Lisburn Standard - Friday, 3 May, 1918
MacKENZIE -- April 27th, at Chetwood, Nottinghill, Belfast, the wife of Captain J. R. M. MacKenzie, M.C., R.A.M.C., a son.
RAINEY -- To Mr. and Mrs. William Rainey, 1 Well Street, Paisley, Scotland (late of Railway Street, Lisburn), a son.
HEWITT--WEIR -- Feb. 22, in Bangkok, at the British Legation, and afterwards at Christ Church, by the Rev. H. J. Hillyard, LL.D., George Ernest Hewitt, second son of John Hewitt, Esq., London, to Eveline Maud Weir, daughter of the late J. Weir, Esq., and Mrs. Weir, of Dromore, County Down.
CURRY -- April 27, at his residence, 2 Sandymead, Longstone, Lisburn, Arthur, dearly-beloved husband of Elizabeth Curry. -- His remains were interred in Lisburn Cemetery on Monday afternoon, 29th ult., at 4-30 o'clock. ELIZABETH CURRY.
MRS. CURRY and Family, desire to return thanks to the many kind friends who sympathised with them in their sad bereavement; also to the Lisburn Branch of Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners for their beautiful wreath. Hoping this will be accepted by all. 2 Sandymead, Longstone.
Roll of Honour
TURNER -- In fond and loving memory of our dear son, Private George Turner, Royal Irish Rifles, killed in action between 21st and 29th March, 1918.
No more we'll clasp his loving hand,
Nor hear the voice now stilled;
Till we reach the land where you'll proudly stand
'Midst our heroes in action killed.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Father, Mother, Sisters and Brother. ROBERT, ELIZA, AGNES, MINNIE, and EDWARD.
Mr. Alan Bell, R.M., presided at these sessions yesterday. The other magistrates on the bench were -- Messrs. J. Milne Barbour, D.L.; Wm. Davis, W. J. M'Murray, Wm. M'Ilroy, and Thos. Sinclair.
Food Central Prosecution.
District-Inspector Gregory prosecuted James Thompson, grocer, Bow Street, Lisburn, for selling more than the authorised quantity of flour and wheaten meal to one family; and, in a second case, for selling flour at a price in excess of that permitted by the Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917.
Mr. W. G. Maginess appeared for defendant.
District-Inspector Gregory said that no retailer was allowed to sell more than 28 lbs. to one family in one week unless he had received a certificate of exemption from the police. In this case defendant sold four stone of flour at 11s 2d, which worked out at 2s 9½d per stone, or 1½d a stone more than he was legally entitled to charge.
Sergeant Edgar said that on the 10th ult. he saw some sacks, apparently flour, in a cart outside defendant's shop. He went to the man in charge of the horse, who said he knew nothing about the sacks, which he was carting for a man named M'Dowell. Thomas M'Dowell then came forward and admitted that he had purchased half cwt. of flour and half cwt. wheaten meal from James Thompson, the defendant. Mr. Thompson's son admitted the sale, and when witness asked for an explanation of the transaction Thompson's son said he did not think the new Order of the 12th April applied to flour on hands before that date. I asked him, continued witness, if he had any knowledge of the leaflet distributed by the police, and he had a copy of the leaflet in his hand. I asked M'Dowell for the invoice, and he at once produced it. The invoice showed the purchase of four stone of flour at 11s 2d and four stone of wheaten meal at 10s 8d, and two bags 2s. Thompson told me he had got a provisional licence that authorised him to sell at that price. Mr. Thompson afterwards came to me and told me that the flour supplied to M'Dowell was a four weeks' supply, as he lived a long distance out of town.
By Mr. Maginess -- Thompson was entitled to sell 28 lbs. to a family in one week. If he wished to exceed that price he would require to get a licence from the district-inspector of police. The new Order came into force on the 12th April, and the prosecutions in this caae were in respect of the 16th April, just four days later. M'Dowell lived near Aghalee, about eight or nine miles from Lisburn.
Mr. Bell, R.M. -- Does M'Dowell keep a small shop?
Mr. Maginess -- No; no question of resale arises.
For the defence, Mr, Maginess said that the flour came from Liverpool, and it actually cost Mr. Thompson 2s 6½d a stone landed in Belfast. The amount charged M'Dowell was 2s 9½d for a four weeks' supply.
Mr. Bell, R.M. -- Has Thompson got a provisional licence?
Mr. Maginess -- No.
Mr. Bell, R.M. -- Then he ought not to have sold it at that price.
Mr. Maginess said that M'Dowell lived a long distance out of town, and in addition had to get a neighbour to cart his goods. It was not unreasonable in the circumstances that he should take four weeks' supply at once. Independent of that, Mr. Thompson believed he was entitled to charge 2s 9½d a stone for flour in stock.
Mr. Bell, R.M., said Thompson had committed an offence in each of the cases before the Court. He acted very unwisely after he got the circular. Instead of trying to get permission from the police he went and sold flour at the price he thought himself. He ought not to have done that. He had committed a technical offence. Having regard to all the circumstances, the magistrates would impose a nominal fine in each case.
District-Inspector Gregory -- This is not the first conviction against this man. He was fined three times (all in one day) for butter.
Mr. Maginess -- That has got nothing to do with this case.
Mr. Bell, R.M. -- The Order came into force on the 12th April. This transaction took place on the 16th April. Taking all things into consideration, the magistrates will make a nominal fine of 2s 6d and costs in each case.
Unlicensed Dogs.
On the evidence of Constable M'Donald, Thomas M'Cormick, John Malcolm, Mary J. M'Cormick, and Ellen Connor were fined 6d and costs for neglecting to take out licences for their dogs in March last.
Trespass of Cattle.
John Connor, Knocknadona, summoned David Belshaw, a neighbour, for on diverse occasions in April allowing his cattle to trespass on his (complainant's) garden.
Mr. Joseph Lockhart, solicitor, appeared for the complainant, and Mr. W. G. Maginess, solicitor, for the defence.
Trespass of Cattle.
Mr. Lockhart informed the magistrates that a similar case was before the Court a considerable time age -- in 1896 -- when the matter was left to Mr. John M'Harg, who as arbitrator, arranged that each party was to keep up a portion of the fence. Trouble arose again some years later, when the magistrates imposed a small fine on the defendant. In April last Belshaw's cattle entered Connor's land on three occasion and did damage to the vegetables.
John Connor, examined, deposed that on 13th April last one of Belshaw's cattle came into the garden and destroyed a quantity of scallions. He took the animal to Belshaw's, and saw the maidservant, who said that Mr. Belshaw was not at home. He (complainant) informed her that the animal had been in his garden, and he demanded trespass. On the 15th April one of the animals was in the garden twice on the same day, and on the 29th April two were there.
To Mr. Maginess -- His cattle never broke into Belshaw's land. He admitted having received a letter from Mr. Maginess on behalf of Belshaw relative to the repair of a road and the condition of the fence. He (Connor) put up a wire fence on his part of the march, and when he put in bushes at Belshaw's end the latter, after they withered, took them away and burned them.
David Belshaw, for the defence, denied that he had ever taken the thorns and burned them. He was anxious, for peace sake, to leave the matter to anybody to arrange. All he wanted was the fence made right. He wished to act straight and fair. This thing was nothing but an "imposure" on the part of Connor.
The Chairman, alter consultation, said the magistrates were satisfied that there was trespass, and they allowed 4s -- 1s for each head.
Mr. Lockhart asked for 10s 6d costs, but Mr. Maginess.
The Chairman replied that there was evidently a great fault on one side or the other, and if there was any further trouble between the parties the magistrates would consider the question of giving costs. In the present case no costs would be allowed.
This court was held yesterday, before Messrs. Wm. Davis, J.P. (presiding); Alan Bell, R.M.; Wm. M'Ilroy, J.P.; W. J. M'Murray, J.P.; Thos. Sinclair, J.P.; and J. Milne Barbour, D.L., J.P. Mr. T. J. English, C.P.S., was in attendance.
Constable Hamilton summoned Mary M'Gonigal for drunkenness on the 20th ult., and Sergeant Duffy brought a further charge of drunkenness against her in respect of the following day.
Constable Hamilton said that at a quarter to five in the evening he found defendant lying drunk on the street at Peter Hill.
Mr. Bell, R.M. -- Lying drunk? -- Yes, sir.
Sergeant Duffy said that the following day he found defendant drunk in Market Square. She had been fined 10s on each of two previous occasions for drunkenness.
Defendant was fined 10s and costs in each of the present cases.
Mr. Bell, R.M. -- Does she always pay the fines?
Sergeant Duffy -- She went to jail the last time.
Mr. Bell, R.M. -- If these fines are not paid, make out the warrants to take effect the one after the other.
Mr. English -- Yes, your Worship.
Mr. W. G. Maginess (for Mr. Wellington Young) appeared to prosecute.
The thirteenth Victoria Cross has just been put to the credit of the Church Lads' Brigade, whose battalion of the King's Royal Rifles recently made such a heroic stand at Neuve Eglise.
Second-Lieut. F. Birke, of the Australian Forces, who has been awarded the V.C. for conspicuous bravery in an attack, was until 1913 a sergeant in the C.L.B. Company of St. Matthew's, Buckley. He went out to Australia, and on the outbreak of war joined up, and served in Gallipoli, the Dardanelles, Egypt, and in France. He was awarded the Military Medal when in France, and later given a commission in recognition of his work. Unhappily, the gallant V.C. was killed in the achievement which won him his last distinction. He is the first overseas member of the Church Lads' Brigade to win the Victoria Cross.
It may be interesting also to record that when Second-Lieut. Birke left Buckley in 1913 the members of the Bible class gave him a Bible, and when he enlisted he packed this Bible in his knapsack, and he carried it with him throughout all his campaigning, and it was returned with his other belongings to his mother.
At a special meeting on Monday of the Belfast City Council the Lord Mayor, before the business was proceeded with, referred to the gallant action of the British fleet last week in the Zeebrugge raid. Those of them who knew the place could appreciate the hazardous character of the enterprise, and the bravery and coolness necessary to carry out successfully so daring and difficult a task. The exploit was one which added lustre to the history of the navy, and he was proud to think that Belfast men had had a share in so glorious an exploit. Two names had been mentioned as taking part in the raid -- one that of Private W. H. White, of the Royal Marines, whose home was in Walton Street, and the other that brilliant young officer, Lieut. Oscar Henderson, R.N., son of the late Sir James Henderson and Lady Henderson, of Oakley House. Lieut. Henderson had previously distinguished himself in the Mediterranean, and they heartily congratulated both these gallant Belfast men on their share in the gallant affair and on having coms safe through it. He might add that Sir James Henderson's sons had all played men's parts in the war, and Lady Henderson had every right to be proud of her boys. (Hear, hear.)
Councillor Dunlop, Alderman Shaw, and Councillor Riddell endorsed the remarks of the Lord Mayor, both the latter speakers especially referring to the fine record of Lieut. Henderson. The HIgh Sheriff also added his tribute, and the Council generally endorsed the congratulations expresses to Lady Henderson.
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Tried before seven judges. Three decided in favour of Seymour, four in favour of Wallace.
Immediately after the decision arrangements were entered into for a final appeal to the House of Lords. An agreement, however, was come to a few months afterwards between the parties, whereby Sir Richard Wallace took over the Irish estate absolutely, paying Sir George Hamilton Seymour the sum of £400,000.
The Chief Baron,
in giving judgement in favour of Sir Richard Wallace, said he could not expunge from the codicil and treat as nul the expression "real." It referred to the real estate given by the will, which dealt only with the Irish estates, for the testator had no other real estate.
Had the word "real," any meaning at all?
Treating this not as a lawyer, but looking at it from the testator's position with all the surrounding circumstances, including the antecedent circumstances, he was satisfied the fourth marquis must have understood what was meant by the expression "real estate." From his education and intelligence, from his opportunities of knowledge as a member of the House of Lords, and from previous dealings with property, there could be no doubt he had present to his mind when writing the codicil that he was dealing with real as well as with personal estate.
There was evidence leading to a necessary inference that he must have perused the will. In the body of the will there was a correction in his own handwriting, introducing the word "Sir" before the name of Hamilton Seymour, and adding "Minister Plenipotentiary at Brussels." On the back of the will was the memorandum in his own handwriting, dated in August, 1848, and the date of the codicil was June, 1850, so that it might fairly be presumed he had the contents of the will in his mind when he made the codicil.
It was said he did not know the distinction between real and personal estate, but that was highly improbable in the case of a person of his rank, education, and enlightenment. It was difficult to assume that he did not know the significance of the word "real" when using it in the codicil. He (the chief Baron) could not imagine a condition of mind in which he would write "real and personal estate" without intending to convey that there was a thing called "real" and a thing called "personal estate." In the codicil he dealt with the residue of all his real and personal estates, and the only real estate given by the will was his Irish estate. The defendant, if he meant to exclude these Irish estates, must show that there was other real estate upon which the codicil could operate. It did not appear that any such other real estate existed. Therefore the testator truly described the devise of all his Irish estates to Lord Henry Seymour as a devise of the residue of all his real estate. The word "real" must have the ordinary import, unless there was something in the context to repeal that meaning.
Then what was the meaning of the word "residue?" It was what remains after dealing with the whole. He gave the large annuity of £12,000 and created other charges, and would it not be reasonable to say that what remains after deducting these charges was the residue?
The plaintiff was to get the real estate, subject to these charges, and what remained to him after these charges was the residue.
But he had the testator interpreting his own meaning, and saying he understood the residue to be all that he gave to Lord Henry Seymour, and what he gave to Lord Henry was what remained after paying the £12,000 a year and other charges.
He (the Chief Baron) was unable to ascertain the slightest doubt that the testator did intend to revoke the bequest of the real estate to Lord Henry Seymour, and to revoke that the bequest of real estate under the word residue. True, there was no express revocation of the ultimate limitations, but they were revoked the moment there was a clear revocation of the first gift of the subject-matter of these limitations. Anything more baseless, unsupported by a single particle of fact, than the notion that the testator did not understand the meaning and effect of what he was writing in the codicil, he never heard.
He adopted the proposition that the judge could not make up his mind without reasonable doubt that the codicil revoked the will, he ought to allow the will to stand. If there was a reasonable doubt, that doubt was not to be resolved by ratiocination.
He was not at all surprised that there should be a disposition to attribute to the testator a desire to connect the estate with the family title. That was a natural sentiment in which he entirely sympathised. He was one of those who thought that the great houses which had existed for ages, or even arose in modern times, should be maintained. He was not, therefore, surprised at the desire to sustain dispositions which kept property connected with titles. But sitting in a court of law, he should fling all these consideration to the winds when he came to the great maximum of the law, that he who is the owner can dispose.
It did appear a strange thing that these half-dozen lines of a codicil should dispose of these vast possessions without the intervention of a of a solicitor to draft a conveyance, and that there should not be a resort to some of that eminent profession who had for ages aided in the disposal of property. But still he could not hold that the express words of a man of education and enlightenment should not have all the force the belonged to them according to the import of words in the English language. Placing himself, as a brother judge had said, in the position of the testator himself, when writing the codicil or called on to construe it the day after it was written, he could not entertain a doubt but that the codicil revoked the devise of the Irish estates to Lord Henry Seymour and give them to the plaintiff. He was, therefore, of opinion the judgement of the Common Pleas should be reversed, and that the verdict should be entered for the plaintiff -- Sir Richard Wallace.
Lord Chief Justice Whiteside
delivered judgement for the defendant -- Sir George Hamilton Seymour -- affirming the decision of the Common Pleas and Assize Court.
It was said by the Chief Baron that this question should be regarded with the eye of common sense. He owned that came upon him as a surprise. It was observed that they must regard the testator as an educated man. They were asked to take up his this fifth codicil and interpret by itself. He would do nothing of the kind. He would consider the antecedent instruments and facts, and then consider the codicil and its effect on the will.
After the fourth marquis came of age, his first act was to entail and settle the estates, and all this was to be set aside by a codicil. There was no question but that the will was a clear and precise document.
There was grave doubt as to Lord Hertford's understanding of the word "real."
There was a legacy to Sir R. Wallace of £30,000, and an annuity for life to a lady of £12,000, and then Lord Henry Seymour was made residuary legatee of all the personal estate. That will remained untouched for twelve years.
He now came to the codicils, the first four of which referred to the will, and affirmed the will, and the legacy given to a lady by the fourth codicil was to go, in the event of death, to Lord Henry Seymour, the residuary legatee under the will. It was said that with these intentions, expressed over and over again, affirming the will, he suddenly conceived the idea of revoking the will and of disinheriting his brother, the heir of the marquisate.
The fifth codicil was made only seven days after the fourth.
The two great principles which governed the conduct of men in this world were love and hate. There was evidence of a growth of affection Sir Richard Wallace, but where was the evidence of any change of feeling -- of any hatred -- towards Lord Henry Seymour, to explain the stripping that brother of every acre of the hereditary estates in Ireland? Lord Hertford understood the evils of a pauper peerage, and the blessing of living in a country where a powerful aristocracy supported the monarchy. Was it to be said Lord Hertford, knowing the rank of the family, and the requirements of the title, intended by the fifth codicil to take away every acre of the paternal estates in Ireland from Lord Henry, who in the course of nature he would have regarded as his successor in the title? In his opinion the clause of revocation in the codicil did not apply to the devise in the will of the Irish estates. He had no doubt whatever but that the object of Lord Hertford was to entail the Irish estates on his family.
The codicil like this, made without legal assistance, ought not to set aside a well drawn according to established legal principles, unless that revocation was clearly and distinctly expressed.
The word "real" was in the codicil, no doubt, but did it apply to the real estate disposed of by the will? How could anyone say that this codicil, infelicitously and obscurely worded, was clearer than the limitations contained in the will? The position of the word "real" in the codicil must not be overlooked. The four first codicils dealt only with the personal estate, and it was the fifth dealt with all the real estate as well. The word "real" must be estimated by the context, and that context dealt only with the personal estate.
The position of Lord Hertford and the circumstances of the family had been overlooked in construing this codicil. This codicil should be regarded as a general devise of the residue of all the testator's real and personal estate; that would not revoke the device to Lord Henry, which was not a devise of a residue of real estate, but it would affect a gift of what had not been previously disposed of.
There was a gift of the "residue" of personal estate to Lord Henry, but no gift of a residue of real estate. If the testator meant to give the Irish estate to Sir R. Wallace, why did he not revoke all the limitations over those estates, after the limitation to Lord Henry? If it were to be held there was a revocation, it would be only of what was given to Lord Henry himself -- namely, a life estate -- and Lord Henry being dead, Sir R. Wallace would take nothing.
His Lordship give reasons for supposing that the testator used the word "real" in reference to other property called "effects" in the will, and said he was for these reasons of opinion that the judgement of the Common Pleas should be affirmed; but the majority of the Court holding the other way, the judgement of the Court must be one reversing the judgement of the Common Pleas, and entering a verdict for the plaintiff -- Sir Richard Wallace -- with costs.
Chief Justice Whiteside referred twice to the length of the address delivered by counsel for Sir Richard Wallace.
And all this -- referring to the will -- was to be set aside by a codicil, which they were told was as clear as day, but which it took counsel a day and a half to obscure.
The fact that the counsel was a day and a half trying to clear up the codicil satisfied him that there must be obscurity in it.
He further spoke rather disparagingly of Lord Hertford's ability to understand the meaning of the word "real".
(Next week: Stannus v. "Northern Whig.")
Irish inventor of "Big Bertha".
The "Carlow Nationalist" mentions receipt of a letter from Mr. Paul T. Kenny, New York, a native of Cappoquin, giving particulars of the 75-mile range gun which has been used for shelling Paris, of which he was the designer. The American Government turned down the patent when offered to them, but just before the war Mr. Kenny, who was then in Berlin, offered it to the German Government, and they immediately accepted it.
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Following a very heavy repulse on Monday of strong enemy attacks renewed and renewed again, there has been a decided lull in the fighting in Flanders. It seems pretty certain, say correspondents at General Headquarters, that Monday's failure has had a depressing effect upon the enemy, who was apparently reckoning that his success at Kemmel meant that his next effort would develop into a victorious drive. At the same time it must be admitted that signs are not wanting that the enemy does not intend long to desist from trying to achieve his purpose.
"The best sign at the present moment is," says the "Daily Mail," "that all German talk of the Emperor's battle has vanished, probably because of the losses the enemy has sustained. Had the German Staff not been certain of victory the venture would never have been made. Never again can Germany enjoy such advantages. The German experts and newspapers are now being instructed to warn the German people and army that no 'new Sedan' is possible, that the battle must be difficult and protracted, that Ypres is very strong, that Great Britain is fighting hard. Of the United States there is not a word. But the vanguard of the American army is already arriving in France, and the fine performance of American troops near Montdidier is an earnest of what we may expect when it numbers millions on European soil."
Artillery activity only, and the repulse of a German raid near Heburtene, is officially reported this morning. The French have made an advance in Hangard Wood, and captured Baume Wood (south-west of Mailly-Raineval), together with 30 prisoners and five machine guns.
Further fighting is reported from Palestine. East of the Jordan Australian troops have entered the village of Es Salt and taken 350 prisoners. During these operations a mounted brigade was attacked by a superior enemy force and compelled to fall back, losing nine guns. Necessary supports have been brought forward and operations are proceeding.
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Rifleman George Turner, R.I.R., Lisnatrunk.
Rifleman G. Steadman, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Lance-Corporal John M'Neice, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Sergeant-Major S. Waring, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Sergeant Theodore Coulter, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Sergeant George Gillespie, Lisburn.
Rifleman Rowan, R.I.R., Lisburn.
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Rifleman George Turner, R.I.R., officially reported killed in action on 21st March, is a son of Mr. Robert Turner, Mossview, Lisnatrunk, Lisburn, whose family have borne more than their full share of the fighting. Before joining up Rifleman Turner worked in Hilden. Another brother, Rifleman Robert Turner, R.I.R., was wounded in the same fighting, and is now in hospital in England. A third brother, Rifleman Samuel Turner, is in hospital in Dublin, recovering from wounds received in action about three months ago; while a fourth, and only other member of the family eligible for military service, is still at the front, having come unscathed through all the big engagements in which the Ulster Division took part.
Sergeant Theodore Coulter, R.I.R., reported missing, is a son of Mr. James Coulter, Bow Street, Lisburn.
Rifleman Rowan, R.I.R., son of Mr. Rowan, Antrim Place, Lisburn, is officially reported missing. Three brothers are in the army.
Rifleman G. Steadman, R.I.R., wounded and in hospital, is a son of Mrs. Steadman, Bachelors' Walk, Lisburn. A brother of this soldier was killed at the Somme in July, 1916.
Lance-Corporal John M'Neice, R.I.R., admitted to the 1st London General Hospital, Camberwell, suffering from wounds, is a son of Mr. Samuel M'Neice, Lisnagarvey, Lisburn.
Company Sergeant-Major S. Waring, Machine Gun Corps, wounded on the 16th ult., and now in a London hospital, is a son of Mr. R. Waring, foreman mechanic in the Island Spinning Company. He went to the front with the South Antrim Volunteer Battalion of the Royal Irish Rifles, but was subsequently transferred to the Machine Gun Corps. He is one of the old boys of Christ Church Company Church Lads' Brigade. Two of C.S.M. Waring's brothers are serving, one in the Royal Irish Rifles and the other in the navy.
Sergeant George Gillespie, R.I.R, who is among those posted as missing, is a son of Mrs. Gillespie, Ivan Street, Lisburn.
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The usual rumours regarding other local soldiers are going the rounds, and like all other rumours, lose nothing in the telling; but experience has taught us for the sake of everybody to confine ourselves to casualties officially reported or communicated by relatives of the soldiers concerned.
We shall be obliged if relatives would let us have early intimation of any official or other authoritative news regarding their soldier friends they, may receive.
While we are on this matter we might remark that a rather silly idea has got abroad that a charge is made for "mention" in this column. This is absolutely not so. Instead, we heartily welcome all authenticated or properly vouched for items of interest concerning our local soldiers.
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The following further hair-raising experiences of a young Lisburn artillery officer in the opening days of the present German offensive will, doubtless, be read with keen interest. Few officers have seen more of the horrors of war and preserved a whole skin, while few, we think our readers will agree, posses a more facile pen:--
I have already given you, he says, a very short account of the awful week commencing March 21st, but as I am sure you would like to hear all, the details, I will try to give you them as far as the Censor will permit. In the mess we still hardly care to talk much about our adventures, for though some of us have the Somme in '16, Arras in '17, Messines and Ypres behind us, not one of us has ever experienced such a perfectly hellish time. Still, I think the greatest of all our blows is the loss of our beloved major. I have had quite a few commanding officers, good, bad, and indifferent, but never has it been my fortune to serve under such an efficient battery commander and such a perfect gentleman. I am sure I can truly say that there was not one officer or one man in our battery who would not have followed him to certain death and been glad to go. He was always thoughtful, always appreciative, justly kind and justly stern, as the case required. It will take more than a few years before his memory grows dim in our hearts.
I don't quite know where to start my experiences, but I had better begin with the morning of the 21st, and I can hardly be telling anything more than everybody knows by way of the Press, We were in position in front of -----------, well up the famous valley which is perhaps best known as Death Valley. Certainly it lived up to its name on the 21st and 22nd. We had also a detached section behind -----------, but I will finish with ----------- first, as did the Huns. On the 20th I was orderly officer, which, as work was heavy, was not a particularly enviable job, and the 20th was a busy day. I had several shoots and concentrations to run, and during the night a long programme to keep an eye on. The brigade adjutant was also very busy, for he kept me on the 'phone almost continuously during the night, with the result that instead of snatching a few hours' sleep I was up the whole time. At 4-30 a.m. I lay down, and began to think I had at last finished, but just as I was dosing off the Boche opened out with drum-fire. That had me up at once. S.O.S. was only about five minutes in coming through, and as we were ready laid and loaded we opened full blast at once. I tried to get the forward observation officer, but, as he told me afterwards, the lines had gone as soon as the barrage came down. Consequently, so far as we were concerned, we knew nothing of what was going on forward.
At 5-15 the right section reported that they were being heavily shelled with 5.9's; immediately afterwards the left section reported they were getting it rather hot too, but could carry on. A message with a new target came through from brigade, so I worked it out, but found the line to the guns had been cut, so had to get a runner. How he got through I don't know, for round the guns there was nothing but a lashing hail of bursting shells. Nobody could speak too highly of the gunners. That day never was our rate of fire reduced, though the detachments were thinned by casualties, and I estimate the shells were falling about three per minute all round our pits. The major was everywhere, confident, fearless, cheerful, bucking up everybody. My post became rather uncomfortable about 8 o'clock, with the result that we had to move, taking all maps and instruments with us. It was however, rather out of the frying pan into the fire. Close mathematical work under shellfire is not very entertaining. Anyhow, we got all our new targets out in good time, which is the chief consideration.
One of the section officers was hit, and the man who was to relieve me at 9 o'clock went to the guns to take his place, so the skipper and I carried on in the B.C. post under a bank, with target after target pouring in on us. The Hun was now doing an area strafe, which is simply pumping into an area and hoping for the best, thereby making that area decidedly uncomfortable, as one can never judge what he is trying for or where the next shell is going to burst. He stopped for a short while shelling the guns, which let us relieve what was left of the detachments, though I am afraid it was not much relief. All this time we had no idea of the situation except from rumour, and even that was very vague, brigade being much too busy to be worried by us. However, about 12-30 p.m. the guns reported that machine-gun bullets were coming over, and at one o'clock my Lewis gunners declared that what they judged to be hand-to-hand scrapping was going on some 1,000 yards on their right front; and half an hour later that they were firing on a party of enemy coming down the valley. At the same time we got orders to fire on a paint only some 1,200 yards in front, and the guns reported two casualties from machine-gun fire. We mustered what few rifles we had and stood by.
The major went forward to reconnoitre, and when he came back gave orders to scupper the guns and, retire, as he could see no infantry in front of us. I think it must have broken his heart to give that order, for he stayed on until everyone had gone, and, according to a bombardier who was with him, visited every dugout to make sure everybody was away. Coming back he was hit in the head by a bullet -- machine guns were sweeping the road -- and we never saw him again. We set out, carrying away what we could -- instruments, maps, a little kit, and our wounded -- and made for our rear section. I don't think I shall ever forget that walk. it was a beautiful day, sunny and warm. I was carrying my trench coat, a pack, a rifle, and the O.P. officer's coat, as he, poor fellow, was in a state of collapse and could hardly stagger along. The men were split up in small parties, and it was a trying job to keep them from either bunching or straggling. The first was dangerous owing to the Hun planes, which were doing low flying and machine-gunning every visible object; the second because once our parties got separated it meant valuable minutes wasted collecting them. That march was a nightmare. To reach our rear section was a matter of about six kilometres across country, edging a little back all the while. The roads were terrible -- long-range guns, transports moving, walking wounded, retreating gunners, dust and heat. I stopped at a cross roads to collect stragglers, and having collected some 20 men, pushed on again.
My party was a sorry looking lot, composed of the last detachments on the guns, three slightly wounded, and some of the oldest and least fit men in the battery. Some of the men off the guns were without coats, some carrying rifles, and some what little kit they could snatch up. One or two had been continuously on the guns since 6 a.m. on the 20th, and were beaten to the world. It took us until 5-30 to reach our position. I think what heartened me more than anything was the sight of our two guns blazing away, and a party of R.E.'s playing football a short distance off. A cup of hot tea, a biscuit, some bully beef, my coat on the floor of a dugout, and for four hours the war was forgotten. Unfortunately, about 10 o'clock the Huns started on harassing fire, and we had to take to our rear trench for two hours. After that we were all too cold to sleep again. All this time the guns were blazing hard, and it is wonderful we had no casualties, for it was a perfect pandemonium. One shell fell only ten yards from a gun. At five we had a sort of stand-to. I went out with my Lewis gun and a small party of rifles, but at seven o'clock, the Boche showing no sign of attacking, we came into breakfast.
All day we kept up our full rate of fire, only resting to change targets or let the guns cool. Our officer went forward to try and get some information, but after six hours came back, having discovered nothing definite. Brigade assured us that all was well until four o'clock, when they asked us if we had any information. Naturally we had not, but afterwards noticed a battery of equal size to our own commence to pull out. We reported this to brigade, but the reply was to "carry on." About an hour later a field battery beside us said they were bringing up their team, but had no orders about pulling out or going forward. This we also reported, and were directed to have our own transport standing by, and were given a rendezvous some miles back. Up till now, except for stray shell, we had been more or less left alone, but at five o'clock something unpleasantly like a barrage began to come down just in front of us. A thick ground mist blotted out everything within half a mile radius, but it was not until a field battery came back along the road that we had even a suspicion that all was not well. Again we asked for instructions, only to find our line to brigade was blown to bits. The captain waited half an hour, but as the line was not yet working and rumour had it the Hun had broken through on our right, he gave orders to pull out. As it turned out, rumour spoke true, and an hour later our position was the scene of some hard hand-to-hand fighting. The guns reached the rendezvous about 10 p.m., and at 11 we were all hard at work, digging in, though officers and men were pretty well used up.
Dawn found us ready for action. Except for a few firing stores we had nothing, as we had not had transport to bring them away, but we had enough to fire 100 rounds and another 300 which came up during the day. None came up that night -- 23rd -- but one gun went out of action and could not be repaired, so during the night of the 23rd and the day of the 24th we tried to double our rate of fire with our remaining gun. At 4 p.m. on the 24th brigade wired through for us to send an officer forward to get in touch with our infantry, or to get some reliable information. This duty fell to me, and having collected four orderlies, I set out. The Hun was doing some counter-battery work which made my progress rather difficult -- so difficult, indeed, that finally I gave up all hope of dodging and decided to go straight up and take my chance. The battery area being passed, things were quieter, but ahead the Boche was shelling hard. More by good luck than good guidance, I struck the infantry brigade H.Q. to which I had been sent.
The news was not very reassuring nor very definite, but I sent it back by two of my runners, while I set off to find another brigade which was roughly pointed out to me on the map. This time luck was all against me. I ran into a barrage to start with, and one runner got slightly wounded, which of course delayed my progress. I scoured the country for this H.Q., but could find it nowhere. There was still some shelling, and the night was inky black. I tried to retrace my steps, but got quite lost. Eventually I found a field artillery H.Q., who made me very welcome. There I evacuated my casualty, and learned the "cheerful news" that the enemy were attacking on our right and had made some headway. Away went my remaining runner, and it was when our brigade got this message and our last gun went out of action that the battery pulled out once again. An hour later three fresh runners turned up for me. By this time the Hun appeared to be held, so two were again sent back with this report. Hardly had they gone when I learned our right flank had been broken, and the brigade I was with were told to clear their guns away. I waited with them until they had all their batteries out, and than set off to discover something on my own.
All I could find were some infantry digging in, and who were very indefinite about the position of their H.Q.; so after stumbling about for half an hour and finding no information of value, I made my way back. Eventually I reached a new brigade of R.F.A., who were only keeping in action till the brigade I was with were in position. They could tell me nothing, so I carried on back. By this time I could hardly walk, not having had my boots off for four days and being on my feet most of the time. However, I got back to the position to find it -- bare, and not a soul to be seen. I could have cried. I rested a few minutes, but as my runner went to sleep and I nearly did the same, I thought it best to report at once to brigade. It took us an hour to do two miles, and the chair and drink at the end of it just about saved my life.
The following message has been addressed by the Queen to the men of the fighting forces:--
To the men of our Navy, Army, and Air Force--
I send this message to tell every man how much we, the women of the British Empire at home, watch and pray for you during the long hours of these days of stress and endurance.
Our pride in you is immeasurable, our hope unbounded, our trust absolute. You are fighting in the cause of righteousness and freedom to defend the women and children, of our land from the horrors that have overtaken other countries, fighting for our very existence as a people at home and across the seas. You are offering your all. You hold back nothing, and day by day you show a love so great that no man can have greater. We, on our part, send forth with full hearts and unfaltering will the lives we hold most dear. We, too, are striving in all ways possible to make the war victorious. I know that I am expressing what is felt by thousands of wives and mothers when I say that we are determined to help one another in keeping your homes ready against your glad home-coming. In God's name we bless you, and by His help we, too, will do our best.
26th April, 1918.
Captain William R. Knox, son of the late Mr. W. J. Knox, Island Spinning Company, and of Rubicon, and cousin of Mr. Benjamin Leonard, Railway Street, Lisburn, has been assassinated by outlaws at Santo Domingo, Hayti, which, next to Cuba, is the largest of the West Indian islands. Captain Knox had served in the U.S. Navy for the past ten years, having enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1908. Captain Knox was a great patriot, always keen on the fighting services.
The news of his death, which has been officially gazetted in the United States,
will be learned of with regret by all who knew him and his family in Lisburn.
Details have not yet been received. The late Captain Knox's mother is at present residing in England with her son Samuel, who is engaged on aeroplane work. All the papers in the United States and Canada make reference to Captain Knox's death. The "Montreal Herald and Telegraph" says:--
"Captain W. R. Knox, whoso death, while temporarily attached to the Guardia Nacional of San Domingo, was announced in 'The Gazette,' though still a young man, had led a very adventurous life, and had seen fighting in many parts of the world.
"The brief despatch from Washington announcing his assassination in Santo Domingo, supposedly by a band of outlaws, gave his age as thirty-two, but he had actually only passed his twenty-eighth birthday in January. Ten years ago, when
still under eighteen, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and relatives here suppose, that he may have given his age at that time as four years older than he actually was.
"With the Marines he had visited many parts of the world, including China, and
had brushes with unruly natives in the Philippines. He was quickly promoted to
non-commissioned rank, and worked his way up to sergeant, when he was recently lent by the American authorities to the Guardia Nacional of Santo Dominga,
where he was given the temporary rank of captain. In recent letters to relatives Sergeant Knox said his commanding officer had recommended him for a commission in the Marines, and he hoped then to be sent for service in France. When the
war first broke out he tried to secure his discharge from the American service so he might enlist with the Canadians, but this was refused.
"Born in Lisburn, Captain Knox came of a military family, one of his brothers having fought in the South African war. A few years later the family moved to
Montreal, but his mother returned to England recently, and is now living with another son at Birmingham. Three sisters still reside in Montreal -- Mrs. E. S. M. MacNab, 4261 St. Catherine Street West; Mrs. LeBeau, 866 Durocher Street; and
Mrs. Stevenson, wife of the Rev. H. R. Stevenson, of Montreal West.
"No further details have been received regarding the assassination."
^ top of page
Lisburn Standard - Friday, 10 May, 1918
Births, Marriages, and Deaths -- 1d per word; Minimum Charge, 2s 6d.
Government Notices -- Irish Newspaper Owners' Scale Rate.
Legal Notices -- 6d per line (9 lines to inch).
Auctions -- 3d per line; 2s 3d per inch single column.
Public Notices -- 3s per inch.
Paragraph Advertisements -- 3d per line.
Acknowledgments for War Funds -- 2s 3d per inch.
Trade Advertisements -- 2s 3d per inch 1 insertion; 2s per inch for 2 insertions; 1s 9d per inch for 3 insertions; 1s 6d per inch for 4 insertions; 1s 3d per inch for 6 insertions; 1s per inch for 13 or more insertions; 3d per inch extra per insertion, news position.
Prepaid Advertisements: Private, For Sale, Wants, and To Lets -- ½d per word.
SHILLINGTON -- May 7, at Martello, Bangor, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shillington -- a son.
DIGBY--SMYTHE -- April 30, at Malone Presbyterian Church, Belfast, by the Rev W. G. Smyth, M.A., John Digby, only son of the late George Digby, Manchester, to May Elizabeth, second daughter of Joseph Smythe, Craigmore House, Maghera.
WADDELL -- May 8, at 12 Orient Gardens, Belfast, Lyons Waddell, son of the late
Rev. Hugh Waddell, Glenarm. -- His remains will be removed from his late residence to-morrow (Saturday), at 10 o'clock, to the family burying-ground, Glenarm. Funeral private. No flowers.
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Court of Queen's Bench, December, 1872.
This extraordinary trial came up for hearing before a special jury in Dublin on December 19th, and continued for eight days.
The damages were laid by Mr. Stannus at £10,000, and resulted in a verdict for £100.
The libel consisted in certain statements which appeared in the "Northern Whig," and which Mr. Stannus considered reflected adversely and unfairly on his management of the Hertford Estate, and contributed materially to his loss of the agency.
The defence contended that there was no malice or persona! animus against Mr. Stannus, that the management of so large an estate was legitimate matter for comment, and that certain allegations were true.
Whatever purpose the trial may have served, it has at any rate placed on permanent record a vivid and startling picture, of the conditions under which the tenants on the Hertford Estate lived prior to 1870 -- conditions that supervened on hundreds of other Irish estates before the introduction of the new land laws.
A large number of witnesses were examined, and many lengthy speeches delivered.
The judge charged strongly in favour of the plaintiff. The jury could not agree. It was only after considerable pressure from the judge that the jury finally agreed to a verdict for Mr. Stannus, fixing the damages at £100.
Counsel for Plaintiff -- Notes from Opening.
The libels complained of were published in the "Northern Whig" of 2nd and 3rd August, 1872. For nineteen years Mr. Stannus had been agent of the Hertford Estate, to which he had succeeded on the retirement of his father, Dean Stannus. The estate was about fourteen miles long by ten in breadth, and the town of Lisburn was entirely built upon it. It comprised 54 townlands. There were nearly 3,000 tenants from year to year, occupying distinct holdings, and 1,000 mora holding on lease. Dean Stannus was appointed agent in 1817, and under his management, said counsel, the estate flourished and the tenantry were happy and prosperous. About 75 per cent, of the population on the estate was Protestant, and 25 per cent. Roman Catholic. Dean Stannus continued agent up to the year 1853.
When the plaintiff lost the agency a few months ago, due in some degree to the defendant, whose object seemed to be to write him to death if possible, the Hertford Estate represented nearly £60,000 a year.
In 1870 the fourth Marquis died, and left the whole of his personal estate, which was little short of a million in money and value, to Sir Richard Wallace, and on the construction of a codicil to the will of the Marquis depended the question whether he had revoked the devise of the real estate and given it also to Sir Richard. After three trials a compromise was entered into, and Sir Richard Wallace got the Irish estate absolutely and paid to Sir H. Seymour £200,000 down and £8,000 a year until the payment of a further £200,000.
Counsel referred in detail to the case of Captain Bolton and his ejectment from his school, and exonerated Dean Stannus in his course of action. The defeat of the office candidate, Mr. Inglis, as member of Parliament for Lisburn in 1852, was fully gone into. Lord Hertford was reported as saying in regard to the electors who opposed Mr. Inglis -- "If they chose to be so very independent, he could be so too, and would require them to pay something like the value of their holdings." These and other matters were discussed, to the detriment of Mr. Stannus, in the "Whig."
When Sir R. Wallace succeeded to the Hertford Estate he removed Mr. Walter T. Stannus from the agency, and appointed Mr. Capron, a London lawyer.
Counsel, proceeding, said -- Mr. Stannus was held up to the world by the "Whig" as a person who had played the despot to such an extent that 99 out of every 100 of the tenants over whom he had long tyrannised would, if free, vote against his being continued as agent, and it was represented that he had become an object of hatred and aversion to the tenantry.
Further, it was stated that, having been a tyrant for years, he now, when the agency was in question, was mean enough to send his hireling bailiffs to hawk amongst those very tenants, who hated him, a memorial praying for his continuance in the agency.
Counsel denied that these matters about the Hertford Estate were matters fit for public comment. But even if they were, were they true? The "Whig" kept tapping at Mr. Stannus, and largely contributed to his loss of the agency. The defendant could only produce 35 cases out of 4,000 tenants in 19 years. Counsel went into details regarding various statements which appeared in the "Whig" reflecting on his client and his management of the estate.
Mr. Stannus under Examination.
It is stated in the libel I preferred one gentleman to another, Sir R. Wallace being an adventurer and Papist. I do not believe him to be such, but the reverse. I continued as agent until the decision of the Exchequer Court, and a short time after that I was discontinued as agent, following the compromise with Sir R. Wallace. At this time there was a memorial from the tenants to Sir Richard congratulating him, and expressing a hope I would be continued as the agent. It was prepared by the Rev. R. Hill, rector of Aghalee. I gave orders that no bailiff on the estate should have anything to do with it, nor did I ever ask any tenant to sign it. There was no regular system of fining on the estate, and when inflicted it was very small. Shooting on the estate was reserved for the Marquis and strictly preserved, etc.
Counsel for the Defence.
The attention in this case was whether a public journal was to be restrained by any restraint beyond that which was the restraint acknowledged by the law. He would not ask any jury to permit a public journalist to conceal under the cloak of public writing spleen or malice. The jury should find private malice against defendant before they could find a verdict for Mr. Stannus, and he hoped to satisfy them that the defendant acted without any improper personal feeling towards him. Was not the management of a vast property like the Hertford Estate a legitimate matter for comment? They were dealing with matters of public interest. He contended that the agent's conduct towards the tenants who did not vote in accordance with his wishes had been arbitrary and such as Lord Hertford would not himself have sanctioned.
Mr. Stannus, without any suggestion from Lord Hertford, had, he submitted, dealt unfairly and arbitrary with Mr. Miller because he voted against the office candidate. Remonstrance on the part of Mr. Miller, who had been a tenant for twenty years, was no use, and there was no appeal from the dictum of an independent agent. Mr. Richardson, too, was made to feel the force and pressure of the estate office because he dared to exercise his franchise in an independent manner. Captain Bolton and his school was another victim to the system of oppression, and these are only isolated cases. In the 1857 election the bailiffs admittedly canvassed at the rate of £15 each when Mr. Stannus was expense agent. Yet Mr. Stannus would have the jury believe he did not know they were so acting.
The religious element ought never to have been dragged into the caae. It had, however, been brought in. In the flourishing town of Lisburn there were a considerable number of Presbyterians. At the time there was one small Presbyterian church in the town, a second Presbyterian church was established, and as they were obliged to assemble for Divine worship in the Courthouse, a distinguished Presbyterian clergyman -- Mr. Berkeley, since the Moderator of the General Assembly -- thought proper, humbly and in a proper spirit, to represent to the agent of Lord Hertford that there was a necessity for a site being granted in Lisburn for a new meeting-house. The General Assembly of the Church approved the scheme. Mr. Stannus not only refused the site, but even refused to meet a deputation to discuss it, and cancelled the privilege of using the Courthouse. At the time -- 1861 -- there were 610 Presbyterian families in Lisburn. The Rev. Mr. Clarke was called to the care of the new and struggling congregation, and found it impossible that he could discharge his functions without some place where his people could assemble. A deputation, consisting of the most eminent members of the General Assembly, sought an interview with Dean Stannus on the subject. The Rev. Dr. Cooke was one of them. What was the reply to the courteous request of the deputation? That the deputation might not wait upon him, as "he would not give one foot of ground from Ballinderry to Dunmurry for the purpose." That was said by Dean Stannus, acting for his son, the agent for the estate.
All these allegations, he (the Attorney-General) would prove, and were they not matters for public criticism and fair comment? He would also be able to establish that a tenant named John Hall, who had a valuable tenant-right interest in his farm, wanted to sell it, and was offered £2,000 by a man named M'Corry, but the office, having found out that the intending purchaser was a Roman Catholic, refused to assent to the sale, and Hall was obliged to sell the farm to another man for £1,500.
It was in proof that a system of fining the tenants of this vast estate was practised by the agent. Was not that a matter fit to be dealt with by a public journalist? No landlord or agent had the right to impose upon the tenant a court unknown to the constitution of the country without agreement by the tenant. It was also in evidence that the power to fine was actually delegated to a clerk in the office. There was evidence that the rents were moderate and the value of the tenant-right high, but what was complained of was that there pervaded the idea, as the substratum on which all rested, that the office was to be looked to, to bo consulted, and whose wishes were to be obeyed irrespective altogether of the religious or political views of the tenantry.
It was a rule of the estate that no dog should be kept by a tenant. Think of that. Over this immense estate of 140 square miles no tenant could keep a dog. In the well-known case of Beatty, the rent would not be taken until the dog was killed and the dead body laid within the office as proof that the agent's will was carried out. The dog was a special favourite of its master, and an offer was made to have it removed from the estate, but nothing less than the death of the dog would be accepted and the head and tail left in a bag at the office.
Then there was the matter of the pressure brought to bear upon tenants to subscribe to the Lisburn and Antrim Railway. Several cases were cited.
Pursuing the course of this arbitrary conduct, they had the case of the Island Spinning Company, in which the agent and a director had a dispute, when strong language on both sides was used, and resulted in the raising of the rent of a bridge from a nominal sum to £10 a year, and despite a written apology for the words used, the increased rent remained till the accession of Sir Richard Wallace.
In 1867 the representatives of Captain Bolton were evicted from the Piper Hill property, Lisburn, because the agent would have an Episcopalian schoolmaster in charge of Captain Bolton's school, and not a Presbyterian, as the captain wished and enjoined. The case of Edward Bell, patron of a national school, who allowed the tenant-farmers of his district to hold meetings in the school, was gone into.
Counsel, proceeding, stated that he had shown interference in religious matters, the arbitrary fining of tenants without jurisdiction or consent, the eviction of tenants for not submitting disputes to the office, the raising of rents, interference in elections, and actual evictions, all proving a system of high-handed management of the estate up to 1870.
Mr. Stannus decided on the 4th May, 1871, to espouse the cause of Sir H. Seymour and act as his agent, notwithstanding that at that time the ownership of the estate was still in doubt. Could it then be said that an agent was libelled because it was said of him that he was bound to use all his influence in the cause he had espoused? One of the statements in the alleged libels was that Mr. Stannus used Sir H. Seymour. Why, even a counsel ia a case was bound to do all he could for his client, and why not the agent of a man who appointed him to the management of his property? That Mr. Stannus backed the wrong horse is quite another matter. Yet it was pressed upon the jury that the alleged libels led to Mr. Stannus's dismissal by Sir Richard Wallace.
Counsel referred to the address or memorial got up by the Rev Mr. Hill to Sir R. Wallace asking for Mr. Stannus's retention as agent, and commented on his relation and action in connection with the same and the methods resorted to in procuring the signature of tenants.
Concluding, counsel said -- Our case in not that the statements are true, but that the comment is a fair one, and the only two allegations of fact we are to prove are that there was a tyrannical system of management on the estate and that there was undue influence exercised Lisburn elections. It would be proved as a fact by tenants that, as stated in the libel, there was a feeling of rejoicing that Mr. Stannus ceased to be agent. He would call tenant after tenant to prove that, and were they not entitled to their opinions, and to publish them, even though unreasonable? The tenants were asked in the address to Sir R. Wallace to say the management of the estate had been satisfactory. Some thought it was, and others thought the contrary. It was true the address was carried round by bailiffs, though Mr. Stannus ordered that they should not do so; but the statement in the libel was not that he caused them to do so, but that it was hawked about by bailiffs. It was no libel to say of a man that he was not liked. Mr. Stannus did appear to have been an irresponsible agent, and cases were cited to show that strong comments in newspapers upon the conduct of individuals were permissible where they were made bona fide and without malice. The defendant acted from a sense of duty to the public and free from malice. In finding a verdict they were to consider that it was not the man that was attacked, but the system.
The speech occupied six hours.
(Next week: The Lisburn Estate.)
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The fighting in Flanders this week has been comparatively light, and Germany has not got the better of any of her local attacks. Indeed, the enemy has virtually made no progress since his capture of Mont Kemmel; but attacks on even a larger and fiercer scale may be imminent.
All the enemy gained by his offensive between La Clytte and Voormezeele was a large addition to his casualty lists, for at the close of the fighting yesterday morning the French and British had completely re-established their positions.
During the day the enemy launched two other local attacks, at Bouzincourt and Albert. The former was completely smashed, and the latter gave him about 150 yards of front positions.
The latest photographic and other evidence from Zeebrugge show that the canal is completely blocked and is quite unusable, the obstructions having been even better placed than at first believed. British air activity is delaying attempts to effect a clearance.
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Second-Lieut. A. Moore, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Rflm. W. Waring, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Corpl. Samuel Getgood, R.I.R.
Rflm. H. M'Comiskey, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Rflm. J. Coburn, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Rflm. A. Griffin, R.I.R., Lisburn.
Rflm. John M'Givern, R.I.R., Tullynacross.
Lieut. S. Waring, R.I.R., Grenavy.
The names of the following soldiers appeared on the official casualty lists issued this week (most of these have already been referred to in our columns):--
Royal Irish Rifles.
17234 J. N. Barr, Lambeg.
18951 C. Dixon, Lisburn.
2209 Sergt. J. Lyle, Crumlin.
18191 A. M'Bride, Lisburn.
18212 J. M'Caw, Lisburn.
3677 C. Mynes, Lisburn.
4635 J. Totten, Lisburn.
18845 Sergt. J. Turner, Hillsborough.
2533 H. Bell, Lisburn.
19410 Sergt. J. H. Bushe, Crumlin.
18949 A. Dowling, Lisburn.
17620 W. J. Fox, Lisburn.
18192 R. J. M'Bride, Hillsborough.
19202 T. H. Smyth, Lisburn.
Royal Irish Fusiliers.
41123 I. Burke, Lambeg.
41699 Corpl. P. Lavery, Lisburn.
22942 L.-Corpl. J. Mulholland, Lisburn.
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Second-Lieut. Archibald Moore, wounded, missing, but believed killed, is the second son of the late Mr. William Moore, Newgrove, Ballylesson, and Mrs. Moore, Hillmount, Antrim Road, Lisburn. He joined up in August, 1914, with the North Irish Horse, and after a year and nine months' service in France was promoted to sergeant. Recommended for a commission, he entered the Cadet School at Fermoy, and was subsequently gazetted second-lieutenant in the Royal Irish Rifles in June, 1917, proceeding again to the front on 27th August, 1917. Lieut. Moore was a fine athlete, and was connected with the Ulsterville Harriers, winning the Marathon championship of Ireland and many other trophies and medals. In France in 1916 he won the silver cup presented by Major-General A. Haldane, C.B., D.S.O., for "first in" in ------ Division cross-country team. Before enlisting he was employed in the firm of Messrs. Hugh Mack A Co., Ltd., and later joined the firm of Grainger & Smith, Ltd. He was a member of the Drumbo U.V.F. His brother-in-law, Mr. W. D. Mitchell, was one of the victims of the Lusitania. In a letter to Mrs. Moore the chaplain attached to the Field Ambulance says:--
I was very sorry to hear that your son, Lieut. A. Moore, had been killed in the recent severe fighting. His friends who were with him when he fell are unanimous in saying that he behaved throughout the battle with the utmost gallantry. At the critical stage in the day he went into a counter-attack at the head of his men, inspiring them by his cheery words and intrepid demeanour until he fell himself in the forefront of the battle. We shall miss him greatly, and feel that we have lost in him a valuable officer and a staunch comrade. I knew your son well, and I always admired his rock-like character and sunny disposition.
Rifleman William Waring, R.I.R., unofficially reported killed, is the youngest son of Mr. James Waring, Smithfield. He was a member of the U.V.F., and although under age at the outbreak of war, volunteered and was accepted for service in the battalion of the Rifles that was raised locally. When the Ulster Division was ordered to France in 1915 he was given the option of remaining behind owing to his youthfulness, but be scorned the idea and insisted on going with his comrades to the front. The greatest anxiety was felt about Rifleman Waring by his parents and sisters since the commencement of the big German offensive, since when no letters had been received from himself; and his brother, Sergeant-Major Tom Waring, R.I.R., was unable to find out or forward any definite news concerning him. Unfortunately the following letter to his married sister (Mrs. Johnston-Smyth, Ingram) from an officer in the Engineers would show:--
It is with deep regret that I write to tell you the sad news contained in this letter, but I feel it my duty to let you knew in case yon are in suspense. I am sorry to inform you that a man belonging to my company -- viz., 90th Field Company Royal Engineers -- brought to me to-day (24/4/18) an identification of a soldier whom they had found killed and buried, and from a letter found I presume it was your brother, 19286 Rifleman William Waring, -------- Battalion R.I. Rifles. I cannot tell you how or when your brother was killed. All I know is that he was buried in the most deserving way that conditions would permit at the moment. I might say that I am in an unofficial position. His C.O. will be informed of full particulars at an early date . . . but understanding the anxiety of those at home for their brave ones if no news is to hand, I felt it my duty to write. Please accept my deepest sympathy in your sad bereavement, and I trust that the One who knows all our troubles in this world will give you the strength to bear the burden which He has seen fit to place on you.
Lieut. Samuel Waring, R.I.R., gassed on the 8th inst., is a son of Mr. Lucas Waring, Glenavy, and formerly lived in Railway Street, Lisburn. He returned from Australia at the outbreak of the war to enlist, and obtained a commission in the Royal Irish Rifles (South Antrim Volunteers). He has been thrice wounded in action. His brother, Lieut. Lucas Waring, was wounded a short time ago, and is at present in hospital.
Corporal Samuel Getgood, R.I.R., a prisoner of war, is a son of Mr. George Getgood, of My Lady's Road, Belfast (formerly of Lisburn), and nephew of Mr. [?]. J. Getgood, Railway Street, Lisburn. This young soldier, who worked on the Queen's Island, volunteered on the outbreak of the war, and went to the front as a signaller with the Ulster Division. At the Somme in 1916 he, with two comrades, was buried by a shell for over two hours. When dug out Signaller Getgood, who was underneath the other two, was, strange to say, the only one alive. He was posted as missing following the opening of the German offensive the other week, and now a postcard from himself conveys the news that he is a prisoner in Germany. A brother, Sergeant Thomas Getgood, R.I.R., has been twice wounded, his injuries on the second occasion necessitating the amputation of two fingers. He has returned to duty at a home station after coming out of hospital. This soldier won the Military Medal for conspicuous gallantry in the field in July, 1916.
Rifleman H. M'Comiskey, R.I.R., a prisoner of war, is a son of Mr. Joseph M'Comiskey, Market Square, Lisburn. Prior to enlisting he was employed in the Beechpark Dairy. Rifleman M'Comiskey was wounded on the 6th April, 1916, and as a result was not able to resume active service in France until the following September. He was posted as missing following the opening of the big German offensive. His parents received a letter from himself yesterday morning, in which he stated he was taken prisoner on the 27th March and was at present at Limburg. He added -- "I am getting along all right so far. I cannot complain, and we are getting plenty to eat. There is a young chap called Coburn, of the Lew Road, with me. He is the only one I know here." Four brothers of this soldier are serving -- Private Albert E. M'Comiskey, Canadians (wounded at Vimy Ridge); Private Harry M'Comiskey, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (wounded at Gallipoli in August, 1915); Private William M'Comiskey, Machine Gun Corps: and Private James M'Comiskey, R.F.A. In addition to these five sons, no less than eight nephews of our townsman, Mr. M'Comiskey, are serving.
Rifleman James Coburn, R.I.R., son of Mrs. Coburn, Wilson Street, Low Road, Lisburn, is a prisoner of war. His mother received a letter from him yesterday morning, in which he stated he was all right, and expressed the hope that his brother John had come through safely. He added that he was captured on the sixth day of the battle. Rifleman Coburn was not seventeen when he enlisted in the South Antrim Battalion of the R.I.R. He was wounded on the 1st July, 1916, gassed on a subsequent date, and wounded again in June last. The brother to whom he referred in his letter, Signaller John Coburn, R.I.R., came out of the terrible ordeal unhurt. Still another brother, Rifleman David Coburn, is serving. All three brothers were members of the Lisburn Temperance Silver Band.
Rifleman A. Griffin, R.I.R., is officially reported missing since March 24. His father, Mr. Thomas Griffin, 41 Sloan Street, Lisburn (who has another boy serving in the R.E.), would be glad to receive further news.
Rifleman John M'Givern, R.I.R., missing since 24th March, was three times wounded. Two brothers are serving -- Rifleman Sam M'Givern (twice wounded) and Rifleman James M'Givern (once wounded). Their mother resides at Tullynacross, Lisburn, and she would be deeply grateful to anyone for news of her missing son.
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Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson, 22 Mercer Street, Lisburn, would be grateful for information regarding their son, Private W. J. Patterson (No. 3412), Royal Inniskillings, from whom they have had no word for now almost five months. Private Patterson was twice wounded in action. A brother, Private James Patterson, was severely wounded in September last, and is in hospital in England.
Lord Rhondda, who, with Lady Mackworth, his daughter, was aboard the Lusitania when that vessel was torpedoed, has for the third anniversary of the sinking sent a message to the War Savings Committee, in which he says that in time to come the Kaiser may be known as the Herod of the twentieth century who caused Rachel to weep for her children. "Let us not relax our efforts," he added, "until we have destroyed the evil spirit which planned and rejoiced in such a crime."
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Lisburn Standard - Friday, 17 May, 1918
FURNELL -- On the 8th May, at 114 Banbury Road, Oxford, the wife of Lieut.-Colonel M. J. Furnell, Royal Irish Fusiliers, of a son.
MARSHALL--MACKEY -- April 30th at Cooke Centenary Church, Belfast, by the Rev. John Macmillan, D.D., James Marshall, Lieutenant 18th R.I.R., third son of Mr. James Marshall, Ardenlee House, Ravenhill Road, to Edith Richardson Mackey, only daughter of Mr. William Mackey, Belfast.
Roll of Honour
MULLIGAN -- Killed in action on April 11th, 1918, Lance-Corporal John Mulligan, Royal Irish Rifles, second son of Richard and Ellen Mulligan, Dublin Road, Lisburn. -- Deeply regretted.
COWAN -- Killed in action, 15th April, 1918, Lance-Corporal Albert W. Cowan, R.I. Rifles (No. 17484), youngest and dearly-beloved son of Joseph and L. Cowan, 1 Wallace Avenue, Lisburn.
None knew how sad the parting.
Nor what the farewell cost.
But Heaven in all its glory
Has gained what we have lost.
Inserted by his sorrowing Father and Mother, Sister and Brothers.
M'DOWELL -- Killed in action on 14th April, 1918, Rifleman James M'Dowell (1185), R.I. Rifles, son of James M'Dowell, New Street, Lisburn. Sadly missed by his Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers; also his Sister and Brother-in-law, L. and W. Coates.
In Memoriam
CORKIN -- In loving memory of our son, L.-Sergeant Harry Corkin, R.I.R., accidentally drowned on the 17th May, 1916, and was buried in Authuile Military Cemetery, France. Ever remembered by his Father and Mother, Sister and Brothers (one on active service). 83 Gregg Street, Lisburn.
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From the "Belfast News-Letter," December 14, 1871.
Until the date of the late Marquis of Hertford's will, this property had remained intact -- free from the slightest disintegration or augmentation since the days of Sir Fulke Conway, who died on the 4th of November, 1624. Although gathered from two counties -- Antrim and Down -- or rather from two distinct territories, Killultagh and Southern Clannaboy, the estate was perfectly compact, "embracing as in a ring fence," says Dr. Reeves, "the whole barony of Upper Massereene, with small adjacent portions of Upper Belfast and Castlereagh." In other words, this magnificent sweep of territory was thus no less than sixteen miles, in length, from Ballymullen hills, in the County of Down, to Hog-park Point on Lough Neagh, in the County of Antrim, and ten miles in breadth, from the town of Moira, on its southern boundary, to the little village of Crumlin on the north. Within these ample limits are comprised the eleven parishes of Blaris, Lambeg, Derriaghy, Magheragall, Magheramesk, Aghalee, Aghagallon, Ballinderry, Upper and Lower Glenavy, Camlin, and Tullyrusk.
The estate, as originally granted to Sir Fulke, included only the territory of Killultagh, or Coill-Ultach ("Wood of Ulster"), which had previously belonged to a great family of the O'Neills, the chieftain of which had forfeited his lands by joining the great rebel Earl of Tyrone.
Sir Fulke Conway came as an officer in the forces sent by Elizabeth to crush the rebellion in Ulster, and in 1614 was appointed governor of the strong fortress in vicinity of Moira, then known as "Eneshaloghain," or Inislochan. Fyne Muryson, who wrote a history of the struggle with Hugh O'Neill, has the following interesting reference to this stronghold:-- "The foot of Enishlaghlin was seated in the midst of a great bog, and no way accessible but through thick woods, very hardly passable. It had about it two deep ditches, both encompassed with strong pallisadoes, a very high and thick rampart of timber, and well flanked with bulwarks. For defence of the place forty-two musqueteers and some twenty swordsmen were lodged in it. But after that our forces, with very good industry, had made their approaches to the first ditch, the besieged did yield the place to the Queen, and themselves absolutely to her mercy. So a ward of English was left in the castle, after the spoil thereof was taken, wherein were great store of plate, and the chief goods of the best men in the country, being all fled to Tyrone, and the men there taken were brought bound to the Newry, and presented on the 16th of August (1602) to the Lord Deputy."
When Sir Fulke settled in the district, after the suppression of the rebellion, one of his first and most pressing duties was to disperse the wood-kern who literally swarmed throughout the dense woods of Killultagh, and who had served in the armies of Hugh O'Neill until his surrender disbanded them and scattered them over the country to live as they best could. These, now desperate men, generally amused themselves at various kinds of games during the day, and plundered in all directions at night. One of their principal places of rendezvous was in the immediate vicinity of the present town of Lisburn, and was known as Liosnagœarbhach, corruptly Lisnagarvy, meaning the "Gamester's Fort," because the wood-kern there habitually engaged in their games and revelries. Whist Sir Fulke was meditating how he could best free himself from such formidable neighbours the difficulty appears to have solved itself simply and satisfactorily enough. The following it an old chronicler's account of the matter:-- "North-east of the town (Lisburn) there is a mount moated about and another to the south-west; these were formerly surrounded with a great wood, and thither resorted all the Irish outlaws to play at cards and dice. One of the most considerable among them having lost all, even his clothes, went in a passion in the middle of the night to the house of a nobleman in that country, who before had sett a considerable sum on his head, and in this mood be surrendered himself his prisoner, which the other considering of pardoned him; and afterwards this town was built, when the knot of rogues was broke, which was done chiefly by the help of this one man."
The following are the names of the settlers, chiefly English, who succeeded these Irish wood-kern, building and occupying the first fifty houses in the modern town of Lisburn:--
Henry Cloughanson | Robert Taylor |
John Norris | Symond Richardson |
John O'Murry | Humphrey Dash |
T. Date | William Smith |
Simeon Batterfield | John M'Nilly |
John Slye | Askulfe Stanton |
John Golly | Henric Hollcote |
Hugh Montgomerie | Francis Burke |
Marmaduke Dobbs | Thomas Symonson |
Richard Dobbs | Richard Howle |
Thomas Paston | John Housmann |
John Tippen | Patrick Palmer |
Steven Richardson | Robert Warton |
Christopher Calvert | William Cubbage |
Ann Morgan | John Aprichard |
George Rose | Owen Aphugh |
Edward Steward | Anthonie Stotthard |
Henric Wilson | John Mace |
Robert Browne | Humphrey Leech |
William Averne | Richard Walker |
John Dilworth | Henric Freebourne |
Katherine Bland | Edward Gouldsmith |
George Davis | Robert Bones |
John Savage | William Edwards |
Jerome Cartwright | Peter O'Mullred |
In this list we have the names of two Irish and one Scotchman, all the others being English and Welsh. Sir Fulke himself was a native of Warwickshire, but the family had also an estate in Wales and the first settlers on his Irish lands came with him no doubt from both the localities now mentioned.
Sir Fulke had that peculiar genius for acquisition and arrangement quite indispensable to a successful settler. He had no sooner got matters quieted in Killultagh than he began to look across the Lagan on the greener and more attractive fields of Southern Clannaboy. Con O'Neill was than selling off that third part of his estate which had been handed over to him as a great favour from James I. He was so beset with Scotch settlers on all his boundaries, and so tied up to let his lands to none but Protestant strangers, that he sold his property right and left to all-comers, and at fabulously cheap rates. Sir Fulke Conway soon opened negotiations with Con from his residence of Ennishalaughin, and obtained then that portion of the estate southward of the Lagan which forms a most valuable addition to the Killultagh lands, lying very snugly and compactly thereto.
At his death Sir Fulke was succeeded by his brother, Sir Edward Conway, whom old Fuller honours with a place among his "Worthies of England," describing him as having "succeeded to his father's martial skill and valour, and twisted therewith peaceable policy in State affairs; so that the gown and the sword met in him in most eminent proportions; and thereupon King James made him one of the principal Secretaries of State. For these his good services he was created Lord Conway of Ragleigh, in Warwickshire, and afterwards, by King Charles, Viscount Killultagh, in the County of Antrim; and lastly, Viscount Conway of Conway, in Caernarvonshire -- England, Ireland, and Wales thus mutually embracing themselves in his honours." This Sir Edward Conway was knighted by the Earl of Essex, at Cadiz, in 1596, and held several important public situations, among which may be mentioned those of Lieutenant Governor of the Brill, Ambassador to Prague, and Captain of the Isle of Wight. He died in 1630, and was succeeded by his son Edward, a well-known but time-serving politician in the days of the Commonwealth. He died in 1655, and was succeeded, by his son -- another Edward -- as third Viscount Conway. This nobleman was a philosopher in his generation, and, as an Irish landlord, much preferable to his father or grandfather -- devoting much time and thought, and even occasionally a little cash, to the improvement of his Killultagh property. He built two elegant and substantial mansions thereon -- one at Lisburn, about the year 1662, and the other at Portmore in 1664. The former was burned in 1707, and never rebuilt; the latter was pulled down in 1761. There was a Deer Park connected with the residence at Portmore, including one thousand acres; and so late as 1770 this magnificent enclosure continued to be well stocked, with deer, and swarmed with pheasants, jays, and wild turkeys, all of which were then rare in Ireland. This third and last Viscount Conway was created an earl in 1679, and died, without issue, in 1683. His sister Dorothy, an amiable and intelligent woman, had married Sir George Rawdon, of Moira; and it was confidently expected that their son -- Sir Arthur Rawdon -- would have been left the Irish estate at least. But by the old Earl's will, which was made only three days before his death, the whole property, English and Irish, was handed over to his cousin, Popham Seymour. Sir Arthur Rawdon disputed the will, but to no purpose. When the Revolutionary struggle came on, Sir Thomas Newcomen, of Mosstown, a warm adherent of James II., wrote to Lady Rawdon, endeavouring through her to detach her husband, Sir Arthur, from the Association of Northern Protestants, and referring in the following terms to their loss of the Lisburn estate:-- "If your husband was advised by me, he would do as he did in Monmouth's rebellion -- offer to raise men to serve the King, and by that means entitle himself to Mulgrave and Seymour's estate in Ireland, out of which he was so notoriously wronged." "Mulgrave" was the old Lady Conway, who had been previously married to Earl Mulgrave, and who had been bequeathed the Irish property during her life. Sir Thomas Newcomen's method of rectification appeared at the time a very simple one, and Lady Rawdon, would have caught at the tempting bait, but Sir Arthur wisely declined, not caring to jeopardise his magnificent Moira estate.
(Next week: The Huguenot Settlement in Lisburn.)
Result of May Elections.
At the half-yearly meeting of the Governors on Tuesday, the following twelve candidates were declared elected pupils to the Masonic Orphan Boys School, Richview, Clonskeagh:--
(1) Austin J. E. Colclough, son of the late Bro. John Colclough, coach-builder, Lodge 232, Dublin, 5,483 votes.
(2) William F. Peare, son of the late Bro. James A. Peare, bank manager, Lodge 84, Bandon, 5,220 votes.
(3) Charles A. Ingram, son of the late Bro. Charles Ingram, sergeant, Royal Garrison Artillery, Lodes 271, Letterkenny, 5,084 votes.
(4) Eric V. Gill, son of the late Bro. George F. Gill, clerk, Lodge 343, Dublin, 4,955 votes.
(5) John B. Clarke, son of the late Bro. William B. Clarke, bank clerk, Lodge 250, Dublin, 4,875 votes.
(6) George G. Stevens, son of the late Bro. George F. Stevens, quartermaster-sergeant, Royal Engineers, Lodge 15, West African Regiment, 4650 votes.
(7) David S. M'Ilraith, son of the late Bro. James H. M'Ilraith, farmer, Lodge 80, Rathfriland, 4,282 votes.
(8) William B. Bell, son of the late Bro. William J. Bell, overseer, Post Office, Lodge 367, Downpatrick, 4,084 votes.
(9) Leslie W. Gilbert, son of the late Bro. William H. Gilbert, bandmaster, 4th Battalion Leinster Regiment, Lodge 660, Mountmellick, 4,061 votes.
(10) Alan S. Watson, son of the late Bro. John A. Watson, journalist, Lodge 88, Belfast, 3,827 votes.
(11) Alfred A. Davidson, son of the late Bro. John Davidson, merchant tailor, Lodge 120, Dublin, 3,625 votes.
(12) James H. E. Frazer, son of the late Bro. James Frazer, grocer, Lodge 140, Crumlin, 3,463 Votes.
There were seven unsuccessful candidates. There were 69,985 votes recorded.
The King has approved the award of a special certificate of honour, to be called "The King's Certificate on Discharge," to soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen discharged through wounds or disabilities incurred on active service, or directly attributable to the action of the enemy -- e.g., air or naval raids. This certificate has been drawn up by command of the King, who considered that a fitting memento of the soldier's services, to be treasured as a family record, should be given to him. His Majesty has taken the keenest interest in the design, which was entrusted to Mr. Bernard Partridge. Officers in charge of records have been entrusted with the distribution of the King's certificate, but there may be difficulty in tracing the whereabouts of all who are eligible, and those who do not receive certificates in due course should apply to the record office of their regiment, &c., giving their full address, regimental number, unit from which discharged, and the date and cause of discharge.
The King has further approved the award of a special distinctive certificate to those who, after the award of the King's Certificate on Discharge, voluntarily serve again and are again discharged as disabled in the war.
Mr. Joseph Shanks.
An old, well-known, and esteemed railway official has just passed away in Mr. Joseph Shanks, chief accountant of the Great Northern Railway Company, and uncle of Mr. James Shanks, postmaster, Lisburn. The sad event took place at his residence, Victoria Terrace, Clontarf, on Monday last. Mr. Shanks was a Belfast man, and spent the greater part of his life in that city. He entered the service of the old Ulster Railway Company in 1868, and when that undertaking became part of the Great Northern amalgamation in 1876 he remained at the Belfast office, having in the meantime earned promotion by his ability and diligence. In 1890 he was appointed chief clerk to the then general manager, Mr. Henry Mews, and left Belfast for Dublin. Subsequently, on the retirement of the chief accountant of the company, Mr. Shanks succeeded to that very important post, which he filled with credit up to his death. He was much respected by his colleagues and by all who came into contact with him, his kindly nature and genial manner making him universally popular. He was a member of the Congregational Church, and was also prominently associated with the Masonic Order. Three of his brothers were, like himself, engaged in railway work, one being locomotive superintendent of the Cavan and Leitrim Railway, another locomotive superintendent of the Sligo, Leitrim, and Northern Counties Railway. Deceased was twice married, and his
second wife survives him; also a grown-up family by his first wife.
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So far as the land is concerned, on the Western front there is nothing to report except the usual great artillery activity. There was strenuous fighting in the air, 25 German machines being crushed. A British force fought its way to Saarbruck, bombed its objective, crashed five of the enemy, and got home with the loss of only one machine.
It is worthy of note that the first American communique has been issued, and that our Allies are already making a big bid for the mastery of the air.
On the Italian front activity seems to be increasing, not only of the artillery but of raiding infantry. The Italian navy has made one of the epics of the war, four sailors succeeding in forcing the passage into Pola harbour, where they torpedoed an Austrian cruiser.
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The "Daily Chronicle's" Parliamentary correspondent, writes:-- I understand that the government are considering the expediency of launching a scheme of voluntary recruiting in Ireland on the lines of the Derby scheme which preceded the adoption of conscription in Great Britain. Meantime good progress is being made with the drafting of the Home Rule Bill. The complicated question of finance is now being considered. It was always recognised that the financial clauses of the Home Rule Act of 1914 were an exceedingly tight fit. One effect of the war has been to render those clauses quite nugatory, the old basis on which they were built up having vanished. Federalists are hopeful that the Imperial Conference which is to meet in London next month may have the incidental effect of assisting the solution of the Irish problem on Federal lines.
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Lance-Corporal John Mulligan, Royal Irish Rifles, Lisburn.
Lance-Corporal Albert Cowan, Royal Irish Rifles, Lisburn.
Rifleman James M'Dowell, Royal Irish Rifles, Lisburn.
Lance-Corporal Thomas Dougan, Leinster Regiment, Lisburn.
Rifleman Alex. Cooper, Royal Irish Rifles, Dunmurry.
Rifleman Albert Cooper, Royal Irish Rifles, Dunmurry.
Lance-Sergeant W. J. Neagle, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Lisburn.
Lance-Corporal S. H. Todd, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Upper Ballinderry.
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Lance-Corporal Jack Mulligan, R.I.R., killed in action, was the second son of Mr. Richard Mulligan, Dublin Road, Lisburn, and was only twenty-three years of age. He was a member of the Ulster Volunteer Force, and enlisted in the South Antrim Volunteer Battalion of the Rifles the first day that recruiting commenced in September, 1914. He went to the front with the Ulster Division in 1915, and took part in all the severe fighting in which the division was engaged. He was a shoemaker to trade, and prior to the war was in the employment of Messrs. E. Donaghy & Sons, Lisburn. An elder brother, Quartermaster-Sergeant Thomas Mulligan, M.M., Army Service Corps, is serving, and is at present at Salonica.
Lance-Corporal Albert W. Cowan, R.I.R., killed in action on the 15th ult., was the youngest son of Mr. Joseph Cowan, Wallace Avenue, Lisburn. He, too, was one of the original volunteers in the South Antrim Volunteer Battalion of the Rifles. He went over the top on the historic 1st July, 1916, and again at Messines, and came through without serious hurt. He was, however, wounded on the 16th August last, urn! this necessitated a prolonged convalescence. He returned to the front on Good Friday, and was killed just a fortnight after rejoining his battalion. He was a caulker on the Queen's Island.
Rifleman James M'Dowell, R..I.R., killed in action, is a son of Mr. James M'Dowell, New Street, Lisburn, and husband of Mrs. M'Dowell, Lisnoe, Lisburn. He was employed by his father before volunteering for active service. In a sympathetic letter to Mrs. M'Dowell the Church of Ireland chaplain of his old battalion (South Antrim Volunteers) writes:-- "I knew him well in the old 11th and 11/13th Battalions of the Rifles, and always found him the same in disposition. He was cheerful and obliging in times of difficulty, and gallant and unselfish in the hour of danger. He was a great favourite with officers and men, and quite a personality in his company. We shall all miss him greatly, and feel that we have lost a staunch comrade and brave soldier." A brother of Rifleman M'Dowell's, Rifleman William M'Dowell (South Antrim Volunteers), was killed on 1st July, 1916.
Lance-Corporal Thomas Dougan, Leinster Regiment, killed in action on the 21st March, resided with his wife at 163 Mill Street, Hilden, and was a representative of the Pearl Life Assurance Company.
Rifleman Alexander and Rifleman Albert E. Cooper, Royal Irish Rifles, sons of Mrs. Cooper, Millview, Dunmurry, are reported wounded and missing respectively. Both lads an members of the Drumbeg Co. C.L.B., and Alexander was also connected with the Ulster Volunteer Force. Another brother was also in the army, but has been discharged.
Lance-Sergeant W. J. Neagle, Royal Irish Fusiliers, posted as missing on the 22nd March last, is a son of Mrs. Florence Neagle, Island Cottage, Lisburn. No news has been received from him since the 20th March. Lance-Sergeant Neagle joined the 11th Battalion R.I.R. on the outbreak of war, but was later on transferred to the Irish Fusiliers. He was an employee of the Island Spinning Coy. A younger brother of was killed at the Dardanelles.
Lance-Corporal Samuel H. Todd, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, prisoner of war, is one of the three soldier sons of Mr. William John Todd, Upper Ballinderry. He volunteered for service March was a year, and proceeded overseas last December. He was officially reported missing since the 21st March, and from a semi-official source "missing, believed killed." To their great joy and relief, his parents received a postcard from himself on Wednesday morning stating he was a prisoner of war at Limburg. The card was dated 27th March. Lance-Corporal Todd served his apprenticeship with Messrs. Alex. Finlay & Co., Belfast, and was travelling for that firm when he enlisted. A brother of this soldier, Private F. E. Todd, London Irish Rifles, was wounded at Bourlon Wood; while another another, Private Hugh Todd (formerly North Irish Horse), was gassed while serving with the infantry on the 31st July last.
A Brave Action.
That our soldiers at the front, gallant as they are, have not a monopoly of pluck and fearlessness in face of danger was demonstrated once again on Saturday night at Lisburn Station, when Ticket collector Thomas Mitchell saved the life of a passenger at the risk of his own. The man, in his eagerness not to miss the train to Belfast, foolishly attempted to cross the permanent way as the Dublin express was rushing into the station. Collector Mitchell leaped to the rescue and flung him clear as the train pounded past, Spectators who stoof rooted to the spot say they never saw a braver action.
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Right Kind of Recruit.
Mr. Samuel Moore, Antrim Road, Lisburn, has been appointed engineer commander (motor-boat section) in the Royal Navy, and left this week to take up duties. Commander Moore was an apprentice in the firm of Messrs. Spence A Johnston, Belfast; and, not being above his job and ambitious to get on, he attended a course of motor engineering at the Belfast Municipal Institute. In the autumn of last year his reward came in the shape of a scholarship which enabled him to still further extend his knowledge at a special course of training in the Municipal Technical School, Lisburn, one of the two schools in Ireland equipped for this purpose. The steady progress he made since, and the quality of his work, was such that Mr. Webb, the principal, had pleasure in giving him the necessary recommendations to secure his present appointment.
The circumstances connected with the death of William John Bowers, a labourer, of Fairymount Street, Lisburn, who died in the Belfast Union Hospital on Saturday as a result of drinking what is known as "bull" whisky, were investigated in the Union Workhouse, Belfast, on Monday by the City Coroner (Dr. James Graham) and a jury. Mr. Wellington Young represented the Belfast Harbour Commissioners, and Superintendent Johnston, of the Harbour Police, was in attendance.
Evidence of identification was given by Mrs. E. Bowers, who stated that her husband was about 50 years of age. She had never known him to taste drink before.
Sergeant Long, of the Harbour Police, stated that on Friday morning last he noticed a number of coal porters gathered round a cargo of empty barrels at the Queen's Quay. The barrels were turned up and liquid was oozing out of them. One man had a quantity of whisky in an old beef tin, and he told witness that he had taken it from another comrade to prevent him from drinking it, as he "had already got enough." Later witness found two other coal porters lying unconscious, and he had them removed to the Union Hospital, where they were attended to by Dr. O'Farrell.
The Coroner -- Is there usually some whisky in these barrels when they are being returned?
Witness -- At times there might be a small quantity.
Mr. Young remarked that the liquid was much stronger than whisky, and was used for high explosives. It was locally known as "bull" whisky.
Inspector John H. Collins stated that along with the previous witness and Acting-Sergeant M'Cullough he searched the coalyards in the vicinity, and found ten men lying in an unconscious condition. They were immediately removed to hospital, and after receiving treatment were all discharged with the exception of the deceased, who died on Saturday.
The Coroner said there must have been some carelessness on the other side of the Channel, otherwise there would have been none of the liquid left in the barrels. He suggested that Mr. Young should write to the parties concerned, and draw their attention to the Manager of not completely draining the liquid out of the barrels.
Mr. Young said he would see that the Coroner's suggestion would be attended to.
The medical evidence showed that death was due to coma, following acute alcoholic poisoning, and a verdict was returned accordingly. The jury recommended the widow of the deceased to the consideration of the employers of her late husband.
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In the Belfast Police Court on the same day -- before Mr. Garrett Nagle, R.M. -- Alex. M'Loughlin, Hugh M'Millan, John Madden, John Cosgrove, William Martin, John Dorrain, and William J. Galway, dock labourers, were charged with being drunk and incapable as a result of drinking whisky at the same time and place as the deceased man Bowers.
Harbour-Sergeant M'Cullough said the whisky was not fit for drinking. Half a glass of it would be stronger than three glasses of ordinary whisky.
The defendants were discharged, the Chairman remarking that they were lucky to be alive.
This court was held yesterday, before Messrs. Thomas Sinclair, J.P. (presiding); Alan Bell, R.M.; John M'Connell, J.P.; William M'Ilroy, J.P.; and Robert Griffith, J.P.
Transfer of a Spirit Licence.
On the application of Mr. Joseph Allen the spirit grocer's licence attached to Messrs. Lipton's Lisburn branch was transferred from the name of the late manager, Mr. Cochrane, to that of the new manager, Mr. Isaac Thompson.
Irish Education Act.
On the application of Mr. R. M'Creight three attendance orders were granted against parents for neglecting to comply with the above Act.
Mr. J. M'Kinstry, attendance officer in the rural district, obtained two orders, and in a third case a fine of 5s was imposed.
Unlicensed Dog.
Bernard M'Afee, on the evidence of Constable M'Donald, was fined 1d and costs for failing to take out a licence for his dog.
In the Town Court, which was held before the same justices -- Mr. William Davis presiding -- Sergeant Rourke summoned Maria Purcell for drunkenness on 11th inst. Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 5s and costs. Mr. Joseph Allen (for Mr. Wellington Young) prosecuted.
A consent providing for the payment by the Dublin Tramways Co. of £200 and 16 guineas costs to Mr. E. Wilkinson, an ex-policeman, in satisfaction of all claims for damages, was made a rule of Court by Mr. Justice Moore.
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Lisburn Standard - Friday, 24 May, 1918
BRADLEY -- May 19, at 21 Eglantine Garden's, Belfast, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradley, a son.
ALISTER -- May 19, 1918, at his residence, Stannus Place, Lisburn, Robert, youngest son of the late Robert Alister. -- Funeral private.
MAXWELL -- May 20th (suddenly) her residence, Dunedin, Belfast Road, Lisburn, Isabella, dearly-beloved wife of John Maxwell. -- Interred in Lisburn Cemetery on 22nd inst. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Husband and Family.
MORROW -- May 23, 1918, at Crossan Lisburn, Isabella, eldest daughter of the
late William and Martha Morrow. -- Funeral to the family burying-ground Drumbo tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. MATTHEW MORROW.
STUART--MAHOOD -- May 21 (by special licence), at the residence of the bride,
by the Rev. William M'Coach, B.A., assisted by the Rev. John Gailey, Thomas Moore, Lieutenant Royal Irish Rifles, eldest son of R. C. Stuart, 87 Woodvale Road, Belfast, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Captain Samuel and Mrs. Mahood, 16 Linden Gardens, Belfast.
Roll of Honour
CAMPBELL -- May 22, 1918, at Denmark Hill General Hospital, London, Private James Campbell, second son of Robert and Mary Campbell, died from illness
contracted in France.
But the hardest part is yet to come
When the heroes do return,
And we miss among the cheering crowd
The face of our dear son.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Father, Mother, Brothers, and Sisters. Main Street, Crumlin.
GRAY -- Killed in action on the 15th April, 1918, Rifleman Robert John Gray, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Gray, 13 Wilson Street, Low Road, Lisburn (late of Tullynacross, Lambeg).
'Tis sweet to know we will meet again
When parting is no more,
And that the one we loved so well
Has only gone before.
Deeply regretted by his Father, Mother, Sisters and Brother.
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By Hugh McCall -- 1870.
The advent of the Huguenots into Ireland having been the herald of a new era in the annals of the linen trade of the Northern province, it may be necessary here to advert to some details connected with the ancient history of Lisburn, the place chosen as the seat of their principal colony. This town, formerly known as Lis-na-Garvagh -- Anglice, the Mount of Games -- was at one time a stronghold of the famed Captain of Kill-ul-Tagh; and in that part of the town which overlooks the River Lagan and the hills of Down there may still be seen many evidences of the site of his ancient fortress. Lis-na-Garvagh seems to have been even at that day the regal centre of the estate on which it stands; and under the modern title of Lisburn -- taken after the firing of the town by Sir Phelim O'Neil in 1641 -- it still continues the capital of the splendid principality owned by the Hertford family.
The Captain of Killultagh.
Previous to that confiscation of the Irishmen's landed estates which was so general during the Elizabethan reign, the greater proportion of Ulster was held, and had been owned from time immemorial, by different branches of the clan O'Neil. Con, the elder, resided at Castle Reagh -- the seat of the king -- and ruled over a territory stretching from Con's Water, near Belfast, and including the parish of Drum, to the sea coast of Down beyond Greyabbey. Shane O'Neil owned the adjoining property from Belfast to the Antrim shore by Knockfergus (Carrickfergus) to Olderfleet (Larne) and inland as far as Antrim town. The Captain of Kill-ul-Tagh, a younger branch of the O'Neils, was famed as one of the most reckless, but certainly not least popular, member of the ancient sept.
It is remarkable that in those times the Northern chiefs and their vassals were much more turbulent under what they considered the unjust exercise of English rule than their brethren of the other provinces. Con O'Neil was more of a diplomatist than a warrior. Although he occasionally did a little in the belligerent way, still his life was one of quiet and comparative ease. The Captain of Kill-ul-Tagh, on the other hand, could not brook submission to injustice, and in most of the battles maintained against "the invaders of his country," as he designated the English, he had led the way, and displayed high capabilities as a commander of the native forces. The peasantry loved him for his generous disposition not less than they worshipped him for his deeds of daring; and among his peers he was held in the highest estimation for the chivalrous sense of honour which marked his baronial character.
In October, 1585, Sir Henry Sydney, a Lord-Deputy of the Queen, visited the province of Ulster, and in course of his tour called at the castle, or rather the stronghold, of the famous chief, for the purpose of paying his respects to him. But, contrary to the traditional character of the Irish for hospitality, the reception given to the British envoy was the reverse of cordial or kindly, and the proud representative of England's Crown felt his indignation stirred up to its inmost depths at the Celtish contempt shown towards by O'Neil. "I came to Kill-ul-Tagh," said Sir Henry, "whiche I founde riche and plentifule, after the manner of these countreys, but the Captain was proud and insolente. He woulde not come oute to mee, nor had I apt reasone to vysite him as I woulde, but he shall be payde for this before longe. I will not remayne in his debt." His words were prophetic, for in some time after that unfriendly reception the chief, who had ever repudiated Saxon rule, paid the penalty of daring to fling the gauntlet before the haughty official. O'Neil had never been very scrupulous as to his treatment of those he looked upon as ruthless invaders of his native land; but those persons had not sought to win his affection, or in the slightest degree to cultivate his friendship.
The Conways.
Among the commanders of the troops sent over to enforce British rule on the Northern Irish was Sir Falke Conway, a Welsh soldier of high celebrity, and who found great favour in the eyes of Queen Elizabeth because of his prowess in different battles against the Celts. After the demise of his royal mistress, the general added much to his former fame in consequence of his victory over the Earl of Tir-owen. The Captain of Kill-ul-Tagh, having joined the Earl in that campaign, was outlawed, his estates were seized by the Crown and given over to General Conway. Some years afterwards the fortunate soldier was made Governor of Ennis Loughlin, one of the last of the native forts, and which was situate at Trumra, near Moira. Sir Falke died without issue in 1626. His brother, Mr. Edward Conway, the next heir, also found favour in the side of princes. Early in the reign of Charles the First he was presented with the lands of the Derri-Volgie, in addition to the estate which obtained through his predecessor, and in the short time afterwards he was raised to the peerage.
About the year 1627 Lord Conway commenced to erect a castle on the picturesque hill commanding a beautiful view of the valley of the Lagan, and opposite the principal street of his time of Lis-na-Garvagh. A portion of the wall which formed the entrance is yet standing, on the north side of the public walks called Castle Gardens. In the Book of Travels in Ireland published by an English gentleman in 1636, he says:-- "from Belfast to Linsley-Garvin is about seven miles, and appears a paradise conferred with any part of Scotland. Linsley-Garvin is well seated, but neither the towne nor the country thereabout is well planted, being almost woods and moors until you come to Drommoare. The town belongs to my Lord Conway, who hathe there a hainsome castle, but far short of Lord Chichester's houses. Lord Conway's house is seated on a hill, upon the side whereof is planted a garden and orchard, at the bottom of the hill runneth a pleasant river -- the Lagan -- which abounds with salmon. The land hereabouts is the poorest and barrenest I have yet seen, yet it may be made good land with labour and chardage."
The Kill-ul-Tagh and Derri Volgie estates were very thinly populated when they came into the hands of the Conway family, but in a few years afterwards they had been largely colonized by countrymen of their own. Acting on that peculiar characteristic of the Briton, which, in whatever part of the world his lot may be cast, leads him, if practicable, to bring from his native hills as many people as he can prevail on to share his trials and successes, the baron induced many English and Welsh farmers to come to Ireland and settle on his estate, and that this day there are several of the descendants of those immigrants living in that neighbourhood. Among the people then encouraged to settle in that part of Ulster there was a family named Briggs, the head of which was one of the special favourites of the Baron of Kill-ul-Tagh. This man took his place daily at the foot of his masters table -- the chief and his followers dining together -- and in the direction of affairs at the castle he enjoyed a latitude of power second only to that of the chief himself. The utmost faith was reposed in the henchman, and that trust was fully repaid by earnest devotion on the part of the favoured follower. The family of Lord Conway consisted of an only child, Edward Smith, whom the celebrated beauty, Lady Harley, described in her journal as "a fine lad, very stout and very witty, learns apace and forgets as fast." He joined the British Army when he was only 18 years of age, and gained many laurels in the campaigns of those days. His father, in the meantime, had continued to reside on the estate bestowed him by the Crown, and except occasional visits to Wales he rarely left the castle and its neighbourhood. In the great hall of his mansion he maintained all the hospitality for which the ancient lords of Ireland had been famed -- a dinner was served every day, and any sojourner or wayfaring man was welcome to a seat at the table. Towards the tenants on the lands of Kill-ul-Tagh and Derri Volgie Lord Conway is said to have displayed the utmost liberality, and as his desire to witness the progress of peaceful industry was quite as anxious as had been his exultation over the triumphs of war in other days, he made favourable covenants at moderate rents with the farmers, and the latter undertook to make all improvements on the land at their own cost.
Like other of the fortunate recipients of royal patronage, Lord Conway was bound to maintain at his own expense two troops of horse and six hundred foot soldiers, all of whom were raised on his estate. These men had ample accoutrements provided for military purposes, they were regularly drilled and kept in perfect order for immediate service under the Crown.
The Seymour's.
After the death of the first Lord, Edward Smith Conway, his son, who had then attained a high position in the army, returned to Lis-na-Garvagh, and with an only daughter, took up his residence at the castle. The young lady, said to have been exceedingly handsome, were soon afterwards engaged to Colonel Seymour, an officer then commanding British troops in Antrim. This gentleman was the direct descendant of a younger branch of the house of Somerset, which owed much of its fortune to the patronage of Charles the Second. His father being celebrated as a statesman of some mark, held a good position at Court as well as in Parliament. During Clarendon's impeachment he took a prominent part in all the debates, and was himself the bearer of the bill against that nobleman to the Upper Chamber of the Senate. The marriage of Colonel Seymour was the daughter of Lord Conway had been arranged to come off on an early day, the settlements were signed, and all other preliminaries arranged, when the lady was suddenly struck down by disease and died after a few days' illness. Her affianced lover, who was cherished as a son by his intended father-in-law, continued to reside at the castle, and when Lord Conway died in 1683 it was found that all his Irish estates had been bequeathed to him. Almost immediately afterwards he took the name of Seymour Conway, and in 1703 Queen Anne ennobled him by the title of Baron Conway, of Ragley and Kill-ul-Tagh. He was three times married, and his heir -- created Earl of Hertford by George the Second -- was famed as a statesman, and in 1762 held the office of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Viscount Beauchamp, his son, acting as Chief Secretary. During his reign at Dublin Castle, Lord Hertford rendered very valuable services to the linen trade, and was a liberal patron of the damask manufactory, which some time afterwards was established in Lisburn. From the time of the transfer of the O'Neil property to the hands of the Conways, considerable accessions of settlers from both sides of the Tweed were made to those previously introduced as tenants on those estates. It will, therefore, be seen that at the time of the extirpation of the French Protestants the confiscating policy which preceded the distribution and plantation of land in Ulster had been nearly a century at work.
(To be Continued.)
No death which has occurred in Lisburn and neighbourhood within recent months has caused widespread sorrow or poignant regret than that of Mrs. Maxwell, wife of Mr. John Maxwell, Dunedin, Belfast Road, and of the firm of Messrs. Harvey & Maxwell, Market Square, Lisburn. Mrs. Maxwell was out shopping in her usual health on Monday, and was taken suddenly ill in Mr. Young's, Bow Street. She passed a remark to an assistant that it was stifling, and he, having raised the window up, turned round in time to prevent her falling to the ground in a state of collapse. Mr. Young at once procured Dr. Campbell, who had Mrs. Maxwell removed in a motor to her own home. Dr. St.George and Dr. Munce were also called in, but despite all medical skill Mrs. Maxwell shortly afterwards passed away. Deceased lady was a daughter of Mr. Wm. Barclay, Hillhall, and it is pathetic to think that in addition to her many other friends she leaves as well as her husband four children, three charming little girls in the little boy, aged respectively 13, 10, 7, and 5 years, to mourn the loss of a fond and devoted mother.
The funeral took place on Wednesday to Lisburn Cemetery, and its large dimensions bore unmistakeable tribute to the regard and esteem which Mrs. Maxwell was held by the public. Prior to the funeral Rev. Mr. Hamilton conducted a service in the house, and during the course of a beautiful and touching address he referred to the good and sterling qualities of the deceased as a girl, a wife, and a mother. Rev. Mr. Cowden joined Rev. Mr. Hamilton at the service at the graveside.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by the firm of William Ramsey, under the personal supervision of Mr. Robert Ramsey.
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Although Mr. Allister's health had been very indifferent of late, the news of his death came as a painful surprise on Sunday, many learning of it for the first time in Market Square Presbyterian Church, where Rev. Mr. Breakey made the sad announcement. Deceased was a highly-esteemed Lisburn man, and the son of a highly-esteemed Lisburn man, the late Mr. Robert Allister, Stannus Place, whom he succeeded in the coal business on the latter's death twenty-nine years ago.
Quiet and unassuming, the late Mr. Robert Alistair took practically no part in politics or public affairs. He was a member and strong supporter of First Lisburn Presbyterian Church, and was a member of Lisburn News-Room. He was unmarried, and resided at Stannus Place, Lisburn, all his life with his sisters, with whom the greatest sympathy is felt in their bereavement. The funeral, which took place to the family burying ground, Blaris, on Tuesday, was of a private character.
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The death took place on the 16th inst., after a prolonged illness, of Mr. Robert Mackay, Tullyard, Lisburn, who was one of the best known and highly respected men in the neighbourhood. Deceased was for over fifty-three years in the employment of the firm of Messrs. T. & G. A. Workman, Ltd., Belfast, and during all that long period missed the train from Lisburn on one occasion only. He was a devoted Presbyterian, and worshipped and Hillhall Presbyterian Church, for many years acting on the committee.
The funeral took place from his late residence for interment in the family burying-ground, Hillhall, on Sunday afternoon, and was the largest seen in the district in the memory of the oldest resident. The chief mourners were -- Mr. Robert Mackay (son); Mr. Edward Downing and Mr. John M'Master (sons-in-law); while Major Workman and his brother (of the firm of T. & G. A. Workman, Belfast) attended to pay a last tribute of respect to an old and valued employee. Prior to the funeral Rev. W. C. Cowden conducted a service in the house. He said deceased was a man who was very highly and deservedly esteemed. His was a beautiful character. He was a man of honour and a man of truth. He was a faithful and devoted member of Hillhall Presbyterian Church, where he would be greatly missed. The Rev. Joseph Cordner assisted Rev. Mr. Cowden with the service at the graveside.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Jellie & Fullerton, under the personal supervision of Mr. Samuel Fullerton.
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Great activity has been displayed in the air this week by the Allies, and several successful raids have been made into German towns bordering the Rhine. All the back areas behind the German lines have been bombed and bombed again by our fearless flyers, and this, it is believed, is the real cause of the holding back of the expected colossal German attack.
The news to hand this morning states that our airman have accounted for a further 15 enemy aeroplanes, while a sixteenth has been brought down by machine-gun fire. During Wednesday night the chlorine factory at Mannheim was again bombed, two large fires being caused, while a second squadron attacked the electrical power station at Kreusewald (east of Saarbrucken). Yesterday morning bombs were dropped on Metz-Sablons Station.
Both British and French troops have carried out successful raids at various points on the front, and repulsed raids attempted by the enemy.
The Secretary of the Admiralty announces that between 20th and 22nd inst. Air Force contingents carried out bombing operations against the Mole at Zeebrugge, the seaplane base, and enemy shipping in the vicinity. A German destroyer was sunk by a bomb.
An unofficial message says that during Sunday night more than a score of German aeroplanes deliberately bombed British hospitals grouped far in the rear of our lines. The attack lasted for two hours, and it is stated that the casualties in killed and wounded run into some hundreds.
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Rifleman James Campbell, Royal Irish Rifles, Crumlin.
Rifleman John Corry, Royal Irish Rifles, Ballymullen.
Rifleman Robert J. Grey, Royal Irish Rifles, Lisburn.
Rifleman Alex Moore, Royal Irish Rifles, Lisburn.
Rifleman William M'Keown, Royal Irish Rifles, Lisburn.
Lance-Sergeant W. J. Neagle, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Lisburn.
Signaller John Irvine, Royal Irish Rifles, Lisburn.
Rifleman Robert M'Bratney, Royal Irish Rifles, Lisburn.
Rifleman Joseph Toman, R.I.R., Lisburn.
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Rifleman James Campbell, R.I.R., who died in a London hospital on the 22nd inst. from illness contracted in France, was the second son of Mr. Robert Campbell, Main Street, Crumlin.
Rifleman John Corry, R.I.R., who was killed in action on 12th April, leaves a wife and five children at Ballymullen, Lisburn.
Rifleman Robert J. Gray, R.I.R., killed in action on 15th April, was a son of Mr. John Gray, Wilson Street, Low Road, Lisburn, and formerly of Tullynacross, Lambeg.
Rifleman Alex Moore, R.I.R., wounded and prisoner of war, is a son of Mr. Alex. Moore, Bridge Street Lisburn. He was previously reported missing.
Rifleman William M'Keown, R.I.R., officially reported wounded and missing since the 21st March, resided with his aunt, Mrs. Finlay, Hillhall, Lisburn. He was a member of the U.V.F., enlisted in the local battalion of the Rifles, and went to the front with the Ulster Division. He came through all the fighting up to March unhurt. Since going out in 1915 he was only home on leave on one occasion. His brother, Mr. Frank M'Keown, Ballynahinch Road, was seriously wounded while serving with the Ulster Division, and subsequently honourably discharged.
Lance-Sergeant W. J. Neagle, Royal Irish Fusiliers, prisoner of war, is the husband of Mrs. Florence Neagle, Island cottage, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Neagle, 39 Mercer Street, Lisburn. Before enlisting he was employed as flax dresser in the Island Spinning Co. Ltd. He was a member of L.O.L. 207, and was in the South Antrim Volunteers, U.V.F., E Company. He was reported missing on 22nd March. Sergeant Neagle enlisted at the outbreak of the war in the 11th Battalion R.I.R., but was later on transferred to the Royal Irish Fusiliers. His younger brother was killed in action in France.

Lance-Sergeant W. J. Neagle
Signaller John Irvine, R.I.R., prisoner of war, is the second son of Mr. William John Irvine, 88 Gregg Street, Lisburn. Prior to the war he was a postman in Lisburn, and was a member of the 1st Lisburn Battalion U.V.F. He enlisted in October, 1914, on the formation of the South Antrim Volunteer Battalion of the Rifles, and went to the front with the Ulster Division a year later. He was gassed in August last, and this necessitated a long spell in hospital, followed by light duty with a reserve battalion at home. In March he was home for weekend leave, and a few days later his parents, much to their surprise, got a field postcard from him from France, this intimation arriving almost simultaneously with the opening of the big German offensive. That postcard was the only news heard of him until Friday last, and naturally the greatest anxiety was felt. This was not allayed in any way by the receipt of the official news that Signaller Irvine was missing; but on Monday, three days after the official intimation, came a postcard from himself stating that he was a prisoner of war in Germany.
Rifleman Robert M'Bratney, R.I.R., prisoner of war, is a son of Mr. Robert M'Bratney, 37 Hill Street, Lisburn. He enlisted about a couple of years ago, and was twice wounded in action. No news had been received from him since the opening of the big offensive on the 21st March until last Friday, when a postcard from himself conveyed the tidings that he was a prisoner in Germany, unwounded, and had nothing to complain about. Rifleman M'Bratney was a chauffeur in the employment of Mr. W. S. Harvey, auctioneer, and for a short time before volunteering was with Messrs. Alex King & Co., Belfast. He is a member of L.O.L. No. 141, Lisburn, the brethren of which are delighted to know that nothing worse was befallen him.
Rifleman Joseph Toman, R.I.R., has written to his wife, who resides at Antrim Place, Lisburn, stating that he is a prisoner of war.
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Corporal Isaac Coard, Irish Guards.
Corporal Isaac Coard, Irish Guards, who has been awarded the Military Medal for taking a German machine gun and the crew (nine in number) single-handed, is a son of Mr. Robert Coard, 4 Laganvale Terrace, Old Hillsborough Road, Lisburn. The gallant soldier, who is well known in footfall and athletic circles in his native town, was wounded at the Somme in September, 1916. He is a D.M. of Deneight L.O.L. 756, a member of R.B.P. 198 (Lisburn), and was a section commander in the South Antrim Regiment U.V.F.
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Also Holds Mons Star.
Sergeant Robert McNeil, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, of Gregg Street, Lisburn, has been awarded a bar to a Military Medal he won for gallantry in the field in 1916. He is a son of the late Mr. Alex M'Neill, and had been in the 2nd Royal Inniskillings prior to 1914, being on the reserve when war was declared. He was called up on the outbreak of hostilities, and went out with the original Expeditionary Force. In addition to his Military Medal with bar, he of course holds the Mons Star. Sergeant M'Neill as a footballer of some repute. Prior to joining the army he played for the old Ashmount Club, and after joining the army he made a name for himself on the regimental team. A brother of Sergeant M'Neill's (Alexander) is serving at Salonica, while another brother has served with honour and been discharged.
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Since Rifleman Robert Oliver, R.I.R., Belfast, was captured in the opening days of the offensive in March he has lost both his father and mother through death, the former passing away on the 16th April, and the latter on 1st May. The boy, who is as yet unaware of the death of his parents, was previously reported missing, and this caused his pounds much worry and anxiety.
Two sons of Alderman Tyrrell, J.P., Belfast, have lately won merited distinctions in the war. Lieut.-Colonel Wm. A. Tyrrell, R.A.M.C., has received the Croix de Guerre and a bar to the D.S.O., while his brother, Lieut. Walter A. Tyrrell, Royal Air Force, has got the Military Cross for conspicuous gallantry in bringing down three enemy machines.
A patient in Derry Infirmary, named William M'Cafferty, labourer, who occupied a ward on the top storey, fell from the window, death being instantaneous. Almost simultaneously a young man named Frank M'Loskey, the victim of a swing-boat accident, succumbed through being thrown from a boat and falling 40 feet.
The coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidental death in the case of Nicholas Redmond (50), an unmarried labourer, whose neck was broken by the overturning of a car in which he had fallen asleep when returning from Newtownbarry to his home at Boolabeg, Enniscorthy.
It is recalled, in connection with the death of Mr. Gordon Bennett, that his paper, the "New York Herald," collected a fund of £70,000 to relieve the distress in Ireland caused by the famine of 1879-80.
At Letterkenny hiring market a large number of Donegal, Derry, and Tyrone farmers were unable to find farm servants, labourers in particular being very scarce. Wages for all classes of servants ranged from 25 to 40 per cent. higher than a year ago.
An old woman named Mrs. Mary Gray, aged 75, who was evicted from her house on the Ballyedmond estate, near Midleton, was in bed sick when the bailiffs and police came. Dr. Richard Fitzgerald said she was not fit to be removed, but Dr. P. J. O'Brien expressed a contrary opinion. Rev. Dr. Hartnett, C.C., Lisgoold, attended Mrs. Gray on the roadside, and she was then removed her son's residence in Midleton.
A coroner's jury returned a verdict of death from starvation in the case of Frederick Riordan, aged 10 months, who was born in Dublin and died in Cork Workhouse. The child had been at nurse with a Mrs. Margaret Walsh, of Tower Street, Cork, and Dr. E. Magner said he should have weighed 22 lbs. instead of 10 lbs. Subsequently, Mrs. Walsh was charged with wilfully neglecting deceased, and was remanded in custody. Mr. J. J. Mooney, solicitor, said there was a fairly reasonable defence.
The "Pall Mall Gazette" says:-- News as to the present condition of Captain Charles Craig, M.P., is fairly satisfactory. He is at Freiburg, anxiously awaiting the exchange to a neutral country, now several months overdue. He was wounded and captured in the desperate attack by the Ulster Division at Beaumont Hamel on the 3rd July, 1916. Injured in the leg with shrapnel, he's a six hours in a shellhole, and was again wounded, though slightly, on the arm.
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Lisburn Standard - Friday, 31 May, 1918
MAGEEAN -- May 22, at Nursing Home, 13 Claremont Street, Belfast, the wife of Second-Lieut. J. R. Mageean, Royal Irish Rifles, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, of a daughter.
An engagement is announced between Second-Lieut. Edward Reilly Cowan, 4th Wiltshire Regiment, elder and only surviving son of Major Samuel Kennedy Cowan (late Royal Irish Rifles), of 2 Bisham Gardens, Highgate, London, formerly of Drenta, Dunmurry, County Antrim, Ireland, and Ellice Maude, daughter of the late George Templer (Ceylon Civil Service), and great-granddaughter of George Templer, Esq., of Sandford, Orleigh, Devon.
COULSON -- May 27th, at her residence, 23 Camden Street, Belfast, Elizabeth, widow of Gerald Coulson, in her 80th year.
Roll of Honour
WARING -- Killed in action on 13th April, William Boomer Waring, Rifleman, Royal Irish Rifles, youngest and dearly-loved son of James Waring, Smithfield, Lisburn.
Thanks For Sympathy
JOHN MAXWELL and Family desire to tender their sincere thanks to all kind friends who sympathised with them in the recent sad bereavement; also those who sent floral tributes and letters of sympathy. Trusting this will be accepted by all. Dunedin, Belfast Road, Lisburn.
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By Hugh McCall -- 1870.
The tyranny of Louis the Fourteenth, which by revoking the act of toleration call the Edict of Nantes in 1685 forced upwards of three-quarters of a million of his Protestant subjects away from the shores of France, and scattered them abroad over most of the other nations of Europe. A great number of them settled in London, where they founded the art of silk weaving in Spitalfields; some settled in St. Giles, and worked in fancy jewellery and other golden ornaments. About six thousand of them fled to Ireland, of whom many settled in Dublin, where they commenced the silken manufacture, and others sought out for themselves homes in some of the Southern counties. Most of these Huguenots, when at home, had been employed in the manufacture of silk or the finer fabrics of linen. Almost immediately after reaching the place of their adoption they commenced work, imparting to those around them the art and energy they had been wont to exercise when peacefully settled in the land of Gaul. About that date an act had been passed by the Cromwellian parliament prohibiting the import of French linen or cambric, and consequently the demand for such goods had largely increased in Ireland and Great Britain.
During the reign of William the Third, and many years after the first batch of French refugees had settled in Lisburn, Mr. Louis Crommelin joined the colony. This gentleman was a native of Armandcourt, near St. Quintin, where for several centuries his forefathers had carried on the flaxen manufacture on their own extensive possessions in the province of Picardie. Seeing in the distance the little cloud that the betokened the coming of the storm, the Crommelin family, in some degree to escape the persecutions that were commenced against the Protestant population of France, collected their movable property and fled to Holland, where they sought shelter in Amsterdam, and became celebrated there as merchants and bankers. At the personal solicitation of the Prince of Orange, Louis, the junior of the family, came to Ireland for the purpose of taking charge of those colonies of his countrymen which had been established in different provinces of this island. Descended from a long line of leather manufacturers, the members of which had for centuries been promoters of textile enterprise in France, Mr. Crommelin had peculiar claims on the fealty of his fellow refugees, and no sooner has he got settled in his new place of residence than he found himself surrounded by numbers of old friends, all of whom were delighted to acknowledge him as their industrial leader. The manufacture of linen in Ulster was then principally confined to medium and low sets, for although the description of goods made in that province was much superior as to degree of fineness to that produced in any other part of Ireland, still the trade was combined within comparatively narrow limits. Except in a few cases, the looms were badly constructed; some of the more forward weavers had adopted the improved machine introduced nearly six years before by the Earl of Stafford, but the great mass of workmen had clung with the tenacity of prejudice against "Saxon innovation" to the old and rudely-made loon. When leaving Holland for his destined home, the head of the Huguenot people brought with him a number of the newest style of looms, and after arriving at Lisburn he had vast numbers of others formed from these models. In course of that year -- 1698 -- Henric Mark Dupré settled in Lisburn. This ingenious refugee had been famed in his own country for his skill as a reedmaker, and his joining the linen weavers was a most important matter for the trade at that time, the reeds in general use being of an inferior description and unsuited to the manufacture of fine fabrics. Heddle-striking and other sections of loom gearing were re-modelled, and the spinning-wheel, the music of which for nearly a century and a half afterwards added so much to the cheerfulness of the cottagers fireside and the farmer's ingle-nook, was added to the list of improved machines. Previous to the advent of the French refugees into the North of Ireland, the distaff and spindle form to principal mode of flax-spinning; a few of the higher ranks of females, who made the spinning flax one of their sources of amusement, had possessed themselves of wheels, but these were rare and seemed more objects of curiosity than of general use. The Irish spinning-wheel, though simple in form and mechanical construction, wrought wonders for the linen manufacturer, and no sooner had it been adopted in the households of the multitude than a great improvement was affected in the quality of yarns. Then came the superior mode of measuring the thread as it was thrown off the wheel by what was called a reel -- a circular machine so constructed that one hundred and twenty rounds produced a "cut" three hundred yards long; twelve of these counted as a hank, and again four hanks constituted a spangle.
In the working out of projects for the advancement of the linen trade Nicholas De Le Cherois -- who had been Lisburn for a great many years -- took considerable interest, and he, too, had the good fortune to be a favourite with the English monarch. The respective families of the Huguenot leaders were much respected at the Court of St. James, and several of their members received special marks of favour at the hands of the king. There was some years ago in the possession of the house of De Le Cherois a captain's commission, dated the first day of August, 1694, presented by "William and Mary, by the grace of God King and Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, &c., to their trusty and well-beloved Nicholas De La Cherois, Esquire, of Lisburn, Ireland."
The family of De La Cherois originally belonged to Champagne, where they had long held a distinguished place in society. In the fifteenth century one of the most celebrated warriors at Agincourt was of the same stock. Like the other sufferers by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the De La Cherois were forced to fly from France, and leave their large estates behind them. They first took shelter at Amsterdam, and in 1689 the brothers Nicholas and Daniel ranged themselves under the banner of the Prince of Orange. Arriving in Ireland with his Majesty, they were at the meeting of the contending forces near Drogheda, and fought gallantly side by side with French troops during the battle against King James. Nicholas De La Cherois married a sister of Louis Crommelin, and his brother took for his wife a cousin of the same gentleman. King William rewarded him for his heroic conduct that the Boyne by presenting him to a lucrative appointment in India; and Nicholas, who settled at Lisburn, enjoyed the joint personal friendship of his Majesty during the remainder of that monarch's life.
Soon after the French people arrived at Lisburn several branches of the Linen Manufacture Improvement Society were opened in different parts of Ireland, and a grant from the Crown was made for the services of ministers whose duty it was to take spiritual charge of the Gaelic exiles and preach to them in their own language. Lord Conway granted the Lisburn colonists a site for the erection of a place of worship, which was known by the distinctive term "French Church," and stood on the ground later occupied with the Courthouse in Castle Street. The Government grant of sixty pounds per annum was first paid to the Rev. Charles De La Valade, a native of Guienne, who at his death, which took place at Lisburn in May, 1755, was succeeded by a relative of the own, the Rev. Sauamaures Du Bour Dieu, a gentleman of considerable talent in literature, and who left behind him many evidences of his abilities both as a divine and a local historian. The first member of the family of Du Bour Dieu that settled in Ireland was chaplain to the famous Schomberg, and stood beside that gallant soldier at the battle of the Boyne; and when he fell from his horse mortally wounded by gun-shot, the reverend gentleman carried him in his arms to the spot on which he died in a short time afterwards. The son of Schomberg's chaplain, the Rev. Saumaurez Du Bour Dieu, was for nearly half a century minister of the French Church in Lisburn, but for some time before his death, which took place in January, 1812, he held the living of Lambeg, the members of the French Church having by that time gradually merged into union with the congregation of the Lisburn Cathedral. Mr. Goyer, another of the victims of the persecuting Louis the Fourteenth, was clerk in the Huguenot Church, and continued in that situation until the service was given up. His father originally belonged to the province of Picardie, were, in the days of religious toleration in France, he was engaged in the double capacity of farmer and silk manufacturer. After having been dispoiled of all his property, he took refuge in Ireland, and in 1688 arrived at Lisburn, in which place he succeeded in establishing the manufacture of silk goods on what was then considered an extensive scale. Mr. Peter Goyer taught school for many years in Bow Street, Lisburn; and his son, the late Mr. William Goyer, was long known and highly respected as English master in the Belfast Academy.
The town of Lisburn having been one of the principal places chosen by the refugees who sought shelter in Ireland from the persecutions of the intolerant King of France, still contains many records of those Gallic colonists. In the eastern corner of the graveyard that surrounds the handsome Cathedral, the ashes of many of those exiles have long reposed. On one of the tombstones we find the following:-- "Here lieth interred the remains of Ann, wife of Samuel Louis Crommelin, who died the 3rd August, 1718, aged 31 years; also Henrietta, second wife of Samuel Louis Crommelin, who dated 19th of March, 1732, aged 37 years. Esther, wife of James Crommelin, died 2nd September, 1743, aged 41 years. And Samuel Louis Crommelin, who died 2nd September, 1743, aged 57 years." There is also the following additional record on a different gravestone:-- "Six foot opposite lyes the bodye of Louis Crommelin, born at St. Quintin in France, only son of Louis Crommelin and Anne Crommelin, Director of the Linen Manufactory, who died beloved of all, aged 18 years, 1 July, 1711." The director of the French colonists, Louis Crommelin, he whose latest days were spent in giving higher status to Ireland's linen manufacture, died in July, 1727, aged 75 years.
On another stone the following hardly legible letters may be traced:-- "Here lieth the body of John Chartrés, linen merchant of Lisburn, who died on the 31st August, 1719, aged 71 years. Also the body of Frances Marshall, wife of the above, who died December 12, 1691, aged 40 years."
The burial ground of the Obrés had an old headstone from which the ravages of time have obliterated all the characters except "Oct. 1716." On a comparatively new slab there is the following:-- "Here lieth Edward Smith Obré, who died August 1st, 1797, aged 49 years. Also his wife Elizabeth Obré, who died 12th May, 1820, aged 73 yrs." Near the same secret spot another notice says:-- "Here lieth the body of Louis Rachét, merchant, who departed this life the 13th of October in the year of our Lord God 1726, and in the 57th year of his age." In addition to these there were in the Kilrush and Lambeg burial-grounds at the commencement of the present century many gravestones bearing the name of Bulmér, Boyer, De La Cherois, D'Ermain, Du Pré, Bouchier, and St. Clair; but nearly all those mementos have fallen into decay. Many of the remnants of those people are, however, still residents in Belfast and Lisburn. A few of the descendants of the De La Cherois families reside at present in Donaghadee.
The history of the persecution which, under the despotic government of Louis the Fourteenth, spread so much desolation and distress among those whose only crime was their determination to stand by the faith of their fathers, contains some of the most heartrending instances of human sufferings ever endured by any people. In that war against religious freedom Louis Perrin, grandfather of Judge Perrin, lost nearly all he possessed. He was a native of Nonere, and owned some property there, but from which he had been obliged to fly in order to save his life. In due time the ship in which he sailed arrived at Waterford, and after spending some months in that city he journeyed towards the North and settled in Lisburn, where, for upwards of half a century, he was a highly-respected citizen. Louis Perrin, junior, conducted a classical school at the northern end of Castle Street, and while so engaged he published a French grammar which, as an elementary work, attained considerable popularity.
(To be Continued.)
The jury would strongly recommend that the said race should have a protective barrier at Back Lane.
The above rider was added by a Lisburn jury to a verdict of accidental drowning returned at an inquest on Saturday on a little boy named James Hamilton, aged seven (son of Mrs. Hamilton, Bridge Street), who was drowned the previous day in the Mill Race at the foot of Back Lane.
It appears that the deceased was one of a party of little fellows playing themselves at Bridge-end. There was a strong current flowing at the time, and the "eye" of the bridge was almost entirely closed with water. Young Hamilton was throwing stones into the race when he overbalanced and fell into the water right at the bridge-end, and was immediately swirled underneath. His companions raised an alarm, but as the bride is very narrow, the only hope of saving the boy's life was to hasten to the other end across it the Rowans, Castle Gardens. This a man named Edward Kerr hurriedly did, and some minutes later, when the body came through, he jumped in and brought it out. Sergeant Edgar and Constable Knox at once tried artificial respiration, and Dr. St. George and Dr. Campbell, who had also rushed to the spot on learning of the accident, continued for a long time every effort to restore breathing, but without success.
At the inquest which was held by Dr. Mussen, J.P., several jurymen said that the race was very dangerous at that particular place, and finally the added the rider given above, and this was endorsed by the coroner.
Sergeant Rourke represented the police.
A new world's record in riveting was made at Harland & Wolff's, Belfast, this week, by John Lowry, who put in 7,841 rivets in nine hours, and also made a record of 923 for one hour. The Lord Mayor witnessed a portion of the performance, and congratulated Lowry when he passed the record of 6,783, made last week by William Smith at Clydebank.
The above record was again surpassed on Wednesday by John Moir (Workman & Clark's, Belfast), who drove 1,115 7/8 in. rivets on the floor of a standard ship.
The marriage took place on the 23rd inst. at St. John's, Old Colwyn, of Captain Alan Campbell Combe, A.S.C., M.T., eldest son of Mr. George Combe, Lisburn, and Dorothy Marguerite Frances Liddell, second daughter of the late Mr. William Liddell, jun., of Donacloney, and Mrs. Liddell, Old Colwyn, North Wales. The wedding was very quietly celebrated owing to the exigencies of service.
Gardener for Half a Century.
The death took place at his residence, Aughnaleck, Larchfield, Lisburn, on Tuesday, Mr. Andrew Armour, who for over fifty years was gardener to the Graham family.
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The announcement of the death of the Marquis of Downshire will be received with deep regret in Lisburn and other parts of Ulster, where his family has long been held in high respect. The sad event took place at his residence, East Hampstead Park, Wokingham, on Wednesday evening, after a short illness following a chill. Born in July, 1871, the deceased succeeded to the title and vast landed estates three years later. After the land legislation in 1881, initiated by Mr. Gladstone, and extended more recent years, his name, especially in connection with the County Down properties, figured prominently in the Land Courts. As EArl of Hillsborough his Lordship had a seat in the Upper House. During the war the late Marquis had acted as special constable for Berkshire, and placed two of his motors at the disposal of the police force. In one of these he had travelled upwards of 59,000 miles.
One of the late peers offices was that of Chief Constable of Hillsborough Fort, which was made a Royal stronghold by Charles II., and it gave him the power to enrol castle warders. It is interesting to remember that it was here King William the Third stopped on his way to the Boyne and signed the Regium Donum grant to Presbyterian ministers. The deceased was also High Steward of Wokingham and chief officer of the local fire brigade. He was descended from Sir Moyses Hill, who served with the Earl of Essex in O'Neill's rebellion in 1573. The first Marquis was Colonial Secretary during the American War of Independence.
His Lordship is survived by his widow, also two sons -- the Earl of Hillsborough, who succeeds him, and who is now serving in France with the Red Cross unit, and Lord Francis Henry, a lieutenant of Dragoons -- and a daughter, Lady Kathleen Nina, who was married last year to Lieut. W. H. C. Rollo of the Scots Greys, a nephew of Lord Rollo.
The "Coleraine Chronicle" on Saturday contained the following account of the death and funeral of Mr. Oliver Rankin, Mossbank, Coleraine, the brother of Mr. Samuel Rankin, sub-manager of the Lisburn branch of the Northern bank:--
The early death of Mr. Oliver Rankin, Mossbank, Coleraine, after a year of illness uncomplainingly borne, is keenly regretted over a wide district in which he was deservedly esteemed as an energetic, practical farmer of sterling character, industrious habits, and attractive personality. Fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin, who was born in April, 1882, and from early youth he was associated with his father in the working of the farms of Mossbank, Ballinteer, and Irish Houses, so that his knowledge of agriculture in general was thorough, while his untiring perseverance renders the loss to the worthy family all the heavier. Only three years ago he married Miss Martha Baird (second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander Baird, Castletoothery), who, with her two infant children, have the sympathy and condolence of the community in their sad and irreparable loss. The sorrowing parents and sisters and brothers also share in the compassion evoked by Mr. Rankin's untimely demise. In addition to three sisters and two brothers in the home country, the family includes two sisters -- Mrs. William J. Carson and Mrs. Dr. C. Stewart Wright -- in Toronto, Canada; and the youngest surviving brother, Mr. John Rankin, jun., who is engaged in farming in the great Dominion of the West. The deceased was a member of committee of the Coleraine Agricultural and Industrial Association, and also of the Coleraine Ploughing Society.
On Wednesday afternoon the remains were laid to rest in Articlave Presbyterian Churchyard, whither in March, 1890, those of the eldest brother, and in August, 1911, those of the youngest -- both named Joseph MacDonnell Rankin -- had preceded him. An exceptionally long line of vehicles (including that of the High Sheriff (Mr. Hugh T. Barrie, D.L., M.P.), followed the hearse all the way from Mossbank, both town and country having numerous representatives in the cortege. The chief mourners were Messrs. John Rankin (father of deceased), Henry Rankin, Mossbank, and Samuel Rankin, sub-manager Northern Bank, Lisburn (brothers); Alexander Rankin, Riverview; James Paul, Waterside; and Oliver Paul, U.D.C., Coleraine (uncles).
This court was held yesterday, before Messrs. William Davies, J.P. (presiding); William M'Enroe, J.P.; W. J. M'Murray, J.P.; Hugh G. Larmour, J.P.; Robert Griffith, J.P.; and Augustus Turtle, J.P.
Adjourned for a Month.
Mrs. Elizabeth M'Murray sought to have her brother, Edward M'Neice, an elderly man, bound to the peace. Mrs. M'Murray said that she was keeping house for her brothers, Edward and James, at Wesley Street. On the 23rd May Edward used violent threats towards her and said he would have her life. The following day he struck her on the head with a cup. She was afraid of him, and believed that he was not restrained he would do her or some other person serious injury.
The Clerk (to witness) -- What's the cause of all this?
Mrs. M'Murray -- He doesn't know what he is doing half time.
Replying to the Bench, Mrs. M'Murray added that her brother was not under the influence of drink at the time.
Defendant, who appeared in custody, expressed penitence for anything he had done. He was out of work, he said, and was having words with his brother when his sister came running across to them and got hit. It was an accident, and he was very, very sorry. The like would not occur again. He had been in jail since, and didn't want to go back.
It was stated that the doctor had refused to certify the man insane.
Their Worships adjourned the case for a month.
Trespass Case.
Robert James Lewis, former, Stoneyford, claimed damages for trespass of cattle from a neighbouring farmer named John Toland.
Mr. Joseph Allen appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. W. G. Maginess for defendant.
Lewis said that Toland's cattle had trespassed on his flax, oats, and potatoes on several occasions. He turned them off often. On the 13th May he took two cattle that had broken over home to Toland, complained of the trespass, and demanded compensation.
Mr. Maginess -- What did you demand?
Witness -- £5.
Mr. Maginess -- And you very well you are only entitled to 1s.
Witness -- It doesn't take much damage to flax to make up £5 at the present time.
Continuing, Lewis said that the fence, a wire one, between Toland and him was 170 to 200 perches long. Toland had done nothing since he (witness) came there over two years ago. He had put down posts from time to time.
Toland, giving evidence, said that he lived all his life there. Prior to Lewis coming there the fence had always been made up by the previous owners and witness, and there never was any trouble about it. He went to Lewis about the fence. Lewis promised to get posts, but never did so. Lewis's cattle had often trespassed on his land, but as a neighbour he never complained. He admitted that Lewis brought the two cattle home on the 13th May and demanded trespass.
Mr. Allen and Mr. Maginess having been heard at length,
Their Worships held that the trespass was proved, and find Toland 1s and costs of court. At the same time they expressed the opinion that the gentleman might have amicably settled the matter without coming to court.
Grain Prices Order Prosecution.
District-Inspector Gregory prosecuted William J. Patterson, grocer, Bow Street, Lisburn, for selling two stones of oats at a price higher than that fixed by the Grain Prices Order.
The District-Inspector said that defendant had sold two stones of corn at 3s per stone. The maximum amount he could charge for the oats in question was 2s 3½d per stone.
Francis Douglas, Aghagallon, lighterman, said he purchased two stones of the feeding oats in defendant shop on the 17th inst. at 6s. He made the purchase from the shopboy, who gave him a receipt (produced).
Defendant said he brought the oats as seed oats, and sold them as such. He had a sample with him, and receipts.
Witness -- I asked for feeding oats, and was told they were feeding oats.
Defendant was fined 10s and 12s 6d costs.
Neighbours "at War."
Edward M'Bride, 28 Millbrook Road, summoned Elizabeth Dunn, 36 Millbrook Road, for, as alleged, using abusive language and threats towards him on the 17th, 18th, 19th May. Defendant was also summoned for, as alleged, assaulting Mrs. M'Bride and her daughter (Minnie Gribben) at the same time and place. Mrs. Dunn cross-summoned her three accusers for alleged assaults.
Mr. W. G. Maginess appeared for the M'Brides and Gribben, and Mr. Joseph Lockhart for Dunn.
The evidence given on both sides was of a contradictory nature, and their Worships dismissed all the cases, the Chairman remarking that the parties should have more sense.
Constable Henry summoned Robert Thompson, York Road, Belfast, for being drunk on 26th May.
Defendant, who was a discharged soldier, was allowed off on paying the costs of court.
This court was held yesterday before Messrs. William Davies, J.P. (chairman); Robert Griffith, J.P.; H. G. Larmour, J.P.; W. J. M'Murray, J.P.; William M'Ilroy, J.P.; and Augustus Turtle, J.P.
New Magistrate Welcomed.
At the sitting of the Court Mr. Joseph Lockhart, as senior practitioner present, said he would like to call attention to the presence on the bench of Mr. Augustus Turtle, who had recently come to live in Lisburn, and who, they were pleased to note, was going to take part in the administration of justice in that court. He was all certain that his Worship would take an interest in the affairs of the town. On behalf of the Sessional Bar he (Mr. Lockhart) extended a cordial welcome to Mr. Turtle.
The Chairman having concurred,
Mr. Turtle thanked Mr. Lockhart for the very kind words of welcome, and also his brother-magistrates for the friendly reception they had given him on his joining the Lisburn bench. He did not think he came there altogether as a stranger, for he had the pleasure of knowing several of the legal gentleman, and he had been acquainted with Mr. English for a good many years. He again thanked all for their greeting, which he much appreciated.
Constable Newman summoned John Hamill, Obin Street, Portadown, for causing an obstruction on the public street on 21st May.
It appeared that it was the fair day, and defendant had five head of cattle on the footpath, and, though cautioned by the police, he refused to remove them to the market.
Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 10s and costs.
Same complainant preferred a charge of drunkenness against Mary Maginess, Haslem's Lane (not the dealer of that name in the same street), for 25th May; and Sergeant Edgar also summoned her for being drunk on 28th of May.
A fine of 10s and costs was imposed in each case.
Mr. Joseph Allen, solicitor (on behalf of Mr. Wellington Young, town solicitor), conducted the prosecutions.
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The first phase of a new and powerful German offensive was opened on Monday by attacks on the British and French positions between Soissons and Rheims. The Germans made a rapid advance on a thirty-mile front, at several points to a depth of eleven miles. In Wednesday's communiqués they claimed to have taken 15,000 prisoners; yesterday that figure had mounted up to 25,000; while up to the present they claim to have taken 35,000 prisoners, as well as great booty and war material. The employing of a portion of the Allied reserves is beginning to make itself felt, and those in a position best able to judge say on the whole that there is less cause for anxiety to-day, though Paris is clearly menaced.
Yesterday was a day of very violent fighting on the front from Soissons to Rheims. On the flanks the Germans are being firmly held in the western outskirts of Soissons and north-west of Rheims. In the centre the Allies are narrowing the front, most of the fighting reported being between the Fere-en-Tardenois and Vezilly (both now in the hands of the enemy). The distance between these two villages is eight miles.
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From the entire 50 miles of the Soissons battle front streams of refugees fleeing before the German advance, and a correspondent likens the pathetic spectacle to "some ancient Biblical exodus."
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The "Daily Mail" says:-- The German success is due to the central position which the enemy enjoys and the large reinforcements he has drawn from the Russian front. He can concentrate his forces in his central position and fling them on any point of the Allied line where he thinks success probable. The Allies have to move round the circumference of the circle, and while they are moving the Germans gain ground. Fortunately the steady arrival of American troops is changing the whole position and re-establishing the Allied ascendancy, which the collapse of Russia temporarily impaired. This is a fact with which the Germans have to reckon, and it is the ground of the Allies' confidence and hope.
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Rifleman Bertie Bruce, No. 17329, attached to Royal Army Medical Corps, missing since the 14th April, 1918, is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, 16 Lambeg Road, Lisburn, who will be very thankful for any information concerning him. The soldier went to France with the Ulster Division in September, 1915, and at that time being with the 11th Battalion R.I.R., and has been through the thickest of the fighting, including historic 1st of July, 1916. He was awarded the Certificate of Honour for gallantry and devotion to duty, after which he suffered from a slight touch of shell-shock, but never leaving his work. Priority to enlisting he was in the employment of Mr. Hugh Kirkwood.
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Among those mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's last dispatches were:--
Lieut.-Colonel P. L. Kington-Blair Oliphant, D.S.O., Reserve of Officers, former commanding officer of South Antrim Battalion, who was mortally wounded on 28th March while rendering assistance to a wounded man under heavy fire.
Quartermaster and Hon. Lieut. J. Long, a Lisburn officer serving with the Y.C.V.
Major H. W. Niven, M.C., D.S.O., Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, son of the late Dr J. S. Niven, Chrome Hill, Lambeg.
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