Register of Deceased Seamen

Extracts from Register of Deceased Seamen relating to Ireland 1887

Extracted from the Registers of Deceased Seamen held in the special collections archive of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow.

This list is presented in date order but you can sort the table - ascending or descending - by any column by clicking on the relevant header.

Surname First Name Age Rank Birth Place Last Known Abode Date of Death Cause Place Ship Port Comments
Needham John 25 AB Arklow
01/01/1887 Dysentery Singapore Hosp. Newman Hall Liverpool discharged from ship before demise
Colvin James 27 AB Arklow
at sea Arda Dublin
McDonald W 21 AB Wexford
03/01/1887 Consumption
Dundee Dundee
Sullivan Jas. S 21 OS Castletown
08/01/1887 Drowned Swanage Pioneer Newport
Johnston Wm. 26 AB Lerwick
10/01/1887 Drowned at sea Firth of Olna Glasgow wreck
Dalton John 40 AB Dublin
12/01/1887 Consumption at sea King Malcolm Glasgow
Kelly Timothy 46 Mate Wexford
17/01/1887 Erysipelas Astoria Anca Liverpool
Bruce Henry 30 1st Mate Londonderry
18/01/1887 Drowned Foz SS Brentford London wreck
Kidney Denis 30 AB Kinsale
18/01/1887 Drowned Foz SS Brentford London wreck
Kelly John 39 Fireman Dublin
18/01/1887 Pneumonia Bootle SS Peruvian Montreal
Kent Pat 23 AB Waterford
18/01/1887 Drowned Foz SS Brentford London wreck
Flynn John 40 1st Mate Kinsale
20/01/1887 Drowned Black Sea SS Blair Athol Glasgow
Grinley Arthur 22 Fireman Armagh
20/01/1887 Drowned Black Sea SS Blair Athol Glasgow
Aitchison Alexander 25 AB Belfast
20/01/1887 Drowned at sea SS Blair Athol Glasgow
Mason James 40 AB Ireland
Antwerp Cashier Windsor NS discharged from ship before demise
Dickson Geo. 19 Apprentice Newry
27/01/1887 Fell from aloft at sea Cumeria Liverpool
White Benjamin 34 AB Wexford
28/01/1887 Dysentery at sea Elcho Georgetown, Demerara
Emnett George 28 AB Dublin
03/02/1887 Dropsy at sea Don Enrique Liverpool
Keating Jas. S 50 Steward Wexford
Rangoon Port Yarrock Glasgow
McGuire James 24 AB Ireland
11/02/1887 Fell from aloft at sea Ardencraig Glasgow
Pudney Walter 24 3rd Mate Macroom, Cork
13/02/1887 Fall into hold Brooklyn St. Mildred Glasgow
Carroll John 35 Fireman Dublin
24/02/1887 Bronchitis Liverpool SS Cavan Dublin
Molloy John 43 Cook Dublin
26/02/1887 A fall Foz Cottica Glasgow
Baker J 41 AB Wexford
15/03/1887 Cholera
Kincardinshire Glasgow
Nelson Thos. 24 AB Belfast
06/03/1887 Drowned at sea Nelson Glasgow
Wardlew Thos. 39 OS Londonderry
14/03/1887 Consumption at sea Ennerdale Liverpool
Armstrong J 30 Fireman Dublin
16/03/1887 Small Pox Akyab Hosp. SS Bedouin Liverpool
Kelly John 40 Boatswain Limerick
17/03/1887 Drowned R. Clyde Francis Thorpe Glasgow
Hannaway Michael 36 Fireman Newry
17/03/1887 Drowned at sea SS Carmona Dundee wreck
Mooney Thos. 34 Fireman Queens Co.
17/03/1887 Drowned at sea SS Carmona Dundee wreck
Manning Jas. 27 Fireman Drogheda
17/03/1887 Drowned at sea SS Carmona Dundee wreck
Connor Jas. 33 Fireman Belfast
17/03/1887 Drowned at sea SS Carmona Dundee wreck
O'Hara Wm 26
18/03/1887 Drowned Dublin SS Strathspey Glasgow
Laior Thos. 40 Fisherman Ireland
21/03/1887 Heart Disease
F. Trial Wexford
Leary M. 38 AB Queenstown
21/03/1887 Drowned
William Cochran Dorchester NB
Callighan James 29 Trimmer Armagh
05/04/1887 Abscess Fiume SS Italia Glasgow
McHugh John 35 Mate Londonderry
05/04/1887 Drowned Loch Ryan Mocking Bird Londonderry
Crowley Daniel 34 Carpenter Cork
09/04/1887 Drowned Glasgow SS Eddystone Glasgow
McArdle Patrick 25 Trimmer Belfast
21/04/1887 Apoplexy at sea SS State of Pennslyvania Glasgow
Donegan Geo. 35 AB Newry
21/04/1887 Heart Disease at sea SS Congo Glasgow
McGrath John 22
30/04/1887 Drowned Stockton SS Bessamer Stockton
Mitten John 51 Donkeyman Dublin
20/05/1887 Drowned at sea SS Harkaway London wreck
Morgan Michael 51 Fisherman Ireland
20/05/1887 Drowned at sea F. Undine Skibbereen
McAfee Denis 22 AB Antrim
23/03/1887 Fell into hold at sea SS Bengore Head Belfast
Magee John 57 AB Monaghan
20/05/1887 Killed by heavy sea off NW L'pool Light ship SS Teneriffe Glasgow
Burden Thomas 65
30/05/1887 Heart Disease Kinsale Harbour F. True Blue Peel
Boyd Saml 35 AB Belfast
08/05/1887 Suffocated by fire St. Johns NFL SS Daylesford Glasgow
Cassidy John 24 Fireman Armagh
06/04/1887 Drowned Bassein River SS Queen Victoria Glasgow
Gribbin H. 38 Chief Cook Armagh
22/04/1887 Syncope at sea SS Buccaneer London
Golan John 40 Boatswain Wexford
30/05/1887 Septic Fever Cadiz Hosp. Saltee Wexford discharged from ship before demise
McCormick Rbt. 34 1st Eng. Belfast
15/06/1887 Drowned off Port Patrick SS Glenwilliam Barrow wreck
McFall Daniel 25 AB Ireland
02/06/1887 Accident
Jane Rennie Brixham
McLaughlin James 41 AB Dublin
22/04/1887 Gassed - poison at sea Albania St. John
Montgomery John 28 Fireman Belfast
29/05/1887 Apoplexy Fiume SS Penshaw London
Nolan Wm 47 Fireman Armagh
01/05/1887 Drowned St Johns NFL John Knox Glasgow wreck
O'Connor James 20 OS Galway
08/05/1887 Enteric fever
Colony Liverpool
Thompson Chas. 35 Cook Ballymoney

SS Clapheyron Glasgow
Whiteside John 23 Fireman Ireland
24/04/1887 Heat apoplexy at sea SS Star of Victoria Belfast
Adams Dan. 30 AB Belfast
18/07/1887 Drowned St Petersberg SS Marshall Keith

Dalton James 48 Boatswain Waterford
03/05/1887 Dropsy Naples SS Hawthorn Sunderland
Dannley Wm 38
24/07/1887 Fell from wharf to deck Granton SS Hugh Taylor Newcastle
Gallagher Thos. 46 2nd Mate Dublin
22/06/1887 Drowned R. Usk SS Captain Parry Dublin
Hewitt John 27 AB Dublin
21/02/1887 Injuries rec'd in ships' service Hospital Jersey SS Walney Whitehaven
Hastings John 41 1st Eng. Downpatrick
25/04/1887 Heart Disease Belfast SS Optic Belfast
Lavell Peter 20 Fireman Armagh
19/06/1887 Drowned Batoum SS Roumelia Liverpool
Murray Daniel
Seaman Wicklow
03/07/1887 Drowned Moreton Bay Fishing boat
fishing boat
McGireron James 18 Cook Londonderry
05/05/1887 Drowned Newry Isabella Preston
McFarron John 35 Master Larne
07/04/1887 Drowned R. Boyne William Drogheda
Murphy John 24 Fireman Cork
15/03/1887 Inflammation of the lungs at sea SS Roseville Sunderland
Martin Wm 20 AB Dublin
15/02/1887 Drowned at sea Ruth Topping Liverpool
Purfuld Thos. 21 AB Dublin
21/06/1887 Drowned Guernsey Tyro Goole
Smith Harry 22 AB Belfast
28/03/1887 Drowned at sea SS Lode Star London
Burke Peter 43 Fireman Dublin
13/07/1887 Effects of submersion Bonifacio SS Recovery Dover
Bell Wm 27 Carpenter Carrickfergus
06/04/1887 Yellow Fever Rio Guiana Yarmouth NS
Cullen Patrick 19 AB Dublin
13/04/1887 Yellow Fever Rio Longfellow St. John NB
Crowell Oscar D 20 Boatswain

12/04/1887 Yellow Fever Rio Guiana Yarmouth NS
Charlton W.H. 19 AB London
06/04/1887 Yellow Fever Rio Guiana Yarmouth NS
Casey Edward 27 AB Limerick
13/08/1887 Drowned Stanley, Falkland Islands Star of Scotia Belfast wreck
Carten Jas. H 21 Trimmer Belfast
21/07/1887 Heat apoplexy at sea SS Iran Liverpool
Garvey Michael 30 Fireman Sligo
11/07/1887 Heat apoplexy at sea SS Regius Liverpool
Hazard Richard 31 Trimmer Fermanagh
19/07/1887 knocked down fore hatch Montreal SS Oregon Liverpool
Hunt Jas. 24 Cook Wexford
24/06/1887 Malarial fever Colon Lucia London
Jacobs Wm. Jno. 20 Apprentice Dublin
22/06/1887 Drowned at sea Britannia Liverpool
Johnston F 24 AB Belfast
29/04/1887 Fell into hold Callao Parthena Liverpool
Kelley Patrick 38 AB Ireland
30/05/1887 Accident at sea W.H. Corsar St. John NB
Kelly James 45 AB Waterford
21/06/1887 Drowned Callao Roseneath Glasgow
Lindsay Francis 20 AB Donaghadee
16/08/1887 General weakness at sea SS Whitehead Belfast
McNichol Wm. 35 Fireman Belfast
22/07/1887 Heart Disease at sea SS Optic Belfast
Mahon H 55 AB Dublin
11/07/1887 Paralysis
SS Glencoe Glasgow
McCornish Arthur 21 Trimmer Co. Down
27/07/1887 Bronchitis Philadelphia Hosp. SS British Princess Liverpool
McSheany John 38 Mate Belfast
23/04/1887 Fever Rio Carrie Delap Annapolis
McCate B. 27 AB Ireland
15/04/1887 Yellow fever Rio Kate Burrill Yarn NS discharged from ship before demise
McAffie Patrick 21 AB Carnlough
07/08/1887 Drowned at sea SS City of Oxford Glasgow
Noonan R 18 OS Queenstown
11/03/1887 Dysentery at sea British Peer London
Quinn James 30 Donkeyman Sligo
10/08/1887 Drowned Hull SS Ethel Hull
Ronavne John 47 2nd Mate Queenstown
08/08/1887 Drowned Bastock, Finland SS Western Cardiff
Sullivan Edmond 25 AB Waterford
15/06/1887 Drowned at sea Earl Burgess Windsor NS
Savage James 17 OS Portaferry
16/08/1887 Drowned Inishgort George Irvine whilst bathing
Wailey George 55 AB Queenstown
14/08/1887 Malarial fever at sea SS Roquelle Glasgow
Watson John 25 AB Castletown
19/08/1887 Drowned Taganrog Roadstead SS Glendochart London
Cotter Joseph 40 Master Co. Down
04/06/1887 Drowned at sea SS Lamport London wreck
Cunningham Patrick 33 Fireman Dublin
04/06/1887 Drowned at sea SS Lamport London wreck
Carr Thomas 44 Master Wexford
01/09/1887 Drowned Bristol Channel Cyrus Wexford wreck
Connors John 18
01/09/1887 Drowned Bristol Channel Cyrus Wexford wreck
Davis Joseph 70 Skipper Ireland
22/08/1887 Drowned Rush Point
Portrane a fishing yawl
Hennessey Richard 30 AB Cork
04/08/1887 Typhoid Fever Singapore Hosp. SS Deucalion Liverpool
Hughes James 23 Fireman Belfast
04/06/1887 Drowned at sea SS Lamport London wreck
Hopkins John 20 OS Wexford
01/09/1887 Drowned Bristol Channel Cyrus Wexford wreck
Kinsella Edward 18 OS Wexford
01/09/1887 Drowned Bristol Channel Cyrus Wexford wreck
Lamour Robert 40 Fireman Belfast
21/07/1887 Diarrhoea Cuba SS G.W. Jones London
Magee Francis 22 3rd Eng. Castle Eden
21/08/1887 Drowned Falmouth Harbour SS Sarah Whitby
McAffie Denis 22 AB Co. Antrim
23/08/1887 Fell into hold at sea SS Bengore Head Belfast
Quinn James 45 Fireman Wexford
Liverpool SS Bessel Liverpool
Roache Walter 23 AB Wexford
04/06/1887 Drowned at sea SS Lamport London
Smyth John 27 Fireman Belfast
28/08/1887 Murdered Revel SS Potomac London
Allan John 47 AB Kinsale
01/10/1887 Uralmic blood poisoning St Lawrence River SS Oregon Liverpool
Burns Peter 39 Fireman Dublin
Ancona Hosp. SS Nellie Whitely discharged from ship before demise
Edwards Wm 44 Master Kingstown
02/09/1887 Drowned North Sea Falls of Bruar Glasgow wreck
Edwards W 18 3rd Mate Kingstown
02/09/1887 Drowned North Sea Falls of Bruar Glasgow wreck
Gleeson Patrick 29 Seaman Waterford
29/09/1887 Fell from aloft Asylum for Seamen Taganrog SS Horace West Hartlepool
Harrison Frank 48 AB Waterford
16/08/1887 A fall at sea Blythswood Greenock
Knight Thomas 19 AB Kingstown
02/09/1887 Drowned North Sea Falls of Bruar Glasgow wreck
Kerns P 48 AB Waterford
28/07/1887 Drowned at sea SS Orient Glasgow
Logan Hugh 36 AB Carrickfergus
09/07/1887 Drowned Seven stones, Cornwall Barreman Glasgow wreck
Lynch James 35 Fireman Dungarvon
14/09/1887 Cholera Messing SS Inchgarrie Liverpool
McGovern Patrick 42 Fireman Ireland
16/06/1887 Fell from window onshore Philadelphia SS Earnwell Newcastle discharged from ship before demise
Whittle Thomas 17 Apprentice Co. Dublin
05/03/1887 Drowned at sea Lizzie Iredale Liverpool wreck
Baitson Wm 20 OS Dublin
18/08/1887 Colic & stomach cramps at sea County of Clare Liverpool
Barman P 37 AB Dublin
04/06/1887 Fell from aloft
Helensburgh Glasgow
Burke Patrick 26 AB Dublin
01/08/1887 Heart Disease Plymouth Chinsura Liverpool discharged from ship before demise
Buttimore John 37 Carpenter Cork
28/10/1887 Natural causes Irish Channel SS Shandon Cork
Craig Richard 20 Fireman Belfast
11/08/1887 Cold in chest & stomach at sea SS Drillfield Stockton
Craig Thomas 54 AB Waterford
10/07/1887 Drowned at sea Frankistan Liverpool
Fraser Jas 46 AB Port Mahomac
01/11/1887 Drowned at sea SS Ayresome Middlesborough wreck
Gordon Francis 39 Master Ireland

Hereford London
Grimley Owen 35 Fireman Monaghan
19/10/1887 Heat apoplexy
SS City of Chester Liverpool
James Frederick 30 AB Dublin
04/10/1887 Drowned Havre SS Hugh Sleigh London
McLeughern Neil 29 Carpenter Antrim
12/10/1887 Drowned at sea Hiawatha Londonderry
Murdoch John 39 Fireman Inniskillen
03/11/1887 Drowned at sea SS Woodcock Glasgow
Murphy Edward 60 Fisherman Balcoyle, Dublin
28/09/1887 Effects of exposure Wexford F. Fame Wexford wreck
Power Thomas 31 1st Mate Cork
10/10/1887 Fit at sea SS Lynton Newcastle
Riley Michael 42 Engine Driver West Meath
08/10/1887 Crank shaft fell down
SS Palestine Liverpool
Shanley Michael 44 Boy Wicklow
16/11/1887 Drowned Swansea SS Denia Sunderland Missing presumed drowned
Wilson Thomas 21 AB Carlscrona
07/11/1887 Consumption San Franciso Hosp. County of Clare Liverpool
Barron Robert 48 Fireman Antrim
16/08/1887 Convulsions at sea SS Bengore Head Belfast
Dwyer John 22 AB Wexford
12/04/1887 Yellow Fever Rio Longfellow St John NB
Macallum Thos. 30 Mate Belfast
16/10/1887 Drowned at sea Prosperity Carlisle wreck
McKendry John 45 AB Cork
25/11/1887 Struck by steel hawser Cardiff William Gordon Chatham NB
McNally Stephen 34 Trimmer Louth
19/11/1887 Heart Disease Boston SS Samana Glasgow
McManus A 16 Capt. Servant Larne
02/10/1887 Peritonitis Foochow SS Glenogle Glasgow
Moffat Peter 28
06/09/1887 Small Pox Rio SS Biela Liverpool
Murphy Edward 54 Fireman Cork
16/12/1887 Drowned
SS Dodo Cork
Vernor Joseph 36 Master Belfast
16/10/1887 Drowned at sea Prosperity Carlisle wreck
Tracy Wm 45 Cook Waterford
07/11/1887 Heart Disease Tilbury Dock SS Orizaba Liverpool discharged from ship before demise
Starky Rbt. 37 Cook Belfast
24/08/1887 Consumption Buenos Aires Enchantress Glasgow
Sinclair John Rice 18 Boy Belfast
16/10/1887 Drowned at sea Prosperity Carlisle wreck
Phillipson Edward Geo. 16 Apprentice Dunmore E., Waterford
05/06/1887 Drowned at sea Remus Liverpool
O'Brine Patrick 25 AB Londonderry
22/08/1887 Drowned at sea Belle of Devon Plymouth wreck
Caberry Peter 26 AB Arklow
28/12/1887 Small Pox Constantinople SS Bellcairn West Hartlepool
Clark John 34 Fireman Dundalk
18/10/1887 Peritonitis at sea SS Iberia Liverpool
Corbett John 34 AB Co. Down
31/08/1887 Drowned Quebec Sarah Yarmouth NS
Corby Jas 30 AB Waterford

Cape Race Greenock
Dowd Edward H 49
10/12/1887 Drowned Nanaimo Great Victoria Liverpool
Fowler James 40 Mate Killyleagh
22/10/1887 Yellow Fever at sea Mary Mark Liverpool
Freeman Patrick 60 Master Louth
11/08/1887 Liver Disease Balbray SS Black Eagle Hull
Henry John 50 AB Dublin
14/07/1887 Fell down hold Dublin Caledonian Ardrossan
Kearons Patrick 22 Mate Wicklow
13/12/1887 Drowned Bristol Channel Mersey Dublin
Lloyd Michael 33 Fireman Newry
15/12/1887 Fever Colon SS Sphynx Liverpool
Black J.S 37 1st Eng. Belfast
24/10/1887 Apoplexy
SS Octa London
Bray Thos. 19 OS Londonderry
20/07/1887 Drowned at sea Woodbine London wreck
Brown D 38 Mate Dublin
16/09/1887 Drowned at sea Julia H. St John NB wreck
Cunningham Robt 46 Mate Islandmagee
16/07/1887 Heart Disease at sea John & Joseph Richardson Belfast
Darragh Chas. 24 Mate Larne
20/07/1887 Drowned at sea Woodbine London wreck
Day Wm 25 AB Dublin
29/12/1887 Drowned at sea SS Lord Collingwood Newcastle wreck
Delaney Daniel 45 AB Ireland
29/12/1887 Drowned at sea SS Lord Collingwood Newcastle wreck
Donohoe Michael 40 Fireman Ireland
at sea Edith Golden

Edwards Joseph 35 AB Dublin
25/12/1887 Drowned at sea SS Demerara Glasgow wreck
Lyons Thos. 24 AB Drogheda
25/12/1887 Drowned at sea SS Demerara Glasgow wreck
Mulroney Patrick 23 Fireman Roscommon
16/12/1887 Small Pox Valencia SS Alexandria Glasgow
Murphy Stephen 38 AB Dublin
15/07/1887 Drowned Port Maria Glenudal Swansea
Newman Edward 34 AB Wicklow
22/09/1887 Dysentery at sea Riversdale Calcutta
Nolan Thos. 43
at sea J V Troop St John NB
O'Donnell C. 21 AB Galway
08/10/1887 Fell from aloft
British Ambassador Liverpool
O'Shay Mike 32 AB Wicklow
16/09/1887 Drowned at sea Julia H. St John NB wreck
Starkie Thos. 60 Master Waterford
22/08/1887 Bright's Disease Calcutta Queen of England Liverpool
Thomas Richard 37 Seaman Strangford
21/11/1887 Cholera Calcutta Indian Empire London
Windsor Geo. Herbert 19 AB Dublin
19/11/1887 Drowned at sea Woolahra Sydney NSW
Brien Geo 26 Fireman Dublin
29/12/1887 Drowned at sea SS Maud Whitby wreck
Byrne Mark 32 AB Wicklow
26/12/1887 Drowned at sea SS Darien London wreck
Cain Patrick 27 Steward Longford
01/01/1888 Exposure at sea SS Maud Whitby wreck
Cavanagh Lawrence 44 Fireman Wexford
16/11/1887 Drowned at sea SS Vespasian Liverpool wreck
Connolly James 32 AB Newry
02/08/1887 Drowned at sea Ruhuddlon Castle Liverpool wreck
Driscoll John 31 AB Queenstown
10/12/1887 Missing Shanghai Favonius St John NB
Johnston F 24 AB Belfast
29/04/1887 Fell down hold Callao Parthena Liverpool
Kennedy John 20 Steward Dublin
16/11/1887 Drowned at sea SS Vespasian Liverpool wreck
Leader Thos. A. 22
10/09/1887 Cholera at sea Zulu Maitland NS
Power Edward 33 AB Wexford
26/12/1887 Drowned at sea SS Darien London wreck
Stevens John M 48 Master Dublin
16/11/1887 Drowned at sea SS Vespasian Liverpool wreck
Crampton Thos. Geo. 39 Boatswain Dublin
31/10/1887 Malarial fever at sea Inch Keith Glasgow
Kennedy Patrick 18 Apprentice Wicklow
26/05/1887 Drowned at sea Primrose Hill Liverpool
Mulligan M 34 AB Dungarvon
11/11/1887 Drowned at sea Java
Nolan J 21 AB Baltimore, Cork
11/11/1887 Drowned at sea Java
Robbins Josh. F 32 Mate Kilrush
20/03/1887 Drowned South Pacific Derry Castle Limerick wreck
Williamson W 47 2nd Mate Portaferry
15/12/1887 Dropsy San Franciso Hosp. Lord Lyndhurst Liverpool
Mckeon Michael J 33 Master Cork
at sea Belle Vue St John NB
Alex(ander) Wm H 38 AB Carrickfergus
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
Brown James 17 OS Bangor
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
Colville Saml 23 AB Islandmagee
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
Ferguson James 18 AB Islandmagee
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
Ferguson Rbt. 28 Mate Islandmagee
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
King Geo 23 Carpenter Belfast
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
Lightbody John 15 Boy Bangor
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
McCalmont Thos 24 Boatswain Balcarry
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
McCalmont Hugh 42 AB Islandmagee
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
McKay Alex. 22 AB Islandmagee
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
Magill John 48 Cook & Stew. Belfast
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
Mawhinnie Andrew 48 Master Islandmagee
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
Thompson John 22 AB Islandmagee
19/12/1887 Drowned at sea Colorado Belfast wreck
(?) Unknown

20/03/1887 Drowned South Pacific Derry Castle Limerick wreck
Ottery Thomas 30 AB Dublin
18/05/1887 Killed Charlotte Town PEI Moselle Charlotte Town PEI
Kennedy John 20 AB Portaferry
17/11/1887 Fell from wharf at night Bowen, Queensland Henry James Glasgow
Murphy Stephen 39 Boatswain Dublin
15/07/1887 Drowned Port Maria Glenudal Swansea capsized in a launch full of ship cargo
Harris Walter 18 Boy Tipperary 107 Georges St. Limerick 23/12/1887 Drowned at sea Glenavon Cork vessel missing
McSweeney John N. 25 AB Wexford 20 Regent St. Liverpool 23/12/1887 Drowned at sea Glenavon Cork vessel missing
Richardson Robt 25 2nd Mate
Dumfries 23/12/1887 Drowned at sea Glenavon Cork vessel missing


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