Extracts from Register of Deceased Seamen relating to Ireland 1888
Extracted from the Registers of Deceased Seamen held in the special collections archive of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow.
This list is presented in date order but you can sort the table - ascending or descending - by any column by clicking on the relevant header.
Surname | First Name | Age | Rank | Birth Place | Last Known Abode | Date of Death | Cause | Place | Ship | Port | Comments |
Dee | Edmund | 45 | Mate | Waterford | 02/01/1888 | Suffocation | Glasgow | Louis Montgomery | Charlotte Town PEI | ||
Hardy | Wm | 24 | 3rd Eng. | Armagh | 16/01/1888 | Consumption | Riga | SS Blackhead | Belfast | ||
McCambridge | A | 34 | AB | Glenarm | 18/01/1888 | Drowned | Glasgow | SS Glen Gelder | Aberdeen | ||
O'Neill | Chas. | 33 | Fireman | Co. Down | 08/01/1888 | Drowned | Sheep Is. Milford | SS Mary E Wadham | Barrow | wreck | |
Cullen | James | 16 | Boy | Ireland | 24/01/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Christiana | Dublin | ||
Hernin | Thos. | 22 | AB | Dundalk | 27/01/1888 | Accident | Liverpool | SS Vancouver | Liverpool | ||
Kayes | John | 34 | Seaman | Ireland | 15/01/1888 | Drowned | Ranavola | Belfast | |||
Lawton | M | 54 | AB | Queenstown | 03/01/1888 | Drowned | St Olaves | St John NB | |||
Pendergast | Edwd | 35 | Fireman | Waterford | 19/07/1888 | Drowned | Fenit | SS Tredegar | Cardiff | ||
Sheehan | Michael | 30 | Fisherman | Ireland | 12/02/1888 | Drowned | Kilchee Bay | F. Ajax | Limerick | ||
Sheehan | Patrick | 28 | Fisherman | Ireland | 12/02/1888 | Drowned | Kilchee Bay | F. Ajax | Limerick | ||
Spencer | F. W | 41 | Cook | Belfast | 24/01/1888 | General decline | at sea | County of Caithness | Glasgow | ||
Brady | P | 23 | Fireman | Armagh | 09/01/1888 | Skull fracture | St. Christopher | SS Moruca | Glasgow | ||
Cain | Patrick | 27 | Steward | Longford | 01/01/1888 | Exposure | at sea | SS Maud | Whitby | also included in 1887 | |
Dunn | D | 28 | 2nd Mate | Dublin | 30/01/1888 | Drowned | Washington Terr. | Abercorn | Glasgow | wreck | |
Hearty | Simon | 24 | AB | Dundalk | 23/02/1888 | Meningitis | at sea | SS Vancouver | Liverpool | ||
McCormick | James | 38 | AB | Ireland | 05/01/1888 | Fall from aloft | at sea | Larnica | Windsor NS | ||
O'Brien | David | 27 | Youghal | 31/01/1888 | Drowned | Bristol Channel | Albert | Youghal | |||
Roney | Daniel | 45 | Mate | Ardglass | 14/02/1888 | Drowned | R. Mersey | Ann Summer | Lancaster | wreck | |
Wilson | Adam | 28 | Cook | Dundalk | 30/01/1888 | Drowned | Washington Terr. | Abercorn | Glasgow | wreck | |
Bannon | Geo. | 28 | Boatswain | Waterford | 11/03/1888 | Drowned | off Lundy | SS City of Exeter | Exeter | wreck | |
Beaumont | Foxton Hy. | 19 | Apprentice | Waterford | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | English Channel | City of Corinth | Glasgow | wreck | |
Brien | John | 44 | Master | Sligo | 13/03/1888 | Drowned | Luce Bay | SS Galgorm Castle | Belfast | wreck | |
Burns | Michael | 44 | Fireman | Roscommon | 19/03/1888 | General debility | at sea | SS Africa | London | ||
Burns | Thos. | 37 | AB | Arklow | 05/02/1888 | Drowned | Buenos Aires | Aeronaut | Yarmouth NS | ||
Carey | Thos. | 43 | AB | Belfast | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | English Channel | City of Corinth | Glasgow | wreck | |
Connor | James | 56 | Master | Wicklow | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | St Catherina | Scotia | Ayr | ||
Dorruim | John | 30 | AB | Belfast | 30/03/1888 | Drowned | Ibraila | SS Eddlethorpe | Hartlepool | ||
Doyle | J | 25 | AB | Kingstown | 28/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Highfield | Liverpool | ||
Doyle | Michael | 29 | AB | Wexford | 28/03/1888 | Accident | Newport, Mon. | Petrel | Wexford | ||
Flynn | John | 26 | AB | Kinsale | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Java | Aberdeen | wreck | |
Foley | Peter | 26 | Fireman | Sligo | 13/03/1888 | Drowned | Luce Bay | SS Galgorm Castle | Belfast | wreck | |
Gartland | Thos. | 41 | Fireman | Newry | 17/04/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Favonian | Liverpool | ||
Gillen | Michael | 26 | Cook | Sligo | 13/03/1888 | Drowned | Luce Bay | SS Galgorm Castle | Belfast | wreck | |
Goodwin | Thos. | 41 | AB | Co. Down | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | English Channel | City of Corinth | Glasgow | wreck | |
Hart | H | 30 | AB | Queenstown | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Java | Aberdeen | wreck | |
Harvey | Jas | 36 | Cook | Drogheda | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | English Channel | City of Corinth | Glasgow | wreck | |
Heaney | Pat. | 28 | AB | Dublin | 24/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Sheikh | Liverpool | ||
Henderson | Wm | 50 | AB | Dublin | 22/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Elgin | Dublin | ||
McCarthy | John | 48 | Fireman | Ireland | 15/03/1888 | Burnt by steam | at sea | SS Lahu | Germany | ||
McNamara | Thos. | 26 | AB | Cork | 10/04/1888 | Suffocation | Middlesborough | SS Sirocco | Liverpool | ||
Moorhead | Arthur | 19 | AB | Glenarm | 13/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Ossuna | |||
Mulligan | M | 34 | AB | Dungarvon | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Java | Aberdeen | wreck | |
Murphy | John | 42 | Engineer | Dublin | 13/03/1888 | Drowned | Luce Bay | SS Galgorm Castle | Belfast | wreck | |
Nolan | J | 21 | AB | Baltimore, Cork | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Java | Aberdeen | wreck | |
O'Neil | Andrew | 42 | Boatswain | Ireland | 15/04/1888 | Muscular strain | SS Syphnx | Liverpool | |||
Roberts | A C | 23 | 3rd Mate | Wexford | 19/02/1888 | Buenos Aires | SS Teutonia | Newcastle | discharged from ship before demise | ||
Sullivan | Jeremiah | 25 | Fireman | Cork | 27/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Caerau | Newport | ||
Tooey | Edwd | 27 | Fireman | Roscommon | 13/03/1888 | Drowned | Luce Bay | SS Galgorm Castle | Belfast | wreck | |
Tracey | Sam | 51 | Mate | Sligo | 13/03/1888 | Drowned | Luce Bay | SS Galgorm Castle | Belfast | wreck | |
Tumulty | S | 19 | OS | Belfast | 13/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Ossuna | |||
Waddell | Robt | 55 | Mate | Portaferry | 16/02/1888 | Fall from aloft | Maryport | Betty | Belfast | ||
Walsh | Michael | 40 | Ireland | 27/03/1888 | Drowned | Errishannar | St. Columbia | Galway | |||
Wilson | Hy. Matt | 19 | Apprentice | Blagden | 08/03/1888 | Drowned | English Channel | City of Corinth | Glasgow | wreck | |
Archer | Nicholas | 17 | Fisherman | Bray | 14/02/1888 | Drowned | off Bray | F. Joseph | Dublin | wreck | |
Dunn | Jos. | 35 | AB | Dublin | 01/01/1888 | Chronic Diarrhoea | Rangoon | Khersonese | London | sometime in 1888 | |
Houston | A | 48 | Fireman | Londonderry | 29/04/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Blackwatch | Cardiff | ||
McGill | John | 20 | Islandmagee | 14/04/1888 | Fall from aloft | Galway Bay | Volant | Belfast | |||
McGowan | G | 28 | Fireman | Donegal | 24/03/1888 | at sea | SS Burnley | Glasgow | |||
Martin | Michael | 21 | AB | Ireland | 18/05/1888 | Drowned | SS Simon | Liverpool | |||
Mulligan | John | 19 | Fisherman | Bray | 14/02/1888 | Drowned | off Bray | F. Joseph | Dublin | wreck | |
Smith | Wm | 40 | Fireman | Armagh | 29/04/1888 | Falmouth | SS Ada | London | |||
Stokes | Patrick | 21 | Seaman | Wicklow | 01/05/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Edward Whitely | Runcorn | ||
Wisnom | Saml | 54 | Master | Carrickfergus | 07/03/1888 | Heart Disease | Swansea | Aurora | Belfast | ||
Campbell | R | 30 | Sail maker | Belfast | 21/02/1888 | Consumption | Star of Denmark | Belfast | |||
Connelly | Peter | 31 | Fireman | Co. Down | 21/05/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Aurania | Liverpool | ||
Eastham | James | 35 | Fireman | Belfast | 02/03/1888 | Inflammation of the lungs | at sea | SS Australian | Liverpool | ||
Hooke | Richard | 49 | AB | Waterford | 06/06/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Euclid | Liverpool | ||
McGlinchy | Wm | 47 | AB | Belfast | 04/06/1888 | Drowned | Irish Sea | Henry Gilbert | Belfast | ||
McHenry | John | 58 | AB | Limerick | 05/01/1888 | Dropsy | Negapatam | Scottish Glens | Liverpool | ||
McIntyre | Daniel | 24 | Waterford | 11/02/1888 | Fall from aloft | at sea | Governor Wilmot | St John NB | |||
Napier | R | 22 | 3rd Mate | Downpatrick | 31/05/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Star of Germany | Belfast | ||
O'Flynn | M | 24 | 2nd Eng | Ireland | 29/02/1888 | Smallpox | at sea | SS Eslington | Cardiff | ||
Ouzman | Wm | Pilot | Queenstown | 24/04/1888 | Dropsy | Assel | Ayr | ||||
Rodgers | Wm | 24 | Sail maker | Belfast | 20/02/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Star of Russia | Belfast | ||
Bailie | David | 54 | Master | Belfast | 01/04/1888 | Murdered | at sea | Dovenby Hall | Liverpool | ||
Campbell | Robt | 34 | Carpenter | Belfast | 24/04/1888 | Brisbane | County of Forfar | Belfast | |||
Carroll | Dennis | 42 | 4th Mate | Wexford | 02/02/1888 | Diarrhoea | Liverpool | SS Toronto | Liverpool | ||
Dugan | James | 43 | AB | Belfast | 30/06/1888 | Accident | Bayonne, New Jersey | Governor Wilmot | St John NB | Jammed b'ween wire rope & hawser | |
Feeley | John | 31 | Carpenter | Leitrim | 20/06/1888 | Consumption | Amsterdam | SS Restitution | Liverpool | ||
Ferguson | John | 50 | Mate | Dundalk | 25/01/1888 | Smallpox | Hong Kong | SS Killarney | Dublin | ||
Hurley | Philip | 37 | Steward | Dublin | 11/07/1888 | Apoplexy | at sea | SS Merton Hall | |||
Kavanagh | Patrick | 55 | AB | Wicklow | 25/05/1888 | Heart Disease | Garston | St. Kevin | Dublin | ||
Keeffe | M | 40 | Sail maker | Ireland | 21/05/1888 | Heat Apoplexy | Columba | Liverpool | |||
MacAlister | Saml | 25 | AB | Carrickfergus | 25/06/1888 | Drowned | Ayr | Agenoria | Liverpool | ||
McGinty | Arthur | 27 | Trimmer | Ireland | 28/06/1888 | Apoplexy | SS Britannic | Liverpool | |||
McMurty | John | 34 | Boatswain | Islandmagee | 10/06/1888 | Drowned | St. Domingo | SS Lismore | Belfast | wreck | |
Mearns | Jas. C | 27 | 4th Eng | Belfast | 10/06/1888 | Drowned | St. Domingo | SS Lismore | Belfast | wreck | |
Sheridan | 26 | Ass. Eng. | Londonderry | 05/06/1888 | Acute congestion of lungs | Portsmouth | SS Dundonald | Glasgow | |||
Small | Wm | 48 | Master | Co. Down | 15/01/1888 | Drowned | Workington | Maud | Belfast | ||
Haughey | Owen | 19 | AB | Dundalk | 11/03/1888 | Fall from aloft | Troon | Daniel Yorke | Dundalk | ||
Carroll | Henry | 18 | Trimmer | Ireland | Belfast | 25/07/1888 | Drowned | Barrow | SS Manxman | Barrow | accidentally thrown from wheel in paddle box |
Brown | Wm | 43 | Wexford | 03/06/1888 | Apoplexy | at sea | SS Syphnx | Liverpool | |||
Classon | P | 33 | AB | Ireland | Wellington | 24/07/1888 | Cholera | SS Tekapo | Dunedin | ||
Dawson | Robt | 20 | OS | Belfast | 20/07/1888 | Fall from aloft | Seaham Harbour | Dagmar | Faversham | ||
Flood | Jas | 21 | OS | Dublin | Drogheda | 13/06/1888 | Fell o/board | 48°40' N 8°40'W | Epsilon | whilst drawing water | |
Gannon | Patk | 48 | Fireman | Galway | Liverpool | 28/04/1888 | Heart Disease & Consumption | 35°N 13°W | SS Clement | Liverpool | |
Loughlin | Thos. | 21 | Mate | Youghal | Youghal | 03/08/1888 | Fell o/board | 4ml SW/W Troon | Citizen | Youghal | Knocked o/b by main gaff |
McIntyre | Daniel | 24 | AB | Waterford | New York | 11/02/1888 | Fell from mizzen top | at sea | SS Sybil | London | |
McKeown | James | 23 | AB | Co. Down | 29/03/1888 | Killed | Belfast Graving Dock | SS No. 3 (Dredge Hopper) | Killed by the fall of iron bucket | ||
McSherry | Edwd | 62 | Master | Killough | 17/01/1888 | Haemorrhage of lungs | Maryport | Gartsherrie | Maryport | ||
Mates | Michael | 40 | Mate | Ireland | Dublin | 09/04/1888 | Immersion | Hosp. Bristol | Arab | Dublin | |
Nellaney | Danl | 26 | Trimmer | Sligo | 310 Wellington St., Glasgow | 24/07/1888 | Drowned | 31°48'N 31°30'E | SS City of Canterbury | Glasgow | |
O'Flynn | Maurice | 24 | 2nd Eng | Ireland | Lorrah, Ireland | 29/02/1888 | Smallpox | off Algiers | SS Eslington | ||
Quick | Wm | 27 | Fireman | Ireland | Cork | 21/08/1888 | Drowned | Middlesborough | SS Bellini | London | |
Reynolds | Albert | 26 | Seaman | Ireland | Liverpool | 04/02/1888 | Heart Disease | Gilcruix | Liverpool | ||
Rock | John | 31 | Fireman | Belfast | 65 Athol St., Liverpool | 16/07/1888 | Parotitis & meningitis | Hosp. Said | SS Cuba | Liverpool | |
Rothwell | John Owen | 20 | Apprentice | Earlstown | 20/01/1888 | Drowned | 37°10'N 22°6'W | Mangalore | Liverpool | Fell o/b from aloft | |
Sheehan | Patk | 40 | Fireman | Cork | Pontyglassadur St., Swansea | 11/07/1888 | Sunstroke | Leghorn | SS Cornucoppia | Sunderland | |
Alexander | John | 28 | AB | Glenarm | Belfast | 06/09/1888 | Killed | Antwerp | SS Rosalind | Chester | Accidentally killed on railway |
Brown | Wm | 45 | Fireman | Wexford | 03/06/1888 | Heart Apoplexy | 6°0'S 27°0'W | SS Syphnx | Liverpool | (see 96 Eddie)*********** | |
Donald | Rbt | 27 | Carpenter | Carrickfergus | Green St., Carrickfergus | 13/07/1888 | Drowned | Pt. Willinga S. Aust. | Star of Greece | Belfast | wreck |
Driscoll | Geo. | 34 | Cook | Kinsale | 04/08/1888 | Hepatitis & Dysentery | Hosp. Said | SS Malek | London | ||
Hilfirty | James | 27 | Fireman | Dublin | 04/04/1888 | Sunstroke | Sulina | SS Knight Templar | North Shields | ||
Johnson | J W | 29 | Ireland | Calcutta | 01/09/1888 | Heart Disease | 37°N 30°E "Dacca" | British Isles | Liverpool | ||
McCabe | P | 54 | AB | Dublin | 19 Grey St., Liverpool | 12/08/1888 | Bilious Remittent Fever | 9°28'N 15° 20'W | SS Teneriffe | Glasgow | |
Malloy | John | 21 | AB | Dublin | Dublin | 22/05/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Sherborough | Glasgow | |
McNeill | Sam | 18 | Seaman | Belfast | 20/09/1888 | Drowned | River Mersey | Velocity | Leith | Fell o/b | |
Morgan | James | 20 | AB | Dundalk | 24/04/1888 | Killed | General Terminus Glasgow | Siloam | Dundee | Run over by railway engine 02.30 | |
Mountain | John | 48 | AB | Dungarvon | 30/08/1888 | Drowned | Irish Sea | Eugenie | Barrow | wreck | |
Muir | Rob | Stowaway | 13/07/1888 | Drowned | Pt. Willinga, S. Aust. | Star of Greece | Belfast | wreck | |||
Nelson | Charles | 22 | AB | Dublin | 08/08/1888 | Drowned | Delaware Bay | Recovery | Windsor NS | ||
O'Hara | Arthur | 38 | Fireman | Ireland | Armagh | 21/08/1888 | Chronic hepatitis | Quarantine Hosp. R. Mississippi | SS Texan | Liverpool | |
Pender | Tho | 22 | OS | Waterford | 30/08/1888 | Drowned | Irish Sea | Eugenie | Barrow | wreck | |
Rowlyn | John | Stowaway | 13/07/1888 | Drowned | Pt. Willinga, S. Aust. | Star of Greece | Belfast | aka McVicar wreck | |||
Sheridan | Thomas | 50 | Fireman | Londonderry | 16/08/1888 | Heart Disease | 9°8' S 34°27' W | SS Strabo | Liverpool | ||
Waugh | W R | 23 | 2nd Mate | Donaghadee | Belfast | 13/07/1888 | Drowned | Pt. Willinga, S. Aust. | Star of Greece | Belfast | wreck |
Bramold | John | 36 | Fireman | Newry | Poole | 29/09/1888 | Drowned | Poole | SS Broderick Castle | Poole | fell off quay at night |
Cromie | Francis | Fireman | Killeavy | Killeavy | 19/07/1888 | Run over by a van | Jersey | SS Bay Fisher | Barrow | ||
Finlay | John | 31 | AB | Dublin | 13/10/1888 | Injury at sea | Greenwich Hospital | SS Romulus | Sunderland | Injured with waves breaking on board North Sea | |
Gray | Patrick | 25 | Seaman | Ireland | 21/10/1888 | Inflammation of the lungs | at sea | SS Earl of Erne | Dundalk | passenger | |
Henry | James | 36 | Trimmer | Armagh | Cardiff | 26/09/1888 | Heat Apoplexy | SS Strathearn | Glasgow | ||
Hill | Edward | 20 | AB | Belfast | 58 Ulsterville Ave., Belfast | 01/10/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Norman | Maitland NS | fell overboard |
McGowan | G | 28 | Fireman | Donegal | Glasgow | 24/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | SS Burnley | Glasgow | |
McMenamy | John | 28 | 2nd Mate | Belfast | 04/07/1888 | Pericarditis acute | St Thomas | SS Lismore | Belfast | & Paralysis cordis | |
McShane | Peter | 33 | Fireman | Carlingford | Liverpool | 26/06/1888 | 36°56' S 8°57' W | SS Stentor | Liverpool | ||
Maguire | Charles | 26 | Seaman | Ireland | Liverpool | 18/09/1888 | Chronic dysentery | Seafarer | Liverpool | ||
O'Sullivan | I D | 43 | Steward | Cork | 5 Kennet Rd., Paddington | 20/08/1888 | Heart Disease | at sea | SS Ancona | Greenock | |
Russell | James | 48 | Mate | Bangor | 13 Abyssinia St., Liverpool | 16/09/1888 | Stabbed | on ship | Balmoral | Liverpool | |
Sunnerton | Thompson | 21 | AB | Belfast | 26/05/1888 | Drowned | 36° 5' S 22° 0' E | Cooleen | Belfast | washed overboard | |
Walsh | Daniel | 25 | AB | Queenstown | 22/09/1888 | Drowned | 43° 58' N 41°20' W | Thomas Hilyard | St John NB | washed overboard | |
Blacker | E. J. L. | 34 | Surgeon | Ireland | Dublin | 24/09/1888 | Bright's Disease | New Jersey | SS Tower Hill | Liverpool | |
Callanan | Michael | 49 | Cook | Ireland | Liverpool | 28/08/1888 | Dysentery | Bussorah Hospital | SS Marlborough | London | |
Campbell | Samuel | 34 | Master | Co. Down | Downpatrick | 08/11/1888 | Drowned | Dublin | SS Fairhead | Belfast | fell into river while embarking |
Cain | John | 44 | AB | Cork | 07/11/1888 | Drowned | ESE of Lizard | SS Nantes | Glasgow | wreck | |
Doyle | John | 29 | Fireman | Wexford | 30 Warren St., Liverpool | 21/11/1888 | Accidental killing | Liverpool | SS Michigan | Liverpool | before joining ship |
English | John | 24 | AB | Belfast | 08/07/1888 | Palsy | Lord Downshire | Belfast | |||
Grear | Alex | 25 | AB | Belfast | 41 York St., Belfast | 31/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Trevelyan | Southampton | or 130 Broomielaw, Glasgow /// vessel missing |
Innes | Patrick | 39 | AB | Wexford | Library Banks North Shields | 04/11/1888 | Drowned | English Channel | SS Saxmundam | London | wreck |
Johnston | Rob. M | 21 | 2nd Mate | Belfast | 135 Agnes St., Belfast | 10/01/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Borzone | Chatham NB | vessel missing |
King | James | 21 | AB | Ireland | Penarth | 25/03/1888 | Drowned | 34° 53' N 16°25' W | Onesta | Liverpool | fell from aloft and overboard |
Loughlin | Martin | 22 | AB | Dublin | 07/11/1888 | Drowned | ESE of Lizard | SS Nantes | Glasgow | wreck | |
Loughlin | David | 26 | AB | Dublin | Liverpool | 07/11/1888 | Drowned | ESE of Lizard | SS Nantes | Glasgow | wreck |
McAllister | Alex | 60 | Boatswain | Belfast | Belfast | 13/08/1888 | Fell into lower hold | 55° 10' N 9° 30' W | Thornhill | Cork | |
McDaid | Henry | 53 | Fireman | Londonderry | 01/09/1888 | Drowned | 40 ml off Cape St. Vincent | SS Hughenden | West Hartlepool | wreck | |
McMullin | Wm | 34 | Master | Larne | Belfast | 14/06/1888 | Yellow Fever | Rio de Janeiro Hosp. | Sarah | Falmouth | |
Murray | John | 42 | AB | Portaferry | Portaferry | 12/11/1888 | SS Fairhead | ||||
Murray | John | 30 | Fireman | Waterford | 06/10/1888 | Dysentery | Calcutta | SS Bombay | London | ||
Mustell | Fred | Fireman | Waterford | 07/11/1888 | Drowned | ESE of Lizard | SS Nantes | Glasgow | wreck | ||
Myers | Hugh | 19 | OS | Belfast | 13/07/1888 | Fell from aloft | Lord Downshire | Belfast | |||
Moxfield | Charles | 54 | AB | New York | 9 E Houston St., NY | 31/03/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Trevelyan | Southampton | vessel missing |
O'Keefe | Michael | 40 | Sail maker | Ireland | Liverpool | 21/05/1888 | Heat Apoplexy | Calcutta | Columba | Liverpool | |
Roberts | Frank | 31 | AB | Lougharne | 16/05/1888 | Drowned | Melanesia | Liverpool | vessel missing | ||
Sheehan | Edward | 24 | AB | Queenstown | Cardiff | 10/09/1888 | Drowned | Romsdal | Glasgow | capsized punt | |
Sullivan | John | 28 | AB | Ireland | Castletownsend | 18/04/1888 | Drowned | R. Scheldt | Reaper | Truro | |
Barnes | John | 21 | AB | Belfast | 07/04/1888 | Drowned | Tierra del Fuego | Glenmore | Liverpool | wreck | |
Bartley | David | 25 | Cook | Belfast | 07/04/1888 | Drowned | Tierra del Fuego | Glenmore | Liverpool | wreck | |
Beattie | Wm | 22 | AB | Belfast | 07/04/1888 | Drowned | Tierra del Fuego | Glenmore | Liverpool | wreck | |
Bowden | T or S | 27 | AB | Liverpool | 03/10/1888 | Fell from aloft | 58° 45' S 64° 00' W | Star of Russia | Belfast | whilst climbing down | |
Colvin | Michael | 40 | Seaman | Arklow | 15/12/1888 | Fell into hold | Dublin | SS Monica | Dublin | ||
Connelly | Joseph | 20 | AB | Ireland | Skerries | 16/11/1888 | Drowned | Orme's Head | Village Belle | Dublin | |
Courtney | Thomas | AB | Belfast | Park Cottage, Sydenham | 02/07/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Renfrewshire | Glasgow | vessel missing | |
Cummins | Matthew | 37 | Master | Wexford | 4 Royal Buildings, Uddingston | 02/07/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Renfrewshire | Glasgow | vessel missing |
Davey | Hugh | 58 | Mate | Carrickfergus | 62 Carrick St., Glasgow | 09/11/1888 | Consumption | Funchal Hosp. | Valez Sarsfield | Glasgow | |
Finlay | James | 60 | Master | Comber | Broughty Ferry | 05/12/1888 | Apoplexy | Broughty Ferry | Duncairn | Liverpool | |
Fleming | Wm | 20 | AB | Belfast | 07/04/1888 | Drowned | Tierra del Fuego | Glenmore | Liverpool | wreck | |
Holland | Thomas | 48 | AB | Belfast | Cardiff | 18/10/1888 | Dropsy | Childwall | Liverpool | ||
Kean | Thomas | 56 | Fisherman | Co. Dublin | Rush, Co. Dublin | 03/12/1888 | Drowned | 2mls NE Kish | Twin Sisters | Dublin | capsized boat |
Keys | James | 41 | Ireland | 09/09/1888 | Dysentery | at sea | Brixham | Brixham | |||
Leonard | Patrick | 58 | Fisherman | Co. Dublin | Rush, Co. Dublin | 03/12/1888 | Drowned | 2mls NE Kish | Twin Sisters | Dublin | capsized boat |
Lindsay | James | 39 | Seaman | Ireland | 54 Lemon St., Liverpool | 10/02/1888 | Drowned | Aleppo | Glasgow | ||
McBride | John | 30 | 1st Mate | Belfast | 02/12/1888 | Drowned | Laroque, R. Gironde | St. Patrick | St John NB | return to ship boat capsized | |
McCracken | Wm | 17 | OS | Belfast | 07/04/1888 | Drowned | Tierra del Fuego | Glenmore | Liverpool | wreck | |
McDowell | Joseph | 27 | Fireman | Londonderry | 66 Aspinall St., Liverpool | 03/12/1888 | Drowned | Calcutta | SS City of Bombay | Glasgow | |
McFerran | Robt. | 18 | Cabin boy | Carrickfergus | 07/04/1888 | Drowned | Tierra del Fuego | Glenmore | Liverpool | wreck | |
McGivern | Robt. | 46 | Fireman | Belfast | Goole | 08/12/1888 | Drowned | 53° 47' N 4° 30' E | SS Altona | Goole | stumbled over deck cargo & fell into sea |
Madden | Henry | 49 | AB | Belfast | 27/05/1888 | Heart Disease | 38° 23' S 4° 39'W | Fairlie | Liverpool | ||
Mills | Geo. Roger | 19 | Apprentice | Dublin | 4 Merrin Rd., Dublin | 02/07/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Renfrewshire | Glasgow | vessel missing |
O'Hara | Rob | 46 | Carpenter | Dublin | Liverpool | 24/11/1888 | Drowned | off the Smalls | SS Thebes | Liverpool | washed overboard in heavy seas |
O'Neill | James | 24 | AB | Antrim | Fairhaven | 02/07/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Renfrewshire | Glasgow | vessel missing |
Reilly | Ben | 23 | AB | Londonderry | 32 Alma St., Londonderry | 02/07/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Renfrewshire | Glasgow | vessel missing |
Toomey | Pat | 44 | Fireman | Wicklow | 01/12/1888 | Drowned | Wilmington | SS Helmsley | West Hartlepool | fell overboard whilst returning to ship at night | |
Troy | Edward | 21 | AB | Cork | 02/02/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Oithona | Liverpool | vessel missing | |
Vaughan | Edward | 48 | Fisherman | Ireland | Stillman St., Plymouth | 27/11/1888 | Drowned | Plymouth Sound | boat capsized in a gale | ||
Walpole | James | 21 | Cork | Whitegate, Cork | 05/12/1888 | Drowned | off Eddystone | Hannah | fell o/b from gallant yard | ||
West | Wm. Hy | 23 | AB | Louth | 08/07/1888 | Drowned | San Jose de Norte | Rescue | London | fell from boat returning at night | |
Arthurs | James | 43 | Master | Islandmagee | 21/12/1888 | Drowned | Credden Bay, Waterford | Etta | Belfast | wreck | |
Becker | Fred. Wm | 18 | Apprentice | Ireland | Cork | 01/12/1888 | Drowned | Araby Maid | Leith | fell from aloft and overboard | |
Campbell | James | 46 | Engineer | Belfast | Liverpool | 02/01/1888 | Drowned | Garston Dock | SS Cambria | Llanelli | fell off pier head at night |
Clarke | Michael | 35 | Stowaway | Ireland | Port Natal | 02/03/1888 | Drowned | Port Augusta | Mersey | London | fell off gangway whilst embarking |
Cogan | Maurice | 44 | Master | Cork | Passage West | 30/11/1888 | Drowned | Goodwin Sands | Fred Thomson | Cork | wreck |
Comyns | J.C. | 46 | 1st Engineer | Dublin | 09/12/1888 | Heart Disease | Maryport | SS West Cumberland | Maryport | ||
Cronican | James | 38 | AB | Waterford | Dungarvon, Waterford | 26/12/1888 | General debility | 49° 47' N 10° 30'W | SS Osmanli | Liverpool | |
Hayes | Thomas | 48 | Cook | Cork | Passage West | 30/11/1888 | Drowned | Goodwin Sands | Fred Thomson | Cork | wreck |
Hoggan | Patrick | 22 | AB | Wicklow | Sailors Home Cardiff | 22/12/1888 | Drowned | 42° 40' N 29° 37'W | SS Bellcairn | West Hartlepool | fell overboard |
Kearon | Rob | 39 | Master | Arklow | 3 Trinity Terrace, Limerick | 12/11/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Hannibal | Dublin | vessel missing |
Kearon | Thom | 18 | Mate | Arklow | 3 Trinity Terrace, Limerick | 12/11/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Hannibal | Dublin | vessel missing |
Cromarty | Wm | 59 | AB | Orkney | 12/11/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Hannibal | Dublin | vessel missing | |
Keelan | Thom | 19 | Trimmer | Dublin | Dublin | 27/12/1888 | Drowned | Belfast | SS Lady Eglinton | Dublin | fell into dock whilst disembarking |
Kirk | Sam | 25 | 2nd Mate | Dublin | 70 Burleigh Rd., Liverpool | 13/02/1888 | Drowned | 34° 44' N 20° 52' W | Elvira | Liverpool | |
Lish | Rob | 33 | AB | Queenstown | 11/12/1888 | Phthsis | Malta | Irrawaddy | Glasgow | ||
Little | Thomas | 25 | Seaman | Ireland | 25/12/1888 | Accidental drowning | SS North Britain | London | |||
Madden | Daniel | Mate | Corkl | 30/11/1888 | Drowned | Goodwin Sands | Fred Thomson | Cork | wreck | ||
Murphy | Patrick | 34 | Sail maker | Queenstown | Penarth | 15/02/1888 | Drowned | 40° 8'N 16° 21' W | Falconhurst | London | |
Murray | Thomas | 30 | Mate | Dungarvon | 17/11/1888 | Heart Disease | Cork | Peri | Liverpool | ||
Mackin | Lawrence | 34 | Fireman | Londonderry | Newport | 30/12/1888 | Fell into hold | Seville | SS Baines Hawkins | Newcastle | winch ropes slipped |
Robinson | Oswald | 20 | OS | Ireland | Passage West, Cork | 31/10/1888 | Fell from aloft | 29° 48' S 27° 17'W | John Gill | Pictou NS | |
Skelton | John | 32 | AB | Arklow | 12/11/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Hannibal | Dublin | vessel missing | |
Stewart | George | 33 | AB | Co. Down | Liverpool | 28/12/1888 | Pneumonia bronchitis | 42° 40' N 61°40'W | SS Germanic | Liverpool | |
Tyrell | John | 17 | Cook | Arklow | 12/11/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Hannibal | Dublin | vessel missing | |
Unknown | 30 | Stowaway | Ireland | 08/12/1888 | Killed during collision | Barking Reach, R. Thames | SS Recepta | London | |||
Carroll | Patrick | 22 | AB | Wexford | Liverpool | 05/12/1888 | Acute pththsis | Buenos Aires | SS Hesperides | Liverpool | |
Doyle | James | 26 | Donkeyman | Belfast | 87 Brook St., Birkenhead | 06/12/1888 | Drowned | Egersund | SS Hartlepool | West Hartlepool | wreck |
Gray | Patrick | 32 | Fireman | Limerick | 34 Milford St., Liverpool | 24/12/1888 | Drowned | off Welsh coast | SS Gulf of Guayaquil | Greenock | collision of vessel |
Hale | George | 45 | AB | Dublin | Rotterdam | 29/12/1888 | Drowned | 50° 41'N 0° 30'E | Veronica | St John NB | fell overboard |
McGhee | Daniel | 64 | Mussel fisherman | Ireland | Blackbull Close, Port Glasgow | 07/02/1888 | Drowned | R. Clyde | Greenock | boat swamped | |
Matthews | Michael | 42 | AB | Galway | Liverpool | 13/08/1888 | Drowned | Columbia river | Dunboyne | Dublin | fell overboard |
Minch (Dunn) | Patrick | 26 | AB | Dublin | Rotterdam | 12/12/1888 | Drowned | 47° 40'N 11° 30'W | Granville Belle | Annapolis NS | fell overboard |
O'Neill | Robert | Fireman | Co. Antrim | 5 Candia St., Liverpool | 24/12/1888 | Drowned | off Welsh coast | SS Gulf of Guayaquil | Greenock | collision of vessel | |
Regan | Michael | 25 | AB | Kinsale | Kinsale | 06/12/1888 | Drowned | Egersund | SS Hartlepool | West Hartlepool | wreck |
Rooney | Henry Wm | 16 | Apprentice | Dublin | 14/11/1888 | Drowned | Valparasio | Kirkmichael | Liverpool | whilst scraping ship side | |
Skelton | Patrick | 35 | Mussel fisherman | Ireland | 07/02/1888 | Drowned | R.Clyde | Greenock | boat swamped | ||
Farley | Stephen | 22 | AB | Kinsale | 28/07/1888 | Drowned | 48° S 61°W | Tweedsdale | Glasgow | fell from aloft | |
Kelly | James | 28 | AB | Limerick | 22/09/1888 | Heart Disease | Calcutta | Bracadale | Glasgow | ||
McGiggan | Alexander | 26 | AB | Co. Antrim | Antwerp | 27/12/1888 | Drowned | 46° N 20°W | Nimbus | Windsor NS | fell overboard |
McLernon | Patrick | 40 | 1st Mate | Islandmagee | 1888 ? | Sydney Hospital | Sea bird | ||||
Millar | Joseph | 22 | Sail maker | Belfast | 25/11/1888 | Drowned | 27° 7'N 64° 10'W | Curlew | Belfast | fell overboard | |
Rogan | James | 18 | Boy | Bangor | 31/08/1888 | Fell from aloft | 53° 47'S 76° 43'W | Bebington | Belfast | ||
Carter | John | 40 | AB | Dublin | 2 Windmill St., Limerick | 28/03/1888 | Drowned | Mintio Bar | British Princess | Port Glasgow | stranded vessel |
Brady | John | 39 | AB | Dublin | 5 Susses St., Poplar, London | 20/10/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Bay of Cadiz | London | vessel missing |
Ellis | Wm | 48 | Master | Arklow | 75 Nixons Buildings, Dublin | 09/11/1888 | Injuries whilst stranded | Cahore Point | Margaret Johnston | Dublin | |
Galgey | Henry | 26 | 2nd Mate | Passage E. Waterford | Sailors Home Cardiff | 04/12/1888 | Fell from deck to lighter | Iquique | Beemah | Liverpool | |
Murphy | Patrick | Seaman | Belfast | 01/12/1888 | Drowned | Valencia | Clio | Wasa (Russia) | vessel missing | ||
Collins | P | AB | Queenstown | 16/11/1888 | Drowned | at sea | Natal | Aberdeen | vessel missing | ||
Mooney | James | 20 | Fisherman | Ballintra, Arranmore | 22/08/1888 | Drowned | Aileen Rocks | Vine | Sligo | stranded vessel | |
O'Donnell | Jack | 26 | Fisherman | Affont, Arranmore | 22/08/1888 | Drowned | Aileen Rocks | Vine | Sligo | stranded vessel |