Additional Sidelights on Belfast History


For permission to reproduce Portraits, Paintings, and Documents, my sincere thanks are hereby tendered to His Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury; The Master of the Rolls, The Right Honourable Baron Wright; The Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.C.V.O.; Mr. John Archer, Town Clerk of Belfast; Mr. E. Lynham, Map Department of the British Museum; Mr. M. J. Watkins, Secretary of the Belfast Harbour Commissioners; Mr. A. Deane, M.R.I.A., Curator of the Belfast Art Gallery; Miss I. J. Churchill, D.Phil., Assistant Librarian of Lambeth Palace Library; Mr. F. J. P. Burgoyne, Librarian of the Linen Hall Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge; Mr. J. Knox Vinycomb; Mr. W. J. Uprichard, Solicitor, Belfast Bank, Ltd.; Mr. G. B. Walkington, Solicitor, Ulster Bank, Ltd.; Mr. Alex. R. Hogg, Photographer; Mr. A. Albert Campbell, F.R.S.A.I.; for kindly reading proofs; and to Mr. Charles E. I. Wright, M.A., who, in addition to much candid criticism, undertook to compile the Index.

To none, however, am I more indebted than to my old "Inst." senior, Dr. J. S. Crone who has just passed the eightieth milestone on life's journey. In spite of his onerous duties as Deputy Coroner of a London district, he has never ceased to acquire a more intimate knowledge of Ireland and, especially, of his native town. His residence, "Castlereagh," bears the name of the road in which he was born. As Editor of THE IRISH BOOK LOVER; as President of THE IRISH LITERARY SOCIETY; and as an original member of Council of THE ULSTER ASSOCIATION IN LONDON, whose first President, Lord Russell of Killowen, was, like himself, a native of County Down, Dr. Crone has had ample opportunities of hearing many diverse opinions which enabled him to discriminate in building up a Library which is unique. To myself, as to others, full access to that valuable literary store has been willingly granted. May he be privileged for many years to look back with pardonable pride on an honourable and wellspent life.

S. S. M.


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