Historic Memorials of the First Presbyterian Church Belfast



ON Saturday afternoon, 22nd May, 1880, a numerous company assembled at Meadowbank, Whitehouse, for the purpose of presenting his portrait to Mr. George K. Smith, who, for the period of 41 years, had discharged, with marked efficiency and unwearying zeal, the duties of Secretary to the First Presbyterian Congregation. Invitations were issued to the following subscribers to the portrait, viz.: Rev. J. Scott Porter, Rev. Alexander Gordon, M.A.; Messrs. W. J. C. Allen, J.P.; E. J. Harland, J.P., Chairman of Belfast Harbour Commissioners (now Sir E. J. Harland, Bart.); Wm. Riddel, J.P.; J. R. Musgrave, J. P. ; J. F. M'Caw, Hon. William Porter, J. Galt Smith, J.P.; F. D. Ward, J.P.; John Rogers, John Campbell, William Rson, C. Bowles, N. Oakman, James Cronne, A. O'D. Taylor, Brice Smyth, M.D.; James M'Fadden, Henry Bruce, J. W. Russell, J. S. Drennan, M.D.; R. L. Patterson, J.P. ; W. H. Malcolm, J. Dugan, Lenox Drennan, Geo. Benn, Thomas L'Estrange, J. S. M'Tear; Mrs. H. C. Smith; Miss Whitla, Beneaden; Misses Campbell, Miss Bruce, Mrs. Patterson, Miss M'Gee, Mrs. Andrews. Also to the following :-- Sir Thomas A. Jones, P.R.H.A.; Lady Jones, Miss Porter and Mr. Drummond Porter, the Misses Allen, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Harland, the Misses Riddel, Mrs. L'Estrange, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. Rson, Mrs. Bowles, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Brice Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Duffin, Miss Drennan, Mrs. Malcolm, Miss Benn, Mrs. Cunningham, Miss Bottomley, Mr. James Glenny, the Misses M'Tear, Miss L. Bankhead, Miss Byrne, Mr. (now Dr.) and Mrs. Carroll, Mr. S. T. Smith, Dr and Mrs. Manley and Miss Manley, Mr. Manley, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Salvage.

On the motion of Mr. J. R. MUSGRAVE, J.P., High Sheriff of the County of Donegal, seconded by Mr. JAMES F. M'CAW, the chair was taken by Mr. W. J. C. Allen, J.P.

The CHAIRMAN said -- Ladies and Gentlemen, I have to thank you for the honour you have done me in placing me in the chair on this, I will say, very auspicious occasion; but I believe I shall consult your comfort and my own ease much better by proceeding at once to the business of the day than by any observations that I may be likely to lay before you. At the same time, you will permit me to say that it is a peculiarly gratifying thing to me to be here on this occasion. (Hear, hear.) The gentleman whom we here meet to honour is one of the oldest friends that I have in Belfast. We have known each other since we were boys at school, and we have been associated with one another, not merely as members of the First Congregation and of its committee, but also in a business capacity, and I must say that, during the whole progress of our intercourse, notwithstanding that, as a matter of course, we may have had some differences of opinion, those differences have never in the slightest degree diminished the respect we entertained for one another. (Applause.) Before reading the address, I may mention that we have received a number of notes expressing regret on the part of the writers that they are not able to be here to-day. Amongst those who have forwarded communications are Mr. E. J. Harland, J.P. -- who, I may say, took the greatest interest in all the proceedings connected with the presentation, and who is unable to be present here to-day, as he is in Mullingar -- Dr. Drennan, Messrs. Alexander O'D. Taylor, R. Lloyd Patterson (President of the Belfast Chamber of Commerce), and Henry Bruce. I have also to express on the part of my respected colleague, Mr. Carr, his regret that an engagement, which he had formed before he was aware of this meeting, prevents him from being present. With your permission I shall now proceed to read the address to Mr. Smith. It is as follows:--


DEAR SIR, -- During the long period of forty-one years you have discharged the duties of Secretary to the First Presbyterian Congregation with great efficiency and unabated zeal. We know that this has been to you a labour of love.

Your hereditary connection with our worshipping society, extending beyond two centuries, has identified you with its history to an extent far exceeding that which can be claimed by any of its other existing members; and our present place of worship is especially endeared to you by the fact that your grandfather was the treasurer of the congregation when it was rebuilt, and an active and careful superintendent of the work. No wonder, then, that the welfare of the society and the maintenance of the fabric of our beautiful church should be objects of the deepest interest to you.

That you have spared neither time nor trouble, nor, when occasion called for it, your purse, in order to maintain the congregation in its place as one of the first of our churches, those of us who have been associated with you during your protracted tenure of office can abundantly testify; and we are happy to assure you that those who in more recent years have attached themselves to the congregation duly appreciate your exertions on its behalf. As a slight, and certainly very inadequate, expression of our gratitude to you, we have to request your acceptance of this portrait. When you look on it, it may recall to your recollection many interesting events connected with the church in which you have taken an active part, and may remind you of old friends with whom you have frequently taken sweet counsel. And when the day shall come -- but may it be far distant-when you can no longer contemplate it, may it serve to future generations as a memento of the esteem entertained by his fellow-worshippers for the services rendered to the First Congregation by George Kennedy Smith.

(Signed on behalf of the subscribers)

E. J. HARLAND, Chairman.
W. J. C. ALLEN, Treasurer.
JOHN ROGERS, Secretary.

The address, embodied in a beautifully-bound volume, engrossed and illuminated most artistically by Messrs. Marcus Ward & Co., was then handed to Mr. Smith, and the portrait presented to him amid loud applause. The latter is a half-length in oil, by the president of the Royal Hibernian Academy, Sir Thomas A. Jones, and represents Mr. Smith seated at a table, his left hand raising his eyeglass, while with the right he caresses a favourite dog.

Mr. SMITH, who was deeply affected, then read the following reply:--

Heartily do I thank you, my pastors and fellow-worshippers, for the kind expressions contained in your address, and for the gift of this work of art. The presentation is the more endeared to me as the suggestion of a voice now speaking from a bed of infirmity, the voice of one who was my preceptor in youth, and with whom, as my beloved pastor, I have had uninterrupted sweet counsel throughout my official career.

It was a happy omen of my life that, at the age of twenty-seven, I was selected as the. secretary of a congregation in which I had so many pleasing family ties, a religious society then comprising 119 seatholders, of whom now, alas! six only survive. It was my great happiness to find myself associated in my youth with such distinguished ministers as my esteemed relative, the late Rev. William Bruce, and the life-long friend already referred to, the Rev. J. Scott Porter; and with a committee whose names I delight in recalling, viz. :-- John Holmes Houston, Dr. S. Smith Thomson, Valentine Whitla, William Boyd (Fortbreda), J. Thomson Tennent, Alexander M'Donnell, Thos. Chermside, W. J. C. Allen, George M'Tear, John Riddel, John Curell, Dr. Marshall, Dr. Burden, John Galt Smith, Francis Whitla, P. L. Munster, John Cunningham, Robt. Montgomery (treasurer); William Hartley, John Hodgson, and R Patterson. To work with these was, as it has always been with their successors, truly "a labour of love ..." Our worthy chairman on this occasion is now the only survivor of that committee, and, in thus referring to him, it is my wish to testify to the great interest he has always taken in the affairs of the congregation, of which he was treasurer for upwards of ten years.

That the spirit of kindness and friendship which was manifested originally towards me should have, continued for such a long series of years is a fact of which I am proud, and that my services should be recognised as having been discharged with unabated zeal during forty-one years is to me most gratifying, more particularly as it appears that the congregation was never in a more healthy condition than at present, the constituency now numbering 191 stipend-paying members, exclusive of their families.

Naturally your address recalls to my mind many events connected with the history of our church during my term of office. A few years after my appointment an attempt was made, by proceedings in Chancery, to wrest from my Unitarian brethren the churches we had held from time immemorial. Parliament, however, secured our rights by passing the Dissenters' Chapels Act. Thank God, the spirit that then prevailed has to a great extent subsided. May the day not be distant when all denominations will set aside the sectarian strifes of Churches, as so many stumbling-blocks in the progress of genuine Christianity.

To render our properties unassailable in all respects, the First and Second Congregations procured in 1851, from the Commissioners for the Sale of Encumbered Estates in Ireland, the fee and inheritance of the congregational properties in Rosemary Street and Skipper Street, Belfast, thus acquiring the same absolute estate therein as had been previously vested in the Marquis of Donegall, free of rent. By these purchases the congregational grounds have become much enhanced in value, and their value will be still greater when the projected improvements are carried out in the adjoining streets.

Notwithstanding an expenditure of upwards of one thousand pounds within the last seven years, in repairing and improving our beautiful house of worship, the returns to be presented at our approaching annual general meeting show funded property to the credit of the congregation amounting to considerably above that sum.

In referring to our house of worship, I cannot forget the points of interest which it exhibits in the various mural tablets and memorial windows erected within my time to many whose virtues and services we revere, including the Rev. Dr. Bruce, Rev. Dr. Hincks, Rev. William Bruce, J. H. Houston, William Tennent, S. S. Thomson, M.D.; John Martin, John Riddel, Samuel Martin, Alithea Maria Ferguson, Michael Andrews, R Patterson, and John Galt Smith. Many other honoured names might be added as associated with the old Meeting House of Belfast during this century. Memorials of an earlier date are to be found in the portraits which adorn the walls of our vestry. Here may be seen, among the rest, the features of the heroic M'Bride, the gentle Drennan, and the erudite Crombie, founder of the Belfast Academy, all ministers of our church.

The latest important event affecting the interests of our worshipping society is the appointment of the Rev. Alex. Gordon, M.A., to the junior pastorate of the congregation. Like my other two ministers to whom I have alluded, co-operation with Mr. Gordon is a real pleasure. Sincerely do I hope, and with confidence do I rely, that his exertions for the welfare of the congregation will redound to the good of our common cause.

And now, my dear friends, after these allusions to a few of the more prominent events connected with my congregational career, give me leave to say that this will always be to me a memorable day. To have my portrait painted by such a distinguished artist as Sir Thomas Alfred Jones, P.R.H.A., and placed by your generosity among the collection of family portraits you see around, affords me a delight as great as I have ever experienced. It has been said that "a room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts," and so will the walls of this room be to me, both as reflecting your own extreme kindness, and as exhibiting the lineaments of honoured ancestors, several of whom were members of "The Old Meeting House," and all identified with the public institutions of Belfast.

The CHAIRMAN asked permission to express to Sir Thos. Jones the great satisfaction they entertained for the mode in which he had executed this commission. (Applause.) They had from time to time had specimens of his handiwork, and, though last not least, they had the one in that room. (Applause.)

Sir THOMAS A. JONES, President of the Royal Hibernian Academy, who was warmly received, said it had given him the greatest pleasure to paint that portrait, and he hoped that when, in after years, Mr. Smith looked upon it, he would remember not only the friends who presented it, but also the friend who painted it. (Applause.)

The company adjourned to luncheon, after which vocal and instrumental music and other items brought to a termination an exceedingly pleasant evening under the hospitable roof of Meadowbank.


EARLY in 1882, at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, the attention of its members was directed to the approaching anniversary of the completion of its beautiful Meeting-house, and various schemes for the celebration of the Centennial were suggested. The subject was brought up in the Committee's Report to the Annual Meeting in the spring of 1883, and a Special Centennial Committee was appointed. An assemblage of friends on a large scale was proposed by the Centennial Committee, and the largest hall in Belfast was taken.

The committee decided to invite officially all the ministers on the roll of the Nonsubscribing Association, and through them to extend a general invitation to their congregations; to solicit a deputation from the British and Foreign Unitarian Association; and to leave the members of the congregation free to ask their own friends. A thousand tickets were printed, but, as the responses and applications poured in, it became necessary to provide for a much larger number.

The day for the celebration, Wednesday, 20th June, was chosen on account of the fact that the Association of Irish Nonsubscribing Presbyterians would then be in session in Belfast. For a Unitarian demonstration it was peculiarly appropriate, as it happened to be the birthday of Theophilus Lindsey (founder of Essex Street Chapel, the first erected for Unitarian worship in the British Isles), who was born 20th June, 1723.

The intention was, not simply to congregate an audience for the purpose of listening to speeches, but to afford a full opportunity for social converse and pleasant intercourse, the renewal of old friendships and the opening of new ones. Some of our veterans in the cause, who are now rarely met at public gatherings, greeted each other in the crowd of younger friends, and bright faces of children were not wanting in the scene. Two or three hundred visitors from other denominations were present, welcomed by all, and made to feel thoroughly at home.

A large and varied collection of objects of interest was exhibited on tables and in cases disposed about the Ulster Hall. Coins, medals, Irish antiquities, Japanese curiosities, a collection of old laces, valuable books and manuscripts, microscopes and stereoscopes, were placed on view. There was a special collection of engravings, autographs, and documents illustrating the past career of the Church, including the Solemn League and Covenant, bearing the original signatures obtained at Holywood in 1644; and another illustrative of the general history of Unitarianism, beginning with a curious Dutch engraving of Arius. In the centre of the hall were displayed two magnificent services of plate, presented to the late Dr. Bruce, on leaving the Academy, and on retiring from the active duties of the ministry. Around the walls was hung a very extensive and remarkable series of portraits of former ministers and members of the church, lent by private families and public bodies, the oldest painting being that famous one of Rev. John M'Bride, still bearing the marks of the sword-thrust which testifies to the exasperation of the Sovereign of Belfast, when he found that the minister he hoped to take into custody had fled, and his picture alone remained, to smile at the baffled representative of authority. Attached to the columns supporting the galleries were 17 bannerets, bearing the names of all the ministers of the church since its foundation. Floral decorations were conspicuous throughout the building. Objects of vertu were placed in every available corner. Indeed, as an art exhibition alone, the loan collection may be pronounced unique.

On the opening of the hall at six o'clock, and during the serving of tea, performances on the grand organ were given by Mr. B. Hobson Carroll, Mus. Bac. (now Mus. Doc.), organist of the church; and at intervals during the evening a programme of music was rendered by a special choir. Shortly after eight o'clock, a procession was formed, headed by officers and deacons of the church, and including the ( deputation and the clergymen present; and the chair, placed on a dais at the side of the hall, was taken by the pastor of the congregation.

The formal part of the meeting was opened by the singing of the hymn "Jesus shall reign," and by prayer offered by the Moderator of the Northern Presbytery of Antrim, Rev. C. J. M 'Alester. Letters of sympathy from various quarters were referred to, including a very kind letter from Lord Waveney, a descendant of the family of Rev. Patrick Adair, and a letter from the Attorney-General for Ireland (now Master of the Rolls), the eldest son of the late Rev. John Scott Porter. The Secretary, George Kennedy Smith, was then called upon to read a historical statement, which gave, in brief, an outline of the congregational history, and concluding as follows :-- "The occasion will be further commemorated by the production of a volume of Historic Memorials, dealing in full detail with our not inglorious nor uninstructive past. Two other projects, relating to the future of our usefulness and our aspiration, are also in view. A new hymn-book, to inspire our devotions; and a hall for our congregational meetings, with accommodation for Sunday Schools, Committees, and Library, are dreams which we hope will soon come true. Mayan impetus be given from this meeting to every righteous purpose of our hearts; that days to come may more than equal the glories of days bygone; and that, confiding in the One God, true to the One Master, animated by the One Spirit, we may increase in the life of faith and hope and love."

The CHAIRMAN then offered, in the name of the congregation, a hearty welcome to those friends who represented the Association of Irish Nonsubscribing Presbyterians, the British and Foreign Unitarian Association, and other bodies.

WILLIAM SINCLAIR BOYD, Esq., in seconding the welcome, said that this, he believed, was the largest assemblage ever held in Belfast in connection with the Unitarian community. Of those present, a very large proportion were members of other Unitarian congregations around them. A formal vote need not be passed to welcome them. Their influence had been felt outside the pale of their own Church, and never was felt more than at the present day. They found a marked tendency amongst the laity in the other Churches to turn their backs upon the very acts which were the causes of the Unitarians separating from communion with them. Moreover, they were pleased to find a decrease -- a marked decrease -- in the asperity of pulpit allusions to their church and to their doctrines. Referring to the members of other Christian Churches who were present that night, in the hall and on the platform, Mr. Boyd greeted them as among the most welcome of their visitors.

The Rev. WILLIAM NAPIER, hon. secretary of the Nonsubscribing Association, in a brief and graceful response, referred to the great and liberty-loving men who formed the Association, and thanked the First Congregation for the hearty welcome which had been accorded to the members of the Association that evening. The Nonsubscribing Association, as he understood it, was founded by men who had conceived the idea that the Church might be built on the principle of cherishing the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, whilst allowing each member to do what in his conscience he thought was right; and that principle they had consistently carried out since the day of its foundation.

Sir JAMES CLARKE LAWRENCE, Bart., M.P., who spoke next, was very warmly received. He began by saying :Everyone knows what an Irish welcome is. It means not merely words uttered by the tongue, but sentiments springing from the heart; and, therefore, when I heard the words of welcome uttered by the President to-night, I knew full well that it was a real welcome, that it was meant, and that you desire to express that which you really and heartily feel. Reference has been made to the intimate association of myself with an honoured name, known not merely to this Association, but recognised throughout this country amongst Presbyterians of the liberal school; and recognised not only by them, but, I must say, by other inhabitants of the town of Belfast; for I never yet entered this town without hearing from other quarters the highest expressions of praise of the Rev. John Scott Porter. I have sometimes said to my Irish friends that I feel myself half an Irishman; for, having passed so many of my years in connection with friends from Ireland, and having had two tutors who were Irishmen, I think if anything could make me an Irishman, that should almost effect the object. Here I am before you as the representative of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association, and it is well, in these times, that men should know what that term means. There is not a town in Ireland, there is not a city or town in England, where there are no thousands who literally do not know what pure and simple Christianity means; and the aim of the Unitarian Association has been to say to such men: "Be not discouraged; take not Christianity as represented by ancient synods or ecclesiastical organisations, but go to Christ himself, learn what he tells you, and follow what he tells you to do." The aim of the Unitarian Association was, and is, to tell all such people that there is a Christianity not merely akin to, but identical with, that which Christ himself taught in Judea more than 1800 years ago; that his voice may be yet heard, his example yet followed. Without professing belief in any cramping systems of doctrine, men may be true Christians, if they only exercise loyalty to him as the only true exponent of what really is their duty to him as their Lord and Master, and to God as their Father. Such is the simple Gospel that Unitarians have to preach. They may live, and I hope will live, on the best of terms with men who hold views different from their own; and the only rivalry they desire to see, is as to who shall come nearest the Master, who shall tell again, in clearest language, what was uttered in Judea, and who shall say in accents none will fail to understand, "I follow Christ in every action of my life. There is no act of my business which is not of his example. There is no position in life in which his example is not kept before me." Do you think people will turn away from this doctrine; that thousands who now hold aloof from all religious opinion will stand off if you proclaim this doctrine? This religion, of course, is not the religion only of a Church, is not the religion of a Synod merely, but must pervade every workshop, and enter into every mercantile transaction. I can assure you, that if that is the Gospel you proclaim in Belfast, this congregation and this assembly will yet take a position, the first amidst all religious organisations. You will bear aloft a standard which admits of no rival, which boldly proclaims discipleship to Christ, and the Christianity which Christ taught. Are you, the representatives of the free Christianity of Belfast, prepared for this work? If so, triumph is before you, in such a way as the most sanguine has never expected.

DAVID MARTINEAU, Esq., who was also warmly welcomed, said-I rejoice exceedingly to be present at this meeting of Unitarians in Belfast. It cheers my heart to see this hall filled by those whom I believe to be earnest men and women. Two sentiments have brought us together a feeling of going forward with the multitude, and a feeling that the assistance of friends is required to help forward this great and important movement. Those of you who are members of the First Congregation in Belfast, will feel that you are affected by both these sentiments, when drawn together at this centenary of the building of your chapel-an occasion of such importance that you may make it a fresh starting-point in the history of your congregation. Your fathers held aloft the banner of freedom, and you in this hall will lift the flag which your forefathers have handed on from times of greater danger than the present.

Rev. Dr. ALFRED PORTER PUTNAM, on being most cordially received by the meeting, referred to his previous visit to Belfast, twenty-one years ago. "On that occasion I heard the Rev. John Scott Porter preach a most excellent sermon, in which he presented Jesus Christ as the Lord and Master. It made a most deep and abiding impression on my mind and heart, and that expression is just as distinct and deep now as it was at that time. As we went from the church, Mr. Porter introduced me to his predecessor, the Rev. William Bruce, and then he took me out to dine with that noble man, Michael Andrews, of Ardoyne. I have Mr. Andrews' photograph, but even without it I should never have forgotten how he looked. All three are gone, but their memories abide, and will abide." In some further remarks, Dr. Putnam congratulated all present upon what he had seen and heard that day, of their glorious past, and upon what he believed to be their still more glorious future, winding up with a hearty "God bless you all!"

Rev. Dr. BRYCE said his appearance on that platform, as a stern old-fashioned Calvinist, would, he was sure, surprise some people. There were many things said that evening which, to use a Scotch term, he could not "homologate." But he could homologate what the chairman had said about the honest spirit. which he recognised as being kindred with his own; and he could homologate what Sir James had said about adhering to the words of Christ, though, perhaps, he might interpret some of those words very differently from the way in which Unitarians interpreted them. He thought that, as regards the practical part of religion, there was considerable unanimity between them. The chairman had pointed out the connection in which he had stood to some members of that congregation. Dr. Crombie was the founder of the Belfast Academy, over which he (the speaker) had the honour of presiding for rather more than fifty years. Dr. Crombie took the first step taken in Ireland to establish and extend a course of University training in Ireland. The Rev. John Scott Porter and the speaker were always on the most friendly and intimate terms, although they differed widely in their theological opinions. About 1874 he joined very heartily with Mr. Porter in an effort to maintain the National system of education in Ireland. On that occasion ministers of all Protestant denominations united together in the matter. He would appeal to his English and Scotch friends to take warning as to how that question stood at present, for the non-sectarian character of that institution was again threatened in a most formidable way.

After the welcome had been thus given and responded to, a vote of thanks to the contributors to the Loan Collection was proposed. This was done with exceedingly good taste in a capital speech by F. D. Ward, Esq., M.R.I.A., J.P., who was ably seconded by John Rogers, Esq., in a brief address, in which he referred to the great hopes of future effort excited by the meeting.

The speeches being concluded, the chairman vacated his post, and a general conversazione and promenade took place. Shortly before eleven o'clock the singing of the National Anthem brought the proceedings of a memorable evening to a close.

Among the number of those present were the following ministers :-- Revs. F. M. Blair, R. J. Bryce, LL.D. (United Presbyterian); James Callwell, R. Campbell, R. Cleland, Jas. Cooper, English Crooks, J. A. Crozier, B.A.; T. Dunkerley, B. A.; Moore Getty, A. Gordon, D. Gordon, John Hall, James Kedwards, J. A. Kelly, A. Lancaster, C. J. M'Alester, D. Matts, J. M'Caw, H. A. M'Gowan, W. O. M'Gowan, J. Miskimmin, Hugh Moore, M.A.; W. Napier, J. A. Newell, R. J. Orr, M.A.; John Porter, A. P. Putnam, D.D.; T. H. M. Scott, M.A.; J. E. Stronge, F. Thomas, and D. Thompson. Among the laity present may be named Messrs. John S. Brown, J.P.; Dr. Samuel Browne, J.P.; Dr. W. Gordon, J.P.; Edward Greer, J.P.; John Jellie, J.P.; J. R. Musgrave, J. P.; F. D. Ward, J.P. ; Hugh Hyndman, LL. D.; Dr. Ball, Dr. R. B. Davidson, Dr. H. E. Manley, Dr. Brice Smyth, W. Gray, M.R. I. A. ; W. H. Patterson, M.R.I.A.; R Young, CEo ; John Smyth, sen., Lenaderg; John Smyth, M.A.; C. H. Brett, John Campbell, Herbert Darbishire, E. A. Fuhr, A. M. Munster, Henry Musgrave, W. Riddel, &c., &c. The list of contributors to the Loan Collection is as follows :-- Mrs. Andrews, Miss Benn, Mrs. H. Boyd, Mrs. C. H. Brett, Mrs. E. J. Bristow, Mr. John Brown, Miss Bruce, Dr. Burden, Miss Carruthers, Mr. E. T. Church, Rev. A. Gordon, Miss Grattan, Mrs. John Hamilton, Mrs. W. Hartley, Mr. John Hunter, Dr. Hugh Hyndman, Mr. A. Jaffe, Mr. John Jaffe (President of the Chamber of Commerce), Miss MacAdam, Mrs. James Malcolm, Mr. M'Calmont (Abbeylands), Mr. E. J. M'Ervel, Miss M'Tear, Miss F. M. M'Tear, Mr. J. S. M'Tear, Mr. Thomas M'Tear, Mr. A. M. Munster, Mr. J. R. Musgrave, Museum (Directors of), Mr. W. H. Patterson, Mr. R. L. Patterson, Mr. J. J. Phillips. Mr. W. T. Polley, Queen's College (President of), Mr. G. Raphael, Mr. R Reid, Mr. Riddel, Mr. R. Smeeth, Mr. G. K. Smith, Mrs. W. Smith, Miss Smyth, Mr. W. Swanston, Mr. A. T. Stannus, Mr. R. Tennent (Rushpark), Mr. H. F. Thomas, Mr.' Thompson (Macedon), Ulster Bank (Directors of), Mr. J. Vinycomb, Mr. R. J. Walsh, Mr. F. D. Ward, Mr. G. G. Ward, Mr. J. H. Ward, Mr. M. J. Ward, Mr. J. F. Wilson.


GEORGE KENNEDY SMITH, photographed by Jas. Magill (full page) 129


MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE, &c., photographed by Jas. Magill (full page) 131

KEY :-- F.D. Ward - J.W. Russell - Bowman Malcolm - John Rogers - W.T. Hamilton - J.R. Musgrave - H.F. Thomas Nicholas Oakman
Jas. Carr - Geo. K. Smith - E.J. Harland, Bart. - Fredk. Little - Saml. Riddel - Wm. Spackman.


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