Register of Deceased Seamen

Extracts from Register of Deceased Seamen 1910-1913

Extracted from the Registers of Deceased Seamen held in the special collections archive of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow. The following gave their birthplace as Ireland.

This list is presented in date order but you can sort the table - ascending or descending - by any column by clicking on the relevant header.

Surname First Name Age Rank Birth Place Last Known Abode Date of Death Cause Place Ship Comments
Devine John 54 1st mate British 49 Richmond Pl., N. Circ. Rd., Dublin 27/11/1910 Pneumonia Brit. Hosp. Oporto City of Dortmund disch. 3/11/1910
McCoy James 45 Fireman Belfast 14 Maria Rd., L'pool 11/12/1910 Drowned Santos, Brazil Incebank
Reid Wm 42 Quartermaster Carrickfergus
06/01/1911 Heart disease at sea Zacapa
Reid Wm 42 Quartermaster Carrickfergus
06/01/1911 Heart disease at sea Zacapa
Mannis Samuel 35 Winch man Saintfield Lisburn, Co, Down 13/01/1911 Drowned Princess Dock, L'pool Comic
Bell Thomas 38 Mate Antrim
31/01/1911 Drowned at sea Nessie
Thompson Rbt. 20 AB Co.Down Ballyfrench, Co. Down 10/03/1911 Drowned Gloucester Ashford
Thompson Rbt. 20 AB Co.Down Ballyfrench, Co. Down 10/03/1911 Drowned Gloucester Ashford
Kelly Peter 55 Fireman Armagh 17 Seagate St., Workington 19/03/1911 Drowned Bombay Harbour Burrsfield
Clark Wm 38 Fireman Belfast 105 Charlotte St., Belfast 28/03/1911 Heart failure at sea Ramsay
Clark Wm 38 Fireman Belfast 105 Charlotte St., Belfast 28/03/1911 Heart failure at sea Ramsay
Clark Robt. 59 Baker Belfast 3 Clifton Rd., Seacombe, L'pool 28/06/1911 Pneumonia Port Stanley Orissa
McCleary R. 28 Fireman Belfast Port Kembla, New South Wales 07/07/1911 Pneumonia at sea Ashridge
McKee Wm 28 Mate Kilkeel
26/07/1911 Drowned Copeland Is. Co. Down Lady Lilford Vessel sunk after collision
McKee Patrick 29 Master Kilkeel
26/07/1911 Drowned Copeland Is. Co. Down Lady Lilford Vessel sunk after collision
Shiels Terence 21 Seaman Belfast
14/09/1911 Drowned at sea Glenholm Sailing ship
Fullerton J. 40 1st Eng. Belfast Yarmouth 15/10/1911 Drowned Mobile Lousianian
Rooney Amyette 35 Ships' Printer Belfast 18 Mt. Oriel, Willowbank, Belfast 17/11/1911 Drowned New Orleans Carrillo
Dowey Joseph 36 Carpenter Belfast Whitehead, Co. Antrim 29/11/1911 Struck by rocket at sea Carrillo
Chew Stephen 55 AB Omagh 13 New St., Newport, Monmouthshire 21/12/1911 Drowned at sea Axinite
Dixon Andrew 38 Master Belfast
13/01/1912 Drowned
Sappho vessel missing
Rooney C.M. 35 Cook Belfast 3 Elm Avenue, Liverpool St., Hull 14/01/1912 Kidney Disease at sea Bardolph
Carvan Patrick 43 AB Portaferry Mobile, USA 17/01/1912 Dysentery US Marine Hosp. Mobile Viscaina or 50 yrs old
Grear J 22 Fireman Belfast 57 Coulta St., Belfast 25/01/1912 Drowned off St. Lucia Industry or Wallace J.W of 23 Shaw Rd.
McNess L. 37 Fireman Belfast 23 Glenwood St. Belfast 11/02/1912 Drowned Liverpool Magic
Brennan J. 30 2nd Mate Belfast 52 Antrim St., L'pool 28/02/1912 Concussion of brain St. Vincent Hosp. Ismailia City of Edinburgh
McDowell Thomas 32 AB Carrickfergus 50 Burleigh St., Sunderland 05/03/1912 Drowned off Ushant North Briton ship foundered
Montgomery Thom. Rich. 23 Ass. Steward Belfast 10 Seabank Rd., Liscard, Ches. 26/03/1912 Gastric Ulcer at sea Gloucestershire
Corbett Wm. 38 Fireman Belfast 75 Blythe St., Sandy Row, Belfast 13/04/1912 Drowned Lancefield Quay, Glasgow Hound
Baines Rich. 54 Greaser Dublin 9 Union Pl., Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Beattie F. 35 Greaser Belfast Sailors' Home Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Calderwood H. 30 Trimmer Belfast Sailors' Home Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Dawson J. 23 Trimmer Dublin 70 Briton St., Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Ervine Alb. 22 Ass. Electrician Belfast Merryfield, Belfast 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Harvey H.G. 30 Jun. Ass. 2nd Eng. Belfast 49 Obelisk Rd., Woolston 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Haslin J. 45 Trimmer Armagh Sailors' Home Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
McGrody J. 27 Steward Co. Down Platform Tavern, Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
McQuillan W. 26 Fireman Belfast Seaview St., Belfast 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
McReynolds W 22 Jun. 6th Eng. Belfast 1 Lagan View, belfast 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Millar T. 31 Ass. Eng. Belfast 19 Meadow St., Belfast 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Pearce A.E. 24 Steward Dublin 27 Richmond St., Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Morgan T. 26 Fireman Limerick Sailors' Home Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Scott Arch. 40 Fireman Belfast 3 Lower Ditches, Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Simpson J. Edw. 37 Surgeon Belfast 76 Pakenham Pl., Belfast 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Swan W. 46 Bedroom Steward Belfast 174 Shirley Rd., Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Turley R. 35 Fireman Belfast Sailors' Home Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Walsh K. 32 Stewardess Tipperary 57 Church Rd., Southampton 15/04/1912 Drowned 41o 16' N by 50o 14' W Titanic
Shannon Hugh 49 2nd Eng. Co. Down Comber 15/05/1912 Fever Libreville Banana
Robinson Sam. 43 AB Belfast
16/05/1912 Drowned Spencer Dock, Dublin Enriqueta
Telford Wm. 45
25/05/1912 Drowned Gareloch, Dunbart.
open skiff unregistered
Craney M. 34 Boatswain Belfast 36 Institution Pl., Belfast 02/06/1912 Heat Apoplexy Kidderpore Alconda
Phillip Martin A. 47 Cook & Baker Belfast
20/06/1912 Heart Disease at sea Hasley
Moore John 51 Sailmaker Belfast 22 Dennis St., Belfast 15/08/1912 Drowned Stockton, Newcastle, NSW Naiad
Wilson Francis 38 Carpenter Belfast Birkenhead 30/08/1912 Drowned East London Clan Chisholm
Sturgeon Arthur 44 2nd Cook Belfast 50 Holborn St., Liverpool 01/09/1912 Heatstroke at sea Hector
Desmond Patrick 44 AB Limerick 44 Jacob St., 23/09/1912 Drowned Galveston Ikbal
Dempsey John 31 Fireman Co. Antrim
01/10/1912 Drowned Swansea Bargany
Breen Bernard 48 Lamp trimmer Strangford 124 Maclean St., Glasgow 03/10/1912 Accident Lamlush Thelma
King John 24 Fisherman Co. Galway Aughrismore, Claddoghduf 07/10/1912 Drowned at sea St. Coleman rowing boat
Hamill Ch. 32 Master Co. Antrim Glenarm 24/10/1912 Drowned off Pladda, Arran Saxon ship sank after collision
Ferguson Thomas 46 Master Co. Down Springfield Rd. Bangor 29/10/1912 Drowned Irish Sea Tenet ship lost at sea
Kerr J. 50 AB Co. Down Portaferry, Co. Down 29/10/1912 Drowned Irish Sea Tenet ship lost at sea
McIlroy John 37 Ch. Officer Belfast Sailors' Home Shanghai 04/11/1912
at sea Hoi Fung
Wilson John 38 Carpenter Belfast 4 Duncairn Gdns., Belfast 05/11/1912 Malaria Belfast Lord Erne disch. 25/10/1912 @ Sharpness
McCart Andrew 37 AB Belfast 163 Estcourt Rd. Hull 16/11/1912 Meningitis Cosm. Hosp. Venice Cattaro
Montgomery Johnston 42 1st Eng. Belfast 158 Old Park Rd., Belfast 07/12/1912 Drowned Waterford Sound Fisher
Steele John 28 OS Belfast 33 New Lodge Rd., Belfast 08/12/1912 Drowned at sea Glen Head
Johnson W. 35 Fireman Co. Antrim Eighth St., Belfast 31/01/1913 Drowned Manchester Ship Canal Caloric
Donnelly James 30 Fireman Co. Tyrone 4 Broomshill St., Dobbie's Lane, Glasgow 18/02/1913 Appendicitis Deaconess' Hosp. Alexandria Izaston
Simpson John 55 3rd class Steward Co. L'derry 16 Hyde Rd.., Waterloo, Liverpool 26/03/1913 Epilepsy at sea Appam
Hutton John 18 Boatman Co. Down Shore St., Portaferry 11/04/1913 Drowned Strangford Lough Lizzie Sailing ship
Hutton Henry 43 Boatman Co.Down Shore St., Portaferry 11/04/1913 Drowned Strangford Lough Lizzie Sailing ship
Carter W.T. 56 Master Belfast Glasgow 13/04/1913 Sciatica at sea Elmgrove
Arnold George 28 Cook Belfast 46 Harper St., Belfast 28/04/1913 Cellulitis Melbourne Indarra
McGee F. 22 Seaman Belfast 54 Thompson St., Belfast 20/05/1913 Fell down hold Stettin Hosp. Kosina
Donald Robert 26 AB Co. Antrim Islandmagee 20/06/1913 Killed on shore Berkeley Pendeen Disch. Sharpness 10/06/1912
Bell George 53 Donkeyman Belfast 45 Hawkshore Rd., Rotherhithe, London 24/06/1913 Heart Disease St. John, New Brunswick Kanawha
McCormick Edward 53 Fireman Belfast 46 Summer St., Liverpool 28/06/1913 Heart Disease at sea Cevic
Merron John Joseph 38 AB Belfast 10 Princes St., Belfast 05/07/1913 Fell down hold Dagenham Wedgwood
McCracken James 30
Belfast 8 Landscape Terr., Belfast 13/07/1913 Drowned Belfast
a pleasure boat
Parks Joseph 23
Co. Antrim Carrickfergus 13/07/1913 Drowned Belfast
a pleasure boat
Murphy A. 51 AB Co. Tyrone 12 Ripley Pl., Belfast 01/08/1913 Drowned at sea Indianola
Burns John 43 Mate Co. Down Dundrum 16/08/1913 Fell down hold Caithness Mary Smethurst Sailing ship
Morrow John 38 2nd Mate Belfast
07/09/1913 Pneumonia Gen. Hosp. Montreal Teutonic
Dunn Wm. 60 Cook & Steward Belfast 9 Morrison St., Glasgow 03/10/1913 Cerebral Haemorrhage Union Workhouse, Goole Welshman
McCormick Th. S. D. 26 4th Mate Belfast 37 Windsor Rd., Liverpool 23/10/1913 Malaria Lagos Elmina
Weir Joseph 20 Cook Belfast 34 Lawther St., Belfast 04/11/1913 Drowned fell between ship & quay Belfast The Counties
Murphy Wm. 50 Sailor Belfast 4 Herbert St., Cardiff 29/11/1913 Asthma Cardiff


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