Register of Deceased Seamen

Extracts from Register of Deceased Seamen relating to the Shetlands 1919-1925

Extracted from the Registers of Deceased Seamen held in the special collections archive of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow.

This list is presented in date order but you can sort the table - ascending or descending - by any column by clicking on the relevant header.

Surname First Name Age Rank Birth Place Last Known Abode Date of Death Cause Place Ship Comments
Watt James 45
Shetland Anchor Coffee tavern, Cardiff 01/02/1919
Cardiff Ilford
Moffat And. Wm. 22 Sailor Shetland 1 Spiers Place, Leith 02/05/1919 Fall Bo'ness Harbour Bosporus
Arthur H 32 AB Shetland Brough, Whalsay, Shetlands 14/06/1919 Drowned at sea Talus Sailing ship & missing
Tullock Peter 24 3rd Mate Shetland Ayunich, Yell, Shetlands 16/07/1919 Drowned Kotonu Regina
Petrie James 43 Mate Shetland 9 Thurston Rd., Liverpool 18/12/1919 Apoplexy at sea Edith Cavell
Henderson Peter
AB Shetland Gansons Buildings, Harbour St., Lerwick 31/12/1919 Drowned Cork Lubeck
Herculeson Jas. 43 AB Shetland Lerwick 19/01/1920 Drowned Rochester Sunningdale
Smith Andrew 24 AB Shetland 24 Winston St., South Shields 11/02/1920 Grippe Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro Greldon
Abernethy L. 29 AB Shetland Walls, Shetlands 19/06/1920 Measles Eppendorf Hosp. Hamburg Weimar
Colvin Oliver 28 AB Shetland 9 Beaufort Terrace,. South Shields 12/10/1920
Punto Arenas, Chile Brodlea
Barclay Jas. Nicholson 32 3rd Eng. Shetland Mid Yell, Shetlands 10/10/1922 Drowned Leith Breslau
Peterson Arthur 45 AB Shetland 7 Albany St. Lerwick 18/12/1922 Drowned Cairns, Queensland Junee
Yorston Magnus 36 Cook Shetland Bressay, Shetlands 04/01/1923 Aortic aneurism Blaikies Quay, Aberdeen Cape Wrath
Watt Laurence 17 Deckboy Shetland Happy Hansee, Walls, Shetlands 28/02/1923 Drowned off Margate Celtic Pride
Pearson Andrew 27 AB Shetland North Roe, Shetlands 02/03/1923 Drowned at sea Ben Corlie
Williamson Robert John 24 Sailor Shetland Gardens Burravol, S. Yell 26/03/1923 Fell down hold Hospital in Naples Finchley
Mainland John Thomas 22 Seaman Shetland 24 Ellesmere St., South Shields 05/06/1923 Drowned Buenos Aires San Fraterno
Henderson John Thomas 23 AB Shetland 11 Hudson St., South Shields 15/08/1923
St. George's Hospital Bombay Anglo - Egyptian admitted to hospital 6 Aug.
Jamieson Magnus 20 OS Shetland Sand Garderhouse 27/03/1924 Typhoid Fever La Rochelle Hospital Helmwood left ship 24/3/1924 Rouen
Nicolson Charles 21 Sailor Shetland Hagdal 13/07/1924 Heart disease & Angina pectoris Port Empedocle Gracefield
Pottinger John 58 Steward Shetland 92 Collingwood St. South Shields 14/08/1924 Nephritis British Hospital Port Said Medomsley disch. Port Said 7July 1924
Cheyne John Gilbert 35 1st Mate Shetland Glenfarquhar 19/09/1924 Heart Disease at sea Corsican Prince
Anderson James 43 AB Shetland 22 Berwick St. South Shields 14/11/1924 Fell down hold at sea Burmese Prince
Smith Thomas 60 AB Shetland 91 St. Olaf St. Lerwick 25/11/1925 Drowned North Sea Galleon ship missing since 25 Nov. 1925
Spence J. Andrew 26 Sailor Shetland 81 Woodbine St. South Shields 18/12/1925 Drowned North Sea Elsdon ship missing since 18 Dec. 1925
Hawick Christopher 52 2nd Officer Shetland Lerwick 19/04/1925 Broncho- pneumonia Colon Princess Marguerite disch. Colon 8 April 1925


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