from the town, occupied by Mr. John Barbour, who carries on the Cotton manufactory, &c. near this is a Seceding Meeting-house Messrs. Thomas Mussons and William Frazers of Largymore, Mr. Edward and Thomas Carletons of Blairis, Hugh Moors Esq. of Eglentine, Counsellor Pollocks and Mr. Kinkeads Carnbane, Captain William Pattens Rosevale, Mr, Thomas Garretts, late Dr. Tates, now Mr. Richardsons, where is a Bleach-green, late David Wilsons Esq. near the mill, a rural seat behind which are large fir groves, &c.
ground is situated in this parish, I suppose there is not a more eligible place for a camp in this Kingdom, bounded on one side by the river Lagan, (which divides the Counties of Antrim and Down,) and on the other by the new canal. 'Tis a fine level of about three hundred acres, and composed of a body of red sand for many feet deep, which absorbs the most heavy rain in a short time. The prospect from Ballymullen-hill in this parish is most delightful, having a full view of Belfast, Carrickfergus, Castle-Dobbs, the Sea, Mr. Stewarts, Willmount, Windsor, Mr. Johnstons Seymourhill, Mr. Durham's Belvidere, Lambeg-house, Mr. Bells, Mr. Henry Waring's Collin, Wm. M'Cance's Esq. Moira-castle, Hillsborough, Revd. Mr. Johnston's Ballymacash, &c. the valley from Moira to Belfast and Carrickfergus [-- ? --] miles in length, and from four to six in breadth, and for the same extent, there is not perhaps so beautiful a spot both from nature and art, in the three Kingdoms. From Lisburn to Belfast and along the along he shore from thence to Carrickfergus, is nearly like a town, the houses are so elegant and numerous, and the smallest cottage white. I have travelled from Dublin to Cellbrige, which has been reckoned the handsomest part of Ireland. There are many elegant Mansions -- Lord Carhampton's, (now Luke White's Esq.) Mr. Vesey's, Duke of Leinster's, Mr. Connolly's, &c. but upon the whole that part of the Country is not equal to this. From this hill of Ballymullan, (my own estate) one can see the spires of eleven parish Churches, viz. Warringstown, Maralin, Moira, Hillsborough, Magharagall, Lisburn, Derriaghy, Lambeg, Drumbeg, Drumbo, Newtownbreda, and Belfast. Here is also a full view of the beautiful range of Mountains, called Devish, Collin, the white Mountain, Castle-robin, Plover-plain, &c. which are in general a body of white limestone, the surface smooth and always green. The whole is so beautifully sublime, that I may say, a flood of Glory bursts upon our view; and intoxicates the soul with rapture. But soon will these transitory scenes, the baseless fabrick of a vision or cloud pass away, if we do not honor God, and his righteosus laws obey: if we do, shall enjoy more sublime raptures for ever.
I shall mention an instance here of the honor and goodness and generosity of the late Lord Hertford. Prior to the year 1771, several tenants had built houses in different parts of the town of Lisburn, without having any promise from his Lordship to grant them leases; but his Lordship happened to come over from England in 1771, took a walk through the town, was pleased with the buildings and improvements, and said "by George, they should all have leases," and ordered them to be filled for three lives renewable for ever, at 6d per foot. His Lordship granted me a lease also for the same term of a thatched cabin, which I had purchased the tenant right of, on my promising to build a good house and slate it, which I did two years after, three stories high. From what I can learn I am induced to believe, that the present Marquis is equal, if not superior to his noble fathor in every respect. As a proof I find that his Lordship has lately granted leases of all the lands at will in his estate (excepting town parks,) and but for the party opposition, and contested Elections that took place, he would grant leases for building in the town also, no doubt. When the late William Higginson, Esq. was agent, I was in that office under him from 1764 to 1780, the late Lord Hertford, was reckoned one of the best Landlords in this Kingdom, and hod Mr. Higginson's judicious, liberal mid disinterested conduct been afterwards followed, by his successor, there would not have been any contested elections, which distracted and so much confused the town, as the whole tenantry looked upon him as a father, and all adored him.
A man he was, to all the Country dear,
And only had, three hundred pounds a year;
His like again I ne'er perhaps shall see,
His greatest fault was much generosity.
In the parish of Magharamisk is Trumry-house, which had been one of the seats of the Spencer family, since the reign of Queen Elizabeth until their lease expired a few years since; it is at present the seat of Philip Stewart, Esq.
granted a lease of ten Townlands about 2500 acres, to Captain Henry Spencer, for 95 years from 1623, at the yearly rent of 40l. which was afterwards renewed for three lives. Captain Spencer had been a contemporary Officer with Sir Fulk Conway, in the Queen's army, and Governor of the fort of Inchloughlin, near Spencer's bridge: his son Brent Spencer, Esq. was member of Parliament for Lisburn. Broomount the seat of Stafford Gorman, Esq. This was built by Dr. Edward Walkington, Bishop of Down and Connor about 1695, afterwards much improved by Dean Welsh and Mr. Gorman. There are many other good houses in this parish! In a great part the parish there is a body of white Limestone under the surface. In the parish of Aghalee, Mr. James Hunter, Miss Usher, Mr. Moore, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Hastings Manson, John Waters, Mr. Frier, Mr. Wm. Fairis, Mr. Hall, &c. have good houses. In the parish of Aghagallon, elegant houses are too numerous to particularize. Messrs. Joseph Thurkilds, John Ushers and Thomas Skillingtons, are the best. There is a large tract of Turf bog in this parish, which supplys the country around with fuel. In the parish of Ballanderry, is Laurel-lodge, the country seat of William Smith, Esq. who is agent to the Marquis of Hertford; also the houses of Dr. John Ravenscroft, James Campbell Lieutenant of the Ballanderry Yeomen, Messrs. Thomas and William Blizard, Roger Haddock, Henry and Vernon Hopes, James Neilson, Thomas Johnston, Samuel Hall, John Moore Esq. Mr. Edward Byrne, Robert Thompson, Isaac Wright, Edward Bunting, Edward Weatherhead, Edward Connor, John Cinnamond, &c. There is an elegant Moravian Chapel adjoining the village of lower Ballenderry, neat gardens, &c. Portmore castle stables &c. formerly so celebrated, stood near this on the verge of Loughbeg adjoining Portmore deer-park and Loughneagh; Loughbeg is a beautiful lake of an oval form, containing about one thousand Acres, stored with Pike, Bream, Trout, Perch, Roach, Eels, &c. also a variety of wild fowl, on a narrow neck of land which separates Loughbeg from Loughneagh, the late Arthur Dobs, Esq. who was agent to the Lord Hertford, prior to 1740 erected a windmill in order to drain Loughbeg, but did not succeed. The following lines were written at that time:
"Squire Dobbs' was ingenious,
He framed a windmill,
To drain the christal fountain,
Where water runs still."
Mr. Dobbs was uncle to Counsellor Dobbs, member of Parliament for Carrickfergus, and afterwards governor of North Carolina in America, where he died. I may as well say something here upon the present state of Loughneagh, as any where else.
being cast by nature into a very ground, all the chief rivers of the five counties Armagh, Derry, Down, Antrim and Tyrone; that is of almost all Ulster, have descending courses from the opposite seas and mountains, till they all meet in this low center, from which they have no way out, but only by one long straight and obstructed passage of the lower Bann, which besides all the increasing obstructions of its own sand and mud, hath two high rocks across its way, one at Portna, the other near Colerain; and a third raised by art for the sake of the Eel-wears, and ought to be removed into a deeper place in the water. I shall mention the names of rivers that flow into it, from the mountains and morasses. The upper Bann, it arises near the Sea out of the mountains of Mourne, and opposite to this not far from the northern Sea, the main water comes out of the large marsh between Loughgeel and Killaggan, and runs through Rasharkin parish, thence to Gilgoram and into the lake below Randles-town near Shanes-Castle. The river Blackwater and a lesser opposite to it, which outer the Lough at Antrim; the Blackwater comes from the Mountains of the Fews in the County of Armagh; from thence to Charlamont and from thence to the Blackwater foot, where it emptys itself into the great lake; the six-mile water comes down by the mountain Slemish, then to Templepatrick and enters into the Lough at Antrim: the opposite rivers enters the lake near Crumlin-bridge, second rises out of the Black-mountain near Belfast, passes through Glenavy and runs into the Lough near Rams-island. The next rivers are three that come southerly, the Coagh, Artree, near Moneymore, and the Moyola that comes by Dawsons-bridge: and opposite to them are three or four that came from behind Castle-Robin near Lisburn, and enter the lake near Portmore and Lurgan. There are other smaller rivers also, about twenty large and small which run into the lake, and but one river to vent or convey all the water of these rivers to the Sea, which is impossible in its present state, unless the rocks at Portna, &c. and the Eel-wares and walls built on the lop of them &c. were removed and the river widened from the Lough to the Sea at Colerain. I am surprised that the noble-men and gentlemen of the five counties whose estates are adjoining to the Lough, do not take this great case into their most serious consideration, and prevent the loss of more good land, and hopes of gaining perhaps many thousand Acres of much better land than they have any where else round about it. Supposing the river were blown up, I cannot imagine it would injure the fisheries, were they sunk three or four feet, wears and other apparatus might then be built and carry on the fisheries as before, but if not the Imperial Parliament could grant money, or even the proprietors of estates round the lake; could purchase the leases from the proprietors of the fisheries, and then sink and widen the river, so as to vent the superfluous water and keep the Lough always down to a proper level. I suppose the Marquis of Hertford for one, would gain one thousand Acres, as his Lordship's fine estate is bounded by the lake for many miles on one side.
About thirty years ago
was a fine level, in extent about half a mile every way, in Summer (one of the most delightful and beautiful places to bathe at I ever saw, the bottom a fine white sand and smooth as possible,) but by the overflowing of the Lough, the Surge and westerly winds in Winter; it has gained on the land since that time about a quarter of a mile, and thrown up large sand banks as fine and white as meal. I must observe that I am concerned myself in this matter, as also my brothers James and Bunting Johnston, who have farms which run along Loughbeg shore about half a mile, where Portmore Castle and Stables stood; when Loughneagh rises it overflows Loughbeg and all the low lands adjacent, by which all suffer near the lake. From the heavy rains this Summer, (1802) part of my meadows and grazing land were covered with water. Now in order to have this grievance redressed and removed, (if the noblemen and gentlemen, of landed property round the lake, and the members of Parliament of the five counties,) do not exert themselves in this business, I would recommend it to all the tenantry who suffer by the inundations, to petition the Imperial Parliament for redress, and have no doubt of success, as I place greater confidence in that Parliament acting uprightly, than ever I did in our own Irish one; which will be one instance (if successful) of the benefit that will result to this Kingdom from the union,
(To be Continued.)
By His Honour judge Craig.
At the Belfast Quarter Sessions on Friday, before his Honour Judge J. Walker Craig, a suit was brought by Mrs. Annie B. Richardson, Ballymacross, Lisburn, to have an order made granting probate of the will of Miss Ellen Harvey, late of
Ballymacross, which was dated 26th November, 1915, The defendant was Jane
Carlisle, widow, and sister of the deceased.
Mr. Wm. Beattie (instructed by Mr. Hugh Mullholland) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. W. Hume (instructed by Mr. W. G. Maginess) represented the defendant.
In stating the case Mr. Beattie, said the testatrix was an old woman and the plaintiff was her sole legatee. Plaintiff lived with her for a considerable time and took care of her. The old woman died about 3rd April, 1916. She had some twelve years previously signed over her property -- a farm of about 10 acres -- to Mr. John Richardson, husband of the plaintiff, preserving a life interest to herself.
Evidence in favour of the plaintiff's case was given by Hugh Montgomery, solicitor, who prepared the will; Mr. R. E. Buckley, Rev. C. E. Quin, Rev. C. Brackey, Mrs. Richardson, and others.
The defense was that the deceased was not of sound mind, memory, and understanding at the time the will was made, and evidence was given by Dr. Henry Murphy, Mrs. Carlisle, and others.
His Honour said there was such a body of evidence contained in the earlier documents showing a clear, continuous disposition on the part of the deceased in favour of her sister, Mrs. Carlisle, that he thought it ought to require a strong body of evidence to set aside her intentions. He set aside the will on the ground of want of testamentary capacity and undue influence.
We understand that notice of appeal has been served.
Another Call on Lisburn
Replying to a hurried wire, Miss Charlotte Alister, daughter of Mr. James Alister, Annavale, Plantation, left for I. Western General Hospital, Liverpool, last Friday for special military service. Miss Alister had obtained not only her first aid and nursing certificates but also the St. John Ambulance Association medallion, and has the honour of being the eighth member of V.A.D. Antrim 34, of which Mrs. G. R. Bell is commandant, to be accepted for military service.
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Magnificent Set-off In France.
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Great Victory at Verdun.
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Further Lisburn Casualties.
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This week was a very anxious one, all eyes being turned towards Roumania, against whom a double offensive is being vigorously directed by the Central Powers. Constaza and Cernavoda have both been taken, and the Roumanians were compelled to blow up the great Danube bridge in their retreat. The situation is, however, more hopeful this morning, and there is reason to believe that the objective of the attack will not be attained.
As a set-off against the enemy's success in the Balkans the French on Tuesday gained a magnificent victory at Verdun, capturing with one sudden sweep from the Germans the fruits of eight month's bloodshed. Fierce counter-attacks since have been beaten off with heavy losses to the enemy, and the unwounded prisoners to date number over 5,000.
Bad weather is chiefly responsible for a lull on the Somme. Sir Douglas Haig reports that during Wednesday night our troops raided enemy trenches near Monchy and also north-east of Arras, a number of prisoners being taken. Yesterday morning the Germans attacked Stuff Trench (in the Thiepval area), but were driven back with considerable loss.
The Servians have carried a number of heights on the Cerna, and taken 480 prisoners and a machine gun. British naval seaplanes have bombed the railway stations at Buk and Drama.
The British minesweeper, H.M.S. Genista, has been torpedoed and sunk, the officers and 73 men being lost. The communique adds that the vessel went down fighting.
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Mrs. Orr, 24 Barnsley's Bow, Lisburn, has received official intimation that her husband, Rifleman Richard Orr, R.I.R., died on 1st inst. from wounds received in action while serving with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. The deceased soldier, who was severely wounded in the head in France last winter, went out to Salonica only two months ago. He was well-known in local football circles, and was a playing member of Lisburn United F.C. Three brothers are on active service -- John and Robert in France, and David at Salonica.
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The officer in charge of records at the Infantry Record Office, Dublin, has written Mrs. Donnelly stating that as no further news has been received of her son. Private Hugh Donnelly (11940), Royal Scots Fusiliers, the Army Council have been regretfully constrained to conclude that he is dead, and that his death took place on 26th September, 1915. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Donnelly, whose husband and two other sons are on active service. Private Hugh Donnelly prior to volunteering was employed in the netting department, Hilden, He was an enthusiastic follower of football, and a member of Lisburn United F.C.
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Another member of Lisburn United F.C. about whom the greatest anxiety is felt is Private Henry Lyttle, Leinster Regiment. While his relatives are hoping for the best they naturally fear the worst, as since he was officially reported as wounded his name has appeared on a War Office list as "died of wounds." Further news is anxiously awaited, and would be thankfully received by his brother, Mr. Frank Lyttte, 9 Barrack Street, Lisburn.
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Mrs. Lavery, Soldierstown, has received a letter from a Sister in No. 8 Casualty Clearing Station, France, informing her that her son, Rifleman Robert Lavery, R. Irish Rifles, was admitted into that hospital on the 8th inst, suffering from gunshot wounds on back, which penetrated his chest. "He is very, very ill," added the Sister, "and is still not out of danger, but his breathing is easier and he gets more rest. I will write you in a few days again, and hope to have better news to give you." Rifleman Lavery joined the local battalion of the Rifles, and has been over a year at the front.
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Driver Jack K. Crawford, Infantry Transport, New Zealand Force, who was wounded in four places, is the only son of Mr. Joseph Crawford, Belfast, and formerly of Randalstown, and husband of Mrs. Maud E. Crawford, who is at present residing at Woodbine Cottage, Antrim Road, Lisburn.
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Tommy (Walworth) believes he has created a record, but he hasn't (says "Tit-Bits"). He was wounded in the Big Push a couple of hours after he had gone into the trenches for the first time, and was back in "Blighty" before he had been in France a week. Tommy's record is beaten by that of an officer, well known in Rochester, who recently received orders to proceed overseas. He left London, crossed over, took a taxi to within three miles of the front, stepped out, was wounded by a long-distance shell, got back into the taxi, and came home again, all within the space of eighteen hours.
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The names of the following soldiers have appeared in one or other of the official casualty lists issued this week. All are privates unless otherwise stated:--
17183, J. Jordan, Stoneyford.
3596, J Fitzsimmons, Hilden.
559, L-Cop|. J. Webb, Hilden.
17671, A. Gowdy, Lisburn.
16556, L-Corpl, W. J. Hull, Lisburn.
2175, R. Lockhart, Lisburn.
18254, A. M'Cullough, Lisburn.
2562, D. M'Kinney, Lisburn.
2255, J. Waring, Lisburn.
2994, Corpl. H. Wilkinson, Lambeg.
8991, J. Finnegan, Derriaghy.
Prisoner of War.
690, J. Vance, Lisburn.
Died of Wounds.
71959, Gunner C. Knox, Lambeg.
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Acts that will Live in History.
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Particulars of the act of gallantry and devotion to duty for which Captain E. S. B. Hamilton, R.A.M.C, Lisburn, was awarded the Military Gross was gazetted on Saturday last, as follows:--
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during operations. He rescued three severely-wounded men from the ruins of a dug-out under heavy shell-fire. As he was removing the last man the dug-out was blown in on him, and he had himself to be dug out. He has done other fine work, and has shown an utter disregard of danger.
Captain Samuel Brown, R.A.M.C, son of the late Mr. W. Brown, Boardmills, was awarded his Military Cross For conspicuous devotion to duty during operations.
He was blown up by a shell, and so much injured that he had to spend the night in a field ambulance; but, though still suffering, he returned to duty next day. A few days later he was again blown up. He has never spared himself, and has displayed the greatest gallantry.
Particulars of the act for which Captain Campbell M'Neill M'Cormack, of Hillhall, was also awarded the Military Cross have not yet been published.
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False Impression Corrected.
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Preaching at the evening service in Hill Street Presbyterian Church, Lurgan, on Sunday, the pastor of the congregation, Captain Rev. Andrew Gibson, B.A>, B.D>, chaplain to the Ulster Division, referred to "The Big Push," and in the course of a spirited address detailed several instances of outstanding bravery and courage which had come under his personal notice. At one point in the discourse the speaker proceeded to correct an impression which had got abroad about the Ulster Division -- namely, that on the 1st July it suffered needlessly through having gone too far forward. That statement, the speaker said, he had seen in print, and it had been made by men who should have known better. Captain Gibson said he was most anxious to correct that impression, as it was entirely erroneous. He proceeded to do this in a most convincing manner, explaining how before the great offensive, even weeks and months before it, each unit had its particular objective assigned to it. Each battalion and each company within the battalion and even each platoon within the company had its particular point to reach. Each had its own position to reach and take, and not to concern itself with what was assigned to other units. Now what happened on the 1st July was this:-- The Ulster Division achieved the particular objective which had been assigned to it beforehand. But on the flanks other divisions were held up. "Whether." declared the speaker, "the enemy fortifications were stronger or the dash not so keen I cannot say, for I do not know." The fact remains that the divisions on the flanks of the Ulster Division were for some reason held up. But that doesn't imply that the Ulster Division was at fault in going forward. It simply attained the objective which had been assigned to it. Then with evident pride in the division to which he is attached Captain Gibson; declared -- "It is to the undying honour and glory of the Ulster Division that on the 1st July it carried every position assigned to it to take." Turning to the future, Captain Gibson struck an optimistic note. "The end," he said, "is not yet, but it is in sight. We have taken 'the crest' on the Somme, though it was held by a system of fortifications which the enemy deemed impregnable. Our prospects are bright in comparison with what they were in the early days of the struggle." Reverting to those early days, the speaker said the wonder to him was that the Germans with their elaborate preparations did not completely wipe out the British army. And while much was due to the doggedness and determination of the British soldier yet there was something more in it -- there was the hand of Almighty God. Captain Gibson ended a most impressive discourse on the hopeful strain, but made it clear that there was need for continual endurance to the end on the part of all.
In Memoriam.
The officers and men of D Company 1st Battalion East Down Regiment, U.V.F., have presented a framed "In Memoriam" to Mr. Wm. Gaffikin, J.P.. as a tribute to his son, the late Major G. H. Gaffikin, killed in action.
Rev. J. H. Orr, Hillsborough, occupied the pulpit in Whitehead Presbyterian Church on Sunday, where, during the course of an eloquent address, he related his experiences as a Y.M.C.A. worker amongst the troops in France. Rev. Mr. Orr's brother, Lieut. Orr, was so badly wounded some little time ago that he had to have one of his feet amputated. We learn that he is making good progress. He considers himself lucky to lose only "a foot" of himself.
The death took place on Tuesday, at his late residence, Wilmont, North Circular Road, Lisburn, of the above highly esteemed and much respected gentleman. The late Mr. Nelson, who conducted a lucrative business in town for many years, was of a quiet and retiring disposition, and took little or no part in municipal or political affairs. He was a member of Seymour Street Methodist Church, where his liberal hand will be much missed. Much sympathy is felt for his widow and two daughters in their great and irreparable loss.
The funeral took place to Lisburn Cemetery yesterday. It was largely attended, many coming from long distances to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of deceased. Prior to the funeral an impressive and hopeful service was held in the house by the Rev. Pierce Martin and Rev. A. A. Crawford, and these clerics with the addition of Rev. J. R. W. Roddie conducted the burial service. The chief mourners were -- Mr. Joseph Nelson (Dromore), brother; Messrs. James Smythe, John Beattie, and Thompson Allen, brothers-in-law; Mr. Thomas Hamilton, son-in-law; Mr. Howard Nelson, Mr. Maurice Nelson, and Masters Charles Allen and Kenneth Smyth, nephews; and Master Jack Hamilton, grandson.
The funeral arrangements were carried out in a most satisfactory manner by Messrs. Jellie and Fullerton, Railway St., Lisburn.
"Beaten to a Pulp."
The most edifying law suit of the last twenty-four hours (says J. H. C. in the "Independent") was that of the account-collector who, "beaten to pulp twice" at a house where he demanded payment, called a third time and got the pulp renewed. There should be a medal for such devotion to duty. This man was ready to die trying.
^ top of page
Lisburn Standard - Friday, 26 October, 1916
The original from which the following record is taken is in the possession of the Technical School, Lisburn.
R.B. | Registered for Borough. |
R.C. | Registered for County. |
R.B.C. | Registered for Borough and Co. |
Q.B. | Qualified for "Borough but not registered. |
Q.B.C. | Qualified for Borough and County but not registered. |
W. | Widow or sister of qual. voter. |
L. | Living on the land. |
L.M. | Do. and about a mile from town. |
H. | Has been householder or voter. |
X. | Within the Borough. |
In the original, where more than one lot went to make up a holding the area of each separate lot in acres, roods, and perches is given. Here the aggregate area only is recorded in acres. The first figure following name represents the number of separate lots in the holding; the second figure signifies the aggregate number of acres. Where there is only one figure it represents the number of acres in the holding.
Lisburn -- East of Hillsborough Road.
Patk. Seldon -- X -- 1.
Wm. Gregg -- X -- 4 -- RBC -- 15.
Sam. Douglas -- X -- 2 -- RB -- 9.
John Clarke -- X -- 2 -- 3.
James Smith -- X -- 3 -- 8.
George Whitla -- X -- 5 -- RBC -- 11.
Dr. Thompson -- X -- RBC -- 5.
Thos. Shaw -- X -- 3 -- H -- 9.
George Wilson -- X -- 2 -- QB -- 4.
Edward Hogg -- X -- 5 -- 6.
Mr. Coulson -- X -- 5 -- RC -- 7.
Hu Mulholland -- X -- RBC -- 4.
Lisburn -- Lisnagarvey Townland.
John Magennis -- X -- QB -- 2.
Geo. Morrow -- X -- QB -- 2.
Wid. Can -- X -- W -- 2.
George Pelan -- X -- RB -- 3.
Rainey Boomer -- X -- QB -- 4.
Hy. Mulholland -- X -- 3 -- RC -- 5.
Dr. Musgrave -- X -- RB -- 3.
Danl. M'Veigh -- X -- QB -- 3.
Richard Murray -- X -- RB -- 3.
John Pennington -- X -- RB -- 3.
David Beatty -- X -- 3 -- RC -- 5.
Wid. Bell -- X -- 3 -- W -- 5.
Jos. Blackburn -- X -- ML -- 3.
John White -- X -- QB -- 2.
Jas. Major -- X -- QB -- 3.
John Dixon -- X -- 2 -- RB -- 3.
John Moore -- X -- 2 -- QB -- 3.
John Major -- X -- 2 -- RB--4.
John Hill -- X -- 2 -- RB -- 5.
Richard Murray -- X -- RB -- 3.
Jas. Hogg -- X -- 6 -- RBC -- 12.
Robt. M'Clure -- X -- 2 -- QB -- 7.
Danl. M'Veigh -- X -- QB -- 3.
Matthew Mussen -- X -- 2 -- RBC -- 5.
Erskine Neely -- X -- 4 -- CB -- 6.
Dr. Whiteford -- X -- RBC -- 5.
Jas. N. Richardson -- X -- RBC -- 7.
Wm. Graham -- X -- RC -- 2.
Rev. Jas. Stannus -- X -- 2 -- 12.
Richard Greer -- X -- 3 -- RBC -- 4.
John Pennington -- X -- RB -- 1.
Jas. Smyth -- X -- 4.
Wm. Black -- X -- 2 -- QB -- 4.
Dr. C. Cupples -- X -- QB -- 3.
Henry Magee -- X -- RB -- 3.
John Magee -- X -- QB -- 2.
Hugh Boyd -- X -- RB -- 3.
John Fleming -- X -- QB -- 3.
Dr. Cupples -- 7 -- RBC -- 15.
John Major -- X -- RB -- 3.
Wm. Johnston -- X -- QB -- 3.
Quaker School -- X -- 11 -- 20.
Let for £23 16s per annum; leased in perpetuity.
Rev. E. Cordner -- 4 -- QB -- 8.
Dr. Stewart -- QB -- RC -- 4.
Major Stewart -- 2 -- 6.
Mrs. Mead -- W -- 2.
Chas. Casement -- 2 -- RBC -- 4.
James Knox -- QB -- RC -- 2.
Infirmary -- 3 -- 3.
Rev. P. Fletcher -- RB -- 1.
Rev. E. Thompson -- QB -- 4.
Dr. Turner -- RB -- 2.
Wid. Mulholland -- W -- 2.
Dr. Stewart -- 3 -- RC -- 4.
Wm. Phillips -- 3 -- QBC -- 5.
Geo. Boomer -- 3 -- RC -- 6.
Lisnegarvey -- East of New Mail Coach Road.
Rev. Jas. Stannus -- 2 -- 11.
Miss Waring -- 2.
Jas. M'Keown -- L -- 1.
Chas. Casement -- 2 -- RBC -- 5.
Archd. Trail -- 2 -- RBC -- 9.
Mr. Richardson -- RC -- 5.
Archdeacon Trail -- 7 -- RBC -- 21.
Samuel Kennedy -- 4 -- RC -- 11.
Wm. Colbeck -- 3 -- RB -- 6.
Cap. T. Fulton -- RC -- 4.
Capt. Smith -- 4 -- 7.
Hy. Mulholland -- 2 -- RC -- 4.
John Richardson -- 3 -- RC -- 6.
Glenmore -- Lambeg Parish,
Wm. Pelan -- 4 -- ML -- 3.
Moses Hill -- 4 -- LM -- 4.
Rt. Williamson -- QC -- 8.
Infirmary -- 3 -- 5.
Dr. Stewart -- RC -- 3.
Mrs. Hogg -- W -- 3.
Robert Seeds -- QC -- 4.
Jas. Richardson -- RBC -- 4.
Jonathan Richardson -- QC -- 4.
Rev. P. Fletcher -- 5 -- RB -- 14.
Rev. Ed. Thompson -- 2.
Capt. Fulton -- RC -- 3.
John Richardson -- 3 -- RC -- 6.
Lambeg Glebe -- 7 -- 16.
Matthew Pelan -- 3 -- LM -- 3.
Chas. Casement -- 2 -- RBC -- 5.
Mr. Legg -- 2 -- QC -- 5.
Wm. Colbeck -- QC -- 1.
Samuel Kennedy -- 7 -- RC -- 6.
Mrs. Higginson -- W -- 2.
Susana Wheeler -- 6 -- W -- 7.
Lisnatrunk -- Lambeg Parish, County of Down.
Wid. Nowell -- 4 -- W -- 3.
John Bidulph -- 3 -- 6.
Geo. Campbell -- 9 -- L -- 13.
Warren Clarke -- 4 -- L -- 3.
John Campbell -- 7 -- L -- 7.
Robert Campbell -- 5 -- L -- 7.
Wid. Rainey -- 7 -- LM -- 7.
Mrs. Murdock -- 5 -- LM -- 10.
Geo. Cahoon -- 9 -- LM -- 10.
Jas. Mussen -- RC -- 2.
Robt. Allister -- 2 -- QB -- 3.
Wm. Major -- 2 -- QB -- 4.
Largymore -- Parish of Lisburn, County of Antrim.
Geo. Moore -- 3 -- QBC -- 14.
Mrs. Bell -- 3 -- W -- 7.
Mrs. Hancock -- W -- 3.
Hugh Seeds -- RC -- 3.
Wm. Hodgen -- QB -- 3.
Wm. Murray -- QB -- 3.
Dr. Thompson -- 3 -- RBC -- 5.
Wid. Singer -- W -- 4.
Wm. Mussen -- 1.
Francis M'Gaghey -- 8 -- QB -- 11.
Wm. Coulson -- 4 -- RBC -- 20.
Geo. Pelan -- 3 -- QB -- 4.
John Woods -- RC -- 3.
James Thompson -- 2 -- RC -- 7.
John Clarke -- 6 -- QB -- 8.
Edward Herron -- 2 -- RB -- 4.
A. Lawson -- 2 -- QB -- 4.
Benj. Neely -- QB -- 4.
Robert M'Clure -- QB -- 4.
Edward Dickey -- QB -- 3.
Daniel M'Veigh -- QB -- 3.
Dr. Dixon -- RB -- 2.
Alex. Brownlee -- QC -- 2.
Francis Turner -- 4 -- QB -- 5.
Wid. Pelan -- 3 -- W -- 5.
Wm. Walsh -- 2 -- LM -- 4.
James Farrell -- 2 -- 3.
Henry Bell -- 2 -- RBC -- 2.
John Mackey -- 2 -- QB -- 3.
Rev. A. Craig -- 4 -- 3.
Jas. Dornon -- 5 -- QB -- 7.
Geo. Emmerson -- 2 -- 5.
Benj. Neely -- 2 -- QB -- 4.
Wm. Dillon -- 7 -- RC -- 11.
Jas. Turner -- 4 -- H -- 6.
Jane Edgar -- 2 -- W -- 3.
Wid. Bannister -- 3 -- W -- 4.
Edward Bannister -- 15 -- LM -- 37.
R. Boomer -- 5 -- QB -- 12.
W. Boomer -- QB -- 3.
Andrew Craig -- 5 -- L -- 11.
Geo. Simpson -- 2 -- QB -- 3.
David Reid -- QB -- 3.
Saml. Smith -- 4 -- QB -- 11.
Mrs. Boyes -- 5 -- W -- 8.
John Woods -- 4 -- RBC -- 6.
Wm. Sands -- 2 -- 1.
Edward Farrell -- 7 -- 14.
Chas. Weldon -- 2 -- QB -- 3.
Edward Ilivion -- RB -- 2.
Patk. Rogers -- 3 -- RC -- 5.
Edward Thompson -- 3 -- QB -- 2.
Hu Anderson -- 2 -- QB -- 3.
Dr. Cupples -- 4.
Hu Mulholland -- 2 -- RBC -- 4.
Largimore -- West of Old Hillsborough Road.
John Long -- 2.
Teal M'Keown -- 3 -- QB -- 4.
David Finlay -- 2 -- QB -- 4.
John Dowdd -- 4 -- H -- 5.
Capt. Boyse -- 2 -- L -- 3.
Miss Kelly -- 3 -- QB -- 4.
Saywell Clarke -- 4 -- QB -- 5.
Jas. Pattison -- 3 -- QB -- 4.
Wid. Pelan -- W -- 3.
Thos. Pelan -- 2 -- QB -- 2.
Saml. Smith -- 2 -- QB -- 3.
Edward Herron -- 2 -- RB -- 5.
Hu Mulholland -- 2 -- RBC -- 4.
Mrs. Hancock -- W -- 3.
James Ward -- 2 -- RBC -- 4.
Messrs. Boyd, Vitriol Works -- 5 -- 18.
Richard Sorby (a grove) -- 4.
John M'Dowell -- 3 -- QB -- 3.
James Tuton -- 2 -- H -- 2.
Major Parker -- QB -- 4.
Archd. M'Ateer -- 2 -- QB -- 3.
Wm. Wilson -- 2 -- L -- 2.
Hy. Mulholland -- 2 -- QB -- 5.
Dr. Dixon -- 3 -- RB -- 6.
Alex. Brownlee -- 4 -- QBC -- 4.
Patk. Reed (quarry) -- 6 -- L -- 5.
Wid. Sloan -- 2 -- L -- 2.
Robt. M'Call -- RBC -- 4.
John Sinclair -- 6 -- L -- 8.
Wm. Walsh -- 6 -- LM -- 6.
Jas. Murray -- 3 -- QB -- 4.
Adam Wilson -- 2 -- QB -- 2.
Wm. Wilson -- cottage -- L.
Miss Crawford -- W -- 3.
Thos. Wright -- 2 -- 3.
Richard Foots -- 4 -- RB -- 5.
James Ward -- 3 -- RBC -- 6.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
The Editor is indebted to Francis Joseph Bigger, Esq., Belfast, for drawing his attention to the fact that this ballad by Mr. Graves -- referred to in article LII. -- is only a new version or adaptation of a much older poem. Mr. Bigger writes:-- "This song is far older than Mr. Graves' day. The air, 'Ballinderry,' is far older still. Petrie considered it one of the oldest Irish sirs extant."
Edward Bunting in his "Ancient Music of Ireland," 1840, states:-- "The air 'Ballinderry' is very ancient, author and date unknown, procured from Doctor Crawford, Lisburn, 1808." Bunting gives the score of the music and the first verse of the ballad as current in his time, with notes on its antiquity and variations.
It's pretty to be in Ballinderry,
It's pretty to be in Aghalee,
It's prettier to be in bonnie Ram's Island,
Sitting under an ivy tree.
Ochone, ochone!
Ochone, ochone!
Oh! that I was in little Ram's Island,
Oh! that I was with Phelimy Diamond.
Cronan, or Chorus.
Ochone, ochone!
Ochone, ochone!
He would whistle, and I would sing,
Till we would make the whole Island ring.
Ochone, ochone!
Ochone, ochone!
The ballad has been a favourite performance from time immemorial with the peasantry of the Counties of Down and Antrim, the words being sung by one person, while the rest of the party chant the "Cronan," or chorus.
There are numerous other sets of words sung to "Ballinderry," such as:--
'Tis pretty, to he in Ballinderry,
'Tis pretty to be at Magheralin.
'Tis pretty to be in Ballinderry,
'Tis pretty to be at the Cash of Toome.
Mr. Graves in his "Irish Songs and Ballads," 1880, states that his poem, "'Twas pretty to be in Ballinderry," was suggested by reading the stanza given in Bunting's collection.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
Extracts from two old manuscript books in the possession of Mr. George H. Sands, C.E., Lisburn and Dunmurry.
In General Orders, 6th August, 1803, it states that the Garrison of Lisburn shall consist of the Lisburn Cavalry, Lisburn Infantry, Ballinderry Infantry, and Broomhedge Infantry.
General Order.
All strangers who cannot account for themselves to be apprehended and sent under a secure guard to Belfast; if taken in a house, the master to be also sent prisoner. All places suspected of having concealed arms or ammunition to be searched. Frequent patrols of Cavalry and Infantry to be sent out, and such guards mounted as may be considered necessary. All parties searching for arms must be accompanied by an officer, who will be accountable.
Then follows instructions as to guards, parades, &c. The word or sign for each day is given, the name of company on duty, and name of orderly officer for the day, general notes and instructions by the Officer Commanding, and copies of some letters. There is a cash account for the year 1822, in which the men appear to have been served with trousers, for which they had to pay 8s per man. The Oath of Allegiance is given under date 1831.
-- -- -- --
This book contains a general troop account and a separate account for each trooper. In article xxiv. will be found the names of the men in the troop as taken from this book.
Robert Redman Belshaw, in his "Irish Protestant Letters," published in New York, 1855, contributes a poem on John Jefferson, Sen., Aughnanoe, being the last then living -- 1852 -- of the Lisburn Company of Cavalry in 1798. The first verse runs:--
The snows of more than eighty years have fallen on his head,
And all the men with whom he ranked are numbered with the dead;
Of the Lisburn Corps of Cavalry he now survives -- the last --
The only one remaining here, a witness of the past.
Next Week: Report on Municipal Corporations, 1833.
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