Second Congregation of Protestant Dissenters, Belfast




The original Committee appointed in 1872 was:-- President, Rev. James C. Street; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. J. M. Darbishire, Robert M'Calmont, F.C.S., and F. D. Finlay; Hon. Treasurer, Hugh Hyndman, LL.D.; Committee, Messrs. S. Strong, S. Lowry, J. M'Giffin, A. Galloway, H. Hunter, and H. Moore; Hon. Secretaries, C. J. Street and James Stephens.

1873 -- Nov. 3. "What Chemistry tells us of the Means by which the Harmony of Creation is Maintained." Professor Hodges, M.D., F.C.S.
1874 -- Mar. 9. "The Inimitable Perfection of the Human Ear." Dr. Henry Burden, M.A.
1880 -- Jan. 19. Lessing's "Nathan the Wise." Rev. Dr. Chotzner.
1880 -- Feb. 23. "Copyright." Mr. H. Hyndman, LL.D.
1880 -- Apr. 12. "From Paris to Spain and Back." Mr. E. A. Fuhr.
1881 -- Oct. 17. "The Growth of Plants." Mr. Robert M'Calmont, F.C.S.
1881 -- Nov. 14. "Ugo Bassi." Rev. Thomas Dunkerley.
1882 -- Oct. 16. "Buddha: His Life and Teachings." Mr.W. Hoey, D.Lit.
1882 -- Oct. 29. "Lessing." Mr. Henry Aston, M.A.
1882 -- Nov. 20. "The Laws of Organic Life." Professor Gordon, M.D.
1883 -- Feb. 12. "Some of the Women of Shakespeare. Rev. F.W. Walters.
1885 -- Oct. 19. "An Historic Emblem Flower: the Daisy." Mr. John Vinycomb, M.R.I. A.
1885 -- Nov. 9. "The Immortality of the Soul in Hebrew Scriptures." Rev. Edward Collins.
1886 -- Oct. 11. "Lights and Shadows of Life in Belfast." Rev. J. C. Street.
1887 -- Jan. 10. "A Trip Through the Lower Animal Kingdom." Mr. Wm. Gray, M.R.I. A.
1887 -- Feb. 14. "The First Unitarian Bishop of Hungary." Professor George Boros.
1887 -- Mar. 7. "Literary Fiction." Monsieur Dubois.
1888 -- Jan. 16. "The Brain and its Functions." Dr. Jas. A. Lindsay.
1888 -- Feb. 13. "Prejudice." Mr. Max Veitel.
1888 -- Mar. 19. "The Humours of a Rambler." Mr. H. Riddell, M.E.
1890 -- Jan. 13. "Shorthand." Professor Everett, D.C.L.
1890 -- Feb. 10. "Memory and its Cultivation." Dr. J. Strahan.
1891 -- Oct. 12. "Samuel Johnson." Rev. E. I. Fripp, B.A.
1892 -- Oct. 17. "The Moon: Its Cosmological History and Present Condition." Mr. W. Redfern Kelly, M.I.C.E.
1892 -- Dec. 5. "Mrs. Ewing and her Writings." Mrs. Fripp.
  "Hamlet." Miss Greenfield.
1893 -- Jan. 9. "Count Tolstoi and Russian Society." Mr. Jas. Prelooker.
1893 -- Mar. 20. "Tourgenieff." Professor S. J. MacMullen, M.A.


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