Historic Memorials of the First Presbyterian Church Belfast


[The first volume of the Baptismal Register was missing as far back as the year 1790, and has been several times inquired after by advertisement and otherwise, without result. The existing book, still in use, bears the following title: "Register of Births in the old congregation of Protestant Dissenters in Belfast commencing April the first 1756 Vol IId" A few leaves are lost from the beginning; and the first three surviving leaves have been cut or torn. Up to the year 1790, the entries were made, after the baptism, either by the sexton or by the parent, and are often exceedingly illiterate. From 6th May, 1790, the entries were made by the minister. What follows is a literal copy of the earliest remaining portion of the Register.]


Blow (Arthur) of Daniel Blow, born friday the 22d July 1757 and baptized by the Revd Mr Thomas Drenan on Monday following.

Wallace (R) of Joseph Wallace Born on Thursday 21st July 1757 & baptized by the Reverend Thos Drenan On the Sunday following

Mussenden (Francis Thomas) of Wm Mussenden born the 24th August 1757

Geattey (James) of Mr Geattey of peters Hill marchent was Born the 26 Junry 1757

Halledey (Alexander) of Haledey Sandleen born the 28 of Juley, 1757

Knard Sarey of Andrew Knard from the whit hous born Juley 30

Starlen (Richeart) of Willean Starlen from the falls born the I octebr 1757

megines (Ketren) of Laglean megines labrear from Stranmiles was born the 17 of Sebtembr 1757

willeams (James) of Ries willeams born the 2 of octr 1757

Ros (griseal) of James Ros born the 29 of octbr 1757

Magee (Thomas) of James Magee Printer, born Thursday ye 27th of October, 1757.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

......... Doleway born the 23 of febry 1758

Sinclaire William Fredk of Thoms Sinclaire born Fryday 24th June 1758. & baptizd by Mr Drenan same day

Douglass Anne born July the 24th 1758 of Willm Douglass -- Baptized by Mr Drennon Wednesday 26th 1758

Doaren John of Thomeas Doaren of mellon was born the 26 of Jun 1758

Logean / Isbell of Jeames Logean of blleygomerten born July the 2 1758

Litell / John of Robt Litell of Carmoney born novr the 5 1758

Dllape / Ann of Sanders Dllape of the falles born Sept the 15 1758

Kalwall Willeam of Robt Kalwall merchent born Sept the 1 1758

Dasion / Hweu of Jeames Dasion of Carmoney born nofmbr 23 1758

Dasion thomeas of James Dason born April 5 1760

Hamltion / mearey of James Hamltion brekliear born Nofr 23 1758

Blear / Bricas of James Blear Shou mekaer born Decmr 8

Caroline of Will Mussenden born the 23d day of Decemr 1758

Blow (Mary) of Daniel Blow, born friday the 22d of Decemr 1758 and baptised by the Revd Mr Thomas Drennan the Wednesday following

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

......... Drennan the friday following

Nikell / George of Robt Nikell born 30 March in the Contey of Doien

Carnahan / Samuel of Samuel Carnahan farmer born the 9th of Agust 1756

Carnahan / mary of Samuel Carnahan farmer born the 14 of march 1759

Getty (John) of James Getty born Wednsday the I8th April & Babtised by The Revd Mr Drennin the 25th

Wallace (Grace) of Joseph Wallace, Born Wednesclay The 23d May, 1759 & baptiz'd by the Revd Thos Drenna the 27th

mcNealey (Alexr) of Hwe mcNealey Born the 2 May 1759

Gordan (John) of Robt Gordan Marchant Born the 17 of March 1756

Gordan (David) and (Ursula) of Robt Gordan Marchant born the 31 of May 1759

Martean (Joseph) of Joseph Marten of Carmony born the 23 Jun 1759

Sloan / mearey of James Sloan Copear born the 6 of octr 1759

Sinclaire, Esther of Thomas Sinclaire born, Sunday 13 January 1760.

Clark margaret of Arthar Clark born the 12th of march 1757

Clark William Fredrick of Arthar Clark was born December the 15th 1758

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Starleng / James of James Starleng born the 19 of Septembr 1765

Willson Elsebth Saley of Robt Willson born the 30 of Septmbr 1765

Morsion / John of Sameall Morsion born the 1 of Novembr 1765

Kirker / Marget of Wille...... born the 25 fevery 1766

Elder (Robt Higinbotham) of Thos Elder Born 15th January 1766 Babtiz'd By the Revd John Elder

Seales / John of James Seales Born the 9 of march 1766

Brown (John Meredith) of William Brown Born 11March 1766 Baptised by the Revd Thos Drennon

Macaxell / John of James macexell born the 18 of maich 1766

Balley / Jarge of Tomeas Balley born the 26 of April 1766

Logean Jamias of Wilam Logan born the 20 of Jun 1766

Lucinda of William Mussenden born at Bath in England. ApriL 25th 1764

Arthur Johnston Mussenden of Willm Mussenden . born. August. ye 26th 1765

Saml of John Galt Smith born 15 May 1766

Catherine of Hugh Donnoldson 20th September 1766 Baptized by the Rev'd James McCKay

Elizth of Henry McKedy born 1st October 1766

Stuirt William of Arter Stuirt ...... 8 of Nofbr 1766

.................. st Decer 1766

................. laire born Thursday morning ......... 67 baptizd by Mr Drenan 23d

Issabella of Thos Elder Born 4th Febr:y 1767 Babtized By the Revd Mr Drenan

Mary of John Galt Smith born 2 May 1767

William of Hay Bron born the 10 of Juley 1767

Marget of Thomes Gustes born the 13 of Septr 1767 [Gustes =Justice]

Ann of John oNiell born Septr the 26 1767

Jean / of James Logen born octr the 8 1767

Brown / William Brown of Willm Brown Siptember the 13 -- 1767

James of James Starling of the fales born the 17 of octber 1767 and Babisted by the Revd Mr Drenn

Hughes Stephson was Born Jenry 17th 1768 of James Hughes

Ewrdy of Alexandr Dlap born the April 2 1768 Sunday May 15th -- 1768 Wm Dawson of Monkstown in the parish of Carmoney, his Daughter was Babtized this Day, by the Name of Agnes & was Born the 9th Inst.

James Miller the son of Isaac Miller in town mercht Born ye 3d Day march 1765

John of John Defsion born Jun the 5 1768 belegomrtion [Defsion = Davison]

Ann of Henry McKedy born 18th May 1768

Genet of Wileam morlend born the 8 of July 1768

Cathrine / of Thos Elder Born the 14th July 1768 -- Babtiz'd By the Revd Mr Drenan

Ross of Thoms Defsion born Agest the 21 1768

Marget of John M'Kulliem born Agest the 29 1768

Robt of Thomes Wilsiom born September the 21 1768

Arthur / of James Park born the 30th Octor 1768

Valentine / of John Galt Smith the 26 Sept. 1768

Thoms of thoms Dorean born Jnrey the 25 1768

Mearey of Alexander Dlap born May the 6 1769

Callwall (John) of Robt Call well born April 7 1757
            Wm Callwell born Sepr 1: 1758
            Jane Callwell born January 11 1763
            Robt Callwell born May 31 1764
            Nathl Callwell born March 11 1766
            James Callwell born Nor 20 1767
            Elizabeth Call well born May 10 1769
            Frances Callwell June 11 th -- 1772

John of NeaL white born Septembr the 29 1766

Marget { of NeaL white born may the 17 1769

John of Wileam McClee born Agest the 3 1769

Willem of John Dlap born Agest the 28 1769


marey of James Haml'tion born Sept the 18 1769

John Galt. / of John Galt Smith born 23 March 1770

marget of Wileam Dawson born the 6 of may -- 1770

James of Robt Herdman born the 30 of Apriel 1770

Thomas of Willeam Homeas born the 17 of Jun 1770

Goish / of James Sarling born the 21 of June 1770 [Goish = Joyce]

Andrey of John McKuilliem born the 2 of Noumbr 1770

Elizabeth / of John Gregg born 8th May 1771

Wileam Gregg of Robt Herdman born the 15 of July 1771

Mary Ann / of Jno Galt Smith born 27 July 1771 --

mary Jane of Isaac Miller born 23d October 1771

Jane / of William Irvin born 11 Sepmr 1771 --

Agnus (Murlin) born April 7 1772

John of Defed Bodell born the 12 of April 1772

Willeam of Willeam Logean born the 17 of may 1772

Agness of James Cumming born the 26 of may 1772

John of John Gillion born the 29 of may 1772

Deneall of Sameall Morsean born the 7 of June 1772

Marget of John Dlap of the fales born the 11 of June 1772

Elizebeth / of Joseph McCammon Shoe Maker Born the 17th of June 1755 five

Joseph / of Joseph McCammon Dito Born the 20 of March 1763

hannah / of Josh McCammon dito Born the 22 of December 1765

Georg / of Joseph McCammon dito Born the 22 of March 1769

Thamos / of Joseph McCammon dito Born the 14 of June 1772 and Baptised by Mr Marshel of Baleyclaire

Sarey of Wileam Stueart boren the 14 of Juley 1772 and Baptised by the Reud mr Cromey &c

William / of Robt McCleary born 16 July 1772 Bapticed by the Reverend Mr James Crummey

Thos & Richard Born 8 Jany 1774

Robt McCleary Born 29 Decr 1774

James of Wileam Loggan born the 27 of July 1772

Mary (of Henry McKedy) born 5th June 1772 Seventy two

William of John Galt Smith born 26 Octr 1772

Robt of James Hameltion born the 19 of nofr -- 1772

Thomas of James Starlen of the falls born the

Jean of Huee Bron born January the 24 1773 and Bapised by the Reud mr Cromey

Hue of willeam mertion born febr the 28 1773

James of --------------- Ramsey born april the 12 1773

Robt of Robrt Bron Born the 22 of may 1773

Ester of Allaxendr Sharp born the 25 of may 1773 And Rabistisd by Revd James Cromey

Ann of Gorge Rogers born the 30 may 1773

Sebaston of Robt Herdman born the 3 of June 1773

Nifen of Thomes willesom born the 27 of. may 1771

Cristfor of Thomes willesom boren the 27 of Sept 1773

Nansey of Thomes parkhiell born the 8 of octber 1773

James pattrck Withrespon of James Withrespon boren the 14 of octber 1773 and baptised by the Revd mr McKie

Jane Hathron of Ewardr Stuert boren the 27 of march 1774

marey of Defed Bodell boren the 29 of march 1774

Elenor of Henry McKedy, born 28 March 1774

Margaret of Jno Galt Smith born 2 June 1774

Egnas of WimI Teate born 22 June 1774

David of James Park born 27th June 1774

Jane, of Hercules Heyland born 4th Sept -- 1774 -- Baptized by Mr Crombie --

Jennet, of John Holmes Junr born 19th Octr 1774

Richcart of John Dinin born the 26 of march 1775

James, of James Crombie born 19th March 1775, baptized 26th of said Month by the Revd James Mackay --

Mary of George Young Born May ye 15th Baptized Said Day By the Revd Mr James Crombie

David of David Tomson Born -- Sepr 22nd 1774 Baptized by the Revd Jas Crombie

Ivan (?) of James Kirk born the 24 of may 1775 and bapidzid by the evd mr James mackey

Mary of R Herdman Born 5 Septmber 1774 baptized by the Revd Jams Crombie

Jane of Allexander Sharp born the 25 of July 1775 and bapissed by the Revd James Crombie

Mary of Allexander Rentoul Born the 24 of Aprile 1775 -- and Baptised Augst 16 1775 by -- the Revd Mr. James AberCrombie

Elisbeth of Defed Bodell born the 24 of Agust 1775

Elizabeth, of John Holmes Junr born, Wednsday 11th Octr 1775 & Baptized The 13th of same Month by Revd James Crombie --

Lyle (Thomas) of Musenden Lyle born 15th August 1775 and baptized next day by Revd Jas Crombie

Cochran (John) of John Cochran born Friday 22 day of May 1772 and baptizd Monday following by the Revd Wm Nevin Downpatrick (Joanna) of John Cochran born Mond Septr 27th 1773 and baptizd by the Revd James Crombie

Wileam of Robt Broen boren Decmber the 6 1775

James of John Shenkes born Nofmbr the 9 1774

Gilbert of John Shenkes born Jnunrey 29 1776

James of Alexr Dlaep born nofmber 20 1773

Jane of Alexandr Dlap born fabrey the 13 1776

John of John Defsion born fabrey 15 1776

Isabela m'Cleary Daughter of Robt McCleary Born 8 Decr 1775 Baptised by the Revd Mr Crumbie

Joseph of James Crombie born the 1st of March 1776, baptized by the Revd James Mackay --

John of Will : Rainey born the 14th March 1776 was Baptised by the Revd J : Crumbie

Henry Johnston, of Henry McKedy born 31st March 1776 Baptized by the Revd Jas Crombie

Marget of James Roney born Apriel the 20 1766 And Baptized by the Revd Jab Crombot

Alexander of John Clide 150m Juley the 24 1776

Alexander Faulkonder of Belfast
R Faulkonder born June --11 -- 1758
Elisabeth Faulkonder born July 10 -- 1760
Serah Faulkonder born May 24 -- 1764
Esibalah Faulkonder born September 21 -- 1766
Alexander Faulkonder born December 11 -- 1769
Rogers Faulkonder born August -- 23 -- 1775

John of James Starlen born June the 2 and baptized by the Red mr mackay 1776

Ewedeard of Eward Stuart born Jun the 4 1776

Burden (Mary Ann) of John Burden was born in Lisburn the 30th of Novemr 1775 and, baptized the Sunday following by the Revd George Kennedy Minister in that Parish.

Lyle (Mussenden) of Mussenden Lyle was born the 18th Jan:y 1777 & Baptized the next day by the Revd James Crumbie

William McCleary of Robt McCleary Baker Burn 16 July 1772

Thos and Richard Born 8 January -- 1774

Robt McCleary Born 29 Decr -- 1774 Isabela McCleary Born 8 Decr -- 1775 Robt McCleary Born 5 febry -- 1777 All Baptised By the Revd Mr Jas Crumbie

James, of John Holmes Junr -- Born Sunday 9th febr 1777 & Baptized the 13th of Same Month, by The Revd Jas Crombie

Wm Simson, of Jas Crombie -- born Sunday the 16th of febry 1777 and baptized the 23d of same month by the Rvd Jas Mackay

Andrew of Efream McDoeall Lorn April the 7 -- 1777 Baptised by the Revd Jams Cromibe

Ketren of Willeam Hanley born Genry the 3 1778 and Baptised by the Revd Mr James Cromibe

Lyle (Thomas) of Thomas Lyle born on friday 23rd Janr 1778 & baptised the 25th of said month by the Revd Jas Crombie

Nansey of Edwartt petecru born the 13 of febrey 1778 -- baptised by the Revd Jas Crombie

Jean of John Diemen boren Febrey the 18 1778 and Baptised by the Revd mr McKiee

Sarey of John mcGineas born march the 25 1778 and Bapised by the Revd mr McKiee

James of Joseph McKrea born April the 9 1776

John of Joseph mckrea born April the 1 1778 and bapised by the Revd mr Crombie

Elibes of John Defson born Apil the 3 1778 --

Isabella Maria of John Brown born the 1st of April & baptised the 15th of the same Month 1778 by the Revd Mr James Crombie

Briget of James Roney boren May 20 1778 a baptised by the Revd mr Leard 1778

Henry -- of John Holmes Junr born Wednesday the 3d of June 1778 & Baptized the 7th of Same Month -- by Revd James Crombie

Catharine Hellen -- of the same -- Born 4 July & Babtized by Mr Crombie the [---] Augt

Hugh of James Crombie born the 9th of September 1778 baptised by the Revd James Mackay

Henry Johnston of Henry McKedy born 31st March 1776 Baptized by Revd James Crombie

Kathne of Henry McKedy born 26 March 1778 Baptized by Revd James Crombie

Charlott. of Jno Galt Smith born the 16 Novr 1778 Baptized by the Revd Mr James Crombie

Eweard Bron born the of the 15 1779

Alexnder of John Klied born Agest the 2 1777

John of John Klied born march the 22 1779 and bapised by Revd mr James Crmbie

Mearey of John mcGineas born octber the 6 1779 and bapised by Revd James Crmbie

Wileam of John Watt born octber the 21 1779 and bapised Revd James Crombie

R of Alexandr Dleap born febrey the 6 1780

Wileam of Alexander Dleap born Decmbr 9 1782

James Mecrory of wileam hanley Was babtised 12 of Martch -- 1780

Robrt of John Dinean born octber the 19 1780

Eliseblh of Vileam hanley born April the 11 1782

wiliam of John wilson was Born the 17 September 1782

Sarey of Dafed Bodeal born July the 1 -- 1783

Martha Daughter of Wm Rainey was Born July 19th 1778 Eight Baptised by the Revd J: Crombie

Wm Henry Son of Wm Rainey was Born Apr 22:d 1780 Eighty Baptised by the Revd J: Crombie

marthey of James Roney born July the 8 1780 and bapttised by the Red mcLeard

Thomes of Dafed Bodell bern July the 24 1780

Edwd Jones of Jn Galt Smith born the the (sic) 15th Augst 1780 Baptized by the Revd J Crombie

Mary Elizabeth Crombie of Jas Crombie born 26 May 1781. Bapt. by Mr Beattie

James / of David Dunn, born Thursday -- 11th July 1782 -- and Baptized the Thursday following by the Revd James Crombie

R of John Galt Smith born 20 Novr 1782

David of David Logon Born the 2 of January 1783

Hugh of James Rony Born the 2 of Janur 1783

Maria / of James Holmes, born 17 June 1783 and baptizd the Monday following by the Revd James Crombie.

James / of W~n Magee, born I6~h September, 1783' -and baptized the 25~h of the same, by the Revd James Crombie

Sarey of John Dinean born octber the 21 1783

Uiliam of Richard Getggood Born December the 5 1783 and Baptised By the Revd James Crombie

Marget of wiliam Logan Born December the 8 1783

Margarett / of David Dunn born Sunday the 4th. January 1784 and baptized the Sunday following by the Revd James Crombie

Isbell of Huie Cples born the 9 of fbry 1784

John of Alexander Sharp bor'n march the 12 1784

Charles / of Alexr Sutherland born Saturday the 24th of Apr 1784 and Baptized the Wednesday following by the Revd Jas Crombie

William! of Wm Magee born the 2d September in ye year 1784 and Baptized the 9th of said Month, by the Revd James Crombie

Elizabeth / of Henry Bamber Born Saturday the 28th of Augt 1784 and Baptized the 29th by the Revd James Crumbie

David of Wiliam Logon Born Janury the 7 1786 and Baptized by the Revd James Crumby

Elizabeth -- of Thos Brown. born the 27th July 1782 -- Sally, of the same -- born the 27th October 1783. John, of the same, born the 10th October 1784. all baptized by the Revd Mr Crombie

James of John wilson Born the 14 of May and Baptised by the Revd Jams Crumby 1785

James of wiliam stewrt Born the 29 of May and Baptised by the Revd James Crumby 1785

Elizabeth / of William Sinclaire born 17th June 1785 & baptized by the Revd Jas Crombie

Elonar of James Rony, Born Agust the 30 1785 and Baptsed by the Revd James Crunbe

Catherina of Thomas Savage born the 18th May 1785 & Baptized by the Revd James Crombie

Elizabeth / of Wm Magee, born 13th October, 1785 -- baptized Thursday, 27th October by the Revd James Crombie

Margret of hugh sailes born the 16 of Decmbr and Baptized by the Revd Mr James Bryson 1785

Thomas of Richard Getgood was Born the 7 of March 1786 and Baptized By the Revd Dr Crombie

Aun -- of David Dunn born the fourth of April 1786 -- and Baptized, the 8th following -- by Revd James Crombie

John of John Dunn Born the 18 of July and Baptisd by the Revd Mr James Bryson

Isabella of Thos Brown born the 14th July 1786 and baptized the 31st of the same Month by the Revd Mr Bryson

Catherine -- of Wm Magee, born the 18th May 1787 -- baptized the 27th of the same -- by the Revd Jas Crombie

Eliza (of R Wallace) born 14th Decr 1787 -- baptiz'd 1st Jany '88 -- by the Revd James Crombie

Elanor Ann / of Wm Mylrea Born the 3d of Janyary 1788 And Babtised the 7th of same month By the Revrd Jas Crombie

Elizebeth Agnes Daughter of Richard Getgood was Born Aug the 31 of 1787 and Baptized By the Revd Dr Crombie

Ellanah (?) of Alex Delap born the 15 of Janury 1778 and Bapt by the Revd James Crumby

Jane of Thos Brown born the 2d January 1788 and baptized the 13th of same Month by the Revd Doctor Crombie --

James of Jams Rony Born the 14 of April 1788 and baptised by the Revd James Cromby

Richard McClur / son of Richard Getgood was Born November the 18 1788 and Baptized By the Revd James Bryson

Margaret, of James Carson Born Friday 6th June 1788 and Baptized the 15th following, By the Revd James Crombie

Samuel of Hugh Saill Born the 12 of Septmb and baptised by the Revd James Cromby

Jane -- of Wm Magee, born Sunday 15th March 1789 -- babtized the 22d of the same by Doctor Crombie

William -- of Thos Brown born on Thursday the 30th April 1789 -- baptized the 17th May following by Doctor Crombie

Thomas Dinnem Born 11 of July 1789

Ann of William Gordon Born march the 23d 1790 and baptised April the 7 by the Revd James Bryson

Frances -- Daughter to Thos Brown born On Monday 24th May 1790. baptized the 13th June following by the Revd Dr Bruce

Elizebeth Agnas Daughter of Richd Getgood Born the 11 of June 1790 and Baptized the 4 of July By the Revd Doctor Bruce

[This exhausts the earlier portion of the existing Baptismal Register. From 6th May, 1790, the Register of Baptisms has been duly kept by the Ministers. The irregularities and imperfections of the record printed above are apparent on the face of it. Its incompleteness may be estimated by the following circumstance. Between 6th May and 4th July, 1790, only two entries of baptisms by Dr. Bruce are recorded in the Register as kept by the sexton. But during this per'iod Dr. Bruce baptised eleven infants, as shown by his own methodical entries, which begin on the leaf immediately following the last entry given above.]


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