Register of Deceased Seamen

Extracts from Register of Deceased Seamen relating to the Shetlands 1914-1918

Extracted from the Registers of Deceased Seamen held in the special collections archive of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow.

This list is presented in date order but you can sort the table - ascending or descending - by any column by clicking on the relevant header.

Surname First Name Age Rank Birth Place Last Known Abode Date of Death Cause Place Ship Comments
Young Rbt. 40 Master Shetland St. Olaf's St., Lerwick 09/06/1914 Drowned at sea Invincible
Moncrieff Sinclair 23 Sailor Shetland 49 John St., South Shields 10/07/1914 Drowned at sea Wilston
Fraser Magnus 45 Carpenter Shetland Bristol 19/08/1914
Bristol Channel Apollo
Pottinger James 56 Master Shetland 16 Thorndale Rd., Waterloo Rd., Liverpool 05/09/1914 Typhoid Fever Hosp. Constantza Arranmore
Nisbet David 25 AB Shetland 31 Queen St., Leith 31/10/1914 Drowned Whitby Rohilla ship wrecked
Nicolson L. 42 AB & QM Shetland 3 Craighall Cres., Edinburgh 31/10/1914 Drowned Whitby Rohilla ship wrecked
Fullerton George 51
Shetland Papa Isle 11/11/1914 Fatigue & Exposure off Langa Slir
small unreg. Boat
Fraser Lawrence 47 Master Shetland 11 Ashbourne Rd., Liverpool 25/11/1914 Apoplexy Suez City of Vienna
Umphray James
AB Shetland 80 Duke St., Leith 25/12/1914 Drowned off Scarborough Gem
Herculeson J. 47 AB Shetland 9 Commercial St., Lerwick 26/12/1914 Drowned at sea Glenmorven ship missing
Nicholson T. 44 Carpenter Shetland
24/02/1915 Drowned off Scarborough Deptford sunk by enemy
Ridland James 43 Master Shetland 45 Waterloo Pl., North Shields 05/03/1915 Drowned Mostyn Deeps Caithness
Tait John Arthur 30 AB Shetland 30 Lock St., Leith 07/03/1915 Drowned Malta Remembrance
Fraser C 18 OS Shetland Scalpay, Shetland 04/04/1915 Drowned off Shetlands Avanti Savoia
Williamson Peter 66 Mate Shetland 15 Barclay St., Monkwearmouth 12/05/1915 Accident Mudros Tees
Mouat David 42 Fireman Shetland Navy Lynn, Lerwick 19/05/1915 Heart Failure Aberdeen

Cheyne Arthur D 25 AB Shetland 67 Princes St., Leith 12/08/1915 Drowned North Sea Jacona sunk by mine
Tait M 27 AB Shetland 7 Hamilton St., Leith 12/08/1915 Drowned North Sea Jacona sunk by mine
Moncrieff John Wm. 22 Sailor Shetland Scalloway, Shetland 13/08/1915 Typhoid Fever Long Island Coll. Hosp., Brooklyn Inca
Anderson J 39 Mate Shetland
20/09/1915 Drowned at sea Linda Fell ship missing
Johnson Robt. L 37 1st Mate Shetland
12/11/1915 Drowned off Boulogne Nigel sunk by mine
Jamieson James 37 Boatswain Shetland Longhill, Levenwick, Shetlands 26/12/1915 Drowned Orkneys Active ship foundered
Leask Wm. 37 Master Shetland Bigton, Lerwick, Shetlands 31/12/1915 Drowned Orkneys Active ship foundered
Colvin J T 50 Master Shetland 8 Aldwych St., South Shields 31/12/1915 Drowned at sea Tynemouth
Hunter John 62 Boatswain Shetland Barns Court, Shetlands 13/01/1916 Fell down bunker hatch at sea Solway Queen
Crawford James 58 Seaman Shetland 37 Stuart St., Cardiff 15/01/1916 Accident at sea Trident
Inkster Wm. 56 2nd Mate Shetland 45 Agnes St., South Shields 01/02/1916 Drowned at sea Franz Fischer ship sunk by mine
Cluness John 27 AB Shetland
20/02/1916 Drowned Rouen City of Swansea disch. 27/11/1916
Williamson Bruce 59 AB Shetland
24/02/1916 Drowned at sea Arbonne ship missing
Sinclair John 25 AB Shetland Burland, Scalloway, Shetlands 05/03/1916 Drowned Dunkirk West Marsh
Smith A A 49 AB Shetland Lerwick 02/04/1916 Drowned off Yarmouth Perth
Smith Benjamin 26 AB Shetland 36 Louise St., Cardiff 08/04/1916 Fell down hold Hosp. Sydney Anglo Australian
Shearer James 51 AB Shetland
04/06/1916 Dropsy Colonial Hosp. Gibraltar Lackenby entered hosp. 03/05/1916
{Co}utts George 26 AB Shetland Funzie, Fetlar, Shetlands 01/07/1916 Drowned Firth of Forth Agnes Duncan
Williamson Matt 41 Boatswain Shetland Mid Yell, Shetlands 01/08/1916 Drowned at sea Lodaner
{?}bister James 30 2nd Officer Shetland 10 Victoria St., South Shields 24/08/1916 Shell wounds Hosp. Marsala, Sicily Swedish Prince
{ ? } Thomas 47 1st Mate Shetland 179 St. Vincent St., South Shields 08/09/1916 Drowned at sea Elswick Park ship missing
Thomson T 20 OS Shetland 20 Bernard St., Leith 04/10/1916 Drowned White Sea

Tait A 41 Carpenter Shetland 2 Crown St., Leith 04/10/1916 Drowned White Sea

Hardy Charles 25 2nd Mate Shetland 28 Buckingham Avenue, South Shields 24/10/1916 Drowned at sea

{ ? }ry R Bryden 41 Master Shetland
04/11/1916 Drowned at sea Skerries
Poleson L 20 Deckhand Shetland Shetlands 17/11/1916 Drowned at sea

Laing or Lang Hugh 29 AB Shetland
23/11/1916 Haemorrhage Gen. Hosp. Colombo

Peterson A 33 AB Shetland South Lee, Shetlands 20/12/1916 Drowned North Sea

Herculson James 23 AB Shetland South Pund, Gulstra, Lerwick 31/12/1916 Drowned North Minch

Ridland George 61 Carpenter Shetland 100 Princess St., Edinburgh 25/01/1917 Drowned at sea

Mouat Henry 60 2nd Mate Shetland Cross House, The Law, South Shields 10/02/1917 Drowned Stockton

Hardy David 18 Sailor Shetland
10/03/1917 Drowned Calcutta

Duncan Peter 32 AB Shetland 24 James St., Garston 26/03/1917 Drowned at sea

Johnston Thomas 45 1st Mate Shetland South Shields 29/03/1917 Drowned at sea

Shearer Magnus 21 AB Shetland Walsey, Lerwick, Shetlands 29/03/1917 Drowned at sea

Tulloch M. 24 Seaman Shetland East Yell, Shetlands 06/04/1917 Drowned at sea

Halcrow Adam 19 Sailor Shetland 8 St. Magnus St., Lerwick. 11/04/1917 Drowned at sea

Irvine W 46 Master Shetland 49 Upper Sandhurst Rd., Bristol 11/04/1917 Drowned at sea

Fraser R 31 1st Mate Shetland 82 Watt St., Glasgow 11/04/1917 Drowned at sea

Nicolson W H 26 Steward Shetland 15 Nelson's Bark, South Shields 20/04/1917 Drowned at sea

Nicholson L. 24 2nd Mate Shetland 24 Ellesmere St., South Shields 20/04/1917 Drowned at sea

Leask Wm 34 Boatswain Shetland
23/04/1917 Drowned at sea

Goudie P 50 1st Mate Shetland 4 Wesley Av., Liscard, Cheshire 05/05/1917 Drowned at sea

Henry William 25 2nd Hand Shetland 31 Albany St., Leith 06/05/1917 Drowned at sea

Manson W 40 AB Shetland Hull 17/05/1917 Drowned at sea

Jameson G 39 Sailor Shetland East Yell, Shetlands 18/05/1917 Drowned at sea

Thompson George 47 Boatswain Shetland London 04/06/1917 Cirrhosis of the Liver French Mil. Hosp. Saffi, Morrocco

Harnson A 28 AB Shetland Easting, Shetland 11/06/1917 Drowned at sea

Wilson John 53 Ship Cook Shetland 17 Catherine St., South Shields 28/06/1917 Haemorrhage Alexander II Hosp. Archangel

Lamb Magnus 58 Steward Shetland 24 Pomeroy St. Docks, Cardiff 09/07/1917 Drowned at sea

Jamieson W.H. 28 AB Shetland Vidland, Shetlands 16/07/1917 Drowned at sea

Brown James 47 Master Shetland 42 Tiverton St., Liverpool 21/07/1917 Drowned at sea

Robertson G 40 3rd Mate Shetland Barryvoe, Shetlands 31/07/1917 Drowned at sea

Tait John 45 Master Shetland 16 Bright St., South Shields 01/08/1917 Sunstroke New York

Fraser W. 24 Sailor Shetland Papastour, Shetland 04/08/1917 Drowned at sea

Jamieson M 61 Boatswain Shetland Papastour, Shetland 04/08/1917 Drowned at sea

Scott J.R 28 Sailor Shetland Papastour, Shetland 14/08/1917 Drowned at sea

Angus C.J. 41 1st Mate Shetland 68 Thorneycroft Rd., Liverpool 21/08/1917 Drowned at sea

Peterson James J 22 Seaman Shetland
21/08/1917 Haemorrhage of the lungs at sea

Johnson Charles 24 Sailor Shetland West Houlland, Bridge of Walls, Shetlands 24/08/1917 Drowned at sea

Anderson Wm.
2nd Mate Shetland 20 Bernard St., Leith 31/08/1917 Drowned R. Tyne

Williamson Lawrence 23 Seaman Shetland Burravoe, Yell, Shetlands 05/09/1917 Drowned San Fernando, Trinidad

Smith J.B. 35 Seaman Shetland 50 Queens Ave., Goole 22/09/1917 Drowned at sea

McWhirter T 49 Boatswain Shetland 9 Admiralty St., Leith 24/09/1917 Drowned at sea

Inkster James 73 Master Shetland 14 Belvedere Cres., Aberdeen 25/09/1917 Drowned at sea

Williamson Lawrence 30 Ch. Mate Shetland South Shields 04/10/1917 Appendicitis Marseilles

Johnson Wm 45 Master Shetland
19/10/1917 Drowned at sea

Laurenson J 63 AB Shetland
19/10/1917 Drowned at sea

Urquhart A 52 Boatswain Shetland
19/10/1917 Drowned at sea

Williamson T 59 AB Shetland
19/10/1917 Drowned at sea

Fraser W. 22 AB Shetland 2 Sydenham St., Barry 22/10/1917 Drowned at sea

Garrick J 27 AB Shetland 11 Burlington St., Barry 22/10/1917 Drowned at sea

Morrison C 45 Master Shetland Weisdale, Shetlands 25/10/1917 Drowned at sea

Gray T 39 1st Eng. Shetland Murthley, Perthshire 06/12/1917 Killed by explosion Halifax, Nova Scotia

Robertson W. J. 30 Seaman Shetland West Sandwick, Shetlands 07/12/1917 Drowned at sea

Coutts Daniel 18 2nd Hand Shetland Mid Yell, Shetlands 16/12/1917 Drowned at sea

Moncrieff Jas. R. 31 Leading Seaman Shetland Spiggie, Dunrossness 16/12/1917 Drowned at sea

Hawick Andrew 50 2nd Mate Shetland 51 Commercial St., Leith 20/12/1917 Drowned at sea

Nicholson J 23 Seaman Shetland Lerwick 27/12/1917 Drowned at sea

35 AB Shetland
12/01/1918 Drowned at sea

Tait John A 21
12/01/1918 Drowned at sea

Hunter M.G. 47 Mate Shetland P.O. Whiteness, Shetlands 23/01/1918 Drowned at sea

Johnston John 37 Fireman Shetland 8 Chromate Lane, Lerwick, Shetlands 12/02/1918 Drowned at sea

Smith W.H. 40 Master Shetland 8 Union St., Leith 14/03/1918 Drowned at sea

Shewan Wm. S. 42 Master Shetland 11 Fulwell Rd., Sunderland 29/03/1918 Drowned at sea

Edwardson James 31 Seaman Shetland Baltsound, Shetlands 10/04/1918 Drowned at sea

Johnson Hugh M 28 Carpenter Shetland Grumforts, Nesting, Shetlands 14/04/1918 Drowned at sea

Johnson Alex. 20 Sailor Shetland Offerswick, East Yell 16/04/1918 Drowned at sea

Mann J 26 Boatswain Shetland Mid Yell, Shetlands 16/04/1918 Drowned at sea

Robertson Francis 37 AB Shetland Bixter, Shetland 16/04/1918 Drowned at sea

Scollay Peter 21 Sailor Shetland Ayxick, East Yell, Shetlands 16/04/1918 Drowned at sea

Smith J 23 Lamps Shetland Mid Yell, Shetlands 16/04/1918 Drowned at sea

Rendall H 37 Master Shetland 9 Armstrong Terr., South Shields 21/04/1918 Exposure at sea

Irvine Robt.
Sailor Shetland Brough, Whalsay, Shetlands 22/04/1918 Drowned at sea

Jamieson George 27 Sailor Shetland Swinster, Sandwick, Shetlands 24/04/1918 Accidentally drowned Genoa

Mouat Thomas 53 Boatswain Shetland 131 Corbridge St., South Shields 09/05/1918 Drowned at sea

Georgeson Thos. 45 AB Shetland 21 H S Edward St., South Shields 10/06/1918 Drowned at sea

Manson G.W. 56 2nd Mate Shetland 34 Birchington Ave., South Shields 10/06/1918 Drowned at sea

Gray James 54 Master Shetland Inglenook, Kinghorn, Fife 11/06/1918 Drowned at sea

Johnson Gilbert 38 3rd Eng. Shetland 4 Collingwood Terr., Dunston on Tyne 21/06/1918 Drowned at sea

Sharp R 45 Boatswain Shetland Cuppister, Yell, Shetlands 27/06/1918 Drowned at sea

Gray Gilbert 49 AB Shetland 5 Hope St., Leith 02/08/1918 Drowned at sea

Oakes Magnus J 29 Seaman Shetland Lerwick 02/08/1918 Drowned at sea

Anderson Peter 34 AB Shetland 25 South Eldon St., South Shields 28/08/1918 Drowned at sea

Isbister Lawrence 29 AB Shetland 25 Southeast St., South Shields 28/08/1918 Drowned at sea

Sinclair W 62 Sailor Shetland 6 S. William St., Cardiff 07/09/1918 Drowned at sea

Christie Wm 22 AB Shetland Sonther Ho., Burra Isles, Shetlands 15/09/1918 Drowned Howden Docks, Tyne

Nicolson Wm 22 Seaman Shetland Collivoe, Lerwick, Shetlands 29/09/1918 Pneumonia Suez

Clarke John J. 18 Deckboy Shetland Sailors Home, Cardiff 03/10/1918 Drowned at sea

Williamson M 59 AB Shetland 7 Church Way, South Shields 27/10/1918 Pneumonia Brit. Mil. Hosp. Genoa

Pole A 45 AB Shetland 30 Patrick St., Cardiff 11/11/1918 Drowned Mediterranean

Gifford Ogilvy 34 AB Shetland Bressay, Shetlands 12/11/1918 Influenza at sea

Stein John 41 Boatswain Shetland 47 Clanny St., Sunderland 12/11/1918 Pneumonia Sunderland

Halcron Wm 30 AB Shetland Bressay, Shetlands 14/11/1918 Broncho- pneumonia Naval Base

Smith Wm 40 Carpenter Shetland 32 Bentley Road, Gravesend, Kent 14/11/1918 Heart Failure at sea

Pole Peter 28 AB Shetland
29/11/1918 Flu Rock Ferry Albuera disch. 18/11/1918
Bain Robt. 64 AB Shetland Watson's Boarding Ho., South Shields 10/12/1918 Drowned Cork

Hughson Wm 30
Shetland 26 Lower Granton Rd., Leith 22/12/1918 Broncho-pneumonia Hospital Boston Valverda


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