Other Extracts

The Great War

These "Rolls of Honour" appeared in the Armagh Guardian on 7th July 1916. With thanks to Great War Ulster Newspaper Archive for the original images.

Roll of Honour

Armagh Protestant Churches.

We have not hitherto published any list of those who are serving with the forces because we felt that such list would be incomplete. Now, however, we feel that as all young men who are fit and patriotic have gone the time has come to do so.

We regret that the list is necessarily incomplete because the Roman Catholic Churches do not display rolls of honour of each congregation, and therefore we are unable to include names of these members of this Church. If any are sent to us we will gladly publish, as they deserve to be put on record.

It is to be regretted that all churches do not give the names of the regiments in which the men are serving.



George Allen, Herbert Anderson, George Anderson, Lieutenant L M Anderson, 9th R.I.F. (dead).

Wm Baillie, Wm Baxter, John James Beatty, Robt Beatty, Richard Bennett, Hugh Best, Alex Boyd, Robert Boyd, Thos Boyd, J C Boyle, John Boyle, John Breen, Ernest Brittain, David Brooks, Frederick Brooks, Chas Bryans, David Bryans (Callan street); David Bryans (Lonsdale street); James Bryans, John Bryans, Wm Bryans, Jas Burden, Robt Burden, S J Browne, W J Browne, W J Best (jun.).

Frank Cahill, Alfred Camblin, James Christy, Wm Cloughan, Robt Cloughley, Patrick Col1ins, James Crawford.

Robert Davison, Thomas Donald.

Chas Edwards, David Edwards, John Elliot, Wm English.

David Farson, Robt Farr, Robt Foster, Thomas Foster, David Frazer, Henry Frazer, Wm Frazer, Herbert E Fullerton.

Wm Gallery, Cecil Gillespie, John Gillespie, Thos Gillespie, Thos Gordon, Frank Graham, Thomas Graham, Thomas Gregg, Wm Giffin, Gerald Gray.

Jas Haire, Wm Hall, Geo Henessey, Geo Henning, Joseph Huston, Wm Huston.

Kenneth Irwin, Robert Irwin.

James Jameson.

Absalom Kennedy, Robt Kennedy, Johnston Kilpatrick, Wm Kilpatrick, Edward A Kimmitt, George King, Wm Kelly.

Robt Lester, Robt Loudan, Edward Lynas, Jas Lynas, Wm Lynas.

John M'Callister, Robt M'Cann, Alex M'Cartney, Geo M'Cartney, Jas M'Donald, Ross M'Donald] Bertie M'Laughlin, Jas M'Manus, Frederick Matson, Samuel Megarity, Robt Moffatt, Thos Moir, Adam Moore. Alfred Moore, Benjamin Moore, Wm Moore, Wm Morton (dead), W J Murray.

Jas Nelson, Jas Nelson (junior), Thos Neville.

John A Peel, Isaac Proctor (junior), John Proctor.

Wm Reid, Philip Richardson, Jas Ritchie, Wm Rolson, John Ross.

Robt Simpson (junr), Robt Sleator, Hugh Smith, Wm Smith, Chas Stewart, John Stewart, Richard Stewart, William Stewart (Drumadd), Wm Stewart (Palace Row), John Steenson, Thos Stringer, G D Sandford.

R S B Townsend, Townsend, Robert Tweedie.

J B Whitsitt, Robt Whitsitt, H A Williamson, Ed Wilson (Callan street), Ed Wilson (Drumadd), James Wilson, Matthew Wilson, Robt Wilson, Thos Wright, Wm Winder.



Lieut Geo Brown, R.A.M.C.
Lieut L M Anderson, Royal Irish Fusiliers, (dead).
Captain J L Dunlop, R.A.M.C.
Lieut and Adjutant Mahaffy.
Sergt Boyd, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Lieut Wm Ferris.
Sq-Serg-Major C D Trimble, North Irish Horse.
J Hopkins, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
S Reynor, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
J J Briggs, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
J M'Kennah, N.I.H.
W M'Lachlin, R.I.R.
E Brittain, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Robt Irwin, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
J Kerr. Roya! Irish Fusiliers.
Robt Maxwell, Canadians.
J M'Alister, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wm Mahaffey, R.F.A.
Herbt Maxwell, Australians.
Cpl Herbt Stewart, R.A.M.C.
Corpl Alan D Trimble, R.E., Despatch Rider.
Wm Clarke, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wm M'Ateer, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
James Sloan.
Herbert Boyd.
Lieut Reginald T Leeman, A.S.C.
Lieut Percival G Leeman, R.A.M.C.



Cpl John A Peel, R.E., Despatch Rider.
Thos Wilson, R.E. Despatch Rider.
Lient Thos Alfred Peel, R.A.M.C. (killed in action).
Ed Fitzgerald, 2nd battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Robert Warnock, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wm Mansbridge, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
J H Millar, 5th battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Robt M'Cann, 5th battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Adam Moore, 9th battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Ross M'Donald, 9th battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Jas M'Donald, 9th battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Ed Wilson, 9th battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Robt Wilson, 9h battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Richard Bennett, 9th battalion Royal Fusiliers.
Irvine Johnston, cadet corps R.I.R.
Claude Cronhelm, cadet corps Royal Irish Fusiliers.
William Irwin, 10th battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Morgan George, R.A.M.C.
John Evans, R.A.M.C.



Capt B C Elliott, E.L.I.F.
Lieut C J Elliott, A.S.C.
Lieut Geo Taylor, Inniskillings.
Percy W Gray, R.A.M.C.
Robt Sleator, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wm Magill, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Thos A Gordon, Roya! Irish Fusiliers.
John Proctor, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Geo Kirkwood, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Alex Hawthorne, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Geo Hawthorne, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Jas Carson, Royal! Irish Fusiliers.
Alex M'Cartney, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wm Rolston, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
James Ross Simpson, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
John Briens, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wm Frazer, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
James Jones, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wm C Wallace, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Geo M'Cartney, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Joseph Gray, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Hugh M Smith, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Jas Elliott, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Henry Elliott, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Jas Ritchie, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Wm Moore, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Herbert M'Loughlin, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Thos Ballantine, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Robt M'Kee, C.C.H.
Robt B Elliott, R.A.M.C.
Constable Dawson, I.G.
Allen Shields, Canadians.
Wm Bell, R.F.C.
Robt Vogan, Canadians.



Capt W Fortescue Armstrong, Garrison Artillery.
2nd Lieut Michael R L Armstrong, R.F.A. (killed).
2nd Lieut J R Armstrong, N.I.H.
Major Arthur W N Bowen, R.A.M.C.
Capt J C Boyle, R.E.
Capt Browne, R.A.M.C.
Major James Burke, Royal Flying Corps.
Major Barton Crozier, DSO, R.F.A.
Lieut Hobart Dorman, Munster Fusiliers.
Major John T Dreyer, DSO, QMG, R.A.
Capt Frederick C Dreyer, R.N., HMS Orion Duke.
Capt G V Dreyer, RA, 29th Mountain Battery.
Lieut Sturton J Faris, 1st Battalion King's Liverpools.
John Elliott, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
Lieut Arthur P Faris, Irish Fusiliers.
Major John G Faris, 7th Gurkha Rifles.
Capt C B Hackett, 6th Leinster Regiment.
Capt Irwin.
James Jameson, Irish Fusiliers.
Capt P E Killy, Irish Fusiliers.
Capt M'Clintock, Gordon Highlanders.
Capt M'Gillicuddy, Irish Fusiliers.
Lieut Sidney Morgan, 2nd Irish Fusiliers.
Capt Winthrop Parkenham-Walsh, R.E.
Commander A R Palmer, R.N., Submarine department.
Commander E M Palmer, R.N., HMS Dalhousie.
Lieut F Palmer, R.N, HMS Mashona.
Capt R L Palmer, R.F.A.
Lieut-Col Ernest Swiney, 1/39 Garwall Rifles.
Lieut Arthur B Townsend, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
Lieut R S B Townsend, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
George J Bowen, Canadians.
Rev John W Crozier, Chaplain 10th Division.
Lieut A E Coote, 8th Irish Rifles.
Capt M H Reid, Veterinary Department, British East Africa.
Lieut W F Reid, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
W Rice, Black Watch.
Lieut T R H Dorman, Munster Fusiliers, (died of wounds, prisoner of war).
Herbert Marks, South African Scottish.
Lieut Romney R Faris, R.E.
J A Cooke.
2nd Lient Hugh M Boyle, Irish Fusiliers.



A Allen, R.A.M.C.
C Allen, R.A.M.C.
G Anderson, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
H Anderson, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
W Anderson, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
S Boyd, A.S.C.
R Brittain, Irish Fusiliers.
J H Duncan, King's Liverpools.
C Edwards, A.S.C.
2nd Lieut R Fanning, Innis. Fusiliers.
B Fennelly, Irish Fusiliers.
2nd Lieut V Ferris, Black Watch.
C Gibson, R.A.M.C.
G Hennessy, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
F Hull, R.I.R.
J Kilpatrick, 3rd Irish Fusiliers.
H M'Connell, R.I.R.
H M'Cormack, R.F.A.
J M'Cormack, R.F.A.
W M'Cormack, R.F.A.
W M'Lauchlin, R.I.R (killed).
L Rice, Royal Navy.
P Richardson, 9th Irish Fusiliers.
R Shaw, Princess Patricias, C.L.I.
R Tarleton, R.E.
J R Tarleton Royal Navy.
Robt W Mann?, 7th Brigade, South African Infantry.
Edward George Taylor, 34th Battalion Canadian F.A.
2nd Lient G Hull, R.I.R.
D King, 9th I.F.
Wm F Wood, R.D.F.
C Gibson, Royal Marines.
G Barr, North Irish Horse.
G Marks, Canadians.


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