Templepatrick Churchyard (Donaghadee, Co. Down)
[The following transcription is taken from The Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, Ireland beginning in Vol. VIII, No.6, 1912, page 518, and was submitted by a Mr. J. Adams. Although referred to as a 'churchyard' there is no longer any sign of the church.]
This cemetery is situated on the east side of the road running from Donaghadee to Millisle, and is close to the place where the Telegraph Cable enters the sea. It is mentioned in Harrison's "The Scot in Ulster" as containing a great preponderance of Scottish surnames. The material used for the majority of the tombstones is the local slate, and in consequence the lettering is, as a rule, well preserved. I did not observe armorial bearings on any of the tombstones. There are the walls of a small "watch-house," 9 ft. square, in the centre of the graveyard. There were nine tombstones of which the inscriptions were not visible owing to another larger tombstone being set up close in front of them.
Only the records of those persons who died before the end of the year 1800 are copied in full. All errors in spelling, &c, are copied as they appeared on the tombstones. There are only two records prior to the year 1700, namely Nos. 64 and 176. There are no verses of Scripture or encomiums of the dead on the older tombstones. Two Christian names of women observed were Armenia and Cumberland.
(1) Here lieth the body of Alexander Adams who depad this life the 23d of Janry 1793 Æ 43 days also Isabella Hall Alias Adams who died Sept the 7th 1797 aged 23 years. &c.
(2) Here lieth the body of Isabela Adams Outher wife McClure who depd this life May the 11th 1798 Æ 50 years.
(3) Here lieth the body of Mary Boll late of Ballymacruws who departed this life July the 2nd 1786 aged 46 years; also the body of Elizabeth Boyle late of Ballymachrews &c.
(4) Here lieth the body of James Boyle late of Ballymacruws who deprd this life Novbr the 8th 1783 aged 41 years.
(5) Here lieth the body of Alexander Goudy son of George Goudy of Ballycoplland who deprd this life June the 30st 1786 aged 25 years -- also Jenny Hill wife to George Goudy who died July the 29th 1787 Æ 60 yrs. also George Hill who died June the 22d 1797 Æ 66 yrs &c.
(6) 1786
This is Alexr Hill's burying place wherein lieth 4 of his children -- Also himself who died the . . .
(7) Here lieth the body of Hance Faries son to Willm Faries who deprd this life the 1t of June 1784 aged 5 years, also his father William Ferris &c.
(8) Erected by Hugh Boll of Ballymacrews in memory of his son Robert who deptd this life May the 24 1785 aged 6 months. Also his son Hughadms ? who died Feb the 10th 1791 Æ 5 yrs.
(9) Here lies the body of John Fulton who died June the 7th 1793 Æ 1 year.
(10) Here lieth the body of Thomas McHarry who deprd this life June the 6th 1769 aged 5 years. Also Ann McHarry who deptd this life Decmr the 5th 1791 aged 24 years. Also the body of John McHarry who deprd this life July the 10th 1793 Æ 72 yrs
(11) Here lieth the body of John Foster son to James Foster of D.Dee who deptd this life the 23d of June 1785 Æ 28 years &c
(12) Here lieth the body of Owen Bigirton who deptd this life Febry 7nt 1796 Æ 36 yrs
(13) Here lieth the body of Gawen Muckle who departed this life April the 1th 1783 aged 60 years.
(14) Here lieth the body of William Robertson who deptd this life Decbr the 31T 1791 Æ 33 yrs.
(15) Here lies the body of David Adams how [sic] departed this life February th 6 A.D. 1793 aged 59 years.
(16) Here lieth the body of Thomas Adams who deprd this life April Ye 30th 1739 aged 60 years.
(17) Here lies the body of Robert Hogg who deptd this life January the 16th 1792 aged 76 years. Also his wife Sarah Blain who deptd this life April the 7th 1751 Æ 27 years.
(18) Here lies the Body of John Craig who departed this life March 26th 1783 aged 2 years. Also Margret Craig who departed this life July 11th 1793 aged 17 years, also John Craig who departed this life Feby 9th 1794. aged 8 years, &c.
(19) Here lies the body of Christopher Armstrong late of Ballybraek who departed this life May 25th 1783 aged 52 years.
(20) Here lieth Ye body of James McQuaters who deptd this life Febr 17th 1790 Æ 23 years. &c.
(21) Here lies interrd the Relicts of Margaret McDonnell who departed this life Sept 7th 1793 Aged 61 years.
'There are in a right hand horizontal position, two thistles (?), and some other figures carved on this stone.'
(22) Here Lieth The Body of James Reed A Child who De Partd this Lif Sept the 1st 1791 Aged 11 Munths.
(23) Here Lieth Ye Body of John Logan who Died Novth 6 1763 Aged 81 yrs also his wife Margrat Brackenrige who Died Augth 1 1748 aged 58 yrs.
(24) Here Lies the Body of William Reed who Deptd this Life June the 28th 1792 aged 59 years. Here Lyeth the Body of Margret McComb wife to William Reed who Departed this life Mayth 20 1766 aged 37 years.
(25) Here Lies the Body of Mary Brown Alis Reed who depd this Life Novm the 1st 1793 aged 55 years.
(26) Here Lies Ye Body of John Reed who died March the 23rd 1784 aged 84 years. Here lieth Ye Body of Mary Anderfon wife of John Reid who departed this life May Ye 8th 1740 aged 39 years. Alfo her son James Reid who died Aguft Ye 20th 1731 aged 4 years.
(27) Here Lieth the Body of James McCormick in Ballyhafkis who died Oct the 7th 1747 aged 60 years. Also Samuel McCormick a child 1777.
(28) Here Lyeth the Body of Duncan McDoual who died July Ye 26th 1776 aged 73 years. Also the Body of John McDoual who died Novbr Ye 13th 1775 aged 5 Months.
(29) Here lieth Ye Body of Jean McComb who died Janry the 7th 17501 Aged 19 years.
(30) Here lieth the Body of William Gilmore who died Novr the 19th 1772 Aged 72 years also his wife Mary Gilmore alias Campbell who died April the 26th 1797 aged 53 years. &c.
(31) Here Lieth the Body of Alexander Gilmore who depd this Life Oct 21st 1734 aged 82 years. Also of his wife Jane Gilmore alias Eaglson who died Augt 24th 1729 aged 66 years.
(32) Here Lieth Ye Body of Eliz. Whittley wife to William Robison. fhe died 9br ye 14th 1763 Aged 24 years.
(33) Here Lieth the Body of John Robison who died Apr1 the 5th 1776 Æ 72 years. Also Samuel Robison who died Agst the lst 1778 Æ 48 yrs &c.
(34) Here Lieth the Body of Agnes Robison alias Prefsley who died Febry the 7th 1769 Æ 27 yrs. Also James Robinson who died Dec the 24th 1789 Æ 52 yrs. &c.
(35) Here lieth ye Body of Andrew Coulterd who departed this life Feber ye 3d 1737 Aged 30 years. Also his daughter Mary Coulterd who died Novr 3th 1763 Aged 28 years. Also the Body of Mary Henderfon who deptd this Life Feby ye 16th 1796 Æ 90 years.
(36) Here Lieth the Body of Archibald Ure who departed this Life June the 9th 1774 aged 50 years. Also his son James who deptd this Life November the 13th 1785 aged 25 years.
(37) Here Lyeth the Body of Robert Dunne who died the 24 of May 1765 aged 29 years. Also Jams Dun who died May 30th 1767 aged 29 yrs. &c.
(38) Here lieth ye Body of Thomas Gonnen who departed this life March ye 9 1747 aged 52 years.
(39) Here Lieth the Body of William Niblock who departed this Life Nover the 2th 1768 aged 67 years.
(40) Erected by John Clark of Killaghy . . . in memory of his brother Hugh Clark who died 27th March 1798 Æ 32 years.
(41) Here Lieth the Body of James Gillmore a child who died Augst 2d 1750. Here Lieth Ye Body of Robert Gilmor who dept this life Octr Ye 27th 1769 aged 19 years.
(42) Here Lyeth the Bodys of 2 children of Robert Bolls Hugh Boll dep. this life July 11th 1767 aged 4 yrs. also John aged 1 year. Also the Body of Samuel Bole who departed this life Aust the 24th 1773 Aged 60 years. Here lieth the body of Hugh Bole of Ballymacrews who departed this life March the 28th 1786 aged 77 years. &c.
(43) Here lieth the Body of Michael Bole a child of James Bole of Ballyroly who died 1788. Also the said James Boyle who died 17th March 1789 aged 52 years.
(44) Erected by Martha Bennet of Ballycopland in memory of her husband John Moore who departed this Life 16th Decr 1790 aged 27 years.
(45) Here lies the Body of Margaret Shaw wife to Alexander Bennet who departed this Life June the 5th 1794 aged 62 years.
(46) Here Lies the Body of Janet McCormick Alias Gaw who died March the 29th 1792 aged 34 years.
(47) Here Lyeth the Body of Charilss McGill Leale of Belleyfrinesh Parish of Donaghadee who departed this Life June the 17th 1793 Aged 59 years.
(48) Here Lyeth Ye Body of Adam Miller who died Sept Ye 2 1773 aged 61 years. Here Lieth Ye Body of John Miller who died August Ye 24th 1741 aged 2 years, also James Miller who died Oct Ye 20 1751 aged 2 years, also Ellinor Miller who died Oct Ye 21 1751 aged 4 years children to Adam Miller.
(49) Here Lyeth the Body of Nickloas McGill late of Grandsha who departed this Life July 4th A.D. 1788 Aged 73 years.
(50) Here lyeth the Body of William Orr late of Granshawho departed this life August Ye 13th A.D. 1758 Aged 70 years. Also his wife Elizabeth Orr Alias Forgy who depd this Life June Ye 4th 1782 Æ 84 years. Also thire daughter Elifabth Orr who deptd this Life March Ye 27th 1800 Æ 71 years. . .
(51) Here Lieth the Body of Wm Gebby who deptd this Life Janry the 29T 1790 Æ 47 yrs. Also his son Matthew who deptd this Life March the 17nt 1790 Æ 22 yrs
(52) Here Lieth the Body of John Campbell late of Ballyhaskin who departed this Life January the 19th Anno Domini 1779 Aged 55 years.
(53) Erect by Samuel Youart of Whisken in Memory of his son Robert who departed this life Feb the 6th 1776 Aged 3 months. Also his son Andrew Youart who deptd this life May the 28th 1797 Æ 30 yrs.
(54) This is Henry Yourt's Burying place Wherein Lieth his Wife Jean Yourt alias Beck who Deptd this Life January the 29th 1799 Æ 37 yrs.
(55) Here lieth ye Body of Patrick Murdach who died Decbr ye 12th 1742 age 74 years. Alfo his fon john Murdach who died Aprile ye 14th 1723 aged 18 years. Alfo Michal Mordoch who Deptd this life Janry the 6th 1793 aged 84 years.
(56) Here Lies the Body of James Murdoch who Dept this Life March the 17nt 1793 Aged 22 years.
(57) Here Lies the Body of Jannet Campbell wife of James Foulton who Died Janr the 26st 1794 aged 79 years.
(58) Here Lyeth the Body of Robert Cree who Died Marh 19th 1766 aged 4 years. Alfo John Cree late of Millisle who died Sepbr the 16th 1788 Æ 60 yrs . . .
(59) Here Lieth the Body of John McCredy who Dep. this Life March the 12th 1789 Aged 71 years.
(60) Here lieth . . . of Robert . . . UYER . . . who died the 8th . . . E . . . 1747 aged [1]5 years.
(61) Here lieth ye Body of jean Alexander who Departed this Life June ye 6 1740 Aged 25 years. Alfo Thomas Alexander who Died Oct. the 4th 1778 Aged 10 Months.
(62) Here lyeth the Body of David Alexander who Deptd this Life Novbr the 6th 1794 Aged 74 years. Alfo his wife Mary Alexander otherways Derrimple who Deptd this Life October the 29th 1796 Aged 87 years.
(63) Here lieth ye Body of Robert Campbel who departed this life Feber ye27 1732 Aged 56 years. Also his wife Ann Adam who departed this Life November 9th 1755 Aged 77 years.
(64) Here . LYES . THE . BODY
ED . THIS . LIFE . YE . 27
DAY . OF . MARCH . 1678
AGED . 35 . YEARS ~
1718 . AGED . 72 . YEARS.
This is the oldest inscription in the cemetery. On the back of the same tombstone appears the following:--
(65) He Lyeth the body of James McComb who depat this life April 28th 1766 aged 43 yrs also 2 of his children Jofeph and Margrat.
'Behind this stone are two smaller ones, of which the inscription is partly obscured. One is in memory of Thomas Mitchell, who died March Ye 30th . . . aged 76 years. Also Sara Wat ... who died on the 26 . . . 1713 aged 57 years.'
(67) Here Lieth the Body of Janet Stewart wife of John Mitchel of Belleyrolly who deptd this Life the 26t of June 1785 aged 86 years.
(68) Erected by John Achieson of Cunninburn in memory of his Father William Achieson who departed this Life 1st November 1796 Aged 47 years.
(69) Here lyeth the Body of Joseph Cooper late of Killaghy who died April Ye 1st 1776 aged 69 years. Also the body of his son David aged 1 year.
(70) Here lieth the Body of Ann Boddan wife of Adam Punton who departed this Life Decer 12 1775 aged 26 years.
(71) Here Lieth the Body of Janet Blain wife of Samuel Punton who departed this Life Novenber the 3th 1782 Aged 48 years.
(72) Here Lieth the Body of Adam Ponton who departed this life Feb. 25th 1719 aged 75 yrs Also his son John Ponton who dep. this life Mar 18 1729 aged 48 yrs. also Jane Whitle wife of John Ponton and last of Jams mcGill who dep. this life May 29 1766 aged 71 yrs.
(73) Erected by Wm ; Davidson of B ; frenice. Here lieth the Body of James Davidfon who deprd this life Novr the 10th 1791 Æ 73 yrs.
(74) Here Lieth the Body of Sara Park who deptd this Life the 27 of Janry 1789 Æ 27 yrs.
(75) Here Lieth the Body of Hugh Campbel who died the 17th of Janry 1752 Aged 67 years, alfo his fon Hugh Campbel who died Feb. ye 25th 1762 Aged 31 years. Alfo Charles Campbel Late of Ballyfrinice who died Febr the 14th 1776 Aged 53 years.
(76) Here Lyeth the Body of John Campbell who dep. this Life Octob 27th 1768 Aged 42 years.
(77) Here lieth Ye body of William Skelly who died Ye 12 day of Januery 1709 aged 45 years, alfo his wife Margaret Cannon who died the 2d day of November 1725 aged 40 years, alfo their fon William Skelly who died ye 27 day of Feber 1725 aged 21 years.
(78) Here Lyeth the Body of James Bleckley who died ye 19 of August 1765 Aged 17 years.
(79) Erected by Andw McDowell in Memory of his Father Jn McDowell who dept this Life July 10th 1794 Aed 82 yrs. his wife and 2 of his chrn. Afo the Body of Susan Strainge Aed 60 yrs.
(80) Here lieth the body of William White who died June 25th 1757 aged 64 yrs. also of Sarah White who died March 10th 1766 aged 23 months, also of John White who died July 12th 1767 aged 12 years. Here lies the body of John White who died Febry ye 26 1787 Æ 63 years. Alfo 2 of his children Mary and Martha who died June 22 1779 Æ 27 and April 16 1786 Æ 20. Alfo the body [The rest is below ground-level.]
(81) Here Lieth the Body of Daniel McKee son of Jas McKee of Ballyfrines who deptd this Life October the 14th 1783 Æ 16 years. Alfo his daughter Agnes who died March 30th 1790 Æ 28 yrs.
(82) Here lyeth the Body of Margaret Gordon wife to James Caughy who departed this life August Ye 20th 1780 Aged 76 years.
(83) Here Lyeth the Body of Jennet Crawford alias McCaig Wife of Mathew Crawford who depd This Life Ye 12th of Decbr 1784 Aged 57 years, &c.
(84) Here Lyeth Ye Body of Jean Nilson Who died Desembr ye 20 1776 Aged 25 years.
(85) .... Also his Daughter Jane Patton alias Linn who died 13th December 1798 aged 30 years.
(86) Here Lieth the Body of John Whitley who departed this Life May the 29th 1773 Aged 71 years. Alfo his wife Jane Whitla alias McKee who deprd this Life May the 11th 1798 Æ 82 yrs.
(87) Here Lieth the Bodey of David Trimbel late of Balley Roley how [sic] departed this Life May the 20th 1732 Aged 63 years. Also his son David Trimbel late of Balley Frenis how [sic] departed this Life September the 25 1727 Aged 65 years. Also his dougter Ann a child.
(88) Here Lieth the Body of David Hogg Son to David Hogg of Ballymacruse who Deptd this life April 27th 1797 Æ 9 months.
(89) Here Lieth Ye Body of John McGill who died Nov ye 10th 1763 Aged 76 years.
(90) Here lieth the Body of John Williamson late of Ballyfrenis who departed this Life Novr 22d 1792 Aged 70 yers.
(Continued in Vol. IX, No. 1, 1913, page 41.)
91. Here lieth ye Body of Hugh Campbel who departed this life Feber ye 7th 1740 Aged 72 years. Here Lieth the Body of Thomas Murdoch who Departed this Life June ye 10th 1781 Aged 81.
92. Here Lyeth the Body of John Cree who Died May the 26 1726 Aged 50 years.
93. Here Lieth ye Body of Margret Adams who Departed this Life Novemr ye 6 1771 Aged 71 years. Also her son William Adams who died Oct 1 the 12th 1787 Aged 43 years.
94. Here Lieth the Body of William Adams who DeparT this Life March the 9th 1763 Æ 59 years. Alfo Cathrine McCready Alias Adams who Deptd this Life July the 23 1777 Aged 29 years.
95. Here Lyeth the Body of Thomas Adams who Departed this Life Feb ye 1t 1751 Aged 82 years.
96. Here Lieth the Body of Robert Gracy who Departed this Life March the 20th 1798 Æ 45 years.
97. Here Lieth ye Body of David Hill who Departed this Life Janur ye 13th 1770 Aged 35 years. Alfo his Daughter Agnes a child, &c.
98. Here Lyeth ye Body of Mary Mcehir who died April ye 21d 1768 Aged 94 years.
99. Here lieth the Body of John McConnel who died Novr 28th 1759 Aged 34 years.
100. Here lieth ye Body of John McConnal who died Novbr ye 12th 1719 Aged 70 years. Alfo James McConnal who died Novbr ye 8T 1737 Aged 92. Here Lyeth the Body of james McConnal Lete of Belley Money who departed this Life May th21 1785 Aged 75 years.
101. Here Lieth the Body of John Adems who died July 17th 1737 Aged 63 years. Alfo his wife Mary Orr who died March 9th 1758 Aged 84 years. Also John Adams who died Feby the 3rd 1795 Æ 75 years.
102. Here Lieth the Body of Magrt Adem who Died June 4th 1755 Aged 2 years.
103. Here Lieth the Body of Charles Thompson Late of D. dee who departed this Life March the 27th 1800 aged 47 years.
104. Here Lieth the Body of Robart heastey who Departed this Life the 13 of August 1782 Aged 26 years. Also the Body of James Heaftey who Departed this Life the 30 of January 1790 Aged 20 years.
105. Here lieth the . . . . . . . who departed t . . . . . . . . of July in ye year 172 . . . . . . . Alfo his wife Janet mcant [l?] . . . . . . . . . died the 3 day of Aprile in the year 1726 aged 63 years, Alfo their son james Steuard who died feber ye 27th 1741 Aged 44 years, alfo [the rest is below ground-level].
106. Here lyeth the Body of Andrew Steuart who departed this Life October the 6th 1777 Aged [7?] 4 years. Here lieth ye Body of William Steuart who departed this Life March ye 29th 1741 aged 46 years, alfo William [the rest is below the ground-level].
107. Here lieth ye Body of Anne Steward wife to John Hesty who died ye 28 of October 1780 aged 39 years. Also her daughter Mary Hesty wife to Hugh Miller who died January ye 15 1753 Aged 34 years.
108. Here lieth ye Body of Samuel jamison who departed this life March ye 5th 1743 aged 22 years.
109. Here Lieth the Body of John Shaw who departed this Life May the 29th day 1782 Aged 84 years. Also his wife Martha White who Departed this Life October the 31 day 1778 Aged 76 years.
110. Here lies the Body of James Shaw who Departed this Life Augst the l . . . . 1769 Æ 16 years. Alfo his wife Ann Shaw who Deptd this Life Augst the 5th 1769 Æ 74 years. Alfo Ann Shaw who depd this life Octobr the 1st 1785 Æ 27 yrs.
111. Here lieth the body of John McKeag late of Grenshough who departed this life Sepbr 18th 1773 aged 55 years.
112. Here Lyeth the Body of jennet McKeaag Leate of grandsha who departed this Life November 6 1788 Aged 19 years.
113. Here lyeth the Body of Sarah Gibson Wife to John Brison in Kilachis who departed this life Juneey 28 A.D. 1765 Aged 30 years.
114. Here lyeth the Body of Esther Herron Wife to Andrew Brison who departed this life January ye 24th 1770 Aged 72 years. Alfo the Body of Esther Brison his Daughter who departed this life September ye 14th 1766 Aged 30 years. Here Lieth the Body of Andrew Brison Late of Killachey he was Elder 40 years in Donaghadee Session who Died Auguft ye 14th 1778 Aged 90.
115. Here lyeth the Body of John Taylor late of Donnaghadee who departed this life February ye 12th Anno Domini 1780 Aged 57 years.
116. Here Lyeth the Body of James Patton late of Killaughey who Deptd this Life Fabry the 18th 1800 Æ 74 yrs. Alfo his son John Died Auguft the 1st 1799 Æ 30 yrs.
117. Here lieth the Body of Mary Sloan wife of Samuel Beck who Departed this Life April the 11th 1781 Aged 35 years.
118. Here lyeth the Body of Robert Caldwell who departed this Life May ye 1st Anno Domini 1775 Aged 61 years. Alfo the Body of his Wife Elizabeth Brown who departed this Life September ye 23d A.D. 1778 Aged 71 years.
119. Here Lieth the Body of James Niblock who Departd this Life January the 10th 1773 Aged 26 years. Alfo Janet Blain wife of Patrick Niblock who Died April the 17th 1782 Æ 72 yrs.
120. Here lyeth the body of Jean Niblock who departed this life January ye 18th A.D. 1779 Aged 46 years. Alio the Body of Patrick Niblock who died Jany the 30th 1795 Æ 104 years.
121. Here Lyeth the Body of Mary Young Wife to Andrew McWhinney. She died Jun. 25th 1762 Aged 80 years. Here Lyeth the Body of Mary McWhinney Late Wife to Robert Bittcon who Died Octr 1 1786 Æ 65.
123. Here Lyeth ye Body pf Jennet Armftrong alias McWhiney who Deprd this Life Auguft the 11th Anno Domini 1786 Æ 76 Yrs.
124. Here Lyeth ye Body of Alexander Mc Whinney who Departed this life ye 24 of September 1762 Aged 63 Years. As alfo the Body of his Wife Elizabeth McWhinney otherwife Shankey who Departed this Life Febry 5th 1776 Aged 67 Years.
125. Here lieth the Body of Patrick McWhinney who died Feby 19th 1748: 9 Aged 31 Years. Here Lyes the Body of James McWhiney who Died Novbr ye 14th 1740 Aged 66 Years.
Here lyes the Body of Jennet Montgomery late Wife to James Mc Whiney Died aged 39 years ye 18 of March 1721.
126. Here layeth ye Body of Jane [?] Harper [?] Wife to John Keig who Died May ye 27 1721 Aged 31 years. Also John Keig who
[The rest is below the ground-level. The inscription is in capitals.]
127. Here Lyeth the Body of John McWhine who Died Feb. ye 4 1714. Also his son Robert who Died Decem. ye 17 1715
[This inscription is in capitals.]
128. Here Lyeth ye Body of Thomas McWhinny who Died February ye 6 1735 Aged 57 years. Also the Body of Mary McWhinny who Died April 22d 1761 Aged 23 years.
[This inscription is in capitals.]
129. Here lieth ye Body of William McKee who Died June ye 14th 1743 Aged 77 years.
Alfo his son Alexander McKee who Died January ye 31 17489 Aged 56 years. Alfo the Body of William McKee fon to the late Robert Mc Kee of Sloanstown who Departed this Life May ye 26 1787 Aged 26 years.
130. Here lieth ye Body of jean watfon who Died May ye 4th 1749 Aged 92 years. Alfo the Body of Robert McKee of Sloanstown who Departed this Life January the 31th 1782 Aged 88 Years.
131. Here lieth the body of James McWhinnie son of John Mc Whinnie and Jane Campbell who departed this life October ye 19 1751 aged 2 years.
[This inscription is in capitals.]
132. Jannet Orr Died April ye 21 1732 Aged 4 years daughter to William Orr of Bellydounand.
[This headstone appears to have been replaced when the aformentioned William died. Eddie.]
133. Here Lieth the Body of Jannet Orr who departed this life April the 21st 1732 aged 4 years, &c.
134. Here Lieth the Body of James McKeag how deperted this lif Janury 29 1789 eaged 11 yers.
135. Here lyeth the Body of william Adams who dept this Life April 9th 1768 Æ 35 years.
Also his daughter Mary aged 8 months. Here lieth the Body of James Gillmore late of Drumfad who departed this Life May ye 9th A.D. 1780 Aged 54 years.
136. Here Lyeth the Body of Ifabel Bole Dautr to Hugh Bole. She died ye 4T of Decembr 1764 Aged 17 years. Alfo 3 more of his children John, Margret, & Ann. Here lyeth the Body of Margaret Adams wife to Hugh Boll who departed this life May ye 10th A.D. 1782 Aged 67 years.
137. Here Lyeth the Body of William Adams who Dep. this Life March ye 13th 1764 Æ 86 years.
138. Here Lyeth the Body of Robert Sloan who Died the 12 of Septr 1746 Aged 56 years . . .
[The rest is below ground-level.]
139. Here lieth ye Body of John Harper who died Decbr ye 14th 1746 aged 90 years.
Here lieth ye Body of Jean Campbel who departed this Life March ye 13th 1733 Aged 73 years . . . . . . . her fon Hugh Harper . . . . 1733 . .
. . .
[The rest is below ground-level.]
140. Here Lyeth ye Body of Adam Orr who departed this Life August ye 7th 1754 Aged 76 years. Also his son William Orr Alfo his fon Henry Orr late of Drumfad who Deptd this Life April the 13th 1797 Æ 76 yrs
(Continued in Vol. IX, No. 5, 1916, page 454)
(141) Here Lieth the Body of James Adams who Deptd this Life Novbr the 10th 1753 Æ 55 yrs.
(142) . . . Mc Kee . . . ed Octbr ye 28 1736 Aged 73 years.
(143) Here lieth ye Body of William McKie who departed this life Novbr ye 7th 1733 aged 78 years.
(144) Here lyeth ye body of Izabel Davidfon wife to Archabold McKee who departed this life July ye 5 1737 aged 40 years.
(145) Here lies the body of James McKee of Whitechurch who departed this Life Octr 6th 1784 Aged 24 years. Also John McKee who departed this Life Septr 4th 1798 Aged 2 years.
(146) Here lieth ye body of John McKie who departed this life June ye 2d 1734 Aged 26 years.
(147) Here lieth ye Body of Thomas Youart who departed this life May ye 26 1739 Aged 70 years. Alfo his wife Margret Orr who died Aprile ye 4 1741 aged 70 year.
(149) Here lyeth the Body of William Boll who died Aust ye 2d 1775 aged 79 yr
Here lieth ye body of mary Orr wife to James Bool who departed this life ye 10th day of June in ye year 1716 aged 38 years.
(150) Here lieth ye Body of James Buyers who died janry ye 10th [?] 1744 aged 17 years.
Alfo the Body of Andew Byers who died Octbr ye 9th 1766 aged 1 year & 3 moths
(151) Here Lieth the Body of Alexander Dill who Deptd this Life December the 29nt 1786 Aged 75 years.
(152) Erected in memory of Archibald McWilliams &c. Also his Wife Margaret who Died 20th April 1789 Æ 52 years.
(153) Here Lieth the Body of Jennet Anguos who Died Novr the 27th 1756 Aged 16 years.
(154) Andrew Youart died March ye 1 . . . . 17 . . 5d aged 69 years. Ann Youart died Aprile ye 22 1737 aged 42 years & lies on ye north side. Here lieth ye Body of Samuel Youart who depared this life . . . ye 23 1731 aged 22 years.
(155) Here lieth the body of Margaret McDoal Late of Killaghys who departed this life July 16th 1772 Aged 31 years.
(156) Here lieth the Body of Jean McConnel wife to Robrt Young of Killbright who departed this life March the 24th 1788 Aged 44 years. Here Lieth the Body of William Young who Departed this Life June the 30th 1798 aged 33 years.
(157) Here lieth ye Body of John Murray who Died Decbr ye 24 1737 aged 30 years
Alfo his Wife Margret frizal who Died Aprile ye 18 1749 aged 56 years.
(158) Here Lieth the Body of William Stevenson Late of Ballyraer who departed this Life 23rd June 1786 aged 56 years.
(159) Here lies the Body of John McHinch &c. alfo his Wife Grizell McHinch alias Nelfon who Deptd this Life Oct the 20th 1799 Aged 78 years.
(160) Here Lieth the Body of William McHench who Deptd this Life Augst the 19th 1780 Æ 29 years. Alfo his Children.
(161) Here Lieth the Body of John Hutton who Deptd this Life Febry the 10nt 1785 Aged 72 years. Alfo his Wife Isbal Taylor who Died March 1797 Æ 83 Yrs.
(162) Here Lieth the Body of James Davidfon who Deprd this Life May the 12th 1797 Æ 38 years.
(163) Erected by Samuel Byers of Ballywhiskin in Memory of his Wife Margaret Byers alias Campbell who Departed this Life 18th April 1789 aged 32 yrs.
(164) Erected by James Byers of Whisken in Memory of his Sister Ann Byers who died July 1st 1789 Aged 24 years.
(165) Here lieth ye Body of Agnes Gibfon who Departed this Life Novbr 1733 . . . 8 day Aged . . . Alfo her grandfon John Davidson who died Feber ye 7th 1733 Aged 13 years.
(166) Here lieth ye Body of Michal Daby who Died March ye 23d 1747 Aged 72 years.
(167) Here Lieth the Body of John Dalrymple who died Janry 10th 1757 Aged 105 years.
Here lieth ye Body of jean Wach who Died Janry ye 7th 1734 Aged 49 years.
(168) Here Lyeth ye Body of Mary Your who Dep. this life Feb. 21th 1769 Aged 25 yrs. Also 2 Brethren Children of Artchbel Yours.
Alfo the Body of Archibald Your who Departed this Life June the 17th 1785 Aged 74 years.
(169) Here Lieth the Body of Theophilus Shannon who Died the 31st of March 1800 Aged 87 yrs
(170) Here Lyeth the Body of John Shinoon who Died Sep. 26th 1762 Aged 70 Years.
(171) Hear lyes in the Lord the Body of John Oor who Decased in the 47 of his Ago in the 17 . 7 . N 26 [? 17 September 1726]
[This inscription is in small capitals with a dot after each word.]
(172) Here Lies the Body of Thomas Gibson Late of Ballycopland who Deptd this Life May ye 16th 1793 Æ 84 years. Alfo his Wife Jannet Gibfon alias Marshal who Deptd this Life Decbr the 18 1785 Æ 78 years.
(173) Here Lies the Body of James Feris who Dept this Life april the 18th 1797 Æ 3 years.
Alfo Thomas Feris who Deptd this Life april the 30th 1797 Æ 1 year Children of William Feris in Craigboy.
(174) Here lieth the Body of James Johnson who Died the 13th of May 1789 Æ 58 yrs
(175) Here lyeth the Body of Alexander Gilmor late in Drumfad who departed this Life March ye 6th Anno Domini 1780 Aged 84 years.
(176) Here lieth ye body of john Boyd who Departed this life ye 10 day of march 1697 aged 45 years. Alfo his wife Caterina Craig who died ye 12 day of Feberuary 1718 aged 60 years.
Alfo Mary Boyd who Departed this Life May ye 20th 1774 Aged 88 years wife to Alexander Gilmor.
(177) Here Lieth the Body of David McKee late of Balleyhafkin who Departed this Life the 16th of Auguft 1788 Aged 87 years.
(178) Here Lieth the Body of William McKee late of Ballyhasken who Departed this Life May the 23th 1785 Aged 91 years.
(179) Here Lyeth the Body of Elizabeth Caven Late Wife to William McKee of Ballyhafken who Departed this Life Feberuary the 20th 1784 Aged 83 years.
(180) Here lyeth the Body of Jean McMicken who Departed this Life M : h ThE 19th 1768 Aged 27 years.
(181) Here Lieth the Body of Samuel Mitchel Atchison who Died Septr 8 1793 Æ 30 Mo.
(182) Here Lieth the Body of Frances Byrs who Departd this Life Auguft the 17nt 1781 Aged 70 years. Alfo his Wife Jane Boll who Deptd this Life Auguft the 20th 1783 Aged 72 yers.
(183) This is Andrew Byers's Burying Place : Wherein Lieth his Wife Mary Byers alias Kelly who Deptd this Life Septer the 14th 1800 Æ 40 yrs.
(184) This is John hestes Burying place. Here Lies the Body of Frances Byers Carpenter of Dunover who Departed this Life Sept the 16 1791 Aged 45 years.
[Square and compasses carved on this stone.]
(185) Here Lieth the Body of James Byers late of Ganaway who Departed this Life January the 12th 1790 Aged 52 years.
Here Lyeth the Body of Janet Gaa wife to James Byers of Ganaway who died January ye 12th 1777 Aged 36 years.
(186) Here lyeth the Body of William McGivren who died September ye 20th 1777 Aged 24 years
(187) Here Lieth the Body of James Heastey who Departed this Life July the 16th 187 [1787 ?] Aged 85 years.
Also, here Lyeth the Body of Janet Young wife to James Heaftey of Sloanstown who Departed this Life May the 3th 1791 Aged 59 years.
(188) Here lieth the Body of Thomas McCaw who Deprt this Life Febry the 12th 1800 Æ 85 yrs. alfo his Wife Jean McCaw Alias Heafty who Deprt this Life June the 26th 1796 Æ 68 yrs. alfo his fon John McCaw who Deprt this Life May the 27th 1797 Æ 41 yrs. also Wilm McCaw a child.
(189) This is Nevin Logan's Burying Place. Here lyeth the Body of his Son John a Child who Deptd this Life June the 20th 1795.
(190) Here Lieth the Body of James Byers who Departd this Life June the 6st 1774 Aged 82 years.