Historic Memorials of the First Presbyterian Church Belfast


[This book was begun 10th June, 1712, but the page containing the first entries is lost. It contains 171 pages of Funeral Entries (the last being dated 19th October, 1736), and 58 pages of accounts connected with them. The entries to 29th July, 1718, are in the clerkly hand of Thomas Swendill, sexton of the First Congregation, to whose widow eight shillings was paid for the book, on 20th Oct., 1718. Swendill was succeeded as sexton by David Ferguson (till 5th Feb., 1720), and Ferguson by Samuel Pentland (or, as he writes his name, Samuel Pentelan).

The entries do not give the dates of deaths, but of burials, with an account of the mort cloths (or palls) and cloaks used at the funeral. These funeral trappings were originally the property of the First Congregation, and afterwards the joint property of the First and Second Congregations, and were lent on hire. The entries show that they were often let out for funerals in connection with other congregations, sometimes at considerable distances from Belfast. The following is an exact copy of the earliest extant page, omitting only some later scribblings.]

2. Acct of what is Given out.   £ s d ye Day and Month when paid. £ s d
1712. Caried over   9. 12. 6.
July: 12 . Bealy Adam's his Wife's ffunnerall }
. Best Mar Cloath } ... 7. 6 } paid : July 21. 219* ... 9 ...
. to 1 Clocke   ... 1. 6 }

16. . mr William White Ship-Carpinter his ffunerall }
. pr Salt Jno Park -- Best Mar Cloath } ... 7. 6. } paid : Janry: 10. 221. 1. 4. ...
. to 11 Clockes at 1s: 6d: pr Clocke   ... 16. 6 }

. mr Jas Reed poathicarrey his Childes ffunnerall ... 1. 6. }
.to 1. Clocke } paid : July: 22. 219. ... 1. 6

21. . Thos Tayler plantation his ffunnerall ... 2. 6. }
. Cloath Mar Cloath } paid : Agust: 4. 219. ... 2. 6.

26. . mr Jas ffarrly Dr his ffunnerall pr mrs mcBride }
. Best Mar Cloath} ... 7. 6.} fforgiven : June 15. 383. ... ... ...
. to 8 Clockes at 1s: 6d: pr Clocke ... 12 ... }

July 29. . mr John Anderson Doctr his ffunnerall }
. Best Mar Cloath } ... 7. 6. } paid : Agust: 4. 219. 1. 8 . 6.
. to 14. Clockes at 1s: 6d: pr Clocke 1. 1. ... }

30. . Heugh Agnew Couper his ffunnerall
. Best Mar Cloath } ... 7. 6. } paid : Agust: 4. 219. ... 12 ...
. to 3 Clockes at 1s: 6d: pr Clocke ... 4. 6 }

31. . mr William Rodger Marchnt his Mothers ffunneral }
. Best Mar Cloath } ... 7. 6.} paid : Agust: 9. 219. 1. 10. 0
.to 15 Clockes at 1s: 6d: pr Clocke 1. 2. 6. }

Agust 2. . mr Goudy Minister Belliwalter his Son's ffunnerall }
. pr mr John Cloug'ston } ... 5. ... paid : May: 6. 221. ... 5. ...
. Childers Mar Cloath }

16. 4. 6.

The prices were subsequently reduced, as appears from the subjoined entry of 5th December, 1716.


Xbr 5. Memorandom this Day Both Session Meet Together & haue Concluded that ye pricess of ye Clockes & Mar Cloathes be as ffolloweth -- viz.

Best Mar Cloath in Town ... 5 ... ... in ye Cuntrey ... 10 ...
Second Mar Cloath in Town ... 3... ... in Ditto ... 6 ...
Cloath Mar Cloath in Town ... 2 ... ... in Ditto ... 4 ...
Childers. Mar Cloath in Town ... 2... ... in Ditto ... 4 ...
Childes Mar Cloath in Town ... 2 ... ... in Ditto ... 4 ...
pr Clocke in in Town ... 1 ... ... in Ditto ... 2 ...

The lost page 1 contained eight entries, relating to the families of Samuel Smith, senr. (10th June, 1712), Carrouth (12th June), Rev. James Kirkpatrick (12th June), James Smith, senr. (18th June), John Shadges (19th June), Colinwood (28th June), John Reed, of the Plantation (7th July), and Orre (9th July).

In the following extracts (taken from page 3 onwards) the name, where no italic letter precedes, is that of the person buried. The italic letter shows what member of the family was buried, whether described as father, mother, brother, husband, wife, son, daughter, child, or grandchild (c.s is male child, c.d female child, si sister) of the person named. A comma has been inserted between the name and trade or place of abode.

Agust. 3 w James Clark, Laberour
11 c mr John Shadgs, Marchnt
21 w John jordgan, Northstreet
Sepr 1 w mr R Agnew, Mariner
4 c.d mr Heugh Dayet
6 mrs Ann Buttle, pr Mr George
9 c mr Andrew Agnew, Couper
10 David Bucher, Barber
13 mr ogilbe, Minister in Learn, pr mr John mcMun, Marchnt
14 c William mcCree, Shew-Maker
21 c Isaac Monipenny, Beaker
c William Liget, Weaver
22 b mr John young. juner
29 c mr Hennery Duncan
Octr 11 c Allexdr David'son
12 c mr Jas Stirling, Malster
29 f mr R Boyde
Nov: 4 George Dunlap, Beaker, Sener
5 mr Thos orr, Minister in Cumber, pr mr Gilbert Moor, Marchnt
8 c mr John Kennidy, Cultra
9 h Widow Mathiss
13 w Archbald mcMulin
22 h Widow Spear
30 Doctr peacock, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
Xbr: 15 w mr Jas Smith, Sener
28 c mr John Armstrong, Marchnt
29 mrs. Elener Hoge, Near Banger, pr mr Hennery Duncan
30 c.d mr William Dinn, Marchent
Janry: 3 d mr R Millikin, Marchnt
4. h Widow mcIlroy
James Donnalson
5 h Widow Alexdr
11 Edward Nowals, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
12 m mr Ross, at ye Lodge
16 h Widow Kearnss
17 Widow Blear
s mr John young, Sener
19 Elez: Harbison, pr mr Sam: mcClinto
20 James Realy, Carpinter
23 mr John Ross, Marchnt
27 f Heugh Glenhomes
28 w John Torbourn, Tabacco
29 s James Hamilton, in Church-Lean
ffebery: 7 w mr John Smith, Potter
16 w mr William Willey
c mr patterick Kennity
17 mr Heugh Boyde, Marchnt, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
24 w Thos Clemanss, Carpinter
March 3 w James Homes, Barber
7 d Widow Carther
10 mr Heugh White, Banger, pr mr Jas mcClewar, Marchnt
w John mcGouan, juner, Milstreet
13 mrs. White, pr mr Androw Hutcheson
14 mr John Begly, at Antrim, pr Jas Brown, Sadler
20 Doctr Correy, pr Doctr fforguson
21 mrs. Cambeage, pr mrs. Peacock
26 c Richard Whitesid, hatter, Northstreet
Apr 1 Gilbert Marrow, Car-Man, pr mr William Rainey, juner
21 John Parkhill, pr Mr John Armstrong
25 Capt Richardson, Near Armaugh, pr mr Jno Chambers
26 Widow Marrow, pr Gaven Marrow
27 c.d mr Heugh Dayet
May 3 John Chambers, pr Son James
8 John parker, pr Son John
Adam Johnston, Milstreet, pr Son George
Capt Stevenson, pr mr Isaac mcCartiney
13 c mr Heugh Sharp, Marchnt.
f James Tood, Carr-Man
26 mrs. Saffage, in New-Toun, pr Mr Jno Shadges
27 Margeratt Rodge:
June 3 mr William Johnston, pr mr Thos Bigam
8 Left William Manson, Near Maheralin, pr mr Jno Chambers, Marchnt
14 mr Androw Maxwell, Marchnt, pr Son William
20 c mr John Smith, Marchnt
21 m Archbald Hunter
24 m James Tood, Car-man
c Androw Johnston, Northstreet
27 c mr Hennery Duncan, Doctr
29 c George Prat, Couper
July 6 w Colonneill Mountgomery, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
10 d mr John Black, Marchnt
12 h Widow Skeets
23 h Widow Lashley [Leslie]
Agust 4 c.d R Calinder, shew-Maker
11 mr Edmond Staford, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
Sepr 2 s mr Heugh Dayet
3 c mr R Wilson, Marchnt
6 Hakens mcGill, Esqur - Gill-hall, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
7 James Staford, Long-Cassey [causeway], pr Malkam mcBride
Sepr 14 Bealy Addam's, pr mr John Bell, Marchnt
15 mrs. Maxwell, at the Drum, pr mr William Rainey, juner
27 John Cotter, at the-pound, pr mr Michell Greg'ston
Octr. 7 mr Alexdr Hanna at Antrim, pr mr William Hanna
25 John Brown, Tayler, pr mr William Mitchell, Marchent
Nov. 9 mr John Moor, pr mr John Boyde
14 George fflemin, pr Alexdr henderson
12 (sic) The Scots Leard, pr David Potter
26 w mr Heugh Dayet
Xbr. 7 William Neilson, pr Brother Thos
9 mrs. Addair, at Loughan-More, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
10 John mcffarling, pr Thos Neilson
11 Margerat Laughling, pr Jas ffrizell
26 mr ffutt's, at Belliclear pr mr Brice Blear, Marchnt
Janry. 1 mrs Boyde, pr mr ffran Boyde, Marchnt
5 Madam Upton, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
13 h mrs. mcMinn, pr mr William Craford
15 c mr James mcClewer, Marchnt
16 R Malkcam, pr mr R Millikin, Marchnt
20 Mr William Martine, pr Daughter Ann
c mr Sam: Smith, juner
21 mr Androw Hutcheson, pr Wife
23 d mr Alexdr Teate, at Cordonall, pr mr Gilbert Moor
24 Cornall John Hamilton, at Laughnavernass, pr mr Brice Blear, Marchnt
ffebery. 19 mr Thos Stewart, at Bellimarrin, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
21 mr Thos Winter pr John mcCammon
27 William Murfey, Long-Cassey [causeway]. pr Wife
March 1 Mr Cloud'sley, pr mr Joseph Dabson
7 m Margerat Miller
17 Lord Mussrain [Massarene], at Antrim, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
March 20 c mr ffran: Boyde, Marchnt
22 mr R Hamilton, at Curdonall, pr son Alexd,:
Apr. 3 s mr James Smith, Sener
11 w mr William Sinkler, Milstreet
Capt James Daben, at Dinnean, pr mr John Black, Marchnt
27 Widow Hogge, pr Thos Arthur, Sener
d John Johnston, Tayler
30 c mr James Adair, Mariner
c mr Alexdr Adair, Marchnt
May 1 c mr John Armstrong, Marchnt
3 c mrs. mcMinn, Widow
w John P dmer, Milstreet, pr mr Jno Heasilton, glover
6 h Widow Speaven
8 c mr R Lennex, Marchnt
9 d mr William Sharper, Long-Cassey
10 s.c Adam Tonnough, pr mr John mcMunn
13 Thos Tobey, Tidweater [tidewater], pr John Thomson, juner
14 Mr William Hennery, pr mr R Millikin, Marchnt
18 d mr Edward Wilson
mr John fforguson, poathicarrey
mr Johnston, pr Doctr fforguson
19 w George Johnston
20 c mr R Millikin, Marchnt
mrs. Jean Stevenson, pr mr William Stevenson, Marchnt
21 Widow Bear, pr Androw Logan, Couper
h Widowv Dounalson
28 Widow Beggs, pr David Sleater, Weaver
June 1 c mr James Adair, Mariner
9 s George Lashley [Leslie]
15 c Edward Riden, Putter
Joseph White, pr mr John homes
16 m Alexdr Hamilton, at Cordonnall
28 mr Patterick Isaac, at Beliwalter, pr mr Hennery Duncan
July 4 c mr James Adair, Mariner
c mr David mcKnight, Marchnt
5 mr William Shaw, at the Bush, pr Mr John Mountgomery, Marchnt
17 c Mr William Stevenson, Tabacco:
July 17 c mr Michell Menkin
18 c The Doctr of the Armey
25 mr Androw Mountgomery, gleaser, pr Wife
Agust 4 Widow Nesmith, pr order of Sessions this Day Meet [The day was Wednesday. ]
5 Marrey Grrm, pr mr John young juner
Sept. 8 w mr Thos Lyle, Marchnt
19 mrs. Margerat Euless, pr mr John Blacke, Marchnt
c mr John Smith, Marchnt
26 w John mcffarling
29 mr Benj: Leggit, Near Carickforguss pr mr R Craig
Octr 9 mr Tho,: Henderson, Tabacco: pr mr John Tayler
15 David South, pr John All, Loder
22 si Archbald Hounter, Smith
Nov: 2 mr John Bell, Tabacco: pr mr Jno Smith, Tanner, & mr Hennery Duncan
w mr John Tayler, Tabacco:
3 Widow Loudan, Couper, pr Son Thos Loudan
4 c mr ffran: Stewart, Mariner
5 c mr Jas Robison, Marchnt
23 Marrey fforman, pr Doctr fforguson [This was a child.]
27 w James Tho'mson, pr John Heasilton, glover
29 mr James mcCappen, Ministr. BelliwaIter
Xbr 6 R Gib, pr mr R Agnew
mr John Ewing, pr mr ffran: Davenport
9 cd John Logan, Couper juner
13 w Michall Tayler, in Millone
17 Alexdr Teat, at Curdonall, pr mr James mcClewer, Marchnt
20 mr Alexdr Stewart, Marchnt, pr Wife
24 mr James Hamilton, at Cumber pr mr Jno Shadges
25 mr David Buttle, pr Son George & mr William Cuningham
27 w R Hay, Schooll Master
30 c Mr Heugh Linn
c William Sharpley, Tanner
Janry 4 w William mcCree, ShewrMaker
c William Sharpley, Tanner
5 c Thos Eagillson, Weave:, in Cow lean
12 s Widow Richardson, pr Both Sessions -- this Day meet [The day was Wednesday.]
16 Thos Wilson, pr Doctr fforguson
20 w David fforguson, Sexton
Widow Gilmor, Plantation, pr Daughter
ffebery 7 Mr James mcGee, beyond Holiwood, pr Son R
8 John Stewart, Dunmory, pr mr William Smith, Marchnt
9 w Androw mcLaughling
c mr R millikin, Marchnt.
c mr James Adair, Marriner
c Doctr ot The Armey
c mr Heugh Linn
15 d Daniell fforguson, Mariner
21 Widow Sinkler., pr mr David young, Marchnt
March: 15 Marrey Lum, pr R Glover
24 mr John Shaw, pr mr Hennery Shadges
28 James Bucher, Mariner, pr R Thomson, Ship-Carpinter
Apr 3 c Thos Sturgan, Glover
6 mr Thos Poringer, pr mr Patterick Treall
8 mrs Margerat Dayet, pr mr John Chambers [This was a child.)
13 c The Doctr of the Armey
27 c mr John Elsmor, Colectr
30 c mr Alexdr Stewart, Mariner
mr John Gaat, Marriner, Bellicloughan, pr mr R Androw Hennery Carr, Cave-hill, pr brother Jas
May: 1 c mr James Whitelock, Bucher
2 c R Calinder, Shew-Maker
c mr Heugh pringell, Marchnt,
19 Madam Duntreath, pr mr William Smith, Marchant
21 Alexdr King, pr Moses Carr
25 w Arthur mcKann, pr Son: Sam:
28 c William Simm, Carpinter
June 15 c Cornall Hamilton, [per] mr James mcClewer
Capt Sam: Mountgomery, at Spring-Vaill, pr mr Jno young, Sener
cs Madam Hamilton, pr mr Jas Hamilton, Marchnt,
July 11 mr Patterick Shaw, pr mr William Smith, Marchnt
12 mr Thos Stewart, Ballidrean, pr mr George mcCartiney
13 mr Hance ffearly, Near Tonnoughneif [i.e. Saintfield], pr mr Jas mcClewer
24 mrs. Lamb, pr John Porter
Agust 11 c Patterick fforguson, Mariner
c Thos Eagilson, Weaver
24 w mr John mcKnight, juner
26 c William Sharpley, Tanner
27 cd mr Michall Wood's, at ye Keey
28 mr William Dinn, Marchnt, pr mr Thos Bell
Sepr 3 mr David young, pr mr John young
4 mr James Gambell, pr Thos Warnock
5 mr ffreeland, Minister, pr mr uchtred mcDooll
Thos Scott, pr mrs Ann Martine, at ye Keey
11 c mr John young, juner
27 Thos Morton, pr mrs Morton, at Dunmorey [This was a child.]
Octr 1 c mr Patterick Kennidy, Marchnt
17 John Jorgan, Northstreet, pr David fforguson, Sexton
28 old James Tayler, in Broad Street, Mariner, pr mr R Agnew
Nov: 2 w James Adair, Shew-maker, pr Jho mcConnall
10 cd John Mean, Mariner. pr David fforguson, Sexton
21 Marrey Harbison, pr mr John mcBride
30 Salt John park, pr James parke, Marchnt
Xbr 3 James Adair, Shew-Maker, pr John mcConnall
5 Squr Dabb, pr mr Sam: Smith, sener
15 c mr patterick fforguson, ye Cornour [coroner]
18 mr John Stewart, at Bleariss, pr mr Sam: Smith, sener
27 mr patterick Hamilton, Craig-boy, pr mrs. Coug'ston
29 mrs. Jean Shean, Near-Gleneafey, pr mr Jas Blow
Janry 27 d Archbald Craig
John Williamson, pr Brother Jas
23 Heugh Liggit, Weaver, pr Wife
ffebery 2 Thos All, Carr-Man, pr Brother Jno
4 Widow Maxwell, Huxter, pr Daughter Margerat
7 c mr John Smith, Putter
8 c Katherin Scot, Broad street, pr David fforguson, Sexton
11 w R Maxwell, at ye Keey
13 James Nickels, Barly-Bumper, pr David fforguson, Sexton
14 Widow Mean, plantation, pr Jno Mean, Couper
18 mrs. Orre, pr mr Geo: mcCartiney, Marchnt
19 John Loggan, Couper, sener, pr R peagin
20 William Walker, Barber, pr mr James Blow
22 Margerat Eldrage, pr Thos Heaslap, Weaver
25 c mr John Johnston, Tayler
28 Joan Ballintine, pr Archbald
James Gillcreass, pr William Garrick
March 18 mr George mcKnighr, pr Jno mcKnight, Sener
27 s Brice Tayler, horse-jokey
Apr 7 c mr Hennery Duncan, Doctr
15 John Stote, pr Son William, ye Couper
28 John Johnston, Barber, at the Keey, pr mr Thos Martine
22 cs mr Isaac mcCartiney
23 mrs. Gamble, Petters-hill, pr Thos Warnock
24 w mr John Mearss, Minister, in New-town, pr John Thomson in Ditto [i.e. Newtownards.]
29 mrs. Kitchen, in Skiginearll, pr mr R Wilson
30 Widow Stote, pr Son William, ye Couper
May. 2 mrs. Joan Hill'ss, pr Joseph Bigers Wife
8 William ffrishell, pr William Blackly
10 Capt Gallant, at Gillgorme, pr mr William Smith, Marchnt
14 c William Dunn, King's-Arm'ss
18 Margerat Leass, in Cow-Lean, pr Widow mcKinney, at ye Keey
June. 8 s Duncan Lamon, pr Jannet Rain
10 cs John Thomson, Mariner, Milstreet
13 James Williamson, pr Jno Mountgomery, Marchnt
John mcfferran, pr Wife
14 c Androw Love
James Wattson, pr Son James
15 c David Potter
18 John Vent, Sleater, pr Jno Noulty
22 mr Heugh Walliss, in Beliobikin, pr mr John young, sener
23 mr ffran: Shean, Near Gleneafey, pr mr Jas Blow
28 mrs. Walliss, Widow in Belliobikin, pr mr Jno young, sener.
July 1 c Widow Scot, pr John Simson
13 mrs. Jean Mushit, pr mr Sam: Smith, sener
w mr William Rainey, sener
14 mr William Craford, pr son David
15 Doctr Alexdr, pr mr Jas Blow
17 mr John Boyde, Mariner
mr Lason, pr mr John Euless, Marchnt
Agust 19 mr Jas Purvess, pr Androw Loggan, Couper
20 mr ffolk White, pr mr William Smith, Marchnt.
Sepr 24 mr Thos Lowarss, at DonnoughaDee, pr mr Sam: Smith, juner
27 mr Sam: Henderson, Tanner, pr wife
Octr 12 mr James Houd, Minister, Learn, pr mr Jno Mountgomery
25 Widow porter, pr John porter, Couper
Nov: 1 mr Alexdr Adair, Marchnt, pr mr Jas Adair
10 mr mcMulin, pr mr Hadock, Esqur
Xbr 7 Morion Strong, pr John fflemin, Marchnt
11 m mr Haking, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
17 James ffife, Chanler, pr Jas Jackson
27 c Widow Adair, pr mr Jas Adair
28 c mr patterick Kennidy, Marchnt
29 mr Heugh Moor, at Carrickforgus, pr mr R Millikin
Janry 9 Major Daren Dinnean, pr mr Gllbert Moor, Marchnt,
22 John Hamilton, pr Son Jas
27 mr William Dinn, King's Arm'ss, pr Wife
ffebery 4 James Stirling, Malster, pr mr. Alexdr Moor
7 mr John Craig, pr Brother R
14 c mr R Lennex, Marchnt
Lord Mount-Alexdr, at Cumber
20 c John young, juner
March 4 c John porter, Couper
5 John Stevenson, Malster, pr mr John Greeg
8 c mr David mcKnight
10 c mr William Smith, Marchnt
c mrs. Adair, Widow, pr David fforguson, Sexton
17 c William Stot, Couper
27 c mr John Smith, Suger
mrs. Mountgomery, at Rosment, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
30 cd Thos Swendill
gc Nichless Thedford
Apr 2 c mr R Stewart, Mariner
3 mr John Bell, Marchnt, pr Wife
c mr. John Brown, Deary [dairy]
11 c mr Sam: Smith, Tanner
John Marke, Watter-Carier, pr Jean ffulerton
17 mrs. Roan, at Laughmore, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener
23 c mr Sam: Smith, juner
24 c mr R Millikin
25 c William Sharpley, Tanner.
30 w Heugh Blackwood, Carpinter
c ffran: Kirkly, Ship-Carpinter
c William Sharply, Tanner
May 9 c mr William Woods, at the Mill-watter
John Martine, at Bearss-Mill, pr R Herron
12 cs Widow Bell
19 cs mr John Johnston, Marchnt
21 c mr patterick fforguson, Cornnour
c William ffife
22 c David Marrow
c John Johnston, Marchnt
24 c John Boyde
28 c mr James Blow
c William Boyde, Barber
29 c Thos Warnock
June. 1 c William Reed, Mariner
2 c R Donnalson
3 c mr Sam: Smith, juner
4 c mr William Ringland
John Robb, Mariner, pr David fforguson, Sexton
8 gc John Thomson, huxter
9 c R Craig, Marchnt
10 c mr James Blow
c Thos Warnock
13 mr patterick aDair, Minister at Carrickforguss
15 c mr Isaac mcCartiney
16 c John Reed, Mariner
17 c mr John Mear'ss, Minister, New-town
c John Malkam, Tabacco
c mr John Armstrong, Marchnt
July. 2 c mr R Lennex, Marchnt
8 d John Kain, at Carickforgus, pr mr Jas Adair
10 gc mr Brice Blear, Marchnt
14 mr Thos Bigam, Merchnt
c mr patterick fforguson, Cornour
c mr Kennidy, of Cultra
17 c George Pringell
22 mr John Smith, Tanner
23 d David Loggan, Shew-Maker
Agust 5 John mcHallam, at the plantation, pr Thos whiteside
6 w mr John Heasilton, Glover
11 Christifor Strong, pr mr Jno ffieming
31 c William Stote
Sept 5 Alexdr Smith, pr mr Sam: Smith
John mcKenndery
6 Agnouss Smalchey
8 Alexdr Speaven, pr R hunter
9 Androw Loggan, Couper
30 c Widow Adair, at Carrickforgus, pr mr James adair
Octr 2 d mrs. Ross, pr order of Session
3 Katherin Campble, pr Mother
15 w Charless Gordan, Back-ramper
27 Mathow Ronan his Mother in Lawes ffunerall
Nov. 1 mrs. Margerat Gattey, at Learn, pr mr R Androw
6 R --------- Whiteside, pr mr John Heasilton
13 mrs. Rachell Boyde, Widow, pr Daughter Jean
Sam: Henney, penter, pr mr Brice Blear & mr Jno Smith
15 Mr James Guttery, Gabert-Man [lighterman]
23 mr William Rodger, pr mr David Spence
25 mr John Rainey, pr Wife
26 mr Thos Bell, pr mrs. Bell, Widow
Xbr 1 David Sharpley, pr Son William
7 cs Widow mcDouall, at the Corn-Mill
14 s mrs. Jones, at MiII-Loon, pr mr William Legg
Jany. 3 George park, Breaser, pr Daughter
7 w Heugh Linn
9 c mr Sam: Reed
20 mr Jas park, Marchnt, pr Son Jas
21 d mr Geo: mcCartiney
27 c ffrancis Boyde
ffebery 2 m mr Sam: mcKitterick
7 c mr Isaac mcCartiney
8 mrs Boyde, pr mr Sam: Smith, juner
Alexdr Doliway Esqur, pr. mr Jas Adair, Marchnt
10 c Capt Denty, per mrs. Bealy
gc Widow ffife, pr R Jackeson
23 w John Clark, Marchnt
25 w William Steuard, of Cloghog, pr mr Brice Blear
w John mcCammon
27 William Walliess, at Bely-misca, pr mr J no Young, Sener
March 3 c mr William Mitchell, pr mr Gilbert More
mr John Tomb, Minister, at Mahera, felt, pr mr Joseph Innes
4 mrs. Dayet, pr mr Hugh Dayet
12 w John patterson, pr David fforguson
17 c R Deiyeall [Dalziel], Carpinter
24 d John mcDonnall, Glover, pr mr Jno Heasilton
26 mr Stafey petticrew, Minister in pr mr Brice Blear, Merchnt [Rev. Stafford Pettigrew, Ballyeaston].
29 mrs. heterige, Widow, at Marherihall, pr mr Isaac mcCartiney
Left Stevenson, at Killyleah, pr mr Sam: Smith, Sener, Marchnt
Apr 5 William Sharper
11 w John Thomson, huxter
15 Widow Hutcheson, pr mrs. mcKnight, juner
23 Jean Hodan, pr mr William Mitchell
25 c mr Patt: Kennidy, Marchnt
28 mr John Knox, at pr Son Thos
May 7 Michall Bigger, Smith, pr Wife
June 1 John mcDouall, pr Doctr fforguson, mr Jno mcBride order
9 w mr John Brown, Derrey [dairy]
12 w mr John Chalmbers, Marchnt
15 c mr Sam: Reed
July 1 w mr Sam: mcClinto, juner
2 c mr John Mathers
c mr John young, juner
c William Colbart, Bucher
c mr Hugh Dayet
c William ffife, Skiper-Lean
w Jas ucher, Back-ramper, pr mr Jas Adair
23 Mr John mcBride
29 Jno mcKnight, juner, pr Wife
c Jas Brown, ye Sadler
[Here begins a new hand, apparently that of William Dick.]
Sept. 3 wdd Loggan, in norstreat
3 c Mr. Daniel Musindin, Marchnt
Octr. 10 wdd Davesonn, in the Loang Lean
14 c Mr. Donelson, in petersill
16 c Mr. Mrsell, the MarChait [Market]
Nov. 1 Mr. Stafford, in portglenon, pr Mr. Joseph Innes
2 s John mcbide, in Beleygoemarten
3 c Mr. Thomas Miller, MarChant
6 w Mr. Stnson, in petersill
8 Mr. walles, in Celenchey [Killinchy] pr Hugh Walles, MarChant
11 John Johnston, the Tealear
13 Samull Mafet, of bangull
13 c David Mcnneight, in petersill
13 John Lusk, Sealor, Living in varen-streat
15 R Holmes, in Skepers lean
16 wdd Kirkwood, Living on the Kie
16 Sorgen Finlay, to the Contre [i.e. some funeral in the country ordered by Surgeon Finlay]
18 Mr. Muntgomrey, of nutan [Newtownards]
19 cs Macomb mcbrid, in beleyGomartin
21 c wdd Anderson, in Millstreat
26 w William Hosocke
28 wdd Singelton, in Millstreat
28 c Mr. James Adaire, MarChant
Decm. 29 the Revd. Mr. ffillop Meares, in nievtand [Newtownards]
29 Mr. Samuell mcane
30 wdd bell, in broad streat
Janr. 18 w Alexander Blear, liveng in norstreat
19 d Marey Sorely
30 Annes Muntgomrie, in Church Leain
ffebery 7 John Marten, in the planteshon
9 m John Mathies, in the plantteshon
11 c Hugh blackwood, Carpenter
13 c Allexander Carson
16 s old James bigger, the Cotelar
March 1 c James Munceye, in varen Streat
21 Majer norie, in poartGonon, pro Joseph Innes
23 Mr. Boyd, of the Glastry, pr Margret neven
24 d Mackom mcbrid, in beleygomerten
26 Agnes Miller, in the planteshon, pr hir son Alexander
28 s wdd Cearnes, bookbinder
29 c Mr. James Cobame, in brid eland [i.e. child of Rev. James Cobham, Broadisland].
29 d William Stevart, in the Loang Casay
Apr. 1 s Mr. Dallrumple, MarChant
14 Mr. John mcCallpen, the Taner, in Melstreat
15 s Macomb Mcbrid, in belego Marten
28 Moses Carr, osler, Samull McClentons
29 cd Mrs. Macerthney, the wdd
29 c ffranses Stwart, in Skepers Lean
30 c James browne, the Sadler
30 c Hugh blackwood, the Carpenter
May 1 Moses Hill
4 w Mr. oahtrie mcDoule, MarChant
6 Mrs. Leadeland, pr mr. Will Smith, MarChant
8 c Abel Hodskis, nealor
10 c R Heayes, SColemaster
16 s Mrs. Jones, at Milltoon
16 c John Mean, in the pantteshon
22 w Mr. Hendrie Ealles, sufren [Henry Ellis].
27 Mr. John Sanders, in banguI, pr James mclure
28 c Pat fforgeson, at the sin of the son
June 4 John Smith, poater, pr his wife
4 Mr. R Agnew
5 Mr. James Muntgomrie, of port Aferey, pr John Mcamond
July 2 w Mr. walles, in Cekkenchey [Killinchy] pr Hugh Wales, MarChant
5 w Thomas Qay, in the Church Lean
6 w Alexr. Spear, in the Loang lean
7 c John beles, in norstret, pr Thomas Martin
9 c Mr. James boayd, in learn [The child appears to have been grown up, and living in Church Lane]
9 c James Moor, in noar streat
17 c Mr. R Wolson, in broad streat
20 John Shaw, in peterhill, pr Charels Rameg and Gaien Mora
30 c Mr. Daniel Musindin
Agust 4 Mr. John Greeg, in norstreat
6 w Adam Quaey, Telear
6 c Mr. of neall [O'Neil] one the Kie
13 weado Clark, in Millstreat, pr hir son
13 Mr. Kill, in Comber parish
17 Mrs. ffeitts, of beleyClear, pr Mr. Wolson, minester [i.e. Rev. Thomas Wilson, of Ballyclare].
20 c Mr. bankes
26 John McCreath, Carman, in HarClus lean
Sept 4 Mr. ffranses Heslip, in Milstreat, Ealseler [ale-seller]
9 c William Willey, Caper smith
17 aunt R Deall
18 John boyd, on the kie, pr his wife
18 Mr. Earter [Arthur] Kennedy, of Coltra, pr Alexr Stewart
20 Mr. John wacker, in poartAferey, pr William Stenson
21 c Mr. Ringland, gold smith
26 gc Thomas Jaslip, Cloath MarChant
27 s William Willey, Capersmith
Octr 3 Mr. David Chalmers, MarChant, pr Daniel Musindins
7 c R Garner, prenter
12 c John Shads
15 s Mr. John Greer, in Hoalewood
15 servant wdd blear
19 Mr. ffranses Ash, in keleaD, pr James bow
26 d Edward pearse, Corier, pr Daniel Musind
27 c John Euter, Eeal seler, in the Adem and Eave
Novr 1 John mcffarlien, in the planteshon
1 Samuel Miller, Elseler, in the Egel and Chill [Eagle and Child]
2 c William boyd, Carman, at the pown
5 Cornl. William Shaw, of the bosh [Bush] pr william Smith, MarChant
16 c yowng Samull Smith
17 John nowland, his mother, the powlster, pr Mr. Andrew
Decmb 2 Mr. Coalvien, in Dromor, [i.e. Rev. Alexander Colville, the elder] pr James Mclure
2 Mr. Colena Shaw, of Mahrehoahel, pr Mr. Mclure
5 c yowng Samuel Smith
9 Mr. James Carr, of Learn, pr James bordges
13 c James Snieth, Elde, in nor Streat
16 John Shaw, Esqr., in the bosh, pr Mr. William Smith
23 w Daniel ffisher, in the planteshon, pr his Doaghter
24 c Thomas lowdan, Couper, in norstret
Janry 2 c Mrs. Garner, A streanger in town, pr Mr. fflimen
5 w Mr. William Jonston, of Celeleah [Killyleagh] pr Mr. James Mclure
7 w Abel Hadskis, the nealer
18 gc Mr. Tatfor, at the Corner
23 c Mr. AlIexr Chalmors, in peterhill, NarChant
25 servant Doct. Mcartnay
ffebry 5 w Alexander Hamelton, weaver, in Roes Marey lean
[Here begins a new hand, that of Samuel Pentland.]
15 c Gain HameIton
19 John Carr, his Mother in Lawe
25 John Loggen, Couper, in Rose mearey Lean
28 c Andrew Loves, barberr
Mar 1 Mr. Samull Smith, taner, in norstreat
2 c Widd Mathise, in the planteshon
4 Madam Poack, in Coltra
4 c Mr. Andrew Agnew, MarChant, in Church lean
5 Gaien Hamelton, Couper, in norstreat, pr Will Stenson, MarChant
7 Daniel fforgeson, in in norstreat, Mariner, pr his wife
11 c Alexander Cilles, Maltmen, liveng in Melstreat
15 wdd Ross, Scoullmistres, ill wdd nessmiths Emtrie, pr Mr. Killpatricket [i.e., Rev. James Kirkpatrick]
Mar 26 Andrew Hunter, Cuper, Living in the back of the MarCet House
26 Saruant of Mr. Wales [Wallace] MarChent, in neweary, Died in Rowland McGiles
27 gc Thomas Haslipe, weaver, in norslreat
30 c Joarg Ashmor, Glover, in Milstreat
31 Docter Weare, in Antriam, pr Joseph Innes
Apr 15 oJeam Campel, pr his son John Campel
16 Mrs. ffeearfield, Iiveng in the County of Down and pariesh of Cell meagen, pr William Walles, MarChent
22 c Anntoney Thubrow, Sealowr, in the planteshon
30 c David Kennedy, MarChent, in broad streat
May 2 wdd Knowles, pr Hir Doghter
4 w Mr. Jonston, in Reedamon, pr Mr. Arbockels, MarChent
4 c Andrew Love, barber
7 wdd Holmes, in scepers lean, pr James Muncey, yonger
8 John mcrire, tealowr, in roes Mearey lean
8 c Mr. William Stenson, MarChant
9 wdd Adaire, in Caregforges, whose boriel was in hole wood, pr James Adaire, MarChent
11 Mr. Ritchard Ashmore, pr his wife
12 A jurneymanes of Mr. William Ringland, one the Kie
19 Mr. Hugh Muntgomry, in the Cnoak paries, to his wife
20 James Gutrie, Gabert man [lighterman] Living in the planteashon
21 wdd watt, in Jolewood porish, pr hir son James wat, MarChent
27 c William walles, tealowr, in mr. Arbockels Entrie
Jun 1 Mrs. Campel, in Antrom, pr R Creag, MarChent, in norstreat
3 John Drennan, Ropp macker, pr Samuel McKitrocket
5 w Andrew ffiev, in the Long Casae
6 c Thom warnocke, in peters hill
7 James Rudeman, in the norstreat
12 James pinkerton, in the loang lean
13 Thomas Gibson, Glower, in Melstreat
18 Rowland mcGill, osler, in Mr. mclintons
18 Wdd whitt, on the Kie, pr franses Kirkland
July 1 Wdd Gregg, in HarColes lean, pr Mr. Andrew Agnew, in Church lean
1 Mr. mcCuloah, in ronels, Esqr., pr Mr. Brise blear
12 Mr. Blackwood, in bangwol, pr David park, MarChent
18 c James Warkes, leabrower, in the long lean
20 A sister in Law of James Whotels, in warens stret
Agust 14 Mr. Samull mcClinton, at the sin of the Crown, pr his son Samull McClinton
20 w patr Crow, in peterhill
23 Mrs. Catraien balief, in the new boldings, pr Mr. James Martien, in Lesburn
27 patricket brown, in peterhill, pr his brother, John brown
29 wdd brumfild, in scepers lean, pr hir neas, Elisebth Thomb
29 wdd Harper, in broahshan, pr Mrs. Harper, MarChant, in broadstreat
Octr 12 d Edward mcleaney, in the ffalles
22 c John Cunigham, in the milfeld lean
26 Wdd Simson, MarC, per hir son William
27 c John Jonston, MarChent
29 Mr. Joseph Chochren, MarChent, to his wife pro Samull MalCom, Tobaco Spener [spinner]
Novmbr 1 R peagon, at the Corn mill, pr his son R peagon, beacker
15 Wdd ffinlay, pr William paterson, in norstreat, showmacker
18 Mr. Loang, MarChent, in Mahrihoohel, pr Mr. James mclure, MarChent
Desmb 1 Mr. Eatten Euwat, Minester in the parish of Cloagh milles in the County of Antrim, pr Docter Mcneall
1 c Thomas Miller, MarChent, at the Stonbridg
15 Andew Mcrkie, truper, pr his wife, the stamper
15 c John Stockman, Sealear, pr his wife
19 William Grriear, in Holewood, pr his brother
30 d John Cille, in the Loang Casea, pr his brother Samull Cille
c Edwar whittlocke, Marchent
[Jan] 6 A step Doghter of R Crofords, on the Kie, Maroner
Janr 9 s Macom Mcbride, in belegomartien
9 c Mr. William Muntgomry, MarChent, in norstret
14 Mrs. balentine, in Millstreat
17 c David Kennedy, MarChent, in broad streat
21 c AlIexr. Henderson, Gleasowr, in norstreat
21 John woodes, at the fowr Lone Ends, melone, pr Joseph innes, MarChent
31 David Stoormie, in belegomarten, pr William Stenson
31 w John Ge1ston, in Cnoack parish, pr James Hamelton, in Caselreah
ffebr 3 c Samull Gillmor, in the loang Casea
[Here begins another hand, apparently that of Andrew Agnew.]
h Wid Callinder wid English
mr Jno Smith for Hugh Wallace Tho: Lawry
Wm Rainey, for Arthur Maxwell, Esq. c David Murray
c Ed: Whytelock, some time before
febry 17 Jno Semple
18 w Jno martin
25 Wid: Greg, Glenavy
mar: 2 w Jas Smith
7 Wm Whytler
12 Wm Martin
13 c mr Joanes
14 James Connyhy (?) ,
23 c mrs. Loe
24 w Jno Barre
25 c mr negam (?)
apr 5 Wid mcWilliam, by Jean Willson
12 St John Johnstone
16 Janet Demster
18 d David Logan
20 Jno mGlochlin
c Richr fferralls
25 mcKennay, widow
27 c Wm ffife
may 3 James Boyd
Agnes Hethington
7 Adam Quae
16 d Jno mitchell
[Here begins another hand.]
Jun 12 Mr. Cunnigham Esqr, in the Count of Dearey at Springhill, pr Mr. Samull Smith, MarChent, yownger
12 Thomas blayen, Eallselar, in noarstreat, pr his wife
13 Jean wolson, in Churck lean, pr John Charters
29 Mr. Hamelton, that was Cast Away on the Dock, pr R hamelton, MarChent
30 widdo brown, in the falles
July 1 c William Roper
7 d John ffisher, sawer, in the loang leain
8 c Docter Doncan, potegar
12 w William Simson, seaDler, in norstreat
21 s James Cowter, in the Loang Casae
22 william Simson, the sadler, pr John Ros, David morrey
26 c John Stowart, living At the browrie [brewery]
Agest 4 d Mr. Mcmurlian, living in Dene Goar [Donegore]
5 w ArCheabel Mintgonry, taner, in noarstreat, pr Mr. Hamelton, in Holewod
9 c Hugh backwood, Carpenter
11 c Hugh Qaey, Teallowr
12 William MCrea, Showmaker, pr John poarter, Coper
18 c John Smith, MarChant, in broadstreat
19 c yowng Charels Ramage, in peterhill
29 w Hugh Muntgonre, in Dinygor, who Died in petterhil! and was boried in Shankel, pr his son R Muntgomrie
Sept 3 c John Gregg, the Smith, in norstreat
3 c John Clotrdy, botcher, liveng at the Melgeat [Millgate]
8 w Mr. R Hamelton, pr brown Joarg M'Cartnay
14 c Mr. William gowane, in peter Hill
18 c Mr. Joarg Gutrie, MarChent, in broad streat
24 c Mr. ffearol, in peterlill
27 c Pat Kennedy, the MarChent
Octr 3 Mr. Killoe, in the Cumber pearish in the Cownty of Down
9 c Mr. warnock, in peter hill
17 b R McGee, in Holewod, pr R McGee, in waren streat
17 c Mr. Joannes, Exise Man
18 w Edward pearss, the Correr [currier] in nor Streat, pr Mr. Lille
24 w John Scoat, in the ffalles
30 John Sharpe, the Smith, pr Mr. Sharpe, the MarChant
Nobr 5 c John McGown, in Melstreat
8 Madom paotenger, in Careforgous, pr Capt Jmes Maxneel hamelton, in the Drum
9 c R tamson, Sealer, Iiveng in Melstreat
9 John Suoters, Elseler, pr his wife
10 c Mr. John fforgeson, potegar
12 John bowman, the Meason, pr his wife
10 the Colectors leady, pr Oabedia Groaves
16 c John McLonehan, in norstreat
17 c Mr. R Hamelton
22 David Staford, in the ffalles, pr his brother Alexr
22 c Mr. Middelton, Eall seIer, in norstreat
23 c James Muncie, in scepers lean
Desm 2 c David Kenedye, in broad streat
8 w ffransess Malcom, peterhil
11 William Arther, in norstreat
21 c David potter, in town
30 James Stafor, at the fforth River, pr his brothe Alexr
Janr 2 s the Revd Mr. Mckraken, in lesburn, pr Mr. Cornel brise
3 Mr. Orr [Rev. Thomas Orr], in Combar, pr his Clark
3 c Thomas Qua, in Church lean
6 c Joarg Ashmor, in melstreat
10 c Mrs. Smith, in the Shogerhovs, pr hir son John
11 Mr. briss blear, pr John fforgeson
26 Thoomas Stowart, prentise to Mr. Arbockesl, pr yowng Samull Smith
Janr 27 wdd Gregg, pr Mr. Willson [Rev. Thomas Wilson] Menester in belley Clear
27 c Mr. James Adair
27 c John McGown, living at the Melgeat
28 William Gaieit, Living in beley Esten, pr Samull Smith, Siner
30 c William Carsan, in Mellstreat
ffebr 6 c Mr. Ree, Ship Carpenter, in waren streat
8 Mrs. McGill, in lurgan
9 Mrs. Ashmor, in Mill Streat, pr hir Son John Ashmor
23 Mr. Mathis, weater on the Kie, pr obedia Groaves
23 Mr. Talford, pr obedia groaves
Mar 10 c Mr. Hugh Lin
10 c John stoakman, Marioner, pr his wife
14 Capt whitside, living in Mellone, pr his wife
16 s the Revd mr. Mcapien [Rev. James McAlpine] Minester in beleynehinch, pr William Stenscon, At the Ston bridge
20 c John Daben, Liveng in peter hill
21 c Thamas warnock, in peter hill
21 widde Campbel, in melstreat, pr Mr. Craford, Minester [Rev. Andrew Crawford, of Carnmoney]
22 Samuel Mckitterick, in norstreat, pr his wife
29 David Kennedy's brother, taner, in norstreat
29 A brother of Archelb Miler, ffidler, living in noarstreat, pr Martha ward
30 c James Moor, Sealler, in warean streat
31 c David Spence
Epr 1 c John Goarden, MarChant
1 d R Sinkler, in the loang lean
2 c Hugh Linn
3 d wdd ffisher, in Casel streat, pr hir son
5 old Mr. Innes, pr his son, Mr Joseph Innes
6 c Thomas whitsid, Ship Carpenter, on the Kiee
8 c Mr. Eddmeston, pr Mr. James Adair
8 John Haselton, Elder, pr his wife
9 c Capt MColoah
10 A saruant of Mr. blow, prenter
12 Mr. bankes, pr Mr. ObeDia Groaves
14 c Staford Millford, Tealowar
17 Henery Poater, barber, in in millstreat, pr David Poater
26 c Mr. John Clark, MarChant
27 Mr. William Roadgers, Potegar, pr David Spence
28 c Pat fforgson, at the fowr Corners
May 2 Mrs. Clamens, pr Docter Donkan
6 c Joarg Rosbrogh
9 olld Mr. Reanney
10 c John MCamon
12 c Gorge Ashmor, Glouer, pr John Ashmor
14 c Docter Donckan
(sic) 91 s Robt McGee, in waren Streat, who was boried in holewood
26 gc brown Gorge MCCartnay
28 c Hugh Pringel, MarChent
30 s wdd Campbel [three cloaks apiece were ordered by the Capt of the tealoars, the Capt of the beackears, and the Capt of the Show-mackers]
31 Mr. Hendrey Donean, to the ffunerall of his Mother in law
Jun 3 c Docter Doncam
4 Mr. David spence, MarChent, pr his wif
4 c James Dicke, Miller, of the Mallt mill
7 John browns Mother in Law, Chanelar, in Mellstreat
9 Leard Hamelton, Livingat Holewod, pr James McLure, MarChent
9 c James Mafert (?), the beacker
13 c James Grear, Shoemacker, pr Mrs. Agnes, botcher
16 c Antoney Conegham, sealler, living at the browrie
21 w John Hathorn, Corn mill
26 w Mr. Mcquearn, in beley Manoh [Ballymena], pr AJexr moar, peterhill
July 3 Robt Adams, Ship Carptenar, pr James Wear, Mariner
Mr. Baniam Patterson, MarChant, pr his wife
11 brise blairs wdd paid 12 shilings that she had in her hand for the Revd Mr. Cowters [Coulter] Doghters funerall
12 c Andrew Skellin
13 brown Gorge MCCartnay, pr his son George
14 w Will Arter, pr willam Stoatt, Copar
16 w Mr. Teatt, potegar, in Lesburn
17 c John Maxwel, hoxter, norstreat
21 wdd Cawall, in hallewood, pr Mr. McClure
Agst 5 c wdd MccGill, Elseler
6 Mr. R Andrew, MarChant, pr his son Gebrall
8 Mrs. Ann Martin, pr Mr. ffransess Joy (son in law)
11 John ffreaser, in beley Gomarten, pr John brown his Stepson
11 Samull beggs, Showmacker, Long lean
17 c Mr. Ardbockel
17 Robt Hamelton, Copear, one the Kie, pr his wife
29 Mr. Black, Combar, pr Doctr Donckan
Sept 15 Mrs. Maxwel, pr Patricket Maxwell, who Died in beley Manoh and, was boried
17 c yowng James Smith, malltman, in norstreat
20 Mr. John Kennedy, of Coltra, pr yowng Saml Smith
24 James Iralland, in tempell patricket, pr his Son John Iralland, in the fall
Oct 7 w George Roasbrogh
14 w James brown, SeaDler, in norstreat 23 s Alexr Moor, peterhill
23 wdd Deaveson, warenstreat
24 c Mr. Danield Mussenden, MarChant 25 James Creagh ton, Ropwack [rope-walk]
30 c borbra McGill, hole of the wall
Novr 3 widd McCadam, longcasa
3 Mr. Edward Whitloack, MarChant
15 James McTear, MarChant, pr his brother Sam Mctear
Novr 18 Mrs. Sharp, fowr Corners
18 c Hugh Pringel
27 Neall boy MCneall, who Died in Doctr Mcnealls, pr EarChabld [Archibald]
30 Mrs. Gallant, Gelgoram [Glengorm] pr ArChebl Mcneall, potegar
Desm 11 Mary Millen, melstreat, pr David Kennedy, taner
22 c Mr. boyd, of the Gleasrie [glasshouse], pr Mrs. Marget Neven
22 w James layon, Ship Carpenter, plantesion
27 c Mr. John Johnson, MarChent
27 will Anderson, Eall selear, in broad streat, pr Mr. James blow
Jan 7 c Robart Haye, Scolmaster
10 Mrs. Lee, in learn, Pr Joseph Innes
11 David Park, pr his brother James Park
12 c Antoney Coke, Sealer, Roas Marey lean
19 ball Jean
20 d Temothy ffulertan, Stronmilles
24 Margrat Cambel, Long lean, pr Thomas Mconall, Shomaker, norstreat
28 c John Clark, MarChent
28 c Robart Hamelton, Hoxtor, Norstreat
29 c Robt Hay, Scolmaster, Market house
ffab 3 Dauid beggs, Carman
6 c Mr. Pat Smith
7 c Clamens MCCadam, peterhill
12 w Hallbert Carr, in peterhill
13 c Robart Dalzel, Carpenter
16 c will walless
17 s Thomas born sid, whelwright
24 wdd MallCom, pr wrs blear, broad streat
27 Archabld Creagg, pr his wife
Mar 8 Thomas Arther, Norstreat, pr will Stoat, Copar
14 Hanna John bes [Holmes ?], hoxter, in norstret, pr brother James Holmes, wiggmaker
16 Mrs. Neall, Kerkdonall, pr hir son ArChebld Neall
Mar 23 Captr Treall, pr Joseph Podgenar
24 Mr. Edward Whitsid, Melone, pr his son John whitsid
Apr 3 Mrs. Andrew, pr hir Son Gebrall Andrew
3 w Daniel ffisher, pr him Selfe
7 w Sam Mckelvey
12 c John Johnston, MarChent
18 Neclous Sharp, preanties with Mr. will Mitihel, MarChent, Pr his brother John Sharp
21 c Thomas Mclune, Glover
24 w Joohn Anderson
28 c william Lason
29 John beard, Loang Casa, Smith
May 13 Richard Lamb, pr John poarter, Couper
13 wido Johnston, Waller, pr John brown, Chanler, Melstreat
13 Mr. Gordan, bandbridg, pr John Gordan, MarChent in town
13 A Scoatch Man that Dayed in town
19 Alexr Mcmun, pr Mr. John Mcmun, MarChant
22 c John AlId, Cloath MarChent
23 si William Colbart
24 c Joseph mines, Sealler, Potengers Entrie
James Carithers, Glover
31 c John Geades, Carier, Norstreat
Jun 2 w David Kennedy, MarChent, broad Streat
3 c will Maxwel, MarChent
5 w Mr. Roase, Lodge
10 w Sam boman, gleaser
16 c Doctar Duncan
16 c James white, Copar, Roos Marey lean
18 d wdd Cearns,. pr hir mother
21 Margrat Robeson, Scepers lean, pr hir Sister, widdo Mclelan
22 si Squear Dason, Dasonds bridge, Pr Joseph Innes
July 3 c John brown, Norstreat, Meallman
8 w William Combe, at mill water
11 d wdd boyd, glesrie, pr Margrat Neven
16 w Mr. Dickson, Cerkdonel, Pr franses boyd, ChurChlean
July 17 c John McDowal, heresons lean
17 c william McConoah, tealowar
20 Joseph barklow, Carpenter, Pr his wife
27 R MCGeies Mother, who was boried in holewod
29 c John McDowall, Carrman
Agest 3 Thomas Miller, MarChent, pr Pat forgeson
5 John Means, Sceper, planteson
6 c John McDowall, Carman, Harklovs lean
6 s Mr. McCen, helsborow, pr EAdam McCen, prentis Mr. Ecels (?)
Mr. Shavegg [Savage, per] Mr. Sam Smith, junr
9 Agnes Hunter, Church lean, pr Hilley Hunter [her brother] Retrney [attorney]
18 wdd Hogsid, pr hir Doghter Reachel
21 w Mr. Neagen, pr obedia Groave
26 c John McCart, taner, peterhill
31 Mr. William MuntGomry, pr his wife
Sept 9 c Mr. Dunlap, living in Mr. Andrews house
9 w Mr. Stoward Esqr, Celey mon [Killymoon], pr yowng Sam Smeth
24 c Sam McClentow
Octr 1 w James wright, Tealloar
2 c Mr. John wall as, MarCent, broad streat
9 c David Dunn, Mariner, in scepers lean
20 william Simes Mother in Law, Carpenter
28 olld Doctor fforgeson, pr Capt McColoah
29 c John Mcgown
31 Mrs. McGlahlen
31 A sarvant of Mr. Maxwels of feney broag
Novb 2 ffransis boyd, Church lean, pr his wife
5 Mr. Carr, in belymanoh, pr Mr. wason, broad streat
9 c Mr. will Leg, in Mellon
11 Thomas Allan, at the brurie, pr Patrick Smith, browrie
13 wdd McDowal, back Ramper, pr hir Doghter Agnes
17 c Isaac Ramag, peterhill
24 Mr. Stell, banger, pr Mr. James McClure
26 c Allexr Deaueson, Chanlor, in ChurCh lean
27 Jonathan Moor
28 c nathaniel Moarison, ChurCh lean
Desm 1 c Mr. James Adair, MarChent
8 Mr. John yowng, MarChant
5 c William Greage, Teallor
11 A Child who was A frind of Madam Dabes, pr Madam Dabes [Dobbs]
12 s baniam McDowall, Dunegor, pr Mr. McLure
14 John Sherp, in hoolowod, pr Mr. Rowland Sharp
21 c Jorg Carsan, waterman
22 wdd Thamson, pr Mr. Ramse
24 c Mr. John fforgeson, potegr
24 c Mr. Joarg McCartnay
25 warham Smith, Church lean, pr oabida Groaves
Janr 4 Long Margrie, pr Mr. James blow
10 w Hugh blackwoo, Carpenter
17 c Cornall fforgeson
17 A streang [stranger] in town
21 s John fforgeson, potegar
27 w Robt Lawe
ffebr 2 John Shaw, Shoger howse, pr Mr. Jon Smith
4 c Mr. will Mitchel, yownger, MarChant
5 the Leat Sr John Roding [Rawdon], in Mayorah [Moira], pr Mr. McCartney
6 Samull Holmbs, broad streat, pr his mother
8 c John Gregg, Smith, in Norstreat
11 John Campbel, Lodger in Mr. John Mcmuns, pr Mr. James burges
13 Thomas Eagelsom, weavor
13 b Mr. John Clark
13 d Willm Hasock, melfild
14 c James Moor, Miller, ffall mill
17 d Jon McGown, Mill streat
18 Richard farels Mother in law, living in tempelpatricket
24 c Mr. John Smith, Living at the sluse bridge
ffebr 24 s Mr. Colam, Returney
28 the Leatt Revd Mr. Sam getty in learn, pr Mr. gebrall Andreow
Mar 2 m Mr. John Clarke, the MarChent
4 wdd watt, pr Mr. John Hamelton, beleynefy
7 w Thomas warnock, peterhill
7 w John Ashmor, Glower, Melstreat
8 the Leat Revd Mr. Williamson, in belenhinch, pr William Ringland
9 Mr. umfres, pr Mr. John Holmlres
15 c John Ashmor, Glover, Mellgeat
17 c Alexr McKown, Carman
31 wdd fultan, Millfeilld Lean, pr John Holmbs
31 c Jno Eggers, Smith, Rosemerylean
Epr 1 c william Delap, Last maker
4 Joarg boyd, in John Demster, pr Doctr McCartney
6 c Capt McColoh
10 c David Craghton, Seallor
15 c the Revd Mr. Harper [Rev. Samuel Harpur, of Moira]
24 c Mr. John Colman
30 WilliIIiam Thamson, Seallor, planteson
May 5 William McGlathrie, in the Lang Casa, pr Jon Cunigham
5 m Mr. Jon Stel, potgr, DonoGhiede [Donagheady]
13 w Mr. Townsend, Mellgeat
15 Mrs. Cobam, in Hoolewod, pr Mr. Jon Smith, MrChent, broad streat
16 c Will Ringland, Gold Smith
17 c Andrew MCComb, Millstreat
18 c James Thomason, sealler, Milstreat
20 w William stoat, Copar, norstreat
Jun 2 s widd Cearns
s Samull Gillmor, Long Casa
7 c Mr. will Maxwl, MarChent
13 w James Hamelton, peter hill
14 c John Eruen [Irvine], Millfieldlean
15 si Mr. James Cobam, Jolewood, Pr Mr. Jon Smith
24 c James Hamelton, Marinor, Pr Mr. James Hameton, at the bredg End
28 w Mr. Jon Gorden, MarChant
July 1 c Robt Dalezel, Carpentar
6 David Kennedy, North geat
8 c Mr. William Maxull, MarChent
12 Mr. Jon Mcmun, MarChent
12 c Will Teatte, Glover, Millstreat
13 c Mr. William Townsend
15 Sam Carnohen, Long Casa
19 c Jon Sttel, potger
21 c Joseph Coahren, MarChent, at the stonbridg
29 Joarg Ashmor, Hatter, in Mill streat
30 w Mr. Oakes, in Glean Eauey, pr William Sinkler, in Melstreat
Agst 8 c Mr. William Reany
8 c James Dicke, Miler, in the Malt mill
9 c Angos wacker, on the Kee
14 Dauid Kennedy, broad streatt, pr Jon Rose, potegar
15 c Mr. Hugh pringel, MarChent
18 c Mr. Mathies, in the ffalles
19 Will Tood, Carpenter
20 A saruent of Mr. Innes
22 Mr. Porter, in Kirk Donall, pr Mr. Andrew Agneow
23 d Mr. Mathies, in the ffalles
26 c Mr. James Park, MarChent
26 c Mr. William Raney, MarChent
27 William MCreight, Glouer, Mills streat, pr Alexr Kille
28 c Mr. Jon ffurgeson, potegr
30 w yowng Samull Smith, MarChent
Sept 8 c Sam Mclento
8 c Richard Cowter
13 c Jon stowart, browrie
13 c the Reud Mr. fflatchard
14 c Abell Haskeson, nealer
20 Mr. David black, pr his father Mr. Jon black, fowr Corners
28 c Mr. pat Kennedy, MarChent
30 c Mr. Henderson, Clark to Mr. McCuloahs
Octr 7 c Mr. Daniel Mosentin
8 c Edwar Harie, botche
13 c Mr. Donelson, Gleneauey, pr Mrs. Campbel, beacker
13 c Mr. Adam Gutrie, MarChent
14 w Alexr Craford, at the Maltmill
16 w Samull Marttien, in Hoolewod parish
18 c Jon Glean, in the hole of the wall
Octr 20 Mrs. Glespie, att nuttan [Newtownards], pr Mr. Edward Whittloack, MarChent
22 c Mr. William Mittcheal, MarChant, at the stton bridge
23 c Mr boall, seallor, warenstreat, pr Mr Rea, seallor
25 c mr Cobam, Retorney
28 c wdd miller, at the Sttonbriog
28 c Robt boall, in broad street
29 Mrs Eruen, Comber, who was boried in this town
30 c Widdo Miller, Sttonbridg
31 c Mr William Mittchel, MarChent, att the Stonbridg
Nour 1 old Mr Tattford, pr Mr Arther Tattfor
3 c Mr R boall, broad streat
8 c John Lawes, norstreat
9 d Andrew DerumpeI, MarChent
12 Mr Alexr Storvard, pr Mr William Ranie, MarChent
12 s Jon Garner, beacker, in Rosemary lean
14 c Mr Jon Walles, MarChant, broad streat
23 c Jon Sheain, in Gleneauey
Desm 1 Mr Agnew, of Celwaghter near Learn, pr Mr James burges, MarClent
2 m James Holmes, weauer, in Rosemery lean, pr Edward Loggan, Carman
4 James whitt, Copar, in Ross mary Lean, pr Mr Anttney Harentton
5 c Mr R Creag, MarChent
6 c Mr Rusell, living in mellon, pr mr william tomsend
8 Mr Jon Porter, Copar, Pr Mr Andrew Agnew
16 w Mr Andrew Delrumpl
22 c David Mcneight, in peterhill
24 Mrs Moor, who was Jonethon Moors widow, pr hir son Jon moor
29 Mrs Gresell Reney, Pr Mr Jon Ecels
30 c Mr James Adair, MarChent
Janr 2 c Mr James Mairs, Living in broad streat
4 c Mr Sam McLento
9 w Hugh uanse, Labrer, Living in Rosemery lean
10 c Jon brow, in peter hill
13 gc James Law, Hoxter
15 Isack Ramige, Carman, pr Charels Rainge
28 c Jon Hana, Chanler, living in Norstreat
29 John Mcarttnay, Gabert man, Living in the plantesion
31 c Mr R McCapon, living at the Mill geat
31 Mr Richard ffarell, living peter hill
ff.br 6 the Leat Squeair Hatreckt, pr Mr Isaac McCartnay
8 Samull boyd, Meall man, in Church lean, pr Hugh Smith, in Church lean
11 f Mr Capt Maxwell
17 Mrs Petterson, MarChent, at the Market House, pr Jon Johston, MarChent
18 s Mr James Hamelton, bridgeend
19 c Hugh Marteen, pr John Thomson
20 Mr. Cromie, High Shieref, pr Mr Jon Smith, Marchent, Juner
21 w Thamas Marten, Market House
22 c Mr Hugh Pringel, MarChent
25 wdd McComeby, back Ramper [Back Rampart]
26 c Adam Patey, planteson
Mar 5 Mr Mcanse Kirkland, shipCarpner, living one the Kie
11 c Mr Cobam, Returney
12 James brown, in the ffales
12 c Edward whitloack, MarChent
15/14 Mr Jaremy Campbell, who was Loast in Garmoyle, pr his son
17 Euphams Rush, Iiuing in Rosemery Lean
17 c Mr William worthenton, living in Church lean
18 Mr Casky, who was lost in GarmoyIe
19 w Mr Russel, in Hoolewod
24 m olld Sam Smith, living in Dunegoar, pr Mr Pat Smith
30 Arther Kell, in Holewood, pr Mr James McClure
31 w William Anderson, living At the salt water bridge
31 Mr Roper, sealler, his Mother in law
Epr 2 c Jon Glen, hole of the wall
3 c Mr Cobam, Retorney
4 c Alexr Daueson, Selear
5 John McDowall, Carman, to his wife
8 olld John Adames, Norstreat
9 c Thomas ffeare, living in the Rosemary Lane, Marinor
10 c David Leathem, Gon Smith
13 Andrew McCone, Carman, Long lean, pr Jon Ecles
15 c William yeward, tobackow Spener, in milstreat
21 w Antney Thobron, seaman
21 c Jon Chapman, Marinor, living in potengers Entrie
24 c Mr Jon Johnston, Marchent
May 15 c Jon Starlen, in the ffalls
19 c Jon Starlen, in the ffills
19 c William bearrd, Marinor, living in the plantesion, pr Mr Jon Carr, Elder
26 William Saller, Living in the ffalls
26 c Mr Jon Stoakman, Marinor
28 c William Amblem, Coper, at the browrie
Jun 8 Jon neckelson, in the Long lean, baggman
16 w Mr Hugh Pringel, MerChant
18 c william Smith, Shogarhouse
22 Mr Hugh Cunigham, Clark to the old Mitinghouse
23 c Mr McClure, MarChent
29 Mrs Maxwel, of Obeday Groaues, of ffmey broag
30 R Skery, kie porter
July 1 Joarg Jhnston, Barber, in Mill streat
9 c Mr Jon McCartney, MarChent
13 c John Patterson, barber
19 Mr Greansheals, Carmoney
20 c William Geall, Shomacker, noarstreat
23 Mr McCologh, in Ronaldstown, pr James McClure
Agest 6 w Mr Jon Johnton, in Norstreat, beacker
15 Mr John Challmbrs, MarChent, Pr his Son James
Sept 2 old Mathew Garner, pr Mr Arther Tattford
3 c Sam Smith, Junr, who was boried in holiwood
5 c Mr Edr burt, sufron in town [Benn gives the name as Nathaniel Byrtt; he died in office].
14 c Jon Smith, son to olld Samull Smith
15 c Samull Smith, Ealle Selar, ffowr Corners
27 John Comack, in Mayrogh [Moira], pr Mr John Jhnston
Ocbr 6 R Calhond, beacker, pr John Rose
13 Mathew Garners wedo, pr Mr Arter Tattford
13 Mr William Smith, Pr his brother Mr John Smith, Shogerhouse
Novb 8 Mr William Raney, MarChant
16 Cesie [Keziah] Tonough, back Ramper
18 c Mr Archbald Mcneal, potegar
28 c Robart Thomson, ship Carpenter, plantesion
6 wdd Granger, Mill strett, pr hir son in Law James Thonson
7 c William Hamelton, Cooper, in peter hill
13 Mr John Grrefen, Comber, Pr Mr. Antoney Harenton
20 Robart Cauer, in Celead
25 c william Lason, smith, Church Lean
Janry 5 c Thomas McClune, Glouer, in Rosemary Lean
12 John Ree, ship Carpener, living in waren streat
12 c Caluen Darlen, at the Sluse bridge
21 Patricket withers, Copper, in warenstreat, Pr Mr Andrew Agnew
25 c william McCologh, Telear
28 c Mr ffrases Cromie, MarChent
Febr 14 c Cornall Edward brise, who was boried in Balleycarey
18 c mrs Ross, at the ston bridge, Pr hir son John
MarCh 7 Cristian Poag, Living in Rossemarey Lean, pr Mr Thomas Storgan
9 Mr Edward Willson, in waren streat
11 Archbald Moor, marioner, Living in waren Streat, pr his wife
18 A Leftenanen of the man of war that is at Learn, Pr Mr James McClure
29 c Mr William Staford, Marioner, in Clogstans Entrie
Aprl 2 m William brown, at the fforth River
7 Mr Antony Harenton, Rosemery lean
13 w John Brown, in peterhill
15 James Mcartnay, Sufron in Town, Pr his brother Jon McCartnay
15 c Mr John Smith, Son to olld Samull Smith
15 c John Hall, Coppar, in Scepar Lean
17 Mr Jno black, Pr Mr James Arbockels
May 5 John Stwart, in Mellstreat, who was saruant to Mr Kelpatricket
7 w Mr Jon Sharp, MarChent, in broaD streat
7 c Jon fframe, weauor
8 c Edward Loggan, burnCarier
10 Mrs Arther, at the fowr Corners, pr hir Granson, Arther Burt
27 d Mr Isaack Mcartnay, MarChant, on the Hanower Kee
30 c Mr William Walles, MarChent
Jun 14 c James Willson, butcher, in Rosemery lean
15 Alexander Hotcheson, at the millevwater
15 s John Irwen, wever, in Jorges Lean
19 c James Weear, Marioner, at the ffott of Potengers Entrie
23 c Mr Maxwel, of ffeney Broag, pr Corn Brise in Town
23 b Mrs Clogstan
27 c Docter Delap, at the Ston bridge
29 w Mr Woodside, Marioner, at the ffot of waren Streat
July 2 Daniel ffisher, Mariner, Living at the Kee, Pr his wife
4 c Moses Hill, butcher
8 c Robt Henderson, in beleninch, Pr Alexander Henderson, Gleser
14 d Mr ArChbld Stowart, in Comber
22 m Mr Samull McTearr, in norstreat
Agest 1 c Dauid morrow, Teloyr, Iivng in broad streat
2 c margret Ruebery, in the Long Lean
5 c Dauid Layons, in the Long lean
11 w Robart McCapen, Taner, mel geat
16 w Dauid Morrw, Teallowe, waren streat
20 olld Mr James Smith, pr his son James, norStreat
29 Mr Joseph Innes, Ston MarChant
Sept 1 olld Mrs yowng, Pr hir Son Hugh yowng
8 c Mr James Monsie, in Scepars Lean
10 2c Thomas Lowrie, beacker
13 c Capt James McCologh, in Waren Streat
26 c Mr James Moncie, in Scepers Lean
8br 11 c John yowng, Carppenter, living at the now Erexon Geat [New Erection, i.e. Third Meeting-house, gate]
15 c Mr James Moncie, in Scepers lean
27 c Mr Adam McCen, in waren Streat
29 c Alexr Henderson, Glesor, in norstreat
Nor 2 c Mr John AId, MarChant, in the back of the MarCethouse
3 c Mr R McCapen, Taner, millgeat
4 c Thomas McConel, Shoe maker, in norstreat
17 c will McDowaille, ffidler,
18 c David Pinkerton, beacker, in the Ston bridg
20 c Mr Willian Maxwell, MarChent, one the Hanouer Kie
29 c Mr John Seadg, one the Hanouer Kee
Desm 7 c Mr william Mettchall, Elder of the olld metting hous
8 Mr John Hamelton, beleny fey
10 f Ritchard Skerie
11 c william McCologh, Tayloar
11 c Samull mettchal1, in noarstreat
13 c Robt Dallzel, Carpentar
27 c John boel, in harkels lean, weauer
31 Mr John walles, at Doaggh, pr mr John walles, in broad Streat
31 Mr James Smith, in Noar Streat, pr his wife
Jner 8 c Mr Sam McClenton, uentnar
10 c Samull willson, Stashenor, son in law to wdd Cairns
13 Mr MComb, in Doagh, Pr Mr John walles, in broad Streat
22 Mr John Eacles, MarChant, in broad streat
30 Mrs Grrean, in waren streat, Pr Mr Patrect Kennedy
ffebr 5 Henrie Jones, Pr his Sone Thomas, in Peter hill
6 c R Creage, pr John walles, in broads treat
15 John ffllemen, beyont the Long bridge, pr his wife
3 Mrs becerStaf, pr Mr John Smeth, at the Sine of the Pecok
4 c Mr Arther Telford
5 c Mr William Walles, at the bredg End
19 c Patreck Kenneday, MarChent
19 c Mr John fforgeson, Potegar
19 c Mr James yowng, MarChent
20 Mr David McCnaight, Peter Hell, Pr his wife
25 Thomas Mcneight, Teallor, Leiuing in Rosse marey Lean, pr David Morrow
29 Mr Dickson, in Comber, Pr John Colbert
31 c Ritchard ofarel, in Peter Hill
Apr 1 Jean Marten, in ChurCh Lean
10 d Hugh Sharpp, in Kirk Doneall
13 d Mrs Manken, in veran streat
13 d John Gades, Corier
17 gc Allexr Moor, in Peter Hill
17 c William wyly, Coper Smith
(sic) 12 c wdd Smith, in nor Streat
27 c Mr ffranses Cromie, MarChent
May 2 s ArChbld Stwart, in Comber parish
6 c David Pinkerton, Living at the Ston bridg
9 c John Mcfferan, Living in Rossemarey Lean, tealower
15 Mrs Mirifeld in Lisburn, Pr Mr Thomas Lill, MarChent
20 Mr Andrew Dalrumpel, MarChent, pr Mr James Dallrumpl
20 c Mr James Parkes, marChent, at the Ston bridg
20 s Parson Hamelton, in banger, pr Mr Sam Smith, junr, MarChent
20 Sara Mcneall, planteson
Jun 3 John McDowall, pr James mcDowll, in Holewood
3 c Mr Jon Moor, Scoll master
10 c John umfres, Scollmaster, in waren Streat
11 c Mr John Allde, MarChent, in Potengers Entrie
25 c mr John Macartney, MarChent
29 w Thomas ffeare, in Rose Marey Lean
July 11 c Jorg brakenrig, Gleaser, in Rossemarey Lean
15 Mr Ritchard Ashmor, hatter, in mell Streat
16 c Jorg brakenrige, Glcaser, in Rosse Morey lean
17 m John Irland
Agest 9 s John hamelton, Living in neow Combe
10 c mr R mcCapen, taner, in Mell Streat
24 c Mr John Johnson, MerChent
24 c mr James begger, marChent
26 c widdo Smith, in norstreat
26 c ArChbld mcneall
28 c mr James bigger
Sept 1 w williamson, in Caselreah
5 c Jorg Guttrie, MarChent
11 c George Gutrie
11 mrs Clugston, pr hir son the sofren
Octr 6 c mr Sam Mclento
7 w James barnet, in melstreat
8 Dauid morra, Taylor, in waren Streat, pr his wife
25 mr William Arbuckle, pr his father mr James Arbuckle
Nor 5 c william Sinkler, in melstreat
6 Mrs Jean Clugson, pr hir brother the Soueran in town
17 m Mr Cobam, Returnie, in Town
Desm 5 John boall, marin or, in waran Streat
14 A Streanger, living in Jorg Stevens Entrie, mell Streat, pr Madam Dabb
23 c John willson, in Rose marey Lean, weauer
26 c Thomas wason, Carpeiter, in Rose Marey lean
27 c William Staford, marioner, in Clogsons Entrie
28 R Coper, in Hugh Pringels
Janr 18 Mr Harper, Living in Glanarm, pr mr Samull Allen
ffebr 3 A Streanger that Dayed in the ffar End of ChurCh lean, pr mr Joseph bigger
5 b Alexr orr
21 Mrs Donelson, Pr Hir Son in Law mr James McClure, MarChent
Mar 6 olld Mrs Ewens, in Peter Hill, pr mr Jon Armstrong
12 c Allexand Henderson, Gleasor
14 A frind of Mr James blow, A yowng woman who Dayed in his House
15 c John bowall, weauer, in Harklos Lean
15 John fforgeson, son to olld Docter fforgeson, who dayed besides Dogh, Pr mr John forgeson, Potegar
21 R Morra, Taylor, in Rose mary Lean, pr his wife
23 c mr wear, maironer, in the fut of Potengers Entrie
29 c Alexr Henderson, Gleasor, in norstreat
30 olld mrs Todd, Pr mr Thomas Lille & mr John Smith, in broad Streat
Aprl 4 olld william mclelan, in the Long lean, pr mr mcDowalld and mr R mcGee, in Scepers lean
5 w Thomas Agnewe, scleater
6 c William mcCologh, Taylor
7 John Read, Labror, in the Planteshen
8 mrs Inneg, Pr Mr Joseph Innes
9 c John McDowall, Carman, in Peter hill
11 mrs Comock, in Myroah parish, Pr mr John Smith, at the Pecoak
15 olld James Orr, in Comber at the Dam, pr Allexr Orr, marChent
17 w Hugh Kennedy, in the Longlean
19 w William mcLelan, in the Longlean, Pr mr oahtrie mcDowall and mr R McGee
23 d Mr James Moor, in the ffall Mill
May 1 c William Moor, Chanler, at the Sluse bridg
2 c mr Jno Sttell, Potegar
6 c Jon Stell, Potegr
6 c william Endslie, Glower, in Rosse mery lean
7 c william Hanna, Taylowr, in Church lean
14 d mrs Camel, beacker
17 Mr John Clark, MarChent, at the Market House, Pr his wife
17 John Jakes mother in Law, Show make
28 James Thamson, Marioner, living in melstreat, pr his wife
Jun 3 c Thomas mcConell, showmaker, in Norstreat
July 8 c mr William mittchel, MarChant, Living besids mr John mcCartnays
12 w mr William ffarlie, at Lisburn, Living in Lesnetronk, Pr mr James mcClure, marChant
15 David Pinkerton, beaker
19 c mr Gillbart mcDowall, MarChent
19 w mr Wallter Cromel, Pr mr James mcClure
20 Chancler Mcneall, of Port of ffery, Pr mr James McClure, marChant
28 mr John Kinkaid, pr mr James McClure
30 mr Allexr Moor, Marchent, in Peter Hill, Pr mr Getty
Agest 15 c Allexr Henderson, Gleaser
17 gc John Johnston, beacker, in nor-streat
25 c Jorge Johnston, barber, in Mill Streat
Sept 9 c mr Hugh Linn, Living in Casel-streat
20 olld Madam Dalaway, Pr mr Samull Smith, MarChent
21 c mr James Henderson, Living in warensteat
26 mr John Taylor and his mother in Law
Octbr 7 Mrs bruse, pr mr John Roose, MarChent, at the Stonbridg
24 c Thomas Lowrie, beacker
nor 5 Jorg williamson, Smith, in Church lean
6 mrs Hutcheson, near beleclair, Pr mr John fforgeson, Potegar
23 c william Osborn
28 c mr Andrew Smith, marChent
Desm 1 Gillbart moor, Sinr, his mother in Lawe
13 c James Campbel, watterman
18 gc James Lawe
27 w mr Robt Johnston, in mellone
29 mr Thomas Lyle, pr mr mosentine
Janr 4 mr John McCartnay, marClent, pr the Reud mr Samull Helleday
6 s Andrew barnet, pr mr John Smith, marChent, broad Streat
15 mr John Shaw, beleytwedy, pr mr James mcClure
18 Capt McCologh, in Ronaldstoun, Pr mr James mcClure, marClent
20 c mr John Sharpe, MarChent, in broadstreat
27 Mr Walles Granmother, marChent in broadstreat
ffebr 5 widdo mcCanlie, Pr mrs mcCanlie, liveng in the plantesion
9 margrat miller, in mr David Crafords, his seruant
10 mr Samull McClenton, Pr his wife
13 A strenge, pr mr Jon Smeth, in broad streat
Mar 2 mr John Smith, Liung in Mr Patricket Smiths, MarChent
9 m Ringen [Ninian] ffresel, in Long lean
20 w Georg Campsie, in norstreat
24 Gaien Hamelton, Pr mr Jon Colbert
Epr 1 c mr John Johnston, MarChent
2 w Doacter Smith, in town
8 c James Singelton, in mill ffeld lean
13 c William hamelton, Cooper, in Roose mereylean
23 c mr John Mairs, in Town
24 w william mathies, in Loonglean
30 m Thomas Lowrie, beaker
May 1 Iserall Coates, Liung in the ffalles, Pr obedia Groaues
3 Thomas ffeares, Sealler, his mother in Lawe
7 mr John mcCeben, at Kerkdonel, Pr mr Adam mcCeben, marChent in town
20 the Reud mr John Mallcom, in Dun morey, Pr mr John walles in broad Streat
20 c Mrs Petecrow, in NorStreat
Jun 13 c R Ashmor, Hatter
13 c Alexr Daueson, Marioner
16 Daniel Handerson, tobacones, Pr mr R Henderson, Taner, in norstret
16 c mr Samull Mittchel, MarChent, in norStreat
July 8 c A sister of mr Samull Mitchell, in norStreat, MarChent
14 c william Henderson, taner, in norSt
20 Mr Adams, yearn Marchent, At the Ston bridg, Pr his wife
25 c mr William Sharply, Taner, in norstreat
Agest 4 c David Layens, Cafey Hous
5 c mr william Staford, Marinor
13 Agnes Leas, Pr Ronold, in Mr James blowes
14 Mrs Leas, Pr hir Son Ronold, in Mr James blowes
20 Andrew Tood, in the Countie of Down
22 mr James Woods, Living at the ffowr Lone Ends in mellone, Pr his Doghter Mrs mcGee, in warenstreat, weddo
26 c John Dreanen, Roper, in NorStreat
29 Olld Madam Pottenger, Pr hir Son mr Joseph Pottenger
Sept 1 c mr ffranses Atcheson, Eall seIer
4 c mr James Henderson, Living at the Shoger house
5 c mr John walles, MarChent, broad Streat
7 c mr William mCCaulie, liung in the plant teshen, sealer
10 w Andrew wattson, Carman
11 c James nelson, Carman, tor Streat
14 c Samull brown, Peter hill
20 wido mcCalester, in the Long lean
22 Mr John Sharp, in broad streat, his onkels Doghter
22 c Andrew mcComb
Octr 3 c mr William Mittchel, MarChent
8 c Dauid Craghton, Marillor, in Norstreat
11 John fram, weaver, Peter hill
11 c Rittchard Offerall, Petterhill
14 c John osborn, beaker, in melstreat
15 c Geiorg Carson, water man, at the plantteson
20 c John Slloan, beacker, in norstreat
Nor 3 c John mcDowald, Carman, in norStreat
5 d wildow Parkhill, in Peter hill
10 gc John Gades, at north Geat
23 c John Taylor, tobackenst, in norstreat
25 c widdo boyd, in mr Allexr yowngs howse, teneneneman
Dems 1 c John mcmorey, Taylor
2 c william moor, Chanelar, at the sllus bridg
7 Gain Rodgers, in Long lean, Pr his ffather william Rodgers
13 olld mrs Craford, Pr hir son Dauid Craford
16 mrs Sinkler, Pr mr Dainel mosentine
16 John osborn, beaker, Pr his wife
25 Hanna bell, Pr mr John Collman, Clark of the olld meting house
25 Olld william Rusel, olld Park, Pr his Son Georg Rusel
Janr 13 c mr James Challmbrs in waren Streat
21 John brown, in Peter hill, Pr John Singelton, weauer
23 wido Maxwel, norStreat, Pr David Craghon, Marinon
30 c william Innes, whipmaker
ffebr 4 A stranger in the Contre, Pr Alexr orr, marChent
4 c Thomas Geleland
7 c Mr Sam Smith marChent
12 c Isaack AGnew, Copper
24 the Revd mr James bruse, Keleleah, pr mr John Smeth, at the Peoack
24 c mr John Knoox Gold smeth
Mar 4 John Catterwood
4 c John Mcquesten
16 c John umfres, Scoll master
24 Mr Matthew Ramsey, Clark of the neow meting house
28 Mrs Read, in Kellenchie, Pr mr James McClure
30 c James Loaggan, Eall seIer, in norstreat
Apr 8 c John mcGlahlen, brower
11 Nathan Smith, Pr John Hughs, in Carnmoney
18 c mr James ballief, Marioner, Pr mr Hoadkis, nealer
19 c Moses Cunigham
24 c Georg Gemeson, beacker, at the Ston bridg
May1 Thomas Agnew, pr his Son in Law, mihel mcfeall, butcher
13 wido mCCormick, in the Long Lean
16 c mr Cobbam, Returnie
18 John Marten, Long lean
27 oll mrs Rittchie, Pr hir son Robt Dallzel, Carpenter
30 c Thomas ffife, Carpenter, in norstreat
July 4 c mr James bigger, marChent
18 Dauid Potter, Church lean
19 c mr John Gordon
20 c John Picken, in Long lean
Agest 17 c John mean, Shomaker
Sept 12 c James baillef, Marinor
22 Mrs Ashmor, Hatter, Pr hir Son R
Octr 4 brown Georg mcCartney wido, Pr mr Patr Smith, MarChent
30 A brothers Child of Walter Sandelens
31 w Rittchard ffmnley, Town Sargen
Nor 10 Madan shaw, in Lisburn
14 c mr Daniel Mosentine
17 mr Georg Manken, at the mill water
21 Thomas Marten, in Rose marie Lean, Pr his ffather in Law R Mcffeall
30 w James monsie, in Long lean
Desm 1 mrs Rosse Hamelton, Living in mount Hamelton, Pr mr James mcClure, MarChent in Town
Janr 2 Allexr orr, for his Cosens ffunerall
3 w Mr Arther Tattford, Pr the Revd mr Neclous Tatford
7 the Rrud mr Sinklear, Pr mr John fforgson, Potegar
ffebr 15 Olld widdo boyd, in the Plantesion, Pr mr William McCanlies, maioner
27 mr William mcwhorter, in Carmoney, Pr mr Joseph Jinnes, MarChent
28 c mr William Mcuckelwreth, marChent
Mar 7 mr John Damster, Pr his wife
19 Doacter Cromie, Pr his brother in Law Mr John magenis, Liung besids Drummor
19 mrs fforgeson, in tampel Patreck parish, Pr mr Jon Smith, in broad Streat
27 mrs Manken, at the Millwater, pr hir Son Thomas manken
28 mr oferall, in Peterhill, Pr his wife
30 c widd bell
Apr 9 mrs Hadenton, in Town, midwife, Pr mr Joseph Innes, MarChent
27 mr James Robeson, marChent, in Norstreat, Pr his wife
may 27 c John Eger, Smith, Rose mery lean
31 c Astrenger, in the Long lean
Jun 4 si mr Adam Adam mcCeben, marChent
9 mr James wear, maironer, his mother in Law
10 James Scoat, in Drumbo
18 mrs Johnes, play howse
July 8 s mr Georg maCertney Esqr
13 c James Rodgers
15 John Donelson, in Church Lean, beacker
July 15 neas of Toallen, in the ffalles
22 c John mcCert
24 c Thomas willson, barber, one the keay
Agest ye 3 Maigor blaire, Livng at Cam Castel, Pr mr James burges, marChent
12 William Geals, Showmaker
12 R ffisher, in the ffalles
27 A streanger
30 w Mr wear, one the Kee
31 R Scoat, taylor
Octr 17 s mr R Donaldson, in Peter hill
18 w Thomas Gilleland, buttcher
Nor 2 David Throw, miller, of the Corn mill, Pr his wife
3 d widdo Agnew, at Cewaghter [Kilwaughter] Pr mr James burges, marChent
6 John Gaddas, Coriner, Pr his wife
15 A frind of mr Joseph Innes, in the Contre
15 olld mrs Tavernor, in the ffalles, Pr Sam McCadam, in the Long Casa
15 c Sam Joy, meason, in norstreat
20 w Thomas Singlton, in the Long Lean
24 c mr ffranses Cromie, MarChent
29 wido ffife, Pr William mcCullogh, Taylor
Desm 6 Mr ffranses Cromie, Pr mr James bllow
6 Capt Hamelton, Living in Cushin Dun, Pr mr James McClure, marehent in town
Janr 6 c John ffife, Sope boyler, in Nor-streat
7 Mr Patrick Kennedy, Marchent
9 c Thomas Gueleland, butcher
9 c Samull mcCalliue, Museshenar
10 c mr John Maiers, in town
22 m Lahlen Mcneal, mairnor, in the planteshon
25 A sister in Law of Thomas Gilleland, botcher, in Town
ffebr 1 c mr John Alld, marchant, in Town in the back of the Grean
Mar 2 mrs black, at Drummor, Pr mr mosentine
16 w mr John Mairs, in town
16 mr Hugh Sharp, Pr mr John Sharp
Apr 2 mrs Joanes, in melone
7 mr James Hamelton, Chaneler, Pr mr James McClure, in town
7 c mr Hugh Linn
21 c will Cros
May 20 wido bell, at the Coaue hill
21 A strangers Chill, Pr James Easdealld, botten maker, in Town
22 mrs bleair, living at CarnCasel, Pr mr James borges, marChent, in town
Jun 2 c James Lure
3 c mr Robt Ashmor, Hater
19 c John Jake, Showmaker
23 william Dicks mother in law
24 c James Rodgers, ship Carpenter
July 5 Alexr mcDowalld
15 c mr John Ashmor, marChent
20 d David mcmen, at the Coawe hill
Agest 3 c will Lason, Smith
7 Maigor upton, in tampelpatrek, Pr mr James mcClure, marChent, in Town
8 s the Reved mr wolson, in beley Clair, Pr mr James burges, in town
15 w John mcClune, maimor, Pr his brother R mcClune
22 s Pall Redel, in Tampelpatrek, Pr John Sempel in Norstreat
Sept 2 c Thomas whittsid, Ship Carpenter, one the kee
13 widdo Craford, one the kee, Pr John mcCeben, Copper
Octr 1 c Thomas whittsid, one on the Kee, ship carpenter
15 c Hendrie fegen
16 w R mcfeall
21 necloas Sharp, Pr his sisters
23 w William osborn, butcher
nor ye 17 c mr Patr Smith, marChent
ye 16 mr Gabriel Andrews, MarChent, Pr his brother Hugh Andrews
ye 26 James boyds mother in Law, marinor, in scepers Lean
30 mr John Taylor, in broad streat, Pr his wife
Dems 7 w Andrew mcClenchie, Dunmorey
10 w Timothy Shelds, beaker, in Rose mary lean
10 s John Taylor, Carman
14 John Kerns, snuf man, Pr his mother, wido Kerns
19 William Lowrie, buttcher, Liuing at the wattersid, Pr his wife
21 mrs Shaw, of beley Gelly, Pr mr James McClure, MarChent
22 s the Reud mr Clugston, in Larn
24 c Antoney Thobron, sealler
25 mrs Potter, mother in Law to Robart Armstrong, marChent in town, whos mother in Law Liued in Kelenchie
27 wido swondeall, in HarColes Lean, Pr hir Doghter marey and Thomas Lowrie, beaker
Janr 15 mr James Challmbrs, marioner
16 c John Gafoge, botcher
22 Robart Ranton, Pr mr Robart Donelson
27 c mr James yowng
31 c Georg Ross, ship Carpenter, in the baekplantesion
ffebr 16 w James Layon
17 c mr Isaac Agnew, Copar
19 mr Gelbart Moor, MarChent, Pr his Doghter Elisabeth
20 Peter Alexande, in Peterhill
21 c Robt Stwart, in Drumbo, Pr R mckee, in the Paresh of Drumbo, in beley Coaen townland
24 c mr Isaack Agnew, Copper
24 widdo Guning, in Roess merie Lean, Pr mr ffranses Atesion, at the Punshbowl
25 mrs Creag, harclos Lean, Pr John Henderson, weauer
26 w John ffife, barber, Pr hir son John, Chanler
Mar 3 w Mr John Sharp, MarChant
5 mrs mcCullogh at Shaes bridg, Pr mr Dauid Craford, in Town
16 William Scoat, in Drumbo, Pr neuin mckee, in belecoan
17 c Georg Johnston, melstreat
Mar 18 william ffergeson, at the Clownie, Pr his son Georg ffergeson
20 w mathew mcnealley, Pr Joh Sempel, Peter hill
26 Harcoles mcGomrie, Esqr, in beley Leson, Drumbo, Pr Capt Hamelton, Drumbeg
26 c mr Hugh yowng, marChent
27 wido Sttwart, Plantesion, Pr hir son in law, Antoney Thobron, marioner
Apr 3 w William ffergson, in the Clownie,
24 Pr hir Son Georg ffergson with Sqr mcartney Colector
22 c mr William Walles, at the bredg End
24 Hugh Morrow, in the ffalles
28 c John Orr, in Drumbo
May 9 c mr William Sinkler, in mellstreat
12 c mr James Challmbrs, marinor, in waren streat
13 olld John mcfaden, Pr his son Hendrey mcfaden, barber, in Church lean
19 mr William Henderson, for two children at Deferant times
20 c mr John Jack Show maker
20 c John forsieth, Taner, in Ropwack
24 c William Kenen, Ship Carppenter, in the Plantesio
27 c Georg Lashel, Card maker
31 Georg Swarbreck, liuing in the ffalls, Pr his wife
Jun 2 d James Smith, Coppar, in Roesmary lean
2 c mr Hugh Pringel, marChant
3 c John Dowald, bang beger
3 c John fife, Sopboyler
4 c R forsieth, in the falles
4 c wido Arbockels, in Rosse marey Lean, Pr olld mrs Ardbockels
6 c Samull Mittcheall, in norstreat
6 c mr Paterek Smith, marChant
9 c mr Robart walles, marChant
10 c mr Isaak Agnew, Copper
10 mr Joseph Innes nephew
12 Hendrie mcGomrie, Carman
12 c John boald, weauer, in Rossmerey Lean
12 c John mcGlahlen, hoxter, in norstreat
14 c Charles Gamer Gardner, Marinor, at ye Slows bridg
15 c John Lawes, Hoxter, in norstreat
16 c James Sowrbot, on the kee
17 c James mcCalserar, in norstreat, Carman
18 c James nelson, in norstreat
19 c Charles Garner, Marinor, at the Slows bredg
21 c mr William Mittchall, one the hanouer kee, marChant
23 c Willm Lason, smith, in Church Lean
24 c William Hamelton, Copper, in harcoles lean
24 c Thomas Anderson, opeset [opposite] to mr Archbld mcneall, Doctor
24 c John Gafogen, botcher, in melstreat
25 c Georg Endsly, in norstreat, Glower
26 c William mathies, Carpenter, in the Long Lean
c Patr mackrorey, marinor
29 c samull brown, Peterhill
29 c mr James Moor, marinor
30 c mr James mcClure, MarChant
July 1 c Robart mcClelan, in skeprs lean, Marinor
1 neuen Parker, in ye Long casa, Pr John Sempel, in Peter hill
3 c Dauid Teatt, Leuing one the hanower kee
4 c John fflemen, in Long Lean
6 gc R mcfealle, in Ross merey Lean
9 c James Perey, weauer, in Harcoles lean
10 c Thomas Wason, Carpenter, in Ross merey Lean
10 c Mr William McCanlie, Marinor, in Plantesion
12 c mr Handley, heall maker, in warenstreatt
15 c William hanna, Taylor, in Church lean
15 c James boyd, in skepers Lean, marmor
15 c Adam Patty, Plantesion, marinor
15 c Widdo mcCartney, Plantesion
16 John Wollson, on the kee, Pr his wife, Ene keper
18 c mr John Johnston, MarChent, in Town
18 c William Nutt, hatter, in Church Lean
19 c Georg Carsan, waterman, in Plantesion
19 c John Mean, Marinor, on ye olld kee, Pr his onkel, Alexr Tamson, waterman
19 c R Dallzel, Carpenter
19 c John wharton, Church Lean, Showmaker
20 c William Hanna, Taylor, in Church lean
21 c John McDowald, Carman, Peterhill
21 c Wido Swarbridg, in ye ffalls, Pr mr James Moor, in ye ffalls, Elder
22 c Patreack harbert, Carpenter, in ye Plantesion
24 R Gaslowns Mother, who Lived at ye 4 Corners and was boried at Antrem, Pr hir Son R Gasken
27 c James McClune, butcher, in Town
28 olld William fferguson, at ye Clownie, Pr his son Georg with ye Colecter
31 c John Winentown, book binder
Agst ye 1 c John Mcfaden, hatter, in Church Leat
3 c Rittchard ffenely, Surgen
9 Elinor McCrom, hoxter, Pr William Lason, Smith
10 mary McDowald, Pr hir brother
20 c John Teatt, Glower
Sept 6 c Samull brown, Peter hill
16 c Widdo Donelson, in ChurCh Lean
17 olld widdo Arbockels, Pr mr James Arbockels wife
24 mrs Mash, Pr hir son mr Hugh Pring, marChant
Octr 3 c William PateyCrow, Taylor
15 c Hugh barneat, who was boried in sant feield
20 Wido McCotchen, in Plontesion
23 2c the Reud mr Mihel bruse
30 Dinis ohegan
nor 6 mr William Sttenson, at bears bridg, Pr mr John Knox, Goldsmith, in Towin
11 m mr John Ross, marchant, at the stonbridg
17 c Patr Agnew, marinor
18 William Anderson, at the whitt hovse
25 c Andrew Harper, taner, in norstret
Desm 3 c mr Hugh Linn, melstret
7 w Dauid Loggan, in Rossmery Lean
9 c Hugh barnet, in Town
9 Alexr besbbe, at ye Long Casa, Pr his son John busbe
15 William Ashfield, in ye falls
23 Widdo McDowald, at ye brurie
Janr 3 w William Lason, in Church Leam
9 m William Kennen, Ship Carpenter, in Cow Lean, near the Plantesion
10 mrs Potter, Pr mr R Armstrong, marChent
17 mr Andrew Kelsay, in at the Roghforth, in Tampelpatreck Peresh
22 mr James Park, marChant, in Town, Pr his brother, Arthur Park
ffebr 4 mr oahtrie mcDowald, Pr mr John Holmbs and James burdges
9 c William brown, in beleygomarten
10 wido mcCormeck, Pr mr Samull Willson, Prenter, at the Stton bredg
16 mr Hugh yowng, MarChant, at the ston bridge, Pr his brother mr AlIexr yowng
19 William mcClenchy, in the falles
21 oll widdo mcClelan, in scepers lean, Pr mr John Chapman, marinor, in warenstreat
22 c mr James mcClure, marChant
27 c R Thamson, Marinor, in Millstret
Mar 8 w James Singeltow, weaver, in Melfel Lean
14 c William Sttaford, Marioner, in Clugstons Entrie
Apr 5 mr Aunge'r Robeson, Eall seIer, Pr his ffather, John Holmbs, at ye Adam & Eve
8 w Mr John Carr, at the olld Park
14 Arther Graye, shoger man with mr Pringel
18 Widd Robeson, Longlean, Pr hir son John Robeson, Copper
21 c Alexr Mogerland, butcher
26 James McGee, at ye fowr Lonends up melon, Pr his son Thomas
May 2 ye Revd mr [William] Taylor, in Carn Castel
2 c John Wharton, show maker in Church Lean
8 Mr David Craford, in Town, Pr Mr Archbald mcneall, Doctor
25 c Samull Ratliue, waterman
Jun 5 d Widd mcCall, liuing in Dunmory
7 c John Kean, Living in melon
12 c James yownge
23 c Widd fferall, in Peterhil
30 c mr Archabld, at the fowr Corners
July 1 c R Lowrie, Carpenter
3 m Mr Hendrie mcCulogh, in Ronoldstown, Pr mr mcClure
8 c mr Craford, in Tempelpatrek Peresh, Pr William brown in Peter Hill
12 c James McGefort, botenmaker, in norstreat
13 c John Picken, Carppenter, in the Longlean
16 c Robart Ashmor, Hatter
18 w Alexr McCelie
22 c Andrew Sloan, Taylor, Church lean
23 c Dauid mcneight, book binder
24 mrs boggs, Astrenger
29 m mr Alexr Sttaford
30 s John mcfferan, Taylor
Agst 3 Doacter mcneall, Pr mr Archbald mcneaIl
7 mr whitlfeald, shoger man, Pr mr benjam Gegg and Compnie
9 c mr John McGeagh, in Peterhill
10 c mr william McCandlie, plantesion
19 James Teatt, at the fforth Riuer, to his wife
24 c John boald, weauer
30 c mr benjam Legg
30 c Alexr Mogerland, botcher
Sept 4 c John McGlahlen
10 Mr Moor in Caregfergos, Pr Mrs Moor in Peter Hill
21 James Mcmillen, in Melon [Malone]
26 Thomas Seadge, Pr mr William Ringland, Gowld Smith
26 c mr Joseph mcmun
29 c mr Georg Orr, Marinor
Oct 2 Wido Yeowart
13 w John ffife, Chanler in norstreat
14 c Charles Gardner, marinor, at the Slows bridg
20 Samull mittchall, in norstret
22 w mosses Keain, marinor, Pr mr John umpher, Scoallmaster
Nov 30 mr John Donelson, at Glenarm, Pr mr James mcClure MarChant in Town
Desm 7 mr Kelsa, at the Rogh forth in Tampelpatrek peresh, Pr mr John Howstan, Ealseler [ale-seller] in Town
12 mr Philop bears, near belenie ffay [Ballynafeigh], Pr mr James Read, marChant in Town
13 w Allexr mcCay, in Keper [innkeeper], in Norstreat
25 c mr Thomas Whittsid, Ship Carpentar
31 John mcelmen, at the Coaue hill, Pr his ffather David mcelmnen
Janr 14 c William Endslie, Glouer, in Rossemery Lean
16 c William Lasons, Smith, in Church Lean
ffebr 7 b mr Joseph Innes, in Castelreah
11 mr Gelbert mathies, in the ffales
14 w William Sttaford, marinor, Pr his brother Allexr Sttaford
15 mr Ross, of Portyvow, Pr mr James mcClure
16 Mrs bleair, in Town, Pr mr John fforgeson, potegar [apothecary]
16 g mr James Wears, marinor, in ChurCh lean
21 w Lowes [Lewis] Shae, book binder
25 Alexr park
mar 2 c mr Hendrie wharton, Showmaker, in Curchlean [Church Lane]
4 w mr Alexr mcKeney, wine Copper with mr beggers SeIer
14 s William Carson, breaklear, in Roossmery lean
29 c mr Joseph Potengar
Apr 4 c mr William Lason, Smith, in ChurchLean
12 c Willm browne, Linnen Laper, at the whit hows
14 mr James burdges, ffather in Law, Liuing in bely Easton
19 Hugh Doagh, at Tempelpatrek
19 c William Heanen, in norStreat
26 mr James Whotel, in Lisburn, Pr mr James mcClure, MarChant, in Town
May 5 w John Mean, in the plantesion
16 mrs Harper, in Gleanann, Pr mr James mcClure, in Town
Jun 2 c mr Musentine, mar Chent, in Town
5 c Robart dowrie, Carperter, in norstreat
8 wido warkly, in Melon
July 4 w mr Hugh Donnaldson, marChait, at the Stton bridg
7 c William Crue
mr Ramsa, Shogerhouse
16 c James Rodgers, ship Carpenter
Agts 2 c Haigh Kelley, weaver, harklous Lean
11 William fforgeson, in Casel Reagh
13 w William Trallfor, in the ffalles
19 c James Paterson, in the Planttesion
28 w David wotherspon, Drumbo
Sept 4 c Georg bell, weauer
12 R brown, mill water
22 c mr John Ashmor, Glower
Octr 23 mr William Smith, in the Lope, Pr mr Smith, broad sttreat
23 c Angas waker, seaman
nor 1 James McDowald, Carrman, in the Plantesion
26 c John Ligget, in Long, weaver, for on of his ightbrs [neighbour's] Children
Desm ye Reud mr bruse [Rev. Michael Bruce, Holywood, died 1st Dec.]
4 c Georg Endsly, Glouer
12 William mcCullogh, Taylor
16 c Andreew Townds
19 c John Clotworthie, far end of Church, brower, to mr Wallas
23 c Alexr Philleps, beaker
25 w John McCrakan, at Petershill
Janr 3 w Alexander Mogerland, batcher
3 mrs Woods, at fowr lonends, Pr hir Doghter, mrs McGee, in Skepers Lean
5 b mr Samull McTear, in norstreat
14 m Mr James hameltoun Maxwel, at the Drumbridg
24 mr John Clugston, in Town, Pr sister mrs Elenar Clugston
28 mrs Elizabeth McCertnay, Pr mr ~Isaac McCertnay, MarChant
ffebr 12 c Alexr Mairs, Taylor, in Clugstons Entrie
13 c Alexr Mogerland, butcher
20 m mr Shawe, in beleygely
March 4 olld wido nickel, Pr hir Doghter, Doroty willson, in Ross marey Lean
27 c William McClearey, beaker, in Rossmery lean
29 the Reud mr Scoat, at Tampelpatreck
29 w mr Dallzel, the Carpenter
30 Mr James Ardbokels, Pr his son mr James Ardbokels
Apr 17 mr John Robeson, Pr mr Hugh Pringel, MarChant
14 A Coson of mr Innes, in The Town
28 c William Kenenan, Ship Carpenter, in Plantesion
May 8 c mr John vmphres, Scollmaster
9 c Robt streain, in Petershill
12 A brother son of mr Joseph Innes
Jun 5 s mr Whitsat, in bangor, Pr mr James mcClure, marchant
20 c David Layons, at stton bridg
29 Capt Craford ............... Dunegor, Pr mr James burdges, marchent
July 4 ......................... Pr mr Daniel Mosentin, ........................
13 mr John Gregg in Gleneua, Pr his his son William Gregg in ......... stret
14 w James ................ in Rogh forth in Tempelpatrek Parish
25 Mr John Alld, Marchent, in broad sttreat, Pr his wife
Agst 18 Mr James Weor (?), Marioner, Living in Church Lean
26 John Gregg, Junr, in Gleneua, Pr his brother William Gregg, scalar, in norstreat
Sept 2 c Alexr Thampson, Malster, norstreat
4 Antoney Thoborn, Marinor, Pr his wife
8 Mrs Teatt, Kirk Donel, Pr mr James mcClure
15 olld mr McKie, in banger, Pr his Gran son Reud mr McKie, minester in banger [i.e., Rev. James Mackay, afterwards of First Belfast]
22 c A brothers Child of mr Hugh Linn
24 mrs Ann brumly in Lurgan, Pr mr Hugh Pringel, MarChent
25 Thomas Spark, Carman, at Peter hill
28 c mr John Asmor
29 John mcCearts Mother in Law, in Peter hill
Octr 11 w Thomas Wason, Carpenter, in Millstreat
14 c Abrothers child of John Carter, in Peterhill
19 c Henery Caner, at the Pownd, weauer

[Here the Register ends.]


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