The Witness - Friday, 12 February 1915


BELL -- Feb. 5, 1915, at a Private Nursing Home, Clements Bell, Jeweller, 81, Donegall Street, Belfast, son of the late John Bell, Carnaughlis, aged 65 years. Interred in the family burying-ground, Carmavey, on Sunday, 7th inst.

MEBIN -- Feb. 6, at her residence, Milton, Sandholes, Eliza Jane, widow of the late Samuel Mebin. Interred in Sandholes on Monday.

MOORE -- Feb. 8, 1915, at 67, Eglantine Avenue, Belfast, Miss Isabella Moore, of Crindle, Myroe, Co. Derry. Interred in City Cemetery, Belfast.

PETTICREW -- Feb. 4, 1915, at her residence, Drumra, Boardmills, Ellen, relict of the late Francis Petticrew, in her 87th year. Interred in the family burying-ground, First Boardmills.

AGNEW -- Feb. 10, at Skilganahan, Elizabeth Agnew.

AULD -- Feb. 9, at Port Davey House, Whitehead, Captain John Auld.

BARRETT -- Feb. 5, at 3, Buncrana, Ormeau Road, Belfast, Richard Carrol, husband of Henrietta Barrett.

BEATTIE -- Feb. 10, at Arborfeld, Ballymoney, Samuel Beattie (late of Ballymena).

CARSON -- Feb. 9, at 80, Union Street, Lurgan, William, the husband of Jane Carson.

CASEMENT -- Feb. 10, at Magherintemple, Ballycastle, Susan, the wife of Roger Casement.

CRAWFORD -- Feb. 4, at 3, Ashfield Terrace, Antrim Road, Lisburn, Annie B. Crawford, eldest daughter of the late David Crawford, Randalstown.

CROOKS -- Feb. 6, at Model Farm Cottage, Larne, Annie, wife of W. J. Crooks.

DICKSON -- Feb. 5, at Englishtown, Maze, Lisburn, Eleanor, widow of the late Silas Dickson, in her 85th year.

FLETCHER -- Feb. 8, at Lady Bridge, Moira, William Fletcher (late of New York), aged 76 years.

GORDON -- Feb. 6, at her residence, The Terrace, Saintfield, Catherine Gordan.

GRAY -- Feb. 9, at Carneal, David S. Gray.

GRIBBIN -- Feb. 6, at 12, Percy Street, James Gribbin, late National School Teacher.

HULL -- Feb. 10. at Megaberry, Moira, Annie, third daughter of R. H. Hull.

KERNAHAN -- Mary Wentworth Kernahan, widow of the late Robert Kernahan, Agent Bank of Ireland. Portadown, in her 83rd year.

KERR -- Feb. 3, at Cherrymount, Lurgan, Hester (Essie), wife of Thomas J. Kerr.

KIDD -- Feb. 4, 1915, at Lisnatore, Castlerock, Co. Londonderry, Catherine Anne, widow of George Kidd, Esq., J.P., late of Lisnatore, Dunmurry, County Antrim.

LINDSAY -- Feb. 8, at Ashtrees, Tandragee, Elizabeth Lindsay, only daughter of the late Corry Sinton.

MAGEE -- Feb. 8, at the Belfast Union Infirmary, Henrietta Magee, late of 45, Brougham Street.

MAWHINNEY -- Feb. 8, at 71, West Street, Newtownards, Eleanor Anna (Nellie), daughter of the late William Mawhinney, Kirkcubbin, aged 21 years.

MORELAND -- Feb. 5, at 4, Pacific Avenue, Antrim Road, Annie Shaw, eldest daughter of the late Robert Moreland.

MORRISON -- Feb. 9, at 3, Earlmount, Portrush, Robert Morrison.

MURDOCK -- Feb. 8, at Bellevue, Holywood, Jane Eliza (Jeannie), wife of W. E. Murdock.

M'CLEMENTS -- Feb. 8, at the Hospital, Newtownards, Eileen, youngest daughter of Robert N. M'Clements, Crawfordsburn, aged 6½ years.

M'CONNELL -- Feb. 9, at 82, Redcar Street, Castlereagh Road, Robert M'Connell.

M'CULLOCH -- Feb. 8, at his residence, Heath View, Ballygomartin, Belfast, Robert J. M'Culloch.

M'GAUGAN -- Feb. 9, at Ballyearl, Carnmoney, Charles James (Charlie), only son of the late George M'Gaugan.

M'KINSTRY -- Feb. 7, at Holestone, Doagh, William James M'Kinstry.

PARKER -- Feb. 8, at Ballyutoag, Ligoniel, Agnes, relict of the late James Parker, Greenhill, in her 84th year.

PELAN -- Feb. 5, at Glenville, Armagh, Matilda, widow of the late Samuel Pelan, Merchant, Lurgan.

PETTICREW -- Feb. 4, at Drumra, Boardmills, Ellen, relict of the late Francis Petticrew, in her 87th year.

SCOTT -- Feb. 9, at 76, Cliftonpark Avenue, Wm. Scott, late of George's Street, Ballymena.

WILSON -- Feb. 7, at Upper Ballyalbana, James, eldest son of James Wilson, aged 18 years.

YOUNG -- Feb. 9, at 4, Victoria Street, Carrickfergus, Joseph Young.


MRS. M'ILROY, Duneoin, Glarryford, desires to Thank the numerous friends who by wreaths or letters so kindly expressed their sympathy with her in her recent bereavement.

Death page 8

CRILLEY -- Feb. 9, at her brother's residence, 22, Century Street, Belfast, Margaret, relict of late John Crilley, aged 70 years. Inserted by her brother, Wm. Sinclair.




One of the former members of Cahans Congregation, in the person of Sergeant, now Second Lieutenant, David Nelson, youngest son of the late Mr. George Nelson, of Darraghland, is amongst the list of the first nine heroes of the present war to whom his Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the grant of the Victoria Cross.

The War Office, in recording the incident of heroism which gained for him the coveted distinction, states -- "Sergeant Nelson (now Second Lieutenant) helped to bring the guns into action at Nery on 1st September, in spite of heavy concentrated fire from a distance of 600 yards, and, while severely wounded, remained with them until all the ammunition was expended, although he had been ordered to retire to cover."

There were, it appears, only four of Lieut. Nelson's battery left out of the entire number, and the glorious stand made by that battery is a story of heroism and self-sacrifice in keeping with the best traditions of the British Army, and one which reflects the highest honour met only on its four survivors, but also on all their dead comrades, for, although they were outnumbered ten to one, they succeeded in silencing the German guns.

Only four wounded men were left, and one of those dauntless four was David Nelson. He was twice wounded -- once with a gunshot, and in the other case with a shell, which also badly injured him, breaking two of his ribs and penetrating one of his lungs. We are pleased to say that the operation which he underwent in England has been entirely successful, and he has now practically recovered, so much, so that a fortnight ago his health, was good enough, and his nerves were sound enough and strong enough to permit him to lead his bride to the altar at Woolwich, amid the general rejoicing and congratulations of the garrison. We understand that lieutenant Nelson, accompanied by his bride, hopes very soon to be able to visit his old home in Darraghland, where his brother and sister still reside, and spend some days there before again going on active service, and we are sure that they will be accorded a vary rousing and enthusiastic welcome as soon as ever they set foot on Cahans soil.

Lieutenant Nelson was, in the days of his youth, a regular attendee upon public worship in Cahans, and one of the most diligent scholars in the Sabbath-school. Before leaving Cahans to enter on his term of apprenticeship in Monaghan, previous to his joining the Army, he was a scholar in the Sabbath-school class taught by Mr. Oliver, still a teacher in the Sabbathschool.



The February number of "China's Millions" contains the following obituary of Miss Emily Black, daughter of Rev. Moses Black, first minister of Kilmore Presbyterian congregation from its foundation in 1832 till his death in March, 1881, and it may be added that her two surviving sisters, Jane and Mary, still reside at Kilmore -- It will be learned with sincere regret that Miss Emily Black died from dysentery at Lao-ho-Keo on October 27th, after a week's illness. Miss Emily Black was one of five sisters who have given their lives to China, four in connection with the China Inland Mission. She reached China in the year 1884, and has thus been spared to give a little more than thirty years of service in that land. She has been a devoted and faithful missionary, giving her time and strength as a self-supporting worker to earnest effort among the women at the centres at which she was located in the two provinces of Anhwsi and Hupeh. She displayed special diligence in visiting the villages and hamlets around, not infrequently extending her itinerations to the more remote towns and cities, distributing Christian literature, and seeking to reach the people with the message of the Gospel. In her removal the work has sustained a heavy loss. We earnestly commend to the sympathy and prayers of our readers her two surviving elder sisters as well as her other relatives in the sorrow at their bereavement.



Mr. Alexander Gaston, a member of Ballymena Rural Council, has resigned on account of ill health.

Mr. J. B. M'Carrison, accountant in the Ulster Bank, Portadown, has been appointed cashier and transferred to Antrim.

At the meeting of the Fermanagh Committee Technical Committee, held on Friday, Miss E. L. Adams, of Newry, was unanimously appointed domestic economy instructress.

Early on Sunday morning a fire took place in the millinery department of Mr. William M'Clay, draper, Cookstown. A few minutes' work by the brigade was sufficient to extinguish it.

The Lord Chancellor, on the application of Mr. Babington (instructed by Messrs. Little & Cullen), has appointed Mr. Andrew C. Leitch, Omagh, a commissioner for the taking of oaths in County Tyrone.

At Monday's meeting of Limavady Rural Council Mr. Marcus O'Kane handed in notice of motion to adopt a water supply scheme at a cost not exceeding £400 for twenty houses in the townland of Cluntagera, near Dungiven.

The Rev. J. F. Martin, LL.D.; Mullaglass, has been elected a member of the Newry No. 2 Rural District School Attendance Committee in the room of the Rev. Mr. Allworthy, who resigned consequent upon his departure for England.

Mr. A. W. MacIntosh has been chosen as assistant secretary of Londonderry Y.M.C.A. He has been identified with the association for several years as secretary of the badminton and tennis clubs, and the selection should be a popular one.

The price of coke came up for discussion at the meeting of the Omagh Urban Council. Its present price is 23s 4d. The Finance Committee recommended an increase to 25s to those who purchased on credit, and the recommendation, was adopted.

On the 4th inst., while Patrick Thornton, of Drumheel, near Cavan, was felling a tree in the townland of Gortbrattin, a branch which had caught in another tree suddenly loosened and struck him with such violence in the neck that he died immediately.

While Miss Annie Troughton, daughter of Mr. Thomas Troughton, Summervale, Richhill, was washing potatoes on the 4th inst. she suddenly fell to the ground, and an effort to restore her only showed that she was dead. The poor girl was aged twenty-two.

Intelligence reached the police barracks, Randalstown, on Friday evening last to the effect that a well-to-do farmer named John Hill, belonging to the townland of Drumaul, had been found drowned in a flax dam. At Saturday's inquest a verdict of found drowned was returned.

In Coleraine on Friday opening a little girl named Minnie M'Cook, daughter of Mr. Alex. M'Cook, Westbrook Terrace, was crossing the Diamond when a motor car, driven by Dr. H. S. Morrison, Bellevue, Blackhill, struck her, with the result that one of her legs was badly injured.

Henry Johnston, a farmer residing at Orritor Craigs, two miles from Cookstown, was found dead on Saturday afternoon hanging to a beam in his kitchen. His son was working in the field and his wife and daughter in the market, and on returning to the house the youth found his father as described. Johnston had been in the asylum recently and was discharged at the request of his relatives.



The death occurred on Tuesday last of Captain John Auld, of Port Davey House, Whitehead, and by his demise another link with the sailing ship days has been severed. After a long and successful sea career, in which he visited ports in all parts of the world, the deceased retired, and took over the management of his farm at Blackhead, but did not altogether desert his old occupation. He was an enthusiastic yachtsman, and was closely identified with the County Antrim Yacht Club, being one of the founders, and was rear-commodore for many years past. The late captain took a deep and practical interest in every public movement in his native district of Islandmagee, and his advice on various movements for the welfare of the community was eagerly sought. He was connected with the First Presbyterian Church, Islandmagee, of which Rev. David Steen, B.A., is the minister.


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The Witness - Friday, 19 February 1915


ATKINSON--EWING -- Feb. 17, 1915, at Benburb Presbyterian Church, by Rev. Wm. Clements, M.A., Robert J. Atkinson, eldest son of John Atkinson, Cool Hill House, Dungannon, to Matilda J. (Tillie), only daughter of the late George and Mrs. Ewing, Tullygiven, Eglish, Dungannon.

NESBITT--MELVILLE -- Feb. 8, at Dundela Presbyterian Church, by Rev. W. Witherow, Robert Henry Nesbitt, West Alberta, Canada, to Clara Melville, only daughter of the late William Melville, Strandtown Belfast.


ADAMS -- Feb. 14, at the Manse, Orritor, Cookstown, Mary Matilda, dearly-loved wife of Rev. Kennedy Adams. Interred in Aughnahoy, Portglenone, on Wednesday.

JOHNSTON -- Feb. 8, 1915, at her residence, Labona Villa, Ravenhill Road, Ellen, the dearly-beloved wife of James Johnston, late of Ballykine, Ballynahinch. Interred in the family burying-ground, Second Ballynahinch.

MORELL -- Feb. 18, at his residence, Lansdowne Road, Belfast, James Morell (late Commissioner of National Education), in his ninety-second year. Funeral strictly private.

WILSON -- Feb. 17, 1915, at his residence, Edenderry, Co. Armagh, James Wilson. Funeral to-day (Friday), at 11-30. JOSEPH WILSON.

WILSON -- Feb. 14, 1915, at her residence, Moss Road, Ballyclare, Ann Jane, beloved wife of Robert Wilson. Interred in the family burying-ground, Doagh, on Tuesday, 16th inst.

YOUNG -- Feb. 14, at Woodview, Drumquin, Co. Tyrone, Robert Young, aged 84 years. Interred in the family burying-ground, Drumquin, on Tuesday. Deeply regretted.

BUNTING -- Feb. 13, at 219, Spamount Street, Annie Maria, youngest daughter of James Edward Bunting.

BYERS -- Feb. 15, at his residence, Killead, John Byers, B.A., Principal Killead N.S.

CALDWELL -- Feb. 13, at The Hotel, Crumlin, Alexander J. Caldwell.

CALVIN -- Feb. 16, at the Firs, Portadown, Annie, wife of John Calvin.

CLARKE -- Feb. 13, at Deneight, Lisburn, Elisa Jane Clarke.

COBAIN -- Feb. 17, James Cobain, 14th R.I.R., only surviving son of Robert Cobain, 3, Evelyn Gardens, Belfast.

COOPER -- Feb. 11, at 20, Glenallen Street, Belfast, Jeanie Sharpe, third daughter of the late Sampson M. Cooper, C.E.

CRAIG -- Feb. 10, at Bay View, Carnlough, Co. Antrim, Captain John Craig.

DORRIAN -- Feb. 11, at Kirkcubbin, Co. Down, William Dorrian.

DUNLOP -- Feb. 11, at Port Said, Dr. Peter Dunlop, third son of the late Charles Dunlop, Edenderry House, Ballylesson, Lisburn.

FOSTER -- Feb. 16, at Rathdown, 23, Ward Avenue, Bangor, Frederick Thomas Foster.

FRACKLETON -- Feb. 16, at Drumnaferry, Sara Jane, wife of James Frackelton.

GALWAY -- Feb. 14, at St. Clair, Ormeau Road, Belfast, William Berkeley Galway, M.A., Solicitor, eldest son of the late William Galway, Millmount, Dundonald.

GAMBLE -- Feb. 12, at Straid, Robert Hugh Gamble.

GREEN -- Feb. 14, at 12, Stranmillis Road, Sarah Illingworth, wife of Thomas Green.

HANNA -- Feb. 14, at Tullyard, Lisburn, James Hanna.

HART -- Feb. 12, at Newseat, Carrickfergus, Alexander Hart, aged 87 years.

LENNON -- Feb. 15, at 23, Church Street, Bangor, John, husband of Eliza J. Lennon.

LESTER -- Feb. 12, at 6, Madison Avenue, James Torrens, youngest son of the late W. J. Lester.

MARSHALL -- Feb. 12, at Hillmount, Antrim Road, Lisburn, Frederick Samuel Bolton (Eric), only son of Fred Marshall.

M'BURNIE -- Feb. 14, at 4, Eia Street, Elizabeth M'Burnie.

M'CAW -- Feb. 11, at 3, Strathcona Terrace, Donaghadee, Agnes, daughter of the late Johnston M'Caw, of Taghnevan, Lurgan.

M'NINCH -- Feb. 16, at Dunluce Street, Larne, Marianne, wife of John M'Ninch.

ORR -- Feb. 17, at 23, Windsor Terrace, Larne Harbour, Willie Moffatt, second son of Wm. J. Orr.

STEMPLE -- Feb. 11, at Rosetla, Mordialloc, Melbourne, Archibald B. Semple, lately of Whitehead.

SHAW -- Feb. 25, at Drumaroad, Castlewellan, David W. Shaw.

SHAW -- Feb. 17, at 100, Jocelyn Avenue, Margaret, relict of the late William Shaw, of Luskey Mills, Killinchy.

SINCLAIR -- Feb. 10, at Whiterock, Ballymurphy, Nellie, wife of John B. Sinclair, and eldest daughter of John S. Brown, aged 32 years.

SLOANE -- Feb. 10, Samuel C. Sloane, English Street, Armagh.

SMITH -- Feb. 13, 1915, at Cragoran, Islandmagee, Co. Antrim, Jessie Bertram, widow of the late George Smith, aged 81 years. CHARLES B. SMITH; EDWARD C. SMITH.

SMYTH -- Feb. 12, at Stratherin, Glenburn Park, Belfast, John Smyth.

WALKER -- Feb. 14, Abraham Walker, Linen Merchant, Queen Street, Belfast, fourth son of the late Abraham Walker, Levaghery, Portadown.

WILSON -- Feb. 17, at Straid, Ballynure, Thomas Wilson, J.P.



"The roll of Honour of the Queen's University of Belfast," the title of an interesting booklet which has been compiled by authority of the Senate, contains the following --


C. R. Crymble, D.Sc., lieutenant, 3rd Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers (S.R.), senior assistant in chemistry in the university.

K. T. Frost, M.A., B.Litt., lieutenant, 3rd Battalion the Cheshire Regiment, lecturer on Archaeology and Ancient History in the university.

Patrick M'Donagh, second-lieutenant, 3rd Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment.

T. M Phillips, M.B., captain, Royal Army Medical Corps.

V. T. T. Rea, lieutenant, 4th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles.

Killed in action 1914.


The Chancellor -- The Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.P., K.C.V.O., Brigadier-General Commanding 1st South Western Mounted Brigade.

Members of the University Staff -- A. O. Belfour, M.A,, despatch rider; P. T. Crymble, F.R.C.S., lieutenant, R.A.M C. (T.F.), assistant surgeon, Base Hospital; A. R. Dwerryhouse, D.Sc., captain, Royal Garrison Artillery (S.R.); E. C. T. Emerson, M.B., lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps; W. G. Glendinning, B.A., B.Sc., despatch rider; H. Gooch, B.Sc., second-lieutenant, Royal Engineers; R. M. Harper, B.Sc., second-lieutenant, 7th Battalion Munster Fusiliers; Thomas Houston, M.D., senior medical officer and bacteriologist in Base Hospital; G. Livens, B.Sc., second-lieutenant, 5th Battalion Wiltshire Regiment; H. M'Cloy, M.D., medical officer and pathologist, in Base Hospital; R. J. M'Connell, M.B., lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps; Wicliff M'Cready, M.B., captain, 10th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles; Allan Macdougal, M.A.; J. E. M'Ilwaine, M.D., senior medical officer in Base Hospital; H. P. Malcolm, M.B., lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps; Rupert Stanley, B.A., captain, Royal Engineers; W. J. Wilson, M.D., lieutenant, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), specialist sanitary officer for Belfast district.

Then follows a list of graduates, undergraduates, and members of the Officers' Training Corps, which shows that fourteen are in the Regular Army and the Navy, eighty-five in the Special Reserve, 119 have obtained commissions in the New Armies, fourteen have enlisted in the ranks, and twenty-nine are serving in the Territorial Force. Four University attendants have also joined the colours.

The following is a list of the staff of the Queen's University Officers' Training Corps who have been training Cadets for commissions and have been engaged in the work of the schools of instruction established by the War Office in the grounds of the University -- Major Gregg Wilson, commandant; Captain J. D. M. M'Callum, adjutant of first school; Captain A. S. Fraser, adjutant of second school; Captain C. J. Brennan, Lieutenant H. O. Meredith, Lieutenant J. H. Orr, Lieutenant W. Rankin.

The University Veterans' Corps -- Executive Committee -- Chairman, Dr. John Campbell; Sir Peter O'Connell, M.D., D.L.; Henry Beaver, B.E.; Dr. H. L. M'Kisack, Rev. W. A. Watson, M.A.; G. H. Wheeler, M.A., LL.B.; Professor Sinclair, M.D.; honorary treasurer, Dr. A. Gardner Robb; honorary secretary and commanding officer, Dr. J. W. Taylor; honorary consulting physician, Sir William Whitla, M.D.; honorary consulting surgeon, J. Walton Browne, M.D.



By order of the Lord Lieutenant, Mr. P. P. Adams, a Tullamore County Councillor; Thomas Dunne, Ballingar; Peter Bracken, Tullamore; John Buckley, Clonmore; Wm. Fitzgerald, Cappacur; and James Gallagher, who, at the Winter Assizes in Dublin, were sentenced by Mr. Justice Kenny to six months' imprisonment for cattle-driving, were released from the Mountjoy Prison on Wednesday. They were met by Mr. Wm. Delany, M.P., and Mr. Patrick M'Kenna, J.P., and, having spent the night in a city hotel, left for Tullamore. Thomas Hynes, Geashill, was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment for the same offence, but it is stated that his term also has been reduced. It is proposed to petition the Lord Lieutenant to grant Mr. Adams a free pardon in order to remove the disqualification which results from his imprisonment of fitting as a member of the County Council.



The annual ploughing competitions held under the auspices of the Mid-Armagh Ploughing Association took place in a large field at Annaghannaney, near Killylea, kindly lent by Mr. J. Donnelly. The weather was suitable. Details --

Class I. -- Farmers' Swing Plough -- 1, Robert Warden, Manooney; 2, Thomas Marshall, Drumgolive; 3, H. Gillespie, Annagh.

Class II. -- Junior Swing Plough -- 1, Geo. Livingstone, College Hall; 2, James M'Aree, Manooney; 3, Hugh Gordon, Cooey; 4, James Hughes, Foyar (plough held by Patrick Quinn); 5, James Gray, Dillay (plough held by Wm. Gillespie).

Class III. -- For boys under eighteen who have never competed before -- Swing Plough -- 1, James Currie, Derryhaw; 2, Peter Hughes, Annagh; 3, William Wilson, Drumgolive (plough held by T. Brady).

Class IV. -- Chill Plough -- best fibbed work -- 1, William Ritchie, Cavanapole; 2, Peter Hughes, Foyar; 3, Joseph Marshall, Drumgolive; 4, Charles Hughes, Annagh.

The judges were -- Messrs. William M'Laughlan, Milford; James Irwin, Larrykeen; and Thomas W. Murphy, Finglush.

The duties of secretary were ably carried out by Mr. W. Wilsom, Drumgolive. The prizes were distributed by Mrs. W. J. Shaw-Hamilton, Dartan.



Death of Mr. Forrester Paton.

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Alexander Forrester Paton, of Alloa, a prominent supporter of the temperance cause, and managing director of the well-known firm of Messrs. John Paton, Son, & Co., yarn manufacturers, Kilncraigs, Alloa. Mr. Paton is survived by his widow, three sons, and a daughter. His daughter is the wife of Mr. Duncan Millar, M.P. for North-East Lanarkshire, and one of his sons recently married a daughter of Lord Shaw of Dunfermline. At an early age he identified himself with the temperance cause, and throughout his life he devoted both his ample means and his energies to forwarding the movement. He was a life-long abstainer, and his attitude on temperance reform might be described as that of a "whole-hogger". His ultimate ideal was prohibition of the liquor traffic, but being a man of shrewd judgment he recognised that such an end, however desirable, could not be gained by revolutionary means, that it must be approached gradually. Recognising also that alcoholic drinking was largely a matter of custom, he was a vigorous advocate of all means of educating the public as to the evil consequences that followed indulgence in strong drink. Naturally, therefore, he based high hopes on the better training of the rising generation, and was an active supporter of scientific temperance teaching in the schools, and of the great Band of Hope movement. In Alloa he was prominent in every good cause that made for the weal of the community. The Patons of Alloa have long held a reputation for philanthropy, and the town has benefited in many ways from their munificent benefactions. Mr. Forrester Paton, deeply interested in education, provided a secondary school for the town, and his sister, the late Miss Forrester Paton, who died a few mouths ago, established a County Accidents Hospital, while a brother, Mr. John Paton, gifted the handsome Town Hall and Museum, one of the architectural features of the town, which was erected at a cost of £40,000. Deceased was greatly interested in church affairs, and a prominent member of the United Free Church, being an office-bearer of Moncrieff United Free Church, of which his father also had been a member. He was a man of gracious personality, and ever ready to give of his wealth in all good causes. He did not, however, make a display of generosity, preferring rather to do good by stealth, and many people were the recipients of his unostentatious bounty.



Former Commissioner of National Education.

We regret to learn the death of Mr. James Morell, which occurred on the 18th inst., at his residence, Lansdowne Road, Belfast, and the news will be received with sorrow amongst a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Morell, who was in his ninety-second year, was a former Commissioner of National Education, a position from which he retired in 1904, and during his connection with the National Board passed through all its grades of service and honour, being held in the highest respect by officials of all grades, and, indeed, by all with whom he came in contact, and who knew his conscientious character and personal worth. He was appointed a sub-inspector in 1849, and after passing through all the grades of inspection he attained to the position of junior secretary, and in 1888 was appointed by the Lord Lieutenant Commissioner of Education. For some time as the senior member, officially, Mr. Morell was the permanent chairman of the Board. He was always an enthusiastic friend of popular education, and took a great part in its promotion. Mr. Morell was a brother of the late Rev. Dr. Charles Morell.



We learn with regret of the death of Dr. Peter Dunlop, third son of the late Mr. Chas. Dunlop, of Edenderry House, Ballylesson, the sad event having taken place at Port Said on the 11th inst. Deceased, who was a member of an old and highly-respected County Down family, was a brother of Fleet-Surgeon James Dunlop. He was educated at Queen's College, Belfast, and became a licentiate of the Royal Collage of Surgeons in 1881. It may be recalled that deceased's nephew, Lieutenant Carles Dunlop, 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, elder son of Fleet-Surgeon James Dunlop, died in hospital at Versailles on 22nd October, 1914, from wounds received in action on the Aisne.



The news of the death of Mrs. Adams, wife of Rev. Kennedy Adams, B.A., will be received with the deepest regret by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. For the past two years Mrs. Adams was in poor health. The younger daughter of the late Rev. John Houston, Portglenone, Mrs. Adams had gained the affection and esteem not only of the members of her husband's congregation, but of the people of the Cookstown district, irrespective of creed or class. Her kindly interest in all, her sympathy with the poor and the suffering, her bright, cheerful temperament, her gracious manner as an ideal hostess made her a general favourite in the community, while in every department of the work of Orritor congregation she took a practical interest. To the bereaved husband and other relatives we tender respectful sympathy. On Wednesday her remains were removed for interment in the family burying-ground at Aughnahoy, Portglenone, and the large concourse of people who followed them at Orritor and Portglenone testified to the esteem and affection in which deceased was held. Impressive services were conducted in Orritor Church by Revs. G. Bell Shaw, J. W. Sharpe, and Wm. M'Ilhatton and at the graveside by Revs. Stewart Dickson and T. C. Jasper.



The death has occurred, at his residence, Warwick House, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, of the Rev. John Fordyce, M.A., D.D., who was formerly the minister of Donegall Street Congregational Church, Belfast. The deceased was educated at Edinburgh University, where he took the degree of M.A., whilst he received his theological training at the Edinburgh Theological Hall. He had his first ministerial charge at Portobello, where he resided from 1870 to 1872, when he removed to Great Grimsby. In the latter town he laboured with great earnestness and success for nine years, and at the end of that time he came to Belfast as minister to the Donegall Street congregation. A gifted preacher and a man of exceedingly kindly and helpful disposition, he made numerous friends in this city. He took a prominent part in social and philanthropic work, and was specially interested in the Royal Hospital, then situated in Frederick Street. He was a life governor of that institution, and did all in his power to promote its usefulness and prosperity. He was held in great esteem and affection by the members of his congregation, and it was a matter of genuine regret to them when he intimated his intention of leaving Belfast in order to undertake important work in Australia, consequent on his appointment as minister of Ucollhra Congregational Church, Sydney. He maintained his connection with that church from 1889 to 1908, and on returning to England about seven years ago he was selected as pastor of the Hemel Hempstead Church. Dr. Fordyce was twice married, and his second wife survives him.





A despatch from Sir John French, dated January 14, gives names of those he recommends for gallant and distinguished service in the field, in accordance with his despatch of Nov. 30. These include -- Navy Headquarters Staff, Flying Corps, Hussars, Lancers, Yeomanry, R.F.A., Engineers, Infantry regiments, Medical Services, Indian Army, &c.

The name of Prince Maurice of Battenberg appears under King's Royal Rifles. The following are some of the names well known in Ulster taken from the list, of twenty-seven pages --

General Headquarters Staff -- Major Viscount Castlereagh, M.V.O. (now the Marquis of Londonderry); Colonel the Earl of Cavan, M.V.O.; Brigadier-General Count Gleichen, K.C., V.O.; Major-General Gough, Colonel Maude, and Right Hon. Colonel Seely.

Royal Horse Guards -- Major the Earl of Erne (prisoner of war).

North Irish Horse -- Major Viscount Massereene and Ferrard.

Irish Guards -- Lieutenant-Colonel Lord Ardee.

R.A.M.C. -- Lieutenant W. Tyrrell, M.B. (Special Reserve).

Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers -- Lieut.-Colonel C. A. Wilding, Captain G. R. V. Steward, Second-Lieutenant J. G. B. Thomas (died of wounds), Sergeant S. Cree, 6622 (deceased).

Royal Irish Rifles -- Lieut.-Colonel G. B. Laurie, 1st Battalion; Lieutenant L. Browne, 2nd Battalion; Second-Lieutenant G. V. Fitzgerald, 4th Battalion (attached); Second-Lieutenant M. C. Kearne, Second-Lieutenant J. Martin (was Regimental Sergeant-Major).


North Irish Horse -- Corporal J. Wright, 1008; Private R. M'Ilwaine, 788.

2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles -- Rifleman L. Carolan, 9975; Rifleman A. Gare, 6959; Lance-Corporal W. MacFarlane, 7359; Rifleman A. Magrath, 9732; Rifleman C. Morley, 7332.




Following upon the death of Mr. William Quinn, who died on Monday as the result of being attacked near his home, Flush Hall, Newtownards, Co. Down, on Saturday night, a Coroner's inquiry was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, and, after bearing all the circumstances, the jury found a verdict to the effect that the cause of death was compression of the brain, due to haemorrhage produced by a fracture of the base of the skull, and that some person or persons unknown to the jury did wilfully and of malice aforethought murder William Quinn.

At the inquest, amongst the witnesses examined was Samuel Heron, manager of the Ulster Print Works, Newtownards, the stepfather of the deceased, who stated that Mr. Quinn was employed in the works under witness. His salary was £1 a week. He was going to get married to a Miss Lavery, of Newtownards, on Thursday. Witness went to bed about half-past ten on the night of the 13th February, but later got up and went out, being awakened by what he considered was the noise of the dogs. He was out from five to seven minutes. He returned to bed, but was awakened by his wife's voice, and he asked what was wrong, and she replied, "Come down quick, as Willie is badly hurt." Deceased, answering his interrogation, stated that some "blighter" struck him with something heavy, which almost knocked him down. He tried to get away and called, but was struck again. Before he went for the doctor witness examined the avenue, and saw blood on the ground between the house and the gate.

On Thursday there was a sensational sequel to the matter, when, just as the funeral cortege containing the body of the victim, William Quinn, was about to leave for Newry for burial in the family burying-ground, Head-Constable M'Lane stepped forward and arrested Samuel Heron, the stepfather of the murdered man. He was conveyed to the police barracks.

A special Court was held at six o'clock, before Mr. G. Duff, R.M., when Head-Constable M'Lane deposed to arresting Samuel Heron, charging him with having feloniously murdered one William Quinn. He gave him the usual caution. Prisoner said -- "I do not want to hesitate. I am going back with you. I expected this." The head-constable applied for a remand for eight days, and this was granted, accused being taken in custody to Belfast Jail.


^ top of page

The Witness - Friday, 26 February 1915


ROBB -- Feb. 21, at Brook House, Holywood, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Robb -- a daughter.


DAWSON -- Feb. 18, 1915, at her late residence, Cornacarrow, Cootehill, Agnes Buchanan, widow of the late James Dawson, peacefully passed away in her 80th year. Deeply regretted by the members of her family and many sorrowing friends. Funeral, private.

MITCHELL -- Feb. 23, at Ardlussa, Antrim Road, David Mitchell, aged 78 years. Funeral private.

M'CONNELL -- Feb. 18, at his residence, Laurel Hill, Doagh, Samuel M'Connell, aged 78 years. Interred in the family burying-ground at Donegore, on 22nd February.

NELSON -- Feb. 25, in Military Hospital, Belfast, Private John M'Clelland Nelson, Cyclist Company, Ulster Division, youngest son of William Nelson, Knockgorm. Funeral from Knockgorm, on Saturday, at one o'clock, to Magherally.

ROY -- Feb. 22, 1915, at his residence, 11, Pacific Avenue, Belfast, George Roy. Interred in Annahilt Glebe, on 24th February.

ADAMS -- Feb. 20, at Granshaw, Bangor, Samuel Adams, aged 84 years.

ADAMS -- Feb. 22, at No. 1, Cullybackey Road, Ballymena, David Adams, sen.

ALLEN -- Feb. 23, at Market Square, Dromore, County Down, David Allen.

ANDERSON -- Feb. 23, at 32, The Mount, Mountpottinger, Jane Montgomerie, widow of the late John Crossley Anderson.

BAYLY -- Feb. 22, at Victoria Terrace, Enniskillen, Catherine Pippard, second daughter of the late Rev. B. Bayly, Methodist Minister.

BROWNE -- Feb. l5, at Castlederg, Elizabeth, relict of the late Thomas Browne, aged 74 years.

BROWNE -- Feb. 22, at Ratherogan, Cookstown, William, eldest surviving son of the late Wm. Browne, of Drapersfield House, Cookstown.

CASSIDY -- Feb. 19, at Diamond Gardens, Finaghy, Belfast, William, husband of Mary Cassidy, in his 85th year.

COLLINS -- Feb. 18, at Carleton Street, Portadown, Letitia, relict of the late Thomas Collins.

CRON -- Feb. 19, at 18, Cardigan Drive, Cliftonville, Catherine Cron.

CRUICKSHANK -- Feb. 19, 1915, at her residence, Lisbad, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Cruikshank. Deeply regretted.

EWING -- Feb. 19, at Feehogue, Randalstown, James Ewing.

GAWLEY -- Feb. 21, at Brookvale, Upper Ballinderry, Margaret J. Gawley.

HILLIS -- Feb. 21, at Ballynageeragh, Sarah, relict of the late Samuel Hillis, Maxwellswalls, aged 83 years.

KENNEDY -- Feb 20, Eleanor, fourth daughter of Francis Kennedy, Ballyhay, Donaghadee, aged 5 years.

KINAHAN -- Feb. 23, at 16, Wellington Park, Maria Louisa, fifth daughter Rev. John Kinahan, Knockbreda.

KING -- Feb. 17, at Knockgorm, Garvaghy, Banbridge, Co. Down, William King, aged 80 years.

LINDSAY -- Feb. 21, at 41, Main Street, Bangor, Captain William Lindsay.

MAGEE -- Feb. 19, at 33, Brookhill Avenue, Belfast, William M. Magee.

MANSON -- Feb. 24, at Maxwell's Walls, John Charles Manson, aged 3 years and 7 months.

MITCHELL -- Feb. 23, at Ardlussa, Antrim Road, David Mitchell, aged 78 years.

MORGAN -- Feb. 22, at 107, Gregg Street, Lisburn, Ann Jane, widow of the late Hugh Morgan, in her 83rd year.

MURRAY -- Feb. 23, at 85, Cavehill Road, Richard Alexander, husband of Ellen Murray.

M'CONNELL -- Feb. 18, at Laurel Hill, Doagh, Samuel M'Connell.

M'CORD -- Feb. 23, at Trumnery, Moira, Isabella, daughter of the late Conway M'Cord, aged 8 years.

M'IVOR -- Feb. 21, at Ballywalter Park, Robert M'Ivor, Landsteward.

M'KINSTRY -- Feb. 20, at Ballynure, Elizabeth, widow of the late John M'Kinstry.

REID -- Feb. 18, at Beechmount, Ballyknockan, Ballygowan, Margaret Carlisle, wife of Alexander Reid.

RUSSELL -- Feb. 20, at Conlig, Bangor, Mary, wife of Thomas Russell.

SAYLES -- Feb. 20, at 105, The Mount, Belfast, Samuel T. Sayles.

SHILLINGTON -- Feb. 19, at Tavanagh House, Portadown, Mary J., widow of the late Thomas Shillington, J.P.

SIMPSON -- Feb. 18, at Cottown, Donaghadee, Robert Noel, third son of Robert Simpson, aged 12 years.

SINCLAIR -- Feb. 22, at Mount Randal, Whitehead, George Sinclair.

STARK -- Feb. 17, at Scotch Quarter, Carrickfergus, Margaret Stark, widow of the late Robert Stark.

STEWART -- Feb. 21, at Beechmount, Donegall Park, James Stewart, aged 74 years.

TAYLOR -- Feb. 23, at Halkett, Neill's Hill, Margaret, wife of Henry Taylor.

WALSH -- Feb. 25, at 116, Ormeau Road, Daniel J., husband of Margaret Walsh.

In Memoriam

CUMING -- In loving memory of William Cuming, who died 26th February, and was interred in Ballylesson Churchyard, 28th February, 1914. Inserted by his Wife and Family.





A long list of promotions and decorations for Army officers and men for services in the field was issued last week. The following are the rewards of Ulster interest --

To be Major-General -- Colonel (temporary Major-General) H. de B. de Lisle, Colonels (temporary Brigadier-Generals) Count Gleichen, Hon. C. E. Bingham.

To be K.C.B.'s -- Major-General (temporary Lieutenant-General) Sir H. S. Rawlinson, Bart.; Major-General (temporary Lieutenant-General) R. C. Maxwell, Major-General (temporary Lieutenant-General) E. H. H. Allenby, colonel 5th Lancers.

To be K.C.M.G.'s -- Major-General Hon. J. H. G. Byng, Major-General (temporary Lieutenant-General) (Sir A. J. Murray, colonel Inniskilling Fusiliers.

To be C.B. -- Captain and Brevet-Major Prince Arthur of Connaught.

To be Extra Aide-de-Camp to the King and to be Brevet-Colonel -- Lieutenant-Colonel W. D. Bird, Royal Irish Rifles.


Lieut.-Colonel Ernest Wright Alexander, 119th Battery, Royal Field Artillery.

Drummer William Kenny, 6535, 2nd Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders.

Lieutenant James Anson Otho Brooke, 2nd Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders.

Captain John Franks Vallentin, 1st Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment.

Lieutenant Frank Alexander De Pass, late 34th Prince Albert Victor's Own Poona Horse.

11340 Private Henry Howey Robson, 2nd Battalion the Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment.

8185 Private James Mackenzie, late 2nd Battalion Scots Guards.

Lieutenant Philip Neame, Royal Engineers.

10694, Private Abraham Acton, 2nd Batt. the Border Regiment.

6423, Private James Smith, 3rd Batt. the Border Regiment (attached to 2nd battalion).

No. 3556, Lance-Corporal Michael O'Leary, 1st Battalion Irish Guards.

Clasp to Victoria Cross -- Lieutenant Arthur Martin Leake, Royal Army Medical Corps, who was awarded the Victoria Cross on 13th May, 1902.


Lieutenant Richard Lawrence Bond, 23rd Field Company Royal Engineers.

Captain the Honourable John Beresford Campbell, reserve of officers, 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards.

Second-Lieutenant the Honourable Richard Coke, 1st Battalion Scots Guards (formerly captain, reserve of officers, Scots Guards).

Lieutenant Douglas Stewart Davidson, 1st Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers.

Second Lieutenant Charles Henry Dowden, 2nd Battalion King's Royal Rifles.

Lieutenant Frederick John Harrington, 2nd Prince of Wales' Own West Yorkshire Regiment.

Captain Claude Alexander Lafone, 2nd Devonshire Regiment.

Lieutenant Geoffrey Claude Langdale Ottley, late 2nd Scots Guards.

Lieutenant Frank Crowther Roberts, 1st Worcestershire Regiment.

Captain William Watson, 2nd Border Regiment.

Captain Alan Campbell Ross, 20th Deccan Horse.

Captain Felton Vesey Holt, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry and Royal Flying Corps.



To be extra Aide-de-Camp to the King and to be Brevet-Colonel -- Lieutenant-Colonel W. D. Bird, D.S.O.

Promotion to Captain -- Second-Lieutenant J. Martin.

To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order -- Lieutenant S. S. Dillon.


To be C.M.G. -- Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. Wilding.

To be a Companion of the D.S.O. -- Captain G. R. V. Steward.


Private H. Gamble, 10356, 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.

Private J. Johnston, 8666, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.

Sergeant W. O'Lone, 7511, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.

Lance Corporal A. Osbaldston, 7284, 1st Royal Irish Rifles.

Private W. Shearer, 6055, 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles.

Sergeant G. Thompson, 8650, 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.

Corporal J. Thompson, 9089, 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.


Amongst the recipients of the decorations graciously awarded by the King for gallantry on the field are the following Belfast doctors, who have been awarded the Military Cross -- Captain W. B. Purdon, M.B.; Lieut. W. M'Cullagh, M.B.; and Lieut. W. Tyrrell, M.B.

Three chaplains have also been awarded the Military Cross -- The Rev, H. W. Blackburne, M.A.; the Rev. the Hon. M. B. Peel, and the Rev. A. H. Boyd, M.A.


The "London Gazette" of Friday made the following announcement -- The following lieutenant to be temporarily captain -- T. U. C. Viscount Northland, Reserve of Officers, Coldstream Guards (since killed in action).


In connection with, the Cuxhaven air raid on the 25th December the King has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order --

To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order -- Captain Cecil Francis Kilner, R.M.L.I. (Flight Commander); Lieutenant Charles Humphrey Kingsman Edmonds, R.N. (Flight-lieutenant).

To receive the Distinguished Service Medal -- Chief Petty Officer-Mechanic James Wm. Bell, No. M489; Chief Petty Officer-Mechanic Gilbert Howard William Budds, No. 271764.

For gallant work in clearing mines after the German raid on Scarborough the King has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointment to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross in respect of the under-mentioned officers --

To be Companion of the Distinguished Service Order -- Lieutenant H. Boothby, R.N.R.

To receive the Distinguished Service Cross -- Lieutenant C. V. Crossley, R.N.R.; Skipper T. Tringall, R.N.T.R.; Skipper Ernest V. Snowline, R.N.T.R.

To receive the Distinguished Service Medal -- Robert A. Gray, engineman, R.N.R., No. 694 ES; William A. Lewis, Petty Officer First Class, No. 178498; Christopher Briggs, engineman, R.N.R., No. 1542 ES; William Gladding, cook, R.N.R., No. 223 TC; Robt. Frost, second hand, R.N.R., No. 81 DA.


Rev. Dr. Hamilton, Vice-Chancellor of the Queen's University, in a letter to the Press, congratulates on behalf of the University the following distinguished Queensmen whose names are mentioned in Sir John French's despatch for gallant service in the field --

Brigadier-General the Rev. J. M. Sims, D.D., principal chaplain of the Expeditionary Force.

Major F. S. Irvine, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps, son of the late well-remembered Canon Irvine, of this city.

Captain W. Brooke Purdon, M.B., son at another well-known Belfast physician, and himself noted, among other things, as an international footballer.

Captain T. M. Phillips, R.A.M.C., killed in action, son of the late Rev. J. G. Phillips, of Damascus.

Lieutenant J. V. Atkinson, 2nd Essex Regiment.

Lieutenant J. L. Jackson, son of the Rev. John Jackson, B.D., Ballycastle.

Lieutenant W. M. H. M'Cullagh, M.B., winner in his student days of the M'Quitty Memorial Prize at the Royal Victoria Hospital.

Lieutenant J. M. Pirrie, M.B., a grandson of a former well-remembered Belfast physician.

Second-Lieutenant C. E. Cooke, 3rd Battalion of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, son of Mr. Alexander Cooke Belfast.

Lieutenant William Tyrrell, M.B., medical officer of the 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers, the son of the High Sheriff of Belfast, and himself well known as one of our foremost athletes.

Rev. Joseph Lynn, B.A., B.D., acting chaplain to the Expeditionary Force.

These men, adds the Vice-Chancellor not only brought high and unwonted honour to themselves, but to their alma mater and all Ulster, and may be assured that their names will live in our history for evermore.



It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Mr. David Mitchell, a leading Belfast citizen, which occurred on Wednesday at his residence, Ardlussa, Antrim Road. The deceased, who was 78 years of age, had not been in the best of health for some time, but was able until a week or so ago to drive about the city. He was engaged in the hardware industry, and was the founder of the firm of Messrs. David Mitchell, Ltd., Castle Street. A very successful business man, he built up a large commercial connection, which to the present day remains with the firm. In earlier life be took a lively interest in the public affairs of the city, and for a considerable period was a member of the Board of Guardians. In politics he was a staunch Unionist. He was a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, and all his life was associated with May Street Church, whose welfare he ever had at heart. He was a member of session, and occupied the responsible position pf treasurer, and only a few days ago was engaged transacting some of the duties connected with that office. A kindly and benevolent gentleman, he was held in the highest respect by all who knew him, and his demise will his greatly regretted. His wife predeceased him some years ago, and he is survived by his two daughters, to whom the utmost sympathy will be extended in their sad bereavement.



The death of Mrs. Dawson took place at the residence of her youngest son on Thursday of last week. She had attained an advanced age, and was widow of the late James Dawson, who for many years was an esteemed elder in Cootehill Presbyterian Church. Some two years prior to her decease she had a very severe illness, from the effects of which she never fully recovered. During her last illness all that medical skill and the loving attendance at the members of her family could do proved unavailing, and she peacefully passed away on the 18th inst. In early life Mrs. Dawson dedicated herself to the service of her loving Saviour Jesus Christ, and all her days were spent in His service. She was possessed of more than ordinary mental gifts, and her mind was replete with Scriptural knowledge and doctrine. These proved her great comfort and hope in all her difficulties, and very specially in her last illness. She was a most devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, and very regular in her attendance at public worship, unless when sickness prevented, and was most liberal in her contributions to the church and every good cause. She was also kind and generous to the poor. She leaves three sons and five daughters to mourn her loss, and her removal has caused a blank in the district where she was so highly respected, by her many friends and acquaintances. She was buried beside her husband on the 20th inst., and although her funeral was private, the members of her family and many kind and sympathetic friends were present. At the grave the service was conducted by Revs. W. M. Henry and W. Smyth.



The news of the early death of Mr. John Lowry Moore, B.A., Ph.D., the only son of Mr. David Moore, the esteemed secretary of the Belfast Harbour Trust, will occasion much sorrow amongst his many acquaintances. The sad event took place at his father's residence, 67, Eglantine Avenue, on Sunday. Deceased, who was only thirty-four years of age, was a student of Queen's College, and after a distinguished college course took his degree of B.A. at the Royal University. He was appointed last autumn as examiner in German for matriculation at Queen's University. He was a young man of brilliant abilities and high character.



The news of the death of Mr. William Browne, of Rathcrogan, Cookstown, which occurred on Monday, will be learned with regret by many people in the North of Ireland. He was well known in Belfast to the older generation, being the son of the late William Browne, head of the firm of Browne, Reid, & Co., Waring Street. Mr. Browne was for some time in the firm, and afterwards started business in London. After his father retired from the business and bought Drapersfield House and factory, near Cookstown, deceased came to reside with him, and turned his attention to industrial inventions, for which be had considerable talent. Amongst the successful patents which he worked was silicate of cotton weaving for boiler and steam pipe covering, and peat-drying apparatus for utilising the peat bogs of Ireland. Deceased married Miss Sara E. Fleming, second daughter of Rev. Alexander Fleming, minister of First Presbyterian Church, Cookstown, and afterwards Armagh. His eldest son, W. Grahame Browne, is the well-known London actor, at present in the United States with Miss Tempest's company. His second son is Dr. Harry Fleming Browne, of New Cavendish Street, London, and the youngest son, Alexander Fleming Browne, is in the London office of Messrs. Davidson & Co., Sirocco Works. His only daughter is married to Mr. R. H. Twigg, solicitor, chairman of Cookstown Urban District Council. Deceased, who was seventy-one years of age, was cousin of Dr. J. Walton Browne, Belfast. His nephew, Mr. Charles Browne, son of his late brother Grahame, has just got a commission in the Army Service Corps.



The news of the death of Mr. James Stewart, of Beechmount, Antrim Road, which occurred on Sabbath, will be received with much sorrow by his numerous friends, and local charitable institutions will be the poorer of a warm supporter. Mr. Stewart, who was seventy-eight years of age, was down town so recently as Thursday last, but he contracted a chill, and on that evening he became ill and at night was in a very weak condition. Dr. Morrow and Professor Lindsay were called in, and did everything in their power for the patient, but he gradually got weaker, and died as stated. Mr. Stewart's principal interest was in promoting charitable objects, and in the establishment of the Cripples' Homes at Bangor he took a leading part, for, after the death of his wife, about eleven years ago, he erected one of those buildings to her memory at his own expense. Quite recently he paid for the extension of this structure, which is known as the Stewart Memorial Home, when it was thought advisable to add to it an operating theatre. He was a warm friend of the Workshops for the Industrious Blind in Royal Avenue, and also subscribed liberally to the Maternity Hospital. As an advocate of providing nurses for the sick poor, Mr. Stewart proved zealous to an enthusiastic degree, and he backed up his work in that respect by handsome contributions, the latest of which, supplemented from other sources, enabled the society to remove from College Square to more mutable premises in University Street. In business he was engaged in the linen trade -- he succeeded his father when he was only eighteen years of age -- and his firm, which had its headquarters in Bedford Street, and went under the style of Messrs. James Stewart & Co., enjoyed a high reputation throughout a long period, having connections all over the world. Four years ago, owing to advancing years and failing health, he sold the concern and retired into private life. Mr. Stewart leaves no immediate relatives, his only sister, Mrs. Waters, having died four years ago.



The passing sway of Mr. Wilson on Wednesday, 17th inst., though not quite unexpected, came as a surprise to many of his friends. He had long passed the allotted span of three score years and ten, having reached the advanced age of eighty-six years, and yet almost up has death he was apparently vigorous in mind and body, with the exception of chronic rheumatism, with which he had been affected for the last two or three years, and which had confined him to his house. Mr. Wilson was the oldest member of Benburb Presbyterian Church, of which he was a most zealous and devoted member, and enjoyed the unique distinction of having served on the congregational committee for sixty years, discharging the duties of his office with zeal and efficiency, and taking a deep and active interest not only in the temporal, but also in the spiritual affairs of the church. Until the infirmities of advancing years grew upon him he was never absent from public worship or from the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. He was not a great man as the world estimates greatness, but he was truly great because he was a man who realised at once his limitations, his duties, and his opportunities, and discharged the duties that devolved upon him in the home and the church with credit and with praiseworthy diligence. He was a man of sterling character, of unfaltering truth, and of religious spirit, kind and genial to all with whom he cane in contact. After a long and useful life he has passed away from these voices to where is peace, and the children who loved him so devotedly and the people who esteemed him so highly will know him no more till the day breaks and the shadows flee away. The funeral took place on Friday last amid evident manifestations of much regret, and was representative of all creeds and classes in the community. The Rev. William Clements, in his sermon on Sabbath last, referred in sympathetic and touching terms to the death of Mr. Wilson, and urged his hearers to follow him in so far as he followed Christ.



Sincere regret was felt amongst a wide circle of friends in the Banbridge district when it became known that Mr. Thomas Wallace, Bridge Street, Banbridge, had died on Friday night last. Mr, Wallace carried on a large and successful hardware and grocery business for upwards of forty years, and during that period had earned the esteem of the inhabitants as a man upright and just in his dealings, and obliging and capable in all his mercantile relations. In religion he was a Presbyterian and a devoted member of Bannside congregation, of which he acted as treasurer. He was a director of the Banbridge Gas Company, and was present at a meeting of the shareholders of that company on the 11th inst. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, and five sons.



The Clerk of the Omagh Guardians reports that £25 4s 8d has been lodged to the credit of the Board from the sale of five pigs.

The death has taken place of Mr. John Irwin, sen., Annabawn, Donaghmore, Newry. Deceased was a well-known farmer, and was in his eighty-sixth year.

At Saturday's meeting of Ballymena Guardians the Master reported that Lord O'Neill had given them a lorry load of young trees and shrubs for beautifying the grounds.

At Cootehill Petty Sessions on Saturday Mr. J. J. Hanna, clerk, was made the recipient of a handsome gift from the magistrates of the district on the occasion of his marriage.

A farm dwelling-house, the property of Mr. John Murphy, of Foidra, Brookeborough, together with a large quantity of straw and other effects, was destroyed by fire early on Friday morning.

In response to a letter from the Town Clerk pointing out the danger of fire in the Coleraine Workhouse owing to the absence of a central hydrant, the Guardians on Saturday decided to install one in the men's yard at a cost not exceeding £10.

The Rev. S. I. Graham, M.A., has been elected rector of Saintfield, in succession to the Rev. B. R. Muir, M.A., recently appointed to Glenavy. Rev. S. I. Graham for the past few years has held the appointment of minor canon of Down Cathedral.

On Sunday morning the driver of the 8-30 a.m. train from Belfast to Clones reported to the stationmaster at Richhill that his engine had struck a large stone weighing about 2cwt. lying between the rails at Finegan's Bridge. The engine was badly damaged.

The dead body of Mr. James M'Keown, Letallion, County Down, has been found in a flax-dam after almost a week's searching in the district. The deceased was a farmer in respectable circumstances. It is surmised that in the darkness Mr. M'Keown lost his way and fell into the flax-dam on his homeward journey.

On the 17th instant last a most successful entertainment was held in the Ballymena Town Hall in aid of the funds of the Harryville (Larne Street) National School. Rev. E. F. Simpson, manager, gave a detailed history of the school and explained that the object of the entertainment was to raise funds to pay the interest on a loan to the Board of Works of £220 which was borrowed in 1886.

On Sunday night a daring burglary was perpetrated at Whitehead, the residence of Mr. W. H. Martin, Mount Oriel, Balfour Avenue, being entered while the family was attending Divine service. Every room in the house was ransacked, the marauder evidently being in quest of money or jewellery; but in this he was doomed to disappointment, as before leaving home Mrs. Martin had removed her valuables to place of safety.

A successful concert and ball in connection with the Portadown Battalion of the Ulster Volunteer Force was given in the Town Hall on Friday night, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to providing comforts for the members of the battalion who are now serving their King and country. An interesting and varied programme was contributed to by the Omagh Orchestra. Master Jack Wright, Miss Bullick, Miss Newell, Miss Hannah Wright, Miss Hall, Mr. S. Brown, and Mr. W. Cloughley.

News reached Ballycastle on Friday morning that a farmer named Wm. J. M'Caughan, about 35 years, who resided at, Kilmaharaogh, about six miles from the town, had been discovered, late an Thursday evening, lying dead in a field near Straid, with a gunshot wound in his neck. A double-barrelled gun, a tobacco pounch, and a pipe were lying convenient to him. It is surmised that he had been filling his pipe, with the gun below his arm, and that the weapon slipped from him and exploded, the contents lodging in his neck.





The Secretary of the Admiralty regrets to announce that H.M.S. Clan M'Naughten, an armed merchant cruiser, Commander Robert Jeffreys, R.N., has been missing since the 3rd February, and it is feared that the vessel has been lost. Unsuccessful search was made, and wreckage supposed to be portions of this ship has since been discovered. The last signal from the Clan M'Naughten was made in the early morning of February 3rd, and it is feared that she was lost during the bitter weather which prevailed at that time.

The Clan M'Naughten was one of the Clan Line of steamers, and had a gross tonnage of 4,985. She was built at Glasgow in 1911, and carried a crew of nearly 300.


The following officers were serving in H.M S. Clan M'Naughten when that vessel was lost with all on board --

Commander Robert Jeffreys, R.N.
Lieutenant-Commander Arthur L. Popham, R.N.
Lieutenant Leslie B. Prest, R.N.
Lieutenant George J. Weldrick, R.N.R.
Lieutenant Edgar C. Joel, R.N.R.
Lieutenant Frederick G. Lewis, R.N.R.
Sub-Lieutenant Charles S. Gainsworthy, R.N.R.
Sub-Lieutenant Arthur Burlinson, R.N.R.
Midshipmen Geoffrey E. Brown, R.N.R.; William Brown, R.N.R.; Basil C. Butler, R.N.R.; John H. Auld, R.N.R.
Chief Engineer John D. Chapman, R.N.R.
Senior Engineer Andrew Thomson, R.N.R; Engineer Richard H. Jones. R.N.R.; Engineer Frank Kincaid, R.N.R.
Assistant Paymaster Francis R. Emson, R.N.R.
Staff-Surgeon W. Graham Moore Anderson, M.B., B.A., R.N.
Surgeon Probationer Raymond O'Connell Redmond, R.N.V.R.
Chief Gunner Ernest G. Courtis, R.N.


The Crew Saved.

An oil steamer brought into Portsmouth yesterday morning the crew of the trading steamer Wester Coast, belonging to Liverpool, and trading between that port and London, which was blown up and sank off Beachy Head on Wednesday afternoon. No lives were lost. The men are unable to say whether the ship was torpedoed or mined. She sank in seven minutes.


The Press Association's South Shields correspondent says that the London steamer Deptford was sunk off Scarborough early on Wednesday morning, either striking a mine or being torpedoed. Just before the explosion occurred two of the crew noticed a long line of running foam, and they are, therefore, confident that the vessel was torpedoed. When the explosion occurred the engine-room was enveloped in a blue flame, and so serious was the injury that the steamer sank within twenty minutes. The crew launched and boarded the ship's lifeboat, and pushed off, and it was then noticed that the carpenter was missing. The captain ordered the boat back in the hope at effecting his rescue, but the sea was too rough for the ship to be boarded. The survivors were eventually rescued by the passenger steamer Furgeus, and they were landed, fifteen in number, at South Shields that night. The Deptford was a steamer of 1,208 gross tonnage, built in 1912, and owned by William Cory & Son, London.

A later message says that the crew had a distressing experience, drifting about in heavy weather for four and a half hours before they were picked up. It is feared that T. Nicholson, of Leith, the ship's carpenter, was drowned.

The Deptford was on passage from Granton to Chatham, and was laden with coal.


When seven miles out of Folkestone the ss Victoria, on the cross-Channel service from Boulogne, on Wednesday had a narrow escape from being torpedoed. In the words of an officer of the ship, a submarine popped up for a minute, fired its torpedo, and than disappeared. Happily the torpedo passed twenty yards in front of the bows.




The sole topic in the town and district of Newtownards is the murder of Wm. Quinn, which took place on the night of the 13th of morning of the 14th inst. The police are making strenuous investigations to throw further light on the mysterious death, but are very reticent in the matter.

Our correspondent, however, learns that the watch which deceased wore on the night of the murder has been found. It had recently been repaired by Mr. Robert Stouppe, Newtownards, and, according to his books, is a gent's silver English lever, silver dialled, and numbered 4,896. From private marks it appears to have been made in the year 1845-6.

It is also rumoured that the instrument with which the deceased was likely murdered, with bloodstains on it, has been found.


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