Newtownards Chronicle - Saturday, 3 October 1914
STEVENSON -- September 29th, Agnes, wife of John Stevenson, Campmar, Newtownards.
In Memoriam
FRANCIS -- In fond and loving memory of my dear daughter, Jennie, who departed this life on 28th September, 1913, and was interred in the family burying-ground, Movilla.
When, least expected, death doth come.
No hand can stay its power:
The fair, the healthy, and the strong
All perish life a flower.
Deeply regretted by her Mother, Brothers and Sisters. ISABELLA FRANCIS. 45 James Street.
FRANCIS -- In fond and loving memory of my dear companion, Jennie Francis, who died on 28th September, and was interred in Movilla Cemetery. "Sadly missed."
A face, still loved, so sadly missed,
Her smile that was so bright;
She was so thoughtful, good, and kind,
Time cannot blot her from my mind.
Newtownards Trooper Lying Ill
Trooper Thomas Clarke, of the North Irish House, resident in West Street, Newtownards is, it appears from an official communication received by his wife, Mrs. Lizzie Clarke (nee Russell), on Saturday, at present lying* in hospital in France. The communication fails to specify, however, the nature of Trooper Clarke's illness, whether from wounds, fever, or accident. The communication is as follows:
No. N.LH.,/02.
Cavalry Record Office.
York Station,
Madam, -- I regret to inform you that a report has this day been received from, the War Office to the effect that 794 Private Thomas Clarke, North Irish Horse, is ill, and has been admitted into hospital in France. Ailment not notified, but case not reported as being serious. Any further information received in this office as to his condition or progress will at once be notified to you,
I am, madam,
Your Obedient Servant,
G. H. HUTCHINSON, Lt., Officer in Charge of Records.
We understand that Trooper Clarke has since the above intimation was received been transferred, to Netley Hospital, and hope is expressed., that he may he able m a day or two to travel to Belfast on sick furlough.
Amongst the many Belfast and County Down men on their way to the front with the Canadian forces is Mr. David Wright, formerly of Bangor, and who is well-known and highly esteemed by many friends in Newtownards as well as "Belfast-by-the-Sea." Should he come this way a hearty welcome awaits him.
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Mrs. Sharman-Crawford and Mrs. Mitchell-Thomson are collecting comforts, and money to purchase same, for the members of the U.V.F. belonging to North Down who are going on active service. A list of the articles most desired will be found in our advertising columns, and parcels and remittances will be gratefully received by Mrs. Sharman-Crawford, Crawfordsburn, Co. Down.
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It is being strongly urged that sentries posted at thickly-populated localities should be armed with shotguns instead of rifles, which may miss the object aimed at and kill or wound innocent persons a mile off. Armed with a shot gun throwing buckshot -- eight to ten pellets to the cartridge -- a sentry would have a very much better chance of bringing down an enemy than with an ordinary rifle.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
The men on Lord Londonderry's Wyn-yard Park estate and Thorpe have responded splendidly to the call for Lord Kitchener's army, twenty-seven in all having joined the various regiments -- Rifle Brigade, King's Royal Rifles, 30th Hussars, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Royal Field Artillery, the Guards, and Fusiliers. In addition to this number eight men from this estate are now at the front, as is also Viscount Castlereagh, who is A.D.C. to General Poulteney.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
Mr. Vivian T. T. Rea, B.A., son of Mr. Henry Tighe Rea, of 1 Glandore Park, Belfast, and a senior lieutenant of the 4th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (Royal North Down Rifles) was ordered to the front on the 25th inst., and sailed from Southampton on Sunday morning. Mr. Vivian Rea was well-known and highly esteemed, not only in university circles, but in the social life of the city.
He had just completed his studies for the ministry of the Church of Ireland, with the exception of the confirmatory examination -- due this month -- at Trinity College, where he recently gained several honours, including the medal of the Theological Society. He was honorary secretary for the Ulster Provisional Council of the B.P. Scouts, and had beep scoutmaster of the Bangor Troop, which he maintained in a high state of efficiency, and with a large muster roll, for a number of years.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
There is much speculation as to the place of the Indian troops and the work they are doing. It is understood that they went first to Egypt. The military correspondent of the "Scotsman" writes: "In the case of the Indian troops some unavoidable delay has, it is said, been caused by the necessity of replacing the whole of the small arms ammunition in their charge. The Indian contingent is, we hear, drawn almost wholly from the Lahore, Meerut, and Poona commands, and in the case of the troops belonging, at any rate, to the two first-named divisions, their rifle ammunition would be drawn from and bear the marks of the Dum-Dum Small Arm Ammunition Factory. In view of the capital which would eagerly be made by the German military authorities were any cartridges or ammunition boxes thus labelled to come into their hands, it has been considered advisable to withdraw the whole of the ball cartridges from India and to replace them with ammunition made in this country. This delay, if such has been caused, is unfortunate, but perhaps it may not be without its compensations if it gives time for the cavalry and gun horses of the Indian Army to recover from the effects of a fortnight's or three weeks' voyage during the fag end of the monsoon."
Royal North Downs -- B. B. Bellew has been appointed a second-lieutenant (on probation) in the 4th R.I. Rifles, and G. G. M. Bennett has been appointed to a lieutenancy.
Proposed Civil Force Cadets. -- An effort is being made to form such a force in Newtownards, and Major T. H. C. Boyle, V.C.F., will attend in Conway Square this (Saturday) afternoon at three o'clock to give all information regarding the proposal. Boys and youths from 12 to 16 years of age are eligible to join.
Alleged Larcenies at Drumhirk. -- Saml. Mawhinney, of Ballyharry, and Henry Sibbles, of Drumhirk, who were remanded in custody from last Petty Sessions on charges of housebreaking and larcenies, were brought up on Friday at Newtownards. Further depositions were made and the accused were returned for trial to the assizes.
(Dedicated to the Stay-at-Home Rangers.)
All the brave boys under canvas are sleeping,
All of them pressing to march with the van.
Far from the home where their sweethearts are weeping;.
What are you waiting for, sweet little man?
You with the terrible, warlike moustaches.
Fit for a colonel or chief of a clan;
You with the waist made for sword-belts and sashes;
Where are your shoulder-straps, sweet little man?
Bring him the buttonless garment of women!
Cover his face lest it freckle and tan;
Muster the Apron-String Guards on the Common --
That is the corps for the sweet little man!
All the fair maidens about him shall cluster.
Pluck the white feathers from bonnet and fan,
Make him a plume like a turkey-wing, duster --
That is the crest for the sweet little man!
Soldiers of the King. -- Most of the Donaghadee contingent of soldiers who are in camp at Clandebove were granted leave of absence on Saturday last till Sunday night, and were given a hearty, welcome by their friends and acquaintances. The new soldiers had not then been supplied with the army uniform, but it is expected that they may obtain leave for the weekend and may probably be in uniform then. A number of other recruits from Donaghadee and district have joined the colours since the main batch left for the camp.
Death of Mr. Robert Dunn. -- Deep and profound regret was everywhere felt and manifested in this town and district at the death of Mr. Robert Dunn, which occurred at his residence on Monday night after a lingering illness. The late Mr. Dunn was highly esteemed and respected in all quarters, and had for some 30 years efficiently discharged the duties as a postal official at Donaghadee, and he was always a most popular and obliging official. Some time ago he was laid aside with an illness which necessitated his retirement from official duties, but latterly he had recovered sufficiently to enable him to get about with assistance. He was always of a cheery disposition, and it was not thought that the end was so near. However, a relapse hastened the end, and despite the most assiduous home care and medical assistance he passed away, deeply and sincerely lamented. The greatest sympathy has everywhere been extended to his sorrowing relatives in their bereavement. The interment took place on Thursday, and it is hoped to give a report of this in next week's issue of the "Chronicle."
Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association. -- The worthy and efficient hon. secretaries of the Donaghadee branch of the Soldiers and Sailors' Families Association (Mrs. Potts and Miss E. L. Galway) are certainly deserving of congratulation on, and are desirous of acknowledging, the gratifying results of the efforts in Donaghadee on behalf of this most worthy and deserving object, as, in addition to what has already been contributed, it, is understood that on the 29th ult. they received contributions of work from the following:-- Mrs. MacMinn, Mrs. and Miss de la Cherois, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Milliken, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Fennell, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Louden, Mrs. Potts, Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Gumming, Mrs. W. F. Walker, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Cuming, Miss S. Campbell, Miss Hind, Miss Beattie, the Misses Kilbie, the Misses Carr, Miss Galway, Miss Stevenson, Miss Sloan, Miss Gray ; Mrs. Geddis kindly contributed 10s and Mrs. Louden a parcel of cigarettes: It is understood that it has been arranged to receive further contributions in the Market House on 3rd November at 4 p.m. or, in the meantime, by the hon. secretaries.
Ulster Day Service. -- On Sunday last, in the new Orange and Protestant Hall, a special united praise service was held in commemoration of Ulster Day, and the signing of the Ulster Covenant, and also took the form of an intercessory service with regard to the present war crisis. The Donaghadee and Herdstown U.V.F. assembled in uniform (under Company Commander Robert Sloan, U.D.C., and Commander W. Ferguson), and marched to the service, special seating accommodation being reserved for the large number of Volunteers who attended. In addition there was a representative attendance of the general public. The service, which was of a most appropriate and impressive nature, was conducted by the Rev. Robert Andrews (minister of Shore Street Presbyterian Church) and the Rev. M. H. G. Willis, M. A. (rector of Donaghadee), and special and appropriate music was rendered in an effective manner. The addresses delivered, and the service throughout was of a most inspiring and appropriate nature, and indicative of the continued loyal feelings and determination of the people of Donaghadee and district in the Ulster cause.
This monthly court was held on Thursday, before Messrs. W. G. Duff, R.M. (presiding), Charles W. Dunbar-Buller, D.L.; F. J. M'Cormick, J.P.; Wm. Warnock, J.P.; G. L. de la Cherois, J.P., and J. H. Mulholland, J.P.
District-Inspector E. O. Gerity, Mr. David Young, C.P.S., and Mr. David Walker, Town Clerk, were in attendance.
Rate Cases Adjourned.
Robert H. Finlay, Bangor, rate collector for the County Council, sued Wm. R. Montgomery, of Cottown, to recover £1 0s 2d, being three half-years' poor's rate on his farm at Cottown.
The Chairman said that in face of the Court Emergency Act, which had just come into force, they could not give a decree in the absence of the defendant, or, if they did, it would be practically useless. The decree could not be legally executed except notice was served on the defendant that it was complainants intention to ask the magistrates to make an order.
The Clerk -- This summons was issued before the Act was promulgated.
The Chairman -- I don't think we can do anything to-day. If Mr. Finlay will serve the notice suggested in the meantime we will adjourn the case until the next court.
Mr Finlay -- Could I get the summons amended to include mother half-year's rates?
The Chairman -- I think not, but you could issue a new summons, and serve the notice is the meantime.
Mr. Finlay said he would proceed with the original summons.
The Chairman -- The case will be adjurned until the next court.
Copeland Island Rates.
The same complainant sued Peter Halpin, The Parade, Donaghadee, to recover £3 10s 2d, being poor's rate accrued on defendant's holding on the Copeland Islands.
Mr. Hugh Graham, who appeared for the defendant, said he would like the case disposed of that day.
The Chairman -- I don't think we can r go on. The defendant is not present, and no notice has been served on him that the magistrates would be asked to make an order against him.
Mr. Graham -- You could give a decree, but of course it would be no good.
This case was also adjourned by the Court.
Drunk in Charge.
Constable Kenny summoned Robert Lewis, of Drumawhey for being drunk in charge of a horse and cart in Donaghadee, on 28th September.
Mr. Graham said that the defendant, who was a respectable farmer, had told him that he was unable to come, to the court that day, and that he admitted the offence.
Fined. 5s and costs.
Poaching in Donaghadee.
George L. de la Cherois, Donaghadee, prosecuted James M'Narry, Manor Street, Donaghadee, and John M'Williams, Meeting House Street, Donaghadee, for having unlawfully trespassed in pursuit of game with a gun on the lands of complainant on 29th August, contrary to 27 George III., chap. 35.
Mr. George de la Cherois deposed that at about 4.30 o'clock on the evening of the 29th August, when near his farm, he heard a shot near by. At first witness thought it was fired by one of his employees, but he decided to go and see who it was. He found the two defendants shooting at rabbits and they had ferrets in their possession. The men picked up their guns and ferrets and ran off. He shouted to them to stop, but they would not stand their ground, although he told them that he knew who they were. He followed them, but afterwards came back and found a ferret belonging to the defendants, which he picked up. This took place within two hundred yards of his farm, and he thought it was a deliberate case of trespass.
The Chairman -- Are there any hares there?
Mr. de la Cherois -- No, there are not hares in the country. They have all been exterminated.
Is there no game besides rabbits? -- Practically none except ground game.
The Chairman said that rabbits under the Act were not considered game. Rabbits were excluded under its provisions.
Mr. de la Cherois -- Are they not ground game?
The Chairman -- Are there any pheasants?
Mr. de la Cherois -- There is an occasional one, but they are practically extinct.
In reply to the Chairman, M'Narry admitted the offence, and expressed his sorrow. M'Williams also admitted the offence, and said he was sorry at the occurrence.
Mr. de la Cherois said he had no ill-will against these men, and if they apologised and paid the court costs, he would withdraw the case. He would like, however, the Bench to warn them seriously, because he intended to prosecute in every case that came under his notice. He had been put to a great deal of trouble and expense, owing to the breaking of his fences, and the undermining of his ditches, and he was determined to put a stop to it.
M'Narry said he was prepared to apologise, and give an undertaking not to commit the offence again. M'Williams gave a similar undertaking.
The cases were then withdrawn, the Chairman remarking that Mr. de la Cherois had acted very kindly. If they were caught again, it would be more serious.
(Mr. W. G. Duff, R.M., presiding.)
Drunk and Disorderly.
The Urban Council, summoned Wm. M'Minn, Moat Street, for being disorderly while drunk on 15th September.
Sergeant Orr stated that the defendant was shouting and causing a. scene on the Parade. He did that occasionally. Defendant had not been charged this year, but witness had cautioned him.
Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 2s 6d and 2s costs.
David M'Mullan, Church Square, was summoned for being disorderly while drunk on 19th September.
Sergeant Orr stated that the defendant was shouting and using bad language. It was his second offence.
Defendant, who did not appear was fined 7s 6d and 2s costs.
Wm. Kennedy, temporarily residing at William Street, Donaghadee, was summoned for a like offence on 23rd September.
Defendant did not appear.
Sergeant Orr said that the defendant was rowdy, and threw himself down on the ground.
Mr. M'Cormick -- How is it these defendants do not appear?
Mr. Walker -- This defendant lives near Comber.
A fine of 5s and 2s costs was imposed.
James Angus, Warren Road, was summoned for being drunk on 24th September.
Sergeant Orr said that the defendant was quiet.
Fined 2s and, 1s 6d costs.
The following pargaraph appeared in the "Auckland Star" of Monday 10th August:--
Second Contingent of Auckland Territorials.
A Rush Mobilisation.
The mobilisation of the Auckland quota for the Volunteer Force for service at home or abroad was checked for a few hours this morning, while the rush mobilisation of the contingent of 250 to depart this afternoon was carried out. The work was carried out at fever pitch of orderly excitement, so that by mid-day the whole contingent was medically inspected, armed, clothed and equipped. They left for Wellington this afternoon by special train.
The Roll of Honour.
The contingent comprises 261 officers and men, made up as follow's:-- Major W. Kay, 3rd Regiment, commanding; Capt. Jas. Blackwood Neely, 3rd Regiment, second in command; Company Sergt.-Major, Sergt.-Major Meechan ; Company Quartermaster-Sergt., O. M. S. Poile. Captain J. B. Neely is an Irishman, a native of Portaferry, Co. Down, where his parents reside. Eight years ago he left for New Zealand to take up a position in Messrs. Smith and Caughey's establishment. After some time he joined the Territorials, where he became most popular, gaining rapid promotion and has recently received his commission as Captain, being placed second in command of the 3rd Regiment. His friends in the Ards will be pleased to learn of his practical exhibition of loyalty to King and country. He was amongst the first to volunteer for active service.
This mouthly court was held in the Courthouse on Tuesday. The following magistrates were present -- Messrs. W. G. Duff R.M. (in the chair) J. Greer, J. Elliott, J. Watson, C. Brownlaw, J. Linchey, P. M'Nabb, and Dr. MacLaughlln.
District-Inspector E. O. Gerity and H. S. Neely (acting clerk) were in attendance.
At the Children's Court
there were two charge® of larceny of money, brought by District-Inspector Verity, against Hugh Donnan and Adam Donnan, two youths hailing from Ballyhalbert.
Mr. A. Stewart defended the boys, who were discharged under the First Offenders Act.
Publicans' Licenses.
This being the annual licensing sessions all the publican's and spirit growers' certificates were signed, there being no objection by the police.
Bound Over for Using Threats.
Kate M'Grattan, Ballygelagh, summoned John M'Grattan, jun., Ballygelagh, for having used threats and putting her in bodily fear.
A like charge was brought by John M'Grattan, sen., against the same defendant, who was defended by Mr. A. Stewart, Newtownards.
After hearing the evidence, the Court decided on binding over the defendant in his own recognisance, to keep the peace for twelve months, in the sum of £10.
Son Sues Mother.
John M'Grattan, jun., processed Mary Ann M'Grattan, his mother, for £10, damages for unlawful dismissal, he being her hired farm servant.
Mr. Stewart represented the complainant, who was awarded £5.
School Cases.
The School Attendance Officer, Portaferry, summoned Richard M'Mullan, Alex. Keenan, Frank Ritchie, and W. J. Donnan, for non-attendance, and certificates of order were granted.
He also charged James Moore, W. J. Gilmore, John Shields, Patrick Matthews, Jane Ross, Wm. Wilson, and John M'Ilheron with non-compliance of attendance orders previously issued, and each were fined 6d and 4s 6d costs.
Disorderly Conduct.
Sergeant Diver charged Edwd. M'Mullan with disorderly conduct. Fined 2s 6d and 1s costs.
Constable M'Kenna charged Thomas Fitzsimmons, an old offender, with disorderly conduct while drunk. It was proved that this was his sixth offence within the past twelve months, and he was ordered to be imprisoned for one month with hard labour.
Constable Noble charged James Convery with being disorderly while drunk on the public street.
Mr. Johnston, solicitor, Downpatrick, defended the accused, and produced witnesses to prove that he was not drunk.
The magistrates decided to dismiss the case.
Commissions in the South Downs. -- Mr. Thomas Marshall Tate, son of Dr. T. M. Tate, Downpatrick, Lieutenant on probation, has received a commission as Second Lieutenant of the 5th R.I.R., as has also Mr. G. Coates Hume.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services. -- In the First Presbyterian Non-Subscribing Church, Downpatrick, harvest thanksgiving services were held on Sunday. The church was tastefully decorated with foliage, fruit, flowers, and corn, and there was a large attendance at each service. Appropriate sermons were preached by the Rev. J. D. Davies, of Clough. Saul harvest festival was held on Sunday. The sermon was preached by the rector, Rev. John M'Cracken.
I.N.V. Express Confidence in Mr. John Redmond. -- At a meeting of the Downpatrick Committee of the Irish National Volunteers, held on Sunday, a resolution was proposed and passed unanimously expressing confidence in Mr. John E. Redmond and his policy for the I.N.V., and repudiating the unpatriotic action of a small minority of the Provisional Committee, who, for their own ends, were endeavouring to wreck the Home Rule Bill and the Irish Volunteer movement. The resolutions have been passed by the Ballykilbeg, Dundrum, Killough, and Ballykinlar Companies of the I.N.V.
County Down Lady's Bequests. -- Miss Dinah Mulligan, of Lismasliggan, County Down, who died on 27th May last, left personal estate in the United Kingdom valued at £1,471. The testatrix left £5 each to the Jewish Mission and the Colonial Mission, £40 upon trust to pay £1 per annum so long as it lasts to the Sustentation Fund and £1 per annum to the Sabbath School of Second Aughalone Church, £20 upon trust to pay £1 per annum to the Foreign Mission, and £30 upon trust to pay 30s per annum to the Zenana Mission.
Area of Crop in County Down. -- According to an official return, the area under crops in County Down this year was 242,627 acres, as compared with 243,396 last year, and the distribution was: Corn crops, 93,507 acres; green crops, 61,335 acres; flax, 9,405 acres; hay and meadow, 77,662 acres; fruit, 718 acres. The area under flax declined 618 acres, and the number of flax mills, enumerated as working in Ulster is 602. As to live stock in this county, there are 33,545 horses, 899 donkeys, 160,473 cattle, 104,638 sheep, 41,199 pigs, 10,188 1,456,356 poultry.
The County Down Sanatorium. -- The Down Tuberculosis. Committee are said to favour a place near Dromore for the purposes of the sanatorium about to be established. In their annual report the Local Government Board state that a number of the present union fever hospitals might be transferred to the district councils, where the latter body are the sanitary authority for the entire union area served by the hospital. The name, district isolation hespial, might he substituted for that of union fever hospital. These institutions might be available both for the treatment of cases of infectious diseases, and also for advanced cases of tuberculosis by adding pavilions or chalets for the purpose.
Cruelty to Animals at Holywood. -- At Holywood Petty Sessions on Monday, Mr. W. J. Jackson, J.P., asked Sergeant Donaghy to pay special attention to the sea wrack collectors in the Clanbrassil and Craigavad direction. He stated that the horses were very cruelly treated. In the first place, the animals employed were very poor and worn, and utterly unfit for their work, as they had to toil up steep hills with very heavy burdens. He understood that last week one of the horses fell dead on the way. The district were doing their best, but the help of the police was necessary. Sergeant Donaghy said that he and his men had had the place under observation. The horses were undoubtedly poor, but when the police arrived the worst cases seemed always to be set out of the way. As for the horse that died last week, he understood that it had wandered while its owner was at work on the shore, and had been killed by falling over the sea wall on to the shore below.
On to the war we're going, boys;
Ah, when shall we return?
Our fathers, mothers, sisters all,
And wives and children mourn.
From brother and from bosom friend,
And sweethearts we adore --
We leave them all in sorrow, now
We leave our native shore.
We hear the bugles calling loud,
So now farewell, adieu ;
For we may fight where heroes sleep
On the plains of Waterloo.
No bribes are offered by the Crown
To make us hear the call,
We go where duty points the way,
Though in the breach we fall.
We go to beat the common foe;
We hope to meet again,
Then all our vows we will endorse.
And play the part of men.
We'll fight the battles of our King,
Beneath our old Red Hand,
And then we'll join our friends at home,
And save our native land.
We go to meet the common foe,
We're asking no reward;
We may return from bloody strife
With visage sadly marred.
With hope and courage blending,
We'll overcome in time.
And vanquish all the cruel foes
Who gather round the Rhine.
It's then we will return with joy,
To join, dear friends, with you;
When all our vows we will endorse.
And every pledge renew.
Bangor Road, Newtownards.
^ top of page
Newtownards Chronicle - Saturday, 10 October 1914
Killed in Action.
GUNNING -- Sept. 27th, 1914, died of wounds, at the Base Hospital, Angers, France, George Coulter Gunning, 2nd Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife, ELIZABETH GUNNING. Springvale, Ballywalter.
MACBETH -- October 3rd, 1914, at his residence, New Road, Donaghadee, Robert Macbeth.
In Memoriam
DOGGART -- In affectionate remembrance of my dearly-beloved wife, Susanna M'Givern, who departed this life at her father's residence, Wavertree, Loughries, Newtownards, on Tuesday, 7th October, 1913, and interred in Movilla burying-ground aged 24 years.
"When the weary ones we love
Enter on their rest above.
When their words of love and cheer
Fall no longer on our ear.
Hush! be every murmur dumb,
It is only 'Till He come.'"
HORATIO J. DOGGART. Strandtown, Belfast.
DOGGART -- In fond and loving memory of our dearly-loved daughter, Susanna Doggart (Susy), who departed this life on the 7th October, 1913, and was interred in Movilla Cemetery.
'Tis hard to break the tender cord
When love has bound the heart.
'Tis hard, so hard, to speak the words:
"Must we for ever part"
Dearest loved one, we have laid thee
In the peaceful grave's embrace.
But thy memory will be cherished
Till we see thy heavenly face.
Ever remembered by her loving Father and Mother, Sisters and Brothers. Wavertree House, Loughries.
M'CRACKEN -- In loving memory of our dear father, Hugh M'Cracken, who passed away at his residence, Cunningburn, on October 4th, 1913, and was interred in Ballyblack Churchyard.
"I am the Resurrection and the Life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die."
Inserted by his Sons and Daughters, Cunningburn, Newtownards.
County Down members of the U.V.F. who have joined Lord Kitchener's Army, are now camped in Clandeboye and have received the designation of Royal Irish Rifles, 13th Service Battalion. The following are the officers appointed to the battalion --
Lieutenant-Colonel -- W. H. Savage, C.I.E. formerly of the Indian Army.
Majors -- The Earl of Clanwilliam, Ballynahinch, formerly captain in the Royal Horse Guards; R. D. P. Maxwell, Finnebrogue, Downpatrick.
Captains -- R. E. M'Lean, (Holywood), H. A Uprichard (Gilford, Banbridge); George Bruce (Comber); T. J. Burroughs (Bangor).
Second Lieutenants -- A. H. Allen (Nunsquarter, Kircubbin); W. A. Anderson (Banbridge); J. S. Davidson (Bangor); A. H. Hamilton (Killinchy); H. Hardy (Holywood); A. C. Herdman (Holywood); E. Johnston (Newtownards); G. W. Matthew (Newcastle); K. Morrow (Newtownards); C. H. Murland (Annsborough); T. D. Neill (Helen's Bay); J. Pollock (Holywood); T. B. Ringland (Killyleagh); W. Haughton Smith (Banbridge); R. Workman (Helen's Bay), and W. M. Wright (Newtownhrds).
Adjutant -- Lieutenant R. Fridlington (formerly County Inspector Co. Down U.V.F.).
Quartermaster -- Lieutenant C. B. Belt.
Royal North Downs. -- Mr. A. T. H. Pinkerton and Mr. T. Thompson have been appointed second-lieutenants (on probation) in the 4th R. I. Rifles.
Gazetted to a Lieutenancy. -- We observe, with much pleasure, that Quarter-master-Sergt. S. V. Morgan, of the 3rd Battalion R.I. Rifles, has been gazetted to be second-lieutenant in the Royal Irish Rifles. Lieutenant Morgan is the eldest son of the late Col.-Sergt. John Morgan, Instructor of Musketry in the Royal North Downs, and of Mrs. Morgan, 5, High Street. His many friends in this town and district very heartily congratulate him on being appointed to commissioned rank, and have no doubt he will worthily maintain the dignity and honour of his commission.
Pearl Anniversary Celebrated. -- A New York, U.S.A., contemporary contains the following item of news which will be read with much interest in Newtownards: "Mr. and Mrs. W. Finlay, 204 Sterling Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., celebrated their pearl anniversary on July 30 at Pohlhuyer's Summer Garden, Flatbush Avenue. Thirty friends were guests at the supper. The orchestra played Irish and Scotch airs, toasts and speeches were made, followed by dancing and singing. The host and hostess received many handsome presents." Mr. W. Finlay is a son of our highly-respected townsman, Mr. Isaac Finlay, and Mrs. Finlay is no stranger to Newtownards, her father having been for a number of years the manager of our local gas undertaking. As a vocalist she had few compeers, and for a number of years she was leader of the Strean Presbyterian Church Choir. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay on this side of the "herring pond" hold them in the highest esteem and heartily join with the numerous friends on the other side in wishing them and their family many years to come of happiness and prosperity. Slainthe!
Newtownards Boys Celebrate the Twelfth in Pittsburg, U.S.A. -- We have been favoured, per Mr. Robert Robinson, 7214 Upland Street, Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A., with a photograph representing a number of Newtownards young men, with others, celebrating the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne at Kennywood Park, Pittsburg. The celebration was held on 11th July, and the artistic banner, under the folds of which the young Orangemen were photographed, was made in Belfast, to the order of L.O.L. No. 46. M'Keesport, Pa. We should have been very pleased to re-produce the photograph, but unfortunately it does not lend itself to that operation -- it has evidently been taken by an amateur with, not too much photographic expedience. The names of those appearing on the photograph are as follows:-- A. Armstrong, S. M'Cullough, W. M'Cullough, S. Poole, D. Russell, H. Robinson, H. Edgar, J. M'Cullough, T. Brown, H. Poole. G. M'Cafferty, D. M'Cullough, W. Johnston, W. M'Cullough, S. Fulton, and J. M'Cullough. The majority of these names will, doubtless, be recalled by their friends here.
A Welcome Visit. -- We were pleased to have a visit during the past week from our old friend, Mr. Geo. L. Moore, who as a writer in our columns is known to all our readers. In bye-gone days we willingly gave him space and hope soon to do so once again, as (to use his own words) he intends to settle once again in the good old "afternoon town" of Newtownards. Recently he has been a patient for a number of weeks, in the Bangor Hospital. We had an interview with Mr. Moore prior to his going into hospital and it gave us much satisfaction to note the marked improvement in his appearance when he called on us on Thursday. "G. L." informs us that Bangor air, change of scene, in connection with, kind and considerate treatment, have brought about happy results, his general health being wonderfully improved, this, too, after being for long years under medical treatment, without much success. Through us Mr. Moore would tender the management, his medical attendant (Dr. Geo. Ferris Campbell, Hamilton Road, Bangor), and the Matron, Miss M'Kittrick, and nursing staff, his sincere thanks, and this, too, in no formal way.
The above excellently-conceived cartoon is the work of our gifted townsman, Mr. S. C. Bailie, the well known artist, who had to leave Brussels owing to the outbreak of the war. Mr. Bailie, who has breathed the proper spirit into the subject, kindly drew the cartoon specially for the "Chronicle" and it gives us the utmost pleasure to reproduce it.
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This fortnightly court was held on Thursday, before Messrs. T. R. Lavery, J.P. (presiding), Samuel Johnston, J.P.; Robert Dunn, J.P.; Wm. Simms, J.P.; Thomas Drake, J.P., and M. H. Walker, J.P.
District Inspector E. O. Gerity and Mr. David Young,, C.P.S., were in attendance.
Alleged Trespass in Pursuit of Game.
Mr. Alex. Stewart intimated that the case of C. B. Houston, J.P., against George Lucas, Victoria Avenue, Newtownards, had been withdrawn.
Joining the Army.
Constable Singleton summoned Robt. Fisher, Carnesure, for being disorderly while drunk in Comber on 24th September.
Complainant stated that the defendant was wrangling with others and had caused a large crowd to assemble.
Mr. John M'Kee, intervening, said that Fisher, who was a Volunteer, had joined the Ulster Brigade and was leaving for camp next day. His friends had been generous in their hospitality.
A fine of 1s, and 1s 6d costs, was imposed.
Fighting Spirit Abroad.
The King, at the prosecution of District-Inspector Gerity, summoned John Fisher, sen., Ballymaleddy, Comber, for having, on 24th September, assaulted Constable Meehan, in the execution of his duty.
John Fisher, jun,, Ballymaleddy, Comber, nephew of the above defendant, was summoned for a like offence on the same date, the victim, however, in this case being Constable Samuel Bell.
John Fisher, jun., was also summoned for having assaulted John Thompson, a barman in Mr. Todd's, Comber, on the same date, Thompson declining to prosecute.
Constable Singleton summoned John Fisher, sen., and John Fisher, jun., the above defendants, for being disorderly while drunk in Comber on 24th September.
Mr. John M'Kee appeared for the Fishers.
In regard to the charges of being disorderly while drunk,
Constable Singleton stated that on the night of the 24th September, he saw Fisher, sen., on the street very drunk. He was in the company of two persons named Fisher, who were fighting and wrangling amongst themselves and with everybody else. They were struggling and shouting. Fisher, jun., was there too and was also drunk. He was guilty of similar conduct to that of his uncle.
To Mr. M'Kee -- When sober they were very respectable men.
On the charge of assaulting the barman,
John Thompson, who gave his evidence with apparent reluctance, deposed that he was in the employment of H. D. Todd, publican, Comber. He was serving behind the bar about 8 o'clock when Fisher, jun., came in with his uncle and Robert Fisher. Fisher, jun., was under the influence of drink and witness declined to serve him. Fisher then went into one of the drinking boxes and came out again with his coat off and wanted to fight witness, who tried to induce him to leave the premises, but Fisher hit him and knocked him down and kicked him. The Fishers were taken away by friends.
To Mr. M'Kee -- He knew the Fishers to be respectable people. He was not badly injured and did not want to prosecute.
The assaults on the constables were next heard.
Constable Bell stated that when he went up to Todd's the three Fishers were outside wrangling and fighting. They were drunk and disorderly and had a large crowd collected. After Robert Fisher was arrested witness and Constable Meehan, with Constable Singleton, went up the Glen Road after the other two Fishers for the purpose of identifying them. The barman, Thompson, had made a charge of assault against one of the Fishers and they wanted the name and address of the one who had assaulted Thompson. A short distance from Comber witness and Constable Meehan, caught up on the Fishers and in order to identify them witness struck a match, as it was a very dark night. When looking at Fisher, sen., Fisher, jun., struck witness, a violent blow with his fist on his eye, and knocked him down. When on the ground, Fisher, jun., kicked him on the left side and left leg. When witness got up, Fisher, jun. attempted to kick him again, and witness drew his baton and used it in self-defence. Witness had to get his eye dressed and was advised by the doctor to remain off duty for a time as erysipelas might set in. Under the circumstances it was thought advisable not to arrest the defendants.
To Mr. M'Kee -- He used the baton in self-defence on Fisher, jun., and Meehan used his baton on Fisher, sen., who assaulted him. He understood that Fisher, jun., or some of his friends, had agreed to pay £1 to the Comber Nursing Society and make an apology to settle the case as regards the barman, Thompson.
Constable Meehan corroborated. When Constable Bell struck a match for the purpose of identifying the defendant, he was struck in the left eye by Fisher, jun. Fisher, sen., then started at witness with his fists, but he guarded off his blows. Fisher, sen., then made another attempt to assault him and witness drew his baton and hit him once with it. Constable Singleton then came up and the names of the defendants were procured, Constable Singleton deposed to seeing the Fishers drunk and disorderly on the evening of the coursing meeting at Newtownards. Witness, who was keeping the following crowd back, arrived on the scene but he did not see any batons used. The reason witness struck a match was to make sure who the men were.
For the defence,
Mr. M'Kee submitted that his clients had been badly treated. The police knew who they were and it was unnecessary for them to proceed as they had done.
District-Inspector Gerity -- They were perfectly justified in doing as they did.
John Fisher, sen., deposed that he had been at the coursing match at Newtownards that day, and when he arrived at Comber he met Robert Fisher, who was an acquaintance, and as Robert had joined the army there were a few drinks going, but he and his nephew went away home after the arrest of Robert Fisher. Constables Meehan and Bell, with Constable Singleton in the rere, followed them along the road, and Constable Bell forced in between them, saying that they were going to arrest Fisher, jun. Witness said that was all right but he would take his nephew home, and insisted on doing so. Then the police drew their batons and assaulted them, striking witness and his nephew. Witness was hit on the head and sustained a severe cut. John Fisher, jun., corroborated.
The magistrates, after hearing all the evidence, retired, and when the court reassembled,
The Chairman said that the magistrates had agreed to impose penalties of 10s and costs each on the Fishers for assaulting the police. For the assault on Thompson, Fisher, jun., would be fined 5s and costs, and on the charge, for being disorderly while drunk, uncle and nephew were mulcted in 5s each and costs.
Case Adjourned.
David M'Cutcheon, Grangee, summoned Jas. Graham, Greenwell Street, Newtownards, for assault on 3rd inst.
Defendant's wife appeared and stated that as a result of the row her husband was in hospital with a broken leg.
Mr. Lavery -- Under the circumstances, we adjourn the case for two months.
Failing to Notify Case of infection.
The Newtownards Rural District Council, as the sanitary authority, summoned Mrs. Madge Ritchie, Brownlow Street, Comber, for that, defendant being the head of the family to which Jessie Ritchie belonged, failed to give notice to the medical officer of health for the district that the said Jessie Ritchie was suffering from an infectious disease, as soon as defendant was aware that the said Jessie Ritchie was so suffering, contrary to the provisions of the Infectious Diseases Notification Act, 1889.
Mr. John M'Kee appeared for the Rural District Council.
Mr. James Holmes, clerk to the Council, proved the adoption of the Act by the Council. In consequence of what he heard, he got a certificate from the Belfast doctor who was attending the child that it was suffering from scarlatina.
Mr. M'Kee -- Yesterday at Belfast Petty Sessions the doctor admitted that it was an oversight on his part not to have notified the case, and he indemnified the Council for the costs they had been put to.
Dr Robert Henry deposed that he was medical officer for Comber dispensary district. Witness had not got any notice, either from parent or doctor, that Jessie Ritchie was suffering from an infectious disease. In consequence of what he heard he visited the place to see if there was proper isolation, but there was absolutely none. He did not examine the child, as it would be contrary to medical etiquette, to do so when another doctor was attending it. Mrs. Ritchie denied that there was scarlatina in the house, and said that it was a got-up thing between us.
Mr. M'Kee -- The doctor admitted yesterday that it was scarlatina and it was an oversight on his part not to notify it.
A second charge was made, against the same defendant, for that she did without previous disinfection, expose certain clothing which had been exposed to infection from a dangerous infectious disorder.
Miss Mary M'Cormick, Mrs. Nellie M'Ilwrath and Mrs. Jane Speers deposed, to seeing the defendant nursing the child and mixing with the public.
Defendant denied that she had nursed the child. It was her mother, who was a trained nurse.
Dr. Henry said that on the occasion of his visit the defendant, as a mother naturally would, stood stroking the child in his presence.
Mr. M'Kee said that the Council did not desire an excessive fine imposed. The cases were brought to impress on the public that they must at once notify cases of infectious disease. The secret nursing of such cases, attendant with the danger of those nursing them spreading the infection, was a very serious matter as far as the public health was concerned.
In the first case Mrs. Ritchie was fined 10s and 2s costs, and in the second case 20s with 10s costs.
Mr. M'Kee asked that the fines should be made smaller and the costs larger, as the ratepayers had to pay if sufficient costs were not allowed.
Mr. Lavery -- My friends on either side say to stick to our decision.
Mr. M'Kee -- All right. May be none of you will have to pay anything. Personally it doesn't affect me as I'll get paid. I only spoke in the interests of the ratepayers.
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(Before Messrs. 5. Johnston, J.P.; W. H. Simms, J.P., and Thos. Drake, J.P.)
Disorderly While Drunk.
The Urban Council summoned John Hanvey, Movilla Street, for being guilty while drunk of disorderly behaviour on 25th September.
Sergeant Duffy proved the offence.
A fine of 10s and 2s costs was imposed.
Time Up.
Joseph Mooney, West Street, was summoned for being disorderly while drunk on 3rd October.
Constable Monds stated that the defendant was going about, in his shirt and trousers, shouting and kicking up a disturbance. He had a large number of people gathered around him. Defendant's sister appeared and produced a pledge which the defendant had taken. She mentioned that he had taken the pledge before for six months and as the time was up he got overjoyed that he had the strength of will to keep it for that time.
As it was not the first time Mooney had been before the court, a fine of 10s and 2s costs was imposed.
This monthly court was held on Monday, before Messrs. S. B. Ringland, J.P. (presiding); T. Clelland, J.P.; J. M'Gloin, J.P.; J. Furey, J.P.; J. Prentice, J.P.; and J. M'Cartin, J.P.
Mr. Samuel Cochrane, C.P.S. was in attendance.
A Double Event.
Sergeant B. Magee, Crossgar, charged James Gelston, Terminane, with drunkenness on 10th September, and on a second count with drunken disorderliness, at the suit of Constable Wilkie.
The latter detailed how Gelston fought with a man named William Kitson who, when arrested by Constable Lynch, bit his hand severely and was at a special court sentenced to two months' imprisonment.
In reply to the Bench, Sergeant Magee said that Gelston came into the town just to start rows and when he succeeds runs for his life.
One month's imprisonment with hard labour was ordered in his absence.
Given a Chance.
Hugh Ringland, Crossgar, was charged by the sergeant with being drunk and disorderly at Crossgar on 26th September. Ringland wanted to fight with another young man.
The Sergeant stated he believed the accused, if given a chance, intended to turn over a new leaf.
Fined 2s 6d and costs.
Thomas Grillen, drunk at Crossgar on the same date, was fined 1s and costs.
James Maxwell, Crossgar, better known as the "Poet," was charged by Constable Cusack with being drunk at Killyleagh on 24th September.
Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 3s 6d and costs or seven days.
Unlicensed Motor Cycles.
Jacob M'Clure, Inspector under Down County Council, summoned Andrew Brown, Tullymore, for having a motor cycle in his possession without being duly licensed, on July 27th.
Mr. R. J. Dickson, solicitor, prosecuting on behalf of the County Council, said that under the Finance Act of 1910 a tax was levied on motor cars and motor cycles, and section 89 cast upon the Co. Council the unpleasant duty of collecting the tax, which, by the way, did not come to them at all. It was paid into the post office and remitted to the Treasury. All that the treasury allowed the County Council for administration was 5 per cent. Besides posters issued by the Council, 3 separate notices were addressed to every owner of a motor or motor cycle who had not taken out a licence on 1st January. The penalty for non-compliance was £20. The Inspector called with defendant on 27th July, when defendant showed him his motor cycle. He at that time offered the Inspector the money, which he could not accept. He failed to pay in the meantime did not do so until the issue of the summons, but that had no bearing on the issue.
Mr. Dickson examined the Inspector as to his visit on July 27th, when Brown offered him the money for the licence, which he had no authority to accept. Defendant showed him the motor cycle.
The defendant pleaded that he only bought the cycle in June, when he took out a driver's licence. He offered Mr. M'Clure the licence duty, and had fully intended to pay the money, but owing to being busy with the flax crop he had been unable to go to Downpatrick on a week day.
Mr. Dickson pointed out that the justices, if they convicted, must inflict the full penalty of £20. The County Council alone had the power to remit or reduce it; however, he was sure any recommendation of their Worships would receive their consideration.
The Chairman announced that they agreed for a conviction and fined the defendant £20, with a strong recommendation for its reduction.
Hamilton M'Cann, Balloo, Killinchy, was charged with a similar offence on the same date.
The defendant, in admitting the breach, said when Mr. M'Clure called he gave orders for the form to be filled up, but it had been overlooked. He promised Mr. M'Clure to pay the duty at once.
Mr. Dickson -- You didn't keep your word.
Mr. M'Cann -- I know a good many who havn't paid yet.
Mr. Dickson -- We are roping them in.
A similar fine of £20, with a like recommendation for a reduction, was made.
Mary Kemp, Crossgar, charged Andrew Drake and Bernard Smith, of Crossgar, with, assault.
Mr. W. A. F. Martin, solicitor, appeared for the defendant.
In the course of her statement, Kemp contradicted herself so often that Mr. Martin asked their Worships to dismiss the case, which request was acceded to.
Breach of Contract.
Charles Breeze, farmer, Ballymaconnell, Toye, Killyleagh, sued Frank M'Mullan, horse trainer, for damages. The case had been adjourned from September court.
The parties did not appear, and acting-Sergeant Farrell stated M'Mullan had since paid one of his month's instalments of 5s.
Anticipating Hallow E'en.
Alex. Orr, farmer, Maymore, charged Joe P. Chartres, mill worker, with the larceny of apples from his orchard.
Fined 2s and costs.
School Cases.
Mr. John Lawthor, S.A.O., obtained a number of school attendance orders against defaulters.
An Absent-minded Thief. -- One of the thieves engaged in the robbery of soft goods, boots, etc., from Mr. M'Fadden's would appear to suffer from melancholia, or loss of memory, inasmuch as he left behind him on the premises a pair of patent leather boots somewhat worn. Fearing lest he might disturb the occupiers of the adjoining house, he evidently took off his boots, and, through excitement over the pressure of business, forgot to put them on again. It is satisfactory to be able to state that the boots are quite safe, and by giving a full description the owner can have them restored by applying at the R.I.C. station here, where he will receive prompt courtesy, and attention.
Naval Man Missing. -- In the list of those reported missing by the sinking of the three British cruisers by a German submarine on the 22nd September, appears the name of a young Downpatrick man, W. J. Gordon, 1st class stoker on board the Aboukir.
Old-Age Pensions. -- Mr. J. R. M'Connell, J.P., presided over a meeting of the Old-Age Pensions Committee on Saturday. The other members in attendance were Messrs. R. Brown, H. Maglennon, E. Magreevy, J.P., and E. M'Quiod, J.P., with Mr. W. F. Smyth, clerk. The Clerk submitted a number of claims for consideration and decision. One claim was disallowed on the ground of age and the remainder were passed at 5s.
The Late Father Dempsey. -- At the monthly meeting of St. Patrick's Catholic Orphan Society, held in the boardroom of the Orphanage, Crumlin Road, Belfast, on Tuesday, the Very Rev. J. M'Ardle, P.P., Crossgar, presiding, a resolution was passed expressing condolence with the relatives of the late Rev. W. Dempsey, P.P., Downpatrick, and regret at the loss which the Diocesan Orphan Society had sustained by the death of one who always evinced a deep interest in its welfare and was for some years its efficient secretary. Several touching tributes were paid the members present and the resolution was passed in silence.
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Newtownards Chronicle - Friday, 17 October 1914
Newtownards Chronicle Saturday 17 October 1914
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Announcements under this heading charged as follows -- Birth, 1s 6d; Marriage, 2s 6d; Death, 1s 6d; Death, with Notice of Interment, 2s 6d; In Memoriam, 2s 6d; Verses of 4 lines, 1s extra. These announcements must be prepaid and duly authenticated with the name and address of sender.
M'AVOY -- October 14th, 1914, at 11 Church Street, Newtownards, Ellen M'Avoy. The remains of my beloved aunt will be removed from above address for interment in the family burying ground. Grey Abbey on to-day (Saturday), at 2 o'clock. Friends will please accept this the only intimation. ELIZA JANE M'AVOY.
M'CORMICK -- October 9th, 1914, at the Poor Clare Convent, Cavan, Catherine M'Cormick (in religion, Sister Mary Josephine). R.I.P. F. J. M'CORMICK. Newtownards.
In Memoriam
ATCHESON -- In sad and loving remembrance of my dear daughter, Mary, who departed this life on 14th October, 1912, and was interred in the Family Burying Ground, Grey Abbey. Sweetest flower of heavenly birth.
She was too fair to bloom on earth;
God called her to join His happy band.
And bade her bloom in a Better Land.
Inserted by her loving Mother, Sister, and Brothers. Grey Abbey.
M'KEE -- In loving memory of our dear daughter, Mary, who departed this life on the 10th October, 1913, and was interred in Movilla Cemetery. Inserted by her loving Father and Mother, Sisters and Brothers. 13 Mark Street, Newtownards.
M'KEE -- In loving memory of my dear Sister, Mary M'Kee, who departed this life on the 10th October, 1913, and was interred in Movilla Cemetery.
"At home with Christ, which is far better."
Inserted by her loving Brother, PETER M'LEAN. Oak Point. Man., Canada.
The Commandant at Finner Camp writes that their Post Office is simply chocked with letters and parcels, owners of which cannot be found owing to the fact that the relatives and friends of the troops have not accurately obtained the numbers and stations of the battalions to which their friends belong.
The Commandant adds a suggestion that we should publish the numbers and stations of the various battalions. We give the official list below.
Battalion Numbers and Stations.
First Brigade.
Station. -- Ballykinlar Camp, County Down -- 15th Service Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (North Belfast Volunteers). 8th Service Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (East Belfast Volunteers).
Station. -- Donard Lodge Camp, Newcastle -- 9th Service Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (West Belfast Volunteers). 10th Service Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (South Belfast Volunteers).
Second Brigade.
Station. -- Clandeboye Camp, County Down -- 11th Service Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (South Antrim Volunteers). 12th Service Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (Central Antrim Volunteers). 13th Service Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (Down Volunteers). 9th Service Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers (Counties Armagh, Monaghan, and Cavan Volunteers).
Attached to Brigade.
Details. -- Field Companies, Royal Engineers, and Signal Companies, Royal Engineers.
Third Brigade.
Station. -- Finner Camp, Ballyshannon, County Donegal -- 9th Service Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Tyrone Volunteers). 10th Service Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Donegal and Fermanagh Volunteers). 14th Service Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (Young Citizen Volunteers).
The leading seers of the age have been giving the result of their prophetic study of the German Emperor, and the appended horoscope, which has been cast by Madam Loran (Kathleen Sara M'Cullagh), at present residing at 63 Frances Street, Newtownards, will, we have no doubt, be read with much interest.
Wilhelm II. was born on Saturday, 27th January, 1859. Aspect of the stars at the time of his birth -- the winter solstice had crossed the line and he came into the world under the influence of two stars, Aquarius, the ram, and Pisces, the water man, which showed that he would be a great warrior on land and water, but not successful through lack of judgment. His coming into life between two stars denoted from the first, he would be a man of hasty impulses, a shaky balanced mind and a heart of greed and gain. Though successful for a time
his warrior life will end on or about the middle of December, 1914,
and he will die in tears. His stars predict that he would be a warrior, and a great army would be led by him.
After leaving College at Cassel and Bonn, he entered the army and showed by his manner and acts that he was oppressive, eccentric, and treacherous -- a traitor in his heart to his own blood relations. He succeeded his father, the late Emperor Frederick, in 1888, and a short time afterwards dismissed Bismarck, over some imaginary idea that he was not faithful. The world will soon see
a great change in the affairs of Europe
before the blood of the sons of God will be cleaned off the hills and valleys of France and Belgium and the blood of the sons of Britain are washed away, Austria will be mourning, Germany -- the assassin, the murderer of infants, and the slayer of women -- will be doomed forever.
The German Emperor imagines that the Almighty is at his right arm -- the God of Heaven couldn't be on the side of murder. He cries to Heaven for vengeance, but as a Judas, who betrayed Christ, died by his own hand, so will the German Emperor die in tears, for he betrayed our good King George, who will win the victory, and before the year 1914 dies out.
We will not he alone in hoping that the prediction of Madam Loran may come true.
Death of a Grey Abbey Postman. -- There was recenly laid to rest in the old and picturesque graveyard of Grey Abbey the remains of one of its most widely known and respected inhabitants, the late Mr. John Mawhinney. The deceased had been for nearly 40 years rural postman, and during that time had made very numerous friends. In his early life he had followed the now almost forgotten occupation of hand-loom weaver, and was one of the most athletic young men of that day. A man of few words, and of sterling honesty, a favourite with all, as the large attendance at his funeral testified, Mr. Mawhinney was a member and constant attendant of the First Presbyterian Church. The service in the house was conducted by Rev. W H. Tilson, and at the grave by Revs. J. Barron and W. H. Tilson. ,
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This monthly Court was held on Monday before Major-General W. E. Montgomery, D.L., presiding; Messrs. W. G. Duff, R.M., and Mr. Wm. Hutton, J.P.
Mr. Neely, jun., deputising for the C.P.S. was in attendance.
The Light-less Brigade.
Constable Mullarkey summoned Thos. Orr, Portavogie, for riding an unlighted bicycle an hour after sunset at Kirkcubbin on 23rd ult.
Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 5s and 1s 6d costs.
The same complainant summoned Thomas M'Carthy, Glastry, for a like offence on the same date and at the same place.
Defendant appeared, and a fine of 1s and 1s costs was imposed.
Lowering Spirits.
Sergeant Hamill summoned James Woods, Innischargie, for being drunk at Nunsquarter on 26th September. A fine of 2s and 1s and costs was imposed.
Progressing the Wrong Way.
Edward Gaw, Kirkcubbin, was summoned by Sergeant Hamill for being drunk at Kirkcubbin on 17th ult. It was defendant's third offence within the statutory period.
Fined 5s and 1s 6d costs.
John's Treble Event.
Sergeant Hamill summoned John M'Veigh, Kirkcubbin, for being drunk on 18th September. It was his third offence.
The defendant, with the usual volubility which characterises him when he appears before the Bench, made promise of reform and tried to excuse the offence as much as possible. His trump card was his promise to take the pledge, which he would do -- to-morrow.
The Chairman -- I think the best thing we can do is to adjourn the case for two months, so that it will still be hanging over you.
M'Veigh -- That's right, General, make it December Court. (Laughter.)
The case was adjourned until the December Court.
Bound Over to Keep the Peace.
Mary Jane Hastings, Ballyeasboro, summoned Robert Magennis, Ballyfrench, for using abusive and threatening language to her on the 17th August and putting her in fear of bodily harm. She asked that he be bound over to keep the peace.
Mr. Alexander Stewart, appeared for the complainant.
Mrs. Hastings stated that on the date mentioned the defendant gave her bad abuse and used threatening language to her. He also shook his fist at her nose, alleging that she had sworn lies about him in the Court about his "hoking " potatoes. Defendant threatened to strike her, and she had to jump over the ditch to avoid him. She was afraid that he would do her some bodily harm.
Defendant -- I never assaulted her, nor had one word with her. When I was going down the road she struck me or the shoulders.
Hugh Hastings, husband of the complainant, corroborated his wife's evidence. He was in the field a short distance away and saw the occurrence. Defendant "squared" his fist at the nose of Mrs. Hastings and "set" her back and forward across the road. Witness told her to get over the ditch, and as she was doing so defendant struck at her.
The Chairman -- What is the cause of this row?
Witness -- My wife had a case in Court against Mrs. Magennis for "hoking" potatoes, and that is the cause.
Defendant was bound over in his own bail of £5 to keep the peace for twelve months, and in default of so doing, one month's imprisonment.
In reply to the chairman, the defendant admitted that he had got a labourer's cottage and was to go into possession that day.
The Chairman -- I don't think the Rural Council will care much for you as a tenant if you carry on this way. The cottages were not built for men who do not conduct themselves.
Portavogie Cyclist Assaulted.
Robert Palmer, Portavogie, summoned Hugh M'Master, Kirkcubbin, for unlawfully assaulting and beating him on the 19th September.
Mr. Alex. Stewart appeared for the complainant.
Palmer deposed that he was cycling from Kirkcubbin, and between Ballyeasboro' Church and the Road-Ends he met the defendant, who was riding in a cart with a man named Mawhinney. Defendant was sitting on the hind end of the cart and Mawhinney was driving. On cycling up to the car to get past, Palmer jumped off and ran at complainant and struck him on the forehead above the right eye, knocking him down. When defendant got him on to the road he "hammered" into him. Complainant did not speak. He believed the assault was committed through spite, defendant having alleged that complainant laughed at him when going to his work. Complainant had been a witness for Mawhinney in a case he had against M'Master regarding a horse.
Defendant, cross-examining -- On what side of the road were you?
Complainant -- In the middle.
Weren't you on the wrong side of the road? -- I was when you knocked me into the hedge.
Had you any drink taken? -- No.
And you were working in Thomas Ennis's that day? -- Yes.
Defendant -- I didn't hit him. He ran into the hedge, as he had no room to pass the cart.
Adam King deposed that he had cycled with Palmer from Kirkcubbin to Rubane Corner. Palmer had no drink taken.
Sergeant Hamill, Kirkcubbin, stated that Palmer came to him after the row. There was a lump an inch in diameter over his right eye, and a large lump on the side of his head. Palmer told him that M'Master was the cause of his injuries. Palmer was quite sober.
For the defence,
John Mawhinney said that the occurence took place about four o'clock Saturday evening. Palmer shouted to "take your own side," when, as a matter of fact, witness was not on his wrong side of the road. Palmer, in attempting to pass, ran into the hedge and fell off his bicycle.
To Mr. Duff -- M'Master got off the cart and shoved Palmer.
In further cross-examination by Mr. Stewart, witness caused laughter by remarking "I wish I had John M'Kee here to ask a few questions."
Mr. Stewart applied for special costs in the case. The assault was a wanton one and entirely unprovoked.
A fine of 2s 6d and 10s costs was the fine the magistrates first thought of imposing, and defendant threw down a £5 note to the clerk, who, however, was not in the position to change it. The defendant then gave the note to a friend to get changed in the village. In the meantime the magistrates were apprised that the Court costs were more than usual, and they then imposed a fine of 2s 6d and 15s costs.
Defendant -- I wish I had got that "fiver" changed before I came in. (Laughter.)
The monthly meeting of the Pension Sub-Committee was held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday afternoon. There were present -- Mr. Alex. Dickson, Co.C. [chairman), presiding; also Messrs. Thos. Drake, J.P.; Thomas M'Alpine, Peter M'Brien, and Wm. Moore.
Letter from the Chairman (Mr. Alex. Dickson) was read thanking the Committee for their kind letter of condolence on the occasion of the death of his father,
The following were
The Pensions Granted.
Mary Shaw, 115 Greenwell Street, Newtownards, widow, age 70. Allowed five shillings per week.
Nathaniel Stewart, Mountstewart, widower, aged 82, retired driver. Allowed three shillings per week.
Isabella Stewart, Workhouse, Newtownards, widow, aged 70. Allowed four shillings per week.
Eliza Jane Norris, 30 Movilla Street, Newtownards, widow, age 70. Allowed five shillings per week.
The Pension officer raised a question in reference to the pension of Henry Girvan, who entered the Workhouse on the 29th August, and on that account should be disqualified from receiving a pension. The Committee agreed that the pensions is disqualified.
On the motion of Mr. Drake, seconded by Mr. Moore, the foregoing decisions were confirmed.
All scouts in connection with above troop are requested to parade at headquarters on this (Saturday) afternoon at 2-30 sharp. Rations for one meal to be carried on this parade.
Presbyterian Orphan Society. -- The following family (fatherless) were elected by the Governors on Wednesday to the benefit of the Society:-- Wright (4) Greenwell Street Church, Newtownards.
4th Royal Irish Rifles. -- James Lennox Muir and Robert K. Porter, cadets of the Officers Training Corps, have been gazetted to be second-lieutepants on probation. The appointment of B. B. Bellew to a second-lieutenancy has been cancelled.
Acting Adjutant of the 3rd Royal Irish Rifles. -- Lieut. S. V. Morgan, of Newtownards, recently promoted to a commission, has been appointed acting adjutant at Wellington Barracks, Dublin. The members of the Sergeants' Mess of the 3rd Battalion gave a smoking concert in his honour and presented him with a sword.
Paying out the New Pensions. -- On Monday morning last the local staff ot the Post Office had a very busy day, particularly in the morning, in paying out allowances to dependents of those on active service. The pensions, which are on the increased scale as announced by Lord Kitchener, will be paid weekly in future, instead of monthly as hitherto, an arrangement which should prove of advantage to the recipients.
Irregular Attendance at School. -- At the last Court of Petty Sessions, Mr. G. M'Williams, school attendance officer, obtained attendance orders against the following parents for failing to send their children regularly to school:-- Elizabeth Wright, West Street; James M'Kibben, Mark Street; and Adam Mawhinney, South Street. A fine of 6d and 4s 6d costs was imposed on James Jamison, Greenwell Street, for failing to comply with an attendance order.
Former "North Down" Officer Gazetted Staff Captain. -- Captain Lord F. T. Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, D.S.O., Reserve of Officers, who is a son of the Dowager Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava, has been gazetted a staff captain, Royal Artillery. Originally he was an officer of the Royal North Downs, and then became a captain in the 9th Lancers. He served in the South African war, and was wounded in an engagement, being twice mentioned in despatches and receiving the D.S.O.
The Late Mr. George Dickson, J.P. -- At the meeting of the council of the Royal Agricultural Society held in Belfast on 9th inst. the chairman (Colonel R. G. Sharman-Crawford, D.L., J.P.) said it was his melancholy duty to report the death of an esteemed colleague in the person of Mr. George Dickson, Newtownards, who was a member of 29 years' standing and a member of the Council for 23 years. He moved -- "That this Council conveys to the members of his family its sincere sympathy with them in their bereavement." Major Blackwood-Price seconded the motion, which was passed in sympathetic silence.
Our Volunteer Soldiers. -- It is understood that the total number of recruits from Donaghadee who have joined the army amounts to 57, and such a large and loyal response certainly reflects the greatest credit on the town and on the local company of the Ulster Volunteer Force (of which the worthy officer is Commander Robert Sloan, U.D.C.) Most of the recruits enlisted in the army from the ranks of the Volunteer Force, and the majority of the soldiers from this town are in the camp at Clandcboye and are apparently highly contented then lot and Quarters. The which they received in the local company of the Ulster Volunteers has evidently proved of material benefit to them in many respects, and the bearing of the men is seemingly excellent under all conditions. A number of the men were again allowed home on leave from last Saturday till Sunday night and appeared to enjoy their stay, being heartily welcomed everywhere. The men had not then obtained the soldiers' uniform, but it is expected that those who are granted leave, for this week-end will porbably be in uniform.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
Marriage -- M'Kibbin--M'Faull. -- On Thursday of last week a wedding of considerable local interest was solemnised, when Mr. Wm. M'Kibbin (son of Mr. Andrew M'Kibbin), was united in matrimony to Miss Martha M'Faull (youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M'Faull), the ceremony taking place in the Shore Street Presbyterian Church and being performed by the Rev. Samuel Walker, M.A., in the absence of the Rev. Robert Andrews. A large number of friends and well-wishers assembled to witness the ceremony, the bridal party being accorded a hearty reception at the send-off from the church.
Our Soldiers and Sailors of the King.
In our issue of September 26th we published a list of Newtownards men who are at the front serving in the army and navy. There were 387 names on the list, but since then, mainly through the instrumentality of Rev. Mr. Whatham, we have received the appended names which, added to the original roll, bring the number of Newtownards men up to 418.
Greenwell Street
William Moore, 154 Greenwell Street, Royal Irish Rifles.
Edward Hugh Kearney, 14 Greenwell Street.
George Gregory, 118 Greenwell Street.
Thomas Hanna, 100 Greenwell Street.
David M'Briar, 156 Greenwell Street.
Queen Street
William Gunning, 21 Queen Street, U.V.F.
James M'Knight, Queen Street.
George Street
John Hutchinson, 7 George Street, Fusiliers.
East Street.
Hugh Doggart, 46 East Street, 1st class gunner, H.M.S. "Drake."
James N. Doggart, 46 East Street, 1st Inniskilling Fusiliers, 8496.
Wm. James Logan, 52 East Street, 4th R. I. Rifles, 6900.
Robert M'Quiston, East Street (formerly Wallace's Street), 4th R. I. Rifles.
Church Street
Andrew Muir, 56 Church Street, U.V.F.
Court Street
Squadron Quarter-Master-Sergeant Jas. Watters, 6th Inniskilling Dragoons.
Robert Gilliland, 7 Upper Court Street, Royal Irish Rifles.
Front Shuttlsfield
James Gamble, 4 Front Shuttlefield, 1st R. I. Fusiliers, 8290.
William Street
James Young, 44 William Street, U.V.F.
Alex. Arnold, William Street.
John Street Lane
Robert M'Cartney, 17 John Street Lane, U.V.F.
South Street.
John Shannon, 99 South Street, U.V.F. (R. I. Rifles, 9155).
Robert Gilliland, South Street.
Brown's Lane
Able Mallon, Brown's Lane.
Movilla Street
Robert John Warden, Movilla Street.
James Wallace, Movilla Street.
James Street
James Algie, James Street.
Frances Street
Thomas Dooley (son of Mrs. T. G. Kirk), Motor Transport Service.
Matthew Wright (son of Rev. Dr. Wright), Y.C.V.
James Turney, Ballywatticock.
Appointed to Commissions
Lieutenant H. W. Webb, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps.
Second-Lieutenant G. W. Webb, 3rd Royal Irish Rifles.
Second-Lieutenant K. W. Webb, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Mrs. Dunbar-Buller, Vice-President of the above division; and hon. treasurer, has received the following donations and subscriptions, which she gratefully acknowledges:--
| £ | s | d |
Mrs. David Reid | 1 | 1 | 10 |
R. F. M'Crea, Esq. | 1 | 1 | 0 |
G. L. de la Cherois, Esq. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Mrs. M'Minn, Herdstown House | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Mrs. Hutton, Erne Lodge | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Miss Hutton, Herdstown House | 0 | 10 | 0 |
"A Friend" (per Rev. H. M'Connell) | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. Crawford Manley | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Rev. Geo. and Mrs. Watt | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Miss Galway | 0 | 5 | 0 |
"A Member" | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Geddis, Mount Alexander | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Miss Mary Blizzard | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Mrs. Ritchie, Woburn Memorial Hall | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mr. Walter Reid, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. Byers, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Rutherford | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Dunbar-Buller | 10 | 0 | 0 |
| £18 | 5 | 0 |
Collected in Donaghadee. |
(Per Hugh Hamilton, Esq.) |
Mrs. A. de la Cherois | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Hind | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Miss Hind | 0 | 2 | 6 |
E. Hamilton | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Miss M'Minn | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Miss Hanna | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Bell | 0 | 2 | 6 |
"A Soldier's Friend" | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Miss Fanny Dunn | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. H. Barton | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mr. Ferguson | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Milliken | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Miss Lizzie Keogh | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. Potts | 0 | 3 | 6 |
Mrs. Geddis | 0 | 2 | 6 |
"K. E. M. H." | 0 | 0 | 6 |
"B. H." | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| £1 | 15 | 4 |
Ballyhaskin and Ganaway. |
(Per Mrs. Byers, Miss Ewart and Miss |
Mrs. John Clegg, sen., Ballyhaskin | 0 | 3 | 6 |
Mrs. John Clegg, jun., Ballyhaskin | 0 | 3 | 6 |
Mrs. Anthony Boyd, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. David Campbell, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. H. Campbell, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. Jas. Boyd, Ballyferris | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mr. Wm. Boyd, Ballyferris | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mr. Wm. Hopes, Ballyferris | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Wm. Dickson, Ballyferris | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Fulton, Ballyferris | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mr. Edward Boyd, Ballyferris | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Mrs. Hugh Ralston, Ganaway | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. Wm. Boyle, Ganaway | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Mrs. Thos. Brain, Ggnaway | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mr. Wm. Baird, Ganaway | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Baird, Ganaway | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Jas. Miller, Ganaway | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. W. C. Barr, Ganaway | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs, William Ewart, Ganaway | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mr. Robert Brown, Ganaway | 0 | 8 | 0 |
Mrs. Robert Boyle, Kilbright | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. John Morrison, Kilbright | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Mrs. Thos. Patton, Kilbright | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mr. David Brown, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. John Robinson, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Jas. Mawha, Whitechurch | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. Baird, Whitechurch | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. David M'Cracken, Whitechurch | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Mrs. James Morrison, sen., Whitechurch | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Miss Fullerton, Whitechurch | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. John Boyle, Whitechurch | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Mrs. James Morrison, jun., Whitechurch | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Mrs. Hugh Warnock, Whitechurch | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. W. L. Anderson, Dunover | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. Robt. M'Connell, Drumfad | 0 | 2 | 0 |
| £6 | 0 | 0 |
(Per Miss C. Frew, Ballyhaskin.) |
Mr. Stewart Frew, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Misses Frew, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. J. Bryce, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. J. Cleland, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. T. Cleland, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Adair, Ballyhaskin | 0 | 1 | 6 |
Mrs. M'Cullough, Gangway | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Mathers, Ganaway | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mr. James Cleland, Ganaway | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. D. M'Gowan, Ganaway | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. M'Gowan, sen., Ganaway | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs Woods, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Mr. Pherson, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Mrs. Simpson, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Mrs. Dorrian, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Burch, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Miss Pherson, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Boal, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mrs. Orr, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. G. Dorrian,Ballywhiskin | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Hugh Bryce, Ballywhiskin | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| £2 | 16 | 6 |
Carrowdore |
(Per Miss M'Kelvey and Miss Robinson) |
Mr. R. J. M'Kelvey | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. Morrison | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. Taggart | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Miss Wright | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Mr. John Delany | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Cunningham | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Hamilton | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mr. Thomas Seeds | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Johnston | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Morrison | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. Robert Stewart | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. W. White | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. W. Dalziel | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Ed. M'Briar | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Yeaman | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. M'Cullough | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. M'Keag | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. J. Yeaman | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. R. Hamilton | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. W. J. Kennedy | 0 | 0 | 6 |
| £1 | 11 | 6 |
(Per Miss Essie Robinson and Miss Matilda Reid.) |
Mrs. J. Coulter | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Miss Mary M'Briar | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Bella M'Briar | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. W. J. Hamilton | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Smith | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. Norman Irvin | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. E. M. Fisher | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. A. Punton | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. Dan White | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. James M'Briar | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mr. Wm. M'Cormick | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mr. R. Irvin | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. R. M'Keag | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. Gilmore | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. J. Birch | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. S. White | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. G. Birch | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mr. Sandy Dalziel | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. Taylor | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Miss Agnes M'Dermot | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mr. Robert M'Givern | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Miss Minnie Robinson | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Matilda M'Briar | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Hannah J. M'Briar | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Hans Taylor | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. W. Robinson | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Essie Reid | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Otterson | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. James Woods | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. Wm. Boyd | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. J. Davidson | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. W. Seeds | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Hugh M'Cutcheon | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. D. Gibson | 0 | 2 | 0 |
| £1 | 9 | 6 |
(Per Miss M'Clure and Miss Caughey.) |
Miss Dunbar, Carneyhill | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Kennedy, Carneyhill | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Miss Robinson, Ballymoney | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Miss Jones, Sloanstown | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Caughey, Ballymoney | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Miss Clotworthy, Ballydoonan | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Dalzell, Ballymoney | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Robinson, Sloanstown | 0 | 2 | 0 |
| £0 | 13 | 0 |
(Per Miss M'Caw and Miss Coulter.) |
Mrs. M'Caw, Ballyfrenis | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Miss M'Clinton, Ballyrawer | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Coulter, Grangee | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| £0 | 5 | 6 |
(Per Miss Eccles and Miss M'Cutcheon.) |
Mrs. M'Cutcheon, Ballyrawer | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Eccles, Ballyrawer | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Mrs. Crothers, Ballyrawer | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Robinson, Ballyrawer | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Bennett, Ballyrawer | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Miss Jane M'Cutcheon, Ballyrawer | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. J. M'Connell, Carneyhill | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Barkley, Carneyhill | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mrs. Dorrian, Carneyhill | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. M'Gee, Carneyhill | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. Rebby, Carneyhill | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. Hamilton, Ballyrawer | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. Yeaman, Ballyrawer | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Mrs. Kerr | 0 | 0 | 6 |
| £0 | 13 | 0 |
Donations received | £18 | 5 | 0 |
Subscriptions collected | 15 | 4 | 4 |
Grand Total | £33 | 9 | 4 |
In addition to the above, Mrs. Dunbar-Buller has given £5 towards work material, and a large number of socks, flannel garments, surgical night-shirts, Brachmell do., have been contributed; also 66 packages of cigarettes, for the troops.
When Mr. Walter Long was Chief Secretary for Ireland and was on a visit to Mountstewart as the guest of the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry, advantage was taken of the opportunity to interview the right hon. gentleman in regard to the defective harbour at Portavogie. Mr. Gowan headed a deputation, and so effectively was the manner in which the inefficiency of the existing harbour placed before Mr. Long that after a visit of inspection, the practical sympathy of the Chief Secretary was enlisted and grants amounting to £6,126 were made towards improving it. The approach thereto, however, was not all that could be desired, and efforts have been made in the meantime to have this matter remedied, so that full advantage might be made of the improved harbour accommodation which had been provided.
On Monday the. Right Hon. T. W. Russell, Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture in Ireland, with. Mrs. Russell, visited Portavogie. They were met by Mr. William Gowan, County Councillor, Ballycranmore, and Mr. Jas. Smyth, Harbourmaster, who accompanied them to the harbour. After showing Mr. Russell what had been done, by the aid of the two Treasury grants through the Board of Works and the small outlay by Down County Council for the purpose of clearing out the harbour, they tried to impress on him the necessity for a further grant in aid of an approach to the pier and for the provision of lights. Having carefully examined the pier and its surroundings, Mr. Russell expressed surprise that the fine arcommodatkm made for such a latge fishing fleet should have been left without any approach whatever other than a quarter of a mile of soft sinking sand.
When leaving, Mr. Russell expressed the hope that it may be possible for him to assist in having some of the difficulties, which at present exist, removed.
It is fondly hoped by the Portavogie folks that something tangible will result from the visit of the Vice-President of the Department, and that the grievance under which they have suffered for the want of a proper approach to the harbour is about to be remedied.
Fair Day. -- There was a large turn out of stock on Tuesday and an active demand. Best beeves realised 37s 6d per cwt.; springers, £16 to £17 10s; stores, from £8 to £12 10s. There were no sheep exhibited for sale, to the chagrin of our local butchers and dealers.
Kilclief and Strangford I.N.F. -- At a meeting of the Kilclief and Strangford Company of the National Volunteers, held in the Hall, Dromore, the president (Mr. James Denvir) in the chair, the following resolution was passed:-- "That we, the members of above Company, condemn the action taken by a section of the Provisional Committee in trying to create dissention in the ranks of the National Volunteers; and that we heartily endorse the policy of Mr. Redmond and the Irish Party."
Ballygalget Corps I.N.V. Condemn Factionist Minority. -- At a meeting of the Irish National Volunteers of Ballygalget, the following resolution was unanimously adopted -- "That we, the members of the Ballygalget Corps of the Irish National Volunteers, condemn the actions of any factionist minority that would cause disruption in the ranks of our organisation and we heartily approve of the action of Mr. J. E. Redmond, M.P. in taking control of the Volunteer Movement and placing it on a solid and practical basis, so as to make it what the Irish people desire it to be -- a real and effective safe-guard to the rights and privileges of all Irishmen.""
The Crops are all abundant and sound. Early farmers are already carting potatoes to the stores. There is, as usual, some grumbling at the price, 1s 6d per cwt. Complainers altogether overlook the fact that the merchants would prefer to pay 2s 6d if circumstances would permit, but this cannot be, and the price in the Belfast market last week was only 1s 8d per cwt. Mangold wurzel seed promises to be cheap next spring, as a luxuriant crop appears in some fields not many miles away. This is as great a novelty as the beet cultivation, and it has caused not a little interest and comment.
The Lighting of Portaferry. -- At the meeting of the Downpatrick Rural Council on Saturday, Mr. P. M'Mullan, J.P., presiding, Mr. Henry M'Grath, Co.C., in accordance with notice, moved that the offer of Messrs Thomas Somerset and Co. to light by electricity the streets of Portaferry be accepted, and that a scheme be prepared to give effect to the arrangement, the area of charge to be the town of Portaferry, comprising the townlands of Ballymurphy, Tullyboard, and Ballyphilip, In a comprehensive speech he outlined the necessities of the town for public lighting. The motion was seconded by Mr. J. Murnin and supported by several of the members. An influential deputation from Portaferry having been heard, the motion was passed unanimously.
Portaferry National Volunteers and Mr. Redmond. -- At a meeting of the above corps held on the 6th inst., the following resolutions were passed by an overwhelming majority:-- 1. "That this meeting, representing the Portaferry corps of the National Volunteers, express our unbounded confidence in Mr. John E. Redmond and the Irish Party," 2. "That we heartily congratulate Mr. Redmond and the Irish Party on their success in winning for the Irish people their Charter of Liberty." 3. "That we beg to assure Mr. Redmond and the majority of the members of the Provisional Committee of the National Volunteers of our whole-hearted support of any action they may take in the reorganisation of the Volunteer movement on a permanent and popular footing."
The Chaplaincy of Down Asylum. -- The Government Committee of the General Assembly, at a meeting in Belfast last week, on a reference from Down Presbytery, nominated Rev. R. M'Elney, Downpatrick, to the Presbyterian chaplaincy of Down Asylum.
Death of Mrs. Morris. -- We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Morris, postmistress, which occurred on the night of the 10th inst. Deceased was well known and respected by the entire community, and she will be long remembered by her acquaintances and neighbours. Great sympathy will be extended to her family in their sad bereavement. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the burying ground attached to Down Cathedral, and the Ven. the Archdeacon of Down and Rev. J. G. Pooler conducted the religious services.
Sanitary Committee. -- Mr. J. M'Graddy presidod over a meeting of the Health Committee on Monday night. The other members in attendance were:-- Messrs. R. Hunter, J. Murnin, W. Mullan, and J. Freeman. On the proposition of Mr. Hunter, it was agreed to ask the Council to furnish the Committee with a list of persons who paid for water, by meter, during the past twelve months, and amounts received from each. Mr. Feenan proposed, and it was agreed, to find out from the Council the cause of delay in having the culvert in Market Street attended to, and also the putting in of gully trap at junction of John Street and Pound Lane.
Mills on Short Time. -- The war is beginning to affect some of the workers, some of the mills now only working about three-quarter time, owing to the scarcity of material.
Annual Hiring Fair. -- Last Monday was the usual hiring fair. There was a large number of servant boys and girls in the town and they enjoyed themselves as country lads and lassies can do,
Presbyterian Orphan Society. -- At the meeting of the Governors on Wednesday, M'Kelvey family (2), belonging to Killyleagh First Presbyterian Church, were elected to the benefit of the Society.
The Death of Mr. William Farrell, of Ballygoskin, which took place on the 7th inst., removed another familiar personage from the district. He was well known around the country as a keen agriculturist and efficient auctioneer. HIs funeral was one of the largest in the district for a long time. He was also an old member of Killyleagh Farming Society, in whose welfare he took a deep interest.
Accident. -- On Tuesday last Henry Stothart, carter, Killyleagh, met with an accident. It appears he was taking a load of timber to Mr. Faulkner, when the horse stumbled and fell. Stothart was thrown off the cart, sustaining an ugly injury to his nose. Mr. M'Corkney was fortunately near at hand, and he, with some other friends, had him conveyed to Dr. Sproule, who dressed his wounds. The horse was slightly damaged.
Ulster Soldiers. -- On Saturday, 3rd inst., a number of the Volunteers who joined Lord Kitchener's Army and who are under canvas at Clandeboye, paid a week-end visit to their homes. They are loud in their praise of camp life at Clandeboye, and although only a short time in camp the influence of military training was noticeable. James Love, well-known in the town owing to the interest he took in the U.V.F., and an ex-soldier who fought through the S. African war, has, we are pleased to note, been promoted to the rank of sergeant and appointed master tailor.
The Death of Mr. Harper, Castleview, Moymore, on the morning of 5th inst. will be heard with regret by all thise who had the pleasure of knowing him. Although deceased was a good ripe age he was active and fresh and of a very pleasant disposition. He contracted a slight cold a few days ago, but until the last it was not considered serious. The large numbers from all parts of Co. Down who followed deceased's remains to their last resting place. Meeting House Green, testified to the esteem in he was held. He was one of the oldest members of Killyleagh, Killinchy, and Kilmood Farming Society, and took a deep interest in it as well as the welfare of the town.
Down, Connor and Dromore Diocesian Council. -- The following grants, in payment of arrears of assessment for the year 1913, have been made:-- Ballyphillip (annual), £15; Bright, £8; and Killibchy, £12.
The Fate of the Master of the County Down Staghounds. -- News has been received that Lieutenant S. B. Combe, of the North Irish Horse, who is missing, placed two men on a bridge which he crossed to reconoitre. He did not return, and as no firing was heard it is presumed that he is a prisoner of war.
Fire at Balloo Flax Mills, Killinchy. -- On Friday afternoon, 9th inst., broke out at the Balloo Mills, Killinchy. The services of the Belfast Fire Brigade were requisitioned by telephone, and a quick response was made from headquarters with a motor pump. Fortunately, the outbreak was not of a serious character, the flames being extinguished by means of buckets of water. A quantity of flax was damaged by fire water.
Co. Down Rector Killed. -- Rev. Isaac Harte, Church of Ireland rector, Rathfriland, was killed near Monaghan on Tuesday afternoon. He was accompanied by his brother-in-law, Dr. Reid, of Florencecourt, Co. Fermanagh, on the way from Rathfriland to the former place, and, at a sharp curve on the road in Knockaconny, a mile from Monaghan, the motor car which deceased was driving skidded and ran against the ditch. Rev. Mr. Harte fell underneath the car. He was killed instantly. Dr. Reid escaped with a severe shaking.
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Newtownards Chronicle - Saturday, 24 October 1914
SLOAN -- October 22nd, the wife of James Z. Sloan, B.E., Assistant County Surveyor, Newtownards, of a daughter.
LINDSAY -- October 17, 1914, at her residence, Dunlady, Dundonald, Jane, widow of the late David Lindsay, aged 81 years. The remains of my beloved mother were interred in the family burying ground, Movilla, on Tuesday afternoon, 20th inst. JAMES LINDSAY.
SAVAGE -- Killed in action in France, at the battle of the Aisne, John Ardkeen Savage, Captain, 1st Battalion Nothamptonshire Regiment, elder son of the Rev. Francis Savage and Mrs. Savage, of Flushing Vicarage, Falmouth. Of old family of the Savages of the Ards.
STEVENSON -- October 15th, 1914 (accidentally suffocated by gas whilst following his occupation), James Stevenson, 124 Benard Street, Glasgow, the dearly beloved son of Mrs.. Boyd.
Death did to him short warning give,
So do be careful how you live;
Prepare in time, do not delay,
For he was quickly called away.
Inserted by MRS. BOYD, 19 Frederick Street, Newtownards.
In Memoriam
GEDDIS -- In loving memory of our dear daughter, Amelia Edith, who died on 24th October, 1912, and was interred in Ballyphillip Churchyard, Portaferry.
R. and E. RIDDELL. North Street, Newtownards.
Amongst the many North of Ireland men who have the honour to be mentioned in despatches by Field Marshal French, Commanding-in-Chief, the British Forces in the Field, we are gratified to note the following Co. Down soldiers:--
Lieutenant the Honourable Charles Mulholland, of the 11th Hussars, 28 years of age, and formerly served at the No. 2 Irish Cavalry Depot. He is the second son of Lord Dunleath, of Ballywalter Park.
Lieutenant D. C. H. Richardson, of the 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers, is the only son of Mr. Charles H. Richardson, J.P., of Cedarhurst, Newtownbreda. He has been at the front since the opening of hostilities, and his squadron (C) took part in the brilliant charge of the 12th Lancers and the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys) under Brigadier-General Sir P. W. Chetwode, Bart., D.S.O., the dashing and successful leader who is in command of the 5th Cavalry Brigade.
Sergeant Edward Henry, 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, is a native of Downpatrick, where his father, ex-Colour-Sergt. Robert Henry was stationed for many years with the Permanent Staff of the 5th Battalion R.I.R. Sergeant Henry is a brother-in-law of Sergt.-Major J. W. Field, of the 4th Battalion R.I.R. (Royal North Downs, Newtownards), now stationed at Holywood.
Corporal Lomax, Army Service Corps, is a son of Barrack Warden Lomax, Holywood, formerly sergeant-major in the Royal Irish Rifles.
Lieutenant and Adjutant G. B. Rowan Hamilton, of the 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders (Black Watch), is a son of Lieutenant-Colonel F. Rowan Hamilton, and nephew of Colonel Rowan Hamilton, D.L., of Killyleagh Castle, Co. Down.
Lance-Corporal J. Hearne, of the 15th Hussars, who has returned wounded to his home at Limpsfield, tells a vivid story of how it feels to be wounded. He says:--
On September 12 we were in support of the guns, and we got orders to advance three miles and attack anything we met. The 5th Dragoon Guards were doing advance guard to us, and my squadron had dismounted under cover of a hill. We heard guns going, and were in fact watching the shells dropping half a mile away. Without any warning the 5th came round the hill, passed us, and drew on us the fire from the guns. We had got into the field by cutting a gap in the wire fence wide enough to allow four to pass through at a time, but when the shells started flying around no one thought of this place. When somebody happened to find it it was too late, and they mowed us down like ninepins.
There was a big ditch in front of me, which I had made up my mind to cross. I was really fascinated by the shells, and was not really thinking of anything at all. Suddenly a shell burst over my head and it got me right in the back.
I could feel my horse getting lower and lower; I put my hand behind me and felt a lot of hot wet. I wondered if I could get him over the ditch, but just before I could get to it he rolled over into it with me with him.
My troop-sergeant came and asked me if I could get up; I said, "No, mate, I can't move; I'll have to stop here." Then back came the trumpeter with Captain Laking, and he asked me the same thing.
It I couldn't get on a spare horse they would have to leave me there. I said, "Very well, Sir, I'll stop. You had better clear out." I crawled along the ditch to get out of the way of the shells, which were bursting a long time after my squadron had gone to cover. I lay there for about four hours in a semiconscious state, and when I came round I found I had buried my head in the mud trying to get out of the way of the shells. At last Lieutenant Mulholland came back with a doctor and took me away. The doctor himself was wounded.
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This fortnightly court was held on Thursday, before Messrs. T. R. Lavery, J.P. (presiding), Samuel Johnston, J.P., and John M'Clement, J.P.
District-Inspector 0;. Gerity and Mr. David. Young, C.P.S., were in attendance.
Public Health Prosecution.
The Newtownards (Urban Council summoned Messrs. John and Alfred Russell, house and estate agents, Newtownards, for failing to have the drainage perfected and proper water closets put in instead of privies, and ashpits rendered watertight, in relation to the property situated at 27, 29, and 31 Mill Street, Newtownards.
Mr. John M'Kee appeared for the Council, and Mr. Alexander Stewart for the defendants.
Mr M'Kee said the case was brought under the Public Health Act, and for the purpose of the Act the Agents, Messrs. Russell Bros., were deemed to be the same as the owners of the property. The Urban Council had served the defendants with a notice on March 2nd notifying them of the existence of a nuisance at this property, arising from defective drainage and insanitary accommodation, and being such as to constitute a danger to health.
James Orr, sanitary sub-officer, gave evidence of having served the notice. The drainage was not perfect. There was an open sink hole and a make-shift of a wooden privy. The ashpits were broken down, and the place was insanitary.
Mr. Stewart -- Do you know that Messrs. Russell Bros, offered to have proper privy accommodation provided.
Do you know that Mr. Peacock, die Town Surveyor, was consulted by them and plans drawn up? No.
Alfred Russell stated that they had taken Mr. Peacock up and gave him instructions to prepare plans, but on account of the war they were not able to have the work done. The owner has been affected by the war and could not now afford to pay for all the improvements required.
Mr. M'Kee -- But the notice was served in March, and there was no war then.
Witness -- I admit there was delay, but there is no doubt but that the outbreak of war is the cause now of the alterations not being carried out. If the Urban Council or some other person would advance the money his firm will soon have the improvements effected. It was a matter of financial stringency, as regards the owner.
The magistrates made an order to have the alterations necessary made and gave three months in which to have the work done. They allowed Mr. M'Kee costs in the case.
Nuisance in Movilla Street House.
The Urban Council summoned Mrs. Rose Ann Burrows, Ballyboley, for permitting a nuisance to exist at her property, 49 Movilla Street, Newtownards.
Mr. John M'Kee appeared for the Council, but the defendant did not appear nor was she professionally represented.
James Orr, sanitary sub-officer, stated that the kitchen floor was an earthen one and that the drains, privy and ashpit were so defective as to be a nuisance. The notice in this case had been served on the defendant by post.
Mr. M'Kee -- That is quite good service in this case.
The Court made an order in the terms of the summons, with costs, the improvement to be completed within two months.
Second Offence.
Constable Singleton summoned Saml. Moorehead, Ballykeigle, Comber, for being drunk in Comber on 19th inst. Defendant was quiet. It was his second offence.
Defendant, who didn't appear, was fined 3s 6d and 2s 1d costs.
Wm. James Spratt, Balloo, Comber, was summoned by Constable Bell for being drunk in Comber on 19th inst., his second offence.
Fined 5s and 1s costs.
No Tail Light on Motor.
Constable Singleton summoned Hugh Wallace, Cross Street, killyleagh, for failing to have, on the night of 11th inst., more than an hour after sunset, a tail light exhibited so as to illuminate the number on his motor vehicle.
The Constable stated that the vehicle was a large machine for carrying passengers, and when he spoke to defendant about not having the tail lamp lit, he was very impertinent and it was some time before he gave him his name. Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 20s and costs, and an order made for the production of his license for endorsement.
A Like Case.
The same complainant summoned, John Begley, Chichester Street, Belfast, for driving a passenger motor car on 11th October without having a tail light exhibited at the back of his car so as to illuminate the number. This offence also occurred more than an hour after sunset.
Complainant stated that in this case the defendant gave his name and address without any trouble.
District-Inspector Gerity -- He telephoned me this morning apologising for his absence from court, as he had to go to Clandeboye Camp.
The Chairman -- We accept that. This Case does not seem as bad as the other, and we will fine him 10s and 3s 6d in costs.
Constable Bell summoned John Beattie, Castleavery, for being drunk in Comber on 19th inst. Defendant was quiet.
Defendant did not appear, and he was fined 3s 6d and 2s costs.
Sergeant Reynolds summoned Robert Milby, Ballyrea, Newtownards, for being drunk in Newtownards on 18th inst.
Fined 2s 6d and 1s 6d costs.
Taking it out of him.
Constable Bell summoned Jas. Cooke, Cherryvalley, for being disorderly while drunk on 19th inst. in Comber.
Complainant stated that the defendant and his brother were drunk, and defendant urged on a crowd to attack a Jew, who was selling jewellery. Defendant assaulted the Jew, who, however, disappeared, probably being glad to get away. Defendant's conduct was very bad.
Defendant -- The man took two shillings off me, and I had a right to get something back. (Laughter.) It's all right what the constable says
Fined 5s and 1s costs.
The same complainant summoned Joseph Clarke, Ballyloughan, brother of the previous defendant, for a like offence. Defendant was in the company of his brother when they chased the Jew. Afterwards he tried to force his way into Mr. Milling's licensed premises, and on being refused admittance he shouted he didn't give a d----- for the police, the pope or the priest. (Laughter.)
Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 10s and 1s 6d costs.
Drunk in Charge of a Bike.
Wm. John Mathers, Ballyskeagh, Newtownards, was sumomned by Constable Bell for being drunk in Comber in charge of a bicycle on 19th inst.
Fined 2s 6d and 1s costs.
No. Light.
Sergeant Reynolds summoned Edward Harris, Mill Street, Newtownards, for driving a horse and van on 18th inst. without having a light exposed.
Complainant stated that the offence occurred about half-past one in the morning, at which time defendant was coming down Ballyharry brae. He told witness that the lamp had gone out, and and he could not get it lit again.
Defendant -- I didn't think I would be so late.
Mr. Johnston -- You should have been prepared for an emergency.
Fined 1s 6d and 1s costs.
The Ownership of a Pair of Boots.
District-Inspector Gerity made an application to the Bench with regard to the disposal of a pair of boots which had come into the possession of the police as the result of a larceny, which had been committed by Samuel Mawhinney, of Drumhirk, some time ago. Mawhinney had been tried at Downpatrick Quarter Sessions on Saturday last, and had pleaded guilty to two charges of larceny and one of housebreaking. His Honour had allowed him out under the Probation of Offenders Act. He now asked the Bench to give an order for the disposal of the boots. It was for them to decide.
Mary Sibbles deposed that on 12th September she was entrusted with a pair of boots by the wife of Samuel Mawhinney and told to take them to Beattie's pawn. Witness pawned the boots in the name of Boal (the maiden name of Mawhinney's wife), and was advanced three shilling on them. Witness saw the boots being given to Mrs. Mawhinney by her husband, who stated at the time that he had got them down High Street (Newtownards), in a trap in the yard. The boots were similar to those produced by the police.
District-Inspector Gerity -- Mr. Beattie is not here to give evidence, but I don't think it is material.
Mr. Alex. Stewart said that Mr. Beattie had been speaking to him about the case that morning, and he told him not to bother coming as the Court would make the proper order.
C. J. Stewart, boot and shoe dealer, Conway Square, Newtownards, deposed that on 12th September he gave a pair of boots to Mrs. Kerr to take to Kirkcubbin to a customer. She had a horse and trap with her, and the boots were put in the trap, which had been left in a yard in High Street. He had to replace the pair of boots which had disappeared. The boots produced were his property. Samuel Mawhinney or his wife never bought them from him.
The Chairman said it was perfectly clear that the boots were the property of Mr. Stewart, and they made an order that the police hand them over to him.
(Before Mr. T. R. Lavery, J.P. (presiding), and Samuel Johnston, J.P.)
"When I'm off, I'm off."
Elizabeth Burns, Greenwell Street, summoned Annie Barnes, of the same street, for riotous, behaviour on Sth October.
Mr. Hugh Graham appeared for the defendant.
Complainant stated that between 5 and 6 on the day of Sth October she was standing at the door cleaning a lamp. Defendant, who had some drink taken, came up the street and threatened that she would put her back where she came from, and then spat in her face three times.
To Mr. Graham -- Complainant admitted that she had only come out of jail on 3rd October. She did not accuse defendant of having stolen a shawl of her's. She never had any row with defendant before.
Mr. Graham -- How then do you account for her abusing you? -- She takes a little drink now and again.
Do you drink any yourself? -- When I'm off it, I'm off it. (Laughter.)
Do you remember throwing a porter bottle at her? -- She didn't get much of a cut.
Who broke the window? -- God knows.
Have you been giving her a dog's life of it since you came out of jail? -- Excuse yourself.
The Chairman (to witness) -- Have you any witness?
Complainant -- Yes, Agnes Wilton, but she is not here, although summoned.
Mr. Graham said that on 3rd October, Burns came home from jail and she accused defendant of having stolen a shawl and on the 5th October repeated the allegation. Mrs. Barns told her that if she did not leave her alone she would bring her before her betters. This remark was met by Burns using filthy language and abuse. On Friday, after last Court day, Burns flung an empty potter bottle at his client, but it missed her and went through the window.
Sergeant Duffy, in answer to the Bench, said that complainant accused defendant and a woman named Baxter of having stolen her shawl. Complainant had been drinking since she came out of jail, and was giving annoyance all the time.
The Chairman -- She seems to have had some drink taken this morning. The case is dismissed.
Had paid £4 17s 6d in Fines already.
Sergeant Reynolds summoned Eliza Jane Edmonds, Thomas Street, for being disorderly while drunk on 13th inst. Defendant was using filthy language and attempted to break some windows in Mill Street.
Defendant pleaded that she had a good deal of trouble, and had just come home from Belfast where she had a few hot words with her daughter-in-law. The Bench knew her failing, and when she got a drop she did not know what she was doing or saying. She did not know why she had any difference with her daughter-in-law as she was the only one who could bring her (defendant) in off the street.
The Chairman -- How often has she been up before?
Sergeant Duffy -- This is the sixth case.
Defendant -- And I have paid £4 17s 6d in fines and done seven days.
The Chairman to defendant -- If we let you off with a fine will you promise to settle down?
Defendant -- I will. The work is very scarce now.
A fine of 10s and 2s costs was imposed.
Sergeant Duffy, summoned James Briody, Mill Street, for being drunk on 13th inst. Defendant was quiet.
Fined 3s 6d and costs, or 7 days.
Constable F. J, Clarke summoned Charles Thompson, Shuttlefield, for being drunk in Regent Street on 14th October.
Fined 2s 6d and 2s costs.
Riotous Behaviour.
Constable Tarpey summoned George Brown, East Street, for being guilty of riotous behaviour on 17th inst.
The Chairman (to the Constable) -- We are glad to see you back again in Newtownards.
Constable Tarpey -- Thank you, gentlemen.
The evidence was that the defendant made to strike a man, and was using bad language.
Mrs. Brown, defendant's wife, appeared and explained that her husband was at work. That was the first offence he had committed since she got him. There should have been two others summoned as well as him. One of them knocked the pipe out of his mouth, and he lost his temper.
Constable Tarpey -- You were not there.
Mrs. Brown -- I was there five minutes before.
Fined 5s and costs.
On Land and Sea.
Gallant Newtownards Lads Die for their Country.

Andrew Russell, Cameron Highlanders. |
 Robert Algie, H.M.S. "Hawke." |
Andrew Russell, died at Netley Hospital, 22nd September, as the result of a bullet wound received in the chest in action. He was a reservist and the third son of Mrs. Andrew Russell, Mark Street, Newtownards. He resided at Templemore St., Belfast, and had been married less than a year. He leaves a widow and baby daughter, the latter born on 20th September, to mourn his loss.
Robert Algie was one of the crew of the ill-fated "Hawke," which was torpedoed and sunk, in the northern waters of the North Sea, on the afternoon of Thursday, 15th October. He was the second son of Mr. John Algie, James Street, and was aged 28. He was a reservist in the Navy, and he had been almost five years at home when he was called up. At the time he was employed as a mechanic in Messrs. Freeland & Iveston's. He resided at 15 Ann Street, Newtownards, and was married to Miss Mary Jane Russell almost three years ago and had two of a family, the last baby being born the week Navy-man Algie was called up. On Saturday, 17th inst., Mrs. Algie had three letters from her husband, each of which intimated that he was well. On Monday following the Admiralty wired to Mrs. Algie, stating they regretted that her husband was not amongst the saved. The utmost sympathy is extended to the widow and family in their sore trial.
The Picture House. -- The Regent St. management have no cause to regret re-booking the splendid "East Lynne" fiim, for good houses welcomed its return. This week-end "An Hour Before Dawn" is the top-liner. This is another clever detective drama by the Famous Players Co., and is the sequel to "Chelsea 7750." It should be seen by all those who love a criminal mystery. Next week is to see (on Thursday, Friday and Saturday) the advent of "Protea II.: The adventures of the Infernal Automobile." Newtownards residents of all classes were thrilled by the astounding adventures of this wonderful cinema heroine, and in her second series of adventures she has excelled herself. "The Protea" series are the most talked of among that daring class of film, and our readers will, we are sure, be impatient until the arrival of this new series and when it arrives avoid disappointment by going early.
The Picture House Benefit for R. I. Rifles at the Front. -- The management of the Picture House, Regent Street, have, with their usual generosity, arranged to give the proceeds of both houses on Wednesday next to the Newtownards Fund for providing comforts for the Royal Irish Rifles at the front. With the winter fast approaching, it is a most opportune time to subscribe to the fund. We are told that reports from the Girl Guides and Boy Scouts (who have undertaken the disposal of the tickets) show that the tickets for both houses are selling like the proverbial "hot-cakes." We know from past experience that the vocal and cinematograph programmes will be worthy of the occasion. Tickets are becoming scarce, so hasten to benefit this patriotic and necessitous cause, and at the same time get a full return for your contribution in the form of a tip-top entertainment. It is whispered that some of the Clandeboye Volunteers are to take part in the programme. We would remind our readers that the Royal Irish Rifles are designated "Royal County Downs," and many of the brave lads of this town and neighbourhood are in the ranks, fighting for their King and country. Who else should receive your first consideration but your own who are bearing the brunt of the battle?
The Men's Club and Girls' Friendly in connection with the Parish Church, which were started last winter, have again been opened for the winter season, and judging from present indications there is every prospect that the movement will be attended with even greater success than last season.
Mr. J. M. Mahood Bereaved. -- Sincere sympathy has everywhere been extended to Mr. Jas. M. Mahood, a most esteemed resident and merchant of the town, and with his family and relatives in the great sorrow and bereavement caused by the death of his father, which occurred at his late residence in Bangor on Sunday last.
With the Naval Contingent at Antwerp. -- J. Fletcher, of the Royal Navy (who prior to being called to the colours was in the Postal Service here), was home at Donaghadee for a few days last week, after his trying experiences with the naval contingent in the trenches at Antwerp, where he took part in the heavy fighting in and around that city.
Wounded Soldiers from the Front. -- Private Alex Stewart (son of Mr. Alex. Stewart), who was wounded in the fighting in France and invalided to England, paid a visit to Donaghadee on Sunday last. Private Robert Pollock, R.I. Rifles, who was also in the fighting line at the front, arrived at Donaghadee on Tuesday last, having been invalided home, being wounded in the hand and thigh. Both men have taken part in most of the severe engagements in France, and expect to again shortly be at the scene of the battle. Both were heartily welcomed in their native district.
"Why Britain is at War." -- A large and representative audience attended the Orange and Protestant Hall on the night of the 16th inst., when the Rev. R. Lee Cole, M.A., B.D., of Belfast, delivered his well-known, popular and highly instructive lecture entitled "Why Britain is at War." Dr. A. E. Knight, Donaghadee, presided and suitably introduced the proceedings. The lecture was arranged on behalf of the Prize Fund of the Donaghadee (2) National Schools (of which Mr. Arthur M'Millan is the worthy principal teacher), and further interest was stimulated by the anouncement that the surplus would be devoted to the Prince of Wales's Relief Fund. The lecturer dealt with his subject in the most instructive and convincing manner and showed throughout a complete mastery of his subject. His remarks were followed with marked attention and appreciation on the part of the delighted audience. At the conclusion suitable votes of thanks were passed to the lecturer and the chairman, the votes being conveyed hy Rev. Henry M'Connell, manager or the schools. The promoters of the lecture are to be congratulated and are deserving of the greatest thanks for providing an entertainment of such real interest and merit.
The mid-monthly meeting of the Donaghadee Urban Council was held on Monday night, the chairman (Mr. John Angus) presiding.
The Local Government Board forwarded an order made by them confirming the order dissolving the Bangor and Newtownards joint hospital order.
The return of the Medical Officer of Health for the half year ended 30th September showed the1, district to be in a satisfactory sanitary condition.
The Board of Trade wrote intimating the concessions they were prepared to grant with regard to the lease of the foreshore offered by them to the council, and it was decided to accept the lease on the terms offered.
The Town Clerk was directed to make inquiries to ascertain what steps would be taken and assistance given with regard to the harbour at Portpatrick.
A letter was read from the Local Government Board as to the offers for housing Belgian refugees.
The Council considered in committee matters relating to the new water supply and sewerage scheme, and the meeting subsequently adjourned.
At the meeting of the Downpatrick Rural District Council on 10th inst., Mr. P. M'Mullan J.P., vice-chairman, presiding.
The Council considered a motion by Mr. M'Grath, pursuant to notice, to accept the offer of Messrs. Thomas Somerset & Co. to light the streets of Portaferry by electricity, that the area of charge be the town and townlands of Ballymurphy, Ballyphilip, and Tullyboard, and that a an application be made to the Local Government Board for an order under the Public Health Acts. In this connexion, there was introduced the following deputation: Rev, G. Crolly, P.P.; Col. Nugent, D.L.; Mr. J. Elliott, J.P.; and Mr. R. M'Fadden.
Mr. M'Grath, speaking to the motion, stated the gas works were established in 1856, but the company never could pay a dividend, and a few years ago the plant was sold to Mr. James M'Causland. Then, as the result of a collection made by Mr. Elliott, oil were fitted in the old gas standards. At best, however, that was a poor and uncertain way of having the town lighted. A large potato export trade was carried on in winter, carting traffic at the quay being common long after dark. On Sunday nights, too, churchgoers were inconvenienced by the darkness of the streets. Negotiations for electric lighting had been going on for some time. Estimates were procured -- one, by Rev. G. Crolly, from Messrs. Curran Brothers, Belfast, but it would have entailed a loan of £900; another, by Mr. M'Fadden, from Messrs. Coates and Sons, Belfast, at £500, which was likewise dropped. Then, Messrs. Somerset and Co. were approached by Mr. M'Fadden and Mr. Elliott, and made the following proposal:
We to erect 30 poles or more, each with a 50 c.p. 220 volt light, to be lighted and kept in repair by us from half-hour after Sundown till 10.30 every night from 1st September to 30th April, at 35s per light, i.e. for 30 lights £52 10s per annum. Any extra poles required over the 30 specified to be within reasonable distance. We will guarantee to supply this for five years from 1st September, 1914, and you on your part will agree that you will pay for the light for the term of five years. You to give all way leave and other facilities, and to pay all legal charges. We to have the sole rights for five years as to street and private lighting. For private lighting we agree to the maximum charge of 6d per unit.
After consultation Messrs. Somerset agreed to supply three additional lights, bringing the total cost per annum up to £57 15s. Public meetings were held, and at one of these a resolution was adopted to levy the cost, 4d in the £1, on the entire dispensary district. Some murmuring followed. Mr. M'Fadden then ascertained from the Local Government Board that their practice was to determine the area benefited by the lighting as the area of charge for the expenses. Accordingly only the three townlands concerned were named. At a public meeting Mr. M'Manus. one of the members for Portaferry, objected even to the restricted area, as he would be rated for his farm at Ballyphilip. One must sympathise with Mr. M'Manus; perhaps at the inquiry the inspector might be prevailed upon to exempt him. A memorial praying the Council to take steps, to execute what was undoubtedly a good scheme containing 212 signatures, representing a gross valuation of almost £3,000, that of Colonel Nugettt alone being £1,000. A clause would be inserted in the agreement giving the Council the option of buying the plant at the expiration of the five years term.
Mr. Murnin formally seconded.
Mr. M'Manus opposed, on the ground that five years ago it was publicly decided that the ratepayers should not undertake such a burden. Over 30 labourers' cottages were included in the area. Why should the poor tenants be assessed in respect of a policy put forward by six or seven persons. His neighbour, Mr. Lawson, whose valuation was £100, was, like himself, in opposition. A general public meeting should have been convened. The meetings described by Mr. M'Grath had not been attended, by more than a handful of people.
Mr. M'Fadden replied that he and Mr. Elliott obtained and could vouch for the signatures to the memorial. With three exceptions, all were willing to pay for the electric light, which was to be provided at a marvellously cheap figure. Surely a canvass was an effective enough way of discovering the mind of the people.
Mr. M'Manus thought that Portaferry should have endeavoured to keep the gaslight system going.
Rev. G. Crolly appreciated Mr. M'Manus' position. But would he not benefit any? Farmers had often to be in Portaferry after dark, and in an unlighted town accidents happened, particularly to old people. After all, the addition to the rate in his case might not be so much, perhaps not more than 5s. People could not always be got to attend a public meeting. Therefore a deputation interviewed every householder as a means of arriving at a definite conclusion. The result was, as they had heard, that only three persons objected. They could have no better, no cheaper, offer than Messrs. Somersett's. Certainly the introduction of electric light, would be of great advantage to his corigrcgation, bearing in mind that the church was nearly an English mile from the town. He hoped that the Council would not raise any objection to the Portaferry people obtaining a boon for which they were willing to pay.
Mr. M'Mahon, in support of the motion, said that voluntary lighting was in vogue in Ardglass, where for acetylene gas 25s per lamp was paid, and though a preliminary meeting was attended by only a dozen people, that did not denote any lack of sympathy with the project, because everybody subscribed willingly when asked.
Mr. Elliott, describing the present disabilities, said that the loading of steamers' carts were on the go long after nightfall; that 160 factory girls had to grope their way home in the dark; that worshippers, on Sunday nights were seriously inconvenienced; and that some 120 students enrolled at the technical school had also to be considered. The promoters had no interest other than the benefit of the public.
Mr. Morrow regretted to say that Killyleagh had the same experience as Portaferry in regard to the gasworks, and now even voluntary subscriptions had failed. He wished that Killyleagh as a port had such an opportunity as that now offered to Portaferry.
Messrs. Johnstone, Henesey, and M'Gloin all briefly assented to the terms of the memorial.
Colonel Nugent signified his approval; he thought the scheme would be beneficial in every way.
Mr. Morrison regarded it as cheap and desirable, and hoped that the Portaferry people would be able to get. Mr. M'Manus exempted.
Mr. M'Manus withdrew his opposition, whereupon the motion was passed unanimously.
Rev. G. Crolly returned thanks for the courtesy of the Council, and the deputation retired.
Downpatrick Officer "Missing" reported well. -- Mr. Hugh Crymble, Ballee, Downpatrick, wrote on Monday:-- I have this morning received a communication from my son, Captain William Crymble, R.A.M.C., who was reported "missing" by the War Office to me on 8th September, saying that he is well and unwounded, that he was captured on 26th August, and that he is now a prisoner at Torgau, Prussia.
Downpatrick Board of Guardians. This Board met on Saturday -- Mr. C. T. Green (chairman) presiding, with Mr. R. L. Morrow (clerk) in attendance. The Local Government Board forwarded the report of the recent inspection of the institution by Mr. Fitzpatrick, and it was referred to a special committee. Miss Mary M'Cauley, Ballycastle, was unanimously appointed as nurse in the fever hospital.
Downpatrick Victim of the War. Mrs. James Carr, John Street, Downpatrick has just received official notification that her husband, Private James Carr, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, was killed in action on 26th August. Attached to the letter was an assurance by Lord Kitchener of the true sympathy of the King and Queen. Mrs. Carr is left with the care of four orphans. It may be added that in the Boer War Carr's brother, Thomas, a private in the Royal Irish Rifles, was killed at Stormberg. Another brother, Hamilton Carr, is at present serving in Dublin with the 3rd Royal Irish Rifles.
The business of the Michaelmas Sessions was opened in the County Court, Downpatrick, on Saturday by his Honour Judge Orr, with Messrs. G. L. MacLaine, Clerk of the Crown and Peace, and H. R. Disney, registrar, in attendance.
Appeal from Magistrates.
Thomas M'Bride, Ballyregan, Dundonald, appealed from an order of the Holywood justices committing him to jail for a month for drunken disorderliness.
His Honour varied the sentence to a fine of £1.
Mr. W. Beattie, D.L. (instructed by Mr. N. Tughan), appeared for the appellant,
Stealing Hens at Ballyrogan.
Mary O'Neill, Newtownards, in custody, was found guilty of stealing eight hens belonging to Hugh Milliken, Ballyrogan, and sentence of four months' hard labour was passed.
Larceny of Goods at Drumhirk.
Samuel Wawhinney and Henry Sibbles, Drumhirk, Newtownards, represented by Mr. W. Beattie, B.L. (instructed by Mr. A. Stewart), pleaded guilty to the larceny of goods from William James Stevenson, Drumhirk, and were discharged on their own recognisances under the Probation of Offenders Act.
Halpin v. Halpin.
This was an appeal by the defendant, Peter Halpin, from an order of the Donaghadee magistrates sentencing him to a month's imprisonment for assaulting his wife, Mrs. Bertha Halpin.
Dr. Wylie, Crown Solicitor, appeared to prosecute and defendant was represented by Mr. T. W. Brown, B.L. (instructed by Mr. H. Graham, solicitor).
Dr. Wylie raised a preliminary point that inasmuch as the sentence was only for a month there was no right of appeal.
Mr. Brown, B.L., pointed out that the sentence did not stop at a month but gave defendant a further two months in default of finding bail, and submitted that the appeal should be heard, and also intimated that Mrs. Halpin was now prepared to withdraw the case.
His Honour held that he had no jurisdiction, and by arrangement with tne Crown Solicitor, the warrant was allowed to remain unexecuted pending a memorial to the Lord Lieutenant in the matter.
Housebreaking at Ballygally.
David M'Ilroy, represented by Mr. W. Martin, pleaded guilty to a charge of housebreaking at Ballygally on the 1st August, and was also dealt with under the Probation of Offenders Act.
Sequel to Car Accident.
James Webb and James M'Grillan, Ballykine, obtained decrees for £10 and £3 damages respectively, against William Poole, Ballynahinch for injuries sustained by them whilst passengers on defendant's hackney car.
Mr. J. Wood appeared for plaintiffs, and Mr. W. Evans for defendant.
A Newtoamards Action for Slander.
Mr. H. C. Kelly, Sub-Sheriff, and a special jury awarded £2 damages to Eliza Garrett, Newtownards, in an action for slander, remitted from the High Court, against Hugh White, Ballyewry, Cunningburn.
Mr. W. B. Galway appeared for plaintiff, and the defendant had no legal representative.
Malicious Burning of Cottier House.
Ellen Conalty, Benraw, represented by Mr. J. S. Farrell, was awarded £15 compensation for the malicious burning of a cottier house at Benraw on the night of 31st March, or morning of the 1st April.
Mr. R. J. Dickson appeared for the County Council, and Mr. T. B. Wallace for Banbridge Rural Council.
Workmen's Compensation.
John Rooney, a labourer employed at the Newcastle main drainage works, was awarded 11s 7d per week, payable by the Newcastle Urban Council, in respect of an accident on 23rd June, when he sustained a dislocated knee.
Mr. E. Sheehy, B.L. (instructed by Mr. M. J. Johnston], appeared for applicant, and Mr. H. M. Thompson, B.L. (instructed by Mr. D. M'Cartan) for respondents.
With the approval of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Mr. R. Cochrane, LL.D., of the Board of Works, is directing the operations of a staff of men for the preservation of the ruins of Inch Abbey, near Downpatrick. The work is being judiciously and carefully done, and the results when finally tabulated should prove very interesting. It has been generally supposed that the Abbey was the first religious foundation in this place, and that it took the name Iniscourcy in commemoration of the founder, Sir John de Courcy. But a church, under a similar name, existed here two centuries before de Courcy's time. The ancient church was eclipsed, and became but a chapel when de Courcy founded the Cistercian Abbey beside it, which was built on a much larger scale, and being made a cell of Furness in Lancashire, became an English establishment. The year of the latter foundation is placed at 1180 or 1187. The appended note is by the late Dr. Reeves:-- " 'Ines' is derived from a peninsula whereon the ancient church stood, which was in old times called 'Iniscoosery.' 'In the said island,' according to Harris, 'immediately after the entrance into it by a causeway, is an old church, which perhaps was a chappel to the great abby, over the south door of which is a piece of sculpture representing the image of Christ on the Cross and a person on his knees, with his hands elevated praying to him.' This chapel stood in the parish burying-ground, and was lately removed to make way for a mausoleum. The abbey of Ines is tared among the other religious houses, at the end of the diocese of Connor."
Home from England. -- Colonel and Mrs. Hamilton arrived at the Castle on Sunday morning last from England, where they had been on a short holiday.
May improve. -- A good many people who patronised the new motor service are beginning to travel again by Crossgar, their reason for doing so, they state, being the frequent disappointment of missing train connections.
Masonic Service. -- On Sunday afternoon a Masonic service was held in the First Presbyterian Church. The brethren assembled in the Cook Memorial Hall, where they donned their regalia and marched to the church. The special preacher was Bro, Rev. J. N. Legate of Groomsport, who delivered a most appropriate address. The turnout of the brethren was large and representative and the offertory, which is to be given to the Prince of Wales's Fund, amounted to the handsome sum of £30.
Return of Reservist, Wounded in Three Places. -- Wm. Woodside, one of the first reservists called to the front at the outbreak of the war, has returned to Shrigley on sick furlough. He was wounded in the thigh, the arm, and also received a shrapnel wound in the instep of his foot. The piece which entered the foot was taken out at the sole, and he has retained it as a memento. Woodside fought eight weeks before he was wounded, and he can give some exciting accounts of what he saw during that time. He says very little, but fervently hopes never to witness such sights again.
The Cricketers' Social was held in the Martin Hall, Shrigley, on Friday night, 16th inst. After a delightful tea had been dispensed, Mr. T. A. Herdman, the popular manager and director, was moved to the chair. He made a most appropriate speech on the advantage physically of playing cricket and the sporting spirit engendered in pigeon clubs. Mrs. Herdman then presented cups to the winners of pigeon club contests, and bats to those who had shown particular skill in cricketing, after which the following gentlemen rendered songs in their usual good style:-- Messrs, M'Cardle, M'Cullough, M'Peak, and J. Mason. Dancing was then commenced and was kept up with vigour to 3 a.m., when a most enjoyable entertainment terminated.
Cork Magennis Breaks Farmer's Arm. -- A special court was held in the Barrack on Tuesday, when Wm. J. Moore (locally known as Cork Magennis), a tramp sailor, was charged before Messrs. M'Gloin, J.P. and Ringland, J.P., with having assaulted John Gibson, of Corporation, on 14th July last. Gibson stated that when coming home from a field of his in Maymore, where he had been hay making, he remembered that he had forgotten a can in the field and returned for it. When coming back, Moore, and another man, was sitting on the road side. Gibson thought one was his son, who was waiting for him, and looked in their direction. Moore asked him what was he looking at. On Gibson replying, "Is it any harm?" Moore got up and struck him, knocking him down, breaking his
(Forgot to transcribe next bit :O -- on to-do list)
Tallest Man in North Irish Horse. -- Lieutenant D. A. W. Ker, of the North Irish Horse, whose promotion to the rank of captain was announced recently, is the son of Captain R. W. B. Ker, D.L., late of Montalto, Ballynahinch. He served for some years as a subaltern in the 6th Dragoon Guards, is the tallest man in the North Irish Horse, standing 6ft. 4½ins., and is a well-known heavy-weight amateur pugilist. Since joining the North Irish Horse Captain Ker has done duty with the D (Dundalk) Squadron.
Descendant of the Savages of the Ards. -- A gallant Irishman who lost his life at the battle of the Aisne is Captain John Ardkeen Savage, of the Northampton Regiment. He took part in the Boer war, and had the South African medal, with four clasps. His regiment was one of those ordered to Ireland to put down the Ulster Covenanters, and he at once sent in his papers, which, however, the general commanding refused to forward. Captain Savage lost his life through the treachery of the Germans. Four hundred of the latter hoisted the white flag at one point of the battle, but when he, with others, went forward to receive their surrender, they treacherously opened ire, and out of twenty-six officers only six remained. Captain Savage was son of the Rev. Francis Savage, vicar of Flushing, Cornwall, and great-grandson of Admiral Boscawen Savage, who represented the Ardkeen branch of the ancient family of the Savages of the Ards, Co. Down.
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Newtownards Chronicle - Friday, 31 October 1914
ALGIE -- October 15, as the result of the loss of H.M.S. "Hawke," in the North Sea, Robert, dearly beloved husband of Mary J. Algie.
At the river's crystal brink
Christ shall bind each broken link.
Yet again we hope to meet him,
When the day of life is fled,
And in heaven we hope to greet him,
Where, no farewell tears are shed.
Sadly missed by his loving wife and child. Greenwell Street, Newtownards.
ALGIE -- October 15, 1914, as the result of the loss of H.M.S. Hawke in the North Sea, Robert Algie, second son of John Algie, 17 Ann Street, Newtownards. Deeply regretted by his Father and Sisters.
BENNETT -- October 28, 1914, at Ballyblack, Newtownards, Eleanor Bennett. The remains of our beloved mother were interred in Whitechurch Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, 30th inst.
CURLETT -- October 25, 1914, at his mother's residence, Ballywalter, George Splain, eldest son of the late William Curlett. His remains were interred in the family burying ground, Whitechurch, on Tuesday afternoon, 27th inst.
Corrected Notice
LINDSAY -- October 17, 1914, at her residence, Dunlady, Dundonald, Jane, widow of the late David Lindsay, aged 81 years. The remains of my beloved mother were interred in the family burying ground, Bangor, on Tuesday afternoon, 20th inst.
TAYLOR -- October 29th, at the residence of her daughters, 15 Mount Street, Donaghadee, Eliza Jane, widow of the late James Taylor, Ballyvester. The remains of my beloved mother will be removed from above, address for interment in the family burying ground, Donaghadee, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, 1st November, at 4 o'clock.
In Memoriam
CLARKE -- In memoriam of George Clarke, son of Hans Clarke, Magherascouse, Ballygowan, aged 16 years, who fell asleep in Jesus on 27th October, 1913, and was interred in the family burying ground, Kilmood, on 29th October, 1913.
Sleep on, dear George, rest in peace,
From earthly cares and pains you're free,
At home with Jesus is better far.
Where we all hope to meet with thee.
Inserted by his Parents and Brothers,
DONALDSON -- In loving memory of Mary J. Donaldson, wife of William Donaldson, of Whitespots, who died on 29th October, 1913. Sadly missed.
Brigadier-General Rev. John M. Simms, D.D. -- The "London Gazette" announces that Rev. John M. Simms, D.D., Honorary Chaplain to the King, is appointed principal chaplain to the expeditionary force, and is granted relative precedence as Brigadier-General whilst so employed.
College of Preceptors. -- We are pleased to learn that Mr. J. Dorward, assistant master in our local Model School, has been awarded the associate diploma of the College of Preceptors, London. This distinction is an enviable one in the scholastic profession, and Mr. Dorword is to be heartily congratulated on gaining it.
Twelve and Sixpence for a Pear. -- At the fruit sale in St. George's Market, Belfast, on Tuesday, in aid of the Prince of Wales and Belgian Relief Funds, Mrs. Alex. Heron, Conway Square, Newtownards, contributed substantially to the funds by purchasing one of the pears offered for sale for 12s 6d. The record price of £5 was paid for a pear and £3 5s for a cabbage.
Revolver firing by Nationalists. -- On Sunday night, after having attended Mr. John Redmond's meeting in Belfast, a number of Nationalists from the Ards who were being conveyed home in motors, commenced firing revolvers when passing through Newtownards. This is a silly practice, no matter by whom it is indulged in, but probably these individuals were prospective recruits for Lord Kitchener's Army and were getting their hand in the way.
A "Hawke" Survivor. -- Stoker John Aiken, who resides at Ballymacarrett, but is, we understand, married to a daughter of Mr. Thomas Murphy, North Street, Newtownards, was on board H.M.S. "Hawke" when she was torpedoed in the North Sea the week before. He had a marvellous escape and was one of those who got on board the small boat. He paid a visit to Newtownards last week, where he received many hearty congratulations on his fortunate escape. He has returned to duty again.
Collegiate Success. -- We are pleased to note a further success of Mr. David Watson, B.A., youngest son of Mr. A. Watson, South Street. At the recent Scholarship Examination, held in Assembly's College, Belfast, Mr. Watson has added another distinction to his collegiate career in gaining the "M'Cormick" Scholarship. We once more heartily congratulate our young townsman, and wish him all success during the remainder of his theological course, the second session of which he has just entered upon.
Will of the Late Wm. Ditty, Estate Office. -- Mr. William Ditty, of Mountstewart, Newtownards, and of the Londonderry Estate Office, Newtownards, estate agent, who died on June 9 last, left personal estate in the United Kingdom valued at £8,032 13s 2d, of which £2,069 9s 2d is in England. Probate of his will, dated 5th December, 1913, has been granted to his widow, Mrs. Jane Ditty, of Mountstewart, Newtownards, the sole executrix, to whom he left his property absolutely, "well knowing that the whole of my estate will be carefully managed and disposed of by her for the benefit and up-bringing of my family."
4th R.I. Rifles. -- G. D. L. Clancy and G. Bennett have been gazetted second-lieutenants on probation. The North Downs, under the command of Colonel F. Findlay, marched from the barracks, Holywood, on Wednesday to Newtownards, headed by the bugle and pipe bands. There were over 600 men in the ranks, and their marching and appearance was the subject of most favourable comment. After partaking of a light luncheon in the Ards Recreation Grounds they marched back to Holywood barracks. The training which the recruits are undergoing is evidently of the highest standard, which speaks well for the efficiency of the instructors, with Sergeant-Major J. Field at their head.
Officer of "North Downs" Killed in Action. -- The intimation of the death of Lieutenant Vivian T. Tighe Rea, of the Royal Irish Rifles, will be received with deep regret. He only left Belfast for the front about a month ago, and is reported killed in action on 25th inst. Lieutenant Rea was the son of Mr. Henry Tighe Rea, who is well known in Belfast shipping and general business circles. Educated at Campbell College, Queen's College, and Dublin University, young Rea, who was ony 23 years of age, had a very brilliant career. Deceased took a keen interest in the Boy Scout movement, and was hon. secretary of the Ulster Provincial Council of the organisation. Joining the Officers' Training Corps while at Queen's, he qualified for a commission in the 4th Battalion Special Reserve R. I. Rifles, and was promoted to lieutenant in the present year. He went out to join the 2nd Battalion at the front, and has now fallen gloriously while fighting for King and country. With his parents and family sincere sympathy is felt, a sympathy in which we respectfully join. We had the privilege of the personal acquaintanceship of the gallant young officer.
A Canadian Volunteer from Newtownards. -- Amongst the Canadian contingent of Volunteers who arrived in England on 25th October was Mr. William Whitla, of Galt, Ontario, Canada, who left Newtownards exactly three years ago. On his arrival in England he obtained six days' leave in order to visit his friends in the Old Country. He arrived at Newtownards on Sunday last to the agreeable surprise of his friends, and stayed with his uncle, Mr. D. Cardy, at 33 John Street. Private Whitla thoroughly enjoyed his visit, and left on Wednesday evening for Salisbury Plain, where the Canadians are encamped. At the railway station he was given a hearty send-off by many friends, who sincerely wished him a safe return. Private Whitla's father, mother, sisters and brothers are now residing at Gault, whence they proceeded some 18 months ago. The loyalty of Private Whitla in volunteering for active service in defence of the Mother Country's honour, was practically recognised by his co-workers in the firm with which he was associated. He was presented with a purse of gold in token of esteem, and a congratulatory address expressed the appreciation of the employees at the loyalty of Mr. Whitla in going to the defence of his country.
Garrett v. White.
The above case was briefly referred to in our report of Downpatrick Quarter Sessions in last week's issue. The following are additional particulars:
Mr. H. C. Kelly, sub-sheriff of Down, and a special jury, Mr. R. Rourke being foreman, sat in the Record Court, Downpatrick, on 19th inst. to determine the amount of damages to be awarded Eliza Garrett, restaurant-keeper, Castle Street, Newtownards, in an action for slander against Hugh White, painter Ballyewery, Cunningburn.
Mr. W. B. Galway, for the plaintiff, stated that in the High Court an interlocutory judgment was marked in default. The facts were simple. Defendant, a painter on the Queen's Island, on 6th June in the plaintiff's restaurant, was served with a meat tea, for which he tendered a £1 note in payment. She sent out for change, and gave him back 19s 3d. He alleged, however, that a half-sovereign had been rolled in a the note, and when this was denied, he denounced her as a thief, swindler, and rogue. His violence caused a crowd to collect. Presently Constable Lucas appeared, and made the defendant produce his money -- the 19s 3d change, two single shillings and some coppers. The constable naturally asked him why he should have tendered 30s for his tea when he had odd silver. Defendant was wholly in the wrong.
Plaintiff and her assistant, Mrs. Carnduff, deposed to the £1 note having been handed over unfolded; while Constable Lucas told how the defendant was positive about the half-sovereign, the plaintiff being equally emphatic in denial. Defendant swore that on leaving Comber for Newtownards he had in a little matchbox a £1 note with a half-sover- sign wrapped inside it, and also 9s 6d in silver. He forgot about the half-sovereign until he was getting the change. When he mentioned the matter the plaintiff flared up. He had not seen the half sovereign since.
Mr. Galway -- Neither have we.
The Sub-Sheriff pointed out that by failing to defend the action the defendant had admitted the slander. Therefore the jury in the exercise of their discretion were entitled to award reasonable damages. Plaintiff bore a good character, which must be vindicated.
Defendant, interrogated, said that he had earned £2 weekly, but his employment on the Queen's Island had ceased.
The jury awarded £2, this sum carrying costs.
Fire in Galwally Park.
A claim was lodged by Henry Herbert Martin, Galwally Park, Belfast, to recover £400 compensation for loss sustained through the setting on fire and totally destroying on the night of 15th June or morning following, one motor house, with the contents thereof, viz., one motor car and furnishings, livery, clothing, gas stove, bicycle, etc.
There was a further claim by Henry Herbert Martin, Henry Martin (Windsor Avenue, Belfast), and George Albert Martin (Galwally House) to recover £10 compensation for the setting on fire of fence and paling on the same date.
Mr. H. M. Thompson, B.L. (instructed by Messrs. White, M'Millan and Wheeler) appeared for the applicants.
Mr. James Andrews, B.L. (instructed by Mr. B. W. Johnston), appeared for Down County Council.
Mr. T. W. Brown, B.L. (instructed by Mr. W. M'Gifford), appeared for the Lisburn Rural District Council.
Mr. Harpur appeared for the Castlereagh Rural District Council.
Mr. Spiller appeared for the Belfast City Council.
Applicant gave evidence to the effect that the motor house was built in 1912. It was wooden structure with concrete floor, and was built at a total cost of £55 10s 2d. The motor car cost him £285. The fire broke out about 4 o'clock in the morning, and burned the house, the car, and a number of other articles. His wife found copy of a paper called the "Suffragette" in the grounds, and "Votes for Women" was inscribed on the paling in chalk.
Mrs. Martin and John Gamble having been briefly examined,
John M'Cormick said he was out milking his cows at about 4-30 on the morning in question, when he noticed smoke issuing from the motor, house. The flames ran swiftly along the wall as train of oil had been laid. He had no doubt but that the fire originated outside.
Counsel having spoken on the question of area, his Honour withheld his decision until next Sessions.
Injuring the Railway Hotel, Ballygowan.
This was an application by Mr. James Frame, of the Railway Hotel. Ballygowan, to recover £30 for the injury to his shop and dwelling house, and the walls and doors thereof, by tarring and destroying the paint thereon.
Mr. James Wood appeared for the applicant, Mr. John M'Kee for the Newtownards Rural District Council, and Mr. Dickson (for Mr. B. W. Johnston) for Down County Council.
Applicant stated that on Saturday, 15th August, he closed his public house at 10 o'clock at night. The house was all right then. On Sunday morning he found the front of the house damaged by tar circles on the walls and on the doors. The doors had been maliciously injured with paint on the 13th July, but he had made no claim in respect of that. The re-painting, of the house cost him £20. He had the house painted on an average every three years.
To Mr. M'Kee -- The house had been painted last year.
Couldn't the tar have been scraped off? -- Probably it could.
What did it cost you to paint it the last time? -- £18.
Sergeant M. Deignan, of Saintfield station, said that he saw the house on Sunday morning, and it was decorated with tar put on with a brush.
Mr. M'Kee -- Was it a Suffragist this time?
Witness -- We have no call for them. (Laughter.)
Maurice Sullivan deposed that he painted the house and charged £20 for the job. It was difficult to get the tar removed, and it would cost about £3 or £4 to take off. The panels of the doors had also to be re-painted.
To Mr. M'Kee -- There were 4 window sashes also painted at the back of the premises. That would cost about 10s.
David O'Prey, examined by Mr. M'Kee, deposed that he was a master painter. He went to see the place, and made an estimate for the re-painting of the house. His price was £12, and he was prepared to do the job for that money.
His Honour gave a decree for £12, to be levied off the County Electoral Division of Ballygowan.
The Picture House. -- With a fine and attractive programme of pictures, the Picture House (under the capable management of Mr. R. J. Evans) continues to be largely patronised. During the latter portion of the week the chief attraction is the display of the popular "East Lynne."
Practice for Lifeboat Crew. -- The local lifeboat Crew were summoned to practice on Monday, and quickly mustered on the firing of the alarm gun. The boat was speedily at sea, and the crew displayed, as usual, a high standard of effciency in the various duties they were called upon to perform.
Duty Resumed. -- After a well-deserved annual holiday, Mr. Wm. Kennedy, the efficient and courteous senior town postman, has resumed duty, and it is undoubtedly the general wish of his many friends that he has derived beneficial effects from his holiday, which will enable him to continue the discharge of the duties of his responsible position with the high degree of efficiency which he has always and justly merited.
Death of Mr. James Carson. -- The death took place, at his residence, in Union Street, last week, of Mr. James Carson, an old and highly respected resident of Donaghadee. Deceased, who had passed the alloted span, had been ailing for some time, but up to the period when he was laid aside with illness had preserved wonderful vitality for his years. The interment took place at Donaghadee on Saturday last, and the representative attendance at the funeral fully testified to the esteem entertained for the deceased and to the sympathy extended to the relatives in their bereavement.
The above Court was held on Tuesday, before Messrs. J. Elliott. J.P (in the chair), Francis Lyttle, J.P., and R. O. Young, J.P.
District-Inspector Gerity and Mr. S. F. L. Neely, C.P.S., were present.
The School Attendance Committee charged Sophia M'Guigan with non-compliance with an attendance order. Fined 6 and 4s 6d costs.
Sergeant Diver summoned Alexander Wilson for riding a bicycle without a light. Fined 1s and 1s Costs.
Constable Nolan summoned Thomas M'Grattan and Patrick Barnes, of Portaferry, for throwing fireworks in the street at Portaferry.
The magistrates said as it was the first offence of the kind at this Court, that they would only impose a fine of 1s and 1s costs in each case, and informed the defendants that wau serious offence, for which they were liable to a fine of 10s.
District-Inspector E. O. Gerity applied to the Court, on the information of Sergt. Diver, for a warrant to arrest James M'Giffart on a charge of having used threats to blow up the Police Barracks and Mr. Lawson's house. M'Giffart was alleged to be a dangerous, quarrelsome man, a night walker and a suspected robber, and was found on the street at an early hour on the morning of the 25th October, armed with a crowbar.
A warrant was issued for his arrest and being brought before the Court later, he was ordered to find bail, himself in £10 and two sureties of £5 each, to keep the peace, or in default two months' imprisonment.
Defendant was unable to find bail and was committed to jail.
This Court was held on Monday, before Mr. J. Wolfe Flanagan, R.M. (presiding), J. Furey, J.P.; J. G. Allen, J.P.; J. H. Dickson, J.P.; J. Prentice, J.P.; J. F. Shean, J.P., and James Robinson, J.P.
Mr. H. Rea, C.P.S., was in attendance.
John Barleycorn.
Sergeant Deignan prosecuted Samuel Douglas, of Ballyrush, for drunkenness on 28th September.
The defendant, who did not appear, was fined 5s and costs.
Constable P. Brady prosecuted Robt. M' Millen, of Carrickmannon, for drunkenness.
A fine of 2s 6d was imposed.
The remaining six cases, in which Mr. James Wood and Mr. F. J. Orr, solicitors, were engaged, adjourned for a month.
The cause of action in these cases is for threats and abusive language, owing to the mysterious disappearance of a tub.
Another Motor Service Pending. -- We have it on good authority that Mr. Morrow. Crossgar, will, in the near future, have a good motor service running between Killyleagh and Crossgar. We are informed the car will be an enclosed one and will be a great boon to the travelling public. We congratulate Mr. Morrow on his enterprise; he is a man who knows how to handle and cater for the travelling public.
Laid by the heels. -- A complaint reached the police on Friday night of a tramp begging out at Tullykin and Corporation, and also that he was threatening to shoot any person who would touch him. Although the Commons were well scoured for him he escaped in the darkness, but early next morning Constable Worrell was on the alert and bagged his game, who gave the name of John Hagan, Belfast. He was brought before Mr. J. M'Gloin, J.P., and sentenced to 14 days' hard labour.
The Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held the Parish Church on Friday evening, 23rd inst., and on Sunday morning and evening. There were large attendances at all the services, at which special collections were asked for and responded to very generously in aid of the Protestant Orphan Societies. Rev. Brown, in a few words, said it was asked seriously from all that could subscribe liberally to do so, as he feared, owing to the present state of affairs, the society would soon have to provide for a lot more orphans. Miss M'Knight officiated at the organ in her usual able manner. The special preacher on Friday night was Rev. Capsie, Ballycultra, and on Sunday Rev. J. Redmond, St. Aiden's, Belfast, both whom delivered able and appropriate addresses.
Disordlery Modlers. -- On Monday about 25 of the modlers in Shrigley had to be discharged owing to their disorderly conduct. They marched in batches into Killyleagh, where, after having imbibed rather freely, they began a regular fusilade with fists, glasses and stones on every person they met. The place was a regular uproar when Sergeant Farrell and Constable Cassidy arrived on the scene, and after dispersing them they arrested three of the ringleaders, who gave their names as Mary Connolly, Margaret Gilmour, and Sarah Norton, all hailing from Belfast. In the afternoon a special court was held before Mr. M'Gloin, J.P. After hearing the evidence of Sergeant Farrell and Constable Cassidy, his worship sentenced Gilmour and Norton to 7 days' hard labour. Connolly was discharged, as she only come off second best in the affray and had closed on exhibition a swollen and eye. swollen and closed eye.
Land Sale a Glastry.---On Tuesday Mr. David Orr, auctioneer, Newtownards, sold for Mrs. Agnes Ferris her farm of land in Glastry, containing 46 acres, judicial yearly rent £25. The biddings were:-- Mr. Hugh Ennis, Ballyfrench, £200, £250: £300, £320, £335, £345, £355, £365, £375; Mr. Samuel Filson, Glastry, £225, £275, £310, £330; Mr. William Hughes, £340, £350, £360, £370. Mr. Ennis was declared the purchaser £375. Mr. T. C. G. Mackintosh LL.B. solicitor, Newtownards, had carriage of sale.
Road Expenditure in Co. Down. -- The Surveyor advised, and the Co. Down Proposals Committee have resolved, that, in order to enable the county to avail itself of Road Board grants on the same lines as for the current year, and to provide for ordinary road maintenance and the execution of necessary works, application be made to the Local Government Board for extensions of the limits of expenditure by £10,000, i.e., about 25 per cent., in all the rural districts except Castlereagh and Moira.
The Approach to Portavogie Harbour. -- At the last half-yearly meeting of the Down County Council Proposals Committee, Mr. W. Gowan advocated a provisional proposal at £450 to construct an approach to Portavogie harbour, and stated that as a result of the recent visit of Mr. T. W. Russell, Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture, he expected a grant of £150 towards the project. The committee decided to recommend the Council to approve the proposal, subject to the £150 being lodged with the treasurer.
On Thursday a profound sensation was caused in Downpatrick when it became known that Mr. Frederick C. Wallace, County Inspector of Down, had been found dead, in the lavatory of his residence at Victora Terrace, Downpatrick, with a gash in his throat. At about 8-30, it is stated. Mrs Wallace heard an unusual noise, followed by moans, coming from the lavatory. Becoming alarmed, she hastily summoned a man who was cleaning brasses at the door. He rushed up, and, entering the room, found Mr. Wallace lying on the foor with a deep gush in his throat. Medical assistance was immediately requisitioned, and Dr. Nelson, arriving with out delay, found that Mr. Wallace was beyond human aid.
Dr Wallace, Coroner for the Northern Division of the County Down, and a jury, of which Mr. H. W. Kelly was foreman, held an inquest in the afternoon, the constabulary being represented by District-Inspector Loch and Sergeant J. J. Stokes. Surgeon T. M. Tate gave particulars of the physical condition of the deceased, which, he said, induced great depression of spirits,
The jury found "That death was due to wounds in the throat, self-inflicted, while temporarily insane."
Condolence with the widow and family were also conveyed, in which the Cornner and District-Inspector joined.
The late County-Inspector personally informed us that he was born in the centre house of Springbank Terrace, Newtownards, which his parents left when he was one year old. He was promoted from cadetship to third-class district-inspector on the 1st June, 1889, was appointed second-class on 1st March, 1894, and to first-class on 15th May, 1902, from which grade he received the rank of county-inspector in 1911 and was appointed to Donegal, where after a short period he was transferred to take charge of Down.
He was deservedly popular with the rank and file, and made hosts of friends wherever he went. His eldest son has recently received a commission in 5th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles.
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