Register of Deceased Seamen

Extracts from Register of Deceased Seamen 1890-1891

Extracted from the Registers of Deceased Seamen held in the special collections archive of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow. The following gave their birthplace as Belfast.

This list is presented in date order but you can sort the table - ascending or descending - by any column by clicking on the relevant header.


McCLEMENT (John), 44, 1st Mate, exposure between2nd and 14th October 1889 off the the Falkland Islands - Arethusa.

BOYDE (Wm J), 44, AB, drowned after vessel sank on 11th February 1890 in the English Channel - SS Deeside.

CALVERT (Jos.), 32, surgeon, from natural causes on 6th September 1889 in the English Channel - SS Akassa.

BUCKLEY (M A), 30, 2nd mate, (12 North Ann St. Belfast), supposed drowned on 20 January 1890 at sea - SS Hesper.

FERGUSON (Saml), 21, seaman, (36 Jennymount Terrace, Belfast), drowned whilst bringing up anchor on 15 March 1890 at Ardrossan - SS Grampus

HERRON (W), 24, AB, drowned on 26 January 1890 off Callantsoog, Holland - Loch Moidart.

McATEER (W R), 28, 1st mate, (56 Trevelyan Terr., Belfast), presumed drowned (vessel missing) 20 January 1890 - SS Hesper.

MANN (Robt), seaman, liver complaint on 8 December 1888 in Aguadillo, Porto Rico - W.R Chester (American schooner).

PATTEN (John), 33, AB, of dysentary on 5 September 1889 at 8 degrees 41' N by 91 degrees 9' E - Assel.

DICKSON (Wm), 23, carpenter, on 24 March 1890 in British Hospital Montevideo - Ulidia.

MOONEY (Daniel), 55, fireman, supposed heavy cold on 20 May 1890 in the Baltic - Hesleyside.

AGAR (Th.), 23, OS, (Portaferry), drowned on 10 June 1890 - Vivid.

KANE (Thomas), 32, fireman, fell into no. 2 hold on 16 June 1890 at Cronstadt - SS James Groves.

JENKINS (Francis), 30, 2nd mate, breaking of blood vessel on 16 June 1890 at Fort de France, Martinique - SS Matthew Bedlington.

HENDERSON (H), 35, AB, washed overboard from the Scottish Wizard.

WALSH (David), 33, AB, drowned whilst bathing on 3 August 1890 at Quebec - Thomas Hillyard.

ADAMS (M), 55, lamp trimmer, fever in seaman's hospital Colombo on 3 September 1890 - SS Hankow

DOWEY (Michael), 38, Master, from supposed sunstroke on 15 Feb. 1890 in French hospital Zanzibar - Roanoke.

MERCER (Richard), 29, AB, drowned when he fell overboard on 29 July 1890 at 37 degrees 33' S by 2 degrees 15' E - Slieve Roe

DICKSON (Hugh), 20, OS, fell overboard in heavy seas on 17 June 1890 at 13 degees 28' N by 58 degrees 40' E - SS Barden Tower.

McCAULEY (A), 46, AB, inflammation of the lungs on the 20 April 1890 at 25 degrees 38' N by 37 degrees 58' W - Elbe.

FLANAGAN (Patrick F), 37, cook, suffocated by coal fumes on 13 December 1890 at Antwerp - SS Mozart.

McNAMARA (James), 45, sailmaker, drowned on 12 October 1890 at Pictou - Melmerby.

QUIGG (Wm John), 36, fireman, drowned whilst coming onboard at 11 pm 22 December 1890 at East Greenwich - SS John McIntyre.

BURNS (John), 22, AB, drowned at sea on 11 April 1890 - Strathgryfe.

McALLISTER (Sam), 26, AB, accidently drowned whilst ship was moving away from dock on 25 December 1890 at Watson's Stores, Brooklyn - SS Bessel.

MAGUIRE (James), 49, AB, bronchitis on 26 November 1890 at 27 degrees 13' S by 8 degrees 51' E - Bianca.

GIBSON (Wm), 44, AB, died on 5th Jan. 1891 at Agnews, California - Duchess of Albany.

McGARRY or MORGAN (John), 24, AB, after falling from aloft on 15 Feb. 1891 at North Hospital, Liverpool - SS Adriatic.

McCRACKEN (John), 31, fireman, (N'ards rd.), from burns on 31 Jan. 1891 in the hospital at Santos - SS Chichester.

WHITLEY (George), 38, 2nd engineer, (416 Shankill rd), as above.

DONOVAN (Martin), 22, AB, from drowning at sea on 27 Nov. 1890 - SS Thanemore.

McGUINESS (James), 37, fireman, from drowning at sea on 12 April 1891 - Malaysia.

STEEL (Robt), 45, AB, killed by winch handle at Pisagua on 10 Oct. 1890 - Talea.

McKEE (A), , 1st mate, by drowning at Brunswick, Georgia on 29 April 1891 - Catherine.

DOCHERTY (Danl), 30, steward, presumed drowned, vessel missing on 27 Sept. 1890 - Glenfinart.

KENNEDY (John), 22, trimmer, by apoplexy at 0 degrees 27' S by 47 degrees 13' W on 18 May 1891 - SS Lisbonese.

McMURRION (R), 40, AB (sub), bronco-pneumonia and phthsis at Port Said on 26 June 1891 - SS Albany.

WALKER (D S), 32, 1st engineer, by drowning in North Sea on 15 July 1891 - SS Fairhead.

ANDERSON (Wm W), 49, surgeon, by heart disease at 50 degrees 14' N by 42 degrees 47' W on 1 July 1891 - SS Siberian.

BRADY (Hughe), 37, fireman, (150 North st.), at sea on 4 July 1891 - SS Douglas Hall.

HIGGINS (Wm), 39, AB, (9 Edith st.), drowned in Barrow Dock on 18 July 1891 - Shoal Fisher.

YOUNG (Robt), 19, OS, fell from main upper topsail to deck during a heavy gale at 57 degees S by 68 1/2 W on 30 April 1891 - Polly Woodside. (near Cape Horn).

McKIBBEN (John), 29, 1st Mate, (Nelson st.), drowned after vessel foundered on 29 Aug. 1891 in the N. Atlantic - SS Dunmurray.

REED (Robt), 34, AB, (Ballymacarett), drowned off the Pelotas on 16 Aug. 1891 - Topaz.

REID (Wm), 53 or 58, AB, drowned after being washed overboard on 15 Sept. 1891 at 48 degrees 41' N by 8 degrees 16' W - SS Provincia.

BRANGER (Dan), 43, AB, drowned 42 miles off Instrahull on the 3 Oct. 1891 - Armenia.

KEAN (Albert), 33, AB, accidentally drowned in Novorossisk Harbour on 2 Nov. 1891 - SS Lombard.

AUZENNE (E I), 28, cook, (Lyons & Belfast), after being shot on 26 Nov. 1891 at 41 degrees 50' N by 50 degrees 35' W - SS Lord Bangor.

BOURKE (Thomas or H), 27, cattleman, on 13 Nov. 1891 off Becanon River, St. Lawrence - SS Monte Videan


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