The Witness - Friday, 4 January 1918

Roll of Honour

FERGUSON -- December 22, killed in action, Captain James M'Kee Ferguson, R.A.M.C., third son of Rev. J. E. Ferguson, Randalstown.

RODGERS -- Killed in action, on November 22, 1917, Private David Munce Rodgers, Seaforth Highlanders (late R.E.), second son of Robert and Minnie Rodgers, 129, Parkgate Avenue, Strandtown, Belfast.


M'MASTER--MACKAY -- December 26, at Hillhall Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Joseph Cordner, B.D., assisted by Rev. W. Cowden, James M'Master (Grocer, &c., 124, Ormeau Road, Belfast), eldest son of Mr. John M'Master, Tullyard House, Lisburn, to Margaret Dow Mackay (Costumer, &c., 367a, Ormeau Road, Belfast), youngest daughter of Mr. Robert Mackay, Tullyard, Lisburn.


CAUGHEY -- December 28, 1917, at her residence, Sarahville, Newtownards, Sarah, widow of Robert B. Caughey, J.P., daughter of the late John Taylor, The Square, Newtownards. Her remains were interred in Movilla Cemetery on Monday, 31st ult.

ADAMS -- December 31, at his mother's residence, Whiteside's Corner, Randalstown, Leonard, youngest son of the late James Adams.

AIKIN -- December 27, at High Street, Ballymena, Sarah, widow of the late T. H. Aikin.

BEGGS -- December 29, at his residence, Annacrump, Armagh, Joseph Beggs.

BELL -- December 30, at his residence, Kiltariff, Rathfriland, Robert Bell, aged 83 years.

BOAL -- December 30, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Archibald Stoupe, 32, Frances Street, Newtownards, Jane Boal, formerly Loughries.

BROWN -- December 31, at his residence, Kilcross, Carmavey, John, husband of the late Letitia Brown.

BROWN -- December 30, at Ballywattick, John Brown, Watchmaker.

BROWNE -- December 30, at her father's residence, Claymount, Banbridge, Nina Violet, youngest and dearly-beloved daughter of Archibald Browne.

CARSON -- December 24, 1917, at her residence, Drumadoon House, Cloughmills, Elizabeth Carson, relict of the late Hugh Carson.

CRORY -- December 27, 1917, at his residence, Drumadonald, Ballyroney, County Down, Joseph Crory, aged 85 years.

DAY -- December 25 (very suddenly), at St. Joseph, Missouri, U.S. America, Mrs. Day (nee Mamey Hamilton), grand-daughter of the late John Hutton, Ballygrangey House, Greyabbey, Co. Down.

DOUGLAS -- December 29, his mother's residence, Seapark, Holywood, Joshua, third son of the late Thomas Douglas, 145, York Street, Belfast, and of Mrs. Douglas, Seapark, Holywood.

ENGLISH -- December 28, at Avenue Road, Lurgan, Hugh English.

GOUGH -- December 25, at his residence, Brackagh, Portadown, William Gough, in his 78th year.

GRAHAM -- December 29, at Ferndale, Lisburn, Bessie Graham.

KING -- December 29, at her residence, Glenan, Ahoghill, Elizabeth King, aged 78 years.

LAIRD -- December 31, at her residence, Kiln Park, Ballyclare, Eliza, relict the late Edward Laird.

MALLAGH -- January 1, 1918, at his father's residence, Markethill James Mallagh.

MARTIN -- December 22, at St. Petersburg, Florida?, in his 33rd year, Robert, ?? son of Robert Martin, Meynell, Wandsworth Road, Belfast.

M'CANDLIS -- May 10, 1917, at his residence, ??, Dowling Avenue, Toronto, Canada, Thomas M'Candlis; also, at the same address, on September 17, 1917, his sister, Matilda May M'Candlis, both late of 26, Lonsdale Terrace, Crumlin Road, Belfast. Psalm xxxiv. v.19, v.22.

ORR -- December 30, at Tudor House, Holywood, Lily, beloved wife of T. C. Orr, D.I.G., Indian Police, Bengal (retired).

PARKER -- January 1, at his residence, 28 Carholm Road, Forest Hill, London, Alexander Mackay Parker, late of Belfast.

PATRICK -- December 28, at his father's residence, Dunaird, Broughshane, Ballymena, Frederick John (Fred), aged 8 years, third son of John Patrick.

TEMPLETON -- January 1, at her residence, Mallusk, Mary Harvey, aged 18 years, dearly-beloved daughter of Margaret Ann and the late Wm. Templeton.

VINT -- December 30, at her residence, Ballyearl, Sarah, relict of the late James Vint, in her 93rd year.

WALLACE -- December 31, at Cuan View, Lisbane, Co. Down, Marion M'Carroll, dearly-beloved wife of Dr. Samuel Wallace.

WILLIAMSON -- December 26, 1917, at his residence, Drumhills, Bailieborough, Robert Williamson.

WILSON -- December 22, 1917, at "Gwynant," Temple Gardens, Rathmines, Dublin (the residence of her son-in-law), Hannah Maria, wife of Rev. James Wilson, senior minister of Howth and Malahide Presbyterian Church.



Against State Purchase.

It is stated on good authority that the Irish Liquor Commission, of which Mr. Justice Gordon is president, has decided against State purchase in Ireland. The report will not be published before the reassembling of Parliament. It may be that number of licences will be extinguished, and for these certain compensation will be paid.

Four Billion Dollar Loan.

America's loans to the Allies passed the four billion dollar mark when Mr. M'Adoo, Secretary of State for the Treasury, authorised an additional advance of 685,000,000 dollars (£137,000,000) to Great Britain: 155 million to France; 7,500,000 to Belgium; and one million to Serbia: making the total to date 4,236,400,000 dollars (£847,280,000).

Control of Drink Prices.

"The Times" says -- As the result of exhaustive inquiries steps are about to be taken to reduce the prices at which spirits are retailed to the public. The cost will be controlled from the producer to the smallest retailer. While the Government has no wish to increase the consumption of alcohol, reports received from all parts of the country, particularly munition areas, show that the workers -- even the most moderate drinkers -- resent being charged three or four times the pre-war price for liquor which has been so diluted as to be practically deprived of alcoholic strength.

Belfast Customs.

The Customs and Excise returns issued at the Belfast Custom House show that in the year just closed the receipts were £259,003 16s 5d below those for 1916, whom the sum collected was the highest on record. The total for 1917 amounted to £4,177,567 15s 2d, as compared with £4,436,571 11s 7d for the previous year and £4,226,243 15s 3d for 1915. In Customs duties, ex ship, there was a reduction last year in comparison with 1916 of £83,408 15s 3d, but the ex warehouse receipts increased by £279,353 19s 7d. The Excise receipts, however, were reduced by no less than £454,929 0s 9d.

Toll of the Titled.

The war has taken a heavy toll of the titled classes and their relatives. An analysis of the British casualty lists shows that one member of the Royal family, 20 peers, 30 baronets, 11 knights, 11 M.P.s, 562 Companions of various Orders, 149 sons of peers, 165 sons of baronets, and 297 sons of knights have been killed in action or have died of wounds. The member of the Royal family who was killed was Prince Maurice of Battenberg, whose father, a German Prince -- Henry of Battenberg, the husband of Princes Beatrice -- was stricken with fever while on an expedition in Ashanti in 1895, and died at sea.

Corn and Oatmeal Supplies.

Sir Thomas Russell, M.P., presided at the Irish Department offices at a conference of oatmeal millers and others in the oat trade, convened in order that the Department might learn at first-hand the real position of the oat question. A full discussion revealed some diferences in views between dealers in white and dealers in black oats. There was a consensus of opinion that the prohibition of exports should only be resorted to on the understanding that a Government market is provided for Irish-grown oats, of which there is a very large stock, It was reported that farmers generally are holding up good deal of their crop in view, not of higher prices, but of contingencies which may compel them to fall back upon oats instead of other feeding stuffs.

An Exciting Scene.

About 1,000 travellers, including ladies, munition workers, soldiers and holiday-makers, thronged Carlisle Pier, Kingstown, before the departure of the Holyhead boat. Accommodation being insufficient, the police sought to limit the numbers embarking. A charge was made by about 100 travellers, some of whom broke through the police and the crew, and got aboard. The rush then increased, and the company's officials turned a hose on the invaders, drenching many and beating them back, while some of the police also were doused. After exciting and angry scenes, the vessel steamed away, leaving about 100 passengers, many soaked to the skin, on the quay.

Irish Aerodromes.

The work in connection with the construction of fight stations in Ireland is proceeding satisfactorily, and the contractors have undertaken to complete them in four months. About 3,000 labourers are employed, and from 1,500 to 2,000 tradesmen, including carpenters and bricklayers. Steps are being taken by the military authorities for the erection of a repair station. The site has been selected, and the contract will be settled in the course of a few days. It is estimated in connection with the construction of the buildings, apart from the amounts given for the half million sterling will be to the labourers and skilled workmen.

Carlingford Disaster Awards.

A total sum of £7,050 he been awarded for the loss of relatives in the collision between the Connemara and the Retriever in Carlingford Lough. Mr. H. C. Kelly, Sub-Sheriff County Down, and Mr. J. Andrews, B.L., as legal assessor, thus apportioned the awards -- £2,500 to Mrs. Jean M'Beattie, Liverpool; £1.000 to Mrs. M'Gorman, Ballybay; £600 to Mrs. M'Entee, Ballybay, and Ellen M'Garrell, Yorkshire; £500 to Robert and Elizabeth Collins, Ballycassidy, County Fermanagh, and to John and Helen Livingstone, Newbliss, Co. Monaghan; £400 to Mr. Mary Duffy, Sligo, and to Mary and John Diver, Ballindrait, Strabane; £300 to John Nolan, Monaghan; £250 to Jas. and Mary M'Kenna, Belturbet.

The Kaiser's Latest Boasts.

The Kaiser, in a New Year's message to his Army and Navy, declares that the battles on Belgian and French soil had been decided in their favour, in the East, their arms, after great successes, were at rest. Brilliant victories, in a few days, had destroyed the Italian offensive preparations of years; the Fleet had again proved its efficiency in daring enterprises, and their submarines were unswervingly performing their hard and effective work. "We face, with confidence and iron will, the year 1918," he adds. "Therefore, forward with God to fresh deeds and victories." Speaking at a religious service in Belgium, the Kaiser said, "it is by force that we must bring back peace upon the earth. We all are the instruments in the hands of the Almighty for restoring peace to the world."

Germany's Tragic Christmas.

Mr. H. P. Devitte, in a message, from Geneva to the London "Daily Express," says, on the authority of a Basle message, that the most striking feature of the German Christmas was the plainly evident misery of the people. Hunger riots, reported from several towns, including Cologne. In fashionable Berlin restaurants £10 is asked for a quite ordinary dinner. The Berlin "Tageblatt" declares that only a miracle can prevent the death from starvation of thousands of people, and that the winter is regarded with the most serious apprehensions. Prof. Zuckenack, writing the Berlin "Vossische Zeitung," warns the Government that it must stop the flood of substitute foods, otherwise the end of the war will also see the end of a third part of Germany's population, and the remaining two-thirds will be too enfeebled to perform the immense tasks with which they will be faced."

All can do Something.

The Prime Minister, in a New Year's message to the nation, appeals to all to do their utmost for the cause in which democracies of the world are leagued to ???, they can fight by the vigour and goodwill by which they did their work, the wisdom of their economy, and the generosity with which they met the nation's financial needs. Evert man, woman, and child ought to make it a point of honour to increase their holding of National War Bonds. In a message to the Viceroy of India and the British Colonies, the Premier says he has no doubt that if the Allies stand firm they will not only restore liberty to Europe, but give a lasting peace to the world. Sir Douglas Haig, in reply to a New Year's greeting, says that every effort will be made to reach a successful conclusion this year.

Foreign Governments and Socialists

M. Clemenosat has refused to grant passports to the United Socialist group in the French Chamber who desired to visit Petrograd in order prevent a separate peace. He gave as his reason that the granting of passports would give a sort of official sanction to their mission. Many people would be sure to say that they were taking part in pourparlers with a view to preliminaries of peace, which was in no way in their mind in the absence of serious proposals from the enemy. In a debate in the Chamber the Socialists agreed to support the monthly votes on account, but made reservation concerning the diplomatic conduct of the war. It was declared that they wished not a separate but a general and enduring peace. The German Government has arrested the executives of the Independent Socialists in fifty towns. More than 300 persons are said to have been imprisoned.

Presbytery's Gift to Hospital.

At a meeting of the Board of Management of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Mr. Tate (honorary treasurer) reported the receipt of a legacy of £500 from Messrs. Carson & M'Dowell, the solicitors having charge of the estate of the late Mr. John Beck, Cliftonville. It was intimated that £50 had been received from the Belfast Presbytery, nominating Mr. John Megaw, 22, Wellington Park, a life governor. For these sums the Board returned their cordial thanks, and directed Mr. Megaw's name to be added to the list of life governors.

Adrift in Irish Channel.

During a recent terrific gale the steamer Adela, 685 tons, owned by Tedcastle, M'Cormack, & Co., Dublin, foundered in the Irish Channel. The crew, numbering twenty-four, and a passenger tried to get clear in the boats. Captain Tyrrell and seven others got into a lifeboat, which was filled with water, and were for sixteen hours floating up and down the Channel without food or drink or oars. Three men were washed out of the boat, and four others died of exhaustion, the only survivor being the captain.

Ulster Bye-Election.

The delegates to the Mid-Armagh Unionist Association will meet on the 15th inst. to select a candidate to represent them in the forthcoming bye-election which has been caused by the elevation of the present member, Sir John Lonsdale, Bart., to the peerage. The Unionists have an overwhelming majority in the constituency, and a contest is improbable. Mr. Richard Best, K.C., has intimated his intention of submitting his name to the meeting. Mr. Best is a native of County Armagh, being a son of the late Mr. Robert Best, of Richhill. He is a member of the Armagh City Unionist Association, and im 1909 he unsuccessfully contested South Armagh in the Unionist interest.

American Ambulance Train.

The first ambulance train for the American Army has been built in England. By working night and day, the men of the Midland Carriage and Waggon Works at Derby built the train, which is a sixth of a mile in length, in less than three months. There are sixteen coaches in the train, containing 408 beds and all the necessary offices for a travelling hospital. One of its many details is the storage of water, nearly 3,000 gallons, apart from drinking water being carried in tanks built in the roof. There have been many similar trains for our own Army built and sent to France, as this will be, but none more perfect. Its cost to the American Government is £40,000.

New Russian Ambassadors.

By order M. Trotzsky, the Russian Legations in London and Berne are to be taken over by over by Plenipotentiaries appointed by the Maximalist Government. The Legation Staffs are to hand to the new officials all documents, money, &c., belonging to the Russian State now at those Embassies. The Central News learns from the Russian Embassy in London that the officials there will refuse to recognise the appointment of Litvinoff as Minister Plenipotentiary in London. "We shall act exactly as we did when the Bolsheviks appointed Tchernin," said an official, who added: "We neither recognise the Bolsheviks nor their officials. We do not anticipate that Citizen Litvinoff, whom we know, will come to the Embassy, but if he does, we shall certainly not hand over either money or documents to him."

Food Scarcity.

At all the in the Roman Catholic churches of Belfast, on the occasion of New Year services, an episcopal intimation was read to the effect that, owing to the shortage of butter, margarine, eggs, &c., as well as the prices of these commodities, those unable to obtain same are at liberty to use dripping. lard, or even fleshmeat on days which articles of food are ordinarily forbidden. Representations have been made by the flour merchants and butter merchants of Belfast to the Local Food Committee regarding the serious situation prevailing in the city owing to the shortage of both commodities and possibilities of a famine in them. It is officially announced that the Food Controller has issued an order prohibiting the export of butter from Ireland.

Flax Control.

The Flax Control Board announces that in view of the increasing demands for linen goods required for naval, military, and other national purposes, it has become necessary to take steps with a view to conserving the available supplies of raw material and yarn. Steps have, therefore, been taken by the Flax (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1917, to provide that no flax, flax line, or flax tow may, without a permit, be spread or carded or otherwise put into process of manufacture after January 12th, 1918, and that no yarns composed wholly or partly of flax or flax tow may, without a permit, be wound or warped after January 12th, 1918, and composed wholly or partly of flax tow may, without a permit, be boiled, bleached, or put into any other process of treatment after January 5th, 1918.

Keystone of the Arch.

In his speech to representatives of the Federation of Great Britain regarding the war work volunteer scheme, Sir Auckland Geddes said as many men as could be spared were being brought back from the Army; but there was a limit to the number of men who could be withdrawn from a highly technical organisation like the fighting force without destroying its efficiency. To destroy the efficiency of the Army we had so laboriously built up would be the height of folly, because with Russia out of it, it had become the keystone of the arch, and if once our Army got into disorganised condition the whole thing would collapse. Sir Auckland added -- They were not going to compel men to undertake work of a type they had never undertaken before, but persuade them to transfer temporarily to another industry.

Our Day.

All Red Cross and St. John supporters will be delighted to learn of the splendid progres of "Our Day" throughout Ulster. For so far the County of Antrim has taken the lead, and its efforts this year will be difficult to surpass. Already County Antrim heads the list with £6,711 1s 5d, and from trustworthy information we understand that "there's more follow," as important towns such Ballymena and Lisburn have yet to "report progress." General Sir Wm. Adair, K.C.B., and Mr. P. W. Moneypenny, M.V.O., the honorary treasurers, publish the twelfth list of contributions to this fund, which includes a donation of £50 per Miss Matier, a great friend of the Red Cross, from patriotic entertainment given by the staff and students of Victoria College, Belfast.

Released British Prisoners.

A party of wounded and medically unfit British prisoners from Germany arrived at Zurich and at Berne. There were 84 officers and 554 men. The officers include Brigadier-General V. Williams, Canadians; Lieut.-Col. Anderson, N. Staffs.: and Capt. Batten-Pooll, V.C., Munster Fusiliers (who had been reported missing). The officers are going to Montreux and Vevey, while the men will be interned at Chateau d'Oex and Murren. The prisoners were welcomed by the British Ambassador and English ladies. Other released officers and men arrived at The Hague. Some will be interned in Holland and some will come to England. A special service for them at The Hague was attended by Sir W. Townley, British Minister, and the Staff of the Legation. A crowded congregation indicated the interest aroused.

Ulster Accountancy Successes.

The following are the names of the successful Ulster candidates at the November examinations of the Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors:-- Final -- John Linahan, clerk to H. B. Brandon & Co., 1, Church Place, Portadown. (Prize and certificate merit.) Equivalent to Final -- John Swan White, clerk to H. B. Brandon & Co., Scottish Provident Buildings, Belfast. Intermediate -- Samuel Officer Alldridge, clerk to Arthur J. Hill, Vellacott & Bailey, 28, Waring Street, Belfast; John Hatrick Todd, clerk to H. B. Brandon & Co., Belfast. Preliminary -- Edwin Girvan, 24, Easton Crescent, Cliftonville, Belfast; John Peoples, "Wilmont," Crumlin Road, Belfast. Mr. John Linahan, who has taken first place in the United Kingdom, is a son of the Rev. John Linahan, Methodist Minister, Bangor. He also took first place in the United Kingdom at the Intermediate examination two years ago, and on both occasions obtained first prize and first place certificate.

Intensive Cultivation.

A meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Ulster Farmers' and Flax Growers' Association was held in Messrs. J. Robson's, Ltd., Belfast -- Mr. James Galbraith, Maghera, presiding. Mr. J Small, Loughbrickland, moved the adoption of the following resolution -- "In the interests of labourers, artisans, town-dwellers, and the Empire at large, we request all affiliated branches of our organisation to urge on their members the absolute necessity of increasing the home supplies of food by cultivating every available inch of soil in the country, and we call on the Government to supply them with tractors and other labour-saving machinery; also to give facilities to enable the farmers and others to cope with their patriotic task of feeding the nation." In proposing the resolution he said the day had arrived when the farmers of Ireland would have to give up the idea of having their cattle fed by the foreign farmer. They would have to support themselves and cultivate more land than they had been doing. (Applause.) Mr. M. Hourican, Warrenpoint, seconded the motion, which was adopted.


The Late Mr. H. N. MacBride.

The funeral took place in Belfast on Friday, with full military honours, of the late Mr. H. Norman MacBride -- a son of Mr. Joseph MacBride, of Beaconfield, Knock -- who succumbed on Christmas Day to an illness contracted whilst serving in the Royal Garrison Artillery. A brief, but impressive, service having been conducted at Beaconfield by the Rev. Dr. MacDermott, who also officiated at the graveside, and was assisted by the Rev. D. S. K. Coulter, the cortege left for Dundonald Cemetery, where the interment took place. A firing party drawn from the Royal Irish Rifes and the band of the same regiment were present, under the command of Second-Lieut. W. J. Buchanan, while a guard of honour from the Royal Garrison Artillery (comrades of the deceased) was also in attendance. The chief mourners were Mr. Joseph MacBride (father), Second-Lieutenant T. G. MacBride (brother), Mr. J. MacBride and Second-Lieut. Buchanan (cousins), while others who attended to pay a final tribute of respect included representatives of the Army, the Corporation, the Masonic Order, the Belfast Unionist Municipal Association, the Ulster Horticultural Society, and the Irish Football Association. At the conclusion of the burial service the usual volleys were fired, and the Last Post sounded on the bugles.


Presentation to Miss Porter, Conlig.

Two interesting functions took place in the village of Conlig, near Bangor, on 26th and 28th ult., when Miss Porter, daughter of the late revered Rev. Hugh Porter, who for a quarter of a century was Presbyterian minister at Conlig, was made the recipient of two handsome presentations and tokens of esteem and high regard. The church choir gave her a beautiful Attache Case on the 26th, the gift being handed over by Mr. W. S. Clugston, B.A. and on the 28th Mr. Robert M'Kee, Mrs. M'Cullough, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Clugston, Miss K. M'Kee, and Miss Jennie Smythe, on behalf of the congregation, met Miss Porter in the Manse, and presented her with a very substantial Case of Cutlery. On both occasions Miss Porter made a felicitous acknowledgment of the kindness and thoughtfulness which prompted the donors to confer such a compliment on her.


Military Honours.

Lieut. Colonel W. Tyrell, M.C., M.B., R.A.M.C., special reserve, a son of Alderman John Tyrrell, J.P., Belfast, has been decorated with the Distinguished Service Order.

The Military Cross has been conferred on Major Edmund Henry Clokey, Machine Gun Corps, 56, Crumlin Road, Belfast, a son of the late Mr. Thomas Clokey, who for many years was associated with Eglinton Street Presbyterian Church as missionary.

Rev. Andrew Gibson, Chaplain to the Ulster Division, and minister of Second Lurgan Presbyterian Church, has also received the Military Cross.


Rev. A. W. Blue for France.

At a meeting of the Belfast Presbytery, Rev. A. W. Blue made application for leave of absence for four months to do Y.M.C.A. work among the troops in France. On the motion of Rev. Dr. Lowe, seconded by Rev. Dr. MacDermott, the Presbytery cordially acceded to the request. Rev. Dr. Lowe was appointed Moderator of May Street Kirk session during Mr. Blue's absence.


Random Readings.


In an account of the fossils of giant animals of Argentina to be seen in the Museum of La Plata, Rev. J. A. Zahm, author of "Through South America's Southland," calls special attention to the mylodon, a ground sloth as large as a rhinoceros and related to the megatherium that flourished thousands of years ago. The mylodon may have lived within comparatively recent times. Only a few years ago Nordenskjold discovered in a cave in southwestern Patagonia a large piece of well-preserved skin, covered with greenish-brown hair, and small bony knobs, that was recognised as the skin of the mylodon. There is good reason to believe that the mylodon was still browsing in the forests of Patagonia as late as fifty years ago. Indeed there are naturalists who contend that it is still living in some of the caves of southern Chile. So strong was the conviction that, as late as 1902 an expedition started from England, the chief object of which was to search for a living mylodon; and although it failed to find one, there are men of science who continue to believe that a living mylodon will yet be found somewhere in the forest depths of southern Chile or Argentina.


While the Waimangu Geyser in New Zealand lasted it was the largest in the world. Its name, "black water," in the Maori tongue, came from the dark column of water and debris that it threw up at every eruption. Stones and boiling water, accompanied by vast clouds of steam, rose nine hundred to fifteen hundred feet at irregular intervals, twenty or twenty-two times a month. At ether times the water of the Waimangu lay in a cup-shaped depression about twenty feet deep, two hundred and forty-nine feet wide, and four hundred and two feet long. Several hours before each eruption the lake would begin to boil violently and to send off dense clouds of steam; loud subterranean rumblings were heard. When the final explosion came, the whole lake, mingled with material from below, rose bodily; its torrential fall was destructive to a large area round about, and the slopes near by are still furrowed by the rivers of water that coursed down them. The column of water was thrown up about four times as high as the Giant Geyser, now the largest in the Yellowstone Park, throws its water, and the area of its base was about two and a half acres, in comparison with the few square rods of the American geyser. Close by the geyser is a hill surmounted by an iron hut, about four hundred and fifty feet above the pool, where observers took refuge during eruptions. One day in August, 1903, a party was on the slope below this building watching the boiiing pool. As the approach of the explosion became more imminent the guide warned them back, and all except four obeyed. The mother of one of the young ladies called to her; but she wanted to take another photograph, and answered, "Just a moment, mother." During that moment the eruption occurred, and the disobedient young lady and her three companions were swept to a tragic death.


The most valuable trees ever discovered by man are some that have recently been discovered among the carnotite radium beds in Montrose County, Western Colorado. Carnotite ore is found in Western Colorado and Eastern Utah, along a belt at the foot of the La Sal Mountains. It is productive of radium, and is sometimes found in the form of petrified trees incased in beds of sandstone. Sometimes the trees are within a foot of the surface; in other cases they are buried thirty feet deep. Walking over the sandstone you would never guess that a treasure lay beneath your feet. The first evidence that carnotite is locked in the sandstone comes from the discolouration of the upper rock by the uranium ore with which carnotite is almost always associated. The tree formations are the richest of any of the forms in which radium-bearing carnotite is found. One of the biggest trees produced nine thousand sacks of high grade ore, or three hundred and seventy-five tons. In some cases the ore is worth ten thousand dollars a ton, but that is only near the heart of the tree. The trees are wonderfully preserved; the limbs, roots, knots, bark, and even the grain of the wood can be distinguished. The trees all lie in the same direction, with the roots facing the south. It is thought that they floated in from the north when this region was a great sea, and that they were caught in the sand and debris along the shore. Then, there came a great geological upheaval, and at the time of this eruption the peculiar substance called carnotite was produced. The trees, which are porous, absorbed the carnotite; elsewhere it found lodgment in pockets, "bug holes" and blanket formations of an inch or two in thickness. Just how or when those processes occurred no one can tell. The carnotite region lies one hundred miles from a railway. Water is scarce and has to be packed in on burros. It is very expensive to mine in such a land. Millions have been spent in pioneer work, and the total cost of getting the ore out is heavy. There is no exorbitant profit in digging out carnotite trees, for they are scarce, and in order to dig one out hundreds of tons of low-grade ore and rock have to be moved out of the way.



A Minister's Appreciation.

Through the death of the above-named gentleman, which took place last week, the congregation of Trinity Church, Bailieborough, has lost one of its oldest and most respected members. At the service, held in that congregation on the morning of last Lord's day, its minister, the Rev. T. S. Killen, made the following reference to him:-- Since we met here last Sabbath one of our oldest and most respected members passed away. I need scarcely say that I refer to Mr. Robt. Williamson. I dare say this congregation has never had a more faithful or more useful member than he was. The services which he rendered to it could not easily be exaggerated, and they were most ungrudgingly given. He took a very deep interest in its well-being, and that interest was maintained to the end. At a time now long past he led the congregation in its service of praise. For many years he was its very efficient Sustentation Fund treasurer. He was for a very long period a most useful member of its session. He was particularly interested in the young people of the congregation, and, for longer than I can tell, he was our Sabbath-school superintendent. Though he lived on the outskirts of the congregation, he was, so long as strength was spared to him, a most regular attendant at our church services. We might say, in fact, that, through a period stretching over many years, he was never absent from his pew on the Lord's day except for some good cause. The successive ministers of the congregation have owed much to him for his unfailing kindness and consideration, and for his loyal support and wise counsel. What I personally have owed to him I could not attempt to express. I shall only say that a more considerate and kindly elder no minister need wish for. It should also be said of him that he was characterised by the grace of Christian liberality. At the time when our present church building was erected he was one of the largest contributors and he was, year after year, a generous supporter of our ordinary church funds. I should like to mention specially that the cause of Foreign Missions lay very near his heart. Great as was the interest taken by him in the prosperity of this congregation, his interest in the progress of the Gospel in heathen lands was, perhaps, greater still. It is something of a coincidence that on the same day on which I am speaking to you about the loss which we have sustained by his removal, I should also have, to announce our annual United Missions Collection. Quite recently he spoke to me about that collection, and about the contribution which he hoped to make to it. There is just one thing more which I would like to say to you about the late Mr. Williamson to-day. It is that the Gospel of Christ which he had learned to prize in years of health and strength continued to yield him support and consolation when he felt that death was drawing near. To him the Divine promise was fulfilled -- "Even to your old age I am He, and even to hoar hairs will I carry you."

At the conclusion of the service the session and committee of the congregation met and adopted a minute expressive of their regret at Mr. Williamson's death, their sympathy with his relatives, and their appreciation of his personal worth and the many services rendered by him to his church.


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The Witness - Friday, 11 January 1918


CHARLTON--SHIELDS -- December 26, at Railway Street Presbyterian Church, Lisburn, by Captain Rev. A. Gibson, B.A., B.D., Clement John Charlton, of Market Street, Lurgan, to Sarah Elinor (Sadie), elder daughter of the late Wm. Shields and Mrs. Shields, Lurgan.

DALE--M'ILROY -- January 3, at Castleton Presbyterian Church, Belfast, by the Rev. H. C. Wilson, assisted by the Rev. A. P. Black, Edward Dale, B.A., Inspector of National Schools, Killarney, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dale, Castledawson, to Esther M'Ilroy, M.A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M'Ilroy, Tullynamullen, Ballymena.

M'IVOR--SURGENOR -- January 3, at Third Presbyterian Church, Portglenone, by the Rev. W. F. Shepherd, B.A., B.D., George Weightfield, third son of Mr. Thomas M'Ivor, Gortagowan, Co. Tyrone, to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of the late James Surgenor, Killycoogan, Co. Antrim.

M'NUTT--CAMPBELL -- January 1, 1918, at Ballygilbert Presbyterian Church, by Rev. W. J. M'Farland, B.A., assisted by Rev. John Heney, B.D., and Rev. W. J. Hanson, the Rev. William M'Nutt, Hillhall Manse, Lisburn, Chaplain to the Forces, to Louise, elder daughter of the late William Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, Sibmister, Castletown, Caithness.


DICKSON -- January 3, 1918, at her residence, "The Kennels," Ballymiscaw, Dundonald, Maggie Dickson, eldest daughter of the late William Benaugh Dickson, formerly of Ballygowan, Rathfriland. Interred in the City Cemetery, Saturday, January 5, 1918. "Forever with the Lord."

M'DOWELL -- January 9, 1918, at his residence, Hopefield, Carrickfergus, William J. M'Dowell, late Agent Carrickfergus Station, M.R., N.C.C. His remains will be removed from his late residence for interment in St. Nicholas' Churchyard, Carrickfergus, on to-day (Friday), at three o'clock, p.m.
    "What though in lonely grief I sigh
     For friends beloved no longer nigh,
     Submissive still would I reply,
     'Father, Thy will be done.'"
Ellen M'Dowell.

ABRAHAM -- January at his residence, Ashfield, Ardmore, Lurgan, Henry Abraham.

BARNETT -- January 9, at his late residence, Ballydonaghy, Crumlin, Robert Barnett.

BARR -- January 6, at Purdysburn, Matthew Barr, only son of the late William Barr, Ballykine.

CHESNEY -- January 5, at the Cottage Hospital, Ballymena, Annie M., only and dearly-beloved daughter of David Chesney, Kilcurry.

CLARKE -- January 8, at the residence of her grandfather, John M'Kee, 12, Thomas Street, Armagh, Frances Henrietta, younger daughter of the late Francis Henry Clarke.

CLELAND -- January 8, at her residence, Downpatrick Street, Crossgar, Mary Jane Cleland, relict of the late William Cleland.

COOPER -- January 7, at her residence, 73, Dufferin Avenue, Bangor, Jane Corry Cooper, the dearly-beloved wife of Patrick Cooper.

DUNCAN -- January 8, at his residence, 7, Toronto Terrace, Belfast, George Alexander Duncan (late of Lisburn).

EWART -- January 8, at his father's residence, Stranmore Road, Gilford, Frederick (Fred), third surviving son of Robert and Mary Ewart.

HAMILTON -- January 8, at Liverpool, Captain John G. Hamilton, second surviving son of John Hamilton, Church Avenue, Holywood.

HAMMOND -- January 9, at 34, Princetown Road, Bangor, William E. Cooper, youngest son of Warrant-Officer George Hammond, A.O.C.

M'CLELLAND -- January 6, at his residence, The Glebe, Annahilt, Hillsborough, Joseph, youngest and dearly-beloved son of John M'Clelland.

M'CLUAN -- January 5, at her father's residence, Drumlough, Hillsborough, Caroline Millar, elder daughter of Andrew M'Cluan.

M'KEE -- January 4, at Whitehall, Drumawhey, Newtownards, Hugh M'Kee.

NESBITT -- January 5, at Fernhurst, Randalstown, Ethel, the dearly-beloved wife of C. V. H. Nesbitt, M.D.

REA -- January 4, at Rathbeg, Dunadry, Mary Anne, widow of the late James Rea.

RENTON -- January 8, at his father's residence, High Street, Antrim, George, youngest and beloved son of Robert and Ellen Renton.

STEWART -- January 8, at Moneydarragh, Annalong, James Stewart.

TODD -- January 5, at her residence, Moss Road, Ballyclare, Sarah Todd.

TWIGG -- January 3, at Northland Row, Dungannon, Jane, widow of the late William Twigg, M.B.

WATSON -- January 3, at her residence, Killinchy Woods, Crossgar, Mary, widow of the late William Watson.



Death of Mrs. M. M'C. Wallace,

On Sabbath morning Rev. Wm. Smyth referred in touching language to the great loss sustained by the church and the community in the lamented and early decease of this truly pious and public-spirited lady, wife of Dr. Samuel Wallace, Coroner, Lisbane, Co. Down. Mrs. Wallace was the second surviving daughter of the late Rev. Alexander M'Creery, D.D., the well known minister for over fifty years of the Second Presbyterian Church of Killyleagh. In her youth Mrs. Wallace was her father's right hand in every good work in his church. Her influence was specially seen in the flourishing Y.W.C.A., which she carried on in her father's congregation. After her marriage, on coming to reside in the Killinchy neighbourhood, she entered whole-heartedly the life and activities of her church. When money was required for improvement of the church property and the local school she gave herself unweariedly to the task of raising funds, and her success was very marked indeed. When the leadership of the Y.W.C.A. fell vacant, at the unanimous request of the members, who knew well her qualification for the position, she undertook the arduous work of carrying on this helpful association. For many years the society has prospered exceedingly under her wise guidance. The sense of loss amongst the members is now very great, and they feel how much they owe to her self-denying labours. The Church has lost a loyal and devoted member, and her association a gifted spiritual guide and friend. But the greatest loss has fallen upon the bereaved home. To Dr. Wallace, his three children, and Mrs. J. H. Dickson, Ballygowan (her only surviving sister), the deepest sympathy of the whole neighbourhood is evoked.


County Derry Minister's Marriage.

An interesting ceremony took place on Wednesday morning in Clifton Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast, when the Rev. Samuel Thompson, M.A., united in matrimony Rev. Matthew Majury, B.A., B.D., First Garvagh Presbyterian Church, and late assistant to the Rev. Samuel Lindsay, B.A., Crescent Church, and Miss Florence Stuart, younger daughter of Mr. James Stuart and Mrs. Stuart, Armagh. The bride, who was given away by her father, was unattended. She wore a coat frock of nigger gabardine, with skunk furs -- the present of the bridegroom -- and an elephant grey velvet hat, trimmed with fur. The groomsman was Mr. Thos. Montgomery, B.A., medical student at the Queen's University, Belfast. Mr. and Mrs. Majury are both well known and esteemed in the city, and their friends wish them every j- happiness.


Rev. A. Wylie Blue's Bereavement

Deep and widespread sympathy will be felt for Rev. A. Wylie Blue, minister of May Street Presbyterian Church, on the death of his mother, the widow of the late Mr. Wm. Blue, of Campbeltown, which has taken place at the residence of her son at 38, Wellington Park. Mrs. Blue was a lady of gracious charm and personality, beloved of all who came within the circle of her acquaintances for her many gifts and graces. Her death will occasion feelings of the deepest sorrow, and the respectful condolences of his great host of admirers will go out to the May Street pastor. The remains were removed yesterday afternoon for interment in Scotland, the funeral from Wellington Park to the Midland Railway being very largely attended.


Death of Mr. Wm. J. M'Dowell, Carrickfergus.

The death occurred on Wednesday evening of Mr. William J. M'Dowell, late station agent at Carrickfergus. The late Mr. M'Dowell was for almost forty years station-master at Carrickfergus, where he succeeded the late Mr. William Getty. He was a faithful and conscientious official, and highly respected in the service. He retired a few years ago, and latterly resided at Hopefield. He was a member of the Carrickfergus Urban District Council, and also of the Larne Board of Guardians, and was a regular attender at the meetings. A member of the First Presbyterian Church, he took an active interest in the work of the congregation, and was particularly identified with the Sustentation Fund. He was predeceased several years ago, by his wife, and leaves no family, a sister and niece being left to mourn his loss.


Random Readings.


Miss Jane Morgan, daughter of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, who has just been married, is in her twenty-fifth year. She will inherit a large share of the £40,000,000 left to her father by the late Mr. Pierpont Morgan, with whom she was always a great favourite. Some time ago an American astrologer was asked to cast her horoscope, and he declared that an extraordinary destiny was in store for her. Since then Miss Morgan has been guarded as jealously as any Royal princess, and prior to the outbreak of war spent most of her time at sea on the Corsair, one of the largest private yachts in the world.


In the training of young American officers at a special camp in France (says a correspondent) each company is split into two classes of about seventy-five men each, and to facilitate identification in instruction, every man wears a broad band ribbon around his service hat, these ribbons denoting the particular branch of warfare in which he is specialising -- for there are special as well as general classes. Machine-gun-to-be-specialists wear a yellow ribbon, hand-grenade mem an orange, rifle-grenade men a red, bayonet experts a white, liquid-fire men a blue, and so on; while the good, old-fashioned, tried, and true American riflemen have a band of green.


These small rodents are very troublesome. In old houses they are especially so. Mice dis-like the smell of camphor, and if lumps of it are placed in of near their haunts they will depart. Camphor water also may be used with advantage: but no food should be placed where camphor is for the odour will be communicated. Newly-ground red pepper may be put into the holes and near the places frequented by mice. The pepper burns the feet and noses of the pests, and they wisely withdraw. This method should be tried in larders. Both rats and mice detest the odour of tar, but this remedy is too drastic to bo used indiscriminately near inhabited rooms, for the smell of tar is very penetrating, and not soon dispersed. It has been suggested that bird-lime would make a good trap for mice if spread on boards and placed near their runs. It is illegal to catch birds by this means, but mice are lawful prey. Bird-lime is quite innocuous, being made of linseed oil boiled down until sufficiently adhesive for the purpose indicated. All food is precious, and must be protected from the creatures which either eat it or spoil it for our own consumption. Some years ago, when living in Devonshire, we were much plagued by rats. They did incalculable mischief, and we were advised to trap a rat alive, smear it with gas tar, and then release it. It proved a most effective remedy, and for a considerable time afterwards not a rat was seen nor even heard.


The wild gypsies of Galicia use cakes as love-letters. A coin is baked into the cake, which at the first opportunity is flung to the favoured object, The retention of this is looked upon as a virtual "acceptance;" its forcible return, an intimation that the "attentions" are undesired. Amongst an Indian tribe a rather pretty courtship custom obtains. At the annual "love-feast" a girl will hide a pitcher by the reed's near the river, and then, pointing towards the youth with whom she is in love, she will whisper, "Fair youth, find." If the maiden seems as fair to him as he to her, he searches, finds, and places the pitcher on her head, and the two are husband and wife. Among the semi-savage tribes in the Arabian desert, the lover tries to sieze the girl while she is pasturing her father's flocks. She pelts him with mud, sticks, and stones, and will be held in lifelong repute if she succeeds in wounding hom. Once driven into her father's tent, the lover is reckoned to have won her, and the betrothal is proclaimed. The Eskimo smitten one goes one bet.ter, inasmuch as he marches openly and without any beating about the bush to his loved one's abode, seizes her by her long, strong hair or her fur garments, and drags her to his lair of ice or tent of skin. The maiden of Burmah lights a "love-lamp" in her window when the desired one passes at night, and if he be willing, he speedily conveys the glad information to her. When the Sumatra girl has reached twenty-five -- and her life up to then has been passed in strict seclusion -- and no one has come to ask for her hand, she attends to the matter in her own way, dresses in red, and goes out twice a day, until successful, to find a husband. A remarkable custom prevails among the Dyaks of Borneo. When one of them would woo the maiden of his heart he chivalrously helps her in the hardest portion of her uneasy daily toil. If she smiles upon him, ever so sweetly, he does not immediately respond, but waits until the next dark night. Then he steals to her house, and lightly wakens her as she lies beside her sleeping parents. The parents, if they approve, make no sign, but sleep on -- or pretend to. If the girl accepts, she rises, and takes from her lover the betel and sweet meats he has brought her. That seals their betrothal, and he departs as he came, neither speaking nor being spoken to.


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The Witness - Friday, 18 January 1918


MAGILL -- January 12, at Corglass Manse, Bailieboro', the wife of the Rev. J. A. Magill, of a daughter.


COULTER--BERRY -- December 27, 1917, at Ballyshannon Presbyterian Church, by Rev. A. Maginnes, William J. Martin Coulter, Solicitor, Councillor Clontarf West, 200, Great Brunswick Street, Dublin, and 6, Fitzwilliam Terrace, Rathmines, to Meta, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Berry, Bundoran.

GRAHAM--HUNTER -- January 9, at Union Road Presbyterian Church, Magherafelt, by the Rev. W. J. Hanson, assisted by Rev. R. M'Cammon, Rev. James Graham, B.A., Corvalley, son of William Graham, Fruit Vale, Hillsborough, to Frances Mary Hunter, A.T.C.L., elder daughter of Dr. Hunter, Laurel Villa, Magherafelt. At Home, Corvalley Manse, February 8th.

MAJURY--STUART -- January 9, at Clifton Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast, by Rev. Samuel Thompson, M.A., Rev. Matthew Majury, B.A., B.D., First Garvagh, seventh son of James and Mrs. Majury, Tullynacree, Co. Down, to Florence, younger daughter of James and Mrs. Stuart, Armagh.


BALLANCE -- January 4, Susan, beloved sister of Jane and Sarah Ballance, 10, High Street, Lurgan. Interred in the family burying-ground, Tandragee. "Gone to be with Christ, which is far better."

ALLEN -- At San Francisco, California (the result of an accident), John, only and dearly- beloved son of Robert and Mary Allen, Bangor, late of Carnmoney.

BAIRD -- January 10, 1918, Mary Ann Baird, 124, Fitzroy Avenue, Belfast, widow of the late Robert Baird, Whitechurch, Ballywalter.

BARBER -- January 10, at Globe, Arizona, U.S.A., Grace, wife of the Rev. G. Sydney Barber, and fourth daughter of the late James Stewart, Moneydarragh, Annalong.

BEGGS -- January 10, at his residence, 40, Westmoreland Street, Andrew Beggs (formerly of Harryville, Ballymena).

BEST -- January 11, at Cushenard House, Richhill, Co. Armagh, Mary Florence Best, second daughter of the late Francis James Best, J.P., and Mrs. Best.

BLAIR -- January 5, at Calhame, Strabane, Margaret, third daughter of the late Alexander Blair. Deeply regretted.

BRADFORD -- January 11, at her residence, Craiganee, Magheramorne, Jenny Betty, relict of the late Brice Bradford.

CLAWSON -- January 12, at her residence, 61, Raby Street (late of Beechhill), Margaret, beloved wife of Robert Clawson.

FORSYTHE -- January 11 (suddenly), at his residence, Irishhill, Straid, Edward Forsythe.

HAMILTON -- January 14, at his residence, Tamlaghtmore, Stewartstown, Robert Hamilton, 79 years of age.

HENRY -- January 13, at her residence, 3, Mt. Delphi, Antrim Road (after, a short illness), Elizabeth J. Henry, eldest daughter of the late Isaac Henry, of Fedney, Banbridge.

KAMCKE -- January 13, at 33, High Street, Holywood, Louisa Parker Kamcke, aged 80 years, widow of Louis Alexander Kamcke, of Holywood, and eldest daughter of the late Captain John M'Cutcheon.

LEDLIE -- January 13, at the residence of his nephew, F. B. Small, Island House, Poyntzpass, George Ledlie.

LEE -- January 13, at 79, Dufferin Avenue, Bangor, Co. Down, Mary Morrow, the dearly-beloved wife of James Lightbody.

LUNN -- January 11, at her residence, Ballymacateer, Lurgan, Helena, widow of the late James Lunn.

MALONE -- January 6, at 51, Thorndale Avenue, Lizzie, wife of W. B. Malone.

MATEER -- January 14, at Banoge, Donacloney, John Mateer.

MAWHINNEY -- January 10, at Ernest Terrace, Little Frances Street, Newtownards, James Mawhinney.

MURDOCH -- January 15, at her residence, Avonmore, Antrim Road, Lisburn, Isabella, last surviving daughter of the late William John Murdoch, Hillhall.

M'CULLOUGH -- December 24, at his residence, Main Street, Maguiresbridge, John, the youngest and only surviving son of the late John M'Cullough.

NIBLOCK -- January 11 (suddenly), at her father's residence, Bentra, Whitehead, Henrietta (Etta), youngest and much-loved daughter of Samuel Wilson and Lily Niblock.

In Memoriam

MARTIN -- In loving memory. At Edinburgh, on the 16th of January, 1908, Mary Batten Millar Martin, of Eglintoun, Tayport, Fife, widow of the Rev. James Martin, Belfast.
F. P. H.; J. C. M.

M'KELVEY -- In loving memory of Essie M'Kelvey, who departed this life, 17th January, 1917, and was interred in First Ballynahinch Burying-ground.
   "Only a step removed,
      We soon again shall meet
    Our own, our dearly-loved
      Around the Saviour's feet."
Inserted by her loving Parents, Brothers, and Sisters. Glassdrummond, Ballynahinch.


Mrs. WILLIAM BARR and Family desire to express their most sincere thanks to the many Friends who have sympathised with them m their recent sad bereavement. Ballykine, Ballynahinch.


Random Readings


An interesting feature of Chinese industry is the making of knives and razors from old horseshoes. The local blacksmiths in the cities and towns of the interior supply the great population of the Empire with knives, razors, and scissors of an inferior quality at a very small cost. This cutlery is chiefly made from old horseshoes imported from England and the Continent. A discarded steel shoe offers the best material for blades, but the blacksmiths prefer the old shoes of soft iron that come from Glasgow and Hamburg. One British firm at Tien-tsin brought over a cargo of old horseshoes from Australia some years ago, but could not dispose of them, as the native smiths said that the iron was too hard. They like the soft iron, because it can be more easily worked by their primitive methods. A razor commonly used by the poorer class, having a cutting edge of less than two inches, costs about 4½d in English currency. Sharpened upon a strop, the blade takes a fair cutting edge, but is too soft to hold it. A great number of strappings are necessary before the act of shaving can be completed. After the blades are forged they are merely case-hardened.


Japan is the only country which gives recognition to flowers in the issues of its postage stamps. These have been portrayed upon stamps by many countries, especially by those situated in the tropics, but it is only upon the stamps of Japan that a flower appears. The chrysanthemum, the national flower of Japan, is given a conspicuous place upon all the postage stamps issued by the Government. Japan, moreover, is the only country which has ever issued a "wedding postage stamp." Some seven or eight years ago, when the heir-apparent was married, a special stamp in honour of the event was issued by order of the Emperor. This stamp is nearly twice as large as that of the United States, and bright red in colour. Within a large oval is shown a table, at which sit the bride and bridegroom. On each corner of the table are branches of pine, the evergreen signifying the unchangeableness of wedded affection. Upon the table-cover are depicted several cranes, which are said to be typical of a thousand years of existence. This is one of the few stamps issued by the Japanese Government which do not have the denominations in both Japanese and English. These stamps are becoming scarce, as they are eagerly sought after by collectors.


Henry T. Finck, musical critic of the New York "Evening Post," not only knows good music, but is said also to understand thoroughly the delights of good cooking. Here is something from his pen:-- "A few weeks ago, in commenting on the superabundance of singers and players, I said that in most cases it does not pay to be a musical debutante, and asked -- 'Why not rather be something else -- a good fancy cook, for instance? In writing that, I knew very well that none of the thousands of girls and youths who are preparing to enter the musical arena would take my advice kindly. They all consider themselves far above the level of cooks, on whom they look down, as even many factory and shop girls do. As a matter of fact, it takes infinitely more brains, taste, and skill to be a good cook than a factory or shop girl -- or a musician like the average debutante that appears in our concert halls. Surely we have a good start toward making cooking as honourable an art as music. If nine-tenths of the musical debutantes gave up their hopeless ambitions and helped to improve the health and comfort of families that are eager to engage lady cooks, properly trained, they would greatly improve their own health and comfort, too. There is drudgery in cooking, to be sure, as in everything else but even dish-washing is a picnic compared with the awful bore of daily scale playing, to which even Paderewski has to submit to this day."


It seemed nothing short of a miracle that accompanied the return of a family Bible that a Chicago mail order concern had shipped to a customer in West Africa, a year ago. Yet it arrived in the United States not so very long ago, and, though somewhat water-soaked, and otherwise showing the effects of its experiences, the treasured volume is now being exhibited in several cities in this country. A customer in Sierra Leone, West Africa, desired a family Bible. It made a package of eleven pounds, and was shipped by express to Liverpool, for subsequent shipment by a local agent, to Africa, by the English parcels post. Nothing was heard from it, until the Sierra Leone customer inquired about it three months later, saying it had not arrived. The Chicago mail order house at once sent another copy, explaining the sending of the first. They did not know what had happened to the original shipment, until it came back to Chicago, water-soaked, but still in readable condition. Then it was learned that the Bible had been put in a mail bag carried on the ill-fated steamer Falaba. When the ship was destroyed a few miles off the British coast, the mail bag was apparently torn open and the package thrown free of the wreckage. It is known that it floated to shore off the coast of Scotland and that a fisherman spied the strange object and picked it up. His search for marks of identification was not without result and as the wrapper bore the Liverpool agent's name and address, the Scotchman returned it to that office, and it was then sent back to America. The Bible is indeed a most impressive sight, and from its adventures many a lesson can be drawn. By a strange vagary of fate, the Sierra Leone customer never received even the second volume, for when it reached his address the customer had died.


Military Honours.

Captain Robert Alexander Tougher, Army Service Corps, son of the High Sheriff of Belfast, and Mrs. Tougher, Danesfort, Annadale Avenue, Belfast, is mentioned in despatches by General Sir Edmund Allenby for distinguished service in connection with the military operations in Palestine. Capt. Tougher was educated at the Royal Academical Institution and Queen's University of Belfast, where he graduated in 1914, and before the declaration of war he was studying for the Bar. He served in England with the 33rd Divisional Train, and in July, 1915, was sent to the Dardanelles, where he took part, in the memorable Suvla Bay landing and subsequent operations on the peninsula. He was invalided to Alexandria, and on recovery he joined the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, in which he commands a camel transport company.

Second-Lieutenant (T/Lt.) George Martin Lees, R.G.A. and R.F.C., the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lees, Rathgar, Dublin, has been awarded the Military Cross. From the "London Gazette" of January 8th, it is noted that the award is "for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on numerous occasions. His Work has been invaluable both when engaged in ranging batteries on hostile trenches and in making daring and valuable reconnaissances at low altitudes over the enemy's trenches. On at least two occasions while on photographic duty he was attacked by superior numbers of the enemy, one of whom he shot down and dispersed the remainder, returning from his flight with a number of successful exposures. All his work has been of this high order." Mr. G. Martin Lees was educated at St. Andrew's College, Dublin, whose roll of honour contains 604 names, and of these forty have won the Military Cross.


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The Witness - Friday, 25 January 1918


HOUSTON -- January 19, at Letterbratt House, Plumbridge, the wife of James Houston, Esq., Auctioneer -- a son.


STEVENSON--LOGAN -- January 15, 1918, at Shanghai, Rev. Owen Stevenson, China Inland Mission, to Mina Logan, M.A., Canadian Presbyterian Mission, Changtehfu, Honan, youngest daughter ot the late Rev. M. Logan, Gortin, Co. Tyrone, and of the late Mrs. Logan, 13, Dunluce Avenue; Belfast.


BERKELEY -- January 23, 1918, at her residence, Nurferyville, Comber, Margaret Berkeley. Funeral private.

FULTON -- January 23, at his residence, Lismore, Portadown, John Chisholm Fulton, J.P. Funeral to Lurgan Presbyterian Burying-ground to-morrow (Saturday), at eleven o'clock. No flowers, by request.

LEGG -- December, 17, 1917, Mary, wife of J. Archibald Legg, 79, Iona Road, Dublin, and only daughter of James McConnell, 203, North Circular Road, Dublin. Interred in St. George's Burial-ground, Dublin, January 23, 1918.

DALZELL -- January 18, at Cunningburn, Maggie, eldest surviving daughter of Andrew Dalzell.

HAGAN -- January 17, Mary Allen, beloved wife of George B. Hagan, Rathcoole, Monkstown.

HEMMINGTON -- January 17, at 39, Castle Street, Lisburn, Ann Hemmington, dearly-beloved sister of Mrs John Sinton, of Ravarnette, Lisburn.

HILL -- January 21 (suddenly), at his residence, St. Catherine's, Milbush, Carrickfergus, John Hill, late of Shannonstown.

HOLMES -- January 22, at her residence, Clonrole, Portadown, Letitia, second daughter of the late Thomas Holmes.

HOUSTON -- January 18, at her residence, 10, Ria Street, M. J. (Mamie), the beloved wife of John Houston. Deeply regretted by the members of the family and a very wide circle of friends. JOHN HOUSTON.

HYDE -- January 18, at her residence, Breagh, Birches, Porta-down, Margaret, relict of the late George Hyde.

LEEBURN -- December 20, 1917, at her residence, 1,255, M'Neilly Avenue, Pittsburg, Martha, the eldest and much-loved sister of Wm. C. Leeburn, Sandymount, Carnmoney. "To die is gain."

LITTLE -- January 19, at his residence, Castlelugge, Greenisland, Stuart S. Little.

M'CRACKEN -- January 17, at the residence of his son-in-law, Robert Holland, Innishargie, Kirkcubbin, Robert M'Cracken (formerly of' Dunover).

M'GIFFIN -- January 22, at Riverside, Holywood, Mary Johnstone, widow of the late John M'Giffin.

M'LEAN -- January 21, at 7, Mill Street, Newtownards, Eleanor (Ellie), youngest and dearly-loved daughter of Anne Jane M'Lean.

M'NEILL -- January 22, at his brother's residence, Carnamuck, Castlereagh, Robert S. T. (Bertie), second and dearly-loved son of Robert M'Neill.

NEILL -- January 18, at his residence, Curragh, Killinchy, James Neill.

REA -- January 17, at Lisowen House, Listooder, Crossgar, after a lingering illness borne with Christian fortitude, David Simpson, second son of David S and Sarah Rea.

REA -- January 18, at his residence, Belsize, Lisburn, John Rea.

ROSS -- January 18, at his residence, Springmount, Glarryford, Hamilton Ross, J.P.

RUSSELL -- December 5, 1917, at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, Samuel Marcus Russell, Chinese Customs Service, late of Imperial College, Peking, and of Hendon, London, second son of the late Rev. W. A. Russell, Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Foreign and Colonial papers please copy.

In Memoriam

MONTGOMERY -- In loving memory of the late Rev. Robert Montgomery, the founder of Great Victoria Street Presbyterian Church, manse, and schools, and for thirty-seven years the faithful and devoted minister of the congregation, who died on January 24th, 1897. M. MONTGOMERY.

REID -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth Reid, who departed this life on January 25, 1916, and interred in the family burying-ground, Seaforde.
" 'Tis sweet to know we'll meet again,
     Where partings are no more,
  And that the one we dearly loved
     Has only gone before."
Ever remembered by her loving Sons and Daughters.


Lieutenant Hugh Bell Fisher, officially reported killed on 10th November last, has now written to his mother, Dr. Elizabeth Bell, at College Gardens, Belfast, from Limburg, under date 21st November, stating that he is wounded and a prisoner of war. Lieutenant Fisher is a native of Newry, and before the war was a student at the Queen's University, Belfast.


Military Honours for Tyrone family

Lieut.-Hugh Campbell Has been awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous bravery and skilful handling of his men, and for important work successfully performed in the operations at Cambrai. He had previously won the D.C.M. in April, 1916. Sapper James Campbell, R.E., was awarded the Military Medal for distinguished bravery and demotion to duty Under heavy fire in the Somme offensive. These young men held lucrative positions in a large shipyard in Newcastle, and both volunteered when the war broke out. Samuel Campbell, who has been serving for over a year with the Canadians, was wounded four times, and is at present in hospital in Oxford. Thos. Campbell, who volunteered at the outbreak of war, is in training with the Canadians. The oldest brother, Second-Lieutenant William Campbell, Middlesex Comp. Signal Officer, was killed while engaged signalling in operations at Passchendaele. He had seen active service throughout the greater part of the Boer war. He filled an important position in the Telegraph Engineering Department, London. These five young men are sons of Mr. John Campbell, Minaduff, Gortin, Co. Tyrone. Tyrone may well be proud of such loyal and heroic sons.


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