A Hundred Years! what mighty revolutions
Have swept the world within their crowded span!
Empires have fallen, and new powers uprisen,
But never since this God-built world began
Has knowledge so outpoured
The treasures of her hoard,
Nor Earth so graciously revealed her plan.
A Hundred Years ago, in time of trouble,
There came from Irishmen a new demand,
'On all alike confer the boon of knowledge,
And blessings rich will sooth, and heal the land,
So soon as all engage
In study of the page
Of Scripture, and unite-an earnest band.'
Forthwith the voices of a grateful people
Uprose in welcome, and the teachers came
From far, and toiled in gathering wisdom's secrets;
And once again our Island won a name
For learning; all confessed
That Erin's Schools were best,
And numbers told the story of her fame.
A Hundred Years have sped, and still the teachers
Flock to our Halls and toil, and still we pray
That God will fill them with His great ideals;
Still is our aim to send them on their way
With hearts attuned, to bring,
As servants of the King,
Fit preparation for a brighter day.
A Hundred Years! a teeming wealth of knowledge
Poured forth for good or ill, with smiles and tears!
How have we used it? What has been our progress
In work for God? What of the coming years?
We answer, If men trace God's smile upon our face,
All must be well--no room for fears.